#theia x aidas
adhd-mess · 1 year
Oh the mixed bag of emotions Aidas must have felt at seeing Bryce have Theia's light
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shallyne · 1 year
SJM Crackshipmonth: Star-crossed Lovers
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Would've Been, Could've been, Should've Been You
Here it is, Theia x Aidas for day two of @sjmcrackshipmonth. Enjoy!
Words: 571
TW: death
Aidas mourns his dead lover
It was right here that Aidas had met Theia for the very first time. She alone found a way into this realm, demanding help for the incoming war against the Asteri. She was a force of nature, from the very first moment that he had seen her. Theia was never one for giving up, never retreated, always fought for what's right. It was her greatest trait, and her doom. It was right here, that Theia had mouthed off against a prince of Hel. Aidas had admired her back then. Still did but when he thought about how it could have gone down very differently if she had met him on a bad day or ended up on a whole different level, it made Aidas shudder. Sometimes Aidas believed it was fate that he met her, that they were supposed to be. Maybe he was right, maybe Theia was his true love, maybe they could have lived their happily ever after if it wasn't for that bastard Pelias. Aidas cleared his throat when he felt it tightening. Brooding and mourning was useless. Thinking about what could've been was useless. Everything was useless. This didn't stop his mind from wandering though, what if? What if he was there? What if he had killed Pelias instantly, when he felt that something was wrong about him? What if Aidas could've convinced Theia to not fight that day? Would Pelias still have found her? Or would Aidas have been able to protect her? Be there faster? Could he have understood that feeling of dread in time to get to Theia? He had ignored that feeling, waved it away because it was probably caused by the war around them. By the Asteri who were taking down their armies, one by one. He should've known that it wasn't the war, he fought in so many battles in his life that he should have known. Aidas should've been there, it should've been him who died. Aidas took a shaky breath, looking down at the box that he held for hours now, staring at it. Stared at the ring that sat inside, for the question he wanted to ask when the war was over. A queen. His queen. His Theia. Dead. She was dead but her memory was still so alive. Aidas remembered her exactly, her raven black hair and the golden-brown skin that she shared with her daughters. Her starry eyes, that lit up when she laughed. The way she grunted when she was genuinely laughing. And how he found her. Broken and bloody. Her face still twisted in pane, her lifeless eyes staring up at the sky. Aidas shook that memory off, taking the ring out of its box. The ring, twisted strands of gold and silver, flecked with pearl and a stone atop. A sapphire, so blue that he only could be from Hel, with a six pointed star engraved in the stone. He took a deep breath but he couldn't do it. He wanted to throw the ring in the fiery pits of Hel but it was impossible. So he put the ring back in its box.
Two weeks later, when he entered his brothers study, he pressed the box into Apollions hands and told him to do with that ring whatever he wanted. Sell it, melt it, throw it away, Aidas didn't want to know. He turned his back and never asked about it again.
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Taglist: @timesconvert
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elainemg97 · 7 months
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❤️ACOTAR multiple bonds theory❤️
🛑MAJOR SPOILERS for ACOTAR and Crescent City Series (especially HOFAS)🛑
Summary: I believe there to be 2 types of mating bonds in the ACOTAR universe specifically. 1 bond is the original bond that spans universes and planets. The kind of bond that is there since you are born. This bond transcends worlds and species. It pairs humans with Fae, demons and Fae, Illyrians with high Fae, etc.
Examples: Feysand, Nessian, Rowaelin, Quinlar, Theia x Aidas, Elorcan, etc.
Cauldron Bonds: When the Asteri moved into Prythian, they used and corrupted the cauldron to do their bidding. One of these corruptions was to pair people together for the best breeding outcomes. They love to experiment and pair people together to produce the best offspring in CC, and it wouldn’t surprise me that they did the same in ACOTAR. This bond is flimsy and weak. People hate each other after a time because it is based on breeding, not soul pairings.
Conclusion: The Elain and Lucien bond is a cauldron bond— an Asteri bond. It is solely made for breeding purposes.
Conclusion number 2: Elain and Azriel have had a connection since they first met in the human lands, and Azriel is progressively suffering the consequences of having the bond being unacknowledged. He’s having headaches; he can’t sleep; he has “writhing need.” He’s in his “I can’t stay away” moment. 🤭
Conclusion 3: Lucien could potentially break the cauldron bond as it is a possible ancient Asteri spell. That or they could use Truthteller to unmake the bond and possibly de-corrupt the cauldron.
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offtorivendell · 2 years
Powerful parallels between Bryce, Elain and Theia, as well as Feyre and Nesta
Please don't screenshot or share this post without credit.
Disclaimer: spoilers for the entire CC and ACOTAR series to date.
Following on from the potential associations I drew between Bryce and Elain's powers the other day in this reblog* of @wingedblooms great post about Hope shining through the Void, which included the discussion of evidence that suggests that Feyre, Elain and Nesta Archeron could be descended from a different branch of Theia's line than Bryce and Ruhn - obviously one that eventually returned from Midgard to Prythian - I wanted to discuss the parallels that exist between Theia, Bryce and the Archeron sisters, but especially Theia-Bryce-Elain.
* The linked post isn't required reading, but it would give a more thorough grounding for what I'm about to discuss.
In Greek mythology, Theia is a goddess of both sight and light; I don't think it much of a stretch, then, to consider that SJM's Theia, who, per Aidas, had a very specific light, may also have had the power of Sight. We know Bryce almost certainly descends from Theia, and has her light while coincidentally, or not, Elain - whose name can be derived from "Helena," the name of one of Theia's daughters - was granted the power of Sight, we assume as she was Made by the Cauldron.
Given the above, the following parallels are, in my opinion, worth considering:
Theia, a Starborn Queen
A Starborn fae.
Potentially inspired by the Greek goddess of Sight and Light.
Was she possibly the Mother goddess, or a different deity? Is there a potential link with the Cauldron? Did she sacrifice her immortality for an alliance with Fionn, in order to cast out the Daglan from Prythian? Did this mean she was Made in some way, when she bound herself to her (hypothetical) non-deity form?
Queen to High King Fionn, who may or may not have been an Under King to the Daglan (as the Under King of Lunathion is to the Asteri), who is potentially known in Prythian as Koschei the Deathless (or the Death God), and was possibly the original shadowsinger? Is Koschei associated with the Void? This marriage may or may not have been political in nature.
Loved by Aidas, the Prince of the Chasm, the fifth level of Hel. Associations with the Void.
Bryce Quinlan
A Starborn fae.
Powerful Starborn light, specifically Theia's; bears Luna's horn on her back.
Potentially Made - similarly to Feyre - with donations of power from the Heart Gate when she completed her drop in CC1; there are parallels between Bryce's drop and Feyre's rebirth, with her receiving drops of power from each High Lord and having to fight her way back to her body, but that's another post.
A politically arranged engagement with Cormac Donnall, a Starborn prince from Avallen.
Mated to and carranam with Hunt Athalar, an angel known as the Umbra Mortis (the shadow of death), whose ancestry will likely be a twist, linked with the Void and/or Hel. Hunt shares parallels with Thurr, a minor storm deity.
Elain Archeron
Potentially a Starborn fae, like her sisters; possibly by descent, if not the Cauldron (or both could be true).
Has the power of Sight, potentially from Theia; is she a conduit of some sort for the Mother, and do prayers help her activate those powers? Has associations with a fabric known as the Void.
Cauldron Made.
Currently shares a Cauldron-Made mating bond with Lucien, who may also be Starborn through Helion's line. This bond is, so far, politically advantageous to Prythian, but doesn't appear to be romantic in nature - in my opinion, yours may of course differ.
Potentially true mates and/or carranam with Azriel, a shadowsinger of mysterious ancestry, who has both explicitly been called Death, and whose name is shared with the angel of death in Islam and Judaism. Azriel's ancestry may likely be traced back to the Void and/or Hel, and also the Dusk Court.
But what about Feyre and Nesta Archeron? Well, I believe they fit in with this format, too.
Feyre Archeron
Potentially a Starborn fae, either through descent and/or from Rhys and Helion's seeds of magic.
Has Helion's light, amongst other powers from Prythian's various High Lords.
Made, possibly in a similar manner to Bryce.
Her engagement to Tamlin, High Lord of Spring, was quite political in its management after their time Under the Mountain.
Found her soul mate in Rhys - High Lord of the Night Court - someone of whom Prythian did not approve and with whom there would have been political ramifications in the face of their union without the presence of their mating bond. Rhys is likely Starborn, and may descend from the same ancestry as Azriel, with links to Dusk, Hel, and/or the Void. Has also been referred to as Death.
Nesta Archeron
Potentially a Starborn fae, either through descent and/or the Cauldron.
She was left with some form of light at the end of ACOSF, after sacrificing the silver flames/death magic she took from the Cauldron.
Cauldron Made, like Elain.
A potential political alliance through marriage was at one point suggested between Nesta and Eris Vanserra of the Autumn Court.
Mates with Cassian, the general of the Night Court's armies, who hails from a race of faeries whom I suspect has its origins in Hel or the Void. He may even be descended from Enalius, if the fandom theory holds true. Known as the Lord of Bloodshed.
Please excuse me while I fall even further down this particular rabbit hole, as it seems... coincidental that SJM, who appears to utilise cyclical time and events in her stories, and who has set up characters and imagery and plots - the Ouroboros mirror, and the prophecy spoken by the Book of Breathings, for example - that both suggest and support this theory throughout TOG and CC and ACOTAR, would create these parallels without following through.
All three of SJM's series have powerful characters with significant similarities to each other, and I know I'm not the only one who thinks it's unsurprising that they are all appearing - converging - at this point in time, mating bonds and all (are true/soul mates actually carranam, with all of the implications that would have on power? I have a crack theory about this) when an intergalactic enemy is on the rise.*
* @silverlinedeyes and @merymoonbeam have a theory about this that I cannot wait for them to share, but in meme form...
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mkbosworth · 3 years
HOSAB - Sword & Knife Theory
So about that legend around the Starborn sword and knife....when sword and knife are reunited – so will our people be.
The end of HOSAB suggests this legend is MUCH bigger than Bryce and Ruhn, and their Starborn ancestry.
I have the theory that Theia Starborn's daughters split the sword and knife between them. Helena kept the sword in CC. While her sister took the knife/dagger back to Prythian (on her mission to save the ACOTAR world from the Asteri once more.)
So....the legend actually speaks about connecting the Fae people across worlds. Which in theory, could only happen once a Starborn Fae learned the truth about their ancestry and returns to the origin world. The legend is that the CC Fae and the ACOTAR Fae need to reunite.
Here are my thoughts/questions now...
....is Bryce in Prythian as a layover on her way to Hel...merely to collect the knife and warn the IC about the Asteri wanting to re-enter their world. Oh, and also concretely establish for the IC that the Harp can be used to world travel (which, duh.)
OR...is Bryce in Prythian to collect the knife, warn the IC about the Asteri, AND raise a Fae Army. I mean....does she even need to go to Hel if she can raise an Army in Prythian...would that not achieve her objectives?
TBH...it's probably a mix of both. I do think that Bryce has a rendezvous with Aidas, in Hel. It's been hinted since CC1.
But I also think that once Rhys x Feyre x IC learns that the Asteri want to conquer their world they're going to rally the forces of Prythian to step the eff up. (Sidebar: This is likely leading to Rhys as The High King of Prythian plot-point....as someone will have to lead and command all of Prythian into battle). I think the IC will figure out how to activate the Horn (either Feysand's powers or Nesta's remaining power should do the trick). They're also gonna figure out that the Harp can be used to travel between worlds.
Ultimately, I get the sense that Bryce is gonna world-hop and pull and Aelin - aka uniting armies from across the worlds to come together and fight at the absolute crucial moment. We're gearing up for an epic cross-over battle at the end of CC3.
Crack Pot Theory 1 : Because of the parallels between Ruhn and Rhys – might there be a moment in which Ruhn & Rhys do something epic together (i.e. kill one of the asteri.)
Crack Pot Theory 2: The sword and dagger are opposites. The sword reacts/calls to Bryce’s light power. The knife calls to Az’s shadow powers. The same sort of shadow powers that Ruhn has. Bryce claims that the sword is Ruhn’s…but thought maybe the knife was hers. I think it’s the other way around. It will be Bryce with her light power using the sword and Rhun with his shadows using truth-teller = Something Epic. The question is…will Az give up the dagger? And how’d he get it in the first place? Did he “earn” it in his ordeal (aka the blood rite.)
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kingandfireheart · 3 years
Questions I have for House of Sky and Breath
Serious Plot Questions:
Since Jesiba moved the library, does Griffin Antiques still exist? Does Bryce still have a job there? What about her debt from Syrinx and Lehabah?
Since the news of Bryce's parentage has broken, will the Autumn King acknowledge her as an heir? Will she be a princess? Will this restrict her freedom? Will he pay off her debts to Jesiba? Does she have to work for the Fae Aux now? What does this mean for Ruhn?
The Prime basically called Bryce a Wolf, what does that mean? Is Sabine going to be less mean now? Are Amelie and Ithan going to keep being around? Is Bryce going to be a part of the Wolf Aux?
Are there many free angels in Lunathion? All of the ones we've met are either archangels or enslaved to archangels. What does this mean for Hunt? Will Hunt continue to work with Isaiah and the 33rd after the new archangel is appointed?
What do Jesiba and Aidas know about Bryce and Hunt? What did Aidas want to talk to Bryce about? Who is Hunt's father?
What do the Asteri know? Will the Asteri force Bryce and Hunt to work with them in exchange for Hunt's freedom? What happened to the seventh Asteri?
How does Bryce have Theia's light? Will Bryce find the companion of the Starsword? What does this mean?
Character Questions:
What does Bryce's power look like? Fire? Something like Ruhn's powers? Can she heal like Dec? Use vines like Flynn?
Why did SJM give both of Ruhn's friends two first names?
Why does Hunt not use his first name, Orion? What can Hunt do with lightning other than electrocute people and set things on fire?
Will we get more of Fury x Juniper? What House is Fury in? Who does she work for?
How long do I have to wait before I can start shipping Ruhnpaxia?
What was Tharion counting during the meeting? How does he know Hypaxia? Are they working together?
Can Bryce talk to the pack since they are in the Bone Quarter? Or was that just a one time thing for Sabine?
Why did Jesiba leave the House of Earth and Blood and join the House of Flame and Shadow? What does the Underking have on her?
Will they save Victoria from the bottom of the ocean?
I'm convinced Quinlar is endgame, so what conflicts are we going to see with them? Training their powers? Hunt being free for the first time in 200 years? Will someone try to tear them apart? Mates?
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blackwidowsim · 4 years
My (spoilery) thoughts and theories on Crescent City:
Hunt x Bryce is endgame, I‘m 100 % sure
There were just sooo many scenes with them that screamed endgame. They saw each other on there lowest points, saved their lives multiple times and other characters saw the spark between them too (even Danika pointed it out)
Not to be dramatic or anything but I am really good at spotting the love interest in a book/movie and the only character I think Bryce should be with is him
I know some of you think Aidas might turn out to be the second Rhysand but Aidas gives me complete Suriel vibes
AND SJM can’t always do the same plot twists on us for all of her books, this time Bryce‘ first love interest will stay
There is definitely something more to the seventh Asteri
The Asteri either killed her or she is still alive
Maybe she lives in hell? Because Aidas told us that the Asteri twist the reality so I think there is definitely more to the war between Hell and this world
Because it really seems like Aidas was right that Hell doesn’t give a f*ck about the Asteri world and Jesiba seemed to trust him
AND did the epilogue drop that Jesiba was with Hunt‘s dad?
Who even is he?
Either a demon or one of the Asteri
(What speaks for demon: Aidas knew about him as well as Jesiba)
(What speaks for Asteri: One of them is named Rigelius, Rigel is a star in the constellation Orion, which is Hunts real name)
After all, the angels bowed to him so I think Bryce is not the only one with a powerful bloodline
This could also explain his special powers
The mystery involving Hunt‘s dad is also a reason why I think he won’t be the next Tamlin: SJM is giving Hunt a proper backstory with secrets of its own and therefore gives him plot that doesn’t involve Bryce so he still has things to learn
Rhys and Rowan both were pretty much perfect when we meet them, they new about their full potential while their female counterparts had to learn about their powers and got a lot of character development but with Crescent City I think it will be different because Hunt got his full powers back and the mystery about his father is still unsolved which could potentially give him more powers or in general just more character development (I hope you know what I mean, English isn’t my first language)
I think we can all agree that the Asteri are the evil guys and they must go lol
And what‘s the thing between Theia and Pelias? Did he kill her? Why is her light so different? Why does Bryce have it? Is she the reincarnation?
To me it seemed as if Aidas and Theia were close so this makes the story the Asteri tell everyone even more unbelievable
And why does Aidas want to see Bryce? What secrets will he tell her?
And btw we still have to get a s*x scene between Hunt and Bryce which we would have definitely gotten sooner if SJM plans on tearing them apart (this is me materializing Hunt x Bryce endgame)
I hope that Ruhn and Bryce will wield these twin swords or daggers this fae prophecy spoke about
And who is Danika‘s Dad? I think he might be important at one day
The last 300 pages were btw so so so good, the twists killed me! I am so hyped about CC 2
I know that some of you don’t like it that Bryce is starborn but I just honestly thinks that SJM is the queen of epic scenes and battles and I read her books because I know the main protagonists will be badass and I just feel so empowered by them and that’s all I need
Please tell me your theories for CC :)
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theladyofdeath · 5 years
A few thoughts on HOEAB - Hunt, Bryce, and that damn Epilogue.
I mean...obvious spoilers ahead...
Hi, okay, so, I finished Crescent City 1 last night and couldn’t sleep because I was too busy weeping.
First of all, I want you all to know how much I love Danika Fendyr. 
Okay. Now that I got that out.
This whole Bryce x Hunt being endgame business.
Although I am total Hunt trash, our beloved Sarah has been known to never keep love interest #1 (although, technically, Bryce’s first love interest was Connor - RIP bb.). 
 I have a few things to say about Hunt x Bryce being different from those other “first” love interests, but I’ll just skip ahead to the main point here. By mid-story, they already went through some bad shit - those filthy little liars - and they came out the other side stronger together. I mean, not only did Bryce literally wash the blood of Hunt’s murders off him when he couldn’t do it himself (fuck u, Micah) (btw, balled like a baby during that entire chapter - so beautiful), but when Hunt was traded to Sandriel, she literally tried to give up her life so that he could be free. THEN, HUNT LITERALLY JUMPED OUT OF A HELICOPTER AND WAS A HUMAN SHIELD, GETTING BLOWN INTO PIECES, SO THAT SHE WOULD LIVE. AND BEFORE THAT? HE GOT HIS WINGS CHOPPED OFF BECAUSE SOMEONE CALLED HER TRASH AND HE WOULDNT B HEARIN THAT SHIT.
I mean.
That’s not fling material. That’s not one and done toss it away material. That’s mate material right there, bitches. 
Okay. Moving on to that damn epilogue.
I’ve seen a lot of people think that Aidas may be Bryce’s true love interest.
I’m sorry, but (as of right now - of course, things change) I can’t see that happening AT ALL. However, I do believe Aidas is a crucial part of upcoming books, hence his convo with Jesiba in the epilogue.
I feel like Bryce is somehow a descendent of Aidas.
When Aidas was telling Jesiba about Bryce having Theia’s light, he says, “I shall never forget the exact shine and hue of Theia’s light. It is still a song in my blood.” This made me think that Aidas and Theia were lovers at one point, and perhaps are all three connected in some way since Bryce is the only one that has Theia’s light. Which, is why Aidas has always been drawn to Bryce, because she has Theia’s light, and Aidas loved Theia.
However, this part had me thinking that Aidas was Hunt’s father:
Jesiba studied him for a long moment, then frowned. “And Hunt Athalar?”
Aidas said at last, “I think Athalar’s father would have been proud.”
[Jesiba] “Sentimental of you.”
So. I think that’s also a possibility. Although, if Aidas isn’t Hunt’s father, I def think that his father is some hella powerful demon (obvs, the man’s a fallen god). 
There’s a few things that caught my attention.
I can confidently say, though, that I cannot wait for the next installment and see Hunt become a free man (angel? mangel?) and also see Aidas’ part in all of this.
Hunt in a sunball cap and sweats? i’ll take 20
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Bryce x Aidas
Ok so bear with me- why Bryce and Aidas are endgame. 1) First off, they have MAJOR chemistry. No explanations needed there. 2) The fact that he doesn’t look like SJM’s typical dark brooding winged love interests doesn't matter- because a) she could be throwing us off after establishing a pattern or b) Aidas could later change to look like the norm. “A smirk at Hunt. “But I may appear more like that, if it pleases you, Bryce Quinlan.”” 3) Aidas has blue eyes, right? But they are constantly described as “blue opals.” According to that one scene with the opal dealer, blue opals mean wisdom. Black opals, like Hunt’s eyes? A curse. 4) Also, at one point, Aidas’s eyes are described as “the sky before dawn.” Aka he is the one bringing light/love to Bryce’s life?? 5) I also thought the stuff with the oracle was important. Even though Bryce’s starlight is fully capable of blinding people, the whole bit with the oracle made me think of how stars shine brighter in the dark. Her starlight in the oracle’s vision could have been amplified if it was seen against Aidas’s darkness. What if he saw himself in the vision and that is why he approached her?? Idk but it seemed big to me. 6) Aidas was definitely into her many times great grandmother (epilogue), so given that he sees her similarities with Bryce that could lead to feelings on his part. Also! If Theia was unfairly killed by Pelias, that kind of fits with the idea that everything the Asteri say is bullshit. They are the bad guys, yes? And if Aidas is against them, he probably has hidden depths/reasons for being so. I could see this going kind of like a feyre/rhys situation where Bryce ends up at his home in Hel and discovers he is a good person etc etc etc. 
Anyway if anyone wants to expand I would love to hear it!
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eclarliteacademy · 4 years
idk why but something about Bryce x Hunt reminds me of Elorcan
Like maybe the whole ancestors and the gods watching over them?
Aidas’ last words about Bryce having Theia’s light and Hunt’s dad being proud of him gave me Hellas and Anneith vibes for some reason
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shallyne · 1 year
SJM Crackshipmonth Masterlist
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The list for all my fics this month 🥰 Some are very cracky, I apologize (not really) for @sjmcrackshipmonth
July 1 - Tangled in Vines - Elain x Ithan
July 2 - Would've been, Could've been, Should've been - Aidas x Theia
July 3 - Just let me do my Job - Feyre x Manon
July 4 - Sharing the Bet - Mor x Viviane's Sister
July 5 - Only You - Manon x Elide
July 6 - Helping You - Feyre x Lorcan
July 7 - This Lovely Grump - Feyre x Azriel
July 8 - Losing you was the worst thing I've ever felt - Feyre x Hunt
July 9 - Confessions and Double Dates - Feyre x Aelin
July 10 - See You Again - Feyre x Aedion
July 11 - Help me Save the Worlds - Elain x Aidas
July 12 - Do me the Honor of settling down - Feyre x Cormac
July 13 - If you love me, leave - Feyre x Eris
July 14 - The Prince's Bride - Feyre x Tarquin
July 15 - Done Our Duty - Feyre x Chaol
July 16 - Care For You - Feyre x Lucien
July 17 - Forget you - Feyre x Yrene
July 18 - Soulbound - Feyre x Mor
July 19 - Between Tents and Mosquitoes - Feyre x Jurian
July 20 - Live on Love - Aelin x Lysandra
July 21 - Sunshine and Promises - Feyre x Helion
July 22 - Leaving You - Mor x Lysandra
July 23 - Lord of Light and Lady of Flame - Helion x LoA
July 24 - Beach Promises - Elain x Vaughan
July 25 - Imperfections in Faerieland - Feyre x Emerie
July 26 - Baking Love - Mor x Elain
July 27 - Let's Leave and Don't Come Back - Feyre x Fenrys
July 28 - Rookie Mistake - Apollion x Mother Archeron
July 29 - My Heart in your Hands - Elain x Gwyn
July 30 - Flightless Birb - Feyre x Bat Boys
July 31 - Sorry, I didn't mean to Kidnap you - Feyre x Cassian
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shallyne · 1 year
Okay, I'm just planning out the prompts for @sjmcrackshipmonth and I was thinking
I know it's not exactly a crackship because it's canon but we didn't get anything (yet) soooo
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shallyne · 1 year
Finished my Aidas x Theia fic. It's 500 words and def not what I expected but fine
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