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omeliashepherdhunt · 6 years ago
The Hunts pt. 1
Amelia cursed lightly under her breath. Yet again they all overslept, being the third time that week, and it was only Wednesday.
“Owen, get up. I know Betty is up with the kids and the baby is still sleeping for once.”
“Shit. It’s Leo’s sixth birthday. We promised him chocolate chip pancakes.”
Amelia rolled over to her other side to peek at the youngest Hunt sleeping soundly in her bassinet.
They swore they were done having kids once they had their fourth. Betty and Leo came first, then Jonah a week after Leo turned three, and Piper 14 months after that. Owen’s vasectomy was scheduled for a Tuesday and they had conceived kid number 5 the day before his procedure. 9 months later on the Halloween day, Hannah was born.
Now Hannah was three months old and Amelia was epically failing at returning back to work in a professional manner. They were late the first two days and now they had a day off for their eldest son’s birthday in which they let him stay home from school to celebrate together.
“Since she’s still asleep, I’m going to start on the batter. She’s going to want to nurse when she wakes up so I need to hurry.”
In the time it took Amelia to go to the bathroom, wash her hands, and brush her teeth, Hannah was already awake and hunger crying.
“Sorry babe. I already changed her diaper but she’s hungry. I’m not much help when it comes to that.”
“Men and their worthless nipples. Okay, go start on the pancakes and I’ll get comfy on the couch while this chunky baby eats.”
By the time they got through breakfast and gave Leo his gifts, a new bike, hiking boots, and Jurassic World legos, it was nap time for the two little girls. Betty told everyone goodbye so she could get back to campus for her afternoon and evening classes. Amelia always got a bit sappy when Betty would go back to her college. She was so proud of Betty but also missed her tremendously.
“Okay birthday boy, what do you want to do with Daddy? I’m already going to be here with the little kids since you wanted alone time with Dad.”
“Um. It’s snowy out but maybe we can hike that trail by my school and get a hot chocolate after?”
Amelia smiled at Leo then at her husband who was watching their conversation.
“I don’t know Daddy. What do you think? A hike and hot chocolate with our big boy?”
Owen winked at Leo and smiled back at them.
“I think we can manage that. Come on buddy, let’s get our stuff together.”
He was quickly stopped by 3 year old Jonah who clung to Owen’s leg.
“Daddy, I can go with you?”
Owen knelt down to be on Jonah’s level.
“Not today Jo. Your birthday is in 7 days and I’d love to do something special with you then.”
“Please Dada?”
Amelia decided to finally chime in.
“Hey Jonah, you’re gonna stay here with me. We can watch a movie while Piper and Hannah nap. You can pick.”
“Even Toy Story?”
“Sure! I would love to watch that for the hundredth time this month.”
Just as Jonah had fallen asleep with his head on his mother’s lap, her phone started to ring. Owen’s name and picture popped up on her screen.
“Hey baby. How was your hike?”
“Yeah about that... Leo and I went to Grey-Sloan...”
“You’re hesitating. I hear the hesitation in your voice.”
Amelia’s heart was pounding in her chest and she heard him sigh deeply.
“Leo slipped by the frozen pond. Some rocks on the bank broke his fall. He may or may not have a broken arm.”
“May or may not? What the hell! Owen!”
“I know. He just got done with X-rays and ortho is going to come in and cast it.”
“Why weren’t you holding his hand?! Owen, dammit! It’s his birthday.”
“He went down first. I know it’s his birthday, Amelia, and I feel bad.”
“You should! Happy birthday Leo, here is a broken arm!”
“Okay, that’s enough. I’ll talk to you when we get home. We still have Tylenol, right?”
“Yes Owen. Is he okay? Is he crying?”
“He cries when it first happened. He knows what happened and understands he needs a cast. He’s gonna be fine. Kids break bones. He’s not the first and won’t be the last.”
Amelia’s bottom lip started to quiver with anger.
“You’re lucky the babies are sleeping. Hurry home with my son.”
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omeliashepherdhunt · 6 years ago
The Hunts pt. 2
It seemed like a century had past before Owen finally made it home with Leo. He immediately ran over to Amelia to crawl onto her lap.
“Mama, look! My cast is green! That’s my favorite color like Betty’s.”
“I know it is. It looks good. Are you okay? Daddy told me you fell.”
“I fell on the rocks and my new coat you got me for Christmas is ripped. I’m so sorry, Mama.”
Amelia hugged her oldest son closely and kissed his forehead.
“Don’t be sorry. We can order you a new one. I’m just so glad you’re okay. Why don’t we go get you some Tylenol and I’ll make you some hot chocolate since you couldn’t get some after your hike.”
“Yes! That would make me so happy!”
Once Leo was resting comfortably on the couch watching his beloved Paw Patrol, Amelia went into the kitchen to clean things up. She still hadn’t said anything to Owen which only made him more frustrated with her. As soon as the dishes were loaded into the dishwasher, she heard his footsteps.
“You’re going to ignore me?”
“No. I’m taking care of my son.”
“Our son! Amelia, you are blowing this way out of proportion. I was paying close attention to him. This is not my fault.”
“I’m not saying it’s your fault but you should have paid closer attention. You should have been close enough to be able to catch him, especially by the pond.”
“I’m not a perfect parent! We can go back and forth on should haves, could haves, and would haves but that’s not productive nor is it important right now. He ran ahead a few yards and lost his footing. I got to him right after he fell. We can look at the positives like the break doesn’t require surgery and that it wasn’t worse. You can think I’m a shitty dad all you want but it was an honest mistake.”
There was no time for Amelia to reply before Owen had already left the kitchen. She wanted to go after him but Hannah’s cries rang out on the baby monitor so Amelia had to tend to her first.
It was after dinner, cake, baths, and bed time before they had the chance to talk again. Owen had already showered and had on his pajama pants laying in bed. She decided to take her shower especially since they had work in the morning. Once she got through shaving and washing her hair and body, she took a minute to try to decompress. The hot water against her skin felt amazing but she wasn’t feeling that way. Amelia hated fighting with Owen more than anything. Leo breaking his arm scared her so much and she knew she didn’t portray those feelings to Owen correctly. After one final rinse she turned the water off, dried her hair and body, then walked to their closet to find something to wear. Amelia found one of Owen’s army shirts and threw it on with a pair of leggings. When she laid on her side of the bed, she saw Owen turned completely into his side facing away from her which was his way of driving the point home that he wasn’t in the mood for anything and didn’t want to be bothered.
Against her better judgement, she inched closer to him and rubbed his bicep softly. She felt some tears forming and tried her best to will them away.
“Not now.”
“Owen, please...”
He nudged her hand off of him and sighed deeply which made her sharply inhale. Amelia didn’t know what to do now and willing away her tears had failed. She moved back to her side of the bed and laid on her back to stare up at the ceiling. After a few minutes she saw him roll over onto his back so she quickly wiped her tears. Amelia wasn’t sure what the true reason was for her tears... It could be post partum hormones, being scared about Leo, or being sad that they were at odds with one another.
“I know you’re crying.”
“I’m fine. You can just go to sleep.”
A sarcastic chuckle escaped from Owen.
“I know you better than you know yourself. You’re not fine. Can you look at me?”
Stubbornly, Amelia fixated on their ceiling fan.
“Everything is fine. If I look at you, I will cry. I don’t want to cry.”
Owen rolled over to his side and gently caressed her cheek. His thumb wiped away one of her fallen tears and softly turned her head so they could be face to face. Just as she had warned, her tears spilled freely which made Owen’s heart constrict.
“Please don’t cry, babe. I know today was bad.”
“I don’t think you’re a shitty dad whatsoever. I’m sorry I made you feel that way.”
“It’s okay... I know you were scared. I was scared too.”
“I need you to know that I think you’re an amazing dad. Betty, Leo, Jonah, Piper, and Hannah think you hung the moon. I love watching you with our kids because it’s so natural from you. You’re great with them. I couldn’t ask for a better man to father my children.”
Owen kissed her forehead and presses his forehead to hers.
“I know what you think of me. We both acted out in the spur of the moment. I love you Amelia.”
“I love you too. I love you so much. Thank you for being there with him today. There’s no one that boy loves more than you.”
“Of course babe. That’s our son.”
Amelia moved closer and was relieved when Owen pulled her close into his arms. She rested her head in the crook of his neck, taking in his delicious scent.
“I’m sorry I acted how I did. I really am, Owen. I felt so helpless because I couldn’t be there.”
“I know. I don’t blame you. Tomorrow is a new day and it’ll be better.”
“I pushed my surgeries so that I’ll be in my office for paperwork most of the day tomorrow unless any neuro emergencies come in. That way Leo can be with me and I can monitor his pain. He can go back to school Friday.”
“Sounds good mama. He’s going to love spending the day with you. Hopefully I can have lunch with you two in the cafeteria.”
They laid there in each other’s arms quietly for a moment until the baby started to fuss and cry out.
“She must hate me. She never sleeps when I try to.”
Amelia reluctantly pulled herself out of Owen’s arms and picked Hannah up from her crib. They found their way back to the bed and Owen helped her pull her shirt off for the baby to feed and snaked his arms back around them. Hannah latched on effortlessly and starting suckling. They both looked down at their youngest baby and admired her beautiful face. She had her daddy’s shade of blue eyes and her mama’s dark hair and dimples.
“She loves you, Mia. Judging by her heavy eyes, she probably isn’t hungry. She just missed you and wanted to be comforted. Just let her sleep with us. We will all sleep better that way.”
It didn’t take Amelia long at all to agree to it. Hannah lived for skin to skin with Amelia, and Owen loved having his girls close.
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omeliashepherdhunt · 7 years ago
Hey y’all! I had a lovely person help me out, and now I have a masterpost! Here is everything I’ve written so far. I hope you enjoy reading them. 
One Shots:
Black Dress
Tooth Fairy
Baby Altman or Shepherd
Being Enough
New Day
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 (finale)
Together Series (sequel to Stay):
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - 
Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 (finale)
Leaving Landstuhl 
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 (finale)
Rocky Mountain:
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
From Now On:
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
The Hunts:
Part 1 - Part 2
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