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School is starting back next week Monday and now I have to get back into the habit of using this blog~
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january 21, 2018 | reviewing biology notes!! can someone and yell me into doing my homework? i’m dead serious i need help
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studying before my 8:30am class 🌿
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Stalk my page. Talk to me. Become friends I DON'T CARE 😂
happy new year!! I’m spending my lazy monday filling up my queue so reblog with your original content tag (or just reblog if it’s okay to stalk your page, okie dokie?)
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BUT Since I have reached 2k followers I'll say it one more time.. (not gonna do a fancy post brcause I spent alot of time on the one for 1.5k and no one saw it) I'll do blog rates and a talk session where you guys can ask me anything.. what I'm doing for summer (literally nothing) how I studied for my a levels, how I found sixth form etc.. just send me an ask ❤ really would love to get to know all of you better.
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Literally just woke up and saw that I was at 400 followers! Thank you so much for actually thinking my blog was worthy enough to be followed and by 400 of you to be exact! I know it may seem very little to some but it means alot to me.
To celebrate, I would like to do some blog rates.
Reblog this post
Send an ask requesting a blog rate
No need to be following me
If your studyblr is a side blog state the name in your ask
If you have original content, also state it in your ask
Ill tag them as #tcs400 so you can blacklist the tag that if you dont want to see them.
URL | idgi / nice / amazing / so much heart eyes / trade. now.
ICON | cute / pretty / I really like it / so beautiful / epitome of perfection
THEME | default / okay / messy / soo good / brb stealing
MOBILE THEME | okay / nice / wow I really like it / perfection
ORIGINAL CONTENT | good / pretty / beautiful / aesthetic / can you just take over my blog?
POSTS | they are alright / on point / really helpful / gonna just go and heart and reblog some of these..
FOLLOWING | no but ily and you’re doing a great job! / now i am! / how could i not be??
OVERALL | 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Also, I would loveeee to do a “sleep over” ask session so I can get to know you guys better and just interact with more of you because I don’t feel as though I do.
Tell me about your day/week
Ask for my opinion on subject matters
Tell me something you enjoy doing
Tell me about your goals/achievements
Ask me random questions
Basically anything it doesn’t matter!!
This post may be a big flop but I don’t really mind. If you do participate, thank you so much <3
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18-03-18 My life literally consists of revision and past papers, hating school, being ignored by my interviewee, and finally having incomplete sbas dued.
#studyblr#studyquill#Emmastudies#theconfusedstudent#studysthetics#studyspo#studyspiration#study inspo#study inspiration#study#study blog#study aesthetic#sixth form#a levels#biology#school
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12-01-18 (Post 19)
Today really made me miss the Christmas break. I spent the entire day doing stuff for biology and I’m some what pleased. Rewrote some notes that I found I explained really confusing and made some flash cards on asexual reproduction because that topic is a pain and I wanted to make it easier for revision.
#studyblr#new studyblr#studyspo#study motivation#study inspiration#study inspo#a levels#a level biology#sixth form#school#notes#school notes#studying#study#studyquill#emmastudies#nocturnestudies#lookstudyblr#theconfusedstudent
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11-01-18 (Post 18)
I feel so much better today than i did yesterday. Got home early and everything. I did more of my contraceptive report and studied some chemistry. Also I went to my teacher about the homework they gave me yesterday that made me so upset and guess what: they said my answers were fine and right. Guess I stressed alot over nothing.
I’m a little sleepy so I think I’ll take a nap and do some more work. Not going school tomorrow as there is a prize giving ceremony. I was invited because I was giving a prize but I’m honestly not about it I went for the first time last year and it was honestly a waste of my time. So I will stay home and be productive.
#studyblr#new studyblr#studyspo#study notes#chemistry#a levels#sixth form#chemistry a level#study motivation#emmastudies#studyquill#nocturnestudies#lookstudyblr#theconfusedstudent
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26-01-18 (Post 32) Today was filled with labs lol. The first two periods I did a biology lab on water potential and took a picture of the fish tank in the labs. In Unit 2 we have to do an ecosystem and the Upper sixthers did an aquatic one with fish so that's pretty cool. My teacher told us she would like to have us do a pond in our unit 2 sba lol so hopefully that will be fun. In our last two periods we did chemistry titration because we have to calculate the mass of iron and omg. Titrations are soooo annoying. I have loads of work to complete but hopefully I can get it all done this weekend
#theconfusedstudent#studyblr#new studyblr#study blog#new study blog#studyspo#New studyspo#study inspo#study inspiration#studyspiration#studysthetics#study aesthetics#study motivation#a levels#a level chemistry#a level biology#sixth form#studyquill#emmastudies#lookstudyblr#nocturnestudies
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04-02-18 (Post 37) I hardly did anything today and I'm already ready to give up 😂
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29-12-17 (Post 6)
The first thing I do when I can’t understand something? I open YouTube and watch tons of videos when I don’t understand. I was having problems understanding the splitting of the D orbitals of the transition metals and how it makes them coloured complexes and I headed straight to YouTube and now I understand. Some teachers aren’t helpful at all because they seem to be annoyed each time I ask them a question so I can understand a concept or a mark scheme. But I’ve learnt to ignore that because in this day and age we all have access to the internet which is such a helpful tool. Anyways I plan to finish my first row transition metals notes today so I can move onto the identification of actions and anions and finish my chemistry syllabus x
#studyblr#studyspo#study motivation#study inspiration#study inspo#chemblr#chemistry#notes#study#studying#a levels#sixth form#theconfusedstudent#emmastudies#studyquill
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How does one do work after school??
Like honestly. After school I'm so drained and tired and I don't feel like doing anything. Sometimes I do work. Sometimes I don't. Today is an example of me not doing work. I got home like 2:40, chilled a bit, felt tired so I took a bath to try to wake myself up but that didn't help so i took a nap (I love sleeping okay and inoften choose sleep over work) I got up at 6:20 after sleeping from 5:00. Now it's 7:14 and I feel extremely tired and the only work I did was a titremetric analysis lesson for my teacher. I don't know if I can study but I do know I can do actually question work or write notes. But I need to study to make my finals easier and I have a test coming up. So guys how do you manage to work after school?? I have alot of off days in the week where I just do nothing. I don't what to seem as a studyblr that is always working nor am I glorifying not working. And the like one day of the week I actually manage to work I good few hours after school and then if it's neither doing alot of hours or none at all I do like bits of work. But I want to try to have more extremely productive days jist to make my future easier so like???
#sorry if this is confusing lol#theconfusedstudent#new studyblr#new studyblog#new studyspo#studyblr#studyblog#studyspo#study motivation#study inspiration#study inspo#studyspiration#studysthetics#studyquill#emmastudies#lookstudyblr#nocturnestudies
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31-01-18 (Post 34) Currently doing some practice questions on acid base equilibria because I have a test on it tomorrow. I was told my evs exam was post poned but I don't knoe how true that is. If it is true I have the best luck in the world omg. Also have no idea how to take nice photos anymore
#theconfusedstudent#studyblr#studyquill#emmastudies#lookstudyblr#nocturnestudies#New studyblr#study blog#New study blog#studyspo#new studyspo#studyspiration#study inspiration#study inspo#study aesthetic#studysthetics#study motivation#chemistry#a levels#sixth form#a level chemistry
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22-01-18 (Post 28) It's only 11:14am and I already had I very productive morning. Happy asf. On a break now. Send me some asks? Would love to talk to some of you xx
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03-02-18 (Post 36) Did my first ever set of mindmaps. I thought they may be useful for this topic so I did them for it. We'll see how that works out. Have alot of things to do this weekend but am I gonna get all done? Probably not
#studyblr#new studyblr#study blog#New study blog#studyspo#New studyspo#study inspiration#study inspo#studyspiration#study aesthetic#studysthetics#study motivation#school#a levels#a level chemistry#chemistry#chemblr#studyquill#emmastudies#theconfusedstudent
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