starsinhermane-blog · 9 years
It’s Been A Long Time (Mark/Gwen)
Now when was the last time she had seen that face?
Gwen made her way into Beach Baras and slowly pushed through the crowd. If she remembered correctly, it’s been a couple of years. Sure, she tried to keep in touch with them but that didn’t last long. Her own written letters just kept piling up, unfinished and never being sent out. Well, it was her own fault. She could have done a lot better to maintain their friendship. That didn’t mean it wasn’t too late to rekindle it.
... Right?
Reaching the bar, she sat down on one of the stools and rest her forearms on the counter. Man, when was the last time she actually had a drink? Maybe this wasn’t the best time to have a drink or even rekindle a friendship if she was getting tipsy. But still, Gwen wasn’t going to back out now. So she waited to be served, keeping her eyes on him as he worked.
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seakissedwine · 9 years
He wasn't going to really beat around the bush here. He sent her a bouquet filled with pink and orange flowers. Well it was more peach-ish instead of orange, just so it could go with the pink ones. "I hope you like the flowers - Mark"
After receiving her bouquet from Dia, Karen hadn’t expected any other flowers being sent to her. But sure enough another one showed up. She read the note and no sooner she saw who it was from she practically squealed. Karen put them on display next to Dia’s and took a picture withe her phone. 
[ To Bubble Butt ] first thank you sooo much for the beautiful flowers
[ To Bubble Butt ] second look what mark sent me!!
Karen then sent the picture to Dia’s phone all the while grinning like and idiot. 
[ To Bubble Butt ] HE GOT ME FLOWERS
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flowerynina · 9 years
Blind Date - Nina & Mark
The pinkette was quite happy with her baby blue dress as she approached the town square, her pink hair was adorned with a little flower crown she’d made over the last few days, along with a flower corsage she had also made for herself.  All of her hard work gathering flowers had paid off, and she was feeling pretty confident that she looked cute.
Of course, she wasn’t sure what her date was going to think. She didn’t have much to go off of, but she knew his name was Mark, and he looked really cute in the picture she’d been given. She just hoped it wouldn’t be too hard to find him.
As Nina arrived at the entryway, she paused, wondering if she should just wait here until he arrived. He could have already gone in, but... She sighed, wishing there had been a way to make plans earlier. For now, she decided she’d wait here and hopefully he’d find her.
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seakissedwine · 9 years
Up for Sale || Mark & Karen
When the auctioneer called for Karen to take the stage she stood up from her spot in the crowd. Was she nervous? Hell no. Karen was ready to take center stage and work it. She knew she looked damn fine in her outfit and knew she’d get a high bid. 
She walked on the stage and the auctioneer told the crowd bidding would start at 500G. Placing her hands on her hips, Karen stared at the potential bidders with her best smile. The one that usually got her the things she wanted. 
However, no sooner than the bidding start did she hear a voice cry out. 5,000G. It was easy to find the one who just bit five thousand G on her, but she was no less surprised by who it was. 
Mark was there. And he just bid a crap ton of money on her. Everyone else seemed shocked as well. The auctioneer called out if anyone else would like to bid higher. She was halfway tempted to tell the auctioneer to close the bidding. 
Fortunately for Karen no one else went higher. It was surreal. Mark just bought her for 5,000G when she already agreed to go on a date with him. How in his right mind did that make sense? Even though she couldn’t fathom it, she couldn’t help but beam at him across the crowd.
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seakissedwine · 9 years
Making a Good First Impression || Mark & Karen
Opening Day, aka the best event in all of Altelia. 
The beach was officially open for summer and that meant everyone was going out wearing their swimsuit best, including herself. She wore a purple bikini that she knew she was a knock out in along with shorts and white tank top. 
As she walked along the shore she scanned the beach for someone to catch her eye. Carlos was probably busy working so she’d need someone else to flirt with for the day. She’d seen a couple prospects that looked fine in their suits, but all of them were with someone else. 
Even Marina had a date today. Karen had hoped the two of them could scour the beach for hot babes together, but Marina was already one step ahead of her. The thought put a slight frown on her face. It felt like it’d been too long since she met someone she connected with. 
After a few minutes Karen was about to give up her search temporarily in favor of something to eat, but her eyes landed on a pair of black swimming trunks or more notably the set of abs above them. The blond hunk of a man was lying on a beach towel and seemingly enjoying the sunshine. A sly smile spread across her lips when she saw there were no other towels beside him. 
She slid a hand through her hair to give it a more windswept appearance before she started to approach, getting her best charming and seductive smile ready. All the while she walked toward him she was silently appreciating his muscles, thinking about how nice it would be to touch them. 
“He--” just as she was greeting him a volleyball decked her square in the back of the head. The force caused her to lose her footing in the sand, sending her forward and straight on top of the blond. Which would have been great... 
... If she didn’t just knee the guy in his balls. 
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nevertoomuchcake · 9 years
No Longer A Cupcake || Mark & Elli
Elli could scarcely believe it. Mark, Mark Evers, was coming back to Altelia. She still held the letter he’d sent in her hands to read over it periodically just to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. It had been forever since she’d seen him. Back when she was in middle school and he just joining high school. Had it really been so long?
In the letter he said he’d meet her in the city plaza--their usual place. It was where they’d usually go to hang out together when they wanted some time away from home. She was a little nervous meeting him again. It’d been so long. A lot can happen since then. She hoped life had treated him a little better than it had her. 
Sitting on a metal chair next to a small round table near bushes, Elli had a small chocolate cake in front of her as a surprise. He’d always liked them back in the day. Glancing around the plaza she still hadn’t seen anyone who looked like Mark. 
There was one blond man that approached her, but he didn’t fit the description from her memory. She hoped he wouldn’t make her wait too long.
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