A Confession
Casual Camilla sat on her bed, cross-legged she leant against the wall. The receiver of the telephone jammed under her chin she listened jut half-eared to the lively and almost unending chat of her sister, while reading the love letter of Charles again and again.
They were just returned from the weekend at Broadlands, Charles had driven her home but couldn´t stay due to a very important family lunch. Of course he had carried her luggage to the entrance door, before they said good-bye with a never ending and deep kiss. Meanwhile Camilla was used to the officers around him, she didn´t mind any longer to exchange caresses with Charles under their eyes. These guys were so discreet and unobtrusive, sometimes she even forgot that they were there…as Charles had told her from the beginning on. 
Already by putting the key into the door of her flat she heard the ringing of the telephone. Moaning Camilla grabbed the receiver and shut the door with her foot. Of course it was Annabel, she simply couldn´t bear to talk to Camilla not every day of the week. And so she impatient tried to call her sister since one hour, almost bursting with all the little news she couldn´t tell her during the weekend.
Slipping out of her shoes Camilla moaned into the receiver: “Wait, chatterbox, wait…” She grabbed the telephone and scuffled into her room, tossed her small luggage into the next corner and tried to get rid of her jacket. But something fell off of the pocket now, an envelope. Camilla frowned, picked it up and started to laugh. It was Charles´ signet paper, obviously he had put the letter into her jacket while kissing her good-bye.
And now she was more buried into the letter as to listen to Annabel´s chitchat about some friends and family. She had no idea how Charles managed to reinvent writing love letters each time he did one, but each of his letters was different and special. And it never failed to put a wide and happy grin into her face, not to mention the tumbling pit of stomach.
Though Annabel was the only person beside her closest friends who know about the relationship with Charles, Camilla didn´t tell much. Not only about the weekend, not much at all. She simply felt, it was inappropriate to give away too much. And, they couldn´t half as often meet as they both longed for, so every little second was more than precious to her.
Camilla had read Charles letter for the fourth time meanwhile and didn´t recognise that Annabel had stopped chatting. She had noticed, that Camilla was busy with something else. “Milla…?!” Camilla just mumbled: “Hhmmm….” She tried anew: “Milla?! What are you doing?” Camilla determined folded the letter back into the envelope, she would read it later again, shortly before falling asleep and after Charles had called her to say good-night. “Nothing,” she replied, “I´ve just read a little note.” Annabel sighed, she knew what it was as she had seen the huge bunch of love letters Camilla had received from Chares during the last months.
More serious now she asked: “Mills…?” Camilla knew, if she talked to her like that it was in earnest. She didn´t answer. “Mills? Don´t you think it´s time now?” Camilla tried to sound clueless: “For what, Bells?” Annabel moaned: “To tell them about him?!” Camilla still tried it: “To tell whom about who?” “Mills!!! You know exactly what I mean! To tell Mom and Dad about Charles, of course!”
There was silent for a few seconds, until Camilla answered: “Bells, I don´t want to show him around like a trophy.” Annabel almost had to laugh: “Like a trophy?! To Mom and Dad?!…Could it be that you just have the jitters, dear?” Camilla gulped: “Have the jitters!? Why should I please?” “Because you finally have to face the status of your love!” Camilla was speechless, her little sister had hit the nail on the head. She still was confused by thinking of her future with Charles, it was all a very huge riddle to her. And so she just avoid thinking about it.
Camilla cleared her throat: “Oh Annabel, please! Who knows where this all will lead to?…Maybe tomorrow Charles will meet another person and that´s it…” Annabel started to giggle: “Oh, come on, dear! Don´t try to tell me it´s just a fling!” She had met Charles once until now, just a few minutes as she just left Camilla and he arrived. She didn´t need to see more, not to mention the way her sister talked about him, when she did. Or the way her eyes sparkled then, how she got lost in thoughts while beaming widely, and how precious she treated all his love letters and little gifts. And not to mention Charles´s eyes as he watched Camilla and the way he tenderly kissed her in front of Annabel´s eyes, leaving her with a goose flesh.
With a dry mouth Camilla almost whispered: “Who knows, Bells…Life is full of surprises.” Annabel didn´t give up: “Milla, to be honest! No matter what will happen, he will always love you, and you will always love him. Let´s face it! And you try to tell me, there´s no reason to talk to Mom and Dad?”
The words hammered in Camilla´s head, she knew it was true. Despite she didn´t try to think about the future, she felt that Charles would always be a part of her life, somehow. And, what should be actually the problem to tell her parents…and she knew that Charles was impatient to meet all of her family, but never would dare to put her under pressure with it. But maybe, or probably, Annabel was right…
“So, then…I will tell them, Bells.”, Camilla answered with a low voice. Annabel was satisfied: “Fine! And when?” Camilla exhaled: “Sometimes, later…” “Uum, Mills…I guess, you can´t wait for very long…” Camilla was fully awake now: “BELLS!!! What you´ve told them!!” Hastily Annabel answered with a girlish voice: “Nothing, nothing, really nothing! But Mummy had almost hold a gun at my head!” Camilla exhaled again: “Why?” “Because she couldn´t call you at the weekend! Once again, Mills! It´s nothing new since weeks! And so it´s your fault…at least a bit…why you hadn´t said you´d meet with friends?!” Camilla moaned: “I think, I´m old enough! So, tell me, what happened!” Annabel gulped: “She had Virginia in the line, and she behaved strange. She seemed to know where you was, but didn´t want to tell. It was veeery obvious!” Camilla moaned again and leaned with closed eyes against the wall: “Virginiaaaa!…So, and then?” Annabel almost whispered: “And then Mummy called me again…and you know how she can be!! So, in the end…I´ve told her that you´ve a new boyfriend.” “ANNABELL! Why did you do that?!” Actually Camilla wasn´t angry about her sister, she really knew that at one point no one could escape their mother´s questions. But it just overrun her and she felt a bit confused.
Annabel stuttered something, but Camilla interrupted her with a calm voice again: “No, no, Bells! It´s alright, I´m sorry. Forget it, it´s alright. I know…” She could hear Annabel´s relieved breathing and her smile. “But, please, Bells! Tell me exactly what you´ve said to her!” “Milla, I´ve said really nothing. Just the new boyfriend, that was all. Of course she tried to press me out, but I told nothing. Not even his name!” “Alright, alright! Hug to you, Bells!” Annabel giggled now: “Sometimes I just hate you, do you know?” Camilla had to giggle to: “And sometimes I hate you, too!” The girls loudly laughed, they were back in peace. But Camilla had to promise to call her parents in the evening at the latest and to tell Annabel everything tomorrow then.
Grinning Camilla hang up, what would she just do without her lively and funny sister?
It rung again immediately. With rolling eyes Camilla picked up the receiver, it was too early for Charles…”Hello?”, she uninterested asked. An excited voice answered: “Oh, hello dear! It´s Mummy here!” Camilla closed her eyes and inaudible exhaled: “Oh, hello Mummy!” “Yes, dear!…I just wanted to know how you are!” Camilla could read the curiosity in her voice, her mother was almost breathless. She widely grinned, she wasn´t bugged off any longer. “I´m fine, Mummy. Thank you. And you?” “Oh, I´m too. Your father as well…” Camilla didn´t answer, she just grinning waited for the next thing to come.” “So…how was your weekend, dear? I´d tried to call you, but Virginia said you weren´t at home…” Camilla pinched her thigh not to laugh loudly: “It was nice, Mummy.” For a second it was silent. Rosalind tried to find the right way: “Did you travel anywhere?” Camilla just mumbled: “Hhmmm…” She heard her mother exhaling and trying it anew: “Whit whom, dear?” Camilla couldn´t hold it any longer, she heartily laughed: “Oh, Mummy! I know that Annabel told you!” Rosalind gulped: “Oh, Camilla! Why didn´t you told us that you´ve met someone new!” Camilla still laughed: “Mummy! I´m not ten years old any longer!” “Yes, yes, of course. But…I was…we were worried. Since weeks we sometimes didn´t know where you have been during the weekend and…there can happen so many bad things!”
Camilla demanded herself to stop laughing, and she knew her mother was right. But, it was just different in this case…”Yes, Mummy. But I promise you, everything is fine.” Rosalind smiled, but she still felt uneasy: “So, yes. So you´ve obviously a new boyfriend…Is he from London?” Camilla grinned: “Yes, he is from London.” “Where exactly, dear? Near to you?” Camilla wiggled her head: “Um…yes…he lives in Central London. Westminster exactly.” Rosalind remained silent for a second. “Westminster?! Oh! So, he has a nice flat for sure?” Camilla tried hard to hold control and thought of Charles “modest” bachelor apartment in Buckingham Palace: “Yes, it´s nice.” Rosalind had loved her daughter not to be such sparing with words, but she simply had to know: “Oh, Camilla, please! Tell me something about him, you know what a fearful person I am! What´s his name? Do we know the family? What does he work? Is he caring for you?”
Camilla arched her head back in laughter: “Oh Mummy! You really don´t have to be worried, really! So, his name is Charles. We don´t know the family, at least not personally. He is working a lot and….he cares very, very, very much for me.” Rosalind felt relieved, at least a bit. “So, Charles. That sounds nice. And his family name?…And he really is nice and caring for you? Fine! Fine, dear!…But what he is working exactly?” Rosalind was very excited again.
Camilla just overheard the question for his family name: “Mummy, to be honest, he is carrying me on his hands!” Rosalind could almost feel her daughter´s happiness and started to smile again. “And he is working all sorts of things: charity, environment protection, travelling around the world, holding speeches…he´s just a clever brain.” Just right now she felt very proud of him and Rosalind could really hear it. But…”Dear, can someone earn money with saving the environment and doing charity? For a life in Westminster?” Camilla laughed again: “Well, not exactly. But…Mummy, let´s talk again later. Within the next days, alright?” Actually Rosalind wasn´t fine with it, she wanted to know all of this mysterious boyfriend. But there was some determination in her daughter´s voice and she knew, she just had to wait. But she had to promise her to stay carefully and to call immediately, if something would went wrong. Laughing Camilla hung up the phone.
She unpacked her luggage, very unusual for her to do it immediately. But obviously Charles´ tidiness had rubbed off on her, a very little bit. She read the newspaper, similarly a thing she wasn´t too interested in a few month ago and made herself some tea.
The phone rang again.
Camilla grinned, either it was her mother again as she just couldn´t endure her half-knowing about that “Charles”, or it was her father, instigated by her mother to call.
Bruce´s amused voice sounded in the receiver: “Hello, darling!” Camilla chuckled: “Hello, Dad!” As always there was a genuine understanding between them, Bruce didn´t need to say much. “You know why I´m calling you. Your mother was worried…and still is a bit. And I felt sometimes uneasy too, during the last weeks.”  Camilla tried to interrupt him, but Bruce didn´t let her. “No, just listen to me now. I wasn´t born yesterday, I know you aren´t fourteen any longer. And I know you all have a jolly good time there in London and sometimes you all are doing things, your parents wouldn´t be that happy with.” Camilla tried anew to have a word, but Bruce´s voice still was determined: “Daarling, listen! I know, it´s wonderful to be in love, to have parties and so on…But, darling, please! Never let us unsure again where you´ve been. At least, leave a telephone number and a name.” Impatient Camilla had waited to begin to speak: “Yes, Dad! I´m sorry…but Virginia and Annabel always knew where I was!” Bruce sighed: “First: it really sounds strange to me that you´re making such a fuss about this man. But, well…And second: I always thought we would trust each other!”
Camilla gave in, of course her dad was right, but on the other hand it wasn´t that easy. But somehow she still didn´t want to speak properly about Charles. Bruce continued: “Alright, darling! I think it´s clear now.” And with a way more gently voice now: “And? Will you tell me about this mysterious Charles? You´re mother said he lives in Westminster? And he´s interested in environment and charity? Maybe you can understand that this combination sounds a bit odd to me? Is he some kind of flower boy?” Bruce roguish laughed now: “Honestly, darling, how he makes his money?” Camilla fumbled at the telephone cable: “Daaad! He isn´t a strange flower boy or something, for sure not! And his family is wealthy, very wealthy!” Bruce was confused: “So, is he some kind of a playboy, or what? And then for sure we know this family! What´s their name?” Camilla bit her lower lip, somehow this call seemed to drift into the wrong direction: “No, Dad, no! He isn´t a kind of playboy, for sure! And…I don´t want to tell his family name, not now…but I will tell you everything, later. Promised.”
Bruce remained silent for a little while: “Alright. So, just answer these two questions: Is he making you really happy?” He heard the wide smile of her daughter and her joyously: “Yes! Very much!” It obviously came direct out of her heart, Bruce felt much better now: “Fine! And, second question: Can I trust you? You won´t do stupid things?” Very confident Camilla answered: “Yes, Dad. You can trust me. And…you can trust him.” Bruce knew, she didn´t lie. And so he dared again: “Alright, sweetie. So, then…really think of this now! Your mother and I would love to know him…” Camilla bit her lower lip again. “It´s your choice! But as he obviously makes you so happy we are eagerly to meet him. If you want, whenever you want…Alright?” Camilla twiddled at the telephone cable. “Yes, Dad. I will ask him, I can´t tell you anything now. But I will call you and Mummy again.”
After that call Camilla leaned out of her window, smoking two cigarettes in a row. She thought about the words of her sister and knew that Annabel was right. That she somehow always will be linked with Charles heart. No matter, what the future will bring for them. And she thought about her worried mother and the direct words of her father and that they always should be sincere to each other. And suddenly she couldn´t figure out any longer what actually her problem was. Of course she should introduce him to her parents, as fast as possible. Why on earth she had hidden the cute little prince, who had made her so very happy? At least her closest family had to know him, of course they had to!
On point, at exactly the same time as every evening, the phone rang. Camilla ripped off the receiver and happily let out a “Hello, my darling!” Charles heart lifted up immediately, after an exhausting day with some differences of opinion with his parents he needed nothing more as the support of his girlfriend. Already relaxing he leaned back at his sofa rest: “Hello, sweetie! How are you?” Smiling he remembered their good-bye kiss in the morning and wished nothing more as to be with her now. Camilla chuckled: “Oh, I´m feeling quite well! Someone had given me a wonderful love letter this morning. I had found it in my pocket, just imagine!” Charles snuggled more into the cushions and satisfied grinned: “Oh, really! What a cheeky guy! What had he written?”
Camilla laid down on her bed and buried the receiver under her chin while snuggling into her pillow as well. “He had written such wonderful things. And that he loves me, and will do forever!” “Hhmm…sounds good. But, he should be careful in the future. Writing such things to my girlfriend!” Camilla chuckled: “I had loved it. And I think, I love him too. Very much indeed.” Charles grinned happy: “I guess, this way too romantic guy would like to hear it from you!” “Yes, I guess that too.” She paused a second and continued with a low voice: “Love you, darling. Love you.”  Charles kissed the receiver: “And I love you. And I had missed you terrible today, since the second I had to leave you.” He told her from his family lunch, from the meeting in Buckingham Palace and from the argument with his parents, particularly his father. He couldn´t still figure out what was actually the real problem today. But he knew, and Camilla did too, that he simply didn´t fulfil the expectations of his father. To be a “real” man, a soldier out of his heart, able to put his feelings aside or even to forget them. Camilla always said to him that he just had to wait a few years. She was sure, his father would change a bit by getting older and show more understanding for him then. But this was one the very few things Charles couldn´t believe her.
And then he asked his girlfriend for her day. Camilla cleared her throat and tried to start: “Uum…darling? I had a few calls with my family today…” Charles interrupted her immediately, she sounded a bit strained: “Are there any problems, darling?” Camilla chuckled, why on earth he was just so cute? “No…ah..yes…no. They were just a bit worried….Oh no, forget it. On point: they know I have a boyfriend and they would be glad to meet you!” Charles jumped up from his sofa: “Really?! When? Tomorrow?” Meeting her family was really on top of his To-Do-List. First of all they looked very nice and kind on the photos he had seen, like a family he always had dreamed of. Her parents just had to be fantastic with a daughter like Camilla. And though he barely had eyes for her in Camilla´s flat, he already liked Annabel a lot. And second: meeting her family would give their relationship a bit more of an “official” status, Charles felt. And this was an important topic to him, he feared nothing more as to lose her.
Camilla laughed: “Tomorrow? No, I thought rather of a Sunday within the next weeks.” Charles shook determined his head: “The next weeks? No! I had time this Sunday!” Camilla scratched her head: “Are you sure, darling? Are you ready for this?” Charles laughed: “Why not? Do you think I have to do some knight´s games with your father? To win his wonderful daughter?” Camilla didn´t answer, she just bit her lips. Charles was confused: “Darling, what´s up? Of course I will be nervous. But…” he slightly panicked, as she still didn´t say anything. “Are you ready for this?” “Yes…”, she first hesitantly answered. But quickly she got determined: “Yes, yes! I am! But…darling?…I still didn´t dare to tell the truth!” Charles frowned: “The truth about what? That you love me?” “They know that I love someone…you…ahh…not directly you…but you…” Camilla stuttered around and Charles suddenly laughed loudly: “Don´t tell me that my brave girl didn´t dare to tell her parents about her strange boyfriend!” Camilla had to laugh now, too: “You mean that you are Fred? This Fred?” “Yes, Fred! Of course!…Darling, you really should tell them now. Before we are there. And, please, they don´t have to make any fuss for me! You know that!”
With a light tumbling stomach Camilla dialled the number of her parents the next evening. It didn’t take long and her mother answered. Full of joy to hear so soon from her daughter. They first chitchatted around, none of them dared to touch the topic that hung in the air. But Camilla couldn´t hold it any longer: “Mummy? I have spoken to Charles. He would love to meet you both.” It took a load off Rosalind´s mind. Excited she turned around to look for her husband and waved him nearer. She pressed the receiver against her chest and hastily whispered to Bruce: “He said yes! They will come!” Smiling Bruce nodded and took a sip of wine. He had just known that he could trust into his daughter. Camilla had to chuckle about the scene but tried to stay serious: “Would this weekend be alright? At Sunday afternoon?” Rosalind exhaled: “Oh, so very soon?” Joyously she turned around to Bruce once more and moved her lips to a “Sunday”. Bruce grinned, he loved if his wife behaved like a nervous teenager. “But, yes, dear! Sunday is fine! What shall I do? Biscuits or a cake? What does your Charles like?”
Camilla buried her face into her hand and giggled: “Nothing, Mummy. Just buy some biscuits, that will do it. And…the house is clean enough, the porcelain is good enough, just everything is fine. You look wonderful the way you are, you don´t have to buy a new dress or something.” Rosalind nervously chuckled: “Oh, darling. We are looking forward to it. We really do!” Bruce nodded again and sent an air kiss to the telephone. Rosalind smiled: “I love you, and Daddy loves you too! When will you be here on Sunday? 2 p.m.? Approximately?”
Camilla´s mouth had dried meanwhile. She knew she couldn´t wait any longer, but her heart was in her mouth now. How on earth she could tell it to her parents in the way they really would believe it? And didn´t let her mother faint? She stuttered: “Yes, yes…approximately?” “So, it´s fine, darling. Then we´ll see on Sunday!” Rosalind was about to hang up and Camilla finally made an effort. Hastily she yelled into the receiver: “Mummy! Mummy! Wait!”
Rosalind pressed the receiver against her ear: “Yes, darling?” “I have to tell you something!” Rosalind´s heart beat faster: “What is it?” “It´s about Charles.” Anxiously Rosalind turned around to her husband, who was about to leave the room. Quickly she waved him back and frowning Bruce stepped nearer again. Rosalind´s voice slightly trembled now: “Yyess?” Somehow she had guessed, there was something unusual with him…”I just wanted to say, it´s this Charles.” But Rosalind didn´t understand: “Wwhaat do you mean, dear…?” Camilla´s heart raced: “Charles! The prince!”
Rosalind´s mind run riot. Confused she grabbed the hand of her husband and stuttered: “Ppprince? Wwhaat prince?” Bruce grimaced to her with asking eyes. Camilla deeply exhaled: “Prince Charles. The Prince of Wales.” Rosalind squeaked for a second and squeezed Bruce´s hand. She let down the receiver for a moment and watched him with wide eyes: “Darling, she says, it´s Prince Charles!” Bruce stared back at her, without any facial expression. Slowly Rosalind pressed the receiver at her ear again: “You are joking, aren´t you? Dear?” Camilla had found back her composure, but still was excited: “No, Mummy. I am not. It´s Prince Charles. My dear boyfriend Charles.”
Slowly Rosalind´s mind started to work. Of course: he lives in Westminster, he is wealthy, he travels around, does charity…and Camilla´s unknown strange behaviour! Almost desperate she whispered to Bruce: “Really! Prince Charles!” But Bruce had already started to laugh. He had put one and one together meanwhile and couldn´t believe it. Of course, if someone in this world was able to catch the heart of The Prince of Wales, then it could just be his daughter! His wonderful daughter! Bruce laughed and laughed, in joy and pride and surprise. He wasn´t able to speak to her, he just waved aside as his wife wanted to reach the receiver to him.
The next Sunday a dark blue Aston Martin Volante, followed by a Range Rover security car, parked in front of The Laines…
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Hey I love your Fiction 🥰 I have a Question do you think thecclover will come back because Im also so in love with their Fics ?
Sorry, who? I've never heard of that person. @camillafanfiction is writing again though and their stories are the best 😍
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myroyalpassion · 1 year
Hey, when I looked though your account last time I saw really nice fanfictions about Charles and Camilla from "thecclover" only the Account is gone 🙁 I dont think you happen to know if I can still find the fictions somewhere
Hey, I think she deleted herself and didn't post them anywhere else.
Have you already checked out @camillafanfiction , @what-if-queen-camilla and @charles-and-camilla-fanfictions ?🤗
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camillasgirl · 6 years
Send this to 12 nicest people who you know or seem to have a good heart. If you get five back then you must be pretty awesome.💕😄
Thank you so much :)
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Thecclover and Camillafanfiction are amazing writers and I love all their stories. It-s great to have these two writers in the fandom.
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@thecclover @camillafanfiction
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camillafanfiction · 8 years
thecclover replied to your post: An April’s Day
Wonderful :)
And thanks to you, too, Mareike :)
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monarchyismagic · 8 years
Send this to the 12 nicest people you know or seem to have a good heart and if you get 5 back you must be pretty awesome ❤
Thank you girl!!! ❤
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kingcharlesgifs · 9 years
thecclover replied to your post: thecclover replied to your post: Dancing Que...
:D:D Caprice!! I can’t!! :D:D But, you know, we can’t ask her. She is vanished in Los Angeles. And no one has ever heard of her. :D:D
:D She must be somewhere... :D We really ought to find her :D
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fatbutstillsexy · 9 years
Hello lovely person. Once you get this you have to share 5 random facts about yourself and pass it on to 10 of your favourite blogs. Spread love, not hate! ♣
Thx Bae!
I love taking nudes
I’m a royalist
I can’t stand Diana Spencer
I’m quite horny ATM
I think society sucks
0 notes
Grandfather Lessons
Neither the still warming sun rays of the first weekend in October this year, nor the noise from the children at play outside could distract Charles from his work. He had tried to reduce his workload during the holidays, but now he was back in his usual form. Buried into his desk he recognised the knock at his door only at its second try.
Without stopping to write he mumbled an answer, but immediately turned his head, as a quiet and soft voice called: “Darling!” Charles smiled and gazed into the eyes of his wife, who had just stick her head at the door. “We´ll leave in five minutes.” Charles frowned: “Where?” Camilla sighed and indulgent smiled, still the doorknob in her hand. But Charles was back in reality now and giggled as an excuse. Of course he remembered, it was planned since weeks. Sarah and Laura would come along for lunch with the children and afterwards, with Camilla in tow, explore the antique stores around Highgrove and Tetbury. Charles would keep an eye on the children meanwhile.
He only had seen them for a few minutes, as he came down to greet them. As he never has lunch, he quickly got back to his desk again, but had the feeling now, that none of them was in the mood for just reading books in the afternoon…
Camilla stepped in to say good-bye. Smiling she touched his shoulders and with an: “Alright, darling?” she bent down to kiss him.  A millisecond later she found herself back on Charles´ lap, tightly embraced by him and his lips pressed on hers. With a languorous sound she got a long smacker. Charles let loose of her, but just as much as he could see her eyes. His hands run up her neck to her hairline and he breathed: “It´s alright. Almost.” He kissed her again, so gently but longing at once, that Camilla decided her two ladies to wait a few minutes longer.
Being in Charles` arms let her forget everything around, as always. The memories of the holidays were back, she had enjoyed them so much. Except her annual girl´s week and a few days alone with her children they had spent all the time together. And very often they were even closer together, Camilla smiled while kissing him. They had made love whenever or wherever they wished, most of the time lovingly and slowly to enjoy it to the full. After forty years she was nowhere near to have enough of him, and neither he was with her. As she recognised now.
Charles´ hands had obviously unbuttoned her blouse, as his very tips of the fingers had touched her collarbones and slowly slipped down the skin of her cleavage until he cupped her breasts with his palms.
But her ladies still waited. Just one minute more, Camilla told her brain. And maybe one minute more, but…
With a determined, but in fact more teasing “No!” Camilla jumped up.
Charles was confused first, but then pulled a face, teasingly, and hit his thighs with his fist. “What are you doing?!” he wistfully asked her while watching her with puppy eyes by button up her blouse. His eyes had a mischievous touch, as well had the eyes of his wife. Almost seductive she posed in front of him, concentrating on her buttons while watching him again and again out of the corner of her eyes.
Charles stared at the last glimpse of her cleavage, as Camilla shortly stopped. “Nooooo!” she long-drawn-out urged him. Charles corners of the mouth sunk down even more. Grinning she continued and shrugged her shoulders: “Too late! Unfortunately I had to wake up alone this morning, as my darling husband already sat at his desk. So, too late now!” She poked out her tongue to him and turned around to run out. Like a scalded cat Charles jumped up and giggling snatched her after two steps. Camilla loudly giggled too and wiggled with her arms to free out of him. But Charles hold her tightly and pressed her against the door. Kissing her constantly he mumbled into her mouth: “Too late? Too late? For what, please?” His fingers tickled her waist and up to her armpit, his wife giggling and breathing for air had to give up finally.
And as steps came along the corridor and Laura called: “Mummy! Mummy! Where are you?” Charles had to free her out of his arms, regretfully indeed. Camilla twinkled to him and gave him a last promising kiss. Quickly she opened the door and took Charles out by his hands. Chuckling she called: “Grandfather is coming! Grandfather is coming!” Charles scuffled behind her with a desperate grin.
But the three ladies didn´t lose any time now. Charles got a kiss on the cheeks from Laura and Sarah and a smacker from his wife, a second later he just watched the back-lights of the car.
The next thing he saw, was a bunch of small children wildly running to him and screaming: “Graaaandpaaaa! Graaaaaandpaaaa!” Five rascals grabbed his hands, wrapped their arms around his legs and tried to push him away with them. Charles loudly giggled and tried to hold his balance. A tangle of voices echoed in his ears: “Can I show you something?” “Can we play football?” “Grandpa, my shoelace is lose!” “Ouch! Grandpa, Freddie had hit me!”…
Five pairs of eyes begging for his attention looked up to him and tried to get rid of their rivals. Charles arched his head back in laughter and playfully covered his face with his hands. Then he tried to get down on his knees, but had to fight against a bunch of arms that flung around his neck.
 Charles raised his arms up in the air and screamed, giggling indeed: “Quiet! Quiet please!” The sound became quieter, but didn´t stop. He put his index finger on his lips: “Sshhh…quiet…” Finally the noise stopped and expectant children´s eyes stared at him.
Charles had a try: “So, what do we want to play?” The noise exploded again: “Hide and seek!” “Football!” “Car racing!” “Romping!” “Doll´s kitchen!”…Charles covered his face in his hands again and shook his head. “Quiiieeet! Quiet!” he yelled again, ruffled the hair of the boys and pinched the cheeks of the girls.
“So, my offer: first we´ll play football and then we´ll have a walk through the garden. I can show you some plants.” The reaction of the children wasn´t really overwhelming. Charles sighed: “Well, than just let´s start with football.” The boys cheered, the girls pulled a face.
Louis produced a football out of nowhere and the boys positioned on the lawn. Eliza and Lola had to be the goal keeper, but rolled their eyes as the boys started to fight, whom of them would have Grandpa in his team. Gus cheered, as he had won. But Charles was a bit lost, as he should kick off the ball. Looking around he asked: “Could someone explain the rules to me?”
Two seconds none of them said one word. They just stared at their grandpa and couldn’t realise, that there was a person in this world, who didn´t know the football rules. Excited each of them tried to explain him now, all at once. Charles didn´t understand anything, but Gus just patted his thigh now. “Just try to kick the ball into Laura´s goal”. This was the one and only rule, Charles knew already before…
The boys heavily battled for the ball. Fast they run from the right to the left, followed by an unoriented Charles. Now and then he managed to have a good shot and surprisingly he even landed a goal. Gus was over the moon and so proud of his grandpa.
The battle became harder and Charles already gasped for breath. The ball landed between his feet and suddenly Freddie jumped towards him with a sliding tackle. Charles stumbled and almost fell down. He laughed, but the game stopped and Gus screamed angrily: “Freddie! Take care! Grandpa is old!” Charles gulped, but in this moment Lola furious stamped down: “Grandpa isn´t old! He is a prince!” Charles had found back his composure and loudly laughed.
But the two boys had already started a little punch-up, joined by their sisters who tried to tear them apart. And Louis screamed something that Charles couldn’t understand because of the noise.
He just grabbed the two rascals by the scruff of the necks and tried to cool them down. Of course it didn´t take long and all of them were friends again. Charles sighed and bopped them.
Louis excited raised up the ball to start the game anew. But now Eliza snuggled against Charles: “Grandpa, I don´t want to play football anymore.” The boys loudly vetoed. But Lola stepped in, snuggled against Charles too and, frowning towards her brother and cousins: “Me, too. It´s boring!”
Charles hold his granddaughters in his arms and looked adoring down to them. He loved all of the kids to bits, but the girls were his little princesses. He never could refuse them a single wish. If they looked at him with a begging gaze, he always saw the eyes of his wife and melted like ice. Much to Camilla´s amusement.
He tenderly asked them: “And what we want to do now?” The boys moaned and Lola poked out her tongue to them. Eliza grabbed the cloth of his trousers and excited looked up to him: “Can we go into your garden?” The boys moaned louder, but Charles rapturous smiled. Even more, as Lola cheered.
His secret garden was rather adventurous for them, as almost nobody was allowed to get in beside their grandma and one of the gardeners. It looked somewhat witched in there, full of very old and exotic plants in a wild mixture. And the fruits and vegetables were even more tasty as in the garden of Gaga´s own house.
Charles immediately took them by the hand and scuffling the boys had to follow them, otherwise they would be out of sight. Proudly grinning Eliza and Lola looked up to him. Charles knew, he was some kind of a hero for the girls. They had asked all of their friends, but none of them had a real prince in the family. Wondering they loved to watch all of his uniforms and robes, orders, swords and they burst with pride, if he was in the TV or the newspapers. And the best always was, if Gaga was with him, in her beautiful dresses and jewellery and a tiara on.
And as Gaga assured them several times that she had sit with him on a running white horse more than once, the fairy tale was perfect for them.
The boys had to leave the ball behind, as they all entered the small squeaky door to Charles` paradise. But Charles made an unbeatable offer. “Each fruit you can find is yours! Aaaaand….Go!” The children jumped forward, trying to thrust the other ones aside to catch the best fruits. Charles roguish laughed and hit his thighs.
But after the first argument over the very last strawberries of the year, as Charles had to finish the row with a single strawberry for each of them, it slowly became quiet. Happily munching everyone had found their corner and secretly thought to have caught the best fruits in the garden.
Charles went over to Lola and Eliza, who happy smiled to him with their smudged mouths. He got down on his knees and took them both in his arms. Adoring he looked at them and couldn´t decide, as always, whom of them reminded him more of his wife.
Chewing Eliza asked him: “Grandpaaa, when will Mummy come back? And Gaga? And Sarah?” Charles lovingly stroke her head. “For tea, I guess.” Eliza put a blackberry into her mouth: “Will we have some cake?” Charles shrugged his shoulders: “Why not? We can ask in the kitchen for cake.” But Lola excited jumped up and down: “No! We can make the cake!” Charles hesitated for one second and laughed then: “And whom of you two will be the baker?” With a very serious facial expression Lola pointed to him: “You, Grandpa!” Charles gulped and scratched his head. Lola placed her little hands on his shoulders: “Come on! Daddy is baking with us very often!” Eliza joined her cousin thrilled: “Yes, yes, yes! Pleeeaase, Grandpa!”
Charles doubtfully smiled to them. He didn´t want to disturb the true-blue hero-fantasy of his granddaughters over him. In their eyes a prince was capable to do everything: killing dragons, fighting and triumphing with a real sword, doing mystery things they never had heard of, all in all doing everything perfect.
But, of course, he had absolutely no idea how to make a cake.
But the two girls already called for their brothers. Charles desperately breathed out. Deep in his mind he wished Camilla would come back soon to free him out of this misery. He tried to keep a clear mind: “So, what kind of cake could we make then?”
Of course the noise started now: “Cream!” “Chocolate!” “Banoffee pie!” “Doughnuts!” Charles mind worked hard, none of this he could realise. But he had an excellent idea now: “What about a fruit cake! Mummy and Gaga would love to have some of the berries, too!”
The children shortly stopped screaming, appraising looked at him and slowly each of them nodded. Inside Charles it took a load off his mind. Making a fruit cake couldn´t be that hard, could it? He wasn´t sure, but probably it was easier as making Banoffee pie.
The kids started to collect all of the berries they still could find. But how to carry them over into the kitchen?! Taking the whole crowd back to the house for a basket would take way too long, as they would find for sure something else underway. But Gus had the brilliant idea to take his and Louis baseball cap to put the fruits in.
Charles bent down on his knees again and schoolmasterly asked around: “So, who can tell me what we still need for the cake!” This was probably the best way to hide his cluelessness…
“Flour!” “Butter!” “Sugar!” “Eggs!” This really couldn’t be that hard, Charles felt relieved. And somehow he wondered, why on earth the kids knew this all already. Proud he pushed them all together and kissed the cheek of everyone.
He jumped up and spread his arms: “Whom of you would like to go to the chickens?” The girls cheered, the boys moaned. Nothing new for Charles today, so he just ignored it. He opened the garden door and pushed them all out. Unfortunately the boys had found the football again and already battled. As Charles locked, the football banged heavy against the door just millimetres beside his head. He just closed his eyes and took a deep breath to stay calm.
Lola and Eliza happily carried the fruits in the caps and jumped around Charles on the way to the chickens. Behind them the football game continued, shooting the ball criss-cross over the lawn.
They boys refused to go in to collect the eggs, but the girls happily joined their grandfather. Charles had no idea, how many eggs they would need. So they just collected all they could find. Outside the low fence the football game still was on.
Charles just put the eggs into his baggy trouser pockets, as they still had no basket. After seven eggs he decided, that it had to be enough. Suddenly the ball landed in the middle of the small area, right into a puddle. The chicken scared flapped its wings, one chicken almost flapped into Charles. Quickly he stepped back and knocked against Lola. A second later he felt a sticky fluid running down his leg…
His two princesses started the next row with their brothers. But Charles just waved aside…Ignoring the viscid feeling at his leg he scuffled back to the house, looked at his watch and felt desperate. For sure at least one hour, until the ladies party would be back.
Finally the football was left behind and the kids stormed the house, down the steps. Running in the direction of the kitchen they get rid of their jackets and shoes. But Charles didn´t mind any longer, he just scrambled over the scattered clothes.
The door was tore open and Charles heard a collective yell: “Grandpa will make a cake with us!!” A second later he scuffled into the kitchen, greeted by a few pairs of wide and wondering eyes of his kitchen staff. Hopeless he smiled to them, but the chief immediately understood.
To Charles highly relief he managed the kids to distract from their grandpa. Together with them he looked for the ingredients, gauged the right mixture of them and freed Charles from the eggs in his pockets.
But he really couldn´t free his boss from mixing the pastry. The children were still determined that Grandpa would do the cake.
Exciting they assembled around him and watched, how Charles put all the ingredients at once in the huge bowl. The kitchen chief covered his face with the hands.
Charles confidently started the mixer and each and every one were covered into a cloud of flour. After two seconds of silence a huge laughter started. All of them, including Charles, pointed to one another and giggled over their funny powdered faces and clothes.
And somehow, he couldn´t believe by himself, Charles managed to mix the pastry without further accidents. His little fans clapped and cheered him and helped to get the pastry into the baking tin. Excited they stared through the pane of the oven how the pastry baked inside.
They didn´t notice, that the cook prepared the cream to put on the cake meanwhile.
And it was hardly accepted by them that the cook pushed the hot cake out of the oven. But Charles had probably killed himself…
While the cake cooled down, Charles helped the children to wash the fruits. As Freddie secretly tried to nibble a black berry, the next row started. Desperately Charles steadied on the wash basin and shook his head. Just with half power he called: “Quiiieet! Quiieet, pleeease!” All what he wished for now was to hear a Range Rover with three smart ladies in it rolling through the gate…
The cake was cooled down, at least that much, that Charles could apply the cream on it. The children were convinced, he himself had made the cream and looked adoring up to him. The chief of the kitchen tried to pull himself together, he had to bite his lips and to look out of the window to not laugh loudly over the cute scene.
Exhausted Charles sunk down on the next chair, as the children decorated the cake with the fruits now. The girls rigorous took care that their brothers won´t try to nibble some fruits again, but all in all it went quietly.
And finally Charles heard the sound of his release. A huge car rolled over the driveway and stopped in the courtyard.
The children cheered and coughed the cake. It hazardous toppled on the tray and with a rescuing grip Charles snatched the cake. He just panted and didn´t say one word.
The five rascals jumped up the stairs, yelling: “Grandpa had made a cake for us!” again and again. They run into the arms of their mothers, exciting tried to tell them everything at once. Sarah and Laura couldn´t believe it and looked frowning to one another.
A moment later exhausted steps scuffled upstairs and suddenly a squeaky yelling was heard. Camilla almost got down on her knees and covered her face with her hands. She was shaken with laughter, tears run down her cheeks as she watched her husband. He looked like just coming out of a hard single combat, but the best was, that he hold a home-made cake in his hands.
Charles desperately and begging looked at her and his arms just fell down, as the boys took out the tray of his hands to proudly show it to their mothers. And Gaga of course.
But Gaga still heavily laughed and tried to dry her tears. Holding her stomach and covering her mouth she scuffled over to her husband and just let fall against his chest. Charles embraced her powerless, but slowly, as she kissed him affectionately over and over, still giggling, his vitality came back.
Finally laughing now he pressed her strong against his body. Camilla chuckled into his ear: “I think, there´s someone who deserves a reward today!” She loudly laughed again by looking into his still exhausted face. Charles stroke her cheek and relieved exhaled: “Ooooh, yes!” Twinkling to her he kissed her nose and her ear, already knowing what wonderful reward would wait for him.
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camillarosemary · 10 years
psst, I not-so-secretly love you. Anon or not, please pass this on to ten of your favorite blogs. spread the love, not hate
Oh! Thanks, darling :) Xxxx
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myroyalpassion · 9 years
thecclover said:
 OMFG!!!! It´s absolutely clear: he talked about Camilla! It makes totally sense with the quote you posted before! I have a goose flesh just right now!! Oh my god…poor Charles! How has he even survived until he could step out openly with her?!
Yeah, I’m sure he’s talking about Camilla. It’s rather obvious, I think. He must have contemplated marrying her a lot, even though he knew it wasn’t possible. I think it was his deepest wish and it must have upset him a lot. It’s really, really sad. The only good thing is that, in the end, he could marry a divorced woman and people are happy with it!
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camillasgirl · 7 years
This is an Amazing Person Award! Once you’re given this reward paste it in the ask of 8 people who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen but it is nice to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out.❤
Awww, thank you so much ♥
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You’re an amazing friend, always there to advise and help
You’re stories are all brilliant and never fail to brighten my day
I’m so glad we’ve met on tumblr and can fangirl together
You always say what you think
Your icon is just the cutest thing on earth
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camillafanfiction · 8 years
thecclover replied to your post: Love is stronger than convention Chapter 26
So sweeeeeeeet! It left a wide grin on my face!! Aaw, I´m so excited now how it goes on! I bet on a girl, btw ;)
Aww, thank you, Mareike! I’m always so happy when you enjoy my stories :) And probably we have to wait a little time to find out ;)
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monarchyismagic · 9 years
This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain~ nothing will happen, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out =)
Thank you so much girl!!!
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