miko-no-you-didnt · 9 years
Dia sent Mikoto a small bouquet on this day, primarily consisting of yellow and orange flowers. Though hidden away in the middle was a small pink one. She wasn't sure if they'd notice it, but. Well. She never knew what could happen.
A bouquet had arrived for Mikoto, a gorgeous ensemble full of yellow and orange flowers. The tag said from Dia, so of course Mikoto was very delicate with them, placing them in their apartment in a crystal blue vase. The warrior smiled at the arrangement when they suddenly furrowed their brows, leaning forward to inspect the flora carefully.
There, right in the middle and pushed down a little to be somewhat hidden, was a small pink flower. Mikoto stared at it for a while before grabbing it out of the vase and moving to their scrapbook. The officer scribble down a few words and then carefully pressed the precious flower.
Mikoto smiled. “Happy Harmony day, Dia…”
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seakissedwine · 9 years
He wasn't going to really beat around the bush here. He sent her a bouquet filled with pink and orange flowers. Well it was more peach-ish instead of orange, just so it could go with the pink ones. "I hope you like the flowers - Mark"
After receiving her bouquet from Dia, Karen hadn’t expected any other flowers being sent to her. But sure enough another one showed up. She read the note and no sooner she saw who it was from she practically squealed. Karen put them on display next to Dia’s and took a picture withe her phone. 
[ To Bubble Butt ] first thank you sooo much for the beautiful flowers
[ To Bubble Butt ] second look what mark sent me!!
Karen then sent the picture to Dia’s phone all the while grinning like and idiot. 
[ To Bubble Butt ] HE GOT ME FLOWERS
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seakissedwine · 9 years
Dia in return wasn't going to overload Karen's bouquet with a wild splash of colors. The flowers she sent were mostly purple and blue, accented with white and one yellow flower proudly displayed in the center, "For the ever amazing, ever beautiful Karen -Dia"
Upon seeing the bouquet Karen smiled. It was every bit as tasteful and elegant as the person who sent them. Karen proudly put the flowers on display in the middle of her living room so she’d get to enjoy them to their fullest potential. She would have to thank Dia for them later.
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