#(hc; egan)
avonne-writes · 5 months
gale looks so soft and adorable in that scene where he’s woken up for his first mission i can’t
Aw, yes 🥺 Bucky can’t resist spooning him when he sleeps like this.
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(I think gif is from @austinbutlermischief )
Also, imagine this Gale with this Bucky:
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alienoresimagines · 3 months
What if John was never shot down ? (John edition)
I've been thinking a lot lately about what would've happened if John hadn't been shot down over Münster so here are some HCs 😊 Warning : Lots of angst lol (Gale HCs here)
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Let's imagine for a second that, after meeting with Bucky, clearly grieving, a bit drunk and all in all not fit for being on a mission, Harding decides not to have him on the Münster mission
Instead, he sends him to the flak house which was a decision he'd already thought about after Dye's party but Gale had convinced him to send John on a weekend pass instead
So Bucky is ordered to the flak house despite his best efforts to convince Chick he can be on the mission
He's so angry at everything and everyone : Buck for having left and being shot down, the 100th for acting as if Buck was dead (he's not, Bucky'd know), Chick for sending him to the flak house instead of giving him a chance to let him join Buck, either down below or even higher in the skies, the world for having taken his Gale from him
Most of all he's mad at himself because he left Buck, he wasn't there with him, instead he was spending the night with Paulina and while he was doing that Buck had already been shot down and he didn't know
He's in a strange place of grieving Buck but also convinced he's not dead because if he is, then there is nothing more for Bucky to do in this world
He lashes out at pretty much everyone but is somewhat grateful the doctor doesn't try to make him talk, and lets him be morose and quiet in his corner
He doesn't try to socialise with anyone and tries to drink as much as he can but there's only so much alcohol to be found in the flak house
He barely sleeps because all he can see when he closes his eyes are images of Gale bleeding, Gale unconscious as his plane goes down, Gale exploding with his plane, Gale pierced by flak, Gale terrified and alone
He'd be sitting somewhere and feel a ghost of warmth where Buck would usually be seated, close enough for Bucky to sling an arm around his shoulders except the space is empty
The Münster mission goes as it does in the show : only Rosie's crew make it back and that's the last straw for Bucky
Not only Buck's gone but now almost all the men he flew from the US with, Brady, Murph, Crank, his boys
Chick hasn't put a time limit to his stay at the flak house because even if he needs a Major now more than ever, he knows Bucky can't do that right now
Bucky can't bring himself to talk to Rosie's crew when they arrive at the flak house, too busy with his own grief and anger (a bit like he was at the Stalag except there's no Buck to check on him and pull him out of his own head)
He can't even look at them because why couldn't it be Buck who came back unscathed ? He immediately hates himself even more at the thought because it's unfair to Rosie and his men but also because Buck would never in a million years want that
He'd rather be the only one to go down if it means all his boys make it back rather than the other way around and Bucky knows that
More and more he can hear Buck's voice in his head, which isn't a good sign so he doesn't mention that to anyone, but he clings onto it like a lifeline. He refuses to forget what Buck's voice sounds like, not when he's already starting to forget the exact shade of blue of his eyes no matter how long and hard he stares at the picture he has of him and Buck from flight school or how long he stays awake at night picturing Buck's face not to forget it
Still Buck's features become blurry and John hates himself even more because can he even say he loves Gale if a few days were enough for him not to remember the exact shape of his jaw, the curve of his nose ?
Except that Buck's voice doesn't just sound like his voice, it says things like Buck would say
Encouraging Bucky to drink a bit less, to go to sleep even if he can only close his eyes without falling in Morpheus' arms, to eat more, not to give up on himself and not to give up on Buck
Voice!Buck encourages him to go talk to Rosie and his crew, not even to be Major Egan but just someone who knows what they've been through, someone they can talk to
And Bucky knows that's what Buck would want him to do. Knows that from wherever Buck is, he'd be worrying about his men and about Bucky
So he does the only thing that he can do for Buck at the moment and tries to pull himself in a semblance of a man
How ironic is it that even though he's not there, even though he's been shot down while Bucky was enjoying a woman's touch, Gale's still the one to save him ?
So Bucky starts to pull himself together and is eventually sent back to Thorpe Abbotts
He's not even 75% alright but he can do his job even though he still drinks more than what's healthy
Chick was never scared Bucky would pull a suicide mission because he knows that no matter how deep in gried, Bucky'd never endanger his men like that, but he feels a tad bit more serene when sending him on missions
Bucky is absolutely burning with his want for revenge and justice
In December, he learns that Gale's alive and that changes things
It's like a weight was lifted from his shoulders and he can finally look up from the ground to look at the stars and hope
Which is strange because he's always known Gale was alive, too stubborn to die, but now nobody looks at him with pity anymore
And the thought that Buck is down there in a POW camp makes him even more determined
He sends Buck's letters even though he has no idea if the Germans will let it get to him but he still does (girl worth writing too and all)
In the meantime he kicks up a friendship with Rosie
He flies his 25 missions but he re-enlists because there is no way in hell he'll be going home while Buck is still a POW
No, he'll drop bombs until Germany's unconditional surrender and the liberation of the POWs
He gets a letter back from Buck and he has to go hide himself in the cockpit of B-17 to read it because he knows he'll lose control of his emotions
He absolutely cries in relief and because of course Gale would ask him if he's alright and hope he's holding up okay
Not so gently threaten Buck into taking care of himself and not be the sacrificial idiot John knows him to be in his next letter, even though he has little hope Buck will do it
But if Voice!Buck was enough to pull him out of his hole, maybe knowing Bucky is waiting for him will be enough to give Buck something something to stay alive for
Bucky you idiot Buck was fighting and staying alive for you all along
As D-Day gets nearer he's more determined than ever to really deal a blow and bring Gale closer to home
He doesn't fly as many missions as Rosie but that's okay with him. Even if he'd rather be the one flying with his boys as many times as he can, he knows the work he does is helpful to the cause.
He still doesn't take his lucky deuce back from Buck's footlocker though. The bunk stays empty, no one daring to even sit on it. Bucky dusts Buck's stuff often, makes sure everything's in top condition for when Gale comes back
As the Russians grow nearer to the POW camp, Buck stops answering his letters and while Bucky tries to rationalize, he's still going mad with worry
Especially when he sees how's the winter is treating Germany
The nightmares, which haven't ever fully left, come back in full force as all the different scenarios for POWs haunt him
He absolutely refuses to imagine he could lose Buck so close to the end
And then April 1945 comes around
Bucky was on a mercy mission of his own when he comes back to be greeted with Blakely and Kidd, smiling wider than he's seen them do in years
Immediately, hope swells in his chest, echoes of POW camps being liberated in his ears
He welcomes back Gale like in the show, guiding him to land the plane with tears in his voice then immediately steals Jack's jeep to welcome him on the runway
Absolutely gives him the tightest, fiercest hug ever seen
He doesn't let Gale out of his sight for even one second, devastated to see the effects of being a POW for so long had on his Gale but so damn relieved to finally have him back
Is a bit embarrassed to show Gale how he's been taking care of his footlocker but tries to make light of it
"I knew you'd be back. Told any loony trying to take your bunk that you were just MIA."
And "I've been expecting you back for more than a year, what took you so long ?" though he's choking on his tears by the end of it and Gale's eyes glisten too
They hug for a long time after that
More in the reblogs because I've somehow hit the characters limit lol
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onyxsboxes · 1 month
Post-war, sleeping and cuddling Buckies' habits: They love when Bucky lies on Buck's chest, especially when one of them is having a bad day.
Sometimes, Bucky panics when he wakes up with someone's weight on him. It reminds him of when he was in Europe, in the cart, surrounded and crushed by the heavy weight of corpses. But he also loves to feel Buck's heart beating, his sleepy breath beneath him. It reminds him that he's safe, that they're safe.
And Buck's loves waking up with Bucky's weight on his chest. It helps his sleepy brain realize more quickly that Bucky is here, with him and not trying to sneak too close to the fence. It always takes his brain longer to catch up when he's lying on Bucky's chest.
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umika · 5 months
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Still is high school AU. (yeah I'm here again)
Maybe this was in Bucky’s dreams. Some moments make Bucky remember a very long time. He always wondered if this would happen one day or if it was just his imagination.
Someday, Buck asked Bucky to go to the mountaintop, and this happened.
Bucky was shocked at the sight, then Buck smiled and called him to come over and sit with him to enjoy the view.
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imasexypotato · 5 months
Curt watches as his two closest friends dance around each other, tip toeing between the lines of what is socially acceptable and what is downright romantic.
He watches the way they look at each other, how John looks at Gale, as if he'd personally raised and set the sun each day.
And how Gale watches John, as though he's the only man in the world worth knowing.
He sees the way they touch. How John all but throws himself all Gale, trying to conceal his longing under the guise of playfulness. Forcing himself not to lose control and take, take , take.
And how Gale leans into him, almost tenderly, yearning for his touch, accepting whatever John will give him, holding onto the ghost of his touch like a dying prayer.
Letting no other get as close to his heart as John Egan has.
And John, doing the same in turn.
Curt watches and shakes his head.
How no one else had noticed, how even the two people in question seemed to be in the dark, Curt had no clue.
He turns back to his drink and takes a sip.
It was so Obvious.
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rosiesriiveters · 6 months
Keep thinking of Buck and Bucky's perception of Rosie through their eyes. When they meet him, Rosie's a great pilot, has been training gunners for ages and knows his way around a plane well - but has yet to see any combat. He's that wide-eyed kind of hopeful that he can make a difference.
When they meet him again by the end of the series, Rosie's gone on to fly 52 missions. He's well and truly past his first tour, and well into his second. The rest of the 100th adore him and respect him as a leader; and Rosie adores them all right back.
Despite all of that, Rosie still seems like the same person - undemonstrative, and a little more heaviness to his shoulders perhaps, but that wide-eyed hope that I can make a difference hasn't faded.
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eganeyes · 5 months
indulgent domestic modern!au clegan headcanons for the soul:
they're both really good in the kitchen!! i see them both as well functioning adults ngl so they both do the cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc working together like a well oiled machine.
bucky's more of the savory cook out of the two of them—I've been so into tinned fish talk on tiktok lately and been busy imagining this man just doing easy recipes for dinner and lunches. he likes making donburi, the air-fryer is his best friend, a risotto recipe he stole from benny's mom, wine marinated steaks, etc. he's the type to have to be in action to be calm so it's pretty common to see him running around the kitchen doing like six things at once.
buck's more of a baker, he has a sourdough starter on the counter and in the refrigerator bucky stays far, far away from. he makes the bread bucky uses for avocado toast breakfasts, cupcakes he shares liberally, dog friendly peanut butter cookies he made specifically for meatball, etc. rolling and smacking thick dough is like a stress reliever for him, so nearing the anniversary of him finally leaving his childhood house, the oven is on near 24/7 and the entire house smells like a bakery. everyone pops by now and then to take home some of the overload of baked goods and offer distraction in the form of chaos—at first by bucky's invitation but nowadays it's like an unwritten yearly calendar thing.
buck's usually in charge of breakfast. he makes fluffy pancakes more often than not, scrambled eggs on toast, always has two coffee pots ready for each of them because they go through it like its water. brady has made some very pointed suggestions on their kidneys, especially bucky's, but gets called out right back on the actual tobacco pipe he still smokes with in this day and age. if bucky wakes up earlier, he makes them avocado toast because he tried it at this hipster cafe as a joke but it's really not a joke anymore now.
they're both morning people it's revolting. when curt stays over he makes it very clear he won't be up before 9 the earliest and fuck them both if they try anything to actually wake him up. they wake him up. there's a guest room that may as well be curt's and his clothes are folded neatly in the dresser.
buck likes cantaloupe, so bucky regularly cuts up the fruit and packs them into lunch boxes for him.
brady shares the same birthday as meatball. so every year without fail, aside from his actual cake, bucky gets an extra plain cake with meatball printed on it with the words happy birthday meatball!! in large letters and a tiny (and brady) under it.
two of the shelves displayed in their house is just full of tchotchkes from all over the world from their adventures. yes there is concerning amount of unicorn statues. buck always looks moderately pained when someone asks about it. among them is a rock that tripped bucky up one random hike and somehow caused him to fall of cliff and get stuck in an outcropping of rocks. air rescue had to be called and he was an absolute nightmare of a broken ankle patient. again, buck always looks moderately pained when somebody asks about it.
they're hemming and hawing over getting a dog which the others find absolutely bewildering and when asked about it they both say its like cheating on meatball, which makes zero sense because the dog is benny's do not even think of stealing him cleven i swear—
they do get a dog from the shelter though!! they get a beagle. no really the dog is literally the bane of their existence they just had to choose the most exuberant 5yo dog with a powdered sugar face that's literally the antithesis of meatball. they name him tomato. benny despairs on how his dog isn't even really just his.
obsessed with the thought of them building their house by themselves like grey's anatomy's derek no hear me out architect!blakely helping them design the house and they have an open plan design which i kind of hate but the image of buck cooking in the kitchen yelling at bucky who's got his feet up on the coffee table oh
they go on these planned little adventures for dates and one of said plans is doing a pilates class together. hear me out: they both suck at it 😭. an hour in and bucky is literally stuck on the machine terrified of moving, he has cramps in muscles he didn't even know could get cramps. he looks to the left and buck is flat on the ground unmoving. they sign up for another class but bring curt into it thinking it'd be hilarious but no curt becomes the instructor's favorite within minutes. they sign up for another class in protest and bring brady and nearly kill the guy from sheer anger. their competitive asses work overtime and somehow end up getting instructor certificates just to prove they could.
the day they discover kahoot is honestly a mistake because when they host get togethers they do little presentations on what they've been doing since they last met and do full on kahoot quizzes and several expensive glasses are sacrificed for the worser worse. 'what was the shirt color of the lady photobombing us in that beach selfie?' and dougie straight up lobs his phone at bucky's face.
some extra casually possessive clegan hcs:
passenger princess buck with bucky's hand always casually draped over buck's closest thigh, absentmindedly playing with the inseam of his pants when they hit a red light
or: buck laying a hand on bucky's thigh to calm him down when some asshole cuts them off, or when bucky starts going past the speed limit, or just for comfort during a long drive
sitting thigh to thigh during breakfast/lunch/in the bar, sometimes even overlapping, buck's arm always around the back of bucky's chair
when they're sitting on high stools, bucky's leg is always propped up on buck's footrest
buck sitting on the only high stool available, bucky leaning by his side with an arm tucked around his hip
this pose of dua/callum insanity. squinting down on a tourist map of madrid for a random trip together, bucky's arms around buck with their heads bent trying to read tiny spanish lettering under the overbearing sun, buck tucking his hand into bucky's backpocket and tugging him closer like that'll help them find their hotel easier
some vacation fun: actually from this post I've added a few to and had brainworms on
the buckies go on a 7 day trip to somewhere with beaches and resorts and spa days and fruity little drinks with tiny little umbrellas and tell literally 0 people. they get ambushed on day 4 anyway.
in every beach outing thing, there has got to be a scene where they do each others' sunscreen. doing buck's, bucky purposefully leaves some parts of his skin unsuncreened on his back spelling out 'I SUCK' with an arrow pointing down to his ass. thankfully buck's blessed with perfect golden skin so he doesnt sunburn like at all.
buck brings a whole rack of books to read while sun tanning, a cute little folded table, cooler, bright towels for mats, and a rented umbrella setting up his downtime perfectly.
bucky leaves him to it for the first two hours because he loves the man: he goes to play beach volleyball with some random people he charms within minutes, saves a kid's sandcastle from being eaten by the waves and somehow ropes the kid and 4 other random children to build a giant fortress with a moat, accidentally step on a few crabs, takes hundreds of pics with other random tourists for some strange reason (they think he's a movie star and he does nothing to dissuade that), does karaoke near the beach bar with several equally enthusiastic drunk people, and pets every dog in his vicinity. he acquires exactly 9 numbers despite telling people he's very much taken, several insider local attractions added to his knowledge, and finds out the dirty sordid underground clubs in the area. all within 2 hours.
he comes trotting back to buck without a single hit to his stamina, and finally starts lobbying for a jet ski race.
in the two hours he was gone, bucky had flirted heavily with the jet ski rental managers, and rented 2 jet skis with a discount he refused and without an actual boating license but he's like really persuasive guys you don't get it. they do know how to ride it though because they're the kind of couple with a terrifying amount of qualifications in their CVs.
buck pretending not to be as competitive as his partner and hemming and hawing about going on the jet ski but the minute the race is on their trash talking gets so loud beach security has to stop by to calm them down.
buck leaves bucky with their kit to get some ice cream and comes back to bucky lounging on the mat. without pause, he kicks up sand directly on top of bucky and buries the man within minutes without giving the man the chance to defend himself from buck's onslaught.
buck sends the 100bg gc a pic of bucky buried under the sand with a coke right beside his head and a straw poking out straight to his mouth for easy access and it becomes the gcs new pfp.
the boys trace their location within days and on day 4 of their vacation they get ambushed in their hotel room and it turns into a big outing. jack scoffs at the buckies' itinerary and types out a new one for their entire group.
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bcolfanfic · 6 months
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some young vets au slice of life just bc this au has my heart and i ❤️ my blorbos
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rqsser · 4 months
random buck & bucky headcanons…
gale doesn’t like morning kisses because of bad breath, but john loves them cuz they annoy gale
hand kisses are a very intimate thing to gale, they go beyond a formal greeting to him. they express his appreciation for one’s soul rather than their presence (he kisses animals paws/hooves)
john is an extrovert, quite obviously, but he can easily recognize when gale’s uncomfortable and will leave whatever outing they’re at to calm him down
john loves hunting and gale loves fishing! (in some au where they don’t have ptsd)
gale prefers vehicles in europe because he can at least sit on the left side without driving (popular, but he hates driving)
post-war au, they’d live outside of a town/city, on a ranch or near a lake, because then nobody can see them different from everyone else. (they’d say that they’re war buddies and their spouses left them while they were away, no one bats an eye)
john worships the ground that gale walks on, in a sense. when gale’s coming back inside from yard work, or exiting the shower after 30 minutes, john’ll drop whatever he’s doing to follow gale around. (related to the one just above this!!)
gale loves animals, john’s never had a pet.
after the war, gale takes up sewing as something to pass time, and to calm himself. john likes to sit behind him with his arms around his waist and watch gale’s steady hands weave together a b-17.
gale is an introvert, but people seem to gravitate towards him, just like how john’s voice seems like a promise for a good time. he doesn’t mind being in large groups, but when a bunch of people start talking to him, he gets anxious and kind of annoyed. john is quick to pull him away in those situations.
gale sews, and john cooks. he finds old recipe books that gale’s mother made before she passed, and serves gale memories.
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anavilante · 5 months
Flight school HC
When John and Gale first met and became roommates, they didn't like each other at all. There was no love at first sight, no John's fascination with Gale's beauty. Quite the opposite. Initially, both guys have no attraction to other guys, so they look at each other absolutely critically. Gale doesn't like John because he seems to be his complete opposite, he is noisy, cheeky, unceremonious, has absolutely no respect for other people's personal space, drinks a lot, smokes, chases girls (a new one every time), loves gambling , bets, fights and he is always ready to do something stupid, there is some kind of madness in him that irritates Gale, he does not respect authorities and rules and in general does not seem to take anything seriously, he jokes all the time and he is absolutely irresponsible about training and their mission, in general to everything, as if he is here not for an important matter, but just for fun (but at the same time, by some unimaginable coincidence, he flies well). John doesn't like Gale because he's pretty and boring. There is nothing good about pretty guys, except that they can easily steal a girl and you have to fight with them for a place in the sun, knowing that they have an innate advantage - their pretty face. In addition, Gale is uptight, secretive, and gloomy. He's boring. Especially when next to John there is a crowd of noisy and lively guys who share his interests and fun in drinking and girls (their pack, as they call themselves).
When John calls Gale Buck, there's nothing cute about it, it's not a sign of affection. This is a way to mark territory, to put your opponent at a disadvantage. Gale is furious and angry, reminding him at every opportunity that his name is Gale, but John is so persistent and unshakable that soon the entire base calls him Buck.
John's pack often occupies his and Gale's room. And although this infuriates Gale very much, it also helps the guys and John understand over time that Gale is not such a prude and a bore as he initially seems, just as it makes Gale understand that John is not such an incorrigible idiot and asshole.
(plus all of this with the faces of Austin at 23 yo and Callum at 27 yo)
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andylyn · 7 months
I want someone to caress Bucky's cheek before cupping his tenderly. Looking at him with hooded eyes filled with anguish. Looking at his blue blue eyes so dull from the magnesium flare they have before. And say with voice so soft and tender "Who did this to you?"
And Bucky would laugh it off, giving the excuse that he is fine, had never felt better. But that someone heard the crack in his tone and barely noticible shake of his fingers.
Rage will burns bright and hot within them but none is shown, so they will slowly pull Bucky's face down and kiss each of his eyelids. "Are they alive? Because they won't be for long"
May mercy be with those who harmed their precocious boy.
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avonne-writes · 13 days
“how embarrassing would it be if i told you i’d dreamt of this since i first met you?” is so clegan <3
Thank you 🥰 The drabble is set in my a/b/o au where Gale is an omega who doesn’t have normal heats due to childhood trauma.
Edit: you can consider this set in the same universe as @anachilles's lovely smutty one-shot ❤️‍🔥
If there's one thing that Bucky learned in the ten years since his first time in bed with an omega, it’s that you'd better talk about what you want before you pop your knot rather than regret the whole fucking thing when you wake up alone again. His previous partners never seemed to care to linger once he had given them that satisfaction. Not that he blames or resents them for it - it’s his own damn fault that he came across as an omega-chaser, just a fun partner for the night, instead of an alpha longing for a mate.
Don’t make this out to be more than what it is, they said if he caught them before they slipped away. You're a sweet man, but I can’t stay. Countless versions of the same story, leaving Bucky sitting alone with his head in his hands and his heart hollow again.
But not this time. No, with Gale, he’s determined to do it right. He courted him the way he deserved, with all the gifts and love and care Bucky could heap on him without drawing the kind of attention Gale didn’t want. No throwing himself at Gale’s feet in the barracks, no sweet talking in public, no jealous outbursts even if it killed him. It was all in the small details with Gale, and in the unwavering devotion he craved. Grand gestures didn’t appeal to him, no matter how Bucky's instincts urged him to belt it out for all the world to know that he’d do anything for his Buck. His best friend, his beautiful mate.
Well, all right, they’re not mated yet. But they’re going to be. Bucky can feel the warm certainty of it deep in his chest, spreading through his veins with every swipe of Gale's thumb over the juncture of his neck as they kiss lying on top of each other in the hotel bed they rented for the night. Would Gale touch him like this if he didn’t want it too? No, Bucky doesn’t think so.
He draws back just far enough to look into Gale's eyes and comb through his short blond hair. When he shifts his hips to the side, Gale’s slim thighs part to let him sink between them, a perfect fit. "Are you comfortable?”
Gale nods, watching Bucky's face with lazy affection. He slides both of his hands down Bucky’s back and untucks Bucky's shirt to get to the bare skin of his lower back.
"Tell me if I'm too heavy.”
"Don’t start on this now." Gale drawls, the contentment in his tone at odds with his words. He pushes his hands between their stomachs to undo their belts. He smells happy, his scent heady like the warmth of the sun on a humid summer afternoon.
They kiss again, grinding together slowly. John wonders if Gale's all wet for him already or if he needs some help - he’d gladly put his mouth to use. But first, they need to talk.
"Can I ask you something?" He starts. They're so close that he sees the flash of concern in Gale's eyes and feels the minute tightening of the cradle of his thighs.
"You’re a good alpha, John." Gale says quietly, stroking John's face with his right hand. "I'll let you knot me tonight if you want.”
John can’t help the way his lips purse at the answer given before he could even ask anything. He doesn’t know why Gale assumes that's all he’s after, when he has done everything he could to show that he isn’t.
"It’s not what I want." He says, a touch too firmly, if Gale's startled blink is anything to go by. "I want to mate you." He clears his throat, reining the emotion in his voice back. "That’s what I wanted to ask. I want to be your mate.”
Out of all the ways this played out in his head, Gale pulling away from him was one of the worst. Cracks cut sharply into his heart as Gale pushes at his shoulders, then sits back against the headboard. Bucky ends up kneeling beside him on the mattress, a pleading look in his eyes. The change in Gale's scent feels sharp in his nose, but it's not acrid like disgust or fear. It’s sour distress, deeply pained. The way Gale pulls his knees up to rest his arms on them makes him look achingly young.
“Why?” He asks. The disbelief in his eyes hurts.
“Because I love you.” When Gale closes his eyes, Bucky presses on. “I love you. I want to be yours. To take care of you, protect you… I want to be your mate. And I want to do it before we ship out.”
Gale worries at his lip, then gives Bucky a look full of tumultuous emotions.
"That’s not something you should do on a whim." He tells Bucky. His voice is calm, but he’s digging his own nails into his arm. "Think it through carefully. You know I don't have normal heats. I don't think I can get pregnant, John. It’s the way it's always been. Ain't ever gonna change. I'm not the kind of omega you deserve. I don't mind if we -"
He cuts himself off. A soft "damn it" gets caught in his suddenly tight throat. He rubs the bridge of his nose as if to keep his tears in, then shoots Bucky a wry smile. "I don't mind if it’s just sex and nothing more.”
The noise that escapes Bucky's throat is filled with helpless frustration. He scoots closer and cups Gale’s cheek with his right hand. "To hell with sex, Buck! It’s not what I want. I would rather not knot anyone ever again if that's the only way I can be your mate.”
For a moment, Gale doesn’t say anything, just searches Bucky's eyes, then his scent starts changing again, becoming gradually sweeter with hope. Something eases in Bucky too in response, and he lets his body lean forward until his forehead is pressed to Gale's. When he gives Gale a soft kiss on the lips, Gale slides his arms off his knees to wrap them around Bucky’s neck.
“You actually mean it.” Gale says quietly. There’s still some uncertainty in his voice, but there’s growing hope too.
“I do.” Bucky replies. Then, because he can’t keep holding it all bottled up anymore, “Please be my mate, doll. I'll be so good for you, the best alpha you can ask for, I’ll take care of you -”
“Shh.” Gale shushes him with a small chuckle, pulling Bucky’s head to his neck to let him scent Gale there and lick at the spot he’s going to bite if Gale says yes. Soothing fingers comb through his hair, and Gale’s thumb presses to the base of his neck again. It’s so calming that Bucky could fall asleep just like this in Gale's arms.
“How about -” Gale starts, stroking Bucky’s back now. “- we wait until the morning. If you still want it when we wake up, then… we can do it.”
Bucky lifts his head to look at Gale with wide eyes and the wobbling beginning of a grin. “Is that a yes?”
The curve of Gale's cheeks turns rounder as he smiles. “It is.”
Bucky crows in joy and tackles Gale sideways on the mattress, trying to kiss him through a happy laugh and babbling the first thing that comes to Bucky's mind. “How embarrassing would it be if I told you I'd dreamt of this since I first met you?”
Gale hugs him tight and nips his neck. “Is that why you gave me your own goddamn name?”
Feverish with happiness, Bucky nips Gale back, shuddering at the thought that tomorrow, he'll get to bite him for real. “Had to claim you.”
“Possessive.” Gale hums, his linden blossom scent intoxicating to Bucky's nose.
Bucky’s love thrums in his chest like a song. “You love it, Buck.”
Gale laughs. He doesn’t deny it.
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alienoresimagines · 2 months
Bucky: Hey, you want some leftovers?
Buck: What's that?
Bucky: You've never had leftovers?
Buck: No, because I'm not a quitter.
Buck: Also my dad used to gamble all our savings away so I always finished my meals since I never knew when the next would be.
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onyxsboxes · 18 days
Post-war clegan
During winter, when they have a hard day (at base for Bucky or college for Buck), they have a ritual.
When they get home, they change into comfy clothes. One of them goes to make hot chocolate and find cookies while the other fetches as many blankets, plaids and pillows as he can find. Then they light a fire in the fireplace, move the coffee table and build themselves a cozy little nest on the rug. They spend the evening, the night here, talking about everything (memories, their day, dreams or silly stories) and relaxing in each other's presence, warm from their cocoon and the fireplace.
They remind themselves that they've made it. They're home. They're safe. And they're together.
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hogans-heroes · 7 months
HC that Buck is the only one who’s really able to see Bucky’s fear. Bucky is good at the nonchalant trouble-maker act but in some moments Buck’s heart cracks when he sees the raw, childlike fear in Bucky’s eyes and in his body language.
Buck sees it in his eyes only in flashes: When Bucky stands with his hands on his hips watching the guys drive away in the back of the trucks. When he looks out the window mid battle, searching desperately for the other planes. When he pauses to watch each one coming in to land, battered and shooting up flares indicating they have wounded aboard. When he stares at the map on the wall, wringing his shaking hands together as the colonel explains the next mission. It’s covered up quickly, of course, when Bucky makes a quip or turns to the next person or flashes a rakish smile. But when he locks eyes with Buck—like he always does, eventually, their gazes always find each other—Buck can read deeper than the façade and Bucky knows that.
He wants to hold Bucky when he sees that fear. Wants to take him somewhere where he doesn’t feel like he needs to hide, where he doesn’t have to drown it out with booze and smoking and picking fights. Buck knows it’s hurting him.
(On Bucky’s side of things, being with Buck is the only thing that soothes that fear and makes Bucky feel safe.)
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imasexypotato · 5 months
Imagine Gale having an "Oh" moment the first time he realises John loves him.
I HC that Gale grew up with a very absent mother and a terrible father. So he isn't used to anyone doing anything for him.
No affection, no care, no love. He's used to people only caring about themselves. So it never crosses his mind that someone could ever truly love him.
That is, until he meets John.
He's wonderful. He's the complete opposite of Gale. He's outgoing, he's loud, friendly. He wears his heart on his sleeve. He isn't scared of speaking his mind.
He's perfect.
At least, to Gale he is.
He's so happy after they become friends. Why John picked him out of everyone there to be his friend, Gale had no clue, but he wasn't about to complain.
It's only a matter of time before Gale starts to wonder when it will end. Everyone leaves eventually. People get tired of him and move on.
So Gale watches and waits. Waits for John to falter. Waits for him to realise Gale isn't worth his time. Waits for him to leave.
But he never does.
Over the years, Gale waits for the other shoe to drop. Waits for the happiness to end. Waits for John to leave him behind.
Soon, he tells himself over and over.
Because there's no way Gale deserves John's friendship. He doesn't deserve his kindness, his care, his devotion, his love.
And yet, the day never comes.
John doesn't stop caring. He doesn't stop smiling at him. He doesnt stop touching him oh so gently, as though Gale was something special. Something to be treasured.
It's like John has an endless supply of .... something Gale doesn't dare to dream of.
He keeps on treating him the same as always, and soon enough Gale can't take it.
Why hasn't he left yet? Why does he continue to stand by his side? What did John see in Gale that was worth wasting his time on?
And then, one day, he realises.
Perhaps it's something small, something no one else would bat an eye at. Something John says or does that makes Gale realise the truth.
John loves him.
It's that simple.
Nothing more and nothing less.
That's all there is to it.
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