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diyandcrafting · 2 years ago
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glasshandmade · 3 years ago
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Artigiani a Venezia #maurovianello #larepubblica #thecraftsman #shoppinginvenezia #artigianidigitali #eccellenzeitaliane #italiandesign #glass #glasshandmade (presso Artigianato d'arte Venezia) https://www.instagram.com/mauro_vianello_lampworker/p/CXECiPsoObO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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imthederpyfox · 7 years ago
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End of year show #graphicdesign #comicbook #illustration #exhibit #exhibition #gallery #viking #branding #thecraftsman #topfloordesigns #comic #mywork #uni #university #broadwaycinema #broadwaycinema #nottingham (at Broadway Cinema)
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bibliobethblog · 5 years ago
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Hello everyone! Today I’d like to share my book haul from a recent trip to 66 Book Club in Hemel Hempstead, UK. I spent £32 with their amazing 70% discount and got all of these exciting books in return. Such a bargain! I was only slightly irritated with myself when I realised I already own one of the books. OOPS 🙈 That’s when you know you might have too many books...😐 #bookstagram #bookworm #66bookclub #bookhaul #bargainbooks #iralevin #rosemarysbaby #thestepfordwives #akissbeforedying #bridgetchristie #abookforher #allthebeautifullies #peterswanson #thewickedcometh #lauracarlin #flowersforalgernon #danielkeyes #thecraftsman #sharonbolton #sunburn #lauralippman #thestonemothers #erinkelly https://www.instagram.com/p/B4kbteVAiQy/?igshid=12tuw1q041u1z
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tess3f · 6 years ago
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#3 #thecraftsman #reggioemilia #ristorante #jazz #cocktails (presso The Craftsman) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnmqNn4BQbc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1sgu6lej6yfkn
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megachiraztfs · 2 years ago
What About Green?
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"Well, John, I think the interview is finished so far – I just have one last question for you before you can sign your contract at our HR department." the broadly grinning man said, looking at John expectantly. "What do you think of the colour green?"
John was confused, what this question was about. But then suddenly two strong arms held him and the man in front of him stood up, pulled out a gun containing a green liquid and jammed the needle at its tip into John's thigh. John cried out, the green liquid burning like fire in his body. As he squirmed in the chair, the desk before him flipped open and a green and white disc came out. It began to spin. A voice began whispering in his ear.
"You are Hughie Campbell. Repeat after me. I am Hughie Campbell," the voice said. John's lips moved as if by themselves. His head was empty. There was only the burning in his veins and the green and white disc before him. Over and over he said, "I'm Hughie Campbell," until his appearance changed. His hair curled, his face shifted and took on that of another man. His body became leaner, but what he lacked in muscle mass, the bulge of his crotch made up for.
And when John's voice broke and he looked completely like the one whose name he was chanting, he came in his pants. His old personality dripping down his leg, disappearing into nothingness. Hughie blinked. The disc was still spinning, but slowing. "I.... am.... Hughie... Campbell," he mumbled and from the background stepped the grinning man from earlier. "Come Hughie, I'd like to show you around everything here at our place," he whispered and blindly obeying, Hughie followed the man out of the room, curious what “everything” could be.
This caption was a present for the wonderful and magnificent TheCraftsman! Make sure to follow his stuff on Twitter and, if possible, check out his Patreon! He’s awesome!
(Btw...I never watched The Boys and have absolutely no clue what’s going on in this show, so... Google was my best friend in this situation xD). 
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theundergroundstories · 3 years ago
The Underground Forgotten Tales #4: MEE6
This idea is based off of a specific feature that TheCraftsman does over on his patreon only server. A friend of mine who is supporting TheCraftsman and is on his discord told me about this feature and helped set up the exact or similar feature on our own discord server. Please consider supporting the amazing Craftsman on his patreon if you can. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you but thecraftsman is an amazing and well known tf writer and their content is amazing.
If you can’t tell by now this idea relies heavily on discord however it can be done without discord if you want. The idea is basically random change through discord bots.
There is a discord bot called MEE6 that people can add to any server they own and it comes free with 1 command and if you want to add more you can pay through subscription or a one time payment. This command can be anything and can be programmed to do various things but I’m going to focus on two main ways it can be used for role plays.
Option 1: Bodies!
On the server my friend and I own and use we change the command to !body and essentially what this will do is randomly pick and show a picture of a random body from the programmed pool of candidates.
For example: !body
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JJ Watt
You can add pictures or gifs of any bodies you like whenever you want and use the command as many times as you want. This random body generator basically allows for amazing rps of the Great Shift, or helps when you’re indecisive or just want to leave your rp changes up to luck.
Option 2: Attribute changes
Just like how you can add pictures to the pool and have the bot randomly select one for you, you can do this with messages! Now this may seem not as fun but you can add messages full of attribute changes.
For example: 
Grow an inch taller
Your cock shrinks by 1 inch
Your feet grow 2 sizes larger
Your musk intensifies
This I haven’t personally tried out but it can lead to some great rp changes or even be incorporated in a large group server for a game of truth or change.
These are just two ways you can use the 1 free command you get with the bot but there are probably many other ways to use them to rp. Obviously you can get more out of the bot if you spend money but I know many people can’t or prefer not to spend money so if you want to try out the many ideas you have, you may need to erase and edit your existing commands. If anyone needs help setting the bot up don’t hesitate to reach out and ask me.
And for those of you who don’t use discord don’t worry I have a solution for you. You can easily google and find websites that will let you input various names or things on a wheel and you can randomly spin the wheel for your change. The downsides, you have to enter in the inputs every time you load up the websites unless you keep that tab open and both members would have to set up the wheel in order for both parties to have an interactive component.
Master Of The Underground
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jaoaverruncus · 7 years ago
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60 หน้าแรกก็ทำนี่สติแตกแล้ว This novel scares me by its first 60 pages 😱😱😱📚 #thrillerbooks #novel #sharonbolton #thecraftsman #mustread #book #bookworm #read #reader
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mixingwithmanny · 7 years ago
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Did someone said... #Mojito ?? Celebrate the long weekend with some mojitos and more @kosttoronto Friday and Saturday night I will be Behind the wood!!! #longweek #goodfriday #mojito #margarita #tikibar #mybar #mannyxologist #toronto #waitforit #torontolife #wearethenorth #mexico #bartender #thecraftsman #wearethecrafters #to #cocktails #torontoview #KOST (at KŌST)
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julieannstricklin · 7 years ago
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The Artist Colony was sitting in the heart of the action representing the artists at tonight’s Encinitas State Of The City extravaganza! It was fun, funny, delicious and full of community love and pride! Artists need to be present and represent! #socencinitas #encinitas @mrpeabodys @donnabutnik #thecraftsman #stateofthecity @encinitas101mainstreet @encinitaschamber #coasthighway #localpolitics @catherineblakespear @cornerbakery @mikeredman2718 @bergens1968 (at Encinitas, California)
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glasshandmade · 3 years ago
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Proud to be present in this representative book of Venice. #maurovianello #Venezia #venice #liveinvenice #workinvenice #craftsman #thecraftsman #venexiamaxima big thanks to @dan.arc . @larepubblica @la_stampa (presso Artigianato d'arte Venezia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW8KwmzoKIU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mazeism-dop · 8 years ago
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#brokenaremoreevolved #artist #mycraft #thecraftsman #sachinmaze #mazeism
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tess3f · 6 years ago
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#ristoranteor #valtidone #piacenza #emanuelepetrosino #ristoranteiportici #bologna #mattiatrabetti #thecraftsman #reggioemilia #auroramazzucchelli #ristorantemarconi #bologna #sassomarconi #giacomolovato #ristorantesnowflake #cervinia (presso Ristorante OR - Cucina d'Arte) https://www.instagram.com/tess3f/p/BvtiT0EnTln/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17g3a5qc8q648
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paulreview · 4 years ago
Best craftsman ratcheting screwdriver
Best craftsman ratcheting screwdriver
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When it comes to deciding who makes thecraftsman ratcheting screwdriver or who the craftsman ratcheting screwdriver are, there are a selection of world-renowned companies that you can rely on
The good news is, we’ve tested tons of these increasingly popular true Best craftsman ratcheting screwdriver, and found the best of the best. Right now, our top pick is the CRAFTSMAN…
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toptenbestblogs · 5 years ago
Best craftsman torque wrench
Best craftsman torque wrench
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When it comes to deciding who makes thecraftsman torque wrench or who the craftsman torque wrench are, there are a selection of world-renowned companies that you can rely on
The good news is, we’ve tested tons of these increasingly popular true craftsman torque wrench, and found the best of the best. Right now, our top pick is the EPAuto 1/2-inch Drive Click Torque Wrench, 10~150…
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batliners-blog · 7 years ago
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