siryouarebeingmocked · 10 months
Since this genius seems to be blocking...
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>Teenager goes into a gunstore and buys a an ATAC with 1000 rounds of 5.56. No questions asked.
You're carefully leaving out the part where the teenager is a legal adult for almost all intents and purposes in every single state.
I'd say you're also leaving out the part where rifle murders are less common than knifes, blunt objects, or bare hands, but I don't think you're that well-informed.
>But someone middle aged walks in and wants a handgun with one round.
There are any number of reasons someone might want a single bullet that are not 'suicide'. For example, if they're a blogger and they want to take a photo of two different rounds to make a  comparison post.
Or maybe they have some sort of OCD that wants to keep topped up to a precise number.
Maybe they’re carrying, and realized they’re short a round, but don’t want to buy a whole box.
> Both are infallibly red flags, but one is societally acceptable. Neither should be.
“Everyone should share my prejudices, and they should be enforced by law.”
I would also bet money you have no actual statistics to back either of these up.
>As someone who grew up in a military family around guns, owns guns and understands guns you've created a recreational culture around a tool that is primarily used for taking life.
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I love how you have to lump together hunting, animal control, murder, self-defense, and suicide to make that even remotely true. Five different categories, but you only talked about murder and suicide in the lede.
And most of those categories - probably the majority of use, statistically - are perfectly legal, safe, responsibly used options.
>Grow the fuck up, your "liberty" isn't infringed upon by mandatory state psych and background evaluation for gun ownership.
"Making you do things before you can legally do other things is not preventing you from doing those other things."
That's kind of like arguing that age checks before drinks purchases aren't infringing on people's freedom to drink. Or, heck, driver's licenses.
Also, I suspect the vast majority of gun purchases already go through stores, which means mandatory background checks anyway. Most murderers are not legal owners.
>Honestly the reason I own guns is you totally unhinged inbred fucks walk around with military grade firearms and have an IQ equal to a sock filled with burning pubic hair.
You say this while you imply that "military grade" means "more deadly". And think being edgy and angry and insulting is somehow more persuasive to gun owners, assuming this isn't posturing for other anti-gun idiots.
Also, I'm literally from a country with strict gun control, low legal ownership, and a higher gun murder rate than America. It's not remotely the only one.
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ur-littlestgirl · 1 year
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Happy Easter friends 💚
Yesterday @8thdeadliestsin tagged me in a post about taking a selfie but it wouldn’t let me tag them so I’m posting today 🥰
Would love to see some other cute faces like @mochabeanzz @stattticcc @thetinyxgoddess @thegodshideouscreation @angelbabieafterdark @theakrusfall ✨
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