noahs-wrath · 8 years
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“You seem well, I am glad, Raa. You seem much happier than you have been in awhile.” He hummed softly, his fingers trailing over the hands that held him close. “I am glad to see you too.”
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“I am. Nothing has felt wrong with...you know so I’ve been feeling better. I’ve also adjusted a bit better to not constantly being able to kill someone or destroy something.” he said, fingers brushing against Bondomu’s. Of course sometimes he still had to when the pain got to much but he was getting somewhat better use to things. “It’s always a gift to spend time with you when we can.
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the-innocence-heart · 8 years
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“Bondomu, it’s been a while since I’ve last seen you I was getting worried.”
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yokubo-memori · 9 years
"Haunted French pancakes give me the crepes."
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keepiinggg thiiiiss
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sapiient · 9 years
Sends the knife icon, because why not. Maybe it's insanity... actually that would probably be the only reason.
[ o ]
                       Unrelentingfire SEARED through adrenaline-filled veins, pain radiating and t h r o b b i n g from his middle wherethe butt of a blade protruded, dark crimson staining Wisdom’s once white dressshirt. A sound in the mix of a sob and gurgling resonated from the pit ofWaizurii’s throat, trying ever so hard to escape his now blood-covered lipsfrom where he had spit up the cerise liquid upon impact with the knife.  
                       Ofcourse, he’d live. But that didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt like hell.
                       Ina stutter and blabbering of words, the man uttered a meek, ‘ W H Y are you doing this to me? ‘ to his lover, unaware of thechange in color of the other’s irises. To Waizurii, Bon was still here, not hismalicious counterpart. Confusion ensued, and panic soon set in.
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                       Yetanother gurgle escaped his chafed lips as Waiz spoke once more, pitifully, ‘ Did I…do something— ‘ cough. ‘ WRONG? ‘
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The Noah Memories are Problematic
Adam: Dude's got some real bad issues to work out I mean, look at what he did to his family
Tryde: Guy is so in the middle that he's probably a huge bore
Joyd: Too violent, would not Noah again
Dezaiasu: Very clingy, probably takes embarrassing pictures of everyone
Wisdom: Nerd, totally, huge nerd
Fiidora: Have you seen his hosts tongue there is something wrong with that shit
Maashiima: Every rper incarnation of them is adorable like why
Raasura: Even more violent than Joyd, problematic as fuck
Dreams: Mofo is probably on acid or something like what
Bondomu: Mother fucker isn't a Noah he's a cinnamon roll
Rasutoru: Not a Noah either but a sinnamon roll
Maitora: Fucking creeper get out of the walls
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the-innocence-heart · 9 years
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“As cruel as ever Bondomu?”
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yokubo-memori · 9 years
"You know what’d be hilarious? If someone was a world-class thief and their alias was Robin Banks."
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rotasu-no-ken · 10 years
merciful-hell thebondsofnoah wonderfullytimothy charitybellexorcist
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"My, My, You look puzzled by something. Welcome, How may I assist you?"  Mugen blew smoke to the side, playing with his pipe between his fingers.
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the-innocence-heart · 10 years
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"Hey Bondomu. I was going though some old stuff and I found something interesting."
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yokubo-memori · 9 years
"Ruler loved his friend Abacus because he knew he could always count on him."
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“Did you just math at me--”
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sapiient · 9 years
Send me 'ship!' and I'll rate our characters as a ship! 
ship: ew / nonono/ maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART ;; THERE IS NO RATING THAT CAN RATE THIS SHIP ACCURATELY 
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sungyoja-a · 10 years
Alma had absolutely no idea where he was. It was a forest, that much was known. But he had no idea where the forest was located, or how he got there. He'd woken up almost half an hour before under a tree, scratches on his arms and face, and a long crack running through the bone that sheathed his left calf. Otherwise, he was not hurt.
Did someone bring him here? The akuma looked around, confused. He'd began walking around in the forest, trying to find his way out, but he hadn't succeeded as of yet.
Alma flinched and turned around when he heard was sounded like a twig snapping under someone's foot, and quickly hid his tail in his shirt.
"Hello? Who's there?"
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the-innocence-heart · 10 years
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For some reason he feels very uncomfortable and on edge.
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