#theatre kid camilo
weirdagnes · 2 days
Y’ALL JUANSE DIEZ (Camilo’s Spanish VA) SANG MEANT TO BE YOURS. im so surprised. i just got into Heathers musical recently, im shookt to see him from this compilation of JD actors (him screaming “Veronica!” is more cute than scary tho😭)
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captaintrips9 · 1 year
Mirabel: What are they doing?
Bruno and Camilo, jumping up and down while maintaining intense eye contact and chanting in unison: A big black bug bit a big black bear. A BIG BLACK BUG BIT A BIG BLACK BEAR.
Isabela: I think it's some kind of cult ritual.
Mirabel: Should we...stop them?
Isabela: And get cursed by the bear cult? I think not.
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Bruno: I have decided to use my powers for evil and ruin friendships over dinner - what is the best musical of all time?
Dolores: The Phantom of the Opera, fight me on it.
Camilo: I will! As the theatre kid of this house, my answer is the big and right one. And I’m picking Mean Girls and Legally Blonde because they are the most iconic!!
Isabela: You wanna talk about iconic? Okay, bitch, then look no further than Audrey II. A plant that kills people and sings, fucking supreme icon status! Little Shop of Horrors is the best musical!
Luisa: In your dreams, sis. Best musical is clearly Heathers or Hamilton. You don’t get better than musicals starting with ‘H’.
Félix: Nice try, but you can’t get better than Moulin Rouge.
Pepa: Have you all just forgotten that Chicago exists!?
Alma: West Side Story was always mine and Pedro’s favourite musical.
Julieta: I’ve always quite liked Waitress—
Bruno: Uh no, that one’s boring. Now, Wicked, is the best musical for so many reasons. I relate to Elphaba on a spiritual level.
Mirabel: Well, you’re all wrong. It should be SIX but the historical inaccuracy ruins it. Therefore Les Misérables easily wins this competition, such a beautiful musical adaption of one of the best books ever written.
Bruno: Wasn’t Wicked based on a book?
Mirabel, scoffs: Not a very good one.
Antonio: My favourite is The Lion King! All of the animal puppets are so cool!
Agustín: You know, my favourite is Shrek.
Everyone else:
Everyone else: What the fuck?
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Dolores: *trying to sleep*
Camilo: *being a theatre kid, performing for nobody*
Dolores: Ughhh...
Luisa: *constant eye twitching*
Dolores: *heavy sigh*
Bruno: *parkouring through the walls to get food*
Dolores: I just want to sleep...
(Source: Original quote)
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acaplaya-musings · 6 months
Voiceplay Visuals: We Don't Talk About Bruno
("You're gonna show/talk about That Moment, right?" Yes of course I will be showing/talking about That Moment; who do you take me for? 😝)
This video was uploaded on the 26th of February, 2022, it features Ashley Diane (in her second full-length collaboration with Voiceplay), and it is of course a cover of the ridiculously-popular song We Don't Talk About Bruno, from the very-popular Disney movie Encanto (which I have seen 2 or 3 times, including in cinemas, but I'm also very familiar with the movie soundtrack, because it's amazing). To cover such a popular song (let alone acapella-style) can be a challenging task, because obviously there'll be a lot of people who'll already know the original song quite well and who will be prepared to make comparisons, but this is Voiceplay we're talking about! They're not called "the theatre kids of acapella" for nothing, and Disney covers is one of the things they do best (and the video currently sits at a very impressive 5.6 million views on Youtube! (EDIT: as of the 13th of March, it's now 5.7 million!))
So of course I have a lot to talk about with this one, so let's get into it!
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Layne was in charge of the video, arrangement, and direction for this one, and he and Tony worked together on set design and costuming. Needless to say, Layne and Tony did an amazing job (and yes, this was of course filmed at Pattycake Productions Studio, which Layne and Tony own and run together)
As for the costuming/characters: Cesar is playing Felix (is it perfect casting, or is Cesar just amazing at slipping into basically any role he's given? You decide), Ashley plays triple roles of Pepa, Isabela, and Mirabel, Eli is maybe Agustin (Agustin doesn't have a lead singing part in the song but the outfit is close enough), Layne is Dolores, and Geoff is either Camilo, Bruno, or both (Camilo pretending to be Bruno perhaps, like in the original scene in the movie?)
If we don't count Jingle Bell Rock (where Eli was wearing glasses while dressed as "Sandy Claws", then I'm fairly certain this is the last/most recent time that Eli has actually worn glasses for a Voiceplay video? And perhaps the only time he's worn them since growing out his facial hair.
Also I'm pretty sure I heard from someone that Geoff's "ruana" (google it) is in fact just a regular blanket/piece of fabric draped (possibly secured/pinned) over his shoulders (it's kind of a Look though ngl)
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Not even 30 seconds in and I already stumbled upon a way-funnier-than-expected screencap 🤣
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*pfft* XD
Basically, Cesar 100% understood the assignment as Felix, totally hammed it up, and it's highly entertaining 😁
(Also I swear Geoff did a very miniscule eyeroll here? Amazing, love him)
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"Hey where'd you get that?" 😂
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I know I'm not meant to be talking about vocals in these posts (per my own rules), but I have to give a big shoutout to Layne, who freaking killed it with Dolores's solo part, and it's always so lovely to hear him actually getting a vocal part in a song, as amazing as he is at vocal percussion 💜
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Cesar continuing to do The Most (affectionate), and also it's kinda sweet how Geoff is looking at Layne here imo <3 (and also it kinda fits with how the characters they're playing, Camilo (probably) and Dolores are siblings!)
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"Grappling with prophecies they couldn't understand." "Do you understand?"
(If you're rewatching a Voiceplay video, try shifting your focus to someone other than whoever you typically focus on for a certain part of the song! It will probably be worth it!)
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Trust Geoff to get a dark/spooky section of the song! Voiceplay is nothing if not consistent 😝 (well, sometimes, in regards to some things 😂)
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"When he calls your name, it all-" "-fades to black"
I was trying to get a good screencap of Cesar and Ashley on the "we! don't! talk about Bruno!" line, but eh, couldn't get a decent one.
(Oh btw obligatory kudos to Eli for lighting design!)
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"He told me my fish would die, the next day, DEAD!"
(Great face, Ashley 😂👌)
Also pay attention to Geoff during this line (before it cuts to a closeup of Ashley) - I love his little shoulder shimmy to the more-uptempo beat!)
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"He said that all of my hair-"
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"-would disappear..."
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"Now look at my head!"
(Rip Eli, but there was no way anybody else was singing that line - it was practically made for him! 😆) (Also love Ashley touching his head in comfort/sympathy 😄)
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"He told me that the life of my dreams would be promised and someday be miiine"
(Yes yes of course Ashley is very pretty and I love the petals and the slow-mo on her, now CUE!)
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"He told me that my power would grow, like the grapes that thrive on the viiiine"
Yep, that still continues to be up there as one of the most bonkers-ridiculous moments in a Voiceplay video ever. 🤣 (Also if it weren't hilarious enough, check out Ashley's Offended(tm) face in the first and second pictures above, and Layne's Extremely Concerned face in the second picture! ("uhh, Geoff. something you wanna tell me, dude?"))
I'm a little fuzzy on specifics, but apparently the idea for this moment came about when Voiceplay was acquiring clothing for everyone, and Ashley's outfit arrived in two different sizes (just in case one might fit better than the other). Turns out one of the copies of the outfit was a perfect fit for Geoff, and one thing led to another, and we ended up with Aspiring Disney Princess Geoff that you see in the images above 😄😋)
(When I said "don't just get you a man who can do both, get yourself a man that can do everything" back in my Frozen 2 Medley post, I meant it!!!)
(Oh and this section really was slowed down in post-production in order to make the petals (and hair flips!) look nice, and so both Ashley and Geoff were having to sing/lip-sync to sped up versions of their vocal lines!)
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"Hey sis..."
(I don't know why this is so funny but it just is 😂)
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Ashley in glasses for Mirabel's part!
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"Seven foot frame, rats along his back!" *(goat scream)*
(Genuinely not even joking about the goat scream actually)
Geoff and Cesar were competing this whole video in terms of who could be the Biggest Ham I swear 😂
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I somehow didn't pick up on this till a commenter pointed it out, but Layne copies Geoff's "spooky finger wiggles" movement! It's got Younger Sibling vibes ngl (though Dolores is actually older than Camillo iirc, and I'm an only child anyway so idk)
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Ashley and Cesar were both great in this video, really seemed to play off each other quite a bit!
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Man, what a video. Amazing to watch, and also a really great to watch other people react to, for multiple reasons! 😁
There's not much for me to say that I haven't already said about Voiceplay before, but I will say that if you liked this one, go watch their Mini for Surface Pressure if you haven't already! It was filmed during the same shoot as this one (same set, same clothes), and uploaded a few days prior. It's only a short video, sure, but it's still very much worth a watch.
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foggyfanfic · 1 year
Neurodivergent Madrigals
So in the tags of my first headcanon list @omgcheez mentioned neurodivergent headcanons for the canon characters, and it got me thinking. I don't know if I would call all of these headcanons, most of them are my interpretations of canon, or theories I have, but that's close enough.
Bruno- Dude has OCD, they put it in the script, the creators said he’s based off of ND family members, it’s canon. Dude may have autism too, I am largely apathetic to that reading of his character. I neither like nor dislike it. I think it works for him but his character also works without autism. I do headcanon that he comes out of the walls with back problems that not even Julieta can fix, that will make him bed ridden in the last year of his life.
Alma- The whole movie is kind of contingent on her PTSD. Like, she watched her husband get murdered right in front of her and it changed her. It would be really weird to be like “Yeah, sure, her trauma changed her forever, but it didn’t alter her brain chemistry or anything!” So yeah, Alma has PTSD.
Pepa- I don’t know a lot about anxiety disorders, so this theory is one grain of salt away from being canon to me. Is it still an anxiety disorder if the thing making you anxious is the ever looming threat you might summon a hurricane? Or is that just perfectly normal, non-disordered anxiety? Either way, the woman is constantly anxious, so depending on the definition of Anxiety Disorder, she probably has one.
Antonio- This is in that nebulous space between “an idea the writers had” and “something that wasn’t in the movie”. It’s not technically canon, but it’s a little more than a fan theory. He was originally supposed to be non-verbal, so unless the plan was for him to be straight up mute, I think it’s pretty safe to read him as autistic. Although mute Antonio would have been interesting too.
Luisa- This is on the line between fan theory and headcanon. Her people pleasing tendencies scream anxiety disorder to me, especially considering the way she melts down when she feels like she’s disappointing everyone.
Dolores- I don’t think the writers intended for her to be autistic, but a lot of people in that community vibe with her, so that’s a headcanon I will go to bat for. I think that even if she isn’t literally autistic, her gift effects her in ways that she kind of might as well be. Y'know? It's like with Alma, it's sort of weird to be like "Yeah, ok, so because of her super hearing she experiences a lot of the same issues as an autistic person who struggles with sensory sensitivity, but she doesn't have an autistic brain! Just an extremely similar life experience!".
Mirabel- She’s probably got some unaddressed depression, I feel like that’s kind of a given. Although, the movie sets her up more as a metaphor for being physically disabled.
Isabela- I think you could very easily read Isabela as being some variation of ND that hyper fixates (on plants), and she just has masking skills off the charts. So either autism or ADHD, or both.
Julieta- IDK what problems Juli has, but realistically she’s been dealing with gruesome injuries from a young age. So she’s probably got some sort of trauma response. We don't see enough of her character outside the role of Caring Mother for me to make a call on this.
Camilo- He’s a theatre kid.
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cringecanto · 2 years
félix headcanons lets gooooo
you know how he was in the deleted scene (Chores)? that's just him when he was younger
he had zero tact, would cut people off, was very loud but also the funniiiiiest person youve ever met
being with pepa actually taught him to think before he spoke, as well as to let people finish their thoughts
was in love with pepa the moment he saw her (obviously)
people actually didn't consider him attractive when he was younger. great guy, great worker, but in the looks department? eh. average.
....that's until he was older. dude aged like Fine Fucking Wine. not bc he did anything specific. he got older, got more and more confident, and thus more sexy ;) he didnt have time to worry about what others thought of him, especially when he had a hot wife and great kids
best friends with agustín (also obviously)
(they kissed once LOL)
they used to be a musical duo, where félix would sing and play the tiple while agustín played the piano. those two were a riot playing together
was actually scared shitless of bruno before he got with pepa.
he was a bit of a chismoso, so hed heard all the rumors and assumed they were true
ofc he changed his mind when he saw bruno was kind of just...harmless
him and bruno were terrible together tho lmao. if they talked to you, your feelings were 100% gonna be hurt
(it wasn't on purpose, and agustín usually did damage control)
félix got better at that, bruno Did Not
he's very theatrical. the whole family is tbh but he's like, theatre kid theatrical. so is pepa (thats why they get along so great <3)
he gets hype around parties and gossip (which is what he does, ah, a lot) but he's pretty down the earth and chill
his kids got his temperament! tho camilo and dolores more so than antonio (that little guy is gonna take after his mom-)
loves massages. giving them, receiving them-
very much a family man!
he thinks his kids are the *funniest* people in the world. they all have that comedic timing, unintentional or not
(the cool color family are includes as his kids. he loves em all)
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missdisnerd01 · 2 years
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Huevember Day 3: My Primo Camilo
(Today’s is a little more sketchy than the others)!
Good old Milo! He’s basically every 15-year-old theatre kid I’ve encountered (I have/had 15-y/o male cousins AND did musicals in high school).
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The au that inspired this was the crazy flor au by @toaverse
Camilo -
The first personality is Carlos, Carlos is mean, rude, sneaky, and mischievous. Carlos doesn't come out unless Camilo lets him come out so he can get a break. He hates Alma so he tries to avoid her at costs so he doesn't explode on her and get Camilo in trouble. He's the primary protector of Camilo. He can bend shadows and hide in them.
Chico is the 2nd personality, Chico is 5 years old. He's the active part of Camilo and comes out often when it comes to theatre plays and playing with the town kids. He's very scared of Alma so he avoids her as well. His gift is bending light.
Luisa -
The first personality is Lorena, Lorena is very feminine, preppy, and calm. Lorena loves to make dresses, shoes, scarves, etc. She's very easy to talk to and is always willing to lend a helping hand. Lorena doesn't come out much for obvious reasons but when Luisa is alone she will let her come even when it's just styling hair. Her gift is Jewelry manipulation.
2nd is Liliana, Liliana is Luisa's protector. Liliana is bold, quiet, and sassy. She will call you out on BS and leave as if she didn't say anything at all. Lili is very observant and can tell when you are lying. She and Luisa kind of work together like Camilo and Chico when it comes to certain things. Her gift is Intangibility, she can walk through walls.
3rd is litzy, Litzy is a happy, silly, and optimistic 6-year-old girl. she's ready for adventure and anything fun. She also doesn't come out for obvious reasons but she does when it comes to celebrations such as holidays or birthdays. Her gift is the ability to create anything through Imagination. She has a whole amusement park in her room that she created.
Pepa -
Pepita/Fuega is Pepa's 2nd personality, Pepita is angry, loud, and standoffish. She is mainly Pepa's protector and a way for her to let her emotions out. She's quick to lash out at anything and call someone out. She came out on her wedding day when Bruno told that joke. Her gift is the ability to create fire.
Pepi is Pepa's 3rd personality, Pepi is very emotional and will cry at the smallest things. Her emotions are very big and noticeable and she mostly comes out when Pepa is feeling a regular emotion. Because Pepa's emotions are pushed down so much Pepi makes them bigger than they need to be at times.
Dolores -
Danitza is Dolores's 2nd personality. Danitza comes out when Dolores is overwhelmed and needs to escape. Danitza is kind of emotionless and less talkative than Dolores. She'll only answer a question by nodding, squeaking, and shrugging. She's not really helpful unless Alma needs her to listen in on something. Danitza will blatantly say something hurtful and wouldn't have a care in the world. Her gift is muting down sounds.
Danna is an adventurous and confident woman who isn't afraid to speak her mind. If she and litzy met they would get along well. Dolores doesn't let her out that often so when she does Danna is all over the place. Danna is a comedian as well, she loves to crack jokes to make the frown go upside down. Her gift is the ability of super speed.
Julieta -
Juanita is Julieta's only other personality, she's mostly the daredevil part of Julieta. She has no self-preservation and won't let anyone stand in the way of her fun. Her gift is Invulnerability.
Mirabel -
Marisol is like Mirabel's older sister in a way. She highly cares for her physical appearance and loves being the center of attention. Manuela is kind of stuck up and what Mirabel would call "Senorita perfect" or "primadonna".
Marla is like Luisa when it comes to confidence and focus. She's the one who keeps Mirabel on a steady pace and clear path. Marla also protects Mirabel when it comes to bullies who try to verbally or Physically fight Mira.
Marly is like Julieta when it comes to kindness and calmness. Marly is there for Mirabel when she has a tough day. She's the one to soothe Mirabel and the others if need be. She is also the best one to come to when you need advice or help with crafting something.
Melina is like Camilo, she is very mischievous and comedically funny. She loves theatre and she really wants to bond with Camilo but it's obvious why they can't. Melina likes playing pranks on Isabela and it's always Cami who gets blamed for it. She's the one who made the "la familia madrigal" song.
Maria is like Pepa but she's allowed to experience her emotions. She's also the one to help Mirabel when she's having a tough day. She'll sing, dance, joke, and she'll do anything to make her 'sister' happy.
Marcela formed after Antonio's ceremony. she's a bright and fun five-year-old girl. She loves exploring and see's the alters and Mirabel as her older siblings. Marcela doesn't understand why she can't come out but she trusts what her older siblings tell her.
Melaney is like Dolores, she's quiet and observant. She only comes out when none of the other alters + Mirabel feel like coming out for the day. Melaney will just walk around town listening to other people's secrets or just collect stuff for some hobbies such as sewing/embroidery. She's the one who did the embroidery on Mirabel's dress as a present.
Should I do some designs on Mirabel's alters and should I do an alter that's like Alma?
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mariiposas · 1 year
camilo used to write his own play scripts and make the entire family sit down and watch him perform them. most of the time it was a one man show, but occasionally he roped in mirabel or agustín. they kinda just fizzled out the more demands he got with his gift, and the more everyone was pressured. he liked the acting and the spotlight more than the writing tbh. he was born to entertain, a theatre kid through and through. i rly do think that when he grows up he'll try and get a theatre troupe going for the Encanto.
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fa1ry-tales · 3 years
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camilo x fem!reader
word count: 0.3k
summary: title- again
warning: cuss words, chaos
notes: i had one (1) singular person ask me for a part two so i gave y’all some. here’s part one
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omg part 2 okay lets go!!!!
- yall have most definitely sang a song from beetlejuice before
- probably say my name
- and he took the role of beetlejuice for obvious reasons
- and he definitely shapeshifts into you after you dance to make fun of you
- “ oh i’m [ name ] i can dance so perfectly ” 💃🏻🕺🏼💃🏻🕺🏼
- 100% said that in a high pitches ‘girly’ voice
- little shit
- oh oh and when yall watch high school musical
- yall sang something new and breaking free
- holding pretend microphones
- and yall have sang suddenly seymour at least once
- if not more…
- since in part one i mentioned you love anastasia
- bc i do
- you sang the countess and the common man
- only bc he wanted the heated kiss at the end of it🤫
- i have no reason to believe this
- but his favorite musical is hadestown
- and you know THERES SO MANY DUETS
- wait for me is yalls favorite
- at some point mirabel asked him to preform your stuff for the family
- he turned her down saying
- “ the duets i do with mi vida are for me and me only ”🙄✋🏻
- fucking simp okay
- i just know that one time you lip synced dead girl walking and he almost died
- he also makes sure that you take care of your voice
- you got an audition coming up?
- here, here's some hot tea with honey🤍🤍
- oh also, got you some throat coat for after you sing
- because you’re supposed to do throat coat AFTER you sing not before
- bc if you do it before you’ll hurt your voice even more
- also, no dairy before a performance
- he will also make sure you listen to your body
- he will say something like this
- “ the dance is really demanding mi amor take a break ”
- and if you say no?🤨🤨
- ho ho ho😈
- he will throw you over his shoulder and slam you down on a couch or something
- you will take care of your body when your with him
- i can imagine during tech weeks he like:
- you’re going to get to sleep idc if i have to sedate you
- it’s all in good love ofc
here’s the links the musicals i mentioned- again!! 
beetlejuice, high school musical, hadestown, little shop of horrors
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anasthasi · 3 years
Camilo: Antonio! Quick, rats! I need rats!
Antonio: ……
Camilo: Dolores is almost up and I need to be ready. Okay so here’s the choreography. How fast can they learn it?
Antonio: ……
Rats: ……give us 5
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Alma: After thorough consideration, Dolores will be the matriarch after me.
Antonio: Yay! Go Dolores!!
Mirabel: You will make a wonderful leader, Lola!
Dolores: Aww, thank you, everyone. Truly this is such an honour. I already have so many ideas of how I can help and improve our beloved community, which will bring down noise complaints, destruction and chaos massively…
Everyone: *turns to Isabela and Camilo*
Luisa: Well, it’s been really nice knowing you two. Have fun in prison!
Isabela: I will actually.
Camilo, at the same time: pRiSoN?
Luisa: Yeah, the big scary place with no theatres or mirrors where they lock criminals up. Or where Dolores is just gonna send you annoying shits.
Dolores: Fine, I suppose you can stay… on one condition: you give me back my mascara and never steal my makeup again.
Isabela, sadly: Wait… so we aren’t going to prison??
(Cut to five minutes later)
Dolores, handing out money: Pleasure doing business with you all.
Luisa: I know, I’m such a good actor!
Mirabel: Of course you are, Lu! You sold the entire performance.
Antonio: Yes! I finally have enough for a lollipop!
Alma: I’m sure you could have just asked for the mascara back normally—
Dolores: This was better
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jjkyaoi · 3 years
no because there’s something so hilarious about camilo going around and portraying bruno as this horrifying person who preys on peoples fear, only to meet him and see the most tired scrawny neurodivergent old man he’s ever seen and being like hmmm 🤔 i may have made an error in my judgment
i can imagine their first conversation just bruno going like .... “so..... it’s nice to finally meet you properly. sorry i was like . gone for years . but i’m back now !! and i’m ready to be a part of the family again kinda” and camilo, who just probably gave a bunch of children nightmares two days ago by shifting into bruno’s estranged little ass and pretending to hunt them for sport being like “haha yeah good to have you back 😁”
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Félix: Please don't do anything overdramatic and stupid.
Camilo: You could soon divert a river from its course than deny me of my nature.
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kummerquelle · 3 years
Encanto headcanon
Young Bruno was just like Camilo and you can’t change my mind
Both are creative theatre kids, Bruno with his absolutely self-made telenovelas, script, backgrounds, voiceover and all that. He himself said that his real gift was acting and Hernando’s proof. He’s actually very playful and likes to joke altough it can be often misunderstood as with Pepa’s wedding. When Felix or Augustin would come to visit he’d probably screamed “Julieta/Pepa your bofriend’s here” like Antonio in “We don’t talk about Bruno.
Probably as he grew up and became more of an outcast, always blamed for bad events he predicted he got more quiet and withdrawn, more stressed and cautious about the way he acts. But in “All of you” we can see that he still has this big personality within him when he lively explains the wedding situation and his body language completely changes from small, slight movements to much more expressive almost dance-like. Also as we all agreed that Bruno heard WDTAB, I love how after Camilo’s verse “ Okay, so we gonna talk about Bruno?” he immediately picks up, like it’s his cue, with “ Yeah, there's a lot to say about Bruno. I'll start, okay” and jumps in, twirlling around because that’s his moment to shine and finally talk about Bruno
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