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the-painting-space · 9 months ago
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ajaykumararora-blog · 4 years ago
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How Google’s Algorithm Works??🔍🔍 Google now processes over two trillion searches in a single year. 📈📈 So Google has to follow the process to show the results in front of you to give the best user experience.❤️❤️ So Check out this post and you will get to know how GOOGLE collects the data and gives you the best results. Tag a friend who needs to see this🧑‍🤝‍🧑🧑‍🤝‍🧑 FOLLOW 👉@ajayarora.in for more! 👩‍💻 FOLLOW 👉@ajayarora.in for more! 👩‍💻 FOLLOW 👉@ajayarora.in for more! 👩‍💻 . . . #digitalmarketing #marketing #seo #branding #onlinemarketing #instagram #entrepreneur #contentmarketing #advertising #digital #marketingstrategy #topicalspot #100social #socialsamosa #creatorshub #theadnetwork #creatorsspot #occasionspot #momentmarketing #creativeads #dissect #insidecreativeworld #creativecorner #creativespot #topicalpost #madoveramarketing #trendingformat #socialmediadissect #ajayarora #abeertech https://www.instagram.com/p/CIAxcpWrEtz/?igshid=oadc46r2fdcd
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the-meraki-girl-101 · 4 years ago
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So how did you spend time last night while these Apps were down?😁 I slept early for a change, what about you?😂😂 #whatsappdown #instagramdown #facebookdown . . . @officialsocialsamosa @theadnetwork @strattonsocial @movesofmarketing @viraladsnow @socialmediadissect @the.creativix @creativereview @marketingmoves.in @adswithbenefits @officialmediasamosa @the.educated.moron . . . #the_meraki_girl_ #ashwinikhandelwal #appsdown #whatsappdownagain #facebookmessengerdown #instagramdownagain #minimalart #minimalism #typographyart #wordartdesign #wordartist #digitalart #minimaldesigner #minimaldesign #minimalistic https://www.instagram.com/p/CMn9PAxgBYL/?igshid=16n1mt2ffnluq
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thetourplanners · 3 years ago
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Our low fares can even surprise 10 heads combined. So what are you waiting for, plan your #TravelKiSecondInnings ✈ this festive season and celebrate it with your loved ones. ❤ @thetourplanners wishes everyone a very #HappyDussehra. #tourplannersindia #TheTourPlanners #tourplanners #MomentMarketing #Dussehra #dussehra2021 @officialsocialsamosa @campaignsoftheworld @theadnetwork @allaboutmarketing.in @scoopwhoop #TrendJack #trendspot #occasionspot #trending #tourpackages #wanderlust #festiveseason #festivals #festivalsofindia #ravan #ravana #flights #trendingnow (at The Tour Planners) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVBTcRjhUYl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thegraphedesign · 4 years ago
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Content is a return ticket to your profiles and likes are mere gifts from the trip. #postformat #creatorsspot Reaching out to all the amazing content creators on this platform to create meaningful content that’s not just aesthetically pleasing or trending but also focuses on quality content. Tagging some of such amazing people to participate in this post format if the my wish to - @office.monkeys @sureshchapele @designer.didi @mad.adwoman @devaggarwaldesign @design_beez @sir.creative @dexter_141 @refreshing_designs @pinkeshpanchall @pinimalposters @minimalbanda @theminimalguy_ @art_by_sona @mahiimaatwork Special Mention @officialsocialsamosa @socialmediadissect @madovermarketing_mom @strattonsocial @100social @themarketingmavens @theadnetwork @adswithbenefits #graphe #contentcreators #creatorshub #creativecorner #creatorsummit #creatorsforchange #creativespot #campaignspot #contentcreation #mememarketing #marketingstrategy #digitalmarketingagency #digitalmarketingservices #qualitycontent #contentstrategist #contentmarketing #socialmediamarketing #socialmediastrategy #socialsamosa #socialmediadissect #dissect #madovermarketing #marketingideas #strongcontent #contentdevelopment #socialdilemma (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFe3VcuDOHJ/?igshid=1t51bgopfaq4g
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jaydipsinhsolanki · 4 years ago
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Om Shanti....... RIP Parnab mukherjee......... #PranabMukherjee #PranabMukherjeeRIP #bharatratna #president #pranabmukherjee #RIPPranabMukherjee #minimalad #minimalworld #minimalart #minimaladdict #minimalism #creativeadvisor #creativeadvertising #creativespot #designinspiration #creativeads #graphicdesign #creatorspot #minimalism #topicalpost #socialmediamarketing #momentmarketing #advertising #creatorsspot #socialsamosa #madovermarketing #topicalspot #minimaldesign #illustration #trending #creativecontent @officialsocialsamosa @strattonsocial @officialmediasamosa @socialmediadissect @theadnetwork @sociallysummed @madovermarketing_mom @marketingmind.in https://www.instagram.com/p/CElZiRslmnt/?igshid=1wxkqm7h0rdnq
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the-meraki-girl-101 · 4 years ago
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🙏🏼 बसंत पंचमी की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं 🙏🏼 #basantpanchami . . . @officialsocialsamosa @theadnetwork @strattonsocial @movesofmarketing @viraladsnow @socialmediadissect @the.creativix @creativereview @marketingmoves.in @adswithbenefits @officialmediasamosa @indianstartupstory @the.educated.moron . . . #the_meraki_girl_ #ashwinikhandelwal #minimalart #minimalism #minimalartist #minimallogo #minimallogodesign #logodesigning #artistsoninstagram #basantutsav #typography #typographyart #wordartist #wordart #wordartdesign #creativeads #creativity https://www.instagram.com/p/CLVr8kXAMj1/?igshid=fr1yggabcezq
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the-meraki-girl-101 · 4 years ago
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💜 A very Happy Doctors' Day to all the doctors worldwide. Thank you for saving our lives. The entire world owes you'll a lot for the rigorous service that you have been offering everyday 💜 #happydoctorsday . . . @officialsocialsamosa @theadnetwork @strattonsocial @movesofmarketing @viraladsnow @socialmediadissect @the.creativix @creativereview @marketingmoves.in @adswithbenefits @officialmediasamosa @indianstartupstory @the.educated.moron @marketingmind.in @marketingmantra_ . . . #the_meraki_girl_ #ashwinikhandelwal #doctorsday #thankyoudoctors #frontliners #frontlinewarriors #creativeads #munnabhaimbbs #munnabhai #mbbs #doctors #munnacircuit #doctorsdayspecial #creativity #doc #medicalstudent #doctorthankyou https://www.instagram.com/p/CQx7Ox4gc1p/?utm_medium=tumblr
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inboundhype · 4 years ago
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As per the Casino's claim, their visits increased by 60% since this stunt went live. Wouldn't it urge you to go to the Casino if you saw such an installation at the airport? . . post credit @theadnetwork #socialmedia #socialmediamanager #socialmediamarketing #socialmediastrategy #socialmediatips #socialmediamanagement #socialmediaexpert #socialmediaagency #instagram #instagrammediaagency #instagrammanager #instagramgrowthtips #instagramgrowthhacks #instagramhelp #instagramalgorithm #entrepreneur #business #onlinemarketing #marketingstrategy #socialmediamarketingtips #instagrammarketing #socialmediaconsultant #socialmediahelp #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingtips
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the-meraki-girl-101 · 4 years ago
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💜A very Happy Chartered Day to all the CA's out there. Thank you for saving us while paying taxes💜 Tag your CA friends 😉 . . . @officialsocialsamosa @theadnetwork @strattonsocial @movesofmarketing @viraladsnow @socialmediadissect @the.creativix @creativereview @marketingmoves.in @adswithbenefits @officialmediasamosa @indianstartupstory @the.educated.moron @marketingmind.in @marketingmantra_ . . . #the_meraki_girl_ #ashwinikhandelwal #ca #caday #charteredaccountant #charteredaccountants #minimalistart #minimalism #minimalartist #creativeads #creativity #momentmarketing #contentcreator #ipcc #taxfiling #incometax https://www.instagram.com/p/CQxZ0ONAT1J/?utm_medium=tumblr
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the-meraki-girl-101 · 4 years ago
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💜Two things that bring peace in our lives : Music and Yoga💜 #yogaday #musicday . . . @officialsocialsamosa @marketingmantra_ @theadnetwork @strattonsocial @movesofmarketing @viraladsnow @socialmediadissect @the.creativix @creativereview @marketingmoves.in @adswithbenefits @officialmediasamosa @indianstartupstory @the.educated.moron . . . #the_meraki_girl_ #ashwinikhandelwal #internationalyogaday #worldmusicday #internationalmusicday #worldyogaday #peace #minimalistart #minimalism #minimalistdesign #minimalartist #artoftheday #yoga #music #musicispeace #musicislife #creativity #creativeideas https://www.instagram.com/p/CQX5zn5A77J/?utm_medium=tumblr
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the-meraki-girl-101 · 4 years ago
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🙏🏼Milkha Singh, the "Flying Sikh", passes away at 91 after a long battle with Covid. He was the only athlete to win gold in 400 metres race at the Asian Games as well as the Commonwealth Games. May his soul rest in peace 🙏🏼 #milkhasingh #ripmilkhasingh . . . @marketingmantra_ @officialsocialsamosa @theadnetwork @strattonsocial @movesofmarketing @viraladsnow @socialmediadissect @the.creativix @creativereview @marketingmoves.in @adswithbenefits @officialmediasamosa @indianstartupstory @the.educated.moron . . . #the_meraki_girl_ #ashwinikhandelwal #milkha #flyingsikh #bhaagmilkhabhaag #indianathlete #sprinter #milkhasingh🇮🇳 #minimalism #minimalartist #minimallogo #creativity #graphicart #minimallogodesigner #minimaldesigner https://www.instagram.com/p/CQSR_c8AgLH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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the-meraki-girl-101 · 4 years ago
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Happiest Birthday to the CEO of Facebook @zuck 🥳🥳, the one who made our lives a bit fun😁 #happybirthdaymark . . . @marketingmantra_ @officialsocialsamosa @theadnetwork @strattonsocial @movesofmarketing @viraladsnow @socialmediadissect @the.creativix @creativereview @marketingmoves.in @adswithbenefits @officialmediasamosa @indianstartupstory @the.educated.moron . . . #the_meraki_girl_ #ashwinikhandelwal #markzuckerberg #markbirthday #zuckerbergbirthday #markzuckerbergbirthday #minimalistart #minimalism #creativity #facebookfounder #facebook #typography #typographicalart #wordartist #minimallogodesign #logodesigner #graphicart https://www.instagram.com/p/CO1viGqAoeY/?igshid=1e668hmt8ibt4
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the-meraki-girl-101 · 4 years ago
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🙏🏼A big THANK YOU to all the NURSES and all the frontline workers who have been working day and night selflessly for all of us!! More power and strength to you and your family🙏🏼 #internationalnursesday . . . @marketingmantra_ @officialsocialsamosa @theadnetwork @strattonsocial @movesofmarketing @viraladsnow @socialmediadissect @the.creativix @creativereview @marketingmoves.in @adswithbenefits @officialmediasamosa @indianstartupstory @the.educated.moron . . . #the_meraki_girl_ #ashwinikhandelwal #nurseday #nurse #internationalnursesday #nurseday2021 #minimalistart #minimalism #frontliners #frontlineworkers #typography #wordartdesign #typographyart #typographicallogo https://www.instagram.com/p/COwpsmigEkR/?igshid=1de512mtmnmc1
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the-meraki-girl-101 · 4 years ago
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💜May this 4th be with you. A small tribute to all the Star Wars Characters this Star Wars Day 💜 #starwarsday #starwars #starwarsart . . . @marketingmantra_ @officialsocialsamosa @theadnetwork @strattonsocial @movesofmarketing @viraladsnow @socialmediadissect @the.creativix @creativereview @marketingmoves.in @adswithbenefits @officialmediasamosa @indianstartupstory @the.educated.moron . . . #the_meraki_girl_ #ashwinikhandelwal #starwarscharacters #starwarsfan #starwarsfan #lukeskywalker #darthvader #yoda #princessleia #chewbacca #hansolo #starwarsspaceship #minimalistart #minimalism #graphicart #creativity #creativeads #artoftheday #minimallogodesign https://www.instagram.com/p/COcUjDKAkOQ/?igshid=a7p2ng6ypnfz
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the-meraki-girl-101 · 4 years ago
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As of 6 pm, TMC; Bengal Tigress Mamta Didi's party had crossed the halfway mark in the 294-seat assembly with 156 wins and was ahead in 216 seats! ~ News Channels #westbengalelections2021 . . . @officialsocialsamosa @theadnetwork @strattonsocial @movesofmarketing @viraladsnow @socialmediadissect @the.creativix @creativereview @marketingmoves.in @adswithbenefits @officialmediasamosa @indianstartupstory @the.educated.moron @marketingmantra_ . . . #the_meraki_girl_ #ashwinikhandelwal #trinamoolcongress #mamtabanerjee #mamtadidi #westbengalelection2021 #westbengal #bengalelections #bengalelection2021 #minimalistart #minimalism #minimallogodesign #minimallogodesigner #graphicart #creativeads #creativity #bengaltigress https://www.instagram.com/p/COX2B05AsyT/?igshid=y9gk7hi52285
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