bitmapdreams · 7 years
In relation to the app that has stolen your work: You are likely going to have to call apple support directly or file a formal complaint. iTunes support is annoying to deal with and it's hard to get the help you need so make sure to keep persisting and you will hopefully get the help you need! Hope this helps :)
Hi! Thanks for the tip!
There have been a few instances of this but I think the post you may have been looking at is concerning a case I settled a few years ago– I settled that directly with the app developer, by the way!
Or maybe my work is being used on apps again..? Or… sorry, which app are you referring to? Is it the app that was using my sailor moon pixels?
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crcnkgameplays-blog · 8 years
Hey I'm​ still pretty new to the tumbls so I'm not sure how this works, but I was wondering if i could get a lil' tythan hc? What if Ethan hurt himself because he broke something and freaked out because of surprise and pain so tol bean Tyler came to his rescue? Thx~~
this is so cute not to make a fic iM SORRY I HOPE YOU LIKE IT NONETHELESS (also fun fact: ty and eth actually live together k bye)
Ethan was fixing his tie, fidgeting and figuring out how to loop this mess. It’s been a while since he had gone to a fancy event such as the one he was about to go. It sucked that it was a black tie event but it gave Ethan an excuse to dress up so formally.
Looking at his reflection didn’t help with tying his tie. Neither did WikiHow or YouTube tutorials with old men who did with such skills. He wanted to resort to using a clip-on but he didn’t even have one. 
“Fuck this, fuck you…” He swore under his breath. Taking the unfinished tie off his neck, Ethan tossed it onto his bed and sighed. He sat down next to the tie and looked at it with a newfound disgust. Who knew this would be hard? It seemed so easy! And yet, he attempted so many techniques found online. Nothing. It always came out as a regular knot.
Ethan looked at his bed stand where a beautiful vase with a variety of flowers. Queen Anne’s Lace, lilacs, lilies. All of the white flowers that were accentuated with a pop of purple from the lilacs. Ethan remembered how excited he had been picking out the flowers along with the intricate vase at the local flower shop. He had been with Tyler and most definitely never forgot when they were both mistaken for a couple. Ethan was furiously flustered and Tyler avoided eye contact that lasted for more than two seconds with him for the whole entire day. Though it may have been yesterday, Ethan felt as if that moment was forever ago. For some reason, he wanted to relive it. Feeling how hot his cheeks were. Noticing how Tyler averted his eyes whenever Ethan caught him staring.
That memory put a small smile on Ethan’s face. He went up to his bed stand to look at the flowers along with the vase. It was glass blown, as said by the florist, with wavy features imprinted that made it look like transparent ocean waves. The pops of vivid purple stood out among the pure whites of the flowers. Faint streaks of yellow were on the petals of the lilies. He reached out to touch the petals with such delicacy. They brushed his fingers so gently. 
He smiled again. Something about them was mesmerizing.
Tyler had just gotten home after helping Mark with something, which left him to arrive late to prepare himself for the event. Feeling exhausted, he opened the door to find just the lights to the living room illuminated. It eased Tyler a bit, having a calm environment surrounding him.
“I’m home!” Tyler shouted as he dropped his keys on the kitchen counter. He started to make his way upstairs to get ready right away.
Hearing Tyler’s voice, Ethan jumped a little but later responded, “I’m upstairs!” Ethan let one of the petals slip from his fingers. He quickly went out of his room, leaning on his door frame. “Could you, um, help me with something Ty?” Ethan felt a little embarrassed to ask his best friend but who else could he turn to when they were the only ones in their home at the moment?
As he reached the top stairs, Tyler then made his way to Ethan’s room. He saw his leaning there with a slightly desperate look on his face. “Is there something wrong?” Tyler asked him, leaning on the wall opposite of where Ethan was.
“Lots of things, like how to tie a tie.” Ethan said, feeling the embarrassment creep up on him.
Tyler raised an eyebrow. “Can’t you, like, Google that type of stuff?”
“I tried to!” Ethan exasperated. “Nothing! WikiHows, tutorials on YouTube, texting my dad! You’re all I got man.” He paused. “That sounded more desperate than I thought it would be.”
Tyler chuckled and rested a hand on Ethan’s shoulder. “No worries, I’ll help.” Ethan smiled widely at his friend. Tyler motioned towards his neck, “So, where’s your tie?”
“Oh,” Ethan perked, “it’s in my room. I’ll go get it.” He went to his bed, retrieving the tie he threw on his bed from before and handed it to Tyler, waiting patiently at his doorway.
“Have at it, my dude,” Ethan casually gave him his mess of a tie to Tyler. Tyler took it from his hands, brushing his fingers against Ethan’s. Ethan tensed up a bit from their contact, which was strange. He put the tie around Ethan’s neck and proceeded to lace his tie. 
Ethan realized how unusually close Tyler was to his face. He looked at Tyler out of curiosity and felt the flustered feeling once more. This moment seemed to drag more. Much like what happened at the flower shop. As Tyler finished, he looked up at Ethan with a warm smile. And right into his eyes.
‘You know, your hair looks so much blue when I’m closer to you like this.” Tyler stated.
Ethan blinked in disbelief.
Tyler realized what he had done to Ethan’s state of mind. Tyler stuttered, “Oh, um. I should…get ready.” He swiftly left Ethan alone in the hallway as he went into his room to change.
He was a blushing mess, unlike his tie now.
“Shit!” Ethan yelled. The vase that Ethan had been carrying downstairs had completely shattered into pieces. “Oh my fucking-!” He dashed down the bottom of the stairs, careful to avoid the large shards of the vase. It was completely scattered on the floor and water was puddling the flowers. They were probably soaked by now. 
“This can’t be happening. Oh my god, oh my god.” Ethan started to freak out.
Tyler heard the loud crash from upstairs and got out of his room, halfway buttoning his shirt. He buttoned it up as fast as he could and yelled back at Ethan. “What happened?”
“I’ll tell you what happened! My fucking precious vase broke! The flowers are soaked and there’s glass all over the bottom of the stairs!” Ethan gave a loud and sharp cry to Tyler.
Leaving his black tuxedo jacket behind, Tyler made his way down the stairs to see exactly what Ethan had been screeching about. Ethan looked like he was about to burst from what unfurled. He wasn’t kidding. It really was a mess.
“You should be quick and pick up the flowers and place them on the kitchen counter,” Tyler directed Ethan. “I’ll go pick up the bigger pieces of glass.”
Sighing, Ethan did as Tyler had told him to do. “I’m an idiot,” he muttered under his breath. Picking up the flowers in one hand, he accidentally pricked himself on the finger on a fragment of glass. Hissing at the contact, he whipped his hand away.
“I’m an even bigger idiot than before,” Ethan said much louder. He clutched his bleeding finger close to himself
“Don’t bring yourself down. It isn’t your fault you dropped it,” Tyler reassured him. It hurt to hear his best friend take about himself like that. He made his way around the jagged pieces of glass to examine Ethan’s small wound. “Besides, I believe there’s an extra vase around this house somewhere. I’ll try and check the cabinets as soon as I help you.”
“I’m not a baby, Ty,” Ethan suggested.
“I know,” Tyler stated, “It’s just, you’re so down tonight. I don’t want you to bring that attitude to the party and I really don’t know how to handle you like that.” It was a true confession. Ever since yesterday’s “incident”, the two had been nothing but awkward tension. He knelt next to Ethan, taking his hand into his without even asking what he was going to do.
Ethan rolled his eyes. This guy couldn’t help but to treat him like a child. “It’s just been a hectic night, all right?” He laughed it off to put Tyler at ease, but that didn’t work.
Tyler looked at Ethan quizzically, still holding onto his hand. “If this is about me, then you better speak up about it or else I’ll be shaming you with that turkey costume we still have.”
Oh god, his face was close just like when he was tying his tie. Acting cool, Ethan laughed slightly, recalling the videos they did with Mark, and took his hand away from Tyler. “Okay. Fine. But first, can we please get a ban-aid for my finger? And pick up these things,” Ethan gestured towards the disarray on the floor, “and then we’ll talk about it.”
“All right,” Tyler sighed. “Be glad that cut isn’t deep. I’ll be searching for that vase if you need me.”
‘I’ll always be needing you,’ Ethan thought to himself. He had to admit it. Ethan wouldn’t be able to do anything without the support of Tyler by his side. Everything about the guy was amazing. His unkempt curls, contagious laughter, that smirk.
Was it even possible he was falling for his best friend?
Ethan picked up the flowers from the ground, the thought of falling in love swarming his head. Getting up from the ground, Ethan made his way towards the kitchen counter. Placing the messy bouquet with a thud, he made the other way around the the drawers where the bandages were held. Ethan glanced at Tyler, who was very much occupied with finding that vase he was talking about earlier. He bit his lip, trying to repress a smile. There most definitely was a chance he had feelings for this guy.
He perused around the drawer. Screwdriver, bolts, Chapstick, mints, and finally- the band-aids. Ethan opened the top of the box, avoiding the stinging finger from touching the edges. Placing the band-aid onto his finger, Ethan put away everything.
“Found it!” Tyler exclaimed. “Behold, the primary color vase our very own Amy gave me.”
Ethan turned around to see it. It was mosaic-styled rectangular vase, with blocked of red, yellow, and blue. The vase wouldn’t seem fitting for the flowers Ethan had chosen but at this point in time, he was desperate.
“It’s so…Amy of her.” Ethan admitted, still gawking at it.
“It may not be ‘flower shop’ worthy, but it’s a vase nonetheless.”Tyler waved the thing around but Ethan took it out of his hand. “I don’t want you to break it.” Ethan stated.
“Says the guy who broke down on the floor about a vase he broke himself.” Tyler rebutted, hints of sarcasm traced everywhere.
Rolling his eyes, Ethan made sure to hold on tightly to this one. “For the record, I did not break down. I was simply shook at the sight of my masterpiece in ruins.”
“Okay, blue boy,” Tyler scoffed, “I need to get going with cleaning those shards.” And made his way to the stairwell.
Ethan most definitely needed that guy in his life.
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