londoninstinct · 4 years
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Finishing up 🐭 #RaticateWeek 🐭 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @the.dorkizoid 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers! * * #Raticate #Pokémon #shinyraticate #niantic #thedorkizoid #pokemongo #aggresiveraticate #Raticatefacts #Raticateart #Raticatedrawing #pokemonillustration #rodentpokemon #raticatepropaganda #pokepedia #teaminstinct #londoninstinct #pokemoncommunity #kanto #raticate🐭 #kantoregion #professorintraining #pokemonprofessor #art #raticateresearch #fanart #raticateillustration #youtuber #pokemonyoutuber (Regent Street) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_wf1bJlQI5/?igshid=1a4s6h6k71ypv
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angrteacup · 7 years
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This is gonna be kind of a long post.
The reason I drew this is not a very happy one. Some days ago I found out that one of the first cosplayers I followed and grew attached to on Instagram took they’re own life. His name Aiden, Aiden York and I found out is surname just today.
I discovered his death only four days after it happened and I was shocked. I cried an entire night and I still don’t why. We weren’t friends, or better I considered him as such but the thing probably wasn’t reciprocal. The reason I drew this is not to be at centre of attention taking advantage of this tragedy, thought I see how it may seem like it because we weren’t close.  I asked myself what right I had to be grieving and I still think I’m not at all entitled to suffer because of this, but the most sincere feeling I really felt when I found out was guilt. I rationally know it’s not my or anybody’s fault and Aiden was mentally ill and none of us followers or friends or acquaintances could have saved him at that point...or not. I don’t, I live miles away, in another country. All I knew was that he was dead, he killed himself and I wasn’t there to help in any way. So you might think I did this to expiate that guilt, but no, it’s not it. I decided to say goodbye in the most true form I know. Drawing is putting a piece of my soul on paper (most of the time) and I wanted to remeber him forever.
Remember a beautiful young man that was just so talented and kind it almost seemed like he shined. I miss you Aiden, even if we didn’t talk that much. I think we could have become good friends in a future. You never made a mistery of your pain, but you were surrounded by so much friends and people who cared about you. I looked up to you, I wanted to be as good a cosplayer as you and I looked forward to see you improve in drawing too. 
So maybe I didn’t really know you but I draw you. And a piece of me will always miss you.
What does this drawing represents? Good question. I wanted more than anything to be able to reach you one more time and tell you that you did enough and you can rest and there’s nothing to worry about.  Why Chara, tho? They were the main reason I followed you in the first time, we had the undertale fandom in common and a special attention for this character. I noticed the last thing you posted on your art account. Them. In pain. With bleeding mouth, holding their stomach.  Since I had already planned to do a drawing with this character but by different artists, this idea just took form by itself. 
So there you have it. They are all grieving. They are all here, some trying to comfort you, some don’t even know what to say, some are just angry.
I’m sorry it ended like this. I hope you are happier now, wherever you are.
I really have to thank a lot the artists that let me borrow their Charas to realize this: from left to right we have @not-so-chaotic‘s problematic kid, @anethiawoods‘s precious child, @teanovai‘s little brat, Aiden’s (ghostydrawings on instagram) Chara, my ghost kid and thedorkizoid’s (you find him on instagram) cool mom Chara. Thank you with all of my heart for allowing me to do this.
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londoninstinct · 4 years
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During 🐭 #RattataWeek 🐭 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @the.dorkizoid 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers! * * #Rattata #Pokémon #pokemoncenterlondon #niantic #thedorkizoid #pokemongo #cleverrattata #Rattatafacts #Rattataart #Rattatadrawing #pokemonillustration #rodentpokemon #rattatapropaganda #pokepedia #teaminstinct #londoninstinct #pokemoncommunity #kanto #rattata🐭 #kantoregion #professorintraining #pokemonprofessor #art #rattataresearch #fanart #rattataillustration #youtuber #pokemonyoutuber (South Bank London) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Iu7etlK0Q/?igshid=1a2gqxmxwp2ut
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londoninstinct · 4 years
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During 🐦 #PidgeotWeek 🐦 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @the.dorkizoid 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers! * * #Pidgeot #Pokémon #shinypidgeot #niantic #thedorkizoid #pokemongo #regalpidgeot #Pidgeotfacts #Pidgeotart #pidgeotdrawing #pokemonillustration #birdpokemon #pidgeotpropaganda #pokepedia #teaminstinct #londoninstinct #pokemoncommunity #kanto #pidgeot🐦 #kantoregion #professorintraining #pokemonprofessor #art #pidgeotresearch #fanart #pidgeotillustration #youtuber #pokemonyoutuber (Leicester Square) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ndEB8F24t/?igshid=183ypyb3mzqju
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londoninstinct · 5 years
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During 🐝 #BeedrillWeek 🐝 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @the.dorkizoid 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers! * * #Beedrill #Pokémon #shinybeedrill #niantic #thedorkizoid #pokemongo #deadlybeedrill #Beedrillfacts #beedrillart #beedrilldrawing #pokemonillustration #poisonpokemon #beedrillpropaganda #pokepedia #teaminstinct #londoninstinct #pokemoncommunity #bugpokemon #kanto #beedrill🐝 #kantoregion #professorintraining #pokemonprofessor #art #beedrillresearch #fanart #beedrillillustration #youtuber #pokemonyoutuber (at Carnaby London) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ujmNylXK5/?igshid=1rbub2truzr7n
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londoninstinct · 5 years
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During 🐛 #KakunaWeek 🐛 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @the.dorkizoid 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers! * * #Kakuna #Pokémon #shinykakuna #niantic #thedorkizoid #pokemongo #watchfulkakuna #Kakunafacts #kakunaart #kakunadrawing #pokemonillustration #poisonpokemon #illustration #pokepedia #teaminstinct #londoninstinct #pokemoncommunity #bugpokemon #kanto #kakuna🐛 #kantoregion #professorintraining #pokemonprofessor #art #kakunaresearch #fanart #kakunaillustration #youtuber #pokemonyoutuber (at Oxford Street) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8U5fFIlx7o/?igshid=1uv4dovpo8q88
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londoninstinct · 5 years
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During 🐛 #WeedleWeek 🐛 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @the.dorkizoid 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers! * * #Weedle #Pokémon #shinyweedle #niantic #thedorkizoid #pokemongo #curiousweedle #weedlefacts #weedleart #weedledrawing #pokemonillustration #poisonpokemon #illustration #pokepedia #teaminstinct #londoninstinct #pokemoncommunity #bugpokemon #kanto #weedle🐛 #kantoregion #professorintraining #pokemonprofessor #art #weedleresearch #fanart #weedleillustration #youtuber #pokemonyoutuber (at British Museum) https://www.instagram.com/p/B73OFkfFQHn/?igshid=1tqdx50xgg0bh
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londoninstinct · 5 years
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During 🦋 #ButterfreeWeek 🦋 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @the.dorkizoid 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers! * * #Butterfree #Pokémon #pokemoncenterlondon #niantic #thedorkizoid #pokemongo #emotionalbutterfree #butterfreefacts #butterfreeart #butterfreedrawing #pokemonillustration #illustration #pokepedia #teaminstinct #londoninstinct #pokemoncommunity #bugpokemon #kanto #butterfree #kantoregion #professorintraining #pokemonprofessor #art #butterfreeresearch #fanart #butterfree🦋 #butterfreeillustration #youtuber #pokemonyoutuber (at Covent Garden London) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7bOnjTFvTD/?igshid=x5vmlmcyezxy
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londoninstinct · 5 years
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During 🐛 #CaterpieWeek 🐛 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @the.dorkizoid 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers! * * #Caterpie #Pokémon #niantic #thedorkizoid #pokemongo #emotionalcaterpie #caterpiefacts #shinycaterpie #caterpieart #caterpiedrawing #pokemonillustration #illustration #pokepedia #teaminstinct #londoninstinct #pokemoncommunity #bugpokemon #kanto #caterpillar #kantoregion #professorintraining #pokemonprofessor #art #caterpieresearch #fanart #caterpie🐛 #caterpieillustration #youtuber #pokemonyoutuber (at British Museum) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5tVV-BFAw1/?igshid=1igm5tv3vry5m
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londoninstinct · 4 years
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Finishing up 🐭 #RaticateWeek 🐭 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @the.dorkizoid 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers! * * #Raticate #Pokémon #shinyraticate #niantic #thedorkizoid #pokemongo #aggresiveraticate #Raticatefacts #Raticateart #Raticatedrawing #pokemonillustration #rodentpokemon #raticatepropaganda #pokepedia #teaminstinct #londoninstinct #pokemoncommunity #kanto #raticate🐭 #kantoregion #professorintraining #pokemonprofessor #art #raticateresearch #fanart #raticateillustration #youtuber #pokemonyoutuber — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2KXf7bs
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londoninstinct · 4 years
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During 🐭 #RattataWeek 🐭 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @the.dorkizoid 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers! * * #Rattata #Pokémon #pokemoncenterlondon #niantic #thedorkizoid #pokemongo #cleverrattata #Rattatafacts #Rattataart #Rattatadrawing #pokemonillustration #rodentpokemon #rattatapropaganda #pokepedia #teaminstinct #londoninstinct #pokemoncommunity #kanto #rattata🐭 #kantoregion #professorintraining #pokemonprofessor #art #rattataresearch #fanart #rattataillustration #youtuber #pokemonyoutuber — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2RQs8r0
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