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tututfdp · 8 months ago
Modern AU Kaamelott
(j'ai lut La petite hétéro by TheHappyEgg et ça ma rongé le cerveau donc voila mon AU foireux sur les perso de Kaamelott étudiant).
Arthur Pendragon
 " il sent la monster et la clops dès huit heure trente, baptiser “l’accumulateur compulsif”, j’ai nommer; Arthur Pendragon! "
Je vois Arthur étudiant en histoire de l'art avec options Archéologie, ses subjects préféré: Rome Antique/Grèce Antique - Moyen-Age. Il a redoublé sa L2.
Il a EVIDEMENT fait un Erasmus à Rome.
Il est aussi au conservatoire, musique classique ou modern.
Certainement président d'une association étudiante qu'il a repris ou créer ( Surement un truc du genre "La table ronde" pour que tous vos droit soit respecté)
Grinder/Tinder: Peux importe l'appli', il est dessus.
Surement boursier, doit certainement bossé à la BU ou à un U.
Vous pouvez pas m'enlevé qu'il écoute SUREMENT, du Kyo, il en a honte mais il a tous les albums et les a vue en concert.
Il conduit surement une monospace acheté sur le boncoin pour pouvoir trimbalé toute l'équipe.
A un décapsuleur/couteau suisse baptisé Escalibur.
Depression, burnout, anxiété, manque affectif, le con a un cocktail.
Bonus: Bisexuel voir Pansexuel ? Certainement polyamoureux.
Lancelot Du Lac
" Élus mister Université trois années de suite! le fière le fringant, Lancelot Dulac! "
Troisième années de droit, surement de droite qu'il dit "modéré".
Il est obviously, le secrétaire de l'asso' d'Arthur, ils l'ont créer ensemble à l'époque.
Un conte tinder qu'il assume pas, avec une description genre " Capitaine de l'équipe de badminton, j'aime les balade sur la plages, recherche relation sérieuse".
Je sais pas Lancelot c'est le connard qui conduit une mini, ou une voiture deux places...
Si il fait pas aussi partit du BDE/ est le chouchou des profs c'est pas normal.
Il fait de la poésie en cachette.
Je dirais BPD, ou problème de gestion de la colère, problème obsessionnelle, OCD meme ?
Bonus: Hétéro qui pourrait avoir une seul relation gay dans sa vie, genre pour être sur qu'il est bien hétéro.
Perceval De Galle
"Revoyant à peine la lumière du jour, sortit l’année dernière d’une prépa Math-Physique, je vous présente,  Perceval De Gales! "
Je peux pas être objectif c'est mon chouchou.
Premier année en école d'ingénieur.
C'est se genre de gars mauvais au collège/lycée mais qui est inaltérable à la fac.
Il a fait un bac pro Mécanique Auto pour bossé dans le garage de ses vieux, mais son prof de math la poussé à tenter une prépa.
Ce con a fait une prépa Math-Physique et il c'est jamais autant fait chier de ça vie car tous était trop facile.
Dyslexique, j'ai raison c'est tout.
Membre du club d’astronomie et de l’association de la table ronde en temps que fouteur de merde première catégorie.
Octogone sans règles des que quelqu'un parle de la théorie de la terre plate.
Le connard que Arthur va voir quand son monospace lâche.
La définition d'un "con intelligent"
C'est le con qui à donné "Escalibur" à Arthur.
Bonus: Celui la est technique: "Le genre qui sort avec une personne pour son âme et rien d'autre" Il s'en fout, beau moche, trans, cis, nonbinaire tous ca, si l'amour est là, il est là, sinon demi-sexuel.
Karadoc de Vanne
" Un petit creux ? Une baisse de sucre ? Besoin de savoir quel est le meilleur kebab rapport qualité pétage de bide? Alors il vous faut : Karado de Vanne!"
A rencontrait Perceval durant les années lycées.
Je le vois pas étudiant ? Ou peut etre un truc genre STAPS, mais plus pour la blague.
Lui il a fait un CAP cuisine.
Deuxième fouteurs de merde de première catégorie dans l'assos, mais il serre aussi de traiteur quand ils font une soirée.
Il conduit un kangoo, un véhicule de chantier qu'il prend à ses vieux.
C'est le type qui a réussis à couper une tranche de saucisson avec sa carte étudiantes
A une note google map avec tous les meilleurs restorant, bar, fastfood et kebab de la ville classé part ordre de qualité/prix.
Il connait toutes les petites boulangerie et fromageries de la ville.
A surement gardait sa carte METRO de son anciens job d'été.
Connait beaucoup trop de monde dans l'industrie agro-alimentaire.
Personne ne sait comment il a eu une copine.
Bonus: Hétéro part défaut, pas de questionnement rien, c'est les réglage d'usine.
Bah c'est déjà pas mal dis donc, si vous en voulez plus hésité pas à me demandé, j'ai encore Merlin, Bohort et Elias dans un coin.
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ladynoblesong · 9 months ago
Ask game :) List 5 things that make you happy and then ask this question to the last 10 people who liked and reblogged things from you
thank you! 😊 life's a bit of a mess at the moment ngl, but still:
sunsets around my place have been particularly beautiful lately
i've started doing drag and it's been really exciting so far
i'm spending a couple days by the sea this weekend
pokemon cards & merch (and on that topic, jaiden animation's latest video)
i saw mother mother in concert a while ago and they were incredible
tagging: @starship-yentaprise, @cookie-moi, @nerdlandia, @maaaathemeatloaf, @mortsubiteart, @lucyintheskywithxanax, @astreakofgay, @thehappyegg, @lindaeastman, @itsfantasticallyhomoerotic and also, bc i want to, @sheep-in-space, @firstdragonlady, @lifesizehysteria, @cozcat and @maddelineusher 💖
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gerceval · 1 year ago
j'ai installé mon sapin = go Secret Santa Kaamelott 2023
bon les potes on va pas se mentir on est dans une période de creux en termes de nourriture, donc il va falloir se sustenter nous-mêmes, mais surtout les uns les autres grâce à un nouveau secret santa du fandom !!! ça fonctionne exactement comme les années précédentes (cette année je reprends la main sur l'orga car je suis moins en galère de taf hihi), voici les détails :
comment ça marche
tu remplis ce sondage pour t’inscrire
(tu vérifies que tes mp et ton inbox sont bien ouverts pls même juste en anon)
tu reçois dans tes mp sur tumblr l’url d'une personne qui t’es attribuée au hasard parmi les inscrits
tu lui concoctes secrètement un cadeau : fanfic, fanart, fanvid, chanson, montage photo, ou quoi que ce soye sur le thème de kaamelott (pour s’inscrire il faut donc être prêt à créer quelque chose à offrir à quelqu’un !) + si ça te fait envie tu peux lui envoyer des petits messages anonymes gentils qui font plaisir pendant le mois de décembre, à condition de ne pas révéler ton identité
dès que tu as fini tu m’envoies le cadeau que tu as préparé via l’adresse mail que je t’aurai communiquée
le 25 décembre, tout le monde trouve un cadeau dans sa boîte mail, et on révèle qui était le secret santa de qui !
les dates
jusqu’au 30 novembre minuit : inscriptions
1er décembre : attribution des secret santas
1er-23 décembre : confection des cadeaux dans tous les recoins
25 décembre : teuf et love
comment participer
juste en remplissant ce sondage avant le 30 novembre (attention après le 30 ce sera trop tard j’aurai déjà fait le tirage au sort pour répartir les santas !)
pour ma part je participerai encore pas cette année (je suis moins en galère de taf mais quand même pas à ce point là) je m'occuperai juste de la coordination, de l'organisation, et de lire/admirer/rebloguer vos magnifiques œuvres une fois que noël sera passé 😊
(je tague sous le read more quelques vieilleux de la vieille et/ou gens enthousiastes de l'année dernière pour que le post soit vu mais pas du tout besoin d'être tagué.e ici pour participer of course, d'autant que j'oublie très très probablement du monde !!)
@kaantt @kabbal @pigeonneaux @sloubs @dagss @miung-dreamer @hermie62 @shezzarus @enez-sun @thehappyegg @calimera62 @zialinart @jananabananawithnopeel @pia-writes-things @superiorkenshi
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z0uz · 2 years ago
tagged by @cluusheen, thank you so much for tagging me! 💛
rules: go to pinterest and type in “[your name] core aesthetic”
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tagging @saecookie @thehappyegg @autodefenestracja @oldminniemcg @withlovemuffin @sloubs @musicalyikes and anyone who wants to do it!
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softnasty · 2 years ago
Rules : Tag 10 (or less) people that you want to get to know better :
tagged by @thehappyegg thank you :3
Let's get to the questions :
relationship status: we don't talk about her 😔 eternally single hopeless romantic etc
favorite colour: had a big reclaiming pink phase that i think has kind of ended its course now, but i still love it! been really enjoying dark green i.e. like these curtains i have and have a few other décor accents in this shade now too.
song stuck in my head: we belong (odesza remix) by rac
Three favorite food: i'm going to be extra and make this 3 restaurant meals i still dream of to not reply pasta/tiramisu/cheese and be basic lol so 1. the cheese ravioles i had at la dame de pic in paris like 5 years or more ago at this point now, 2. langoustine soup i had in iceland in 2016. magical, 3. mei mei in boston has (had?) this amazing breakfast scallion pancake with cheese and egg and i tried it once at their food truck ca. 2013 and again when i went back in 2018 and i still think of it today!!!
last song listened to: til sunrise by goldroom
dream trip: i always end up going back to the same places/wanting to explore more of what i've seen (see: wanting to go back to iceland, an umpteenth trip to korea this autumn, wanting to spend more time in taiwan, seeing more than maui and the big island in hawaii etc)
last thing I googled: well i guess mei mei boston while i was typing this gfgfhklhjglkhg
not tagging anyone, feel free to pick this up if you want to <3
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pigeonneaux · 1 year ago
@thehappyegg @a-random-fandom-friend @arachn11da
If you’re reading this: this is your sign that your WIP is worth writing, is worth the effort, and that you are doing great. Keep going, take breaks, reflect. But do not lose sight of how far you’ve come on this project! You can do it!
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z0uz · 2 years ago
9 people you want to get to know better
tagged by the lovely @saecookie, thank you so much 💛
three ships: hanleia, book! howl x sophie, tianaveen. i clearly like bickering married couples
first ever ship: goes with my first ever fandom, percabeth
last song: a.m. radio by the lumineers
last movie: the wind rises! i try to watch every ghibli movie that i can nowadays!
currently reading: emma by jane austen
currently watching: tangled the series
currently consuming: white tea! my go-to drink in a freezing classroom, just like right now
currently craving: sleep. a lot of it. or madeleines.
i'm tagging @freedarick @autodefenestracja @katyastrophyqu @oldminniemcg @sloubs @cluusheen @withlovemuffin @thehappyegg @vamp-rom-stuff if you want to do it, no pressure! 💛
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saecookie · 3 years ago
This is a tumblr hug, pass it on to your ten favorite followers and mutuals💖 <3
(your joy, your kindness, your passion for theater and ice skating, your love, your maturity, your queerness, that fandom I abandonned for now but we once shared and I still love dearly. Still love having you for mutual even if I am way less active here)
your brightness, your softness, your love for all things and quiet celebrations, your patience, you being so easygoing and your passion, your passion. you'll always be welcome around if you want a spot. or at home ♥.
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yumeka-chan · 3 years ago
Frustration : se coucher tard alors qu'on bosse le lendemain, et au moment d'aller se coucher, se rendre compte qu'une des fics qu'on attend a publié plusieurs chapitres et qu'on a oublié de se sub comme une pintade.
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pigeonneaux · 1 year ago
When I die someday, whether that's tomorrow or in ninety years, I'll die peacefully knowing that I fulfilled my life's work.
Which was getting strangers horny on the internet using lovingly written, highly personal AO3 smut that I handcrafted myself and kissed on the forehead before I sent it out into the world.
That's what I was put on this earth to do.
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kaantt · 3 years ago
5 who do you feel most you around?
5. Who do you feel most you around?
Ce serait avec @sherhaanks @kabbal et mes camarades de théâtre!
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seasidecollectibles · 5 years ago
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The Happy Egg by Ruth Krauss Illustrated by Crockett Johnson Publisher: Scholastic, 1969 Softcover First Edition & First Printing EXCELLENT CONDITION. Uncracked spine | age toned pages. Charming MidC style illustrations. . . $10.99 + 🚢🔆Claim by commenting "ME" or "MINE". Visit #claimitMINE for more of our shop items and our purchase & shop policy info. #TheHappyEgg #RuthKrauss #CrockettJohnson Children's Books #MidCentury #Egg Birth #Chickens | #firsteditionbooks #booksales #bookworm #booklover | Collecting Collection Collectable | ref: bk_MRY_egg1 https://www.instagram.com/p/B2nmGrWggfd/?igshid=7l36f4pzgzfx
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thestanceyg · 8 years ago
Prompt : Tony is romantically attracted to Darcy and feel so ashamed/guilty about that because he Loves Pepper, he really do. Until Darcy and Pepper have a conversation about it because Pepper Potts is badass enough to not feel threatened by an other woman. They agree that Darcy will explain to Tony the polyamori concept. I want badass emotionally​ mature women and a Tony hurt by the toxic masculinity notion his father taught him. Wish you liked it
Darcy Lewis was normally very good at knowing when someone was attracted to her, and furthermore, when it went more than, erm, “chest deep.” But this specific man was making her rethink everything.  Tony Stark tended to be a chest deep kinda guy, and when he stopped being one, it was for Pepper Potts.  So why was he looking at her with such longing when he thought she wouldn’t see?
Pepper Potts was exceptionally good at reading Tony Stark. It had actually been her paid job for quite a while. And while it still was kind of her job, it was also a personal choice. For the last month, she had watched Tony become confused, then agitated, and now guilty about the feelings he had developed for Dr. Foster’s assistant. She had thought they were doing so well on the communication front, but perhaps not.  If he would just talk to her, he might be surprised to find that Pepper felt the same way about the woman.
Tony Stark had a problem.  He was in love with Pepper, but he couldn’t help but be attracted to Darcy.  At first he was sure it was just her rockin’ bod, but as time went on and those feeling only got deeper, he realized he was in serious trouble.  Maybe his father was right.  Perhaps he just wasn’t hardwired to be monogamous. He hated it when dear ol’ dad was right. Maybe if he just ignored it, it would go away and he wouldn’t have to deal with any of these feelings, both of arousal and guilt.
Pepper had arranged the little lunch, and she was glad she had picked the more upscale place that provided a bit more privacy. Plus, she really enjoyed the way Darcy’s legs looked in the skirt and heels she had worn to match the dress code.  Of course Pepper had considered that, too, when picking their lunch destination.
“Wow Pepper,” Darcy said with a soft, happy sigh as they were seated.  “This place is amazing.  Are you sure you meant to bring me here and not some business contact?”
“Of course I meant to bring you here,” she said as her eyes flicked over the menu.  “However, I must admit that this is a more than friendly lunch.”
“Oh?” Darcy asked, looking up from her own menu.
“That part can wait until our food arrives. I suggest the salmon, if you enjoy fish.”
“Is his going to be a business meeting that I am woefully underprepared for because I didn’t know what was happening?”
“Of course not.  I said more than friendly.  It has nothing to do with business.” Pepper gave a small smile as she enjoyed her little play on words.
Darcy frowned a bit but went back to her menu.  Once their orders were placed, they chatted about everyday things - how Darcy was enjoying the city, how Pepper liked the office redecoration she had completed, how the labs were.
As soon as their waiter dropped their food and left, Pepper got straight to the point. “Darcy, I’m sure you’ve noticed how Tony looks at you.”
“I don’t know how to make him stop,” Darcy said immediately.
“Oh, that’s not why I asked you here.”
“Are you going to make me leave?” she asked in a small voice.
“Heavens no.  I’m wondering if you’re interested too.”
“In Tony?”
“In both of us.”
Darcy stopped for a moment and considered Pepper’s words.  Pepper appreciated that she was giving it thought rather than answering straight away.  She was certain this meant that whatever answer she received would be more than just hormones talking.  Eventually Sarcy looked her in the eye and said, “Yes, I would be.”
Pepper smiled.  “I’m so glad you said yes because as much as I enjoy looking at you in that skirt, I’d love to watch you take it off.”  Darcy blushed a soft pink. “I’m also curious how far that blush covers,” she said calmly, taking another bite of her salad.
Darcy’s blush ran hotter, but she wasn’t going to back down from this clear challenge. “I’m certain you have some excellent lingerie.  I’d love a fashion show sometime.”
Pepper gave a soft laugh.  “Oh, we’re going to get along just fine. Now then, there’s just the small issue of Tony…”
Darcy had ended up agreeing to be the one to talk to Tony.  They had decided that Pepper’s acknowledgement of his attraction to Darcy might seem more threatening than if Darcy tackled the issue.  This was how she found herself inside his lab a quick hour later.
“Busy,” Tony called over his shoulder, not bothering to look at who was actually there.
“I think you’ll have time for this conversation,” Darcy said as she made her way over to him, the soft click of her heels lost in the sound of the pounding music pumping through the lab. Tony turned to look at her as soon as he heard her voice.
His eyes quickly raked over her body.  “What can I do for you Lewis,” he said with a small lick to his lips that she was sure he didn’t realize he had done.
“I’m not blind, you know,” she started. “I can see how you look at me.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, turning away.
“You’re not the only man to have ever looked at me like that, Tony.”
“I’m with Pep.  Love her too.”
“I’m aware.”
“Then why are you here, Lewis?”
She stepped closer to him, and took a step back, almost bumping into the lab table behind him.  “Have you ever seen the way she looks at me?”  This seemed to freeze him.  She was a touch worried that she had broken him. “What about the way that I look at her?” she pressed on.
That seemed to kick him back into gear.  “So, what?  You’re going to steal her from me?”
“No, no, no, I like us much better all together.”
“Like a threesome?”
“I’m not talking one night of sex, Tony.  I’m talking about a relationship.  All of us, together.”
“Is that?  Can…?  But…?”
“It’s called polyamory, Tony.  I’m surprised you haven’t heard of it.”
“But that’s just being selfish.  It isn’t fair to Pepper.”
Darcy smiled and pulled out her phone, flicking to a picture and then turning it toward him.  “Does this look like a woman that thinks it’s unfair?”  His eyes practically bulged out of his head as he took in the picture they had taken before she had gone to the lab. It showed a smug Pepper taking the photo while Darcy kissed at her neck.  Pepper’s pupils were dilated, clearly enjoying the moment.  “Anyway, I’m heading back up to finish what I started.  If you’re interested in something more than just one night, you know where to find us.”
Tony practically fell over himself trying to follow her to the elevator.
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pigeonneaux · 1 year ago
@a-random-fandom-friend @thehappyegg
My favorite ultra-specific character type is "this fucked up little man clearly just needs a consensual BDSM relationship and some therapy and he'd be fine, but that is very much not what happens in this story."
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fenomenalnamrvica · 8 years ago
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gay-impressionist · 2 years ago
Part 2 : Joy in our partner(s) (Queer love)
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unknown / @maraleestuff / jane the virgin : petra receives a message from her girlfriend. gif by @damnthosewords / @tattoosshouldbesubsidized / unknown / queeringthemap, anonymous in vietnam / unknown / @thehappyegg / one day at a time : elena gives a valentine card to her non-binary partner. gif by @agenderraypalmer
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