calamitydaze · 2 years
ohhhh tell me about the big bang by thebrotherswinchester u really were everything……….
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Hey! Do you still have your downloads of thebrotherswinchester’s fanfics? I’ve been trying to find one I liked from a few years ago for ages but I think they’ve all been deleted!
I still have all of them! If you (or anyone else) would like them, you can either go to my mediafire downloads folder or, if you can’t download them from there, you can send me an email address and tell me which ones you want and in what format, and I will email them to you directly.
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saintsboss08 · 4 years
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Your heroes wear carbon fiber suits and capes? That’s cool and all, but mine wear flannel, Carhartts, denim, and boots. They also hide in shadows, motels and on roads, but are so badass that even their biggest bad of all likes that they challenge him. Not my gif.
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rustandruin · 5 years
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tell me about the big bang by thebrotherswinchester
fic | podfic 
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heaventide · 5 years
can anyone spare a tell me about the big bang epub??? the mediafire folder isn’t working :(
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runawaymarbles · 7 years
Hey I know this is really random but I am trying to find out what happened to the author thebrotherswinchester from AO3. I was looking for one of their works, Night Light, and I'm getting an error code. Do you know if they took their work down?
Yeah they did, they said that they were publishing original fiction so they took all their stuff down. I only downloaded Big Bang and Lilac Sky, though, so you’d have to ask around to see if anyone has the one you want :( 
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johnbottoms · 7 years
tell me about the big bang made me believe in lvoe like not to be dramatic but it changed my fucking life
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hellerism · 2 years
hi i just have to thank you for mentioning Not Easily Conquered! i don’t even usually read stucky/marvel but oh my god i cannot stop thinking about that fic even though i finished it four days ago. i think it changed me forever. so i have to know if you know of any similar fics, either stucky specifically or that level of quality in any fandom bc clearly you’ve got great taste lol. ty in advance! <3
oh wow i’m so glad you liked it! it ruined my fucking life when i was a 16 year old stucky stan and even now when i dislike them there’s just something special and insanity inducing contained in that fic. it’s one of the most romantic things i’ve ever read in my life and i will never be over it. and thank you for the compliment >:) the secret to good taste in fic is only read fics that have been thoroughly vetted beforehand
as for other fics…ummm to be honest i don’t really read a lot of fic. i don’t know of any stucky fics that are on the level of nec but i can list off a few well-written ones that i remember being my favorites
no matter how long the day is (i’ll come home to you) by alby_mangroves and talkplaylove: steve is the regular canon captain america struggling to adjust to modern day life. he meets bucky, a civilian bookshop owner, and they bond while bucky helps to ground him in modern life
thirty-eight days and counting by thecommodore_squid: bucky is in witness protection and steve is the agent assigned to protect him. posing as his husband ofc. clintasha is there as a supporting couple
various stucky fics by thebrotherswinchester: these fics were all deleted from ao3 bc the author started publishing real books but you can download the pdfs from that link. i don’t remember the plots of most of them but i know they were well-written. the reason i bring them up is bc this author wrote one of my favorite fics ever which i’ll mention later
where there’s no end or need for goodbyes by buckyjerkbarnes: bucky is a lighthouse keeper and steve washes up on his island after a storm one day. bucky patches him up and they start to get to know each other. i really debated including this one bc it was my white whale when i was in the stucky trenches. it’s a wip that was abandoned halfway through and steve and buckys relationship isn’t even close to being resolved. but the writing is good enough that i think it’s worth the lack of closure and you can just like imagine for yourself what happens next
for other fandoms
i’m assuming you know the spn classics but my personal favorites are and this, your living kiss and so says the sword
this could be a city by cherryice: spn, deanbenny. i have to spread the deanbenny agenda or i’ll die. alternate s8 where benny stays in the bunker. examines and begins to dismantle the tenets of monster hunting. found family galore. plate tectonics. my deanbenny scholar bestie swears by the rest of cherryice’s fics too but this is the only one of theirs i’ve personally read
tell me about the big bang by thebrotherswinchester: star wars, finnpoe. post-tfa character study of finn adjusting to. like. being a person instead of a stormtrooper. it was written before tlj so there’s no reference to any of that bullshit. this is the fic i mentioned before. its one of my favorite fics of all time and i reread it yearly. it’s got a few off moments but if you’re not a militant finn stan like me they won’t bother you
i loved you first by thirdactlove: tenet, protagoneil. only read this one if you’ve seen tenet as it won’t really make sense otherwise. follows neil before, during, and after the events of the movie and details his relationship with the protagonist. the sequel follows the protagonist and does the same from his own pov. had me writhing around in my bed at 3am out of misery and lovesickness
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oldsouldier · 7 years
you know when you have a craving to read a very specific fic? i got that hankering. but alas........... the fic, she is gone
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stuckylibrary · 3 years
Hello! Not sure if here is the right place to ask. I saw people recing this fic Night Light , the author being thebrotherswinchester. But I looked for it and the author cleared their account. I understand they told people in advance, in case they wanted to download the fics. Do you or someone else happen to have the pdf?
Thank you!
This post is for you!
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quolant · 3 years
ten ships, one fic
what are ten of your favorite ships and one of your favorite fics for each?
here's ten for me!
donna moss/josh lyman: a stoic mind and a bleeding heart by @greatestheights
dan rydell/casey mccall: a form in wax by @scientia-rex / kristophine
sam seaborn/josh lyman: articulation is to reciprocation by @cauldronoflove / thegoodthebadandthenerdy
dwayne hicks/ellen ripley: the scars that silence carved by @anretc / anr
eve polastri/villanelle | oksana astankova: the guillotine hums by liraels
hawkeye pierce/bj hunnicutt: blood is thicker than water (but maple syrup is thicker than blood) by @runofthemilldemo / Granspn
charlie young/zoey bartlet: five minutes ago, five minutes from now by internationalprincess
finn/poe dameron: tell me about the big bang by thebrotherswinchester, podficced by someplacelikebolivia
leia organa/han solo: no one can stop me, not even gravity or nasa by magneticwave
olivia pope/mellie grant: heavy is the head by SoundandColor
tagging (no pressure ofc!!!): @thxngam @diplogeek @solar-settings @singingaboutwishingx @claudiasjeancregg @thebreakfastgenie @greatestheights @earlgreytea68 @kaydeefalls and whoever else wants to do it!
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finnpoeficrec · 5 years
Hi! I’m just getting started diving into finnpoe fics - do you have any good first reads (or must reads) ? Thank you!
omg welcome! here’s our masterlist (+ mobile link)
tell me about the big bang by thebrotherswinchester is a classic! 
rating m | wc 37836 | notes slow build, mutual pining
There is a part of him that says: you are not human.
click here for the complete info post about it haha.
have you heard by peraldi is another very good one!
rating m | wc 42166 | notes stormtrooper revolution :)
"I heard FN-2187 was a Stormtrooper."
Finn sparks a revolution.
caesura by buckstiel was a big emo moment for me after tlj :)
rating t | wc 5591 | notes post tlj, first kiss
The overcrowded Millennium Falcon leaves Crait with no final destination in mind.
Poe leaves Crait onboard the Falcon, a head overcrowded with the events of the past week and struggling to find footing.
Somewhere Between The Stars & The Sky by clockworkrobots was another fave
rating t | wc 8444 | notes post tlj, first kiss
Poe keeps trying to tell himself to stop being so selfishly happy and grateful that at least Finn was safe, because he shouldn’t play favourites, and he certainly shouldn’t be such a fool as to fall for anyone in the midst of war.
But, well, he was a fool, if the events of the last few days were anything to go by, and if his stuttering, gay heart had anything to say about it.
hope this helps! :) mads
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hi! im sure you've fielded more than enough questions about this but i've been trying to get your thebrotherswinchester folder working for ages and no matter what i try it just. will. not. open :( is there any possible way you could send me the pdfs/epubs directly? thank you!
Sure, just give me an email address and I can send them to anyone who needs them!
I’m not sure why it doesn’t work, I’ve tried it myself a couple of times and it always works for me? No idea what the problem is.
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sulkybbarnes · 4 years
If you remember there was a hc where steve actually kills the winter soldier before he can reveal himself as bucky and...this has been hinting me for 6 years now
Ah tbh I don’t engage with any major character death or needlessly angst-y headcanons because real life is traumatizing enough as it is, and fiction is meant to be an escape, not a way to torture yourself further. I get catharsis through fiction, so while I do read PTSD-recovery fics and so on, I just don’t see the point in taking canon and making it worse so I steer clear of any MCD scenarios and so on. Happiness and recovery are revolutionary, and I’m all about that instead. Be kind to yourself buddy, and join me in pure escapism bliss where Steve and Bucky grow old together, recover at their own (healthy) pace, and finally get the pay-off they deserve for years of suffering! 
I know you didn’t ask for a fic rec but if you’re looking for something along these lines, I suggest one of these fics which I keep going back to:
Close To The Sun by thebrotherswinchester (Follows Steve/Bucky from childhood till modern day, and it has wonderful writing. I randomly remember lines from this fic every now and then, and go back and reread it. One my all time faves!)
Fill My Lungs with Sweetness by starclipped (Gotta be one of my fave post-TWS friends to lovers, it’s so sweet!)
We're All in the Gutter, but Some of Us Are Looking at the Stars by chipofftheoldblock (The one where Steve wears Bucky’s dog-tags, which always makes my heart ache in a good way) 
I got that good thing for you by canistakahari (Bucky wanting things for himself, with lots of domesticity and it’s holiday themed!)
United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. 2d 143 (D.D.C. 2015) by fallingvoices, radialarch (The best Bucky goes on trial fic out there, and incredibly well written. Not a recovery fic, but is excellent tbh)
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
Hi there! You don't happen to still have the PDFs of fics by thebrotherswinchester do you?
This post is for you!
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chubsthehamster · 4 years
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another bookbinding post! This one is Tell Me About the Big Bang by thebrotherswinchester, a Star Wars finnpoe fic very near and dear to my heart! The author took down all her fics after she entered the professional publishing industry, so I really wanted a physical copy that I could hold!
Link to a masterpost of her fics here! She's also written quite a lot of stevebucky I want to get around to binding at some point.
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