#thearte kid
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floralgraveyard · 5 days ago
One short day has some of the best subtle foreshadowing I've ever seen.
"Now that we're in here
You'll know we've been here
Before we are done!"
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mouldywalls · 14 days ago
drunk w friends, sung all of hamilton w my mates and my mates mates. I hope im making 11 yr old me is proud
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embryosts · 10 months ago
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Been on sky recently again........
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kittydragondraws · 1 year ago
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(none of this is photoshopped i swear)
proto game theory
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micha3l-mell · 5 months ago
it’s fun to stay at the Y
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ilikephrouggs · 6 months ago
For some reason it took me 14 years to realise thearte is a very toxic enviroment.
Ive been a thearte kid for 14 years and only now has it truly clicked how toxic everyone in thearte is, but im using this newfound knowledge to identify those toxic traits within myself.
I dont wanna be the older person in the room judging a happy 13 year old doing thier first show, i dont wanna be the person who mocks someone when they have a breakdown, and im not gonna be the person who gets mad when someone misses a reharsal. People have thier own lives and thier own shit and im not gonna make it harder for anyone else.
My new goal is to make sure everyone feels comfortable to try new things in thier acting, make them feel like they dont have to worry about other peoples judgement and make them feel accepted.
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shiftingmegs · 2 months ago
☆☆ FAME DR ☆☆
One thing that i love to see from others Fame DRs is to see if their vibes match mine or if it looks like we could be friends (not that i script them in my DR because for me this type of thing needs permission and i can't send asks from this blog)
And i realized that i never shared what my vibe/aesthetic is so this is todays post.
(All images found on Pinterest)
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The vibe is a mix from Old Money and Girl Next Door and a little bit of Holistic Wellness for extra flavor.
She is the girl who makes her own coffe with french press and uses Brown sugar in everything instead of the normal white one.
She is the girl who buys organic and dreams of having her own garden to plant and grow her fruits and vegetabes and maybe some chickens.
She is the girl baking from scratch and cuts a heart on her sourdough bread.
But she is also very creative.
She is the girl who gives hand made cards for valentine's day, mother's day, father's day, anything the has a card she is doing it.
She is the girl who prefers to Gift (and be gifted) experiences.
She is the girl who makes a gallery wall for her kids drawings
She is the girl whos everywhere: Galleries,museums, opera, thearte, concerts, music festivals, your friend's Birthday party, charity events, the Royal Weddings, walmart.
She is the girl who knows how to do flower crown.
She is the girl who always has a photo camera with her.
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koszmarnybudyn · 2 years ago
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So heres the charakter lineup of my toh au, idk when i will finish this but i really wanted to share it so far.
Link plays grudgy (or the soccer boiling illes equivalent. He has a horse/dog hybrid familiar.
Taylor is a lil demon looking dude. His familiar works as his cane and can become staff sized and its a jackalope with a rooster tail. I think he and Normal share a human world facination. Feels like a beast keeping and construction kinda guy.
Scary is the purple/silver guard (i havent decided on the name yet) but is also a spy and goes to school with the other teens. She has a synthetic flytrap inspired staff with a purple gem inside its maws. Shes definitly in the abomination track.
The belos equivalent here is Willy (purple robe? Idk yet) he is the one in the corner, hes creepy and doodler esque.
Normal is part human (Henry was from the boiling illes but he got transported to the human world and lost his memories, he and the other dads were transported back to the boiling illes and decided to move there (idk how much of this will stay in the au since these are just my current ideas) Rebecca is a witch tho and lark and sparrow are half witches). Hes is facinated with the human world, still the mascot (i guess they are still in a teen high equivlant). Healing and bard maybe?
Hermie is a basilisk but appears like a witch or at least tries too. There is definitly a dramatic reveal. Bard and illusions (thearte kid in every universe).
I was not the original person to come up with this au btw, this is just my take on since i love the idea.
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mannyrojas20-blog · 8 months ago
Hot Take: The Paldean Starters are the starters with the most thearte kid energy ever.
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akko-kagori · 3 months ago
now abt those analog horror reccomendations . . . ^_^ idk if omori is analog horror (maybe its a mix) or mouthwashing or undertale but i downloaded all three games in one day so thats in. i already know abt the boiled one and yeesh doctor nowehere i wonder where he gets his ideas from other than that im not too sure but i wanna watch the fnaf vhs tapes they seem very cool :o haha
tell me whatev comes to mind !
Omori isn't an analog horror since it's not imitating the old vhs era... but still, Omori is great!!! (I have 34 hours in that game I love it)
my first recommendation is... the walten files!!!
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(yes it's inspired by fnaf)
The walten files has THEMES and TRAGEDY!! It's not just "haha scary images go brr" it has an actual story to tell, a story about regret, those things that keep you up at night, that you'll never be able to forgive yourself more
I will say that it's def a series that gets better as it goes along- if you watch it watch until episode 3 (HOLY SHIT THE ENDIGTO THEART)
Next up... Local 58!!
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I love local 58 so much, it's genuinely such a fun watch and you can watch it in any order you want!! Each episode stands completely on it's own and I love it for that
I will not describe what it is about because you just have to experience it raw
and then Gemini Home entertainment!! U'm not even gonna pitch this one, just go into it blind (IT'S AMAZING PLEASE TRUST)
Also Mandela Catalog. I will not give any pictures, because Mandela actually affected me on such a deep physiological level that I've had to completely ban myself from consuming anything related to it.
Mandela Catalog is about alternates, monsters the perfectly mimic humans- you could wake up, and your family could be gone, replaced by inhuman monsters mimicking them.
The alternates don't kill you by attacking you, they torture you, psychologically damage you to the point of killing yourself
DOAI was actually made by one of my fav creators, Pastra!! It's one of the most unique analog horrors I've ever seen, if vol 0 doesn't hook you, vol 1 DEFINETELY will (HOLY SHIT THE MUSIC AND VOICE ACTING)
It's my favorite analog horror series, I honestly love it so much <3
there are so many others I don't have time to fully get into so I'll spit out some others :3
the boiled one (big fan of doctor nowhere, although I know you already mentoned him)
Chezz kids (Chezz is so fun to say) (also it's about an abusive relationship and I enjoy that, love me so analog horror with themes)
Greylock (really really really good, very high quality)
The smile tapes (those tapes sure do smile alright)
the man in the suit (again, THEMES)
the tangi virus (brain worms for everybody!!)
Vita Carnis (the creature desgin is peak, the monsters are part of the ecosystem and not just scary monsters and I like that)
Somnium Dream Viewer (STILL SUPER NEW BUT I LOVE WHAT THEY HAVE SO FAR!! Big dream person and I love that there's an analog horror that explores them)
DON'T WATCH THE PAINTER THO, it uses brutal child sa for cheap shock, also the creator is UHHHH
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therealbigc · 9 months ago
Were you a theatre kid or something?
whadya dink? no! i only got inta thearte later on in loife, my family wasnt really uh supportive of a guy goin to pursue da arts, even doe only nitwits dink its gay to be in show business, i mean, look at frank sinatra! anyways, anyways! i always liked and admired da stage.
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gnarliest-phone-dude · 4 months ago
Hi thearte kid- I mean kibby car- I mean Olib man :3
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minsu-the-cowardly-human · 1 year ago
Also I think it's also interesting how similar Paul's Case(a short story from 1905, basically kid wants to be in the scene with like performers and thearte).
Like both have 16-17 male protagonists who do bad in school that travel from Pennslavina to New York and spend some time therewhile being suicidal and being written in the 1900s and neither maybe being entirely straight(Holden with how he talks about Stradlater and Paul's possibly homosexual encounter with a college freshman) and both liking art(Paul with the thearte and Holden with the exhibits in the museum, might be a stretch to call them art but yknow).
However I think there are important differences, for example, Holden of course any type of artificality in people while Paul thrives in this because he's used to plain ol' honesty.
And the fact that like..Paul had a town and a father who cared enough to search for him(I mean tbf Holden was supposed to go home in a few weeks or so, so they might have thought he was still in school but..you think the school would have called them or something yknow?
I don't know I think it's fun to compare and contrast Holden with other characters around his age :)
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maxmcmally · 3 months ago
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~Photo credits: pintrest~ ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Hey guys! Im max,facts about me -Gay -Tisim (yeowch) -ADHD -nonbinary (they/them) -half fillapino half canadian! -Dating the lovleg gab <3 -MASSIVE THEARTE KID -LOVES SHARKS!! - friends with @ethothepianoman and @sk8ergirl-and-lixian-ig ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ OOC INTRO hi im ash! -they/them -british -(maybe) AuDHD -thearte kid who loves sharks -bad speller -etc OCS include: @maxmcmally (more in future) Main acc: @micha3l-mell Friends: @lohst-in-pinkberry @penny-lambfan
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realdani · 4 months ago
today, i listened to my old recordings of my choir concert from back 2/3 years ago. it was bittersweet, it was a raw, sweet feeling i hadn't personally expierenced in a long time. that music, it brought me back.
i remember every single word, every second of it, where we had to go faster or slower, higher or a little lower. how the tempo moves, how he was so into directing.
i hadn't felt like that in a long time. the feeling of a community so close, legit 3 or 4 people.
i remember begging to God to be on a real stage. a big stage, maybe some free time on it so i can just look. look up at the audience, and dream. i still do it sometimes when i get distracted.
Back then, i was just 13. A kid, wondering how to get where i need to go. i was confused, sad, and angry all the time. my life had turned upside down, but at the lowest possible moment of my life.
there was the stage.
my problems drifted, i couldn't focus on anything but my nerves, the way my hands slowly got more and more still and the way my knees got a little weak when we had to step up onto the risers.
every single damn time i went up there i knew i could only be there for a while, i needed to enjoy every single second, let myself be lost in the music as i fantasize about the half empty audience i'm seeing. even at 13, i knew it would all go away. i planned everything out.
the way i remember my eyes filling up with tears, i felt like falling, and i almost did.
now here i am, tech week, im backstage like i once dreamed, i have my own place in the dressing room. i'm here. this is me. i am a thearte kid, i act, i sing, i dance. i live in the damn moment, i listen to critiques, i learn sometimes, and other times i don't. im unique, expressive yet so quiet at the same time.
i'm there, im here, im everywhere but nowhere at the same time. i change everyday, happy to sad, angry to excited. tech week is a blast, yet no one understands.
the only people that can get me are my own, the people i know. the people i see everyday in the mornings, the people who saw me groggy and half awake, who saw me cry of being frustrated and who saw me cry of happiness. the people who saw me at 1am, the people who genuinely love me.
but i guess that makes sense right? is it too crazy to call them family? to call them my big, happy family? the people i want to scream at sometimes but end up hugging because thats the type of people that are in this place?
those are the people i must keep around me.
i didn't know i would end up here. but remember, everything comes from risks. i joined at at a risk. nobody i knew was joining, nobody. at that time, i only wanted to fit in, i was 13 for heaven's sake. but something inside of me told me "follow your instincts"
i walked out my first audition, walked halfway to the doors of the auditorium and ran out. texted my cousin that second that i was too scared. now look where i am. maybe a little too out there, but all i know is that i'm enjoying myself.
isn't enjoying what you do the most important thing?
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micha3l-mell · 6 months ago
thearte kid mode activated...
*cough cough*
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Oh my fucking god...
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