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ricardodjing · 2 years ago
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Tonight! I’ll be spinning Rock, Glam Punk & Glam Rock from the 60s & 70s before and in between @thefrickfracks & @templemonarc ! It’s brought to you by @vertventures and going down @theoffbeatbar !!!Come down and rock out with us! #saturdaynight #highlandpark #thefrickfracks #templemonarc #rockandroll (at The OffBeat - A Bar On York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp8WkHVvRmc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dba256pomona · 5 years ago
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@dba256 THIRSTY THURSDAY LIVE MUSIC @ DBA . 8PM! . THURSDAY * 2/20 * FREE * 8PM * 21+ . PERFORMANCES BY: . - THE RESERVOIRS <@thereservoirs> - THE FRICK FRACKS <@thefrickfracks> - FUNEROL <@_funerol_> . #dba #dba256 #pomona #downtownpomona #dba256livemusic #dba256djnight #pomonamusic #freeshow #livemusic #bands #musiclife #socalmusic #musicians #indiemusic #localmusic #supportlocalmusic #supportlocalbands #greatmusic #greatbeer (at Dba256 Bar & Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8y58gNBxs8/?igshid=smq14udpwd1q
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Tomorrow I have a test so I spent most of my day studying and I was up late studying. When I decide to give up and go to bed I have the displeasure of seeing my parents in the beginning of frick frack (their room is besides mine) so i try to get to safety and close my ears but it was too late and now I'm scarred for life.
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ricardodjing · 2 years ago
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L.A., come party with me out in these streets this week! Tonight, I’ll host #Karaoke @theoffbeatbar after #TurntableTuesday, hosted by @metrosessions. Oh, and @illgillbert is helping us observe #TacoTuesday properly. So we have open turntables, singing, tacos and booze! It all starts at 6pm! Then Friday (3/17), @vidaevents_ is throwing a #StPatricksDay party @theofficebarandgrill_la! We’re talking a burlesque show by @gitanarose, food & drink specials while I play some tunes to keep y’all dancing all night! Open format, only bangers. And Saturday (3/18), come back to @theoffbeatbar to catch @templemonarc & @thefrickfracks LIVE, presented by @vertventuresbooking! I’ll be there spinning some 60s & 70s Rock, Punk & Glam starting at 6pm and in between the bands! See you there! #openturntables #offbeatkaraoke #saintpatricksdayburlesque #greendrinks #liverockandroll #HighlandPark #lincolnheights #theofficebarandgrill #theoffbeatbar (at The OffBeat - A Bar On York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpyCmgyvQLf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dba256pomona · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @oscura_luna Last night was fun @dba256 💗 All the bands were awesome 👌🏼@thefrickfracks @skippin_stoned @othiel_ca @erasband.ca 🙃 📸 @oscar_from_heaven13 - #regrann (at Dba256 Bar & Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8CPtO1hyoY/?igshid=1eia67n101ekp
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dba256pomona · 5 years ago
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@dba256 FRICK FRACKS presents MISCELLANEOUS @ DBA . 8PM! . FRIDAY * 1/31 * FREE * 8PM * 21+ . FEATURING: . - ERAS <@erasband.ca> - OTHIEL <@othiel_ca> - THE FRICK FRACKS <@thefrickfracks> - OSCURA LUNA <@oscura_luna> - SKIPPIN STONED <@skippin_stoned> . VENDORS: <@yingyall> <@sweetest_disposition> . #dba #dba256 #pomona #downtownpomona #dba256livemusic #dba256djnight #pomonamusic #freeshow #livemusic #bands #musiclife #socalmusic #musicians #indiemusic #localmusic #supportlocalmusic #supportlocalbands #greatmusic #greatbeer (at Dba256 Bar & Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7_RJVch0oN/?igshid=tdy42j54y5pk
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dba256pomona · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @chasepetramusic (@get_regrann) - BIG UPS to Nikki for subbing in on bass with us last night 💜and thank you so much to everyone who made it out AND congrats to @thefrickfracks on their EP release!! We luv you Pomona 😘 - #regrann (at Dba256 Bar & Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3h05-6he9F/?igshid=1kyyoq3h8dbut
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dba256pomona · 5 years ago
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@dba256 THE FRICK FRACKS TENDENCIES EP RELEASE SHOW @ DBA . 8PM! . FRIDAY * 10/11 * FREE * 8PM * 21+ . PERFORMANCE BY: . - THE FRICK FRACKS <@thefrickfracks> - AU REVOIR HEART <@aurevoirheart> - CHASE PETRA <@chasepetramusic> - PLANTASIA <@plantasiaband> - THEBLUNTFRANKLYS <@thebluntfranklys> . VENDORS: . - STONEY GIRL COLLECTIONS <@stoneygirlcollections> - SERNA GIRL <@sernagirl11> - GLOOM E <@gloom_e> . #dba #dba256 #pomona #downtownpomona #dba256livemusic #dba256djnight #pomonamusic #freeshow #livemusic #bands #musiclife #socalmusic #musicians #indiemusic #localmusic #supportlocalmusic #supportlocalbands #greatmusic #greatbeer (at Dba256 Bar & Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3fF_ExhLJa/?igshid=53p4zr5348jh
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dba256pomona · 5 years ago
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@dba256 THE FRICK FRACKS TENDENCIES EP RELEASE SHOW @ DBA . 8PM! . FRIDAY * 10/11 * FREE * 8PM * 21+ . PERFORMANCE BY: . - THE FRICK FRACKS <@thefrickfracks> - AU REVOIR HEART <@aurevoirheart> - CHASE PETRA <@chasepetramusic> - PLANTASIA <@plantasiaband> - THEBLUNTFRANKLYS <@thebluntfranklys> . VENDORS: . - STONEY GIRL COLLECTIONS <@stoneygirlcollections> - SERNA GIRL <@sernagirl11> - GLOOM E <@gloom_e> . #dba #dba256 #pomona #downtownpomona #dba256livemusic #dba256djnight #pomonamusic #freeshow #livemusic #bands #musiclife #socalmusic #musicians #indiemusic #localmusic #supportlocalmusic #supportlocalbands #greatmusic #greatbeer (at Dba256 Bar & Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3atTomB7Sk/?igshid=6uqq88adadn0
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dba256pomona · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @thefrickfracks (@get_regrann) - ☁️10 DAYS UNTIL OUR EP RELEASE SHOW☁️ hope to see you there! Xo - #regrann (at Dba256 Bar & Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3HmtP1Bcy1/?igshid=10fctmiqkvfva
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dba256pomona · 6 years ago
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@dba256 EMPOWER MUSIC FEST 2019 * LIVE MUSIC SATURDAY * DBA256 * DOWNTOWN POMONA * CA . << In the spirit of EMPOWERING Musicians and Artists >> . SATURDAY * 4/6 * 7PM * 21+ * FREE . - THE ACTIVE SET <@theactiveset> - PET THE MUSIC <@petthemusic> - HYBRID CITIZEN <@hybridcitizen_official> - THRILLER PARTY <@thrllrprty> - THE FRICK FRACKS <@thefrickfracks> - FREQUENCY WITHIN <@frequencywithin> . VENDORS . - @shiwishdevil - @thekinkytaco . VISUAL . - @mono_vision . @empowermusicfest #empowermusicfest2019 #dba #dba256 #dba256thisweek #dba256livemusic #pomona #downtownpomona #dba256thirstythursday #dba256tt #pomonamusic #freeshow #livemusic #bands #musiclife #socalmusic #musicians #indiemusic #localmusic #supportlocalmusic #supportlocalbands #greatmusic #greatbeer #goodvibesonly (at Dba256 Bar & Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv7DbnXhR71/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vgklloezvf84
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dba256pomona · 6 years ago
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Reposted from @thefrickfracks - come see us this Saturday at DBA 256 in Pomona for the EMPOWER FEST !!! we are on at 8:50pm & we’d love to see you there ...<3 - #regrann (at Dba256 Bar & Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv17-ylBRmw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l9lq0ne21dzs
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dba256pomona · 6 years ago
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@dba256 HAPPENINGS THIS WEEK @ DBA! . @victorsvibes @empowermusicfest @musicontap @prismcluster @strawberry_army @deadradioofficial @losalamoslp @defalcomusic @biggregofficial @psychosloth_ @june_skinnyblak @yagzmiyagi @thethoughthere @els3vn @siame8e @jonniebars @dyesettakillem @antidote909 @rasol_70s @wildhairacross @iamdonijo @illixie @zensoulmusic @quietlylit_ @scout.sos @theactiveset @petthemusic @hybridcitizen_official @thrllrprty @thefrickfracks @frequencywithin @shiwishdevil @thekinkytaco @mono_vision . #dba256byof #byof #bringyourownfood #dba #dba256 #dba256thisweek #dba256livemusic #pomona #downtownpomona #dba256thirstythursday #dba256openmic #pomonasgottalent #pomonamusic #freeshow #livemusic #bands #musiclife #socalmusic #musicians #indiemusic #localmusic #supportlocalmusic #supportlocalbands #greatmusic #greatbeer #goodvibesonly (at Dba256 Bar & Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvumGnDBMky/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hkor38h6fup0
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dba256pomona · 6 years ago
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@dba256 EMPOWER MUSIC FEST 2019 * DBA256 * DOWNTOWN POMONA * CA . ## THURSDAY, 4/4 - SATURDAY, 4/6 ## . << In the spirit of EMPOWERING Musicians and Artists >> . LIVE MUSIC THURSDAY, 4/4 - 8PM . - PRISMCLUSTER <@prismcluster> - STRAWBERRY ARMY <@strawberry_army> - DEAD RADIO <@deadradioofficial> - LOS ALAMOS <@losalamoslp> . HIP-HOP FRIDAY, 4/5 - 7:30PM . - DEFALCO <@defalcomusic> - BIG GREG <@biggregofficial> - PSYCHOSLOTH <@psychosloth_> - JUNE <@june_skinnyblak> - MIYAGI <@yagzmiyagi> - THE THOUGHT <@thethoughthere> - ELS3VN <@els3vn> - SIAME8E <@siame8e> - JONNIE BARS <@jonniebars> - DYESETTA <@dyesettakillem> - ANTIDOTE <@antidote909> - RA-SOL <@rasol_70s> - CALMROGERS <@wildhairacross> - DONI JO <@iamdonijo> - ILLIXIE <@illixie> - ZENSOUL <@zensoulmusic> - BODYBITE <@quietlylit_> - SCOUT. <@scout.sos> . LIVE MUSIC SATURDAY, 4/6 - 7PM . - THE ACTIVE SET <@theactiveset> - PET THE MUSIC <@petthemusic> - HYBRID CITIZEN <@hybridcitizen_official> - THRILLER PARTY <@thrllrprty> - THE FRICK FRACKS <@thefrickfracks> - FREQUENCY WITHIN <@frequencywithin> . VENDORS . - @shiwishdevil - @thekinkytaco . VISUAL . - @mono_vision . @empowermusicfest #empowermusicfest2019 #dba #dba256 #dba256thisweek #dba256livemusic #pomona #downtownpomona #dba256thirstythursday #dba256tt #pomonamusic #freeshow #livemusic #bands #musiclife #socalmusic #musicians #indiemusic #localmusic #supportlocalmusic #supportlocalbands #greatmusic #greatbeer #goodvibesonly (at Dba256 Bar & Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvm_EkoBHHG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dio5hxfaqxb0
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dba256pomona · 6 years ago
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Reposted from @buddhajonesandtheman - This Saturday we’re at @dba256 in #Pomona to welcome home @porcelainhill with our friends @thefrickfracks!!! It’s gonna be some #goodtimes! - #regrann (at Dba256 Bar & Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/BudMEaNB3CO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tlm9ws5qc01f
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dba256pomona · 6 years ago
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Reposted from @thefrickfracks - hiiii we hope everyone had a wonderful valentine’s day💌 our next show will be on March 2 in Pomona at DBA! we’ll be playing w some old friends! we’re on at 9🍒 - #regrann (at Dba256 Bar & Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuHpEGwhY3v/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n3de6q7gxhmw
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