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geminidragonbadger · 2 years ago
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juliustrumpet · 3 days ago
The chicken.
Orquesta Gran Soufflé.
#gransoufflé #gransouffle #orquestagransouffle #orquestagransoufflé #juliollamastrumpet #juliollamastrompeta #juliollamasflugelhorn #trompeta #trumpet #solotrumpet #thechicken #improvisación #jazz #swing #rockblues
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all-else-hippy-pip · 3 years ago
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“The chicken must first cross the road…The road…A sea of trees and green and moss, waiting just across the road, the road… A life of brighter days, a width of road away… The road is gigantic, the chicken is little, she moves ahead left-right-left, right-left-right. All of a sudden, she stops in the middle. Frozen in place by a pair of headlights. It's anyone's guess what then happened next…But most think she died…But I think we ought to believe that she got to the other side…So that's why she did it…” - Bo Burnham . . . #boburnham #inside #insidetheouttakes #thechicken #embroidery #art #embroiderersofinstagram #embroidered https://www.instagram.com/p/CgNNv9oq3kk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jackarbizu · 3 years ago
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Can you see spot him #thechicken #lovinglife #livingthelife #happy47 #fortuneteller #party #grateful #bdaycelebration #tarocake #letthemeatcake (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiMaTDTOEL6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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geminidragonbadger · 2 years ago
Let’s get carcinized.
With the crab facts advent calendar, you can scratch off the iridescence to reveal one crab fact every day! We dug deep into the facts vault to bring you some deep cuts. We know you'll love 'em.
Get a calendar here 👇🏻
Art by @franzanth
These calendars support Skype a scientist! We're a small science education nonprofit. We connect scientists with classrooms, scout troops, libraries and more! We offer our programming totally for free. We also run the squid facts hotline! Calendars support our work 🧬
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amiltongarcia · 7 years ago
Having fun | | | @p67granjavianna #projeto67 #drumstick #drumming #jamming #drums #drummer #drummers #drumart #granjaviana #bateria #baterista #drumkit #batterie #schlagzeug #jacopastorius #thechicken #fun (em Projeto67 - Unidade Granja Vianna)
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amouls · 4 years ago
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Chicken Soup (Shourbet Djaj). As the weather starts getting autumnal, and coughs and colds become a feature in every household, there is nothing better than having a homemade chicken soup. This is my mums recipe, and I can vouch for its healing properties. I have always cooked it for my kids and now for my grand kids. An important tip that I can give you is always to cook a whole chicken, if that is not possible, then choose chicken pieces with bones on. it is well known that chicken bone broth helps fight inflammation and can help repair the gut. Here’s how to make it! 1whole medium-size chicken 3 teaspoons salt 1 cup pudding or Italian risotto rice 4-5 sprigs flat leaf parsley, chopped finely 2 teaspoons salt 2 cinnamon sticks 1 whole nutmeg 5 cups water 1 knob butter Put chicken in a pot, cover with water and bring to the boil. Using a small sieve, remove the foam that collects at the top of the pot. Add the cinnamon sticks, nutmeg and two teaspoons salt, and cook gently over low heat until the chicken is cooked, approximately 30 minutes. You can check with a fork if the chicken falls off the bone then it is done, if not you can add water at this point. Wash the rice in a small sieve and add to chicken. Cook gently over medium heat for 20 minutes, or until the rice is cooked. Melt the butter in a small frying pan over low heat. Carefully add one tablespoon of the chicken stock to the butter and stir gently. Add this mixture to the soup. If you like, remove the chicken from the stock and take the meat from the bones, breaking it into large chunks. Otherwise you can put the whole chicken with the soup in a large tureen, and break it up as you serve it. Pour into serving bowl, and sprinkle with parsley. Drizzle some lemon juice and enjoy! Sahtein. I love it with a slice of freshly baked bread, or home made fries. #mumsrecipe #chickensouprecipe #soup #lebanese_delicious_dishes #yourlebanon #thechicken #thechickensoupproject #amoulsrecipes https://www.instagram.com/p/CFfQXwRJroR/?igshid=f4r7n3m2z7bz
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a-collage · 5 years ago
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What came first? #thechicken OR #theEgg #Voices #veryimportant #speakup #vote #haveanopinion #collage #collageart #a_collage #typeface #letterthatblend #analogcollage #analogphotography #c_expo #collagecollectiveco #yellow #visualtrick #processvideo #makingithappen #sketchbookpages https://www.instagram.com/p/CFXWXCNlwUe/?igshid=7rv4ou3vgf7w
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renownusa · 2 years ago
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This Wed. Night 1/11/23 #TAS PreParty hangs in #InitialD hometown Gunma🇯🇵 at @The_Chickens_Friedchicken. Plenty of incredible machinery to feast your eyes upon while enjoying Fried Chicken and Beer, including local royalty @Moontech.jp who will have the latest #Ferrari #488 by with @Neutrale_wheels designed by @jonsibal along with Yoshi’s #Rubystone #968 + lots more. Can’t wait, let the gold times roll! 🙏🍻🇯🇵 #TOUGE #ferrari488 #renown #moontech #neutrale #thechickens #tokyoautosalon (at The Chickens) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnOIqo1rs1f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jargon1 · 5 years ago
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#thechicken (at BAES Chicken) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9xMSgXDSzg/?igshid=htkzjpgbq9g5
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mymars2025 · 5 years ago
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<2020 매일 음악하기> 31일 차. 교재 음원 미디 작업 기타 처음 배울 때 진짜 진짜 말도 안 되게 쉬워도 어려워하는 사람들이 언제나 있어서, 더욱더 쉬운 예제를 찾기 위해 노력하고 있어요. 이번에 새로 나올 교재에는 쉬운 예제들을 대폭 보강했는데요, 오늘은 단선율 멜로디 연습 예제에 들어가는 동요들 반주를 만들었습니다. 간만의 미디 작업이네요 ㅎㅎ 얼마 전에 선물 받은 IK multimedia의 Modo bass를 이용해봤는데 퀄이 엄청 훌륭해요! 요즘 다들 상황이 많이 어려운데 자영업자로서 저도 계속 마이너스라, 새 베이스 사서 직접 치는 것보다 어쩜 이게 더 나을 수도 있다고 위로하고 있습니다 ㅠㅠ 오늘의 음악은 '더 치킨'입니다. 실용음악 계열 연주자라면 누구나 한 번쯤은 연주해보았을, 언제나 신나고 질리지 ���는 명곡이죠. Modo bass의 프리셋들 중에 'Jaco'가 맘에 쏙 들어서 어제 만든 음원들의 베이스 소리를 다 'Jaco'로 썼어요. 위의 사진을 보면 프리셋 화면 또한 영상 속의 그 베이스죠 ㅋㅋ 개인적으로 펜더 재즈 베이스 소리를 무척 좋아합니다. (사고 싶다 사고 싶다 사고 싶다) https://youtu.be/TgntkGc5iBo #통기타교본 #통기타교재 #동요반주 #음악세계 #IKmultimedia #Modobass #FenderJazzBass #JacoPastorius #TheChicken #매일음악하기 #매일연습하기 #매일작곡하기 #백일프로젝트 #뮤지션네트워킹 #아티튜브 #artitube(숨SOUM에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9GfWwolYBH/?igshid=7g2osvfa8syo
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papa-evershed · 5 years ago
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paintedatoz · 6 years ago
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#springcleanup #thechicken #courtyard #courtyardgarden #newflowerbedstoday #timetostartseedlings @thegoatcottage @derecktor @magic_carpet_travel @the_constant_host (at Tiverton, Rhode Island) https://www.instagram.com/thegoatcottage/p/BvFY8cPnPSi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xlqu5wmn7tyn
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theserpent-and-thechicken · 5 years ago
What was the wedding like?
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Excuse the resolution, tumblr is being a thot.
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mozzar-ella3 · 5 years ago
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Well now this is happening🤣#theygrowupsofast #thechickening https://www.instagram.com/p/CAyFYJWghRLS4DZ10WbP38PlaOu_zbv6C93ZjQ0/?igshid=1sskwpe14sij9
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killmeowself · 7 years ago
Which came first? The chicken? Or the Egg?
The Egg. The egg logically came first because if you look at it from an evolutionary standpoint, The chicken would be a result of many many many mutations of a previous species. It would start with the chickens biological ancestor, and eventually, after generations upon generations of evolution, something close to a chicken(but not yet completely a chicken) would produce the chicken we know today. That egg would in turn hatch and produce more chickens.
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