#theater tickets and eat sushi
little--sunshine · 6 months
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thegreatimpersonator · 10 months
I saved a thread the other day on non-generic gifts to give or get yourself, but it's in my native language so I'm translating for you:
Theater tickets, museum tickets, massage voucher, spa voucher, art print from an artist/style you enjoy, travel sized clothes iron, seeds to plant, udemy course, homemade snacks (idk about your location but individuals tend to sell these here on socials and they tend to be delicious), subscription to a service like headspace, board game, tea samples, one of those asian snack boxes, bathrobe, 5 year q&a journal, those handwarmer thingies with a warming device inside, reusable ice cubes, wireless phone charger, one of those cups that has a coaster that warms up the beverage inside, mini hand sowing machine, a high quality phone holder for your car, a car organizer, a home pasta maker device, moka pot, fondue set, cheese board, electric wine bottle opener, sushi set (for making and eating), and there was a list of food samples from popular restaurants/cafes here, which im sure you can find for your location. Hope these help!
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kyotakumrau · 4 years
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2021.03.10 USEN STUDIO COAST 2nd session with Toshiya and Kyo
Fujieda and Takabayashi again came on stage when the tables were ready and after greeting everyone and introducing themselves F asked fans to give band members a loud applause👏
Toshiya and Kyo came back and they both changed for the second session!
Unconfirmed until DIRT announcement, but most likely T was wearing DIRT items: light grey cardigan and black and white floral print set, top and bottom, with a thick white stripe with black frame on the sides. Plus sunglasses.
Kyo was wearing Madaraningen, MANG white shirt with the tie and black slacks, white socks with colorful accent, gold choice of Madara jewellery. And big glasses.
They sat in the same order as for the 1st session.→F K T Ta
T: I'm Toshiya, yoroshiku onegaishimasu
K: I'm Kyo.
The whole time during the 1st session K was turned slightly to the right, but during the 2nd session he was basically sitting facing F.
F: (after he talked about Rock-May-Kan footage) It's the first time you performed Ochita koto no aru sora. Did you have any trouble with it?
T: hm. Chorus is hard.
F: continues fast.
T: yeah. But you just practice and get used to playing it.
F: Shinya said that thanks to the rehearsal you did as the rhythm section songs he got them back quickly.
T: I see. He should be grateful😆
F: How about you, K? Any trouble?
K: don't know (he's looking to the left side of the venue)
F: you've only performed it once.
K: wah! (still intensely looking at the left wall of the venue or somewhere that direction)
F: 😱?! why are you looking there?? Can you see anything?!
K: thingy there is moving and moving...
F: whaaaaat, don't scare us like that!
K: ... (he continued to look there).
F: Didn't you play Jealous first time in a really long time? Wasn't it hard?
T: it wasn't a big surprise, we were planning it originally for the SOGAI tour.
F: the cancelled tour.
T: We were waiting until the last moment to see if we can go on with it or we have to cancel, so we had the proper rehearsal for the tour. So when rehearsing it for Rock-May-Kan show it didn't feel like it's been a long time.
F: K you said it was embarrassing to remember and perform it?
K made the 'robot move' from PV with a totally blank face😂
F: you also played Umbrella, so will you be playing more old songs?
K: Anything is okay except 'Toriko'. There's a drums solo in the end, it's so long and the switch to the next song gets so confusing.
T: How about we leave S and just go?
Then they talked how Shinya fans and other fans would react.
K: Wouldn't fans be troubled with [he made the robot move]?
F: you T don't mind old songs?
T: they're fine/no problem.
F moved the talk to the flyer and their new artist photo.
K: Auspicious/celebrating. Like New Year. And osechi.
F: I see, if using food to explain it's like osechi.
F: How was the filming of the PV?
T: Really long. But speaking of refreshing/Sawayaka, do you know the hamburger shop with that name?
F: it's in Shizuoka (F then again got very enthusiastic talking about how delicious is the meat there, how very juicy etc)
T: so PV is like that (like a juicy meat😂).
F: the single cover art is very unexpected for you.
K: I know and like this artist from before, I asked her to do it for us. I really like it.
After that was time for the merchandise topic. F announced that he confirmed that the rechargeable heat pack can also work as a charger/power bank. K who asked about it in Yokohama and was then told that no, it's just a heat pack just gave him such a look. F, you're not gonna get out of this alive😂
K: ...it'd be such a good item in winter, so it's for the next one? We don't sell it in winter, only for warm season. Wow, heat pack for the warm season...
/s by K👌💯
F started to enthusiastically advertise the towel saying like a muffler it can be worn on a cold day to keep you warm, and K...😂
But T was also poking so much fun at F with his reactions, 'oh I see! Wow!' 😂
T: I think we haven't had wristbands in a while.
K: what are you actually supposed to do with it?
F: you can wipe the sweat off (he gestured wiping sweat from his brow)?
K: I see. Then what about the towel then? (he also gestured using a towel with one hand and a wristband with the other at the same time [kinda like the Jealous robot move], the look he gave F and that pause when he waited for F to dare to answer, oh my, F, you're so dead🤣)
But T and Ta said that guitarists actually use it to keep sweat off their hands etc.
K: so with all of these fans are settled for the show at Tokyo Garden Theater?  (F was nodding to all listed items) These and the ticket and we're good? And the train ticket? Ah no, commuter pass? What should they wear? (F: The hoodie) But then we don't sell any bottoms, should fans go without any pants? What? But we have two items to wipe sweat!
F: fans can bring the travel pouch, usb, they all fit perfectly in the bag! All good items especially if you come from outside of Tokyo.
K: and no bottoms😆
F: well, they need extra money for the ticket and their own bottoms.💦
F also advertised venue limited edition of Ochita.
K: so there are no plans for normal sale? When it gets sold out that's it?
F: yeah.
(it's contradictory with Kaoru's tweet, not sure if I trust F😂)
After that we moved to the section with questions from fans. F as usual split the papers so everyone got some, K this time didn't even read them, just putting them in F's pile😂 but then he was leaning over all the time trying to read what F was looking at😁
F said there many questions about where T stands on the seat choice.
T: on shinkansen I prefer window, on the airplane aisle.
F: why?
T: if I need to stand up to go to toilet etc it's easier.
F: but on the train you prefer a nice view, I see. Shinya said he prefers window seat any time.
T: He's a kid.
F then told her about the rest of the seat preference story (table down idea and S not needing to stand up at all).
F: "are you okay with the pineapple in a sweet and sour pork? Is there any food you're not okay with?"
K: I don't mind. I don't like milk and coriander. But there's something, not exactly food, that I totally hate. You know when you go to a shushi restaurant, conveyor belt sushi, there's alcohol to clean your hands. (K then said if there's a perfume like smell in it you can't enjoy food or something like that).
K (looking at the venue wall calmly): oh it moved.
F: WHAT??!😱
T: I don't mind the pineapple, it's actually very good to help make meat more tender
F: Is there any food you hate, T?
T: The food F doesn't like.
(does it exist??😂)
K: F, you have to understand pineapple's feelings.
K: I thought you F would get pineapple's feelings.
F: I'll try to step in pineapple's shoes...
K: Pineapple is often disliked, but it's being helpful...
K tried to sway F a bit more into becoming a pineapple...
Ta: I'm ok with it, pineapple's feelings are safe.
T: "please tell us F's one good point and one thing you would like him to improve". F is so popular.
F: Not at all😅
K: despite the pineapple...
F: so, T?
T: He can appreciate food/has good appetite, is energetic. Something to fix is that he answers everything with そうっすね/yeahsure
F: K said something similar.
T: About Tooru (he used Takabayashi's given name), he's very good at laying groundwork for projects. Something to improve... well, when I think of something I'll let you know (to Ta).
Ta: Anytime.
K: Ta's good point, he does his job in a matter of fact manner. He doesn't exactly has something to fix, but he can't eat cheese, so fe when we go abroad he can't have pizza.
K: there are so many things F should fix.
F: That ハイハイハイ・yeahyeahyeah
K: ...🙃 just answer with one proper はい
K also complained again about F's eating manners that he opens his mouth too much when eating, sometimes also will turn his head when eating ramen like it's easier to eat (K demostrated F eating posture, arms high and head turned - a bit like Jealous robot pose😆)
F: any good points?😆
K: ...hm. You make every place comfortable. I can relax with you, I wouldn't be speaking at all if you weren't here.
Both fans and F went 'Aaaaaw😊'
Ta: "are there any electronic goods you want right now?"
K: ...hm, solar panels.
F: does that count as electronic goods?
K: isn't it electronic? I want one you can put on the roof and make your own power.
T: yeah, solar panels would be nice.
K: And you can sell electricity to power companies. It's expensive at first, but after 10 years you can start make money, also you can use it if there's an earthquake.
F: can we get it at the store?
K: Why not, you could carry it home on your back!
F: Maybe not...
K: Can I put one on you F?
F: No.
K: then tattoo the giraffe on you, one long giraffe stretching from neck to knees.
F: You like giraffes.
K: Yes (noded)
K got so excited about the giraffe, F won't hear the emd of this idea😂
F: " do you have a favorite female idol or singer?"
K: This morning I was listening to Togawa Jun, レーダーマン.
F: you T?
T: No one in particular. But ones from the past.
F: like globe?
T: isn't it wrong age?
K: globe is the band with Sam?
F: I think that's TRF, in globe it's Mark Panther and Komuro Tetsuya.
F: "how about favorite artist or band you like?" Or just music you like.
K:  I'm listening now to Sekiri (赤痢), an old female band.
F: foreign band?
K: From Japan, with 3 female members.
T: I just use shuffle, listen to music without choosing who to listen to.
F: It's a streaming age now.
T: Is it?😆
F: Ok we still have plenty of time, "what's your shoe size?"
K: 24.5, for sports shoes 25.5.
T: 27, for sports I go bigger, maybe 28 or 29. Boots are better just right. But why do you need such information?😅
F: Usually fans can't ask such things, like do you pull your hoodie strings? (?)
K: I don't.
T: it depends on my mood.
F: ok, not much time left now, we will finish soon.
T: but you just said we have plenty??😆
Ta: "what your favorite album/single cover art?"
T: to pick just one is tough.
Ta: S said that Oboro is in his top 5 now.
T: Favorite cover... hm... what is it, I know, MISSA!😆
F: it's cool, it has members photo.
T: it does?😂
K: For me its DUM. It really captured album's worldview.
F (unsure): are you angry?
K: S answered that Oboro is in his top 5 to the question what's your favorite? Why?😑
F explained the situation, that it wasn't to the same question, K just replied 'I see'.
And then when F just wanted to finish K said they should do all of the leftover questions, but without thinking too long, very rapid q&a
(and absolute nightmare to write down but so SO entertaining🤣 sorry I'm not sure about all the questions it was TOO FAST)
K: hurry up!
F: (something about some time in their life)
K: now, next.
F: what about T?
K just rushed him😆
F: food you want to eat now.
K: choboyaki
F: T, a fragrance you like (?)
T: Aroma.
F: sakura season will start soon, do you have favorite spot?
K: when is soon supposed to be?
F: T, is there something you want now?
T: No.
F: K, do you color your hair by yourself?
K: Yes, next.
F: Bread or rice?
T: Both.
F: what do you buy in convenience store?
K: sweets
F: what do you do first after waking up?
T: open eyes.
D: which convenience store do you like best?
K: Convenience store.
F: do you eat skin on the chicken?
T: I like the skin best.
F: (how do you deal with stress??)
K: stress.
F: T, do you sleep naked or wear pajama to bed?
T: Pajama.
F: (something about Oboro photo shoot???)
K did the robot move in reply😆
F: which style of clothes you like when shopping?
T: simple.
F: To finish, what's your favourite obento side dish?
K (gave F disbelieving look): You want to finish with this?
F: We asked others tok, everyone had different preferences.
K: what were other members answers?
F: for Kaoru green beans or asparagus, for S hamburger, Die... we talked yesterday, but what was it?
K (seriously): I like unagi.
(marinated eel is delicious, but also very expensive, so definitely not a side😅)
F: it's delicious.
K: It is.
T: is this really needed? Don't have one, just nothing that makes food soggy... Ah, but you know when you have a pickled plum on your rice, you move it and there's this pink spot with plum flavor? I like that!
Then it was really the end and time for the last comments.
Kyo: I don't have anything.
F: By this you surely mean you're looking forward to seeing everyone in May...
K (killer face): ...💢
Toshiya: Thank you for coming today. We are having a concert in Tokyo Garden Theater on May 6th, please come if you want to. Thank you.
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nutty1005 · 3 years
“A Dream Like A Dream” Fan Review Report by 十月息
Original Article: https://weibo.com/6574125081/KcrfzBjYL?type=comment#_rnd1619312989712 Original Author: 十月息
(TN: This is the translation of the famous 10,000 character repo on Weibo, so be warned that this is very long article. Permission to translate granted by OP.)
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Part 1 – Review of Xiao Zhan’s Acting According to the Script
Finding Patient No. 5 B
At the start of the play, there were many people surrounding the stage, I was very frantically searching for Xiao Zhan. One of the ladies besides me patted me and said, that one with the messenger bag! After that I immediately found him. His legs were really long! So, at the start of the play, watch out for the messenger bag! (That was the look in the waiting photo.) After this, I was following him around using my binoculars, hahaha.
Patient No. 5 and His Wife’s Initial Encounter
This part was very interesting. No. 5 was queuing behind his wife, then still a stranger, and buying movie tickets, and his wife had an argument with her then lover on the phone, and rashly stuffed her other movie ticket and grilled corn cob into No. 5’s hands. When handed the movie ticket, No. 5 was still able to comprehend, but after he was given the corn cob, he was starting to get confused — Xiao Zhan’s No. 5 widened his eyes, stared at the corn cob in his hand, and then turned around and looked around, looked at the people queuing behind him. In the next second, the 7 or 8 people behind him magically took out their own corn cob, as though getting a corn cob at the movies was a perfectly normal thing to do, and if No. 5 did not have one he would be out of place. There was full comedic effect, the whole theater laughed, No. 5 was embarrassed as he turned around and entered the cinema holding the corn cob. Starting from here, we could see that No. 5’s body language had completely corresponded with that of a comedic trope, it was relaxed and lively, and even when he met with unexpected situations, it was clumsily adorable.
Patient No. 5 Eating Sushi with His Wife
This segment was at the stage left, which also happened to be my visual blind spot, so I could only see the projection from the big screen, which was very regrettable. His wife said the the person she just argued with on the phone was a pig, and she did not want to talk about it, so when No. 5 mentioned that person, he used snorting to represent him, “…. that *snort snort*…”, that snorting was in imitation of a pig, it was really too cute! Xiao Zhan had also snorted in “Our Song”, here, No. 5’s snorting was even more lively, to the point that I was stunned, took 2 seconds to react in my brain that, oh my goodness that was actually Xiao Zhan snorting! It was simply too cute!!
His wife had squeezed a large amount of wasabi on the sushi, No. 5 said “no one puts so much wasabi”, (TN: Chinese had their own term for wasabi, jiemo, but Xiao Zhan used the Japanese term instead), I really loved it when he used languages other than Chinese, I just felt that it encompassed so much cuteness, moreover it was with the Taiwanese accent that belonged to No. 5, it was even more adorable. Both of them ate that wasabi laced sushi, and coughed wildly due to the irritation, Xiao Zhan was coughing so vigorously, by the sound of it I thought he was going to cough out his lungs, just exactly as though he really ate a huge amount of wasabi. But amazingly, his voice was exceptionally clear while coughing, perhaps because his voice for lines had became deeper more robust, in comparison, he did not deliberately deepen his voice while coughing, so he sounded literally like a young man.
No. 5 continued to chat with his wife, in this conversation, No. 5’s Taiwanese accent was even more obvious, which once again became part of my adorable collection of “Xiao Zhan’s various accents”, I was quietly punching the air in my mind!
His wife told him that she had never seen her father before, and she was unable to face him, No. 5 then told his wife to close her eyes and give it a try, she was initially unwilling, No. 5 coaxed her gently, and then she closed her eyes. Thereafter, No. 5 started talking in a old man’s voice deliberately, “My girl! Turn around and look at Papa! Papa owed you too much, forgive Papa, I’ve also missed you terribly! My good child! Papa bought a very beautiful doll to meet you!” Everyone could attempt to see how you would sound like when you talk in an older voice deliberately, it would definitely be quite funny, when Xiao Zhan acted it live, it was even more funny, the audiences laughed heartily. What made me even more excited was that this was the only the beginning of No. 5’s story, but I had already heard Xiao Zhan snorting like a pig, Xiao Zhan speaking Japanese, Xiao Zhan coaxing people, Xiao Zhan talking like an old man, I felt as though I was exploring all the different voices of Xiao Zhan! When Xiao Zhan spoke like an old man, it was also very cute!
Almost forgot a very important point, that is from this old man act and the snorting previously, we could actually see that No. 5 was very good at flirting, and it was the sort that was very natural and well practiced! In the instant as he acted as an old man, besides laughing with the audiences, I also thought in envy, good job young man, you are flirting again and again! I just had to say this, Xiao Zhan’s No. 5 was really very charming in and out.
Patient No. 5 Begging The Doctor to Save His Child
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This part seemed ordinary based on the script, but you would only feel the amazement when watching it live! When looking at the script, it seemed like only the wife was begging the doctor, but in fact I remembered that it was his wife who stood further away from the doctor as she carried the child, No. 5 was beside the doctor, just like the stage photo shared by XZ Studio. His wife was more emotional from start till end, No. 5 was initially more calm, and even looked back to signal his wife to calm down. But later on as the doctor kept rejecting him, No. 5 started to lose the controlled calmness on the surface: he turned around and kneeled before the doctor, begging pitifully, his voice full of hurt and pain, with an agonizing crying tone. In here, his emotional progression to explosive was not that long, but it was very excellent, that moment he was just a father of a child, with an unbearable pain of loss on his shoulders. The doctor continued to refuse, No. 5 said no more, and the whole theater went silent.
Patient No. 5 Getting His Wife to Pick Up the Phone
After the child passed away, the relationship between No. 5 and his wife drifted apart, and No. 5 contacted that strange disease. At the same time, he started receiving calls in the middle of the night, but no one spoke after he picked up. There was one night, it was rare that No. 5 was at home with his wife, and he picked up that call again. No. 5 yelled into the receiver for a long time but yet no one replied, so he yelled at it, “I’m going to fight it out with you… after all, the telephone fee’s on you!” His tone was incensed, but yet the words he used were exceptionally funny, it was supposed to be a scary suspense story, but it wore the cape of a comedy.
The lines following that were similar. No. 5 finally yelled at the receiver, “Fine, I’m done playing with you today!” Till then it was still quite normal, but unexpectedly before he hung up he suddenly yelled another line: “Good! Night!” This type of contrast continued to add comedic colors to the play, because No. 5 was actually speaking harshly, but in the end he still politely said good night, but yet that good night was still harsh and irate. I believed that no matter how unclear the image of No. 5 was in the audiences’ hearts, in this moment they would definitely feel that No. 5 had a cuteness stemming from the contrast in his personality, he was interesting, cute and lively.
I feel that this was something that was hard to control in performance. On a whole, “A Dream Like A Dream” was a very serious and standard play, and would occasionally use comedic tropes to balance the heavy keynote. Hence when actors were performing, they had to say those random lines in a serious tone, and if done too lightly, the audiences would not feel that it was funny, but if done too heavily, it would destroy the pace of the story. Whereas Xiao Zhan’s performance was simply just right, it allowed audiences to easily understand the funny bits, but yet it did not breakaway from the general tone of the story. I remembered when we studied or appreciated ancient poems in high school, there was this term called “using lively music to contrast sorrow”, in fact “A Dream Like A Dream” was like this. The more amusing the funny parts were, after the audiences were done laughing and continued to immerse themselves in the story, the heavier they would feel.
Following this was the part, which Xiao Zhan angrily yelled at his wife to pick up the call, that many reports had mentioned. There was actually a progression, the script as below, the parts in parenthesis was how I remembered it was acted out:
No. 5: It's your turn to pick it up. (His tone was quite calm)
His Wife: What for do I pick it up? No. 5: It could be for you. (He was starting to raise his voice)
His Wife: How could that be?
No. 5: Secret lover! You should pick it up. (You could hear the anger)
His Wife: Why?
No. 5: Because it is yours. (His tone had already went from questioning to factual) Every time he calls, not long after, you would return, I think he hasn't finished talking to you. (This looked like narration, but in fact when Xiao Zhan said this he was speaking hastily, already at the brink of exploding, his voice was very loud, and was starting to ring in the audiences' ears. In reality when someone hears a tone like this, we would subconsciously avoid it, as we feel that this person would explode the very next second.) You pick it up. (I was starting to shake)
His Wife: For what? It's not mine. (I was starting to fear for his wife, I mean was this not adding oil to the fire? Please don't... I was praying this in my heart, because the very next moment, lightning was going to strike!)
No. 5: PICK IT UP! [TN: The word used was a single syllable, jie.]
Just that word, the tone was so harsh, I could say that I have never encountered this in my life; the sound was so loud, it almost deafened me, the word was echoing within the hall, and gave me a feeling that when Xiao Zhan yelled out this word, he was also resonating with it. My father’s temper was not that good, and he would yell at me when I was a child, his voice was loud enough, but I actually felt that it was not as loud as a third of Xiao Zhan’s. Not only the voice was loud, the tone was very fierce, so fierce that if he was your boss, you would have kneeled before him, if he was one of your peers, you would have felt weakness in my legs and could not even run away if you wanted to. At that time in the theater, I was truly frightened, I felt as though my heart had frozen in my chest, and then there were palpitations, I felt as though all the yelling I had received previously were not worth mentioning. The whole theater definitely had a fright, because after Xiao Zhan yelled it, the whole theater was silent, not just ordinary silence when watching a play, but even the sounds of breathing stopped, the air was scarily quiet.
Patient No. 5 Searching for His Wife among the Passersby
No. 5 and his wife went to watch another movie, just like how they first met. When queuing, his wife went out to pick up a call, and suddenly disappeared, No. 5 started searching for her everywhere. Over here as well, I did not feel that it was very emotional when reading the script, No. 5 was like going through the process of looking for his wife, but when I actually watched the performance, it was another of Xiao Zhan’s highlight.
No. 5 was holding onto the grilled corn cob, and grabbed hold of a passerby, asked, “Sorry, can I ask if you saw my wife?” but this passerby did not hear him. No. 5 continued to run forward, the other passersby were stoic and slow, No. 5 frantically walked through them and seemed especially out of place. He grabbed the next passerby, continued asking, “Excuse me, did you see my wife?” The passerby continued to ignore him. I don’t know how to explain this specifically, as these two lines were similar, but the emotions in No. 5 was obviously changing, the sense helplessness and breakdown that was transmitted through his tone and his body language completely grabbed the hearts of the audiences.
No. 5 continued to grab passersby, asked, “Sorry, did anyone see a lady holding two grilled corn cobs? Her hair is slightly yellow, she’s very pretty, her eyes are very big…” “Excuse me, did you see my wife? She’s of mixed race, she never saw her father, our child died, she’s very upset… I’m really not feeling well… did anyone see?” I believe that even if I did not describe Xiao Zhan’s tone, we could see from the lines that No. 5 had already went from precise questioning to emotional rambling, the lines contained family background information unrelated to the search. In the final questioning, he was already in crying tones.
After countless of his question left ignored, No. 5 finally despaired, he stopped in his tracks, broke down and shouted, “Did anyone see my wife?! She just bought two grilled corn cobs!!!” This howl completely used all his strength and was even hysterical, it was filled with helplessness, despair and utter collapse. This lines actually contained comedy, since who would have brought up grilled corn cob at this point in time? But No. 5 did, and this was similar to what I said previously about “using lively music to contrast sorrow”, the more ridiculous the trope was, the better the contrast could highlight the sorrow in the reality, and in reality most of the tragedies did not happen like a Shakespearean story, but accumulated from the smallest and most ridiculous things.
In comparison to the doctor scene, I felt that this No. 5 broke my heart even more… Because he asked different people again and again, but he was ignored and tossed aside, bit by bit, he despaired and broke down… He used all of his strength but he could not do anything, except cry and howl helplessly…
Patient No. 5 and Jiang Hong at the Laundromat
This was a completely propless performance, with the exception of a laundry basket, there was no props, so Xiao Zhan was performing with the air as he opened the washing machine, took his clothes, folded them and placed them in the laundry basket. But his movements were very natural and ordinary, it was not deliberate, you could understand what he was doing with a look, i.e. that sequence of actions I mentioned previously. The way he folded (air) clothes was very cute, and there was the part that he did not know how to use the washing machine, and was poking poking poking at the air, that was also super cute! Haha.
Patient No. 5 at Jiang Hong’s Apartment
After No. 5 caught his disease, his posture, etc, had started displaying the weakness of his illness, Xiao Zhan very accurately portrayed this point, no matter whether it was his walking speed or his hunched back, as well was occasional coughing and panting, constantly reminded audiences that No. 5 was a terminal patient with not many days left. However in comparison to these, what best displayed No. 5’s illness was when he went up the staircase to Jiang Hong’s apartment, Jiang Hong stayed on the 7th floor, every time No. 5 went upstairs it felt like an ordeal and a massive challenge, he kept holding onto the handrails (which of course did not exist, there were no staircases onstage, he was acting with air), he would rest every 2 steps, panting, and made us feel that No. 5’s health was rapidly leaving his body.
After this was basically the envy inciting scene of the whole play. Jiang Hong’s apartment was very small, No. 5 could only sit on her bed. So we slowly watched how No. 5 and Jiang Hong got closer and closer… Amitabha. I do not want to describe it in detail, 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。. There was this part that was very cute, Jiang Hong said, “No other person ever lived in this space. When I first moved in there wasn’t even space to have a cat, but now there’s a man, when he lies down, he uses up the whole bed.” After the line ended, Xiao Zhan basically laid on the bed in a 大 shape, instantly occupying the whole bed, both of his legs even extended beyond the bed. The audiences laughed at that moment, and I also directly understood even more that Xiao Zhan is really tall! Big sized! Before that when Xiao Zhan curled on his side on the bed, he was still very big.
Patient No. 5 and Jiang Hong’s Couple Details
It was not that moment of intimacy that made me envious, but it was the continued subconscious intimacy that really made me envious. No. 5 and Jiang Hong became a couple, they were like they had been together for a very long time, the intimacy was natural and well practiced. When she and No. 5 walked together, he would hold her hands; when they stood side by side, he would hold her waist; when they spoke face to face he would look down at her, very focused on her eyes, as though only she existed in the world, and would also gently stroke the back of her head, or smooth her hair; sometimes No. 5 would even slightly adjust her collar… etc, every detail was exceptionally natural.
When No. 5 and Jiang Hong went to see a gypsy with spiritual powers, that person told No. 5 to look at the crystal ball like how he would look at his lover, No. 5 turned around, looked up and looked lovingly at Jiang Hong standing behind him, saying coquettishly, “Yup, looking at my lover,” just like a willful boy in his first relationship who is unable to leave his lover. In that moment I became extremely envious.
Patient No. 5 and Jiang Hong at Normandy
This section is completely No. 5’s highlight!
At the start in the town’s hotel, the Grandpa gave No. 5 a flower circlet, No. 5 took it and placed it on his head. This was just right on stage left, which was my blind spot, I could only see it from the blurry screen, I was so angry and regretful! I could only imagine Tang San wearing the flower circlet, when Xiao Zhan wore it live it would definitely look a lot better, I could not see that with my own eyes, that was the biggest regret of my life 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。.
When entering the hotel, the receptionist said it was 1,550 Francs per night, Jiang Hong immediately felt that it was too expensive and tugged No. 5, but No. 5 was instead very relaxed and yet unyielding as he said, “It’s almost the same, it’s all this price! It’s reasonable!” “No matter, I want it, I’m paying.” And then he pulled Jiang Hong into the hotel. That time I could only think, good job dude, that was how an unreasonable boss trope should be like!
No. 5 and Jiang Hong went to have a meal in the hotel, but however the rule of the restaurant was formal wear, but both No. 5 and Jiang Hong were in casual wear, so the host gave No. 5 a tie, No. 5 was to wear the tie and take a seat. In the script, it was No. 5 who tied his own tie, but in Xiao Zhan’s version, he did not continue to tie it himself, instead he raised his chin and leaned his neck over, signaling Jiang Hong to tie for him. My goodness, this part was seriously too sweet, I started complaining in my heart at this dude 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。… I am not sure if everyone watched a behind-the-scenes from “Superstar Academy”, where Xiao Zhan finished a drink (or tidbits, I cannot remember), and he just waved the cup in his hand, requesting the co-actress beside him to take it, and then the actress simply took it. His sort of natural ability to influence the opposite gender really makes me fall head over heels for him.
No. 5 and Jiang Hong were mistaken for Japanese, the two of them went back to their room and started conversing in synthetic Japanese, this was really No. 5 at the peak of his cuteness!!! No. 5 gave Jiang Hong a gentlemanly bow, and said “Hi!” in Japanese accent multiple times, the tone was both serious and flippant at the same time. No. 5 also said “Ah li ga duo” for arigatou. When No. 5 was describing guns to the French waitress, he use the onomatopoeia “Bang bang!”, with finger guns action, super cute. He also said “Duo La A Mong” for Doraemon, “Sa yo na la” for sayonara, and most select phrases mentioned in countless reports were “Ka wa yi” for kawaii and “Da me da me” for dame dame, these phrases did not exist in the script, they were basically his own creation. My description of that scene was basically like this:
When he said “Ka wa yi”, he placed his palms on his cheeks like a flower shape, and dragged the “yi” sound, the tone was slightly coquettish; when he said “Da me da me”, he swished his hands around (similar to a orchestra conductor), his tone was coquettish but also lilting.
After he said these two phrases, the audiences were no longer calm, many of them were sniffing in envy and these sounds filled the hall. I almost fainted at the spot, blanked out and stared at the ceiling, wondering how lucky I was to be able to hear Xiao Zhan said “Da me”, and in a coquettish manner, who was I where was I, I must had been dreaming.
No. 5 also told Jiang Hong “Ah yi xi tie lu”, which was “I love you” in Japanese. This phrase in Japanese is actually very formal, because in normal circumstances, the Japanese would use “suki” to confess their affection, which meant “I like you”, “I love you” was very rare. Then No. 5 placed his arms on Jiang Hong’s shoulders and hugged her, looked lovingly down at her eyes, his expression full of emotion and tease, and said every syllable with a pause “Ah, yi, xi, tie, lu”. That moment I hated myself, I wondered why I had to understand Japanese, why!
Following this is another highlight of No. 5, when he was mistaken as an artist he gave a speech in the restaurant, in the script, there was this big segment of lines, it was slightly different from what Xiao Zhan said in the play, but in general it was the same:
"From that day when a disease that I don't recognize found me, everything changed. I had no choice! Did I know this virus? Why did it come to me? I don't know. But it just came! Just like you said that until now there are still children in Cambodia with a missing limb due to mines! The war had already ended for 25 years! Who placed the mines? Did he know that child? Where did such great hatred came from, that you had to blow up someone you didn't know? How different am I from that child? He is just like you and I, that one day, standing under the sun, standing on the road, and suddenly, bang! It's over! The 'freedom' we yell about everyday is just bullshit! How could we have choices?!..."
I felt that I had to type out this section in full because I felt that Xiao Zhan’s live performance had to be appreciated with this section. Frankly speaking, when I first saw the original script, I felt that here, No. 5 was just someone who was very adaptable to the sudden situations, able to talk his way out, so I did not really look into the contents of this section. At that point in time, there were people who also posted this part online, but I felt that it was making a mountain out of a molehill when we place Xiao Zhan’s personal experiences along side it, No. 5 appeared to be making up a speech without much deeper meaning. When I saw Xiao Zhan himself performing this part, I realized that I was too flippant then: Xiao Zhan really had the ability to help his audience empathize, when he said this section, it felt as though every word struck my heart, as though there were other hidden meanings, especially when he said these two lines “Where did such great hatred came from, that you had to blow up someone you didn’t know?” and “The ‘freedom’ we yell about everyday is just bullshit!”, I really had instant flashbacks to the unpleasant memories of 2020… I always felt that hardship is just hardship, there is never a need for us to be thankful to it, but I had to admit, for Xiao Zhan to walk to this stage, he had went through the trials and tribulations of hardship.
Patient No. 5 and Gu Xianglan’s Kiss
In the script there were no kissing scenes between Young Patient No. 5 B and Young Gu Xianglan (by Xu Qing), i.e. the video clip that was posted by Yanghua Theatre on the 22nd. So that day, the last scene of the upper half, everyone exclaimed (of course, a big part of it was that no one guessed that there would be other kissing scenes besides that with Jiang Hong). In the video clip, No. 5 and Gu Xianglan walked slowed to each other, their shadows overlapped, their faces slowly overlapping into a kiss, it told a story, and that sense was even stronger when watched live. Just that the live performance did not have the later half of the clip, that is after they kissed they slowly separated, during live the two of them kissed using the trick of positioning and then the lights dimmed, and with that, the upper half ended.
No. 5 wore a leather jacket with jeans, Gu Xianglan wore cheongsam; No. 5 was from modern Taiwan, Gu Xianglan was from the 1930s Shanghai. So as they slowly moved towards each other face-to-face, there was really the sense that two eras were slowly merging and overlapping, the feeling was very wondrous, almost as though there was a time and space disorder, yet there was also a sense of revolving fate that merged the past and present, East and West, and created this love story that transcended space and time. I had to say that this additional scene was really fantastic, it had such a sense of story and of fate that it could match the scene of 2 different Gu Xianglans walking in the long corridor of illusion and shadow, which would really stir the audiences’ curiosity and wonder.
Hence, I surmised that the script for this tour had made some changes, No. 5 would likely be Baron’s reincarnation, confirmed when the dying Old Gu Xianglan laid on her bed, holding Xiao Zhan’s No. 5 B’s hands, and directly called him “Henry”.
Patient No. 5 on the Hospital Bed
Over here I really wanted to punch myself, I clearly read the script, but yet I forgot that in the second half, the person on the hospital bed would be No. 5 B! I entered the hall early, and I long saw the doctor at the hospital bed aiding the patient’s breathing, but I really did not pay much attention, I was so regretful!! After the show started, No. 5 started talking, the whole hall started to exclaim as they realized that oh dear, that was Xiao Zhan!
Wearing the patient gown, Xiao Zhan seemed even more ill, looked especially frail, weak, and immediately reminded me of Xianxian in the red undergown, I believe when I said this, everyone would have the image in their mind.
Patient No. 5 with the Dying Gu Xianglan
Old Gu Xianglan laid on the hospital bed, Xiao Zhan’s No. 5 sat by it, his left hand had always been on Gu Xianglan’s back, gently patting and soothing Gu Xianglan, never stopped, I had been staring for a long while. I kept feeling that this was especially “Xiao Zhan”, because Xiao Zhan himself is just that gentle and considerate.
Gu Xianglan narrated her story until she was short of breath and passed away, No. 5’s gaze had never left her, and he held her hand. No. 5 was like just like that, quietly watching Gu Xianglan until she passed away, he did not say anything, but his compassionate expression, slightly furrowed brows, exuded a strong sense of unspeakable sorrow gushing out from his body. As I wrote this part, my mind would sometimes flash back to the scene of No. 5 sitting by the bedside, and suddenly I would feel like weeping.
Patient No. 5 Reading a Letter at Jiang Hong’s Apartment
No. 5 returned to the apartment where he and Jiang Hong lived, and from under the floorboards he found a letter, he was simply kneeling as he read the letter, and kneeled for a very long time. “Hi, the person with the fever…” As he kneeled there, I could only see his back, and I just kept watching his back, listening to him read the first few lines of the letter and after which Jiang Hong continued, I felt that there was nothing else in my heart, I was very upset, but yet my tears were locked in my eyes. I stared at his pointed toes and the long, long legs in jeans, stared at the hands that were grasping the letter. Once again, No. 5 encountered another separation of a lifetime, and I knew that I was going to bid farewell to him as well.
Before the Passing of Patient No. 5
Here, No. 5 A laid on the bed talking, while Xiao Zhan’s No. 5 B stood around 1m away at the left side of the bed, looking at No. 5 A. Here is the most obvious display of compassion from No. 5, because he stood for a long time, so I kept staring at him — his gaze was gentle and sorrowful, looking at the other version of him lying on the bed almost reaching the end of his life, I wondered what he was thinking of? Xiao Zhan’s eyebrows were especially good looking, I kept thinking that if I studied him from a certain distance, the first thing I would see would be his eyebrows, and that was something I did not think would happen when I looked at him via a video on my mobile phone screen. His eyebrows were just too good at conveying emotion, if it was relaxed I would feel relaxed as well, when it frowned I would feel upset as well. No. 5 kept his brows furrowed, it was melancholy and sorrowful, he did not need to have tears in his eyes, he could convey emotions with his brows.
Finally, No. 5 A stopped breathing, and the light on No. 5 B dimmed, he was slowly consumed by darkness, in that instant I felt as though my heart had been drowned by sorrow, I kept on staring at Xiao Zhan, and unwittingly as I wrote to this point, tears started brimming in my eyes.
Patient No. 5’s A Cappella
The lyrics to the song was like this in the script:
Did anyone, see my face before? I think I remembered, I think I forgot, You used to wander in my dreams; I think I remembered, I think I forgot, I used to sing in your story; I think I remembered, I think I forgot.
At this point, all the actors will take out candles, Gu Xianglan A would ring a bell, all the actors will blow out their candles, and the play ends. I wrote on Weibo that this part wrote a cappella: Xiao Zhan sang it at the end, I was literally shaking. It was clearly a cappella, without any instrumental music or sound effects, but it was particularly ethereal and pleasant. It sounded like I went to a tall and quiet church, and listened to the choir’s singing. His voice came with its own bass. There was really this sense of sanctity, which made you feel as though any stray thoughts would be a blasphemy. I was clearly seated at an elevated location, but spiritually I felt that I was looking up at him. It was almost surreal, a dreamlike illusionary existence.
When I was seated in the hall, I was more excited, because I remembered that there was still the curtain call and gratitude ceremony. Now, reviewing this with the script, I am completely immersed in the sorrowful atmosphere of the script, and as I recall Xiao Zhan’s a cappella, I am now especially upset, and I miss him terribly.
Part 2 – Praising Xiao Zhan from All Different Angles
What Was Xiao Zhan’s Role (DUH)
At the start, No. 5 was an architect, a salary man, as he hurried on the streets, the sense of salary man was really obvious. After he met his wife, he started his flirtation mode, which was a humorous and interesting young man. After he had a child and as he carried that child, he was really like a father, I almost yelled “Daddy” in my heart! After that he fell sick, and no matter where and when, he was able to portray the sense of someone who had an illness.
Xiao Zhan’s Lines
Before the start of the show, Xiao Zhan broadcasted the important notice, his voice was like a newscaster, the XFXs around me could not believe it was him. In the hall, the voice was especially vigorous and magnetic, which was quite different from how he was like in previous interviews, overall it was especially pleasant, it felt like he changed his vocalization method, there was probably more technique into it.
Secondly, his pronunciation was very clear and professional, I could hear every word clearly, and when he was at stage left where I could not see him, I pretended I was listening to a radio show. No. 5 was from Taiwan, hence Xiao Zhan specially spoke with a Taiwanese accent, very natural and very cute. His emotions were very very on point! When he was coquettish his voice slightly lingered, when he yelled it was fierce, when he was sad it was sorrowful… When he was joking, it was as though every sound he made had a smile, when he was stern it was very shocking! “Ka wa yi” and “da me” were my top favorite!
Xiao Zhan’s Body and Face
Xiao Zhan’s No. 5, his back was hunched, he occasionally coughed, and we could see that his style of walking was different from Xiao Zhan’s: No. 5 was ill, he frequently had fevers, and he would tire when he went upstairs. From the play, we could say that we could not see the healthy and strong Xiao Zhan at all, we would only feel that he was No. 5 with a terminal illness, that was acting and character portrayal from in to out. But when he bowed with his back facing me, I still could clearly see the lines from his back muscles pushing against his shirt.
His legs were especially long, his proportions were really extreme, I always felt that humans could not grow like this, did he steal Jianguo’s leg length (No). His face was particularly small, especially when viewed from my distance, it was outstandingly exquisite, as though I could pinch it with just a hand. This hairstyle really showcased his ears, which were pointed, completely elf-like!
Besides his outstanding eyebrows, his nose was also super magnificent! Even if you looked at him from the front you would feel that he really looks very chiseled! Even more so from the side! A miracle of beauty!
From my location, I had a lot of chances to look at his 70% side view, as the light shone on that face, it was like a sculpture, I wondered what kind of divinity would be able to sculpt that: that nose line, that lip and that melancholy eyebrows…
Xiao Zhan’s Compassion
The tone that Xiao Zhan’s No. 5 as a whole gave me as a whole was melancholic, or I could say it was his compassion. Previously, I frequently saw that everyone said that Tang San had a sense of compassion, but I feel that the compassion in No. 5’s aura was superior to Tang San’s. Firstly, he himself had a terminal illness, and then he experienced so many changes, the departure of his family and loved ones. Secondly, the inner aura of No. 5 himself came with a bit of compassion.
I saw at the back row, at times when I used the binoculars, his facial features would be slightly blurry, of course most of the time it was clear, so I always first spot the most obvious, the tightly furrowed eyebrows.
Accompanying that frown would be his exquisite facial features, his eyes, especially the line of his nose, it seemed almost supernatural. Hence I would really relate it to the Greek sculptures, as in their expressions were also solemn, as though they were looking down upon the emotions and pain of the world. And they themselves were the representation of human beauty.
I always felt that the reason why Xiao Zhan’s good looks were well accepted by the masses was because his good looks was universally acceptable.
Of course, for Xiao Zhan’s No. 5 to be able to attain this level of compassion, it not only depended on his innate aura, but even more so, his own hard work, which caused his looks to be able to give off this kind of aura. For example, he became even more thin, such that his cheeks were more protruding, and there were possibly shadows on his cheeks, this would make you feel that, truly, his melancholy and compassion was clearly affecting his body.
His aura, his physical shape, was completely in service of the character.
Xiao Zhan’s Acting Skills
I posted on my Weibo that Xiao Zhan’s No. 5 was very compassionate, and then there were comments asking if it was because of his past experiences, such that he was able to portray this kind of compassion, actually it was not that I did not agree completely, but it was something that I did not even think of.
Why? Because when you watched Xiao Zhan’s dramas and movies, it was the same, when you watched his play life, his performance was even more so — just that he was not deliberately acting, you would feel that he did not use any life experience, or very obviously using his experiences to aid his portrayal in the drama. He was not like this, he would give you a very very natural sensation.
Xiao Zhan’s acting was like spring water, naturally flowing down from the cracks on the hill side, and not like cracking a water pipe, which would come gushing out suddenly, it was not like this. Even if it was an explosive scene, it would also smoothly flow downwards like a waterfall tumbling from the top of a cliff.
Although I say that Xiao Zhan’s acting was very, very natural, so much so that you could not see any trace of deliberation, but in fact this did not mean that this skill came inborn, on the contrary, this acting skill required doubly effort to attain.
My Trance
I don’t know how to explain my feeling: that is when watching the play I would sometimes feel hazy, like I would suddenly break away from the play, and then stare at Xiao Zhan, thinking — wow, this is a real Xiao Zhan, a lively Xiao Zhan, and he’s under the same roof as me in this very second, moving and talking…
And then I would go into that trance.
The Ocean of Flowers in the Courtyard
So romantic, star chasing is so romantic, loving Xiao Zhan is so romantic.
The night of Wuhan, I stayed in the midst of the crowds, outside of my windows were the streaking colors of everyday life.
My heart remained sweet, because I knew that in that very moment, I was sharing the same sky with the one I love.
And yet my heart was weak, as soon as I saw that endless brilliance of red, I would feel that my tears would well up.
Walking through the ocean of flowers, I saw countless adoration, gentleness, admiration, well wishes…
In that second, I was in Wuhan, and I had a romance with No. 5 at the ends of the world.
Appendix: 2013 Version of “A Dream Like A Dream” Behind-The-Scenes Documentary Review
(Written on 23 Mar 2021)
Upper Half
Firstly, the documentary emphasized on its star-studded cast on its very first Mainland China premiere in 2000. Besides the well-known famous actor, there was also a renowned female singer crossing domains, as well as some familiar, well-known actors, such as Tan Zhuo, Xu Qing. Xu Qing was going to continue her role as one of the Gu Xianglans in the upcoming 2021 version of “A Dream Like A Dream”. At the same time I also discovered that Shi Ke was in the 2013 version of “A Dream Like A Dream”, she was the lead actress for Xiao Zhan’s “Heroes in Harm’s Way – Blessed Community”.
In the documentary, besides bringing more attention to this play, the star-studded cast also brought another challenge, because the group’s actors had to spend more than a year to break into this 8 hour play (that time when “A Dream Like A Dream” first came into Mainland China, everything had to be started from scratch, there were a lot to adapt, hence the timeline would be longer, 2021 version had the previous foundation, and therefore did not need this long for preparation), and singers would have to take a few months to prepare for their fan meetings and concerts, television and movie actors would have to take a few months to film their dramas. In rehearsing this play, the actors would have to reject many invitations, their “loss” in revenue could be up to millions or even more.
Xiao Zhan’s rehearsal period for “A Dream Like A Dream” appeared to be an empty period to the external world, but plays truly needed wholehearted participation into practice time.
Director and playwright Lai Shengchuan said, plays are even a greater challenge to these stars, because their capabilities, their acting skills, would be obvious to the audiences after 2 or 3 shows, and this will dictate the success of the play in Mainland China.
Hence for the first entry to Mainland China, all the preparation from all angles had to start from zero, the 2013 version encountered many difficulties in terms of location, props, etc. While the cast attracted a lot of attention, the strict control behind the stage, for example, prop preparation was actually done by a Year 4 Journalism student; the rehearsal initially started in a crude empty factory. Then, the in-charge of Yanghua Theatre, Wang Keran, was the main in-charge for bringing in “A Dream Like A Dream” into Mainland China, he and his team’s office was in a simple 3 bedroom apartment, he directly said that bringing in this play was to raise the influence of plays but he could not bankrupt the backstage, hence cost also had to be tightly controlled.
For the 2021 version, the documentary gave me the most anticipation was the process that in the 2013 version, the actors and the directors went through a lot of breakthrough and recreation process during their rehearsals. While rehearsing, Xu Qing gave a totally opposite view on her role to Lai Shengchuan (on Gu Xianglan’s love to Baron), the understanding and identity from the actors themselves were in fact the most important part to character creation. Finally, Xu Qing’s persistence convinced Lai Shengchuan, who specially added some scenes in Act 9, and allowed the character Gu Xianglan to be more logical. Lai Shengchuan was a renowned Asian Theatre master, “A Dream Like A Dream” was his 3rd script after his 10+ years of experience. Even so, when meeting a brand new acting crew, the script might still display its inadequacy or limitations with the times, etc. At this moment, it would require actors to use their acting experience to improve upon it, and perform character and scene recreation. We could say that, Xu Qing was a good actress who had her own opinions and thoughts, and was persistent about them, Lai Shengchuan was a good director who progressed with the times.
It just so happened today that Xu Qing praised Xiao Zhan, I believe that with my narration on this part, everyone would understand how much weight Xu Qing’s praise carried — there is no praise that is more encouraging than that from a fellow actress who is persistent and serious.
I believe that Xiao Zhan is also a hardworking actor who will seriously analyze his scripts, and have his own opinions and thoughts. Hence, I really look forward to fireworks that Xiao Zhan and “A Dream Like A Dream” would create, as well as the new soul this would bring to the role, Patient No. 5.
Lower Half
Firstly, the documentary introduced the costume designer for “A Dream Like A Dream”, renowned designer, Ye Jintian. Ye Jintian was the costume in-charge for many movies and dramas, the most famous ones were “A Better Tomorrow” and “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”, he also won the Oscar for Best Costume Design for the latter movie. 2021’s Costume Design Executive was still Ye Jintian. When rehearsal conditions were unable to reach the performance conditions, actors would have to use costumes to find their entry into the character, and as such, it showed how important costumes were to the play.
The premiere in 2013, was such a major cultural event, in the press conference before the first show, they exhibited a shorter segment of the play. Lai Shengchuan wanted people to focus on the story itself, but the media placed their attention on the star-studded cast, the 8 hour long performance, the ring shaped stage, and other gimmicks etc. Lai Shengchuan said, that was the misguidance of the media focus. I felt that, that was unavoidable, since it was a challenge, it was even more so an opportunity, because everything would increase the attention on the play itself eventually. Lai Shengchuan hoped that people would not watch this play for entertainment or escapism, but instead, use this story to face their problems directly, to think about the meaning of life and death.
Surprisingly, the documentary then emphasized on the participating well-known singer’s influence. It said that she had millions of passionate fans, many of them entered the theater because of her, whereas in Lai Shengchuan’s vision, the audiences for “A Dream Like A Dream” were those who had watched many other plays before. We could even say that such a young and influential singer’s addition then truly changed the audience composition for such an elite form of art. On this, Producer Wang Keran expressed that it was something the production team was happy to see, because marketization was the nutrient for such highend art. Moreover, “A Dream Like A Dream” was 8 hours long, they had 400 over sets of costumes, as well as many innovative stage art design, the cost was very huge. Hence, the show for this type of play became a gamble, a gamble between art and market. After all, theater workers would have to eat, and audiences only cared about results, and they would not analyze the difficulties behind it.
The 2021 version that Xiao Zhan joined was built upon the mature experience of 7 years of public showing from the 2013 version, and definitely had lesser problems, but due to Xiao Zhan’s commonly known qualities, the 2021 version would carry the same mission as the 2013 version: using the actor’s huge influence and interest, attract more “first time goers” for theaters, and use the market to nourish the play. To Xiao Zhan personally, this was the rarest and best experience for an actor.
I would mostly skip through the following interview of the famous actor, but there was an important phrase within which he generally said, “To return to theater is to remove the burden of a celebrity.” I felt that this point was suitable to Xiao Zhan.
That time, the production company for “A Dream Like A Dream” (should be Yanghua Theatre) was actually not rich, we could see that the theater scene was still in its infancy. The Stage Designer Zhang Zhelong, was also very competent, he created many aesthetic and unique stage effects for “A Dream Like A Dream”, the most famous was the handover between 2 Gu Xianglans, 2 graceful figures, the former slowly absorbed into the light, blurry and vague, just like a dream. The 2021 version’s Stage Designer is still Zhang Zhelong.
Finally, it was the interview with the well-known actor Jin Shijie, who acted as Baron then. He said that now is the era for speed, everyone could use an electronic device to watch many shows in a night, they could even watch new technologies such as 3D. But, plays were like they carried many ancient rituals. You would need to leave the house, take a car ride, queue, and then sit in among a group of strangers, and watch the stage in the dark, and finally return home. These process were complex, but yet it also seemed especially ceremonious — hence Jin Shijie said that the stage was the most primitive. Whereas for me personally, I like this type of primitive art, this is a form of art that up close, without any misplacement in time and space, and the most realistic.
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ourladyofomega · 3 years
A heads up:
I been noticing a change in trajectory in the past three months. This started when I elected to see a counselor. For months I searched for one and I was going nowhere. By that, I mean other counselors who returned your calls only to leave me high and dry with no callback. One counselor I did see for four weeks rehashed our conversations and asked the same questions over and over with no results, only to show disinterest in me and ultimately abandoned me when I called her out on it. A great help when people are suffering in the era of COVID- and political toxicity. I did find one who stuck with me and she’s pushed me to get stuff done. She understands about the personal turmoil I’ve been going through. And by learning to trust the environment around me and understand what she’s saying, I’ve learned with my own eyes to accept what’s on the surface.
That’s not all. Since my dad passed away, I revamped my diet to the best I could. He’s no longer here to pump me with free burgers, Chinese, sushi, fried chicken, and steak. So why not spend the money on more white meat, fruits, vegetables, and juices? This year I also elected to see a dietitian. Take dairy-free. Take gluten-free. Take hummus. Take almond milk. She has done more for me in two visits than any doctor had done for me in ten years. When you eat like shit, you’ll be it and feel like it. No more.
I’ve also been on a tear at work. Every month it seems that some of our top performers leave the company, so there goes my competition. Now I’ve been obliterating my daily and monthly goals with nothing or no one stopping me. Thanks to sales restructuring, I’m not only selling computers but everything else under the one roof. Four-piece kitchen sets, stackable washer-and-dryer combos-, $4,000 home theater tickets, and I just sold my very first 8K TV to a gamer who wanted to use his graphics card to the fullest potential. Who am I to argue? I’m projected to win the store in revenue, credit card applications, tech support memberships, hours worked, and transactions made if this keeps up. There’s even a very small chance I could cross the $2,000,000 finish line. Holy Godiva on a winged pegasus riding down a crowded Times Square if I do.
I have double or even triple the energy than that of the average person. No caffeine, no hard drugs, no magical force-fields or pixie bestowments. I been feeling unbeatable. My drive to get stuff done is insatiable. Believe it or not, I was fed up dealing with the surprise artists / apologists who sneak up behind me and cut into my sales (they’re not sorry for interrupting you), the adult-children who wave their arms and yell at me from the other end of the store to get my attention (those little ones are ignored anyway), or the Italian Joeys who act like they’ve known me forever (most I never met in my life) who put their arms around me and act buddy-buddy with me to get a discount. No dice. Now I see them coming and quash it  before they irritate me. They’re still a nuisance who need to be swatted away like wasps but no one day or town can do 100%. With the anti-anxiety scripts kicking in, I don’t feel as edgy as I used to.
With this streak I’m having, learning to stay in touch with myself, and still coming off of seeing Uniform in New York City, I ask myself if I ever want to go back to feeling like garbage? Of course not. I had it with waiting for some random to upend my day, to feel constant panic or walking around being ill. I can’t even imagine feeling like that again now that I’ve become more self-aware. There’s still a ways to go, however. I still plan on leaving retail and either do back-end tech support, web-building, or even more graphic design. Working at home would be ideal. With sound editing out of the way, I’ll be able to digitally archive more tapes and finally tackle that backlog of albums I’ve been meaning to listen to.
Off to the gym I go.
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sunflowerhoney · 3 years
Can you answer all 100 of the questions? I know it’s a lot but I figured it would be a fun relaxing distraction 🥺🥺💕💕
Of course!! thank you so much for asking darling, youre the best 🥺 <3
1. What is you middle name?
2. How old are you?
3. When is your birthday?
March 19th
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favorite color?
Light blue
6. What’s your lucky number?
7. Do you have any pets?
2 cats!
8. Where are you from?
9. How tall are you?
10. What shoe size are you?
9 or 9.5
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Maybe 7 or 8 I think?
12. What was your last dream about?
Good question 😅 i have weird dreams but I tend to forget them quickly
13. What talents do you have?
Ah I’m not sure that I have many haha, I used to be able to play viola but I haven’t in ages and I write a little bit but not well
14. Are you psychic in any way?
Not that I know of :o
15. Favorite song?
Sunflower by Rex Orange County
16. Favorite movie?
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Gwendolyn Briggs 😂
18. Do you want children?
I honestly don’t know tbh
19. Do you want a church wedding?
No definitely not lol
20. Are you religious?
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Not like as a patient but I’ve been to hospitals to visit family members
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
I got a ticket once if that counts lol
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
I met Lea DeLaria (from OITNB) at an event at my college once!
24. Baths or showers?
25. What color socks are you wearing?
26. Have you ever been famous?
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
No, I’m way too shy 😅 I think it would be very stressful
28. What type of music do you like?
Lots of different types tbh: indie, alternative, pop, ska, pop punk, I tend to just listen to any random song I like regardless of the type
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Yes once 🙈 with a friend when I was in college
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
Usually curled up on my side
32. How big is your house?
I live in a one bedroom apartment so not very big haha
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
I don’t typically eat breakfast, eating early in the day makes me feel gross :(
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
35. Have you ever tried archery?
Yes!! At summer camp when I was a kid, it was actually so fun! :o
36. Favorite clean word?
Purring (because cats!)
37. Favorite swear word?
Fuck! Lol
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
A little less than 24 hours
39. Do you have any scars?
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
You before you came off anon? 👀 hehe
41. Are you a good liar?
Depends on the situation, I tend to get too nervous haha
42. Are you a good judge of character?
More so than I used to be I think
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
Not really, at least not well at least lol
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I don’t think so! I say some words with an accent though
45. What is your favorite accent?
I’m not sure if I have a favorite :o
46. What is your personality type?
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
I honestly have no idea tbh
48. Can you curl your tongue?
Only a little tiny bit haha
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
Right handed (except for when I play softball, I bat left handed)
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Not if they’re small, big spiders freak me out though
52. Favorite food?
Onion Rings
53. Favorite foreign food?
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
Somewhere in the middle
55. Most used phrased?
I’m not sure :o (maybe thats my most used phrase lol)
56. Most used word?
Probably “hi” or something like that 😅
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
Depends where I’m going, usually like 30-40 minutes
58. Do you have much of an ego?
No I don’t think so, I’m wildly insecure
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
Uhm both I think? Like I bite them but not until they’re really small haha
60. Do you talk to yourself?
Yes lol
61. Do you sing to yourself?
Yes, especially in the car
62. Are you a good singer?
Not really 😅
63. Biggest Fear?
This is probably weird but I have emetophobia so throwing up lol
64. Are you a gossip?
Honestly a bit lmao but not in a malicious way I’m just really nosy
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
Carol? If that counts haha
66. Do you like long or short hair?
On myself, long hair (I hate the way my hair looks short lol)
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Yes lol only because I learned a song about it as a kid and never forgot it 😂
68. Favorite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
I have not
71. What makes you nervous?
Driving on really big highways/in bad traffic, interviews, feeling like I’m trapped, being in the middle of a row of seats (like in a movie theater)
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Only if I’m somewhere unfamiliar
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Not usually unless its going to benefit them to be corrected, I wouldn’t just correct someone to embarrass them or anything like that
74. Are you ticklish?
Yeah a bit
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
Not that I can think of
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
Kind of at work?
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
If weed counts as a drug then yes, if not then no lol
79. Who was your first real crush?
Some random person I went to school with lol
80. How many piercings do you have?
Just one on each ear
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
A little bit
82. How fast can you type?
Actually pretty fast!
83. How fast can you run?
A lot slower than I can type 😂
84. What color is your hair?
85. What color is your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
Nothing really I don’t think, I was allergic to pollen when I was a kid but I haven’t had any allergy symptoms in years so I guess I’m not anymore?? Lol
87. Do you keep a journal?
I don’t but I keep meaning to start
88. What do your parents do?
My mom works for a non profit, my stepdad works in a grocery store
89. Do you like your age?
Mostly, I’m happy to have the independence that I didn’t have when I was younger but sometimes I’m like ah adult life scary
90. What makes you angry?
Rude people, close minded people, getting taken advantage of, people who are mean to people I care about
91. Do you like your own name?
Not really, I wish I had a less common name
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
Nope, I can’t even decide if I want kids or not lol
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
I don’t really have a preference
94. What are you strengths?
I’m a good listener, I try to be understanding, I’m usually pretty organized
95. What are your weaknesses?
Procrastinating, second guessing myself, being majorly insecure
96. How did you get your name?
It was the only girl name my Mom and Dad could agree on 😂
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
Not that I’m aware of haha
98. Do you have any scars?
99. Color of your bedspread?
Dark red
100. Color of your room?
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maywoodrpg · 4 years
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This event is put on every year by Camila Kapoor to raise money for the various charities and hopefully push some people out of their shells. Each person will be paired up with one of the mystery boxes below. Now I’m sure you all are wondering how this will work. 
You will read over the boxes if you are a bidder, then place your bid below in the comments. YOU MUST BID ON 3 BOXES. From there you will wait until Wednesday when boxes are announced and go on your date. 
EXAMPLE: Alex bids on box 1, 10, and 12 <--- this would be in the comments. 
The outside of the box is covered in black and white photographs from Maywood back in the 1800s. Inside the box there is a box of twizzlers because it is their favorite candy. Next to that there’s a picnic blanket, apple pie, a bottle of wine with two disposable glasses and a piece of lasagne to be shared, all on top of white linnen. Lastly there’s a disposable camera to be used whenever they want.
The outside of the box is covered in black background, with green binary computer code printed on top. On the inside, it’s lined in black velvet. The contents include: a single key, it looks like a regular car key, but it turns out to belong to a boat. Two premium steaks. Two bottles of wine; one white, and one a sweet red. A triple chocolate cherry coke cake for desert. A captain’s hat, and a securely wrapped candle that’s labeled ‘Ocean Water’.
Box consists of an unused cardboard box that was part of a gift from Christmas — 6x6 with a big rope tied into a messy bow. Beside the rope bow, he stuck on a Christmas bow, yes the red velvety kind. Inside, it has a six pack of beer ( freshly bought the day of ), a red and white frisbee, and a keychain of a longboard as a small reminder of the date. They purposefully packed these things into an unusually large box as to originally throw off the participants.
The box is covered in green fabric, silver ribbon encircling the rim of the box to help keep the fabric in place. Inside there are two wine glasses and a bottle of the Fortier wine circa 1991, a great vintage. Take out meals from a local Italian restaurant are inside wrapped up to keep warm as well as breadsticks. For dessert there’s a box of different colored macarons. A toy horse is nestled against the wine.
The outside of the box is a colorful array of glitter and marker, clearly decorated by a child. A good deal of space inside is taken up by a soccer ball and a jersey shirt. Next to it is a container of handmade Nacatamales, two beers, and a couple pieces of chocolate cake that’s been iced in an adorably messy way.
The box is a simple one, wrapped in solid light blue wrapping paper. Inside contains a boxed set collection of the Golden Girls, a handwritten invitation to Sweet Tooth Candy Shop, a picnic blanket, a copy of the Velvetten Rabbit, and an new, unused notebook. Situated on top of all of this is an envelop addressed to “my date.” The envelop contains a letter handwritten by them which thanks the bidder for choosing them and invites them to spend a relaxing day with them in the location of their choice, where they can chat, write a bit, eat some sweets, and just generally enjoy hanging out together.
The brown box was covered with a world map depicting where each major war had been fought. Inside the lining was fabric with the mayflower compact printed on it. A small copy of the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King is in the box along with a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses. There’s an envelope sealed with a wax stamp that reads “free history classes” on it. Also inside is a little box with twine tied around it with a note attached that says “inside is your first clue."
The brown box has a dusty rose ribbon tied around the base of it along with cute glittery flowers covering the outside of the box. The inside is lined with a jewel tone blue fabric. There’s a blanket settled at the bottom with a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses set inside. Twinkle lights are spread throughout the box and little seashells are set around the wine glasses. Assorted sushi and chocolate covered strawberries are also inside along with a little hand written card that says “Meet me at the beach.”
The outside of the box is simple yet classic. Wrapped in silver and gold wrapping paper. Opening the box uncovers the sides and the bottom of the box are covered with a nice lace pattern. Within the box, there are two old fashioned glasses of cola, hamburger with all the fixings and two cartons of ice cream geared toward each other’s favorite flavor for dessert. Other items contained in the box include a movie and a fake movie ticket.
The outside of the box has a different image on each side. The first is a red rose growing out of what looks like a hill. The second is a cream colour with small yellow circles and stars. The third is a fox on a grassy field. The fourth is white, with three circles shaded to look like holes, with “what is essential is invisible to the eye” written in cursive. The top is sky blue, with what looks like a yellow scarf blowing in the wind. Inside the box, is a bottle of wine with two wine glasses, fresh bread, spreadable cheese, and homemade chocolate croissants. Underneath everything is a copy of the children’s book, The Little Prince.
On the inside of the box, it’s filled with a few layers of tissue paper rotating between the colors of blue and green. Placed on top of the paper is a picnic blanket. Placed on the blanket are two silver metal coffee mugs, a variety sushi platter and a scrumptious serving of fresh strawberry shortcake for dessert. Other items found in the box is a blow up beach volleyball and a small music speaker to listen to to some tunes.
On the outside of the box is a mod podged sealed collage of a variety of photos — playbill covers, concerts stills, printed off art images, etc with a white bow superglued to the top. The sides on the inside have a continuation of the collage but on the bottom lays a black velvet cushion, just big enough to fill the bottom of the box. On top lays a ticket that is plain white with gold lining with the words “MCC Theater Presents” spread across the top. It’s taped to a menu detailing several dishes, and drink options. Beneath that is red flyer for a band performance at Lucky’s, and a hand made ‘credit card’ with ‘tab on me’ sprawled where a name would typically be.
The outside of the box has been cushioned, covered with a blush pink satiny material. Little matching tulle buttons adorn the top. Meticulous; time was taken on the top of this box. Inside the box is the same satin fabric, no cushioning. Inside is a bottle of Rose, chocolate-covered strawberries, brie and crackers, figs covered in a balsamic sauce, prosciutto, salami, marinated olives. Inside also lies a white picnic blanket and a candleholder with two long candles. It’s about the romance.
@diegoxalvarez & @riskylindy (who will host but can also bid if they choose)
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prism-rush · 5 years
King of Prism Road to Shiny Seven Stars event 3 translation
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Well Then, Let’s Creep the Night in Kyoto
Since this is the third event in the Road to SSS series, you may want to read the previous ones if you haven’t yet:
Road to SSS 1 Main Story Road to SSS 2 Main Story
Translator’s notes: Event synopsis: Kakeru has a new crush. But really though, even though Kakeru and Yukinojo headline for this event, it’s actually about a lot of characters. It touches upon Taiga’s relationship with Alexander, Leo’s insecurities, and it even has a long Shin/Louis tangent. If you feel like you have read the Shin/Louis part before, you probably have. I translated it immediately after it came out. (Which is also why the images are differently sized in just that part. I used to have a different method of resizing images...) I don’t remember posting much about the rest of this event when it was going on though, because I was busy or couldn’t figure out how to break it down or whatnot. (At the time, I had no idea things such as Shabadaba and the mysterious golden haired and silver haired boys which appear briefly would be important.....) So now I can finally make it up to you guys. This is what you missed!
(One day, in front of the entrance to Edel Rose...)
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Shin: *yawn* ... For some reason I woke up before my alarm. I guess I’ll go running. 
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...Huh? There’s something in the mailbox. A letter...? This is from Louis--
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Yukinojo: Good morning, Shin. You’re up early this morning. 
Shin: Ah, Yukinojo-san! Good morning. Are you heading out already?
Yukinojo: Yes. I have a family matter to attend to. I’m going to stop by my parents’ house before heading to a performance at a theater in Kyoto. 
Shin: Kyoto!? Wow, that’s great! Take care then! 
Yukinojo: Thank you. Let everyone else know I said goodbye. 
Shin: No problem! (Yukinojo-san is always so busy...) Okay, time to get to running. 
(A few hours later)
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Kazuki: Mornin’! Man I really had a blast with you guys at the Rainbow Hot Springs the other day.
Taiga: Kazuki-san!? Shouldn’t you be on the way to university.... !?
Kazuki: Hey, Taiga. I don’t have any classes until afternoon today. By the way, you guys, have you decided who you’re gonna pair with for the duo tournament?
Kazuki: Huh?
Taiga: (AH! It just slipped out!) 
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Uh, um, I mean… n… not yet…
Kazuki: ??? What’s wrong Taiga? You’re face is like a ripe apple! 
Taiga: ……….. (I want to partner with Kazuk-san, but he’s probably gonna pair with Hiro-san and I don’t have the courage to ask him... What! No! I have plenty of that! That thing! Courage I mean!)
Leo: Um... not yet....
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(I think I would be the happiest if I could get to pair with Yuki-sama, but... I haven’t seen him all morning. Come to think of it I haven’t seen Kakeru-kun either. I’d like to ask Shin as well, but... I haven’t been able to find him. And Taiga-kun... I’m sure he’s got someone else in mind.) ........*sigh*
Taiga: .............*sigh*
Kazuki: Hey hey hey now, what’s with this chorus of sighs. If there’s something on your minds I’m here to listen. So don’t look so glum, OK?
Leo: Kazuki-san....!
Taiga: Got it! Thank you!
Kazuki: Oh yeah I heard Minato’s gonna pair up with Kouji! Kouji told me about it. 
Leo: Huh!? Really!?
Minato: Yup! To think I’m going to be able to perform a show with Kouji... it’s like a dream! When I decided to just gather up my courage and ask him straight, he actually agreed...
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 A flavor mariage with Kouji-san! I’m so excited!
Leo: Wow... wow wow....
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Taiga: .............
Kazuki: Well I think that’s great! I think Kouji and Minato will make a perfect flavor combination! Yu, what about you?
Yu: Me?
Leo: *gasp* (Maybe I could form a duo with Yu...?)
Yu: I’m sure anyone would be grateful to pair with me, but when it all comes down to it I’m just not interested in the street-style! 
Leo: Huuh?
Yu: (There was a brief moment when I felt something with Hiro during the table tennis tournament at Five Star Hotel, but...) This is the age of rock! And I’m a rock song composer! I for live it! I breathe it!
Leo: Oh.... Yuki-sama, Shin-kun... Where are you!
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Shin: Uh... umm... Well I’m right here. And Yukinojo-san is--
Leo: Shin-kun!? Where have you been!
Shin: O-Oh, I randomly woke up early so I went running. Then I got on a role and didn’t want to stop exercising so I came back to get a ball and went to go play some soccer. 
Leo: Oh, I see... I didn’t even notice you come back....
Kazuki: Oh ho! You’re really active this morning, Shin! That’s the spirit!  
Shin: Oh, Kazuki-san! Good morning! 
Kazuki: Yo! Mornin’! By the way, Shin. You were saying something about Yukinojo?
Shin: Oh yeah, that’s right. I saw him this morning. He said he’s going to Kyoto for his family. 
Leo: Kyoto!? Oh yeah, I think he did mention it earlier... He won’t be coming back tonight, then. 
Shin: I guess not? Sorry, Leo. I didn’t think to ask him how long he’d be gone for. 
Leo: No, no it’s not your fault. .....Um, Shin-kun......
Shin: ….Ah! Oh no, it’s already this late? I gotta go!
Leo: Huh?! Go where…
Shin: Sorry, there’s something I have to do! Kazuki-san, everyone, I’m heading out! See you later!!
Kazuki: Alright! Take care!
Leo: He only just got back but he’s gone already… Where is he off to in such a hurry?
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Yu: Probably off to see his girlfriend.
Leo: ….?! S… Shin-kun… has a…. girlfriend?! B… but who…?!
Yu: Hm? Oh no, I was just kidding…
Leo: B… But he’s in senior high school now.
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So, it’s probably only natural that he would…
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Yu: Hey! Leo! Look, I didn’t mean it, OK? You can come back now!
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Taiga: .............
…. U.. UM! K… K-K-Kazuki-san! Do you have…s… s… someone?!
Kazuki: Huh? What do you mean?
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Taiga: I mean… A… Are you… with someone? Do you have a p-p-p-partner?
Kazuki: Partner?! Are you asking…
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I…. I.. No I’m not dating anyone!
Taiga: *THUMP*
Minato: Kougami’s on the floor?!
Yu: ........ (Everyone’s so immature.)
Taiga: .....Ow.....
Minato: Are you OK? Here, let me give you a hand.
Taiga: ......kay... My bad..... (If I don’t get my act together soon I may not even make it into the duo tournament at all. At a time like this, there’s only one place to go.)
(A little earlier, at Tokyo station)
???: Oh ho ho! Well if it isn’t chan-Yuki!
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Yukinojo: Kakeru? What are you doing here? And dressed to the nines... for work?
Kakeru: Yes indeed. I have sudden business to attend to in Kyoto. 
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Heheh. I sure look sharp in a suit, don’t I?
Yukinojo: ...Heheh. Indeed you do. By the way, I’ll be heading to Kyoto too. 
Kakeru: No kidding? What time is your train? If you have some extra time, how about we get some tea?
Yukinojo: Let me see, my ticket is... ah, here it is. 
Kakeru: Lemme see ♪ ......Oh?
Yukinojo: Hm? What’s wrong?
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Kakeru: This... is the exact same train I’m going to be on! And we’re even sitting right next to each other!?
Yukinojo: ....What? You’re right. But I guess....
Yukinojo & Kakeru: I guess it’s possible... / I guess such things can happen!
Kakeru: Ahah. Even our reaction is in sync. But this really is such a huge coincidence! 
Yukinojo: Indeed... it really is.
Kakeru: Well you know, I think everything happens for a reason. So, let’s use this fateful encounter as a chance to enjoy a trip to Kyoto together. 
Yukinojo: Yes. Surely things won’t ever get boring having you along. Sorry this is so sudden, but I’m looking forward to spending time with you. 
Kakeru: That’s my line ♪ Well, how about we start off by going ahead and getting lunchboxes to eat on the train. I’ll give you a special tour of the best eats at Tokyo station!
Yukinojo: That would be wonderful. And I’ll show you where to buy Japanese sweets. 
Kakeru: Yay! ☆ Well then let’s go! But man, it really took a whole chain of coincidences lining up for something like this to happen.
Yukinojo: You’re right. Perhaps all these coincidences had some kind of a purpose-- 
Yukinojo: ..........
Kakeru: .........
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Kakeru: Heheh... I guess I’m hungry. 
Yukinojo: Okay. Let’s hurry to your favorite lunchbox shop.
Kakeru: Roger that! Let’s book it!
(Tokyo Station, lunchbox shop)
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Kakeru: Oh boy! No matter when I come here there’s always people, people, and more people. 
Yukinojo: This place has lunches made with famous local delicacies from all over the country....
Kakeru: I know right? And they are all suuuuper delish!
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Yukinojo: Hmm....
Kakeru: Ah-hah! ☆ Yuki-chan-sensei, such deep concentration! Now, I wonder which one I should get....
(At Edel Rose)
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Minato: Sorry to keep you waiting! Lunch is here. Today I have made original-style, authentic carbonara pasta without heavy cream. Kouji taught me the recipe ♪
Kazuki: ....Woah, this is great! You’ve managed to copy Kouji’s recipe to a T!
Yu: *chew, chew* .....Delicious! Seconds, please!
Taiga: *chew, chew* ...... Mm. Seconds. 
Minato: Step right up. There’s more where that came from.
Leo: Wow wow... it’s so good ♡ (I wonder if Yuki-sama is enjoying his lunch right now too.)
(Tokyo station, lunchbox shop)
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Yukinojo: Hmm....
Kakeru: Yuki-chan, I think it’s about time to make that decision! 
Yukinojo: Yes. Sorry for keeping you. I have narrowed it down to two selections, but the competition is steep...
Kakeru: ....Really?
Yukinojo: Hm?
Kakeru: Ah, it’s just that I’ve narrowed it down to two myself. By the way, the ones I’m considering are the light sushi lunchbox and the hearty beef lunchbox...
Yukinojo: What!? I was considering those exact two...
Kakeru: ...Ahah, I knew it! Something gave me that feeling. So how about we buy both and split them half and half? ♪
Yukinojo: Yes. What a great plan. 
Kakeru: Heyhey, do you think our level of synchronicity increased since that time we did karaoke together?
Yukinojo: It does seem that way. You know, I never noticed it before, but now that I think about it, we have always had somewhat similar taste haven’t we...
Kakeru: Heheh. You’re getting me all riled up ♪
Yukinojo: Riled up?
Kakeru: It’s just so neat discovering we have so many similarities all of a sudden. It’s like we’re two peas in a pod. For example, I think the best spot in Kyoto is Nanzen temple. What about you?
Yukinojo: I agree... gazing upon the canal really soothes my soul...
Kakeru: I know right!! It’s so relaxing... Oh, oh, and what else? You know what I love, that roasted green tea-flavored soft serve--
Yukinojo: Could you possible be referring to the small shop near Nishi Hongan Temple?
Kakeru: Ding ding ding! I knew you’d catch on ☆ That place isn’t even listed in any guidebooks! We really are tied by some kind of fate aren’t we ♪
Yukinojo: Indeed. Just talking about it really makes me want to go get some of that soft serve for old times sake...
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Kakeru: Heyhey, do you also feel like this is the beginning of a new love story?
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Yukinojo: About our love for soft serve? Yeah. I do. 
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Kakeru: .......Well great ☆
Yukinojo: Kakeru?
Kakeru: ....Oh! I think we ought to start heading to the platform, don’t you think?
Yukinojo: Oh? Wow it’s already getting this late. 
(While Yukinojo and Kakeru began their journey to Kyoto, down by the river was...)
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Shin: Hmm… I think it was around here, wasn’t it?
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Louis: Hey.
Shin: Oh! There you are Louis! I’m so glad I was able to find you!
Louis: Eheh. Thanks for coming.
Shin: I was pretty surprised when I woke up and suddenly found a letter…
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Since it said “I’ll be waiting for you where we first met” I figured I ought to come here.
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Louis: You remembered. That makes me happy.
Shin: Louis…? This was really sudden! What happened? Is everything OK?
Louis: I’m fine. I just thought that…
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I wanted to see your face again.
Shin: Really?
Louis: …Am I bothering you?
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Shin: What! Of course not! I was just thinking I wanted to meet up with you too.
Louis: …Really? You… wanted to see me?
Shin: Yeah! I missed you! So as soon as I saw that letter I was really happy!
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Louis: I see… I’m glad. So, shall we go for a walk? The weather is nice.
Shin: Of course! We might as well. Actually I’ve been exercising all morning.
Louis: You have?
Shin: Yeah. I went jogging because I woke up early, and then I even played some soccer!
Louis: I see. You’re so sporty.
Shin: Ehehe. You’re exaggerating. Oh! Look Louis! These flowers are so beautiful!
Louis: Yeah… they really are. …
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…Hey Shin. Do you have a partner for the duo tournament?
Shin: Huh? Um no, not yet… When I think of “street style”, I think about super strong and cool guys like Kazuki-san and Taiga-kun… Oh yeah! And Alexander-kun from Schwarz Rose too! I don’t know if I can handle street style, or even a duo audition….
Louis: Eheh. Shin, you can do it. I know you can.
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Shin: Really? Something about hearing you say that just gave me the confidence to start believing I can.
Louis: …Oh. I think I just saw a fish jump out of the water over there.
Shin: Really? Where where?
Louis: The water surface is shining…. It’s so beautiful. Being able to enjoy this scenery with you, Shin… I can’t think of anything better….
Shin: L… Louis… now you’re really exaggerating…
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(…Huh? What is this feeling?)
Aah! I suddenly remembered!
Louis: …Shin?
Shin: (Before the Prism King Cup… Louis and I… )
(Meanwhile at Edel Rose)
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Leo: Yuki-sama hasn’t returned my text messages.... I wanted to ask him about the duo tournament, but.... I guess he’s just too busy. (Minato-san said he’s going to pair with Kouji-san, and Kakeru-kun is busy with his job... Yu-kun doesn’t seem to be interested, and Shin-kun disappeared off somewhere....)
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I guess maybe I should just give up on the duo tournament...
(Back to the river)
Louis: …Shin? What’s wrong?
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Shin: Yeah… Oh yeah! I think the two of us did a duo show together here one time!
Louis: …Wha.
Shin: Yeah!! But, it was just a dream I had…
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Louis: ……. A dream……. …What kind of a dream was it?
Shin: Hmmm…. You know, it felt so real…. I was just riding my bike down this way. And you were here. And then…
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You took me hand and invited me to do a show with you! It was really fun! But…
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Then I was really… scared.
Louis: …Why?
Shin: Well. I noticed all of a sudden I couldn’t move. And then you… with a sword… right here…
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You…. stabbed me from behind.
Louis: ……!
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Shin: W… Well it was only a dream! I’m sorry, this suddenly got weird.
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Louis: ….. ……..Hey Shin, do you remember anything else?
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Shin: Anything else? Hmm… let me think… Oh! Now that you mention it! I think before you stabbed me, you told me something….?
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Louis: *gasp*
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Shin: You got up real close to me, and then…
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Louis: A… And then?
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Shin: Uhh… I feel like you did… something… But I don’t really remember!
Louis: ……….
Shin: Well, it was such a long time ago. I guess I forgot.
Louis: ……….
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Well if you don’t remember, I guess I just have to make you remember.
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Shin: What?! Um um, Louis?! You’re getting pretty close to me…?!
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Louis: ………
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Shin: Louis? W.. What’s going on…?!
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Louis: ….Nevermind. Just kidding.
Shin: Huh? Huh?? (That scared me for a second…)
Louis: Ahaha. Sorry about that.
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…But what I’m about to say next is serious.
Shin: …Huh?
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Louis: Shin… Let’s be partners in the duo tournament!
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Shin: Wha…. WHAAT?! Me! And you! Together?!
Louis: Sure. You said you don’t have a partner, right?
Shin: Well, um…
Louis: You don’t want to be my partner?
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Shin: N-No no, it’s not that at all! I’d love to enter the tournament with you! But… 
Louis: But?
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Shin: Um, well… I’m just worried that… since we’re from different organizations… do you think we can?
Louis: Well… I don’t know.
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(Meanwhile, at Schwarz Rose)
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Jin: Alexander Yamato. Regarding the street duo tournament that’s going to be held soon... I’ll be having you enter with Louis.
Alexander: HUH!? I came all the way up here just to hear you spew that senseless nonsense? I’ll enter by myself--
Jin: I do not repeat myself. This isn’t a request, it’s an order. 
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Alexander: .....Gah......
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Jin: ...Hmph. It seems you have understood. You are dismissed. 
Alexander: Ugh. 
(At the practice rink)
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Alexander: (Enter the street duo tournament with Louis Kisaragi...)
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Joji: Oh oh oh! If it isn’t the muscle meathead! You’re looking especially terrifying today ☆
Alexader: GR!
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Joji: So scawwy! You could stick a whole deck of cards in between those forehead wrinkles! 
Alexander: Hmph...
Joji: Hey. Hold on. 
(While Yukinojo and Kakeru enthusiastically enjoyed their lunchboxes on the train.)
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Kakeru: Delish! ♪ This sweet and sour beef just melts in your mouth! 
Yukinojo: *chew, chew* Indeed... it’s very tasty! And the wonderful, non-fishy aroma of this this pressed mackerel sushi is like a symphony my nostrils...
Kakeru: You don’t say!? Heyhey, isn’t about time we trade ♪
Yukinojo: Ah, you’re right. 
Kakeru: ....Hey, Yuki-chan.
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Yukinojo: Hm? If it’s about the lunchbox, just give me one more bite...
Kakeru: Ahaha! No I’m not that impatient. 
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I was just wondering what you were thinking... about the duo tournament. 
Yukinojo: Oh, that. Well I... I don’t really feel I’m cut out for the street style...
Kakeru: You’re really not interested at all?
Yukinojo: No, that’s not it. To be honest I am quite interested. But it’s just not an area where I have any expertise, so... it’s difficult to come to any sort of conclusion.
Kakeru: ....I see. But hey! You’re sure into hard rock kinda songs, aren’t you chan-Yuki? If you ask me, I totally think “street Yuki-sama” could be a thing ♪
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Yukinojo: I... I already told you to lay off the “-sama” once before. But now that you have breached the subject, what were you thinking Kakeru? When we were at the hot springs you seemed to show a hint of resistance. 
Kakeru: Woah woah! No fair throwing the same question at me when you haven’t decided yourself, chan-Yuki! But, did it really seem that way?
Yukinojo: It’s also not very fair of you to hide your true intentions. 
Kakeru: *gulp* 
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Oh you.... I can’t take such a straightforward, pure-hearted approach. It’s not allowed.
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Yukinojo: *staaaaare*
Kakeru: C... cut it out already! Okay, I got it! I got it already! I’ll tell you! I was thinking the same thing as you, Yuki-chan. I’m definitely interested, but... Hey! I’m a gentleman after all. The street just isn’t my style y’know ☆
Yukinojo: Oh really? I think “street Kakeru-kun” could be a thing.
Kakeru: Wha... how-so!?
Yukinojo: Well you’re always trying to be cool.
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Kakeru: That didn’t sound like a compliment!?
Yukinojo: No, it was. I find myself in awe at your inquisitive nature and drive to take action. You have really helped us out a lot at Edel Rose. 
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Kakeru: O..Oh.... But hey hey! You just snuck in a Kakeru”-kun” didn’t you!
Yukinojo: ....Mm-hm. This beef lunchbox is quite delicious as well. 
Kakeru: Ah! You changed the subject already! 
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Yukinojo: Kakeru, your phone.
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Kakeru: Grr.... Okay, okay. Take care. ...........Hm.
Yukinojo: A business call?
Kakeru: Ah, yeah. My evening dinner meeting was cancelled all of a sudden. Oh well, it can’t be helped--Oh! Yuki-chan! What are you up to for dinner?
Yukinojo: Hm? After the performance I plan to exchange pleasantries with my family friends, but after that I don’t have any particular plans. 
Kakeru: All right ♪ In that case, come eat with me! 
Yukinojo: Sure, sounds good. I’ll make a reservation at Kawadoko. 
Kakeru: Yaay! I knew I could could on you! Well then, when you’ve finished all your this and that, give me a ring!
Yukinojo: Understood. I’ll go ahead and make that reservation first thing--
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Kakeru: What’s wrong?
Yukinojo: It’s... I.... I can’t find my phone. 
Kakeru: No way! Should I try and call it?
Yukinojo: Yes, sorry to be a bother.
Kakeru: No prob, no prob. ♪ ....Hmm. It doesn’t seem to be around here does it....?
Yukinojo: It seems I must have forgotten it at the dorm. I might forget my head if it wasn’t attached to me....
Kakeru: Don’t sweat it, that’s just another part of your charm. No worries, no worries. For now, I’ll just plan to wait outside the theater this afternoon. Surely I’ll run into you ♪
Yukinojo: That would be fine. Thank you. 
Kakeru: No trouble. Oh yeah, shall I tell the Edel Rose home team that you don’t have your phone?
Yukinojo: No, I have already informed Shin and Yamada-san that I would be in Kyoto at the theater. So it shouldn’t be a problem....  If anything comes up they should be able to contact me there.
Kakeru: Okay! Then I’ll reserve the restaurant tout suite! 
Yukinojo: Kakeru.... 
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Kakeru: What’s this? Did I just melt your heart with my gentlemanly ways?
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Yukinojo: Ah, indeed. Earlier I said you were always trying to be cool. So I think I’ll add trying to be suave as well.
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Kakeru: ...Uh... thank you.
(Back at Edel Rose)
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Leo: *staaaaaare* 
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Wah..... Yuki-sama...... 
(I texted him hours ago and there’s still no response.... There’s no way he couldn’t have seen it.... Yuki-sama.... This can only mean he doesn’t want to pair with me.... The more I think of it, I may be not worthy of being Yuki-sama’s partner anyway.... ) ....*sigh*....
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Leo: Ah.... that sounds like...! 
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Leo: Shin-kun!!!
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Shin: Woaaaaah!!! L-Leo-kun!? What’s going on! You seem so frantic! 
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Leo: Shin-kun! Have you decided your partner for the duo tournament!? 
Shin: EEEK! (W-W-What do I do.... Could it be, did he hear what Louis and I were talking about...)
Leo: Shin-kun? Is something wrong?
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Shin: NO um! Nothing.... 
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Leo: .........  If it’s OK with you, would you enter the duo tournament with me!?
Shin: Huh!? .....Um........ Well I........... 
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(What do I do now. It makes me happy to hear Leo-kun wants to pair with me, but...) Umm, ummm! 
Leo: Please I’m begging you! I’ll work really, really hard!
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Shin: (WOOaaaAAAah!!! What do I do!?)
Leo: Are you still listening..... Shin-kun?
Shin: I AM!! 
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Leo: *sniff* .... Shin-kun, you hate me don’t you.....
Shin: What!? No of course I don’t! (Aaahhhaaaahhhh what do I do! Leo-kun looks so sad! I have to find some way not to mention Louis, and to not hurt his feelings either.. ahh....) 
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O-Oh yeah! Yes! On that day I have to go to... a memorial service! 
Leo: ...A memorial service?
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Oh, I see... In that case there’s no use. I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had something like that to do. I’m sorry for troubling you. 
Shin: N-No, it was no trouble! Don’t worry about me! Really! (Well now what do I do!? I just spit out a lie in the spur of the moment... I’m sorry, Leo-kun....! A-And now it’s only a matter of time before he finds out....!?) 
Leo: ....I’m going to keep looking for someone to pair with. Thank you for listening to me. 
Shin: O-Okay! You’re welcome. 
Leo: *gloom*
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Shin: ..... He left. Aaah.... I’ve done something terrible.... *sigh* ... I’m really sorry Leo-kun.... 
(At the dance battle club, Nest of Dragon)
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Taiga: ......I don’t even know if I have the strength to step into the ring here. 
???: I have no choice. Here goes.
Taiga: Huh? It’s you.... Alexander!
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Alexander: Oh? Taiga Kougami....
Taiga: .....Why do you have to show up everywhere I go these days.....
Alexander: Hah. That’s my line. I think it’s a little early for a brat like you to be at a joint like this, no?
Taiga: WHAT!! What did you say!? Who are you calling a brat!?
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 Alexander: ....Heh heh.... The person who is whining like one. ...... Hmph. Hey! How much longer are you going to follow me huh?!
Taiga: Oh shut up! You’re the one who’s following me!
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Hiro: This place is....
Kouji: Hehe. It really seems to have piqued your interest. 
Hiro: Ahah, no way! Kouji, you’re kidding! Hey, Kazuki. I know Kouji could use some preparation for the street duo tournament, but why am I here too? I’m not entering, you know. 
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Kouji: ...You heard him. Kazuki?
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Kazuki: Oh just relax and enjoy it! It’s fun to check out some street battles every so often, isn’t it?
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Hiro: ..........
Kazuki: Hiro, are you alright? You can leave early if you really don’t like it....
Hiro: No, I don’t mind. It’s not that I’m overly bothered, I just... 
Kouji: ....Heh.
Hiro: ...What. 
Kouji: Eheh, nothing. But anyway, this is really a collection of rough-looking fellows, I’d say. Just watching them really makes you feel the pressure.
Kazuki: I know, right? This tense atmosphere really makes you feel like the heat is on! 
Hiro: Hm? ...Hey, guys...... Isn’t that Taiga?
Kouji: It is. And the boy he’s with... it’s Yamato-kun, right?
Alexander: Huuuaaah! 
Taiga: Huaaaaaah! 
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Alexander: Headspin Levitation! 
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Taiga:  Festival! Celebrate! Flowers for a Fortune Boy!
Street Dancer 1: W-What’s with those guys....!
Street Dancer 2: They are battling each other continuously while squashing other opponents at the same time...! This isn’t something you see every day! 
Street Dancer 3: Hah! This is great! Let them have at it until one of them falls!
Taiga: I’m not done yet! 
Alexander: You really think you have a chance against me?
Taiga: Just you wait and see! 
Alexander: (....To think I have to use this much of my strength against him.)
Taiga: (Alexander... is really strong. I want to get stronger!!) Hey! You guys over there! I’ll take all of you on at once!
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Hiro: ....That’s amazing. No regular competitors stand a chance against them....
Kouji: It’s like they are second to none. There are two of them, though. 
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Kazuki: ......... 
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You know, Taiga and Alec make a good combo.
Kouji: Yeah, I think so too. If only they would get along. 
Hiro: True. Right now the source of their energy is their drive to defeat each other.
Taiga: *panting*
Alexander: *panting* ....I think I’ll let you off here, for now.....
Taiga: ....What. You’re just making an excuse to run away. 
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Alexander: I’m showing mercy by giving you an opportunity to run away. Be grateful. 
Taiga: YOU....!! 
Hiro: Okay, okay, settle down you too. I know you’re having fun together and all, but let’s take a break for today. 
Kouji: Yes, yes. I bet you’re starting to get hungry aren’t you. 
Taiga: Wha.... Hiro-san and Kouji-san!? What are you two doing here....
Kazuki: I brought them. You guys were on fire as always! Today’s battle was the best! 
Kouji: You did a good job keeping each other on your toes. Rather than a battle it looked more like a synchronized show. 
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Taiga: Synchronized!?
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Alexander: Show!?
Kazuki: I thought so too! I could feel your passionate emotions clashing against each other very clearly. You guys would make a pretty good combo, y’know?
Taiga: Hey, not you too Kazuki-san!? No way in hell!!!
Kazuki: But you don’t have a duo partner yet, do you?
Taiga: W...Well I don’t but... I... I want to pair with y....
Kazuki: Who?
Taiga: ...A... Anyway! Even if you say so Kazuki-san, the chance of me making a good combination with Alexander is negative 1000%! We belong to different organizations, anyway....
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Alexander: Hmph. For once we agree on something. 
Kazuki Nishina! Don’t make me laugh! ....Pffft. I don’t have time for this. I’m out. 
Kazuki: Hey, wait a sec! Alec! Haha, he’s straight to the point as always. 
Hiro: But we really had a good time watching you two battle, whether you agree on forming a combo or not. 
Taiga: Hiro-san..... thanks.....
Hiro: But of course, I for one would like to see you two form an overwhelmingly powerful duo. But even if you pair with someone from Edel Rose, I’m sure you’ll be able to show us a well coordinated duo show!
Kouji: Yes, yes. Before you know it the time you have spent with someone becomes a powerful bond. Your bond with Yamato-san is a bit different, but I think the two of you have the potential to push each other to your limits.
Taiga: ....A partner.... Hm.....
Kouji: Taiga, you seem really troubled. Well. No matter who you pair with, I think it will open up a new world for you. Don’t you think?
Taiga: A new... world....
Hiro: I agree. Competing as a duo is in itself a new challenge. 
Kouji: Perhaps the true appeal of the duo tournament is the chance to try out a new method of performing. 
Taiga: ....Yeah. Thanks. (I guess you could put it that way...)
Kazuki: I think it would be great if you could find a partner you are comfortable around, without needing to to overthink things.  
Hiro: Oh ho ho! I’m really looking forward to seeing who you end up pairing with, Taiga! 
Kouji: Me too. If we end up in the ring together, please go easy on me!
Kazuki: I have never had an official battle with you, Taiga. But if we ever do, I’m really looking forward to seeing how it’d go!
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Taiga: (.....! Kazuki-san’s looking forward to battling me....!) ........ (Someone I can be comfortable around, huh....)
(Shijo, Kyoto)
Kakeru: Ah, there he is.
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Yuki-chuwan! All finished for the day? ☆
Yukinojo: Ah, Kakeru. You too? I’m glad we could meet up at the same time. ...Well then, we have still got some time before our reservation. Shall we go kill time somewhere?
Kakeru: Ah, about that. There’s somewhere I’d like to go. 
Yukinojo: Oh?
Kakeru: I just heard from someone at the company... What was it called... I’ll look for it on the map. Hold on a sec.... Ah! Yes yes, it’s here! Shabadaba!
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Yukinojo: ...? Sha... ba... daba...?? It has a very... unique... name....
Kakeru: Apparently this is a place where they do street-style prism shows! You know, like that “Nest of Dragon” place Taiga-kyun talks about! 
Yukinojo: Oh really. So there is a place like that in Kyoto too...
Kakeru: And there are some suuuuper tough prism stars there too!
Yukinojo: I see. So we’ll be checking out the competition. You really are interested in being in the duo tournament, aren’t you?
Kakeru: Maybe so. You’re about half right. But let’s not dwell too much on having a reason. We came all the way out to Kyoto after all, so why not check it out?
Yukinojo: Indeed. You have my attention. I’d like to see it as well. 
Kakeru: Alright, “competitor Yuki-chan”. You really are interested the duo tournament too, aren’t you?
Yukinojo: Heheh. You’re about half right. 
(Kyoto, Shabadaba in Ponto town)
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Kakeru: Wooowee! This really is quite the collection of rock-hard street stars, isn’t it? 
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It’s such a sausage festival too. I can’t see any beautiful mademoiselles anywhere. 
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Yukinojo: Well, it is where all the street ruffians gather. By the way, Kakeru. What are we wearing?
Kakeru: I borrowed these from the theater. This hair, make-up, and color contact getup is pretty sweet, isn’t it?
Yukinojo: Yeah. Not bad. 
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....But that wasn’t my concern.....
Kakeru: It’s difficult to blend in wearing casual clothes. Besides, since I came for work I only packed suits. 
Yukinojo: ....Oh yeah. I’d already forgotten that this meeting occurred by chance. 
Kakeru: Exactly. I don’t have the courage to go to a place like this in a three-piece suit. 
Yukinojo: Heheh. I wouldn’t either. Okay. Let’s see if we can find the strongest prism stars. 
Kakeru: Roger that. ☆ Hmm hmm I see. So this is what a place like this is like. Where are those two I’ve heard rumors about... Oh! 
Yukinojo: It looks like there are two people performing a show on center stage.
Kakeru: Hmm... So could it be, those two are...? 
Street Dancer 1: Hey, hey you guys. I haven’t seen you around here before. Ya new?
Kakeru: ...Wow. You could sail across the ocean with that hair. 
Street Dancer 2: Hm? Nah, I think I have seen these guys before... 
Street Dance 3: ....Ah! Aren’t these those guys from that Edel Rose place in Tokyo!
Street Dancer 4: HAH! What are a couple academy-style worms doing in a place like this?
Street Dancer 5: Whatever. You’ll get what’s coming to you either way. 
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Kakeru: ............
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Yukinojo: How did they recognize us.... I thought our disguises were flawless....
Kakeru: I guess there’s just no disguising our aura. I’m a lover, not a fighter though...
Yukinojo: Understood. But that aside, we shouldn’t do anything that could cause trouble for Edel Rose. 
Kakeru: I agree. .... This is gonna take some improv, but follow my lead, OK?
Yukinojo: Improv?
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Kakeru: YES! I’m counting on you, “princess”!
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Yukinojo: .......! 
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Kakeru: Whaaa? What’s an Edel Rose? Never heard of it. Have you, “Hana-chan”?
Yukinojo: ....Me neither. I have no idea what they’re talking about, “Juu-chan”.
Kakeru: The two of us are nothing but a humble street duo. We heard there were some pretty tough guys here so we came to see for ourselves!
???: Well, good ta have ya here.
Yukinojo & Kakeru: ....!?
???: You guys came to gawk at our shows huh? Do we look funny ta you? Well, this is a good opportunity. How ‘bout we have ourselves a little match? What d’ya say, Yubacchi?
Yubacchi: I see yer point, Hamocchi. These guys think they can just waltz in here like they own da place....
Hamocchi: It’s like they are expecting us ta bow to them like gods that flew down from Kiyomizu Temple....
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Kakeru: (The number of weirdos keeps growing...!) 
Yuki.. *cough* I mean, Y...Yubacchi-san and Hamocchi-san, huh.... 
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“Hana-chan” what do you think....
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Yukinojo: It looks like we’ve got no choice. ...We’ve got to defeat them. 
(And so Yukinojo and Kakeru became caught up in an unexpected battle...)
Hamocchi: Let’s do this, Yubacchi! 
Yubacchi: Right with you, Hamocchi!
Yubacchi & Hamocchi: Last one! Will you be taking that meal to go...!
Audience: They nailed it! O-BANZAI’S finishing jump! No one can win against that! 
Kakeru: Woah, those guys are no small potatoes. Welp, we’re up next. 
Yukinojo: Yes. But since whoever fires up the crowd the most is the winner... We are at a great disadvantage being unknowns. 
Kakeru: You don’t say? But you’re already all fired up, aren’t you “Hana-chan”?
Yukinojo: Oh, I am, am I? For someone who is a lover, not a fighter, you sure look as though you are looking forward to this, “Juu-chan”.
Street Dancers: What’s with those guys! How can they dance like that right out of the gate!? 
Yubacchi: They’re in total sync... Those guys may be pretty tough after all. 
Hamocchi: Maybe so. But they ain’t nothing compared to us.... huh!?
Kakeru: And here’s the finale! 
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GINZA No. 1 Glamorous Heaven! 
I’m about to put you under my spell! 
Yukinojo: This is it! Like roaring thunder! Kunitachiya Secret Move!
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 Hidden Moonlit Heavenly Lightning!
Audience: Woah...! I’ve never seen a show like this! Juu-chan is so cool! Hana-chan is so beautiful!
Golden-haired boy: ....!
Silver-haired boy: .....!
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Yukinojo: (So this is the street-style...? So this is a duo show....)
Kakeru: (The duo tournament... is really gonna be off the chain....)
Yukinojo & Kakeru: This is so fun!
 Yukinojo: I want to keep performing duo shows for as long as time allows! 
Kakeru: Ahah. When we run out of time, we can always find more. Let me ask you one again, about the duo tournament...
(And so night fell...)
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Yukinojo: We’re home. 
Kakeru: We’re home. ....But aren’t all good little children supposed to be in bed by now?
Yukinojo: Indeed. It’s gotten very late so I imagine nobody’s still up--
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Leo: ....I knew it! Yuki-sama you’re back! And Kakeru! Welcome back! 
Yukinojo: Leo! You were still awake?
Kakeru: ....Leo-kyun, what’s wrong? Why are you still up at this hour?
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Leo: It’s because I wanted to apologize to Yuki-sama....
Yukinojo: Apologize to me? I can’t imagine why...
Leo: I’m sorry for sending you so many texts....! I made you mad, didn’t I....?
Yukinojo: Texts....? 
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I’m sorry. The truth is I forgot to bring my phone. 
Leo: ........Huh? So.... so the reason you never replied to me wasn’t because you were angry...?
Yukinojo: Of course I’m not angry. I’m sorry for worrying you. 
Leo: Oh, oh I see! Phew, that’s a relief....
Kakeru: ....I guess we should have gave you guys a heads up after all. But at least we got that all cleared up ♪
Leo: ...Ahem, Yuki-sama!
Yukinojo: What’s wrong? You look so serious all of a sudden. Did something else happen?
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Leo: About the duo tournament.... Please be my partner! 
Yukinojo: ........What?
Kakeru: Huh.......
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Yukinojo: Leo, about that....
Leo: .........?
Yukinojo: The truth is, I have already agreed to pair with Kakeru.
Leo: Whaaaaaaat!? (Oh nooooooo!!)
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Kakeru: Ah. Well, if you two would rather be together, I wouldn’t want to stand in your way...
Leo: No, no that’s alright! I couldn’t bear to break you two apart if you already promised each other!
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(But... what do I do now....)
(And so, on a bittersweet note, a new partnership was formed.)
(What will become of our stars who haven’t yet found partners...!?)
Continue to Road To SSS 4.
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devnny · 5 years
i like to call this chapter ‘AH, devi’s crazy TOO.’
[additional end-of-chapter drabble here: X ]
Devi watched Johnny brood sourly in the reflection of her rearview mirror, and couldn’t help but smile in amusement. There had been an argument between him and Tenna about who would be sitting in the passenger seat for this particular car ride – an argument that Johnny had bitterly lost.
“Who the fuck cares if you ‘called shotgun’…” She managed to hear him grumble under the thunderously loud music, and she snickered to herself.
Maybe she would pacify him with kindness later, if all went as planned tonight, but for now, Devi needed him to be in as pissy of a mood as possible without him being completely insufferable. She didn’t know the innerworkings of his fucked-up head too well, but she imagined that like anyone other person, he was more likely to get in a fight with someone if he was already in a bad mood.
The yellowed sign of the Camera slid across the windshield of the car as they drove past its front and turned into the small, poorly lit parking lot behind it. Devi had barely turned the engine off when Johnny undid his seatbelt, eager to leave his abhorred spot in the backseat. He got out and took in the familiar scenery of the theater’s dumpy, dark parking lot with a fond smile.
“Hm, I haven’t been here in quite a while.” He commented while Devi stepped out of the driver’s side beside him. She looked to him, then surveyed the area herself.
“Yeah, me either.” She replied, deciding not to mention that it was because of him that she had avoided this place for so long, then took up the leash that dangled loosely from his neck. Johnny’s eyes flickered down a moment at the movement, only to snort in remembrance of his new attachment.
Tenna looped around the trunk to meet them as they began their walk to the building.
“They still haven’t fixed that light by the dumpster?” She complained. “That’s been out for like, a year! Who knows what vile city dwellers could be lurking in the dark, ready to shiv me and steal my monies.”
Devi snorted a laugh.
“Eh. I’ve got the most dangerous thing in this parking lot roped to me, so I’m not too worried.”
Johnny smiled devilishly at that, and Tenna squinted apprehensively in his direction. Devi wasn’t wrong, she guessed, but was that really a good thing? She desperately hoped that whatever Devi was planning didn’t get either of them stabbed in the process.
The trio walked into the dull lighting of the entrance, and Johnny felt his asshat senses heightening by the second. He listened to the small crowd’s murmuring, pessimistically certain that someone would make a comment about either his attire, like usual, or the fact that he was currently adorned with pet equipment. A few people gave them weird stares, but his keenly tuned ears failed to hear if they said anything. Devi tugged him in the direction of the ticket booth, interrupting his paranoid scanning for the time being.
They settled on an old horror film, much to Tenna’s dismay, given the current company. Johnny felt some contentment in leading Devi to his old favored spot in their designated theater – he had a preferred spot in each of the Camera’s handful of theaters, back when he frequented the movies more often. He was also pleased when Devi readily sat beside him instead of putting Tenna between them, though it was most likely because having that damned leash drape over Tenna’s lap while she held it from the other side was impractical. He wanted to believe that she would have sat next to him anyway, even if the situation was different.
Devi only half-minded the movie, instead keeping her focus on Johnny’s behavior, which was more suspensefully entertaining than the cheesy, predictable stalking scenes of a film that she’d seen plenty of times as it was. She watched as covertly as she could at every twitch and look he gave to the people that laughed at inappropriate times, or talked through the ‘boring’ parts, and she felt some God-awful mixture of pride and disappointment that he did little else. Maybe his self-control had improved more than she thought it had.
The closest he got to losing it was when a couple of girls’ talking started getting progressively louder, as if they were unaware that their difficulty in hearing each other was because of the movie that they had paid to see. Devi could see Johnny tense, and could vaguely feel through their conjoined seat the movement of the muscles and tendons in his arm flexing and stretching as he ground his knuckles into a fist over and over. Before he could even yell at them, Tenna lobbed her still half-full box of candy over their row and hit one of the girls in the head with it, sending the shadows of little chocolates across the screen for a second, paired with her target’s aghast gag.
Johnny was surprised at the direct action, then built up a grim laugh into a quick cackle, joined by Tenna, who squealed out her usual high-pitched hyena laugh. Devi sunk back against her seat in defeat, already sensing by the hushed chatter a few seats ahead that the woman her friend had just beaned with a box of Raisinets was too weak-willed to confront their ‘larger’ group about it.
She tried to brush it off. Johnny was fantastic as drawing trouble to himself, and there would surely be another decent opportunity as the evening progressed; people were just too rude and shitty to not give him the desire for violence.
When the movie finished and they began their walk out to the street, Tenna insisted that she knew of an amazing little train of food trucks that parked nearby that they just had to try. It was almost six blocks away, and with the streets mostly dead, Devi would have insisted on any normal night that they drive there – of course, tonight was a little special, so she insisted that they walk.
“Yeah, I could use the exercise. Been cooped up in the apartment with Nny for one day too many.” Devi spoke nonchalantly about her choice, guiding Johnny smoothly away from the direction of the parking lot and toward where these alleged food trucks should be. She hoped along the way that Johnny would try and run from her side, at anything, even to chase a cat or something equally harmless.
Tenna nodded as though that made sense, but still had the gut instinct that Devi was up to something that she wouldn’t admit to. She kept her suspicions to herself while they trekked down the sidewalk, and instead continued talking up their eatery for the night.
Two streets passed, and Devi almost wanted to pout that Johnny had done nothing but walk dutifully by her side. He observed his surroundings with waning interest, unaware of Devi’s scrutiny. The darkened buildings of the already-closed shopping district blended together into one amorphous, black shape in his eyes, with his mind unable to find the square, uniform city architecture interesting for long. He was much happier looking at the starry sky, though it was difficult for many of the stars to appear brightly enough to be seen from a view inside the city. Stupid concrete monster wasn’t good for anything.
Partially coherent jabbering from Tenna failed to distract Devi from her disappointment in what was, so far, the most normal outing that she had had with Johnny since their reunion. She wished it wasn’t disappointing, but the entire purpose of this trip was to ensure that her leash idea would hold up in the face of Johnny’s unpredictable nature. She couldn’t afford to have a false sense of security when walking the streets with him!
The universe had thrown her so many asinine screwballs at this point that she wouldn’t be surprised if Johnny magically slipped his collar despite his big, dumb pumpkin head, or somehow had the unreasonable strength to break the clasp and attack something.
Why did he have to pick tonight to be on his very best behavior?
They reached the gated lot full of assorted food trucks without incident, and Devi’s lips vibrated with an annoyed exhale that sounded more like a disgruntled horse. Tenna assumed it was because of the gross, greasy looking people and food that awaited them, and gave her shoulder a friendly jostle.
“C’mon Devi! Truck food is amazing, you remember the hamburger sushi don’t you?” She asked with a giggly smile. Johnny made a face at the mention of ‘hamburger sushi’.
“Oh, I remember.” Devi eyerolled. It was actually pretty good, if she was being honest, but as of now she was bored with this completely fruitless adventure.
Johnny watched Devi curiously while they followed Tenna around the lot to different van windows, and his lower lip tented up in thought. She seemed unhappier suddenly, and he wondered why. Like Tenna, he speculated that it was because of their current environment, which he would emphatically agree was horrible. The mixing of smells from the numerous different types of frying dishes certainly did nothing for his already small appetite, and the people bumming around eating were all loud and irksome. And smelly.
“Devi, must we eat here?” Johnny whispered to her. Devi turned her head toward him.
“You don’t have to get anything if you’re not hungry.” She told him. “There’s food at home.”
Johnny pouted more.
“That’s not completely what I meant…” He mumbled, looking around. “The people here are wretched. Can’t we go somewhere more… completely absent of life?”
Devi looked at him for a moment before caving into quiet chuckles. Johnny felt his heart swell at the sound of her laugh. He steadied his composure as she moved to speak again, but her response was lost as Tenna called them over to the farthest corner of the lot.
“I FOUND THE HAMBURGER SUSHI TRUCK!” She yelled victoriously. Johnny’s mouth wormed miserably as Devi lead him to his doom of the fast-food version of fusion cuisine.
As they came to a stop beside Tenna, Devi noticed two men leaning up against the side of one of the buildings that walled off the lot, and raised her eyebrows in interest. They were smoking and drinking, and overall looked like the kind of late-night assholes that would loudly criticize others for a laugh. She wasn’t getting her hopes up, but kept their presence in mind as they waited for their food, just in case they were more trouble than she was asking for tonight.
 Tenna had ordered them two ‘cheeseburger’ rolls to share, and the concept of splitting two items between three people only vexed Johnny further. Now he would have to make certain – if he even bothered to EAT this disgusting-sounding thing – that whatever he was grabbing hadn’t already been handled by someone else. It was repulsive enough knowing whatever sweaty creature lurked in the van’s ‘kitchen’ was going to create this abomination with, likely, their bare hands.
He shivered in disgust.
The truck was either very popular, or the cook was very slow, because it was taking forever for their order to come out. As time drug on, Johnny began idly picking at his collar while Devi talked to Tenna. He was indifferent to their conversation topic, and his eyes listed over the rooftops of the surrounding structures, again looking for anything to occupy his thoughts while he was unable to have Devi’s undivided attention.
A particularly rude-sounding set of laughs resounded behind him, and his senses were suddenly sharp again. Anyone else wouldn’t have thought twice about it, probably wouldn’t have even heard it amongst the chatter of everyone else nearby, but Johnny was accustomed to being an object of ridicule, and knew the common vocalizations of assholes and bastards.
“Hey!” One of them said. He stopped to laugh again before continuing. “HEY! Dog-guy! Did she get you neutered too??”
Johnny and Devi both straightened at the comment, immediately aware that they were the subject of discussion. Johnny trembled a second as he attempted to swallow his insult, but failed, and turned to face the men that were trying to humiliate them. Devi only turned enough to side-glance at the interaction with a small, apprehensive smile.
“DOES MY SITUATION CONCERN YOU THAT MUCH?” Johnny yelled back at them. He steamed when the pair only ‘OOOH’d back at him in response before breaking into hysterics.
Devi watched as Johnny’s body began to shake more, and held her breath behind her inconspicuous expression as he took a step forward. Tenna eyed her in concern, uncertain why she wasn’t intervening into an exchange that would surely only escalate without her involvement.
“Hey girl, he’s had all his shots right? He looks rabid!” The other called toward Devi, and Johnny took even more offense that they would address her directly with their brainless, monkey-drool humor.
“SHUT YOUR MOUTHS.” He ordered, standing wide-legged and pointing aggressively in their direction. “DON’T SPEAK TO HER, you filthy, bleating, devolutions of humanity! I don’t come outside to be a spectacle for swine like YOU.”
His eye twitched when their response was something about him coming outside to have ‘walkies’, followed by further spittle-inducing laughter. Oh, how he hated people so very much. Just watching how unguarded they were as they hooted and gestured at him made his fingers twinge with the desire for physical mutilations. It would be so hard to laugh without tongues! Or faces! OR A HEARTBEAT!
The grit on the asphalt scuffed with the friction of his boot as he lunged toward his intended victims, and Devi barely had a chance to register he’d moved at all before her arm was outstretched, a continuation of his now taut leash. Within the second, her arm was extended as far as it would go, as was the leash, and Johnny gagged from the speed at which his collar hinged around his neck. His body propelled forward further, twisting him around, and he hit the ground face first with an unceremonious BLAP!
Everyone stared at his limp figure on the floor for a few seconds, and then the men spasmed with a new, uncontrollable fit of laughter. Devi’s eyes were wide as she watched Johnny raise up onto his elbows, and she felt a long-missing energy crackle to life in her stomach.
She bowled over and laughed; laughed with deep, desperately needed triumph beating in her blood.
“IT WORKED!” She yelled at Tenna as she rose. “DID YOU SEE? It worked!!”
Tenna offered her a confused, open-mouth smile, but her eyes only showed her worry and discomfort at Devi’s abnormal change in demeanor. Devi bent back and held her forehead, still laughing.
“Oh my GOD. That was so perfect!” She chuffed. “I… I can’t believe it! Heehee!”
Tenna set a hand on her shoulder.
“I think… all the joy you’ve repressed for like, an entire year, is coming out right now. All at once. About this weird fucking leash thing.” She dropped her hand and pointed to Devi’s wide smile. Devi’s only continued her snickering.
“It worked, it worked, it worked! HAH-HAH-HAH!”
Johnny’s ego couldn’t have been more bruised if he ran it over with his own car in a freak accident. He pushed himself up, using his knee to get back into a standing position. The bastards behind him were still laughing, and Devi was cutting up with Tenna about it too, which stung a lot more than the taunting of some nameless strangers. He tried to breathe between his clenched teeth to calm himself down, but he was so embarrassed and angry – Devi probably just let him make an ass out of himself to teach him a lesson. Why did she always have to make a fool out of him to get her point across? Talking and being gentle was an option too, if she didn’t know!
He couldn’t stop himself from glowering when she turned to face him.
“NNY!” She smiled at him, and Johnny frowned unhappily, believing her smile was part of her mockery. He could guess that Devi was going to reprimand him, again, for trying to attack some ‘innocent’ people – he was getting sick of this. Those morons were not innocent; they instigated this! She saw it!
“What?” He snapped bitterly. Devi only laughed and tugged him closer by his leash.
“That was PERFECT, I’m so happy!” She cheered. “You did just what I wanted you to do!”
The tension in Johnny’s face vanished immediately.
“I…” A weak smile crept over his lips. “I-I did??”
“YES! This night wasn’t a total waste after all!”
Johnny’s previous perception of her smile as cruel and jeering dissipated, and instead he felt himself amazed by the wide grin she wore. He hadn’t seen that particular smile on her in quite a long time, and the inside of his chest was suddenly light and airy. He had absolutely no idea what part of his actions exactly she was talking about, but he had made her so very happy, and that’s all that mattered to him for the moment. Johnny clasped his hands in front of him, admiring her continued giggling until Tenna approached them.
“Um… our food is done.” Tenna spoke while she chewed, still judging the bizarre scene uncertainly.
“Oh, good—” Devi took one of the take-out plates from her, but got distracted when she realized that the two peons she’d used to test Johnny’s apparatus were still guffawing in their direction. Her attention moved back to them, and Johnny followed her stare, scowling in their direction to show his support of her disapproving look. Devi passed him their food casually, and then slipped the handle of his leash off of her wrist.
“Here, hold this a second.” She said with a smile as she dropped it into Tenna’s open palm. Tenna almost gagged on her food when she realized what she had just gripped onto.
Johnny was surprised too – it was unlike Devi to give away control so casually. His wide eyes flicked away from Tenna’s hand and back to Devi, who was walking toward the men standing by the wall. He felt a twinge of worry; not because he thought Devi couldn’t handle these idiots, but rather that said idiots might touch her in some way.
If either of them pushed her or something, he would gut them both with the chopsticks that were so carefully perched on the raised edges of this disposable plate. No way would Tenna’s weak grasp be able to hold him back, he was confident in that.
Devi looked between the men in front of her as she walked, debating from her experience with shitty guys and their unspoken douchebag tier rankings, which of the two was more leader than follower. She thought that the one that first called out to Johnny, the taller one, was likely that man.
“Huh?” The same man said as he saw Devi encroaching on the invisible border of their hangout territory. “Oh, what’s the matter girlie? Did we upset your pet over there?”
He sneered a rude grin at her, and Devi smiled back, certain that she had chosen correctly.
With her last step, she drew her arm back, then hurled it forward as though her knotted fist was a shotput. Her knuckles cracked against the bottom of his jaw at such a speed that it threw him back with a light topspin. His turning body slammed his head into the brick wall behind him, and he bounced off of that like a sad rubber ball, landing at the wedge where the building and ground met in a heap.
Johnny and Tenna opened their mouths in silent gasps, unable to do anything else.
Devi held her fist in front of her a moment, appreciating the dull ache in her digits with a satisfied smirk, then dropped her expression to shoot the remaining man a warning look. He looked terrified, like a sheep separated from the flock, and Devi was content with that. She turned around and regathered her ‘things’ from Johnny and Tenna.
“C’mon, Nny.” Her mouth perked up again. “Let’s go.”
Johnny jammed himself further into the nesting spot he had made for himself on Devi’s couch, shuffling his legs to get more comfortable. His head lolled over to watch Devi, as it had many times since the movie started. It was supposed to be thought-provoking, said one of Devi’s film magazines, but by all accounts was dull and droned on aimlessly about the futility of society. It was a totally unbelievable portrayal of a mental downward spiral– and he would know. Where was the frenzied tears? The passion?
But, to be fair, even the most interesting, well-written plot in the history of cinema couldn’t keep his attention right now, with Devi sitting beside him lazily and scorning the images on her TV. His heart fluttered remembering her gleefulness just an hour ago, and how she decked that guy that had been laughing at him. Now that was passion.
A relaxed smile spread across his face, and he sighed contently. It had been such an exhausting night; from venturing into public, to enduring Tenna’s loud nature, to arguing with shitheads, to falling and hitting his head on the floor, to eating hamburger sushi – which was much better than he had imagined, actually – he was exhausted. It didn’t help that this movie was unengaging and badly-written. It would be a better use of his eyeballs to look at the dark inside of his eyelids.
Devi turned to make a sarcastic comment about the film, but lost her air when she saw Johnny asleep with his head tilted back over the couch cushion. She stifled a laugh.
“Wow. This movie must really be a boring piecashit to put you to sleep, Nny.” She said to him.
She pulled a wadded blanket out from her corner of the couch and threw it over him, then settled in to continue watching the rest of this abhorred picture. Maybe the ending would blow her fucking mind, or something.
Half an hour later, Devi’s cheek was stretched against the back of her hand, her head drooping despite her arm’s best efforts to keep it upright. She blamed her outburst of absolute joy tonight for taking so much out of her, and her weary brain decided it would be fine to fall asleep right here, beside Johnny, the man she normally locked her bedroom door to ensure didn’t come in and kill her while she slept. She didn’t even have enough cognitive function to argue how fucking stupid that was.
Devi’s eyelashes flittered closed for a few seconds, but just as she was drifting off to sleep, Johnny screamed at the top of his lungs and jolted her wide awake. Her hands clamped over the arm and top of the couch, and she scrambled back against the corner to stare at him. Johnny’s irises ricocheted around the whites of his eyes madly, before settling on Devi with the look of a frightened animal.
“…YOU GOOD?” Devi asked with concern and restrained fear in her voice.
Johnny looked cautiously around the room, then back to Devi, who was not bleeding or stabbed, as he had dreamed she was. He stared at her torso until he was absolutely positive that the injuries that he’d just seen seconds before were, in fact, figments of his imagination, and then relaxed shakingly against the couch cushion.
“Y… yes.” He choked out, then cleared his throat. “Yes. Just a… bad dream.”
He pulled the blanket on his lap up and around his shoulders, bundling it over his head and huddling up into a paranoid ball on the couch. Devi blinked tiredly, then rubbed her eyes as she mentally chastised herself for bothering to be startled by more of Johnny’s nonsense.
“Okay.” She sighed and stood. “I’m going to bed. That movie sucked, in case you were wondering.”
Johnny smiled fondly at her pessimism.
“Alright. Goodnight, Devi.”
“Night, Nny. Try and… get some rest.” She raised an eyebrow in reference to his previous panic, and left to her room.
Johnny watched her door close, then snatched up the remote and changed the output to cable. He focused on the TV as if his life depended on it, stubbornly refusing to even consider the notion of sleep again. ‘Get some rest’—yeah right! The night terrors were only getting more gruesome and realistic each time he slept, and he was not at all interested in seeing exactly how bad the dreams could get. He decided the best way to avoid that was to not sleep at all again, for as long as he could manage.
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g0dblessthefandom · 5 years
Live! From New York: A Brittana Fanfiction Ch. 2
Listen... I know it’s been a minute, but I promise there won’t be as long a gap until the next update. I swear. Catch up on FF.net and AO3.
Santana had been to 30 Rockefeller Plaza three times in her life. The first was when she first got to New York, and she and some of her friend’s had stumbled across the crazy idea that they wanted to go ice skating during Christmas. Santana hadn’t really known how to ice skate, but she’d given it a try, and broken her wrist. The second time was three years later when her parents visited from California, and insisted on going for the tour of NBC studios. They were obsessed with Kathie Lee and Hoda on the morning show, and it didn’t matter how much Santana protested, they were going, so she tagged along. She’d resisted the siren song of network TV for as long as she could, but once the NBC page pointed out the wall of signed photos from former hosts of SNL, they had her. She spent nearly $300 in the gift shop on swag, and yes, Mercedes had laughed at her for her lack of willpower, but it’d had been well worth it. She’d considered for a moment wearing her SNL t-shirt, but after about thirty seconds of wandering around her apartment, she figured that maybe that was coming on too strong.
The host dinner on Tuesday night was a tradition. Santana didn’t need to be told that. It was her first chance to make a big impression on the cast, writers and some of the crew, many she’d only seen on TV, and it was pretty important. Rachel had given her a long list of places that would impress even the snobbiest of connoisseurs, and for once, Santana was glad to have a friend who’s insane dietary demands kept her on the cutting edge of the trendy eateries in New York. Rachel and Mercedes sat in her dressing room, Michelin Eating Guides open and surrounding them, both shouting out suggestions as best they could, but Santana had yet to hear one that just sounded right.
“Oooh, how about Le Papillion?”
“Rachel, I’m trying to blow them away, not put them to sleep. That restaurant looks like the kind of place you’d take your mistress so you could avoid running into your side chick.”
Rachel took the comment in stride, thumbing through a few more pages. “The Grange? It’s got this lovely hunter’s lodge motif. I don’t  find it personally enjoyable, but the cast might.”
Santana grunted noncommittally and hit a few mindless notes on the piano she kept in the corner.
“Okay, how about the new Japanese restaurant by that celebrity chef? I heard that they flip the sushi to your table from across the room!” Mercedes said excitedly waving a glossy magazine high above her head.
Santana hit a few more notes, and suddenly closed the piano with a sharp snap.
She pointed to Rachel and Mercedes in turn. “I don’t want gimmicks. I don’t want tricks. I just want a place that will dazzle and inspire them!”
She stomped over to the couch and sat down in a huff, crossing her arms.
“Um, so…” Mercedes said, setting her magazine down and sitting forward to pat Santana on the leg. “I’m going to ignore that little outburst because you’re my girl, and I love you, but if you snap at me like that again, I’m gonna yank out your weave, and sell it on Ebay.”
There was a lightness in her voice, but Santana knew that she wasn’t far from the truth, so she grimaced and nodded, rolling her eyes for effect.
“Fine, ‘Cedes, but something has got to be perfect. If I can’t find it, I will never make this right.”
There was a whine in her own voice that Santana didn’t like, but she couldn’t help it. This was a big deal. This was a first impression, and in a lot of ways, it could be the first step on her path of Saturday Night Live fame. She didn’t want to want it as much as she did, but she did. She cleared her throat in an attempt to wipe the desperation away.
“I don’t know why you’re all worked up about this anyway, Santana.” Rachel said behind the latest copy of Fine Eats magazine. “It’s just a performance. You do it every night of the week and twice on Sundays. This is old hat stuff.”
“Yeah, but if she screws up it’s not just to the crowd of one theater.” Mercedes broke in  from behind her own dining magazine. “It’s in front of hundreds of thousands. Or at least whatever is normal for a Saturday night, I dunno. Could be millions.”
Santana laid across the couched, nearly knocking the magazine out of Rachel’s hands.
Rachel raised it above her head with a sigh. “Even then, it’s not even prime time! I sang backup for Sia last year at New Year’s and there were probably more people in Times Square alone than-”
“What’s this?” Santana exclaimed, rolling off the couch, and grabbing a magazine from the stack on the floor near the couch.
“What’s what?” Mercedes and Rachel said, nearly in unison.
Santana pointed at photo in the magazine, tapping the magazine emphatically. “Blaine Anderson!”
Mercedes was by her side in an instant, and nearly grabbed the article from her hands. “No fricking way. Are you serious? Blaine Anderson? The guy from Newberry Park?!”
“It’s gotta be. I remember that dumbass cowlick from anywhere.”
“Perhaps you’d like to clue me in, ladies.” Rachel sighed, folding her magazine primly in her lap.
“Oh yeah, Berry, I forgot that it was only recently that you started stalking us.” Santana quipped.
“I know that you’re joking, Santana, but I think everyone in the company agreed that you’re ‘joke restraining order’ was beyond the pale.”
“He ran this food cart in Newberry park, in our old neighborhood in Queens. He had a bunch of Filipino food, and it was pretty much the most delicious thing we’d ever eaten in our whole lives. We basically went there every day for three years, and then one day he said he was shutting down, and was going to open a brick and mortar place. We told him we’d be first in line, and gave him our contact info, but we hadn’t heard anything since.”
“Maybe that was your favorite place to eat, Mercedes, but I like to think that I had a bit more class than some fly by night operation.”
“Oh, well, I guess all the times that you texted  me desperately at midnight asking me to bring you some adobo chicken on my way home from work were hallucinations.” Mercedes shot back.
Santana buried her nose behind the glossy print, and wouldn’t meet Mercedes’ eye. “Yeah, well, whatever. It turns out he made it big, and now his place is one of the up and comers in Manhattan.”
“Well, good for him! I’m so proud. We should definitely make a reservation.”
Rachel stooped behind Santana and took a look at the magazine herself. “Filipino-American chef Blaine Anderson opens up Hapa an American/Filipino fusion restaurant that mixes both of Anderson’s heritages into one amazing dining experience. Good luck with that reservation, ladies, it says here that they’re booked out for the next six months.”
“Maybe for a peon such as yourself.” Santana snatched the paper away, and tugged on the page, tearing it out. “But we were there at the beginning, and I’m sure there’s no way he can refuse one of his original supporters a seat.”
Mercedes did some quick math. “It’s not just one seat, San, you’re taking the whole cast of SNL, probably plus some of the writers. That’s like 20 people.”
“Sure, I’m not saying that it’s going to be easy, but you’re talking to Santana Lopez. Writer and star of the most sought after ticket on Broadway. I’ll offer him a few balcony seats to Billie! and he’ll be sold.”
“I’m not sure if it’s going to be that easy, Santana.”
“Well, luckily Rachel, no one asked you.”
“Santana, she’s right.” Mercedes said. “And, if you remember correctly, it’s not like you and Blaine Anderson had the most cozy relationship.”
Santana smiled slyly. “And that’s why I’m not going to ask him. I’m going to ask the co-star of the most sought after ticket on Broadway. The woman behind the throne. One of the most talented, kind, and not to mention beautiful women that I know.”
Mercedes opened her mouth to reply, but Rachel interrupted her.
“Why Santana, that was the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me!” She swooned.
Both Santana and Mercedes gave her a glare, but moved on with the conversation.
“Flattery will get you nowhere, Lopez.”
“Aw, c’mon, ‘Cedes. You know how much this means to me. Having it at this place, this great, cosmopolitan establishment, on the rise, with amazing food… It’s a can’t miss! It would mean the world to me.”
“I don’t know, Santana…”
“And I would owe you one.”
A devious smile crept over Mercedes’ features, and Santana’s eyes grew wide. She was beginning to regret her decision, but Mercedes was already accepting, her hand out to accept Santana’s.
“Deal. I’ll get you and the cast into Blaine Anderson’s restaurant in a couple weeks, and you’ll officially owe me one.”
There was something about her tone that Santana didn’t like, but she was desperate. What she had said to Mercedes and Rachel was real. There was something in her that needed to make a good impression, and she wasn’t sure why, but she’d do anything to achieve her goal.
She swallowed audibly, but took Mercedes’ hand regardless. “Fine. Deal.”
Mercedes held her hand a bit tighter. “But you have to convince Emma to give up the tickets.”
Santana looked like she wanted to resist, but a thousand scenarios ran through her head and there wasn’t a single one where she figured she could refuse this request.
“Deal.” She said, defeated
Mercedes nodded with a satisfied smile, and finally released Santana’s hand. She stooped down and started gathering the magazines off the floor.
“Ooh, I can’t wait. I’m already thinking of what you can do.”
Santana bent over to help. “Yeah, whatever. You just focus on getting me in that restaurant and the rest will fall into place.”
Rachel had placed herself delicately back on the couch, and was fanning through a Vanity Fair.
“You do realize she’s probably just going to get you to watch the kids so she and the Mrs. can have a date night, right?”
Santana scoffed and watched Mercedes carefully. “Yeah, she knows that I would do that for free. I can already see that she’s got something more devious in mind. Deny it, Mercedes. I dare you.”
Mercedes laughed lightly, and placed her stack of magazines on the coffee table. The laugh took on an edge of the maniacal as she didn’t say a word, but just walked out of the room.
Leslie Jones and Artie Abrams both watched Brittany with a strange fascination. They talked, but didn’t bother directing any of their comments toward Brittany, who had been muttering to herself for the better part of an hour, and had been standing in the middle of her dressing room with a signed copy of the Billie! playbill for the better part of fifteen.
They watched her mutter for a few moments more and suddenly Leslie stood up from the couch.
“Girl, just leave it! Damn. I swear you’ve spent more time doing this than writing any sketch I have ever seen you in.”
Artie waved his hands in solidarity. “Les, she can’t hear you, girl. She’s in La La Land.”
“Well, she better get her ass out of La La Land, because we’re supposed to be writing something to take to pitch tomorrow, and I can’t even think with her running around like this!”
The weeks before Santana Lopez’s arrival had slowly whittled down to days, and now they were only a mere 72 hours away from her arrival at Studio 8H. While not everyone in the cast knew (or cared too much) about Brittany’s fascination with Santana Lopez, they had all found a bit of humor in her worsening condition. It was like watching someone very, very slowly sink into quicksand that they only notice after the fourth or fifth day.
“What do you think she’s going to do with it in the end?” Artie asked, with a kind of quiet wonder.
“I dunno. She’ll probably try and eat it or something.” Leslie cupped her hands around her mouth. “She’s not going to care if you have a totally normal thing in your dressing room, Britt. Honestly, she’s probably not even going to come in here.”
That last sentence was directed towards Artie, but Brittany’s eyes snapped to Leslie. “You don’t think so? I mean, I wasn’t thinking that it would be a part of a tour or anything, but I’d really hoped that she’d stop by. I could show her my table, and my computer and stuff.”
“Britt. Girl.” Leslie deadpanned. “Santana Lopez, is like on a whole other level right now. She’s won like a million awards, and was friends with President Obama. She’s on a whole other level of cool, my dude.”
Brittany tried not to let her face fall too much, but she couldn’t help but be disappointed. “Yeah, no, you’re right. What was I thinking?”
She placed the framed Playbill on her desk with a soft slap. Artie pushed his wheelchair closer, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“Nah, Britt, it’s not like that. I’m sure she’ll come by.”
“Yeah, Brittany, she’s a star, but she seems like a really down to Earth person, I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Leslie chimed in, quick to reassure her.
Brittany took a deep sigh, and dramatically slithered to the floor, her body in fluid motion, floating to the ground. Artie had to admit that he was always impressed with her control and grace. Even falling to the floor, she looked like a dancer.
One thing he did know from being her friend for just under a decade was how resilient she was. He leaned over and patted Brittany on the leg.
“It’s cool, Britt, don’t worry. How about we head over to Jane’s office, and see if we can’t make some comedy magic?”
Leslie and Brittany both looked up at him quizzickly.
“What?” He continued, puzzled. “I thought it would better than just saying, ‘Write some sketches.’”
“Yeah.” said Leslie, taking a large step over Brittany, and reaching out a hand. “You should probably stick to jokes, funny man. C’mon, Britt, let’s get out of here before we catch any of his bad jokes.”
Brittany took Leslie’s hand, but lingered a moment as she and Artie argued a bit as they moved down the hall. She would be the first to admit that she sometimes got caught up in her emotions, and maybe tended to exaggerate more often than not.
But, she was a performer, and she was a bit of a cut up, and it seemed sometimes that the only way that she could express herself was in a funny character, or voice or bit. She was like the world’s most outgoing introvert. But, at the end of the day, she really did want Santana Lopez to notice her. What came after that, she really had no idea. She stifled a heavy sigh that was escaping from her lips and took a right instead of the left, turning off into a less populated corner of 30 Rock.
It was nearly midnight, and the building was quiet, but that was par for the course. Most of the “late night” shows filmed at six in the afternoon, so around this time, it was usually only SNL writers left. They were still early in the week, so the crunch wasn’t on, but it wouldn’t hurt to hammer out a few sketch ideas before heading in for the night. Still, it was pretty early for the SNL folks, most didn’t get their motors really running until 10:30, and it seemed like a waste to stop working then.
Brittany snapped back into focus and looked around. Her feet had taken her almost all the way to her after-show-secret-hideout, but she frowned to herself. She hadn’t meant to come this way at all. How out of order did her brain have to be to bring her this way? She rocked quickly back and forth on the balls of her feet and thought for a moment. It was just a show, right? Just a show like any other? Then why was she so nervous? Why was she so worried? Why was she acting so weird? She frowned again to herself.
“A lot on your mind?”
The voice behind her nearly made her yelp, but she contained herself, and spun quickly to face it.
Sam Evans had been on the show for less than a year, but he was currently the resident heartthrob, and his abs brought a certain quality to the shirtless scenes, so Lorne was sure to make good use of them. Brittany wasn’t quite sure how she felt about him yet. He had to tendency to make sketches all about him, and was hired after his successful YouTube channel had several viral videos. He wasn’t a stand up comic, and hadn’t been to Second City, so he was a new beast entirely.
Brittany eyed him up and down. “Nothing to concern yourself with, Sam. Shouldn’t you be out vlogging or something?”
She kept her voice light, but there was a bite. She didn’t have anything against the guy, but it didn’t hurt to remind him who had seniority.
“Nah, I’m just working on some killer stuff for this week. Lorne couldn’t get enough of my stoner surfer guy on Update a few weeks ago, so I’m thinking of bringing that back.”
“Yeah, might want to watch out for that, don’t want it getting stale.”
A look of uncertainty crossed over Sam’s face before he spoke up again. “You don’t think it’s weird you’re wandering around on this side of the studio late at night? Not worried about ghosts?”
The last part of his statement came with the hint of a sneer, and Brittany had to keep herself from smiling. She and Artie had spent the better part of a month convincing Sam and Ego Nwadim (the two first years) that the studio was haunted. Ego had been humoring them (nothing wrong with a little hazing to promote team building), but it seemed to Brittany that Sam had actually believed her, and still refused to go in the third floor men’s bathroom alone.
“Whatever, Britt.” Sam said. The uncertainty had slipped away, and the cocky grin returned. “Hey, did you hear? Santana Lopez has sent out invitations for the Host Dinner. I just got mine a few minutes ago.”
He reached into his jacket, pulling out a gorgeous egg shell envelope. He waved it in front of Brittany and with a flash, she had snatched it out of his hands, and was pulling it open.
“Hey! That’s mine.”
She batted his hand away, and pulled the envelope open, removing a document that Brittany could only describe as ‘wedding Invitation fancy’.
“Holy hell. This is amazing.” She breathed, gazing down at the paper.
You Are Cordially Invited To Join Santana Lopez for the Inaugural Host’s Dinner
For Episode 848 of Saturday Night Live
Reservation at 6PM at Hapa
72nd and Columbus Ave.
Be there or be square!
Brittany clasped the note to her chest. “Oh my god.”
Sam’s eyes widened a little. “What’s wrong?”
Brittany sighed a little and smiled tightly. “She’s such a freaking dork!”
With that she raced down the hall, back towards the writer’s offices, doing a joyful leap every so often.
Sam watched her leave curiously. “But that was my invitation.”
41 notes · View notes
trashcanmarvelfan · 6 years
Best. Job. Ever 4/12
So oops, I updated this like a week ago on AO3 but forgot to update here, so you’re getting 2 chapters again, lovelies! 
Btw, this IS completely written, I’m just editing and posting as time allows.
Summary: Reader gets a job on the set of Spider-Man: Far from Home for the 3 weeks they are shooting in New York City as what she thinks is a production assistant, but a twist of fate has her reassigned as Tom Holland’s personal assistant. As she & Tom grow close during filming, will their budding friendship turn to more or will they go their separate ways after filming concludes?
Warnings: Language, but that’s pretty much it? This is basically a PG-13 rom-com.
Word Count: 2571 for chapter 4.
Author’s Note: As this was written WAY before Spider-Man: Far from Home was released (actually before Avengers: Endgame was as well) I’ve kept plot details and which scene was being shot on what day extremely vague. Also, I’m American but tried to write Tom as British as possible, although I do think he’d try to stay(ish) in character and use as much American slang as he could while he’s still playing Peter.
Chapter-Specific Author’s Note: Ik Rent went off Broadway in like 2008 or something but I do what I want, lol.
Requests are always open!
Cross-posted at AO3.
The rest of the week continued much like the first day: Y/N would show up at Tom’s hotel room at 7:15 with coffee (fortunately-- or unfortunately, Y/N honestly wasn’t sure which-- the rest of the week Tom had always been dressed by the time Y/N knocked on his door), they would ride to set, Tom would film a few scenes, they would eat lunch, Tom would get back to filming, and then they would head back to their hotel, eating dinner together in one of their rooms (usually something Y/N would run out and pick up or have delivered to her room) and hanging out for a while before parting for the night.
Saturday night had Y/N and Tom hanging out in Y/N’s hotel room eating Chinese takeout while watching Infinity War on the hotel TV’s cable.
“DAMN IT, QUILL!” Y/N yelled at the TV as he started beating Thanos in the head with his gun, causing Mantis to lose her balance and let go of her control of Thanos’ mind. “Ugh, every freaking time.”
Tom laughed. “Yeah, that’s basically everyone’s reaction.”
Y/N blushed. “Sorry about that. I just always want to punch Quill in the face right there. They had Thanos, and he comes traipsing along and ruins their chances of getting the Gauntlet off. I mean, I get that he was upset about Gamora, and rightly so, but dang, he just single handedly caused the destruction of half the universe!”
Y/N’s and Tom’s phones chimed simultaneously.
“Looks like the shooting schedule for next week is here,” Y/N said, pulling it up on her phone. “Your call times are different for each day, and it also looks like Friday will be a long one, but hey, you at least have Saturday and Sunday off before the final week of shooting.”
They worked out times to meet up to head to the set the next week and when Y/N turned her attention back to the TV Thanos had snapped his fingers and people were already starting to turn to ash. Y/N brought her hand to her chest as Peter clung to Tony. I don’t want to go. “I can’t believe you improvised that scene, but I should’ve figured that you’d quote The Doctor.”
Tom glanced over at her. “You watch Doctor Who?”
Y/N nodded. “Just New Who, starting with Eccleston, but yeah.”
“Who’s your favorite Doctor?”
“Ten, hands down,” Y/N said with zero hesitation.
“No wonder you recognized that line.”
YN nodded. “It just kills me every time, whether it’s you or David Tennant that says it.”
They talked about Doctor Who until it started to get late. “So, what are you planning to do with your day of freedom?” Tom asked as they cleaned up from dinner.
“Oh, I’m just planning on taking it easy tomorrow,” Y/N replied. “What about you?”
“I need to study my lines for next week.”
Y/N bit her lip. “Maybe I could help you run your lines? I mean, if you want, no big deal.”
Tom grinned. “I’d like that a lot, actually.”
“Great. I’ll text you when I get up?”
“Sounds good.”
“Ok, well, I’m gonna head out. It’s getting pretty late.”
Tom walked Y/N over to the door. “‘Night, Y/N.”
“‘Night, Tom.”
The next morning Y/N texted Tom as soon as she woke up and got dressed.
Hey, I’m up and can help you go over your lines whenever you’re ready.
Tom texted back almost immediately. Give me like 5 minutes, yeah?
Ok, sure. I’ll run downstairs to pick you up something from the coffee shop then.
The three bubbles that indicated that Tom was typing popped up. Actually I’m downstairs right now getting something, so no need!
Oh! Lol Ok then.
A few minutes later Tom texted back. Ok, I’m back upstairs. Come on over.
Y/N grabbed her stuff and walked down to Tom’s room.
Tom answered the door with a grin. “Morning, Y/N,” he said, ushering her in. Y/N paused mid-way into the room when she saw coffee and pastries set out for both of them.
“I figured since you’ve been fetching breakfast for me all week and since I was getting myself something anyway the least I could do is return the favor,” Tom said.
“Aww, that’s so sweet,” Y/N replied. “Thank you.”
They sat and ate then Y/N helped Tom run his lines until he was comfortable with them.  “Wow, it’s four already. I’m sure you want to relax the rest of the afternoon,” Y/N said, getting up from the couch where they had been sitting, “so I guess I’m gonna get out of your hair so you can chill.”  She turned toward the door. “Wait!” Tom exclaimed.
Y/N turned back to Tom.
Tom rubbed the back of his neck. “I, err, I have a surprise for you.”
He walked over to his dresser and pulled an envelope out of the top drawer, handing it to Y/N.
Y/N looked at him curiously as she opened it, finally pulling out the contents. Her jaw dropped. “Front row seats to Rent!?”
“You can’t come to New York and not see a Broadway play. I was hoping you’d accompany me tonight,” Tom said.
Y/N was still staring at the tickets. “How did you even know I liked Rent?”
“I, err… I overheard you singing ‘Out Tonight’ on Wednesday while you were waiting for me after the set was cleared,” Tom explained.
Y/N was still shocked. “But how did you even get these? It’s been sold out for months!”
Tom winked. “You’re not the only Rent-head around here, you know.”
“And are you sure you want me to come with you? You wouldn’t rather Z or someone else from the cast go with you?”
Tom shook his head. “I figured you’d appreciate the show as much as I do. So is that a yes?”
“Oh my gosh, YES!”  Y/N threw her arms around Tom in a massive hug. “This is so amazing! I’ve been wanting to see that play for years but never thought I’d have the chance to see it live!”
“Brilliant.” Tom beamed. “I’ll be ‘round in, say, a hour so we can have dinner beforehand? I know a great sushi restaurant in Times Square.”
“Sounds great.” Y/N turned to Tom again and gave him another hug. “You are just the absolute best, you know that? I can’t believe this -- I have to go get ready!”
Y/N ran back to her room and flew through getting ready.  She put on the nicest outfit she had brought (thank goodness she was a packrat and thought to bring a decent dress!) and hurried to do her hair and makeup.
She was applying her eyeliner in the bathroom mirror when there was a knock on her door. “Come in!” she called.  She and Tom had each gotten an extra room key and had swapped them in case of emergency, so she didn’t have to go answer the door.
Tom stuck his head in the door. “Y/N?”
“Almost ready!”
Y/N finished her makeup and stepped out of the bathroom. Tom was standing in front of Y/N’s full-length mirror and caught her reflection. A broad grin spread over his face and he turned toward her. “Y/N, you look stunning,” he breathed.
Y/N blushed. “Thank you. You look great too.”
Tom had worn a similar outfit to the one he had worn the night they went to dinner after the first day of filming, except this time he had paired an open-collar button-down shirt with his sports coat, jeans, and sneaker combo. He extended his arm. “Shall we?”
Y/N linked her arm with his. “Lead the way, Mr. Holland.”
“Viva, la vie, Bohemme!”
Y/N and Tom laughed as they stepped off the elevator.
“Oh my gosh, that was so much fun. Never in a million years did I ever think I’d be able to see Rent live and in person.” Y/N couldn’t keep the grin off of her face.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
They stopped in front of Tom’s door.  “You want to come in and watch the film version on Netflix?” he asked.
“Sure! I love the movie version. Gimmie like 5 minutes though to go change into something more comfortable?”
Tom nodded. “Ok. I’ve got snacks, so I’ll get everything set up while you change.”
“See you in a few.”
Y/N ran to her room and changed into some comfortable pants and a t-shirt, and pulled on a pair of fuzzy socks to walk down the hall in instead of putting her sneakers on.
She grabbed her keycard and headed back to Tom’s. The door had been held open by the privacy lock, so she just knocked gently and went in, disengaging the lock so the door could shut.
Tom was sitting on his bed, scrolling through Netflix. A bowl of popcorn and various movie theater-type candy was spread out next to him. His hair was wet-- he had obviously grabbed a quick shower while Y/N had been gone-- and he had changed into flannel pajamas pants and a plain white t-shirt. He looked up and grinned.
Y/N walked past him to the other side of the bed and climbed in, careful not to disturb the snacks in between them. “I see you got comfortable as well.”
Tom grinned. “Ready?”
“Let’s do it.”
As the opening credits rolled, Y/N said, “I think it's so great that most of the original Broadway cast reprised their roles for the movie.”
“Me too,” Tom agreed, grabbing a handful of popcorn.  
They watched the movie mostly in silence, occasionally grabbing some popcorn or a handful of candy, until the opening notes to Light My Candle came on. Tom turned to Y/N. What you’d forget? he mouthed.
Y/N grinned. Got a light? she responded.
Tom reached for her. I know you, you���re… you’re shivering.
It’s nothing, they turned off my heat, and I’m just a little weak on my feet… Y/N pretended to swoon towards Tom and winked.
They kept going, both really getting into character. When they arrived at the line, They say I have the best ass below 14th Street, is it true? You’re staring again! Tom blushed and was flustered when he lip-synched Roger’s line, Oh no… I mean, you do… have a nice-- Y/N thought his flustered reaction seemed actually kind of genuine but quickly chalked it up to the darkness of the room and Tom’s really good acting skills and pushed it out of her mind as she kept going.
They continued their back & forth throughout the song. They call me, they call me Mimi...Y/N lip-synched, dangling a gummy worm in front of Tom before taking a bite with a grin as the song ended.
They both burst into laughter. “Oh my gosh, that was so fun,” Tom said in between fits of laughter, leaning back against the headboard.
Y/N fell over on Tom’s shoulder, she was laughing so hard. “That. Was. AWESOME.” She wiped a few stray tears of laughter away as she straightened.
Today 4 U was just starting. Y/N nodded toward the TV. “Think you’d be able to do that?”
“Definitely not in heels, at least not without loads of practice.” Tom answered. “I’m good, but I’m not that good.”
The rest of the movie was spent lip-syncing along to a majority of the soundtrack -- during “Out Tonight” Y/N grabbed the remote and used it as a makeshift microphone while she danced around the room, much to Tom’s amusement -- and watching in somber silence during “Without You”.
Y/N did a fist pump when the opening notes of “What You Own” started playing. “This is one of my favorite songs on the entire soundtrack,” she said. “It’s so powerful, and the bro-hug at the end just melts my heart.”
Tom nodded. “It’s definitely a turning point in the film.”
As the movie wound down, the popcorn and snacks dwindled as well. Tom placed the empty popcorn bowl on the nightstand next to him as the finale started.
“My one complaint is that I really wish the alternate ending would’ve been used in the film.”
“Me too!” Y/N exclaimed. “I mean I get why it wasn’t used, but I like the play’s version of the ending where it ends just like it begins. And speaking of… I’m so embarrassed I cried when Angel came running on stage during the finale.”
Tom chuckled. “I think it’s cute-- err, I mean nice. It’s nice that you’re reactive like that. Makes an actor feel like they’re giving a believable performance.”  
“Speaking of acting…” Y/N checked her phone for the time. “It’s getting late. You better get some rest since your call time for tomorrow is early and you’re doing a lot of stunts.”
They stood and Tom walked Y/N to the door.
Y/N gave Tom a hug, and without thinking, also gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Oh, shit, I'm so sorry about that--” she stammered, taking a step back.
“What?” Tom looked confused.
“Just now-- I really didn’t mean to kiss you. I wasn’t thinking, and I understand if you’d be upset about it--”
Tom shook his head. “Why on earth would I be upset with you?” he tried to interrupt.
“--and it was completely unprofessional, so I’d also get it if you’d want to request a different assistant--”
“Wait, wait, Y/N!” Tom cried. He took Y/N's arms in a firm but gentle grip, steadying her. “I'm sorry to keep interrupting you, but I’m not upset at all.” He let go & studied her. “Have I given you the impression at any point this week that I've been anything less than pleased with you?”
Y/N blushed. “Well, no, not really…” she mumbled. “But I thought maybe you’d think I was hitting on you or something…”
“First off, it was just a kiss on the cheek, it’s not like you threw yourself at me.  And secondly…” Tom paused. “I know we haven’t known each other long, but I kind of already consider you a friend. You’re incredibly easy to talk to, we have loads in common, and at the risk of sounding completely pompous you don’t seem to just be friendly to me because of my celebrity status or because Sony is paying you to be. I mean come on, you’ve insisted on rotating who was paying for dinner all week. You’re a genuinely nice person and I like being around you. There’s absolutely no reason to fret, okay?”
Y/N nodded. “Ok.”
Tom stood. “Now that’s settled then, yeah?”
Y/N nodded. “Yeah.”
Tom reached out and gave her hand a gentle squeeze, then pulled her in for a hug. “Goodnight, Y/N.” He kissed her on the cheek, then gave her a wink.
Y/N laughed. “Goodnight, Tom. I’ll see you in the morning.”
She went in and got ready for bed. As she lay there in the darkness replaying the night in her head she suddenly realized that her feelings for Tom definitely weren’t going anywhere-- in fact they had blossomed into a full-scale crush. I am so screwed.
Tagging: @thoughstofaredhead & @greenarrowhead
23 notes · View notes
hoodoo12 · 6 years
I would love to see something a little softer with Miami? I like the whole idea that Miami is a planner, who plans everything (a night out; fancy dinner, expensive gifts, opera, sex) down to the last detail because he is a control freak. Reader on the other hand, spoils the whole night by doing the opposite of what he wants and they end up eating fastfood, no opera and she spills ketchup on their new dress. Hope you feel like making something out of it, it doesn't have to been totally like that!
Thank you for the request! I hope this fits the bill of a softer Miami. 
SWF and sticky sweet
Miami wouldn’t call himself a control freak, per se, but compared to the Ricks who were willing to fly by the seats of their pants and just improvise their way through life, he enjoyed a bit more planning and attention to detail.
Tonight, for example, was to be classy. A nice dinner at the restaurant that looked over the city (the one where prices weren’t listed in the menu); digestifs and continued good conversation (she was interesting to talk to, not like some women without two brain cells to rub together); then off to the opera with her on his arm (looking stunning and making other men jealous); then back to his penthouse, where he wouldn’t be against having sex on the balcony (with the city lights as a back drop).
He’d used a bribe to secure the reservation at the restaurant. He paid handsomely for box seats at the theater. His jeweler had procured a small selection of Art Deco earrings; Miami hemmed and hawed between simple drop earrings with diamonds and Egyptian revival earrings that had scarabs carved from labradorite.
In the end he chose both. One as a gift for tonight; the other for another time. His jeweler put each set in velvet boxes for him.
Without the need to request it, his favorite suit was pressed and laid out for him. His shoes were shined expertly as well. Miami knew that even after he’d left, his manservant would freshen the flowers throughout the penthouse, make sure there was plenty of champagne chilling, and go through the place with a fine-toothed comb to verify it was picture perfect.
Everything was ready. Dressed, cologned, tickets in his inner pocket and hinged box with the scarab earrings in another, Miami felt able to take a sigh of relief.
And then--
--she forgot.
Sometimes her work was crazy-busy. It must have been one of those days that just exploded, because his texts of, “Where are you?” and “Are you home yet?” went unanswered. Miami sat and stewed and barely restrained himself from blowing up her phone with more and more messages.
Six o’clock--the time of their dinner reservation--came and went. There was still the possibility of making it to the theater at eight. That hope shrunk smaller and smaller as the minutes ticked by. When his phone finally, finally buzzed with a return message from her, however, it was twenty minutes before the curtain rose.
“I’m home!” she’d texted.
“Date night, remember?” he’d sent back, and almost immediately after hitting send his phone rang.
He didn’t even have a chance to say hello. She instantly filled his ear with teary apologies. She was so sorry, she had forgotten because of work and she knew he’d planned a whole night and--
Miami interrupted her by telling her he was going to be at her place in less than thirty minutes.
That was met with protests that she wasn’t going to be good company tonight, she ruined everything for him, she needed a shower, she was tired--
Miami repeated that he’d be there in thirty minutes, and she needed to get ready.
Then he ended the call. He hoped she heard the smile on his face.
Thirty minutes later, on the dot--again, not a control freak, just punctual--Miami rang the bell at her front door. She opened it, still wrapped in a towel from her shower and looking frazzled. She still apologized a mile a minute for ruining the evening, that he looked so good and put together and she looked like a sack of potatoes, and there was no way she was going to be able to get ready and look good enough for him--
Miami shushed her. He told her to dry her hair and put it up. Put on her make up. Relax.
While she rushed to the bathroom to do as he said, he went through her closet and found a suitable dress. Nothing glitzy, as he envisioned originally, but something more fun with a shorter skirt. He located heeled shoes to match and stood with everything outside her bathroom while she finished putting herself together.
So their witty and delightful banter? It started while she was applying mascara and he was holding her shoes by their straps. Their nice dinner in an intimate booth, waited on by a fleet of servers? It ended up being supermarket sushi, shared on the hood of his Bentley. He did snag a bottle of champagne, but it was mostly warm, and they drank it from the bottle. The opera? There was a free concert in the park, where a band of young people played enthusiastically, if not one hundred percent professionally.
She accidentally got wasabi on her skirt. He managed to dribble champagne down his front. By that point, neither cared, and both laughed it off. Driving home, even though he told her he needed his hand to shift, she insisted on holding it.
He couldn’t help but smile at how widely she grinned.
At his penthouse, they retired to his balcony, as he’d anticipated. He offered another drink, with a glass, this time! She accepted with a laugh. He popped the cork on a new bottle, poured her a flute that was almost overflowing, and handed it over. She gulped it to prevent it from spilling on her, a little tipsy, laughing the whole time.
Later, he presented her the earrings. She gasped and exclaimed over them. It wasn’t in public, as he’d had imagined, with an audience of men jealous they weren’t him, and women jealous they weren’t her. But that was okay; her delight was enough.
Under the night sky brightened by light pollution from the city, they sat close together and held hands. Their conversation remained lively until, well past midnight, it waned into comfortable silence.
They didn’t have sex, like he’d planned. It’d been a long day for her, and an evening out didn’t make her less tired. Miami took her inside. He undressed her carefully and slipped her into satin and lace déshabillé. He directed her to the en suite to clean up, and she returned with her hair loose and fresh-faced.
Miami, dressed for bed himself, turned down the bed and helped her in. She snuggled against him, thanking him for a nice evening as he extinguished the lights. In the dark, he nodded, which she felt. She told him she’d make it up to him, having completely derailed his plans. He replied mock-seriously that he expected her too, to which she giggled and bit playfully at his chest. Cautioning her not to start something she wasn’t prepared to finish only made her nip him again, but before it went too far she settled down.
Pleasantly warm and slightly dizzy from the alcohol, she sighed and drifted to sleep. Her breathing slowed and became even, and Miami went to sleep to its cadence.
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chiveburger · 6 years
this week has been so packed, but fortunately, not with work. I’ve been and will be meeting up with friends that have either gone abroad to study, to work or I haven’t seen in years. earlier during lunch, I met up with two of my friends who were at my university doin a project lmao.... okay... It’s semester break but okay... but I saw them for one hour and went back to work. later, I met up with my friend who is on break from nursing school in toronto, so she drove me and our friend to a korean restaurant I WAS REALLY craving, but guess what??? the whole fucking plaza was out of power fuck! I wanted to eat tuna kimbap so bad :(((((( prior to meeting, we also booked tickets to watch aquaman but the theater was out of power too !!!!!!!!!!!! so we couldn’t watch it NOR eat at the sushi place besides it. after driving for around an HOUR we ended up just eating tonkatsu and fried chicken, which is always fine. then when we went to eat shaved ice, I saw my friend who was at my university earlier in the day lmao! then when I snapped a picture of him with a “girl” eating shaved iced to my best friend, she replied saying that she was walking past the store in 5 minutes. so she came in and talked for 5 minutes and when SHE left she told me she passed by my OTHER best friend and coincidentally I was also snapping him and he came in, said hi and left lmao what the fuck??? tomorrow I’m going to eat dimsum and then on christmas I’m going to my friend’s house to see her dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this was nice
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typicalmidnight · 6 years
100 Questions
1.) Name Kaleea
2.) Where are you from? Canada
3.) How old are you? 13
4.) Do you have any siblings? yes, a younger brother
5.) Pets? an aquatic frog (i kinda hate it tho)
6.) Describe yourself um smart, funnyish, sarcastic 24/7
7.) What do you do for fun? read, watch youtube and netflix, sing
8.) Do you have a job? What do you do? nope i just go to school
9.) Have you had other jobs? i used to babysit?
10.) What’s your favorite memory? i have no freaking idea
11.) What is one thing you regret? so many things
12.) What is one thing you wish you would’ve done, but didn’t? tried out for my school musical
13.) One thing about yourself you wish you could change my hair cause i cut it and regret it so much
14.) What do you love about yourself? my singing voice
15.) Who inspires you? brooke sanchez, zendaya, emma watson, idk who else
16.) Do you collect anything? no?? i don’t think so lol
17.) Do you have any fears? SPIDERS
18.) Is there anything that annoys you about your job? uh homework?? lol
19.) Can you tell us a secret about yourself? 
20.) How about another secret? :)
21.) Favorite band? One Direction
22.) What music are you currently listening to? well currently as i’m writing this, i’m listening to Eyes Wide Open by Sabrina Carpenter. but in general lots of oldish pop from 2012-2016/17
23.) Do you have a favorite song? i don’t think so
24.) Do you have a favorite movie? ooooooh ummmm spiderman: homecoming at the moment i think
25.)What’s your favorite color? purpleeee
26.) What’s your favorite place you’ve ever been to? cuba!
27.) Ever broken a promise? i mean probably, small ones tho. wait actually tho this girl that i don’t really like told me her crush and made me promise not to tell anyone but i broke that one soooooo that was a mess. regret that a lot.
28.) Do you have a favorite book? harry potter and the deathly hallows
29.) What’s your favorite school subject? language (english)
30.) Least favorite school subject? GYM
31.) What’s your favorite food? sushi
32.) How about least favorite food? so many i have no idea
33.) What’s your favorite Holiday? Christmas!!!!
34.) What makes you mad? ahhhh so much but usually my brother
35.) What makes you happy? peter parker, reading, harry potter, brooke sanchez, music
36.) Do you have a favorite scent? no, but if i had to pick i would say vanilla
38.) Do you have a favorite TV show? uhhhhh full house maybe?
39.) Can you share an extremely embarrassing moment? once i punched my crush in the face by accident...
40.) When is a time you were extremely irritated? a few weeks ago i was under a lot of stress and my friend stole my earbuds but when she said she took them she seemed like she was lying and my anxiety levels were really high (i have diagnosed anxiety okay i’m not just saying that) and she was really stressing out and i was super mad at her. that’s long sorry. also super random.
41.) Is there anybody you hate? millie bobby brown (sorry y’all that like her) and this kid in my class.
42.) What do you look for in a person? a strong personality, funny, outgoing, nice, someone i can relate too
43.) How’s the weather? sucky it’s coldddd and even tho it’s winter there’s no snow even tho i’m in CANADA and like we usually get snow but there isn’t any so that’s making me kinda mad
44.) Are you currently in school? not at the moment, but yes, i do go to school
45.) What is your goal in life? to become a professional singer maybe??
46.) Is there something you should be doing, but keep putting off? homework, cleaning my room
47.) Ever been to a concert? yes, i saw johnny orlando and mackezie ziegler, and hayden summerall, brooke butler, and johnny orlando again
48.) What was the last movie you saw in theater? fantastic beasts: the crimes of grindelwald
49.) What was the last book you read? mockingjay (hunger games trilogy)
50.) What is your favorite season? fall
51.) Do you prefer it to be hot or cold? cold i guess but i hate both
52.) Do you prefer the sun, the rain, or snow? sun, but not too hot
53.) If you could go anywhere, where would you go? paris maybe
54.) Any current travel plans? nah but i wanna go to vidcon. i might go to flordia tho possibly to go to playlist live.
55.) Do you prefer day or night? idk
56.) Are you an introvert or extrovert? in👏tro👏vert👏
57.) What is something not many people know about you? i write fics, and i actually really love writing (nobody i know in real life knows this i don’t think)
58.) Where are you right now? my living room
59.) Look in front of you. What do you see? a blanket
60.) If you could meet one person, alive or dead, who would it be? does peter parker count?
61.) Would you rather look into your future, or fix something from your past? i honestly have no idea
62.) If you could sit down with anyone in the world, and talk to them for an hour, who would you like to speak with? zendaya
63.) What was the first CD you ever owned? i don’t own any
64.) What was the first CD you ever purchased with your own money? noneee
65.) If you own any Vinyls, which was your first? um none!
66.) How many CDs do you own? 0. nobody uses cds!
67.) What relaxes you? music
68.) Do you have any talents? singing?? idk sometimes i think i’m good at it, and others i think i’m terrible
69.) If you could give yourself the ability to do anything, what would it be? like a superpower?? um be a witch like hermione granger but without a wand. or combat my anxiety and ask out my crush (he would prob say no tho i’m pretty sure he doesn’t like me back)
70.) Favorite candy? gummies
71.) Is anything bothering you right now? i’m going to a new school soon i think and i’m hella nervous
72.) Are you happy with where you are in life right now? not really, the reason i’m going to a new school is actually because of my anxiety, so i’m upset with myself for letting it take this much control over me.
73.) Is there anyone you regret ever associating with? none that i can think of
74.) Do you have a favorite memory from your childhood? uh well one time i was eating ice cream in front of my tv when i was really little. that was fun.
75.) What is your least favorite memory from your childhood. when i was 3 i had a dream cookie monster was in my basement and he was trying to eat me. that traumatized me for years.
76.) Favorite memory of your parents? idk i have terrible memory i’m sorry
77.) Do you have a least favorite memory of your parents? again, terrible memory
78.) How is your relationship with your parents? um i’m closer with my mom than my dad, but there’s other stuff i shouldn’t get into on the internet
79.) What’s your family like? good? idk
80.) Are you clean or messy? messyyyy even tho i hate messiness
81.) What is your most recent purchase? books
82.) What’s the most amount of money you’ve spent at once? i have no idea
83.) What are you saving up for? vidcon tickets
84.) How much money do you have to your name currently? a lot? idk
85.) Have you ever done anything last minute? EVERYTHING
86.) What’s the furthest in advance you’ve planned something? nothing i’m terrible at planning
87.) Are you an introvert or Extrovert? you already asked this?? in👏tro👏vert👏
88.) What’s the latest you’ve ever been out of your house? 5 am?? maybe??? i have no idea
89.) Cats or Dogs? D👏O👏G👏S👏 (i’m not against cats, just not a cat person)
90.) How long have you gone without sleep? like the longest? 22 hours i think. currently tho like 5 hours i woke up late cause i’m sick
91.) What were you like as a child? shyyyyy but also very loud if i was comfortable
92.) What do you miss from your childhood? the innocence you have when you’re a child, and not having drama all the time
93.) Do you have a favorite memory from work? i don’t workkkkkkk. but from school, we went on a trip to Washington DC and that was cool.
94.) What’s the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you? I almost got hit by a car once? (but like i almost did no joke my friend saved me tho) (happens to be the same friend who stole my earbuds)
95.) What’s a bad habit that you have? biting my nails oof
96.) What are your plans for the summer? uhhhhhhhh
97.) What was the last thing that made you happy? writing these answers
98.) What was the last picture you took on your phone? screenshot of the new spider-man trailer!!!
99.) Who was the last person you texted and why? my friends, because i was super excited about the new trailer
100.) Send me your own questions in the ask box!
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suckitsurveys · 3 years
What’s the last vegetable you ate, and when did you eat it? There are veggies in this pasta I’m eating. 
What was your last Facebook notification for? I don’t feel like looking. 
What bands have you seen live? A good handful.
Tell me an interesting fact about your mother: She was a drug and alcohol abuse counselor in the 80′s before I was born.
What do you think is the most important thing to happen to you before the age of 13? I don’t know. Maybe moving to the house that is still my dad’s to this day?
What were you super against as a young child but aren’t anymore? Avocados.
What are your plans later today? After I get some sleep I’m supposed to go to my niece’s soccer game.
Are you doing anything exciting this weekend? ^
Who do you talk to the most? Mark.
What are some things you do regularly that make you feel old? Being a live.
Who is your best guy friend(s)? Mark and Randal.
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? I’m okay.
If you had a tiny scar on your face, would you get it removed or just keep it? Keep it.
Have you had an x-ray in the past year? No.
Do you think your first love still loves you? Hah.
What is something that is “going right” in your life? I’m fully vaccinated and feeling amazing about that. 
When did you feel ready to start dating? I don’t know if I ever did? It just sort of, happened? I was never really interested in it in high school. I did have a long distance bf when I was 16 though haha. 
When was the last time your pet bit you? If you don’t have a pet, have you ever been bitten by someone else’s? My one kitty bites when I play rough with her. Not very hard though. 
Where were you the last time you made out? In the kitchen.
When was the last time you cried tears of joy? When I got home from getting my covid shot the first time. 
How do you type your sad smileys? :(
Do you have “decorative hand-towels” that cannot be used in your house? Nope.
What was the last soda you drank? Cherry Coke! It’s very unlike me to get anything but root beer when I’m out, but their machine was down at the hot dog place my dad and I went to this afternoon so I got a cherry coke instead.
What was the last thing someone made fun of you for? Mark is always making fun of me in little playful ways, so probably something silly and petty I did. 
Have you ever had any type of surgery? Yeah.
Should kids be allowed to get tattoos/piercings without parental consent? On the one had, yes, but on the other hand, it’s their fucking body. 
Who was the last person to hit on you? My husband.
What was the last thing you decided not to do, that you were supposed to? Clean my house lol.
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to tell someone? That my mom had died. I had to tell my cousin Kelly and I will never forget her reaction.
What do you put on hot dogs? Mustard, relish, onion, celery salt. 
Ever fallen in the shower? Yes.
Do you think that things will get better? They are looking up.
Have you ever legitimately saved a person’s life? Maybe?
What’s your favourite book genre? I don’t know. 
Have you ever walked out of a movie at the theatre? No. Well wait, technically. We bought tickets to one movie, went in to that movie for a little bit, and then snuck in to see Jackass lol.
Do dogs like you? Sure.
Would you say that you project an air of authority? Ha, no.
Have you ever jumped off a high dive into a pool? Yes. Not a very high one, but definitely high.
Do you use one towel when you shower or two? (one for hair, one for body) Two.
Have you ever been to one of the great lakes? Yes, I live near Lake Michigan. I’ve also seen Erie, and I think Huron as well?
Who do you know that had a baby recently? Yeah.
Do you like Usher’s songs? Sure.
When was the last time you went to a waterpark? January 2020.
Have you ever ridden a train? Yes, several times. 
What do you eat your French fries with? Depends on the fry. Some don’t need anything.
Do you have family problems? No family is perfect.
What’s the last food you ate that was stale? Hm. I don’t recall.
How do you like your grilled cheese? Cheesy and dipped in tomato soup.
What is the most challenging meal you have ever cooked? I don’t recall. What was your favorite thing to do as a little kid? Ride my bike and swing and swim.
Have you ever been close to drowning? Nah.
Have you ever had a panic attack? Many times.
Do you like doing housework? Sometimes.
Would you ever get implants? If anything I’d get a reduction. 
Do you own a robe? No.
Do you have a little sister? What’s her name? Nope.
Do you like crust on pizza or do you cut it off? Depends on the pizza. 
What was the last song you listened to? Some song in a video Mark is watching. 
Have any of your family members been to jail? Yeah.
Is there anyone that you feel you still need some closure with? Whatever.
Can you remember when you first learned how to read? Yes, I was young. I would always ask what words were when my parents would read me stories and i was reading basic books by 4. 
What event in your life has transformed your personality the most? Probably my mom’s death.
Have you ever had any teeth pulled? Yes. Fun fact: I only grew three wisdom teeth. The other one just never showed up, lol.
Do you still want to be what you wanted to be in elementary school? I think I wanted to be a vet. I don’t think I could handle that now.
What’re some TV shows that you would like to get into? SO many. I am so bad at watching new stuff. 
How would you feel if you were drafted for the military? I’d move to Canada.
What is your favorite Queen song? Basic, but Bohemian Rhapsody. I also like Don’t Stop Me Now, Under Pressure, and Killer Queen.
Do you know how to use any foreign currency? I’ve never had to.
Been kissed by someone who you knew was “bad” for you? Yeah.
Ever taken an at-home pregnancy test? Yes.
When was the last time you were at a loss of what to do? Now.
What did you do on your favorite date with a guy/girl? Anytime Mark and I get sushi lol.
What’s a movie you have seen in the theater more than once? I saw Clerks 2 twice. And I think True Grit? Maybe some others I am forgetting. 
What is the reason you’re still alive? My husband and my nieces.
Have you ever had sex in someone else’s bed/bedroom? Nope. 
Do you ever brush your hair before you go to bed? Not usually. I have though.
Have you ever had a dream about sleeping with a celebrity? (You don’t have to give details.) Oh yes. 
Has anyone ever told you that they needed you? Do you think they meant it? Yes and yes.
How did you feel when you woke up today? What was the first thing you thought about? I was mad at myself because I slept later than I wanted.
Do you still tell your parents that you love them? Of course.
Have you ever said “I love you” to someone you weren’t going out with? Well yeah, it’s not something you just say in the romantic sense. I love my family and friends and tell them so.
Would you date someone with a physical disability? Yeah.
Think of the last person you had sex with. Do you think they’ve slept with anyone else since they last slept with you? They haven’t.
The last time you dyed your hair, what color did you dye it? Blue. That was in January 2020. I’m getting it dyed soon again. 
Think of the last time you went out to eat. Who paid? My dad.
Do you save at least 15 percent of your income? I should start.
Do you ever go on Reddit? If so, what are some of your favorite subreddits? I’ve Googled things that led me to Reddit, but I don’t go on there specifically.
Were you ever a flower girl or ring bearer in anyone’s wedding when you were little? Yes, a flower girl. My aunt let me pick out my own dress and I chose a long black velvet one and she was so sweet and I could tell she wasn’t thrilled but she wanted me to wear what I wanted so she let me wear it. I think I was about 9 or 10?
Are your parents in good health? My dad is. My mom, not so much, seeing as she’s deceased. Too dark? lol.
Have you ever been a caregiver to a sick/disabled relative? I took care of my mom for a little bit when she first got out of the hospital. 
Is there any type of medicine you can’t take? For what reason? I’m allergic to something called bactrim apparently? That is what I’ve been told my whole life.
Do you have a favorite pair of pajamas? What do they look like? I just wear tshirts and undies to bed. 
Do you have any interesting pillow cases? I had a She-Re one but I gave it to my niece a few years ago. It was technically my sister’s anyway lol.
If something on your body hurts, which part is it most likely to be? My back.
Are you more afraid of spiders or bees? Neither. Bees are more annoying when they buzz in your ear, but I’m not really afraid of them.
Have you ever worn fake nails? If so, what did the last pair you wore look like? Yeah.
Is Russian or Native American history more interesting to you? Native American.
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jolietinfo · 4 years
Popular Downtown Joliet Events
If you are looking for a place to spend your vacations, Joliet may be one of your choices. There are many things to do in this exciting city. This destination offers so much to its visitors. You will see why this place has become known as the "Wineries District of Illinois." A trip to this place will allow you to spend quality time with friends and family. The unique charm of this place will never fade.
Joliet is also known as the "Wineries of the United States." It is a major industrial city in southern Illinois, near the southern tip of the state of Illinois. In the 2020 census, it was the seventh-largest city in Illinois, having a population of 147,426. Due to its size and commerce, Joliet has attracted many businesses and employment opportunities to this place.
One of the best ways to explore the entire Joliet area is to take part in a Joliet Illinois Tour. In just one day, you will have the opportunity to see all the attractions and sights of this destination. On your tour, you should visit the famous Joliet speedway, which is located just west of downtown Joliet. Here, you can enjoy viewing the beautiful architectural buildings and landmarks.
The Hollywood Casino Joliet is located in the northern section of Joliet. In this place, you will have an exciting chance to play poker or billiards. You can also have a chance to have fun in one of the five outdoor pool decks in this area. The Joliet speedway as well as the downtown area have several public transportation options to allow visitors to reach all of their destinations.
After having a great time in the speedway, you can head to the chic Joliet Rialto Square Theater for a night of entertainment. In the evening, you will be able to witness the most elegant and classic performances ever. The show starts off with classical music, which makes the audience to feel like they are in the olden times. After that, an Elvis Presley tribute show will follow. Afterwards, you will be able to tour the estates of Bruce Lee and Jimi Hendrix.
After the evening concert, you can enjoy dinner at one of the quaint restaurants in the area. There are several dining options within walking distance, which includes The Ritz Carlton, The Cheesecake Factory, and the nearby Outback Steakhouse. All these establishments allow you to enjoy your meal in style while indulging in the amazing sights of Inwood.
Another highlight is shopping. If you want to shop on a budget, then you will love spending time in the charming streets of Inwood. One of the best shopping locations is located within the downtown area. It is located within the Broadway strip of Joliet.
There are several restaurants and bars within the downtown area. After spending your evenings in the jazz nightclubs in Inwood, you can relax and have fun at one of the bars and restaurants in Joliet. You can choose from a variety of cocktail drinks, tapas, burgers, sushi, and a variety of appetizers. The prices of the different food items vary, and you should choose the ones that fit your budget. The food in Inwood is usually comparable to those in Chicago, which means you can enjoy eating out for less money.
When it comes to entertainment, there are numerous activities for tourists to choose from. The Inwood City Theater is one of the attractions in the city. This theater company is known for booking top entertainers such as Oprah Winfrey and Kevin Spacey. During the performances, a tourist can watch the spectacular set design as well as the acoustics of the stage. You can even purchase a ticket to skip the lines to get in the show.
For those who are interested in playing games, the Inwood City Golf Course is the perfect place for them. The course has holes with varying degrees of difficulty. There is no particular age limit for playing the game; however, many children have found it challenging. Other attractions within the area are the Bauhaus Museum, the Illinois Historical Museum, the Shedd Aquarium, and the historic St. Louis Cathedral.
Those interested in history will find that the Joliet Public Library is located within the city. You can find a wide variety of books, periodicals, as well as magazines at the library. In addition, there are exhibits on various subjects every day. There is also a number of shows and movies each week. If you enjoy history, this is one place that you want to visit.
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