I'm pregnant and it's yours. - I saw this and I wanted
There are certain things you don’t expect to hear early in the morning. “I’m pregnant and it’s yours” is most definitely one of those things. Johnny nearly choked on his sausage McMuffin, which ended up on the ground right next to his feet. “Did you just say you’re pregnant?” 
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startingxoverxanew · 9 years
"We're gonna go to the beach! Won't that be fun?" A hand found it's way to her daughters and she squeezed lightly. "Get out of the city a bit, right? Maybe camp a little." It was too cold for any of that, but Lena wasn't aware of this. She saw her sister Jesse before her. Not Annabelle. 
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her-name-is-lena · 9 years
A gif that describes our muses relationship:
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"There's no need to be rude," Hanna began hotly before turning on her heel and walking directly into someone else. "Shoot!" A raucous laughter could be heard behind her but she paid them no mind as she held out a napkin and started scanning the other to see if she had spilled anything onto them. "Are you alright?"
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corruptedlenz · 10 years
[ A very descriptive and detailed profile of your muse ]
Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. 
If you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own! ( If you’re in doubt on some hover over them to discover what you should put in there! ) When you’re done, tag 15 other people to do the same!~  Tagged by: kyushukishin
NAME: Lenz Steinbacher
AGE: 27
SPECIES:  Humam/Creatura Tenebra
PROFESSION: Mayor of Innercity
                   { PHYSICAL ASPECTS }
HAIR: Light Brown
EYES: Magenta/Originally Hazel
SKIN: Medium-fair
HEIGHT: 6'1"
WEIGHT: 196 lbs.
                             { FAMILY }
SIBLINGS: Three Half-Brothers and adopted sister, (Karnus, Ben, Syliph, Ebony)
PARENTS: Stan Norman (@violeteyedkiller) and Litia Steinbacher
OTHER RELATIVES:  He essentially left that family, unsure any known aunts and uncles. 
ANY PETS?: yes [ ✓ ] || no [  ]  (It's called Karnus) 
                            { SKILLS }  
Physical Prowess: Very good at swordfighting and also has an inhuman amount of strength, but does not display it. 
Speed: Can travel as fast as the shadows, and can teleport from one place to another with challenge to his mentality. 
Magic: If you think that darkness is magic, then it might? But Lenz thinks there's only reason and science within the world. 
                         { TRAITS }
— —- NEGATIVE ——-
Intolerant (at times)
                                      { LIKES }
COLOURS: Red, Yellow, Silver, Blue
SMELLS: Sandalwood, Gasoline, Clean Linens
FOOD: Sushi, Lasagna, Steak
FRUITS:  Cherimoya, Peaches, Pears, and Tropical Fruit 
DRINKS: Orange Cream Soda, Cactus Cooler, Sprite, Teas
yes [  ] || no [ ✓ ] 
                  {  OTHER DETAILS  }
SMOKES? yes [ ] || no [✓ ] 
DRUGS?: yes [  ] || no [ ✓ ]
DRIVER LICENSE?:  yes [ ✓ ] || no [ ] 
EVER BEEN ARRESTED? no [ ✓ ] || yes [  ] || almost [  ]  
DONE! Now tag other 15 people [ or more/less if you want ] to do it.
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guitarsandchapstick · 10 years
You see my muse pole-dancing at a strip-club for the main event. What do you do about it? ~Sophie
Chord squeezed his way past two heavyset thirty-somethings, careful not to nudge or get too close. The last thing he wanted was a fight, especially with guys that could easily crush him into a small pile-of-nothing.It was his fifth time going around the Main floor of Big Bertha's House of Beauties, a slimy strip club on the outskirts of town. It was his brother's birthday and he had decided that this was the perfect place to spend it. Kind of ironic, considering he was nowhere to be found.An hour had gone by, and Chord had searched the crowded room several more times. There was still no sign of his brother. He was ready to give up. But then he saw something that stopped him dead in his tracks. Sophie, the girl he had been crushing on for sometime now, was onstage, wearing a black two-piece. He stood there, open-mouthed and questioning if this was all a wetdream or hallucination.He was now slowly making his way up to the stage. There were about a million different questions occupying his mind, all of them for Sophie.
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6 Movies You Can Watch Anytime Meme
List 6 movies you can watch at any time, then tag 6 people!
Tagged by @crystalline-mistletoe
Bring It On (The original, duh.) 
Napoleon Dynamite (I practically have all of the lines to this movie memorized in meh noggin.)
Monsters, Inc. (I don’t think I have to elaborate on this one.)
The Spectacular Now (It was my favorite book and, despite the changes, I really loved this adaptation.) 
The Mask (I swear I wore out the vhs copy of this movie as a lil Adam. I used to love acting out all of the scenes--my mom even has the photographic evidence.) 
All of the Toy Story movies (I realize that by choosing all three, I’m technically cheating, but I honestly can’t choose just one. I love all three equally, and they all have the power to reduce me to a blubbering mess of a man.)
I tag: @thefinleytwins, @ohnosmallknives, @dubiousdeviant, @mjxlnxr, @clarkiisms, and @widowithabite
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[NSFW] put a name in my inbox and my muse will answer:
How interested they are in having sex with them:  “Very interested.”
If they would rather bottom or top them:  “Top.”
How good they think they would be: “Fantastic.”If they’d prefer kitchen counter, wall, or shower sex with them:  “Let’s go with steamin’ things up in the shower!”If they’d fuck, have sex, or make love: “Sex.”If they were going to make it a threesome, the third person they’d pick: “Pete.”If they think there’s ever a possibility that it would happen: “Yup.”
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startingxoverxanew · 9 years
".. Jake? I think I pinched a nerve in my shoulder.." she paused for a moment. "Could you call me out of work?" She knew very well she hadn't done anything to her shoulder, but Lena was in one of her moods and wanted to deal with anything but work and responsibilities.
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startingxoverxanew · 9 years
“Ok, so… things are going right, really, really right…” She was biting her lip to try and not smile quite so much. “I decided that i would take a break from work and everything, and i went for a kind of science internship… and i met a guy there, who is cutee as hell and sweet and funny and really cheesy and kind reminds me of jake in a way, which is weird, because hes my brother, but i mean like, with him being nice and cheesy, ya know? and anyway, im really happy…”
startingxoverxanew “Really?” She sat up and seemed to almost bounce with excitement. “That’s great Sophski!” Sure, Lena wasn’t a fan of the things Sophie had to do to make herself happy… but when the girl was happy, she couldn’t bring herself to be exasperated. She was happy for her too.
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startingxoverxanew · 9 years
He looked at her for a minute and smiled sadly, leading her to the ground by the hand and then offering a soft smile, “bags come through in the main building, so we pick them up there, then we can just drive to one of the smaller town and stop off there and walk around a bit, relax. You can get your bearings again, alright?” He said softly, he could tell she was still shaky by her hand that he was holding, and maybe relaxing somewhere quieter would be food for her.
Lena scowled at his tentative smile and yanked her hand from his. She felt as though he were trying to baby her now. “Let's go get them then.” She held Anna loosely and marched off in the direction Jake had indicated. “And maybe a pizza is a good idea.” With her stubbornness who knew what she would end up doing.
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startingxoverxanew · 9 years
She sat on the floor, and out the paper down then,neither her tongue stuck out the side of her mouth a little I'm concentration, began to draw a kinda shaky puppy, that didn't look too bad. It was definitely more identifiable than Jake's cat was.
Lena sprawled on the floor behind her daughter and wrapped her arm around Annabels middle, pulling her close as she watched the other draw. It was intriguing, and never ceased to not amuse her. 
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startingxoverxanew · 9 years
The little girl giggled, holding onto Lena and wiggling at the raspberries. "Daddy tried drawing a kitty! But it..." She pause then looked around, before moving to whisper to Lena. "It wasn't very good," she giggled again.
“Daddy not drawing very well?” She gave mock gasp and laid a hand over her heart. “That can’t be! He’s a wonderful artist!” She knew otherwise, and so she dropped her a wink before proceeding to tickle the other. 
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