hisworld · 3 years
“You insult me thinking of me as a savior. I have come here in search of someone of power and strength! One who snivel upon the ground where God preaches is useless ‘less they work for him!” 
There is a wicked, vile laugh that follows after their words - Knowing and taunting gaze narrowed on her as she remains awestruck by their very presence. Silence does nothing when prayers and loyalty is what fed a deity. [ Where is the red wine, where is the need to die for them - ? Where is the martyr in her? They can force it out. ] The parasite that they had used to control all and many could easily slid beneath her skin and tear apart her ground. She would become the prey the spider would eat with joy and satisfaction.
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“Prove to me you are worth the effort of bringing you into my home, brat.”
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raiiju · 3 years
" You just ... left me ... "
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hak struggled to process the  feelings  behind the other's words. "yes?" he  had  just left. he'd received word to accompany one of the board officials to a meeting in the northern border of the city. when he wasn't playing hide & seek with genesis, he took up jobs for body guarding. sometimes it meant he was gone for days, or even weeks at times. now what confused him was selene's reaction to his disappearance. he didn't realize it  bothered  her— or was he mistaken?
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bomsplode · 3 years
Starter for @thebaptized​
❝ So, you’re the new hire. ❞ Jinx finds herself peering over at the woman, a blue gaze roving over her in thought. ❝ There’s a new shipment of Shimmer coming in and I’ve been instructed to show you the ropes. ❞ Of course Silco has faith in her. Why wouldn’t he? It isn’t like she’s the best of the best, but she still does her job. Why, then, does Jinx feel so off?
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She moves to the door, pausing briefly. A sly smile lights up her face. ❝ I hope you’re fun. ❞
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begraved · 3 years
( @thebaptized​​  /  sc. )
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     nightmares plague seiji. he dreams of a world of darkness, where he can only hear muffled screams of strangers in the walls; where they beg and plead in a language that he does not know. he dreams of being shackled, awaiting his turn to be sawed in half, staring into the cold, dead eyes of masked tormentors. and when he awakens, somewhere along the lines, a very small part of him knows that the place in his dreams is where he was supposed to be all along.  not here, in the shadow of his unknown past. not here, basking in her moonlight. 
     his eyes flicker open, and for the first time in hours, he sees a ceiling that brings him heart. he could not bear to leave it plain, and hung various plants and large-print photographs to hide the large, empty white. he turns, straightening out the comforter, looking for selene. it’s hard to miss her strikingly white complexion against the dark blue bedsheets -- she practically glows. he takes a moment to stare; partly in adoration, partly in wonder. she is so at peace. why can’t he be as well?
     he gently weaves his fingers with hers, knowing that she is awake, and musters a smile.
     “ ... good morning. “
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selflesstwin · 3 years
Sleepy boy fell asleep on her shoulder, a small kiss placed on his forehead with a soft smile <333
/ @thebaptized
       Kaoru didn’t choose to stay up night after night after night. If they had any control, they’d be getting the recommended eight hours of sleep. Sadly, with their insomnia, it was almost impossible to get even three hours ( if they were lucky ). So, it wasn’t a surprise that they somehow managed to fall asleep, after 48 hours of no shut eye at all. 
       And what was their plan to get a few minutes of rest? Well, to hand over their second cup of coffee to one of their dear friends before sitting right beside her and resting their head on her shoulder. Kaoru trusted Selenè to not mess with them ( and to keep them safe from others ). It didn’t take long for them to finally close their eyes and drift off to dreamland. 
       But, before they could really enter a deep sleep, the teen felt a soft kiss to their forehead, which made them open one eye, halfway. When they finally remembered where they were, they closed their eye again and yawned, “ The princess waking up the prince with a kiss? We’re changing the stories now, Selenè? ” Reaching for her hand, they squeezed it softly and moved a little closer so the two could cuddle a bit, “ Give me five more minutes and then we can go get lunch. Don’t let my coffee get cold, please... ” The last sentence to leave their lips before Kaoru slipped back into their dreams, ones that involved princesses and princes. 
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mint-eyye · 3 years
Cont. from here with @thebaptized​ + x
It took several seconds of blinking and staring before he finally found words. Her response had truly taken him aback, mostly because it wasn’t a response at all. “...I see..” he said finally, which, in all fairness, wasn’t much of a response, either.
A hand cradled his chin in thought. Considering how many middle aged women in horrible floral patterns traipsed around the store, Saeran was simply shocked that he had been chosen out of all people for gardening advice.
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“Well..” he replied hesitantly, “I assume if you’re asking, you’re a beginner?” He risked another quick glance for confirmation, but when none was given, he continued, “It depends what you want to grow. Perhaps you’re looking for more of an edible option, but if it’s flowers you’re looking for, I would suggest cosmos flowers.” His hand cupped around the velvety petals of a dark red flower.
“They’re quite low maintenance and come in many colors, including black.” One look at her clothes (and perhaps the fact that she had chosen him for help instead of an elderly woman) hinted that might be her preference. “They withstand draughts and grow in poor soil, not to mention they attract butterflies. You’ll really have to work hard to kill them.”
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fallendom · 3 years
@thebaptized​ ♡’D FOR A STARTER
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  THE GRIMOIRE’S PAGES were flipped through rapidly as his eyes scanned every word, memorizing it with no troubles. Despite the avatar’s position as the right-hand man some secrets were kept hidden of DEVILDOM’S soil. Whether or not it was part of keeping him ignorant, it’d become...the devil’s gamble to pursuit further knowledge. The forbidden fruit was far too appetizing to LUCIFER’S lips as it had been for those past centuries. He couldn’t cease this endless search for one book that may contain everything, being desperate to know the truth. For now PRIDE would play pretend but continue this loyalty that won’t endanger the future ruler. It might be his own source of amusement when looking at their exchange program, especially bringing HUMANS into this realm with approval. By magic alone was the royal prince capable of making this air breathable to mortals who are ordinarily fragile. Speaking of their students, she manages to stare directly to demonic features while his own grew intense. “Have you heard of ADAM AND EVE? Of course you have---but there’s another perspective those scriptures haven’t foretold because it would make FATHER look displeasing than HE already is.”
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erratiomerula · 3 years
@thebaptized​ said; " I  don't  have  much  to  give ,  but  my  heart  is  yours ... "   with  that ,  she  cups  his  face  with  both  hands  and  gently   presses  their  lips  together @ Shasta HEHEHEHEH 
             Icy hues have only begun to see her visage as head turns, a huffed question ready at his lips about the meaning of her absurd words. All movement freezes instantly when her pale fingers collides with his skin— and he’s expecting a scorned slap far more than he expects her to lean closer and press her lips to his.
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              Eyes never shut even after she’s pulled away to gaze at his face, and his own eyes are wide as he stares at her incredulously. Her presence had been tolerated, even grown somewhat nice over time, but this was one area that was completely foreign to him— and he’s not sure if the mix of confusion, embarrassment, and misplaced anger is the right reaction for it. He’s sure it isn’t, but what could someone expect for a misplaced prince that liked to stick to his solitude?
             “ Giving me your heart is stupid. ” Voice is almost chilly as he turns his gaze from her to return tinkering with his craft, though he makes no further progress with it as his head is full of confusing fuzz.
             “ My kind can betray almost as easily as humans. What would you do then? ” And he knew from experience, even if his mother was not technically responsible. Selene wouldn’t know that story, though, so it didn’t matter.
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movingcastlle-a · 3 years
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 @thebaptized​ asked: Just grabs his face with both hands and places a small kiss on his lips before whispering 'beautiful'
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A  seconds  blink  of  surprise  and  he  feels  the  soft  touch  of  lips  bracing  his.  Ah. What  a    way  to  greet  someone. Color  him  impressed. Sadly  like  any  greeting  the  kiss  only  lasts  a  moment  too  soon. The  other  was  no  doubt  close  enough  to  see  the  flush  coloring  his  face.
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“  And  to  you  as  well. ”  It  came  out  with  a  hum,  resting  his  head  against  her  palms  so  he  can  lean  in  closer. Their  foreheads  brush. “  Even  more  so. ”
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sunsbled-archive · 3 years
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@thebaptized​     /     unprompted      /      selenè & vincent      /      accepting After having already chased off his pursuers , she finally gets a good look at his face and noticed the cut on his lip ; discolored skin surrounding the socket around his eye . " Please allow me to clean you up before you go. "
there’s a  small chuckle that escapes when fingertips brush up to glide  over his face.   yeah, they certainly got him good now that he feels the bumps and bruises scattered ‘cross his features.  great- maverick was going to have his head if he returned to their temporary hideout in this state.    he tilts his head back, exhales and closes his eyes with a soft  frown; there’s a certain sting of guilt he has grown so used to over the years that it’s easy to ignore even if he knows he should logically feel bad for just bursting in here like this and disrupting everything. yet he finds an odd comfort in the kindness he is offered; most people would simply kick him out the second the air was clear - it’s understandable, really. who’d want someone who was clearly chased by criminals any -where near them for longer than necessary? but even so, despite his understanding of  that  he’s grateful for someone showing concern for once, so rather than simply apologize and leave he sinks down, sits & leans against the wall with a small chuckle      - all rough & breathless   thanks to the sting in his lungs -       and a nod.       ❛  i appreciate the offer, dear, but i don’t wanna get ya’ in trouble, y’know?  ❜        his voice is low, quiet, even when he tries to speak a little louder the more he continues.        maybe it was a bad idea to go to a “stakeout” alone.
though it doesn’t take more than a glance at the woman that practically saved him to shrug and nod. maybe it’s not guilt he’s feeling, maybe it’s just not being used to feeling indebted to someone. it feels weird, being the one in need of help for once.  ❛  'm not exactly a harmless person, according to the news. ❜     he offers as a weak explanation before his stance shifts just a little.   he’s tense, thanks to the horrible sensation in his shoulders  but  it doesn’t stop him from sliding his jacket off ‘fore he holds it out with a grin.     ❛  's pretty cold, ‘n maybe ‘s me bein’ used to warmer weather but i get cold just looking at you,         ma’am. ❜   it’s a decent excuse to use;  plus it isn’t like he’s not actually used to a far warmer climate by now. so rather than admit that he’s feeling like it is a fever he’s developing he’ll just use that and hope for the best.  it’s up to her if she takes the jacket or not anyways.    though it takes less  than a second for him to lean back again,     to soak in the pain and to  understand that yeah, he fucked up, and yeah, he’s in a hell of a lot of trouble.     ❛  my first instinct is to ask for a cigarette but y’know ... if you can just help  me  get  to  the  cuts on my back that’s more  than enough help.            ya’ already helped me a ton, anyways.  ❜  
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bomsplode · 3 years
" If you ever wish to learn how a BLADE works , I wouldn't mind showing you , Blue. " friendship for the zaun babies yes yes plez
❝ I already know how blades work. ❞ Jinx scoffed as she waved a hand in the air. It was easy! All you did was slice and dice and all the other things knives tended to do. ❝ I've even used one! ❞
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She turned to the other woman, reaching out to slide her fingers over Selene's right arm with a fond smile. ❝ Almost, anyway. ❞ Her nails dug in just a little. ❝ Almost. She's lucky she got away without me cutting off her arm. ❞ Jinx gazed down. ❝ You're lucky, too. Remember that. ❞
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sweethurtss · 3 years
Val when he wakes up and it’s another great day to sneak away in between his patrol shifts just to kiss Selene:
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( @thebaptized​ )
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multiicolor · 3 years
@thebaptized​  ♥’d.
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“  S-Staring? Uh, no, I wasn’t— I mean, I-I was but— ... Shit.  ”
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crimedealt-a · 3 years
@thebaptized​  Flinging the fresh blood off her blade , she begins to speak without turning to face whom she was addressing: " I know you're there. Save us both the time and show yourself . "
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a slow applaud, the rumble of a laugh reverberates within his throat — so cunning in his mannerisms, in his approach. he is lulled out, stepping out of the deep shadows, one cloaking him and now lit by dimming street lamps.  ❛  you’ve got quite an attitude ... ah, but i like that. and your talent. it’s undeniable. you’re a force to be reckoned with.  ❜  words drip with a masked intent, much like the way he carries himself. always in disguise, hiding away a face that, by human nature, would reveal every thought and emotion.  ❛  as much as anyone would probably flee from this, i am not any man. i’m here to talk.  ❜
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In Jesus, the Beloved Son, we find ACCESS to the Father. 👇 As Jesus, in His baptism, was given the assurance, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased,” we too are given the confidence that we are God’s beloved children, in whom He is well-pleased. While our sinful, selfish choices have separated us from God, through Jesus, we are once again connected to God. Before us is presented an open ACCESS to an open door. Jesus invites us to bury our sinful self in the waters of baptism—just as He, being our Example, did—and then come up out of the waters to live a new life; a selfless, self-giving, love-centered, other-centered life through Christ. Jesus, while being the Sinless One, identified Himself with us, sinners, and came to John to be baptized. He took the steps we are to take, that He might be our Example, and that He may open the ACCESS for us to be once again connected with God. 👇 🎙 The Struggling Believer Podcast Season 4 | Episode 11 ACCESS | The Desire of Ages Chapter 11: The Baptism | DA Sunrise 👇🎙 (Link to all episodes in IG bio) https://anchor.fm/the-struggling-believer/episodes/ACCESS--The-Desire-of-Ages-Chapter-11-The-Baptism--Morning-Devotion-e18h21h . . . #DAwithDA #TheDesireofAges #TheBaptism #Jesus #Christ #ChristJesus #Christianity #baptism #baptismbyimmersion #waters #newlife #JohntheBaptist #Access #salvation #redemption #opendoor #sanctification #forgiveness #Savior #Example #Redeemer #forgivenessheals #forgivenessisfreedom #Jesussaves #Bible #EGW #EllenGWhite #TheConflictBeautiful #GodisLove #Godisgood https://www.instagram.com/p/CWe5dUmBn2j/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pomfiores · 3 years
i'll tell you when you get your soft, italicized, "oh."
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the kiss.
you typically wait until the last second to believe the truth--because it would destroy you to believe it, and then find out it was a lie. you are someone who has never wanted to want, but has rarely been able to do anything else. the idea that you might have to break down your walls for the sake of someone else, someone who could easily decide they don't like what is on the other side, is harrowing. why let people get close enough to be rejected? you are enough for yourself. and you will tell yourself that every time you catch yourself staring at their mouth, smirking at their joke, finding a reason to flick their shoulder. until the kiss. that's when the flood of want, want, want bowls over you and you realize that you are torn between two ways of living. Oh, you think. because despite how complicated you have made it, the moment you kiss, somehow, things seem incredibly simple. they won't be once you start thinking again, but for now, for this moment, you live in the quiet peace of revelation. Oh.
tagged by: UM I- IT WAS A FEW I FORGOT WHO other than @astrobomb​, @krisea​ and @liliavanrouge​ if there was someone else im srry but thank you-- tagging: @miraclestitch​, @tosubvert​, @thebaptized​, @twstloved​, @poisbite​, @lloronala​, @lachrymosestorm​, @lyriccl​, @bloominghands​, @blotlcss​, @bravewielder​, @heincus​, @zorkaya​, @florwrite​, @redemptioninterlude​, @ramshacklexprefect​, @yukikorogashi​, @juwul​, @crimsonfacets​, @eraba-reta-unmei​, @gosutm​, @avedonia​, @wishfell​, @wonderloste​, @isblomst​, @ilestlesoleil​, @mageshot​ :triumph: and if u feel like joining in do it and just,, tag me bc im nosy and wanna see what u got >:V
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