sweetmarzipan · 4 years
{ definitely a mix of loyal mutual && the ??? mutual at times
WHAT KINDA MUTUAL— accepting! @theictita​
loyal mutual 
- likes your tweets posts - caring - u appreciate them - ur rock - sweet but hides it  
the ??? mutual - wtf - questionable - still smart asf tho - confuses u all the time
listen,, 1) i’m glad u appreciate me 🥺 i appreciate you!! very much!! also ur rock?? im just a wee liddol biscuit
2) … sometimes i just get weird. or my brain short circuits and i channel benji’s dumassery for a little while. i am Sorry for my antics and appreciate that u have yet to go running for the hills amidst my chaotic bullshit
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sweetcherimoya-a · 4 years
@theictita | sunny & minsu
embarrassment never lingers long whenever sunny finds himself in the presence of minsu, always caught in a strange state of both questioning himself and finding some childish enjoyment in being called ‘cute’. though he often prefers to keep those interactions between them both, locked away, a sort of secret that they can laugh at later. though there are times were confidence shakes madly in the young man’s chest, making him act out in ways he would have found entirely too stupid -- even for him. 
they’re both at some quaint little shop, looking around for whatever they can waste their money on. sunny finds himself, soon enough, breaching the typical comforts of ‘friendship’, settling perhaps a tad too close to minsu’s body as he delicately tries to pin a bright red bow onto his hair. he had thought the red bow would be both cute and hilarious on minsu -- thus, the clumsy attempts at trying to fit it as perfectly as he could, given their slight differences in height.
“ahh...” he eventually moves away to admire his handiwork, thumb and forefinger rubbing his chin ever-so-curiously. in the next second his phone is out, snapping three pictures in quick succession, forever trapped in digital memory. a pleasant little curl of a smile shapes his lips as he zooms in. “hehe...perfect, yeah? aww. ya look so damn cute! should wear bows more often. suits ya.”
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iudicxum · 4 years
🍐 && 🍎 { for ryan!
                                        《 — ⤿ fruity headcanons | accepting 》
🍐  :    how intelligent is my muse overall?  are they smarter than the average person,  or less than?  are they primarily self-taught,  or did they acquire most of their knowledge in school?  are they more street smart or book smart?  
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RYAN knew he was special ever since he was young — he was intelligent enough, not a full-blown genius but he knew more than the average person his age. no, his specialty was knowing exactly HOW TO USE such knowledge. he was observant, he was calculating, he knew what others want and therefore knew how to make people do his will. he was knowledgeable when it came to humans. the other stuff  — knowing his way around the web and the like, came after realizing the fact. it was all self-taught ; nobody taught hacking 101 in middle school, after all. he simply realized that one needed INFORMATION about anything and anyone to retain whatever control he had over them. 
🍎  :    how stable is my muse’s mental health?  have they been diagnosed with any mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they have any undiagnosed mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they or should they attend therapy?  
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after his training at IUDICIUM, he has been given the evaluation that his mental health was ordinary albeit borderline in sociopathy. but then again, how else could one stomach the art of killing if one wasn’t devoid of pesky CONSCIENCE. 
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dirtyflcwers · 4 years
CLOSED STARTER FOR  :  @theictita​​​ |  m  /  f  /  nb MUSE  :  kangmin , works at book store cafe PLOT  :  he writes cute notes and pick up lines on your muses coffee cup
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                      ❝ caffe latte—- !!  ❞    bright boy   ,   citrus sort of smile   ,   voice bright and bouncy   .   it was hard for kangmin to lose his love for this place   ,   the cafe peaceful and patrons always leaving hefty tips   ,   yet even without all of that   ,     he’d happy to see THEM..   he’d thought maybe the happy little scribbles next to their name confessing his attraction would catch their eyes   ,   yet when he hands them the cup they exchange the same familiar,..   nonexciting sort of glance   .   he offers question innocently enough   ,   ❝ oh, uh—-  did i spell your name right ? ❞ 
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denouae · 4 years
what you don’t know can’t haunt you, @theictita: taehyun.
slivers of thoughts invade as soon as he wakes up, the thick disorientation fogging his mind before it starts to disperse, replaced by the slight sense of dread; life, once again, feels like it starts on the wrong foot. upon realization that he’s not in his own bed, however, that discomfort also begins to diminish. life isn’t that bad, after all, when he has someone he can rely on, someone he can love on. once the daze is over, he sighs, searching the nightstand for his phone to check the clock. 8.42am, he’s not been incredulously late in waking up, but taehyun seems to always get out of bed earlier than he does. the wafting scent of classic breakfast invades his senses, and for that, he gets out of bed himself to trace taehyun’s steps towards the kitchen.
he hums as he walks up to taehyun, wrapping his arms around the lean torso of his lover’s. the silence save for the sizzling food on the pan makes the morning incredibly serene that he wants to do nothing else but to cuddle up with taehyun, but breakfast shared is also another enticing option. he presses a kiss against the nape of taehyun’s neck, then smiling against it before resting his chin on taehyun’s shoulder. “what are you cooking?” he asks, as if obligatory considering that he can see what his lover is cooking. his voice remains low in volume so as not to break the tranquility shared between them. with the absence of taehyun’s other half, it almost feels like the place is shared only between the two of them.
when he finally lets taehyun go — but not before he believes that he has enough dose of the other’s warmth, the feelings fluttering at the pit of his stomach even after all this time —  he saunters towards the counter where the percolator is sitting, pouring the ready-made coffee into a mug he gets from the cabinet. leaning against the counter, he sips his coffee after pouring a bit of milk and sugar into it, smiling at his lover. “i want things like this to last forever,” he admits honestly, speaking the first thing that comes to mind without filtering.
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accxlades-a · 4 years
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theictita-test · 4 years
test ask
test reply
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oleandercrowns · 4 years
the horror renaissance aesthetic edition
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bold what applies to your muse
the vvitch: the darkness of a cluster of trees. a crackling campfire. the snap of a twig underfoot. the sound of children’s laughter. a sense of kinship with animals. isolation in the wilderness of life. fighting to free yourself from repression. cutting ties with toxic family members. feeling lost, alone, and afraid in the forest of your own emotions. the feeling that something – or someone – is watching you.
it: the refreshing feeling of summer vacation. spending time with your best friends. the feeling that something important is missing from your life. waking from a nightmare in the middle of the night. the sick feeling of missing a step while walking up the stairs in the dark. thinking you see something moving just out of your line of sight. cotton candy. red balloons. a shiver running down your spine.
mother!: a sense of peaceful isolation, relief in solitude. the spike of anxiety upon being thrust into an unfamiliar situation. feeling protective over the things that are yours. a tumultuous turn in a relationship with someone you love. smoke billowing from a roaring fireplace. a thunderstorm raging outside an open window. the gutwrenching sound of a baby crying. your heartbeat pounding in your ears as your blood boils.
annihilation: embarking on a new adventure. the pursuit of knowledge and truth. the discovery of something you don’t quite understand, but want to. something strange and powerful running through your veins. sheer otherworldly beauty. the lump in your throat when you know you’ve done something wrong, and want to make up for it. the aurora borealis. a rainbow across the sky in the wake of a terrible storm.
halloween: a flickering jack-o-lantern on a front porch. distant sirens. being haunted by your past. a constant sense of vigilance. the sound of shattering glass. living like it’s the last night of your life. coming together to protect the people you love. a secret passageway. feeling the need to look over your shoulder as you walk home alone at night. blood staining your clothes.
hereditary: the creeping dread of walking through your house alone in the dark. dark family secrets, buried and then brought to light. strained family relationships. the feeling of something crawling on your skin. fear so suffocating that you struggle to breathe. an eerie light coming in through your bedroom window. losing your head. a heavy depression that threatens to destroy you.
suspiria: a curtain of long hair spread out across a pillow. the comforting touch of a hand against your cheek. a close circle of friends. music that carries you to the point where you just can’t help but dance. the thrill of having accomplished one of your goals. great power hiding behind innocence. straining to try and remember something you’ve forgotten. extending your hand in friendship and solidarity to others.
midsommar: a garden of brightly colored flowers bursting into life. a beautifully embroidered dress. dancing hand in hand. flowers braided into long hair. paint smeared across blank pages. billowing smoke. pristine white cliffs. the feeling of being left out of an inside joke. herbal tea. a close sense of community. letting go of painful memories and toxic relationships and moving forward in happiness.
us: feeling a disconnect with what you see when you look into a mirror. finding catharsis through dance. coping with trauma. hiding secrets from the people you love, fearing rejection. the haunting sight of an empty street. an ominous silhouette against the horizon. the lingering, unwanted connection to someone else. the rush of adrenaline as you run. rabbits. letting your past finally die.
tagged by: @theictita​ (thank you lovely!!!) tagging: anyone who wants to do this!! <3
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nobilitylost · 4 years
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@theictita said:  ❤ { phoenix && kitae)
Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Dates; Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes | No Have sex on the first date? Yes | No Confess their attraction first? Yes | No Have children/adopt? Yes | No Die for your character? Yes | No Cheat on your character? Yes | No Lie to them? Yes | No  (if it was work related, to keep him safe)  Cuddle after sex? Yes | No
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sweetcherimoya-a · 4 years
there’s a smile still remaining at his lips, his vision blurry from the damage to his eyes, though he’s trying to make sure he never misses anything the other does.  hands come up at the questions, pointing his fingers to just above sunny’s shoulders, though he has to hold back the grimace wanting to form on his face.
“maybe here?  but please don’t shave your head.”
there’s something about daejung’s expression that makes him burst out into squeaky laughter, his own hand flying up to cover up his mouth. he supposes that being baldheaded would probably not suit him all that well. he remembers one of his classmates telling him that when he joined the military, because of sunny’s head-shape, he would end up looking like some deformed egg.
“right here then? like…hm…swept back? messy? might actually try it – oh!! would I look good with red hair? or purple? or blue???”
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dirtyflcwers · 4 years
monster woo { for the celebrity meme
hey lets play how hot is that celebrity 
 nope not my type / alright / cute / adorable / pretty /  gorgeous / lord take me now
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ichoriism · 4 years
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@theictita​ said: “they’re gonna catch us—” { minjae && taehyun
it has been some months since they started dating. taehyun is sweet and beautiful and everything about him makes minjae’s heart ache with a blossoming feeling, something new, a complete wonder. taehyun smiles after reading a poem and minjae could stay watching him for all eternity while trying to keep such happiness safe and unbroken.
lately, though, things have begun to shift. they have shared kisses, innocent pecks and tender contacts that end with both of their faces flaming with shyness. but time keeps progressing and it’s like limits and bounds stretch out, daring them to take the next step. sometimes he has caught taehyun’s eyes lingering on him in a way that makes him feel hot and embarrassed and so willing to know more, to taste more.. 
so they have begun to act on their wants. when they are alone, nothing else gets in the middle of gravity. minjae takes a step forward and cups the demigod’s face in his hands. they smile at each other and the distance shortens without their noticing. lips slide against each other, heads angle, and they fall into their own rhythm. minjae’s fingers dig into dark, silky locks and lace around them, pulling lightly until he can feel the taller man shivering in delight against his body. minjae smiles into their kiss and delves further. lips part and he licks his way into his love’s mouth. arms surround his middle, keeping him up on his tiptoes, and it’s just them in their own world.
sometimes taehyun lets go of his inhibitions and walks them behind bookshelves of a section no one visits. in there, he covers minjae’s body with his own and they fall into one another’s charms. minjae nibbles on taehyun’s bottom lip as his hands slip under his shirt and ghost over the planes of his chest and abdomen. desire begs to be let loose. it whispers into his ear it’s fine to let himself unravel, to go ahead and take what he wants, to drink into taehyun’s sighs of pleasure and elicit exquisite pleas for more. his ears burn with these thoughts until taehyun is right there, prying them off him with urgent kisses and the warmth of his hands over his waist. 
they are so lost into each other they miss the sound of the little bell at the entrance ringing upon someone’s arrival. minjae is busy unbuttoning taehyun’s shirt when he stops, ears finally catching on the presence of someone else. taehyun stops too and they look at each other for what feels like a long moment. the demigod’s lips are red and swollen. his eyes are dark pools and his shirt is almost completely unbuttoned. his hair is such a mess, he is the picture of fantasies minjae has been too shy to even indulge in. 
feeling bolder, he smiles in what he hopes is a provocative expression. hands wrap on the sides of the open shirt and he tugs at them until taehyun is warm and solid against him. taehyun murmurs a weak they’re gonna catch us— but minjae pays him no mind. instead, he dedicates his attention to that spot in his neck that can bring him back into a fevered state of mind. he hums, pleased when taehyun can’t help but react. limits keep stretching out of their hands, challenging.
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nevstcries · 4 years
♡ @theictita​ liked this for a starter! ♡
       “Whoever says money can’t solve someone’s problems must either be so rich they’re out of touch with anything and anyone, or they’re so poor that they think they’re okay.” The dancer mused, eyes on the drink in his hand as he swirled the contents in the glass absentmindedly. 
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ichoriism · 4 years
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@theictita​ said: ❤ { kibum && phoenix | five times my muse says they don’t love yours, and the one time they admit it.
it’s not love if you feel jealous, kibum tells himself as he sees the easy smiles phoenix sends to people kibum doesn’t know. fingers tap impatient on his forearm as he waits, hip propped against his car. phoenix continues with his queen-of-the-spring politeness and kibum continues to reel with jealousy.
he knows it’s stupid to feel this way. they are not exclusive, kibum repeated that to the elder enough times so the message stuck. yet his heart is raging inside his ribcage and it’s not fair that all he wants is to have phoenix’s complete attention focused on himself. it’s sick, it’s impossible, it’s– 
it’s not love.
it’s not love if you crave their touch the way he misses phoenix’s hands on his hair or so kibum tells himself as he spots phoenix from meters away. the elder is waiting out of his car, hand waving at kibum as the singer approaches. he stayed in japan for two weeks but not once did he fall into temptation. he could have had hands running through his hair, lips on his neck, fingers tracing interesting planes of his existence and none of it would have gotten close to what he experienced with the god. over a thousand years did come handy, he mused, grinning to himself.
he waits until he’s inside the car before he succumbs to what he wanted most: he takes kisses from phoenix, hands cup his face and he devours him until the god is left dazed and beautiful with red, swollen lips, and that darkness kibum loved to rise in his eyes. he tells himself this fluttering inside, this force screaming at him to take phoenix in his arms and not let go ever cannot be other than lust. 
this cannot be love, kibum repeats to himself as his lips brush over phoenix’s ear. his hands cannot stay still. it’s like being consumed by an addiction, like listening to the darkest, primal form of desire. he needs to keep devouring phoenix until all he has in his mind is the strength of his kisses, crescent moon shapes of his nails on his back, the taste of moans and heat scorching his mind, carving kibum’s existence on his very core. it cannot be love if he wants all of phoenix to himself. it’s possessiveness, it’s obsession. it’s pride, smugness at leaving his mark, being the best, always. something like that cannot be love, he thinks. 
it’s not love if i want him to love me, he thinks as phoenix turns to flash him a smile, the ones he can relish in when they are in private and it’s just the two of them. he is making bibimbap and it’s ridiculous that kibum thinks it smells delicious because it’s a simple bibimbap. but kibum finds so much meaning in everything phoenix does for to him –every time chasing for signals that tell him the god cares more and more about him that he should.
kibum looks at phoenix and songs flow from his lips. i’m not in love, he denies, willful, terrified. phoenix attended this small showcase of his upcoming mini-album after a long hiatus and kibum hasn’t confessed this song is meant for him only. people say it’s impossible for singers to keep their attention fixed on someone in particular from the whole crowd, but he can do it –he is doing it. 
phoenix is smiling, shine in his eyes, and it makes his heart tighten inside his chest. kibum wants him to look at him like this all the time, he wants to consume him just like he has been consumed. he wants to taste his name in phoenix’s lips every night and kiss him good morning until earth freezes over and he can stop running in circles telling himself he was supposed to have no heart any longer.
       Something always brings me back to you        It never takes too long
he stands before phoenix, hair in disarray and wet with raindrops all over the crown of his head. he’s sweating and the fashionable clothes for a concert that has been canceled stick to him like a second skin. in all honesty, he looks like a drowned rat and he doesn’t care.
❝ i lied ❞ kibum states, hazel eyes bright with emotion as he steps closer to the taller man. ❝ i– i… ❞ hands reach for the god’s wrists. kibum is not first, he’s not the best, he’s not even his future in the long run. but phoenix is not a conquest anymore. he’s not a pretty thing kibum covets. he swallows, the revelation is all too crushing and heartbreaking. ❝ i do love you. ❞   
he doesn’t wait to hear an answer, no. instead, he snatches it from phoenix’s mouth. he closes the final centimeters that keep them apart and he curls a hand around the back of his neck. he angles his face to drink in the reply that follows and he doesn’t let go until the god is surrendering against him. smug fingers keep their hold on him and he looks at phoenix like he meant to for a long time.
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ichoriism · 4 years
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@theictita​​ said: ☪ { minjae && taehyun | five times our muses almost hold hands, and the one time they do.
minjae is nervous. he asked taehyun to accompany him for a stroll in the park so he could clear his head up after being cramped in his house for hours. sweet, gentle taehyun said ‘ yes ‘ and only now does minjae realizes the whole mood, the simple request, it all set them up for something that kind of looks like a date. he is not panicking –except he is.
they are walking in silence and it’s such a nice day. minjae gets distracted by the way sunlight kisses taehyun’s skin and makes him glow. maybe it’s a sign of his subconscious, but there’s electricity sparkling as soon as their hands brush. afraid of his own wishes, minjae jumps away as an intense blush takes over his cheeks.
the second time minjae is about to reach out and tangle his fingers between taehyun’s, they are watching a movie and he regrets everything in himself for suggesting this title. it’s a movie about love and it’s lovely and his heart won’t stop this stupid sensation of feeling like it’s about to leap out and reach for taehyun and ask him to accept him. they are keeping a small distance seated as they are and their hands are near each other. minjae’s fingers twitch for a moment, ready to take what he wants most. if he’s brave enough, he could–
like a curse, the doorbell rings and minjae jumps –again– and makes his way quickly to the door while reassuring taehyun everything is fine. the pizza is a good comfort, but it's also a reminder of what he could have done. 
taehyun is sad. there is something eating him away and minjae feels powerless at his inability to help him. they are not close enough for taehyun to feel at ease around him, not like that at least, and minjae wishes and wishes there’s a way he could tell him he’s right there. his mind tells him this is the moment. tells him this should be the start if he ever wanted a signal. 
❝ taehyun i– ❞
❝ minjae i– ❞
words get caught as they look at each other, arms extending and hands reaching out for the other. then the library’s doors open and a group of students steps inside. minjae can feel the moment slipping away yet again as he steps out of the hall so the group can ask for some directions. he gives taehyun a wave before he leaves, heart heavy and dangling between the two of them.
minjae was invited to a book presentation taking place in the library where taehyun works. the writer is an old friend of his, they even shared a few classes in the university and everything is smooth and goes well as he shares his insight on the book contents and a few of his favorite passages. there is one, in particular, that seems to be stuck in his brain.
the afternoon ends and it’s just the two of them quietly re-ordering everything. those same words keep repeating inside his head like a mantra until his heart beats fast with the decision of being brave. he turns around and extends his hand. it’s an attempt to grasp taehyun’s fingers in his, but the motion is miscalculated and he ends up taking hold of his wrist.
❝ tae, i– ❞ words get stuck as he meets the others’ eyes. he swallows, but his voice just won’t return. he opens his mouth again, ready to say something, anything. ❝ tae, i had a lot of fun today, thank you for having us. ❞
minjae lets go.
by the fifth time, minjae is about to pull his hair out in frustration. it shouldn’t be that hard, he thinks. they eat together, they watch movies together, they even like to read in the company of the other, and yet, something as basic and elemental as hand-holding is just unattainable. 
he is decided to change that today. he marches to the library where taehyun works, a pink rose in his hand, and when he sees him there, behind the counter, glasses on, he loses most of his bravado. what is he doing exactly? he wonders, head shaking for a second. he gives the flower to a girl passing by and then steps inside the library, nervous flutters tickling inside his chest.
they chat for a bit and just as minjae is about to reach for the book taehyun is recommending him, their fingers brush. it’s minjae the one who pulls his hand away fast. it’s dumb, so dumb, he thinks, but it’s done.
the day it happens, it’s unexpected. 
taehyun falls asleep next to him on the couch. paleness overtakes his features just as dark circles show under his eyes. minjae doesn’t have the heart to wake him up and instead takes it upon himself to keep the taller man comfortable. he is reading while the television’s soft murmur fills the atmosphere with an even noise. taehyun starts to move in his sleep and it’s obvious he is anguished. 
minjae doesn’t think about what he does next. he brushes taehyun’s hair away from his face and whispers sweet nothings. fingertips, cool against the other’s skin, ghost over his cheeks and the curve of his jaw. taehyun opens his eyes then and they look at each other for a long moment. then taehyun smiles and it’s like spring is blooming all over again. he reaches for minjae’s hand resting above his heart. it slides beneath his palm and the brush is so soft yet it makes goosebumps break down his skin. fingers intertwine with ease at last and he can feel his heart threatening to escape from his ribcage.
❝ this is better? ❞ minjae asks, voice gentle and scared of breaking this moment. 
the smile he receives in response lights up the entire day.
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ichoriism · 4 years
M U N D A Y  S T U F F
I am over/under 5‘5“ / I wear glasses/contacts / I have brown hair / I wear sweatshirts a lot / I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing / I have one or more piercings / I have at least one tattoo / I have brown eyes / I have dyed or highlighted my hair / I have gotten plastic surgery / I have or had braces / I sunburn easily / I have freckles / I paint my nails / I typically wear makeup / I don’t often smile / I am pleased with how I look / I prefer Nike to Adidas / I wear baseball hats backwards / I prefer vintage to modern clothing / I wear certain articles of jewelry every day
I play a sport / I can play an instrument / I am artistic / I know more than one language / I have won a trophy in some sort of competition / I can cook or bake without a recipe / I know how to swim / I enjoy writing / I can do origami / I prefer movies to TV shows / I can execute a perfect somersault / I enjoy singing / I could survive in the wild on my own / I have read a new book series this year / I enjoy spending time with friends / I travel during school or work breaks / I can do a handstand / I know CPR and first-aid
I have had my first kiss / I have gotten drunk / I have told a crush I like them / I have traveled outside of the country / I have flown on an airplane / I have stayed awake for more than 48 hours / I have had a near-death experience / I have caught something on fire / I have performed in a talent show / I have shot a gun / I have been on TV / I have gone scuba diving / I have broken a bone / I have slow-danced / I have gone on a shopping spree
I have a crush / I have a best friend / I have known a friend for over ten years / I have a brother / I have a sister / I am the youngest child / I am the eldest child / I have dated my best friend / I am adopted / My crush has confessed to me / I have had a long-distance relationship / I am an only child / I give advice to my friends / I have made an online friend / I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell / I have watched the sun rise / I enjoy rainy days / I have slept under the stars / I meditate outside / the sound of chirping calms me / I enjoy the smell of the beach / I know what snow tastes like / I listen to music to fall asleep / I enjoy thunderstorms / I enjoy cloud watching / I have attended a bonfire / I pay close attention to colors / I find mystery in the ocean / spring is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle / I am the mom friend / I live by a certain quote / I like the smell of Sharpies / I am involved in extracurricular activities / I enjoy Mexican food / I can drive stick-shift / I have memorized an entire song in a day / I believe in true love / I dream up scenarios to fall asleep / I sing in the shower / I wish I lived in a video game / I have a canopy above my bed / I am multi-racial / I am a redhead / I own at least three dogs / I am LGBTQ
Tagged by : @mortalitatis && @theictita { ‘ thank you 0/ }
Tagging: @itsacriime @huntors @eastsolis @eljudnnir @kkxai @spellbks @thecosmicsen idk who else hasn’t done this one but yeah go ahead~
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