Don’t Do That || Felix & Locus
I saw Synnepai’s picture and I couldn’t help it. Things just came to me. Tagging relevant people and the one who started it all. synnesai, agentcarolinainthemorning, hatetrainconductor
Wind was the only noise that echoed off the walls around them. Two walked in relative silence, one with headphones in while the other allowed his paranoia to keep him far too alert of the surroundings.
Or at least, he would be if his partner would stop his irritating habit. “Felix.”
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Felix sighed softly, his hands relaxing for a moment. "Locus," his voice was soft, just loud enough to be heard above the breeze. "You know as well as I that a rat like me can get out of even the tightest of places."
Watching him hoist his rifle, Felix shook his head, red strand falling in front of hazel hues. Walking over to where his helmet had skidded to a stop, he kicked it up into his hands, tucking it under an arm. He then walked over to the wall his knife had embedded itself in, pulling it out with a grunt of effort.
Sliding it back into it's sheath, Felix moved to join his... well... What he hoped was still his partner. He had screwed up before, he knew that. But this... This was the first time that he had cost them a mission. He wasn't about to let Locus go down because of his mistake; though, that much he was sure of. As much as he despised the man. As much as he wanted to see his head roll. He wasn't going to lie to himself about Locus' skill level, or the amount of respect he had for the guy.
The Worst. || Theprofessionalofchorus
It pleased him to hear that Felix was taking the chance for once to own up to what he had done.  To what he had caused to happened to them now, because of him, they now were on the run for their lives.  And he was going to make sure that Felix remembered every step of the way…just whose fault it was.
As long as Felix didn’t realize that he had left Washington alive…that Washington had nearly gotten Locus to step down, to walk away and remove himself from the are at the moment.  That Washington had struck a nerve and actually for once convinced at him first that  he might be able to walk away from this.
"You are lucky that I didn’t leave you there for them to deal with.  I am sure that they would of killed you the minute that I was gone." Locus went back over to his rifle and picked it up.  He was not in the mod to call control ,but someone had to before they found out from a radio of what happened.  Looking back at Felix, he shook his head and glared out over the opening space before them.
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Felix hadn't heard the rifle hit the floor, nor the helmet being set aside. He could barely hear the footsteps. He had turned around right as Locus' fingers closed around his throat. The words growled harsh in his face made his own expression twist into a snarl of his own.
"Shut. Up." The words were forced through a windpipe that didn't think it could open against the pressure being applied. Armored fingers clawed at those that were coiled like pythons around his throat, trying in vain to pry them away.
The red-head pulled away after a long moment of struggle. His breath was ragged and his throat was red. I was certainly going to bruise. "Don't you think I know that," she spat at the other, once his breath had returned to him. "Don't you think that I've been screaming at myself for this?! Don't you think that, just for a second, I actually know how badly I fucked up?!"
He spat at the ground, cursing loudly. "I know I fucked up. I know I am the sole reason that this mission has failed. I know that our lives, however short they may be now, hang in the balance because of me. I know that." His rage had made his voice raise as loud as a pained throat would allow, but now it softened. His eyes were cast on the floor. His fists were clenched, knuckles white behind the armoring.
The Worst. || Theprofessionalofchorus
He had Washington on the ropes, he was ready to finish this off, to end their conversation short, but it was ended when a feed cut through their talk and it showed Felix…well more so he HEARD Felix talking.  Locus didn’t need to see the feed to know exactly what was going on, even with Washington on the ground behind him.  But his attention was now gone, it was off from Washington, and now on his partner and he growled as he quickly had to make his way over to his partner.
Locus was still unhappy when he had gotten them out of there, he was ready to remove his partner.  But he also knew that wouldn’t quell his anger at the moment.  Unlike Felix though, he didn’t react right away like he was.  Getting angry and throwing his helmet.  No Locus stayed calm, removing his sniper rifle from on his back and glaring from behind his helmet at the other mercenary.  
He couldn’t even consider this failure his partner.  If he had spent less time gloating, less time running his mouth, then they would of won.  They would of rid themselves of the reds and blues.  Of Carolina, and even Washington if they had to remove him from this as well.  Even though he would rather of had an ideal partner like Washington than one like Felix, who seemed to never be able to keep his mouth shut.
Finally giving in, he removed his helmet, setting it off to the side and walking over to Felix…no that wasn’t right, he practically stalked over to the smaller man.  Not even wasting time as he grabbed the other by the throat and squeezed, ready to throw him into the nearest wall if he could find one.
"You. Fucking. Idiot." He snarled out, anger in his tone now, eyes blazing with the anger that he hand.
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The Worst. || Theprofessionalofchorus
Felix couldn't believe it. He had let a band of complete morons get he better of him. Words failed him, even as he opened his mouth behind the visor of his helmet, trying to say something. Anything. Nothing. So he did what he knew would get his point across. He snarled. A low, guttural threat that started in his chest and rolled up his throat until it echoed through his helmet and across the radio.
He had barely even registered that the teleportation cube had done it's job. Lowering his shield, his hands reached up to his helmet, fingers trying to dig their way into the metal as he ripped it from his head, flinging it aside where it collided with the ground a few times before skidding to a stop some few yards away. Words still failed to form in the relentless storm of his mind.
So he screamed. A Chorus-rending bellow of pure, unbridled rage. His knife; which hadn't left his hand since their sudden departure, now found itself lodged in the nearest object that wasn't his partner. There was still time. Time enough to counter this if they acted quickly. But no. They were out of time and he knew it. Even if they could get back to the Feds and the Rebels they would be lucky if they weren't shot on site. And even if they weren't they would never trust a word that came out of their mouths. there was no way to fix this.
And it was all Felix's fault. He should have known something was up when Tucker wasn't fighting as hard as he could have been. He should have seen something like this coming for miles. But no. He had let his greed and his arrogance interfere. And this time it might just cost both him and his partner a whole lot more than they were willing to pay in recompense.
Still no words would come to him, but he knew that his partner would have words for him. And he knew all too well exactly what they would be. And he didn't want to hear them. He was already saying those same things to himself.
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"Then by all means," Felix took a step back, gesturing to the area. He leaded back against a tree. "Show me how easily you can do this alone."
theprofessionalofchorus crashed on Chorus.
"I do not need you here, you know this by now" Locus stated, holding his chin up as he stared down at the other.  He was annoyed that Control felt that he needed this one’s help.  "I do not need your help, I can take care of this on my own."
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"Please. You need me." Apathy dripped from Felix's words like honey. "And to think it was only the humans Control wanted gone at first." He shrugged slightly. "Looks like they want us to work together on this. As if one of us wouldn't be sufficient for the job."
theprofessionalofchorus crashed on Chorus.
"A shame, they will lose your contract once I get rid of you." Locus didn’t bother to hide that.  He may be at a lost for most emotions,but his hatred for the other was clear.  "I was to remove the species here."
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"Unfortunately, they did." Felix sighed softly, shaking his head. "What did they tell you?"
theprofessionalofchorus crashed on Chorus.
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"I could say the same, please do tell me that control didn’t contact you as well."
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theprofessionalofchorus crashed on Chorus.
"Ah, Locus."
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"To what do I owe the displeasure?"
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"I can only hope they don't take the deal."
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"I really want to watch the light leave their eyes when my knife embeds itself in their throats..."
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Grab a marker and write something on my muse! ( Anywhere over my muse's body. )
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"Will do." With that, he left. It was a few days before he heard back from the medbay that Allison was up and walking again. By that point he had figured out everything he needed in order to wrap her around his finger. Well, maybe not to that extent, but more than enough to get her to trust him.
Walking into the room, he gave her a wave. "Hey, you," the greeting came with a smile. "I've got something I thought you might be interested in hearing." He motioned for her to follow him, leading the way through the winding halls of the base. "You asked me to let you know when I had found anything on your friends..."
thechildrenofnecessity crashed on Chorus.
Allison frowned but gave a nod. Something was wrong here, but at the moment he was her only chance at finding her friends. “You’ll be the first to know once I am.” She told him. “Let me know if you find anything about my friends.”
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"Surviving," he replied softly. "It's good to know you're doing well, though. Is there anything I can do to make it any kind of easier for you?"
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kimbxll crashed on Chorus.
"Hey, Kimball."
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"How are you holding up?"
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                                   You are a   ᴍ ᴀ ɴ                                   with a ɗﻉ๓ѻก ٱกรٱɗﻉ .
                                           N O T                                 ᴛʜᴇ øŧħɇɍ wȺɏ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ.
                                                               —Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Angel s02e22
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kimbxll crashed on Chorus.
"Hey, Kimball."
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"How are you holding up?"
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Person: So, what are your interests?
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"Well clearly they missed one," he replied shortly. "When the medics clear you to walk around again, I'll show you what I mean. I've managed to get a few shots of them while doing recon. Nothing solid yet, but... It's enough for now. Enough to track them."
thechildrenofnecessity crashed on Chorus.
"AI? That’s impossible all the AI were destroyed in an emp, at least all the Project Freelancer ones were. So, either you’re lying to me on purpose or your information is wrong." She crossed her arms. She could tell he was lying about something though, so what was it? What part of his little story was a lie, if not all of it?
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Tell them exactly what they are doing and how it is bothering you. Tell them how it's making you feel and why.
And tell them that if it continues then your own mental health dictates that you can no longer speak with them. It is not a good thing when you can't speak your mind like that to someone you call a friend. And if it is honestly starting to bother you that badly, then perhaps cutting ties might be the best option.
They don't really sound like the kind of person you need to be speaking with anyway, if they're acting like that....
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