anthromimicry · 3 months
7) receiver finds sender crying and approaches,  clearing the tears with their hands while demanding to know what happened. 
the feeling that no one would care if you were in a certain place, or even anywhere at all, is what misao had thought was the worst one for a while. and this is because her mind had definitely gone down the path of believing that plenty of times before. the path of telling misao that she might as well be a dead-woman walking, because of the fact that no one worried about her, or needed her. but no. today, misao had discovered a feeling that was so much worse. it didn't even matter that he was the warden of arkham itself; being told by him that he noticed misao had been acting more withdrawn lately around work, and asked whether she was okay, which pretty much completely flipped that first belief of hers onto it's head? it startled misao so much that she didn't even know what to say for the longest time.
in the end, misao lied to him that she was fine, because what was she going to tell him? that she had been alone for centuries now because misao was taught as a child that her own feelings... her own needs, always came second to everyone else's? thus, misao took to existing as some sort of ghost drifting through different parts of the world, and never made friends with anyone else out of fear that she would become just as invested in them as she was in her family? and the same family who hurt her — even if it wasn't either of their faults. so misao tried to just focus on her own wants and desires now but found herself feeling more lonely than ever. that brings us to now in one of the asylum's broom closets, which misao had ducked in to be able to cry somewhere private.
but it seems she couldn't have that because she heard the sound of the doorknob being turned then. misao was just about to act like she was looking for some cleaning supplies or something when the doctor saw that it was her. elizabeth; the otherwise friendly librarian of the asylum that misao had taken to occupying the space of recently, with how she wanted someplace to read other than her office on her lunch breaks. a hand reached up to clear the tears on her face, then though it seemed like elizabeth was one step ahead of her on that. ' what? ' misao thought, ' why is she doing this? ' she struggled to gain her composure back as all misao could think of was how a small piece of kindness was enough to completely break her down at this point. and that, well, basically made her feel like she was broken.
❝ i... i don't know. i've just been feeling so alone lately, and i haven't been sleeping well. i'm sorry. ❞ misao's words slipped out before she could stop them as she covered her face to prevent eliza from seeing it any further. the other shouldn't be here, misao thought, because she was probably keeping her from doing her job. misao let out a sob all the same as she spoke up, ❝ please don't tell anyone you saw me like this. and — and don't feel like you have to stay here, because i know you've probably got things to do. i can handle this myself. so just go, okay? ❞
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mad-hunts · 2 months
relationship building meme!
omg — HIII, PJ!! just to start this off, i just wanted to thank you for sending me this ask and let you know that i hope you're having a good day :D and also that this might not be an entirely serious ask because i'm going to be honest... whenever it comes to flirting / seducing people, barton is kind of a mess LMAO but specifically, as for how he'd go about that with elizabeth?
one thing that barton thinks works a majority of the time whenever he's trying to flirt someone is maintaining long-standing eye contact with them; because i mean, it is kind of true what they say about eyes being the 'window to the soul' and it's theoretically possible (to barton) that just by looking at someone in the right way, you could make them feel weak in the knees.
the best way i could describe it is that barton always tries to hold someone's gaze for a few seconds before turning away — and the most important part of this to him is to exude a warm, friendly aura while he does it, because otherwise it could very well come off as creepy... you know? so i could imagine barton would give eliza a small smile as well + if she looks back at him with a similar look and/or seems to show any sort of interest, then that means that he has successfully flirted with her. WOOP WOOP lol
but there are more things that he'd do to try to flirt with her, and another one is to introduce subtle touches into the equation. some examples of this would be casually 'bumping' into her with a seemingly abashed sorry or just barely grazing his leg against hers as he's sitting down. those kinds of things, you know? and raking his fingers over her arm if she seems particularly interested in him / he's feeling ESPECIALLY bold that day.
but of course, if she wasn't comfortable with him doing this, then he'd be understanding and stop. because barton wants to be respectful of her boundaries buttt yeah,, another superrr important way that he'd flirt with her is by making her feel like she's the only person in the world to him that matters. so, barton would give her all of his attention and actively brush off others in favor of elizabeth + show her how attracted and awed he is by her. barton would laugh at her jokes and express interest in her stories... which is normal, so for the last thing, this is when the less serious part of things is going to come in.
barton would like doing more 'ridiculous' ways of flirting with her as well, some people might say. for example, he'd purposely put himself in a position where it seems like he needs help around elizabeth just to get her attention and express perhaps a bit excessively how thankful he is for her help. like just imagine barton saying something out loud like ' oh, look at me. i'm as hopeless as a cat up in a tree with this... but you're a natural. how do you do it? ' so he'd basically be flattering her in his own barton-like way LOL
and yeahhh. that's about all i can think of right now, but thank you again for sending me this question, PJ! i hoped you liked my response to it ❤️
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lususnatura · 3 months
Is your muse a good kisser?
OOH — now, this is a question that i was surprised, albeit pleasantly to get 👀👀 thank you for the ask by the way, PJ!! it really means a lot to me that you're interested in little ol' blamore (little JSJSJ ahh, who am i kidding, it's 6'6" LOL) BUT anyhow... let's get right into all of the juicy details of this question. to put things bluntly, blamore IS a good kisser, yes. and i say this because whenever he starts out with kissing someone, he doesn't rush into it. blamore thinks it's important to demonstrate gentleness and respect towards someone else when you're in a relationship with them, especially if you're kissing; so one of the first things that'll it'll do is do a LITTLE bit of pulling in at first by putting a hand on it's partners neck / cheek (it just kind of depends on their positioning) and he'll maintain eye contact with them, though not to an uncomfortable degree, of course LOL.
and then from there, blamore will lean in while JUST barely opening his lips + will sort-of 'fit' his lips between the other person's by putting them around the top or bottom lip of the other's. after that, the man will just lean in and do what you might expect a soft kiss to be like: to apply a little suction to the other person's lips, but at the same time, express his love for this person / whoever they may be the best way it can by being fully present in the moment and making sure that it's done in such a way that both of them will enjoy it. because, i mean, that's one of the main things that kissing someone is all about to blamore: as if both parties aren't enjoying it, then there isn't going to be chemistry and you also have to match the others energy / rhythm. and voilà! those are basically all of the big reasons as to why blamore is a good kisser (:
he also uses chapstick to keep his lips smooth, especiallyyy before kisses, because the texture of your lips is something that's important as well to him because you aren't going to want to kiss someone again if they have dry / flaky lips. and trust me when i say that it always makes sure it's breath is ✨️ fresh ✨️ before he kisses someone so they'll have a good memory of... EHEM, what it tasted like, for lack of better words lmao. but yeah!! that's about it for the reasons as to why blamore is a good kisser, but i hoped you liked my answer to this!
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question-marked · 3 months
“ what the hell are you doing?”
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Edward froze as he was placing the books back that he was previously reading. He then shrugged and replied, "I was thinking of reorganizing your entire library since it would be a better alternative to whatever this is....you can thank me later. Especially since I can't find any books related to tech that isn't around fifteen to seventeen years old."
Looking at the books he was looking at previously he commented, "For example this book here...on page 39 it says that Windows Vista is the most recent operating system for windows, although it was released in 2007. Maybe there's more recent ones somewhere in this place...right?"
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twcfaces · 3 months
Harvey Dent frowns, and gingerly closes a dusty book, as not to damage the pages. It's not what he was looking for. He doubts he'll find anything close to what he wants, but it's worth a shot or twenty - he has more than enough time on his hands.
"Hey, I know it's a long shot - but you wouldn't happen to know if I can find an edition of this that wasn't printed in 1969."
It's a pretty hefty volume - law, one can assume, tends to be hefty.
"I mean, I'm pretty sure there's a section in here that says desegregation is 'recent'."
It's not her fault - or anyone's, really. He just likes to stay informed.
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halfdent · 3 months
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◖ @the-arkham-librarian /𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐒 : Eliza rests her head on Harvey’s shoulder.
⚖ - unprompted / ALWAYS ACCEPTING.  彡
found  solace  here  in  texts  ,  revisiting  scriptures  of  law  that  kept  him  sane  ,  for  the  most  part  ,  at  least  it  anchored  him  ,  kept  his  mind  busy  and  astray  from  the  rot  that  festered  inside  his  skull  .  Here  he  felt  whole  and  at  peace  .  And  she  had  opened  the  book  and  allowed  this  ;  allowed  him  to  rest  his  aching  ,  decaying  head  in  her  pages  .
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So  in  return  her  head  lays  on  his  shoulder  ,  his  face  turned  away  ,  warm  from  readjusting  to  affectionate  touch  .  This  is  how  he  spends  most  of  his  time  outside  of  his  cell  .  However  short  lived  it  is  .
❝   It's  quiet  ...  it's  never  quiet  for  long  .  Not  anymore  .❞
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cxpperhead · 7 days
@umbrellamedic //Bertha will fight that generator, because it's wrong
@the-arkham-librarian : Eliza will fucking fist fight that generator. That’s her snusband! (Snake husband)
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"I'd really rather you didn't fight it. It's just an AI, although hearing that you would throw hands with it is more touching than anything it could possibly say."
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masquenoire · 9 days
Icons only - Eliza shows up for their date night in a new red dress
Send "Icons only" and something for my muse to react to And I will show my muse's reaction using only icons (1-5) and no text
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sanguine-salvation · 3 months
cont. from (x) @the-arkham-librarian
"Mmm, you make a convincing case, but I am not— ach!"
Viktor does not struggle as much as they could've, which was good for both of them. Probably because they are still half-asleep, so they yet lack enough muscle control to struggle, and also it's Eliza lifting them... which is surprising in a way that makes them go beet red in the face. Oh, girlfriend uppies...
But they do rather quickly reach up to slump their hands along her shoulders and neck. They're maybe a little punch-drunk.
"Ah, I see how it is~ That's cheating, you know." They grin and point their toe for the full bridal-carry effect. "... am I still asleep or have you always been this strong, my dearest..."
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mad-hunts · 3 months
[ CHECK ]:     sender lies next to the receiver (who is recovering from injuries or illness) and spoons them while staying awake to make sure their health doesn’t deteriorate overnight.
due to knowing exactly how it feels now, barton wouldn't wish even his worst enemy to have to experience what it's like to have a collapsed lung. it was in all honestly a very scary thing. that is, when you considered just how fast his heart had been beating after it happened, and how he actually went into shock shortly after. though barton had a fairly large pneumothorax (collapsed lung) so he understood why he went into it, barton could only guess as to why the person who stabbed him there did so. for, combined with the fact that the man that had done it had been dragged away by orderlies and he couldn't breathe properly, barton neither had the time nor the means to have a conversation with him about it. he was just too caught up in trying to remain alive — which was kind of a tall order, especially in a state of shock.
thank god some of the medical doctors in arkham actually seemed to have half-a-brain at times in his mind. they had placed a tube in his chest to drain out the air that'd taken up some of the space where barton's lung was supposed to be, and told him he'd have to stay in bed with the tube in for a few more days. which was fine with barton seeing as the injury had made breathing still a bit difficult for him in addition to that it just hurt. barton was about to close his eyes in order to sleep before the bed he laid in, much to his own surprise, dipped with the weight of someone else beside him. who the hell was here and at such a late hour too? barton was about to turn to face them, but then he felt an arm wrap around him, and the sensation of someone pulling themselves close to him while they rested next to him.
they were spooning him. barton only turned his head to look at them, then, and saw elizabeth's face. ❝ ahh, what are you doing...? i'm - i'm guessing you heard about what happened, huh? ❞ he let out the best laugh he could without making his chest swell in pain. barton reached a hand down to hers, sniffling softly as he just barely held onto it with two fingers, ❝ is this your way of saying you're worried about me or something? because if so, then i suppose you could stay. ❞
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lususnatura · 3 months
[heat] - It's hot, and receiver notices how the other's clothes are sticking in all the right places.
perhaps spending time today to further work on building a more proper place to practice all of his sculpture-making wasn't such a good idea, blamore thought. especially considering that eliza had volunteered to help it when the heat outside only got more merciless as time went on. though, to be fair, it was relatively nice in the morning whenever it decided to continue with setting up the walls for it's soon-to-be art workshop. a sigh slipped through blamore's list as he told eliza he was going to get them more lemonade; for, the large pitcher he'd brought out there for the second time? it had all been gone in just about twenty minutes of staying out there.
not to say that that was unreasonable, or anything. the hybrid had in fact sworn underneath it's breath the instant it saw just how hot it was outside from the thermostat. it was a hundred freaking degrees outside! alright, that's it, blamore thought while he poured the both of them some more lemonade except in just two glasses this time; the two of them did desperately needed to call it a day and recharge inside before either or possibly both of them collapsed into a heap. shortly after blamore had gotten outside, though, he couldn't help but notice that the heat had caused elizabeth's clothes to stick to her skin. and in kind of a provocative way.
it suddenly felt it's heart start to beat against it's chest and a sensation that was something equivalent to dizziness filling it's body, which made blamore want to drop everything and kiss her. maybe more in all honesty. and so, he sauntered over to her, before saying, ❝ god's, you are just so perfect in every way, eliza — you know that? it really makes me wonder where you have been all of my life sometimes, ❞ he set down the glasses next to the both of them and let out a playful chuckle, before he very gently embraced the other from behind. blamore just barely brushed it's lips against her neck to make sure she'd be alright with it, ❝ mm, you'd be okay with me kissing you here, yes? because i'd never want to make you feel uncomfortable. ❞
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I am throwing Eliza at your muses, do what you will.
Charlie was never much of a reader. Aside from books he read in school, he didn’t take much interest in reading outside that.
However, in Arkham, that’s all he did.
He would wander the halls of the library, reading as much as he could. It sounded more fun than working out or getting murdered.
After a bit of looking around, he found a copy of Moby Dick. Ah, that’s a good one. He picked it up and looked at it before walking over to the librarian, Eliza.
“Hey…could I check this out?”
Charlie seemed nervous, far more different that his supervillain persona, Kite-Man.
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twcfaces · 7 months
“ there’s always a reason.”
"See, that's what's funny to me - is that there's no reason for any of it. Fate decided it. No matter how much we kick and scream, there's no one out there writing our lives so that things make sense - sometimes you suffer for no reason! Just because!
Sometimes you get punished for being good. Sometimes you get rewarded for being bad. Sometimes you're hurt because someone makes a shitty decision. Sometimes you're hit by lightning.
It doesn't matter, there are no reasons, life isn't fair.
Not unless you make it."
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halfdent · 3 months
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Sometimes  you're  just  in  the  midst  of  shooting  up  some  other  gang  when  the  better  half  calls  .
◖ @the-arkham-librarian / 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃: “ 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛, 𝙸’𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕~” _ 彡
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❝  Sure  ,  gorgeous  ,  give  us  just  over  an  hour  ,  a'right  ?  !   ❞ One  of  his  men  in  the  background  makes  a  witty  remark  as  to  whether  he  could  come  too  and  the  disgruntled  ,  dissonant  reply  .  ❝  Shadd'up  an'  shoot  !   –  Won't  be  long  .   ❞
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question-marked · 1 month
How many shots would it take for you to sleep with Eliza?
Send “How many shots would it take for you to sleep with ___ ?” questions for my muse’s response!
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"I would say one shot. Elizabeth is a very intelligent and knowledgeable woman, and that's something that attracts me to her...so it wouldn't take me too much to sleep with her."
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queen-of-the-mad · 4 months
“ i feel i should thank you.”
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“Ms. Kraven. You should never worry about thanking me. Continuing to do your job is enough thank you. You’re a valuable member of this team. I should be thanking you.”
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