sccharin · 3 years
@thebvsiness​ || continued for rain
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     “ what makes you think you’d be special? “ she definitely treats everyone like this. she didn’t have the time or energy to waste debating moral obligations to the greater good or why they should risk their necks for strangers. “ if i comes down to it, lady, i’ll throw you out to the infected. now grab what we came here for so we can be on our way. “
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divorare · 4 years
. @thebvsiness { continued }
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     her gaze flickers between the small marble statuette that the woman had taken from ren’s mantle to the assassin’s face “ it’d certainly be the first time someone has threatened me with anything of the sort, so i’ll give you points for creativity. it’d be a terrible dishonor to lorenzo bartolini & his beautiful work, however so i’m going to insist you find something less valuable to attempt to kill me with. “ here, the mafioso gives a fanged smile, amused. “ i’m assuming that is why you are in my home, uninvited, at such an hour? or am i being too hopeful that maybe you’ve just stopped in to join me for dinner? “
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griimarch · 3 years
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@thebvsiness​ asked: “  need a hand?  ”
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“Well depends do you know how to fix pistols? Or any of the mechanics that go into it?” Brown eyes did not leave the weapon below her as she continued to tinker with it.
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hiredassault · 4 years
@thebvsiness​          Contd.
        “ Who am I to judge? ” Then he looked at her, who appeared to be staring at him already with unamused, irritated && definitely distracted facial expression. He didn’t care if she misses or hits. Little did he recognize, nor did she THAT the other guy had DISPPEARED. 
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        The man moved his trolley forward to allow the FASIONABLY dressed assassin ( seriously? assassins nowadays have a fashion? ) to continue in her JOB. Floyd turned to the other direction finding the whole isle path empty && the door far ahead just remaining AJAR as if being recently used. “ ----damn. ” Time for her to chase her prey probably.
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chooserofslain · 4 years
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 @thebvsiness​ : “ did you just nod off ? ” *: ·゚✧ ⚔  𝗠𝗖𝗨 𝗖𝗜𝗡𝗘𝗠𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗖 𝗨𝗡𝗜𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗘 𝗤𝗨𝗢𝗧𝗘𝗦 ! / ACCEPTING !
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𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗤𝗨𝗘���𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 𝗖𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗟𝗢𝗡𝗚 𝗔𝗙𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗩𝗔𝗟𝗞𝗬𝗥𝗜𝗘 𝗛𝗔𝗗 -- lost track of the day, the time or even the hours since she had first stepped in the bar. She had wedged herself at the far end of the establishment and ---- let time UNSPOOL around her, a little more lost ... with each ... drink ... 
And now - she was suddenly and almost PAINFULLY - jerking her forehead upwards from the sticky bar stop with such force that her head spun and her hand lurched forward spilling what was left of a vodka sour.
" YES --- ” her tongue was too thick and her head too heavy to think of a lie, and to lie might imply that she was ashamed, or that she actually cared about falling asleep in front of a bar full of strangers on a forgein planet and the Valkyrie certainly ... did ... not.
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One sticky fist slammed the now empty glass on the counter top as bleary eyes turned towards the INTRUDER. 
“ You OWE me a drink -- for interrupting my ... nap. ” 
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sccharin · 3 years
gun / for yelena, rain, or letty
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     " did you expect me to not put you at gunpoint, nice? " & despite their brief shared history, the gun doesn't lower, still trained on the other woman with eyes narrowed. " what are you doing sulking around this time of night? looking for trouble? " she doesnt' trust nice any further than she coudl throw her -- which would be pretty far, actually, so maybe that's not entirely accurate. " you know i haven't much liked you since you showed up at the compound. "
     if that's what you wanted to call their ragtag little group of humans that had a very base understanding of each other in their shared need to survive. the others were friendly amongst each other, but rain was the outsider & always will be, but she kept to herself on the outskirts of the group in her little, shabby hut they'd all built. nice was new and nice was different from the others, & that made rain not trust her in the slightest. " you have ten seconds to explain before i shoot you. "
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sidercal · 3 years
* & TEST MUSE SC ( ACCEPTING ) – @thebvsiness
“Oh, sorry, didn’t mean to disturb you while you were being suspicious. What, pray tell, are you doing?” Granted, Gideon hardly escaped the air of suspicion since he was also out well past midnight. Not to mention the sizeable bag he had slung over his shoulder.
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dravcn · 4 years
@thebvsiness​ 💕’d  for  a  starter
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|☠|—  “  YOU  SEEM  LOST,  MISS,  “
              the  voice  --  formerly  the  melodic  sound  of  a  singer  --  was  crackled  and  distorted  from  decades  of  disuse,  though  the  tone  was  friendly  nonetheless.  eric  knew  his  appearance  didn’t  match,  but  he’d  stopped  taking  the  time  to  wipe  of  his  paint  before  having  a  human  interaction.  he  could  scare  her,  he  could  not.  she  could  want  his  help,  she  could  not.
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hiredassault · 3 years
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@thebvsiness​               Starter.
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          “ Um…that is not how bandaids work. ”
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sccharin · 3 years
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     “ Honestly, I’m not even mad. “ she lowers her gun to sheath it back into its holster, kicking at the boot of the body on the floor. She had been, quite literally, a split second too late to her mark. Some other pretty assassin had beaten her to it, “ You saved me the effort so, thanks. “ she crosses her arms & leans against the door frame, grinning flirtatiously. “ In fact, I’m glad we ran into each other. I’ll help you clean up if you agree to go to dinner with me. “
@thebvsiness​ | gets a starter from Andy!
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divorare · 4 years
@thebvsiness​ | continued
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     “ i am not ashamed to admit you fascinate me greatly, assassin. & as we’ve discussed, death is a non-issue. “ she smirks, “ unless you do not want my attentions -- i can certainly rein it in. “
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sidercal · 3 years
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@thebvsiness​​ pinged: 🤕 For verse or whoever you’re feeling
Assess, disinfect, sanitize tools, suture or bandage – maybe even reset a joint or splint an appendage.. 
All cataloged in another’s squabble of a voice. As quirky as Marc could be, he certainly contained an endless knowledge of the human anatomy. And while she usually tuned him out via selective hearing, the nuggets of wisdom certainly came in handy every now and then. Especially since most ( if any at all ) methods of medical means were scarcely used. 
“Dare I ask what caused the fumble?” Tone low yet seamless, she did her best to expedite the process to the best of her ability. 
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hiredassault · 4 years
A half shoulder hug.
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::  MEME  CONTRACT  ::     Have a Hug Nonverbal Starters @thebvsiness            ACCEPTING.
               EMARASSING was not the situation but the HUG. It was surprising, unexpected in fact && most importantly it was sort of PUBLIC--- inside a shopping mall on the FOOD/SNACKS floor. With the tray containing McDonalds special holding in hand only to BALANCE when the semi-shoulder HUG continued.  Good thing his eyes were mostly covered by the shades && the man gasped.  He was not a typical hugger -------- whoaaaaaaa hang on. Why is she here? How did she know it’s HIM?? Was she following him?
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              His cheeks were slightly RED though. Thankfully, nobody CARED. Everyone on that floor were minding their own business. “ There there. ” He tried his awkward fatherly skills which he does to his daughter. A couple of taps of his PALM softly on her head. Yeahhhh, awkward.
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divorare · 4 years
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