bluegrif · 10 years
"Uh. Hey. What team are you on?" She sighed. "I have to ask because I can't kill my own team. It's a rule." Kai pouted.
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blood-of-titan-blog · 10 years
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"And what brings you lot here to Omega?"
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"Children...How I detest children."
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thechildrenofnecessity crashed on Chorus.
Felix picked his way carefully through the wreckage of the ship, idly wondering if he'd find anyone alive on this damn thing at all. Sometimes he got lucky, and he'd have a rather uneventful scavenger hunt. But other times, like this time...
Well this time, he got even luckier. There were survivors. At least one, anyway. He could hear the movement. Smirking beneath his helmet, the Mercenary drew his pistol to at least seem concerned. "Hello?" His voice echoed off the twisted metal around him. "Is anyone there?"
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metaforgotten-blog · 10 years
Sonja couldn't believe she was seeing him like this. It was too surreal, seeing him beaten and broken. She could hardly even believe she was here rescuing him but...even after all he's done...he was still family. She wasn't even sure if he had yet to register that she and Allison was there but she had to try. "Dad?"
This all had to be a bad dream. It had to be. He had been surrounded. He could remember that much. After that it was pain.. Agonizing pain. Strapped to a table as they cut him, bled him, tested everything. Starved and beaten, he was given a cell. The bars were thick, and with his muscles sliced up like they were, and as weak as he was, he had no hope of forcing his way out. Every day. Every night. He was forced to stay awake for days at a time, forced to do test after test.
It reminded him way too much of back then.
But then they found it. They found the neural implant that was specially designed for the Spartan  program. At first they were intent of hacking into it somehow, seeing what was coded in there to make him so strong. When they couldn’t they almost ripped it out, had it not attached directly to Maine’s spinal cord. “Wouldn’t want to kill our lab rat too early,” they said. “The pet monstrosity still has it’s uses,” they continued.
He lost track of time. The only thing he knew was pain. Bones were broken, repaired, and broken again. Old scars were opened and new ones were made. His neck was ripped open once again. They had to see how he survived that, after all. Not even a Spartan should have been able to, right?  It was impossible.
Eventually he could barely move at all, so they tossed him in his cell and left him. Slowly he dragged himself to one corner, trying to keep an eye on the door, but his vision was so blurry. He was cold. So much blood had been spilled, taken, tested, drained. He wanted to sleep. But he was afraid that he wouldn’t wake up again should he do that. And as much as he wished for an end of this torture, this agony. He couldn’t just lay down and die. Spartans didn’t die.
He had no idea how long he had been kept in that cramped, cold cell with nothing but his own thoughts for company. The only contact he got was when they came by to give him just enough food to keep him alive. He slid in and out of consciousness, dream and reality burring together. The AI began to speak up more, though at this point he accepted the company that wasn’t trying to torture him to death.
When the cell door creaked open, Maine barely had the energy to look up. When he did, he had to blink a few times for his eyes to focus properly. Was that…? He had never thought to see her here. His second thought was a reminder that he was probably hallucinating again. Slowly lowering his head again, his dull gold eyes closed, trying to regain what little sense of himself he still had.
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agentfl · 10 years
thechildrenofnecessity has entered the area
"....Uh...why are there children out here?"
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agent-gamma · 10 years
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@oops-ibrokereality @mmcclelland @punkrockdeadpool @zachpohl @wantedtumblergirl @iremembermyname @thechildrenofnecessity-blog @chugachugacaboose @bigtanklady @kimballvanessa @theboywiththebrokeneye-arch-blog @aauditor @fourseveniner @felixthemerc-blog @womenarelikevoltron @freelancernorthd @agent-delta @agent-gamma @479xr-archive-blog @freelanceragentpennsylvani--blog @agentofscience @mikeywavvy @jeremiah-gain @thegreentranslucent @freelancerladymaryland-blog @addicted-courier @iamanemotionaltimebomb @abitofabadass @brandiefree @cyborg-norn @james-spartan-005 @agentoregon @pvtrednat @bobafettkid-blog @freelancer-jersey-and-wisconsin @thespartanassassin @agentmanchester-blog @spartanprxtectxr @ask-agentasia @freelancer-double-ohio @areyou-gonnafinishthat-blog @agentindieandrho @marooncaptain @a-timely-gentleman-blog @betterlxckythangood @imperxtor @agentnodak @princessrosetitanwarrior @the-maroon-cyborg @freelancer-missouri 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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metaforgotten-blog · 10 years
Sigma's Shattered Silence || thechildrenofnecessity ||AU THREAD
He had been dormant for so long, Sigma had barely noticed what his host had been doing. He would wake up every so often to talk to Maine, keeping him on his toes. He still believed Sigma to have been deleted. Perfect. He would bide his time and-....
Maine had found Sonja again... Interesting. Considering that The Alpha was no more, it seemed that he was at a minor impasse. Though, he did blame Maine slightly. Perhaps there was a way to get out of here and do some damage to him.... Hmmmm.
Maine was sending an e-mail to his daughter. Just before it sent, a thought occurred to the AI. He could get into her head, and mess with them both. She already must be scared stiff of becoming the same monster that he turned her father into...~
So he surreptitiously attached himself as a virus to the e-mail, letting himself slide from Maine's head to hers. It was only a matter of time now. the second she opened that file, he was in. And then...
Hnn~. Then the real fun would begin.
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metaforgotten-blog · 10 years
thechildrenofnecessity found you
Night had fallen without him noticing. When the rain had begun to fall, Maine put on his helmet, sighing softly to himself. Looking up at the sky, the swirling storm clouds did little for his mood. As the roof of clouds growled it's warnings, he continued to walk through the mostly deserted streets.
Two voices caught his attention, heard over the rumbling skies. They sounded very familiar. Stopping in his tracks, he turned his night vision on to see through the gloom. Sonja...? And Allison too....
Lightning flashed overhead, illuminating the dark street for a fraction of a second. But it was enough to be seen.... This wasn't going to end well, was it?
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agent-gamma · 10 years
thechildrenofnecessity replied to your post:// has anyone read Mistborn and/or Alloy of Law...
((*raises hand aggressively* I HAVE READ THOUGH!
// Seeker South and Coppercloud North
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