wymthatsillegal · 2 years
question anon back again :)
ah okay, understandable!! i don't know i feel strange asking but this idea has been in my head for weeks and you're the only person that would do it justice.
can you do keoghan's joker with a male reader? like theyre in their arkham cells nearby and get a little chatty. joker is obviously really flirty and the reader returns it, but don't make the reader... weak if that makes sense. a firm male reader? idk
"Something about your eyes, pretty boy, let's me know you'll be lots of fun." "That right?" like that type energy
thank you so much!!! again, drink water and have a great day :)
Just Jokes
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Keoghan's Joker x Male Reader
Contains: lots of laughing and variants (obviously), discussions of violence, mental illness, tall reader, reader with a sense of humor, ACAB
Content Warnings: detailed violence, potentially disturbing descriptions of said crimes, i don't shy away from them being mentally ill
Summary: You're introduced to a new wing of Arkham and find that the man in the cell next to you will certainly keep things interesting, and can't help but put a smile on your face.
No usage of Y / N
Word count: 1470
Author's Response: Fuck yeah! This was so much fun to write, and so different than my usual asks that it was really refreshing! I normally read up on other people's fics before I do mine so I get a vibe going, but there aren't very many for him, and correct me if I'm wrong but this is the first K-Joker fic where there's a male reader! I went a little ham on the reader deserving his spot in the same wing as The Joker, so bro's a little bonkers. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this, I know I certainly did writing it. Thanks! Cheers!!!
asks will be closed at 12:00pm tonight, get em in while you can >:)
You shuffled down the concrete hallway of Arkham best you could with the ankle cuffs tight around your legs, thin gaze angled towards the floor. Sighing, you realized it didn't matter where you looked since every surface was the same damn color, the metal only adding to the coldness of the stone. The most annoying part was each time you had to lean to get through each door, whoever designed this place made really short doorways. "Inmate!" The guard behind you yelled unnecessarily loud, voice echoing harshly, "Turn with your back against the wall!" To your surprise, you watched as only one or two shapes stirred from behind their windows, you'd been expecting all the cells to be full. Despite the number of rooms, you were looking at four guys, tops. You hadn't really wanted to draw attention to yourself but oh well, seems the guy next to you had you covered. "No problem, piggie." You said with a dramatic bow of your head, eyes wide with a large grin as you came up, fucking with this guy. He glared at you, moving to unlock your new door.
When he stepped forward, a fifth shape in the cell next to you that was previously behind the cop caught your eye. Peering at it, you took notice of patchy green hair and nearly melted skin, what looked to be a big bloody smile straining against his face. You felt his eyes snake all over your body, the gaze intense even from behind the door.  You were oddly excited, meeting his pupils best you could in the dark, gauging where they were from the glint in them. He giggled, or at least you could've sworn, a joyous, genuinely happy sound that brought a smile to your lips out of reflex. A rough hand grabbed you by the shoulder, yanking you into your cell, unlocking your cuffs. "Have fun in Arkham, criminal." He sneered one last time, slamming the door in your face.
"Oink oink, asshole." You muttered under your breath, scanning your new room. It wasn't as bad as you were expecting, an elevated bed, a sink, a mirror. Snickering, you realized these were the long-term cells, unlike the temporary one you were in before this. Oddly enough, you had a mirror and a window near the ceiling, luxuries not given to you before. Eyeing yourself in the reflective surface you hopped up on your bed, testing its durability before taking in the outside world in all its glory. Gotham and its big, dark skies with huge weathered buildings to match stared back at you over more damn concrete walls. "You'd think they'd have a designer for a place so exclusive..." You chuckled to yourself, giving out your knees and flopping on your bed.
Once the sound of your amusement cut out, it continued in the cell next to you, light laughter echoing into your cell from small holes punctured here and there through the concrete wall. Don't know how inspection managed to miss that, but this is Gotham, after all. You eyed a hole big enough to see through, although just barely, pressed close to the corner farthest from your bed at eye-level sitting down. "Funny... am I?" You muttered amusedly, knowing the guy next to you could hear you. His laughter increased for a moment, once again bringing a wide smile to your face out of instinct, "Very," He paused for a moment as if thinking. "What's your name, handsome?" You got out of your threadbare bed, sitting on the floor, your back pressed against the wall where the big crack was. "I thought you weren't supposed to let out that kind of thing in here, never know what people'll do with that kind of information." He let out a long, low breath at that, "You're also smart... I might have to keep an eye on you." He said gleefully.
You furrowed your brows, turning slightly towards the hole with an amused smile, "Something tells me you were going to do that anyway." You noted the heavy rasp in his voice despite the high pitch of it, an odd duo that you couldn't help but want to hear more of. He also spoke breathily, as if his vocal cords were weak, you supposed the reasoning for that was the same as his appearance. You uttered your name, hearing the gasp come from the other side. "I trust you know who I am, Jokes?" He let out another long breath, " 's not every day you hear the voice of a murderer like you. Someone with such beautiful crime scenes..." He said with almost sickening affection, you imagined that if he had more of his hair the clown would be twirling it right now. "What got you in here, sweets?" He added, genuine curiosity in his voice evident.
You sighed in annoyance at recalling the story, letting your head loll back again and hit the concrete. "Too much fun 'n too many coppers. Crew got sloppy, didn't monitor an entrance..." You trailed off, assuming he knew where you were going with this, listening to his little sounds here and there to let you know he was paying close attention. "In a shoot-out, I got clipped in the back and rushed to the hospital, only for some asshole to try and kill me in my sleep." You smiled widely at the thought of the lackeys' eyes looking up at you, begging with mute lips and on deaf ears, peepers almost ready to pop out of his head as you hovered over his body, choking the life out of him with your bare hands. Coming back to the present moment and down from the slight rush you continued, "Course I didn't like that, then a doctor walked in and tried to call in more cops, so I had to knock him out..." You groaned, "Then they put me in here because I ripped a guy's tongue out in the cafeteria 'n made him eat it, saying I couldn't be around people." You smiled to yourself, "Oh, but it was fun to watch him gargle."
The green-hair man mumbled something incoherent before muffled, sick laughter rang out again in his cell, bouncing ecstatically off each surface. You could hear that he had both hands over his mouth to cover the audio of his enjoyment, sounding like he was going to pop a lung with the intensity of his fit. You joined him quietly, the infectious noise wrapping around you, making a strange home. He continued his giggling, the sounds of him shifting against the wall behind you made you curious so you turned to sit in front of the hole, looking through it with relative ease. You saw his eyes again, this time in far better detail, and you couldn't help the noise that escaped your lips in seeing him. Something about him just captured your attention and held it firmly, quite honestly you didn't know if you wanted it any different.
His unnaturally bright green irises encased bottomless black pupils, surrounded by his burned yet fair skin. Aggressive red gashes trailed from his temple to the edge of what you could see, looking like scars from a deadly battle, a circumstance you knew all too well. You realized suddenly from the deepness of his smile lines and the fact that they had been unwavering in the time you both had spent studying each other that it might have been a condition, his skin twisted into a permanent sick grin. With a shiver, you uttered, "Fascinating.", not even bothering to hide your intentions. "Something about your eyes, pretty boy," He turned his head slightly, giving you a glimpse of his puffed lips and marred teeth before he straightened again, eyes narrow, "lets me know you'll be lots of fun."
You raised an eyebrow and smiled at him, "That right? Something tells me the same about you, Joker." He raised his eyebrows at that, eyes widening briefly in recognition, "Of course, someone smart as you knows me..." You cocked an eyebrow again, "Your crime scenes aren't so bad yourself." He winked at you at that, "Aww, how sweet. You know..." He leaned forward just slightly, "I think that the two of us are going to get very, very close... I like you." He added at a whisper, like something someone shy would admit to their crush during a free period. You dramatically mulled the idea over in your head, humming and tapping your pointer finger on your lips before dropping it. "I suppose I could come to tolerate you, J." Waiting a second for comedic timing, you winked back at him.
The two guards shared eye contact outside of the entrance to the ward, wondering if they should do something about the shared boisterous and uncontained laughter coming from the closed door behind them.
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wymthatsillegal · 2 years
2022 batman deleted scene discussion below the cut
so i for one, am head over heels in love with barry's adaptation.
im so in love with his acting and portrayal of the character, and i really love that the joker is scary and hard to look at.
lots of people are upset hes not hot or attractive, honestly, i wouldn't have minded a pretty joker myself, but this is arguably so much better. the joker is a fucking terrifying character so for him to have patchy hair, melted skin, scarred features, and puffed-out joints?? fuckin obsessed.
and i will not shut up about his laugh. never. instant chills and excitement when i heard him laugh in theaters. barry's laugh sounds like actual laughter, like he's giggling n losing his shit over something stupid on his phone at 2am. the other jokers sound raspier, forced isn't the right word, but it sounds like they're trying to get that belty 'HAHAHAHA' over just laughing as they usually would, there's some oomph added.
I've heard some talk from the director over a series potentially on HBO Max and lemme tell you i would binge tf out of that. I'm so. so. SO. excited to see where this rendition goes.
i spent about forty-ish minutes editing a 30-second edit of this deleted scene so I've watched it a billion times today so I'm just really really hype right now.
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