#the yiga clan's vow
zelda-deep-wilds · 6 months
We Need A Little Yiga Now
Here is my first Tumblr post of my own fanfiction! Summary: A Christmas lyric parody for my beloved Yiga Clan! Written in their perspective, as they see themselves: the heroes fighting for justice. Oh, and there are bananas.
Consistent with my Unshed Tears series, but random enough to be a stand alone. Enjoy! And Merry Christmas!
Rating: General Audiences AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52528327
We Need A Little Yiga Now
Call out the clansmen Find lots of ripe bananas, make us strong again Sharpen the sickles To keep a vow we made ten thousand years ago now
For we need a little Yiga, right this very minute Trusting in a future, fighting to begin it Yes, we'll take a stand for justice, right this very minute Link is tough, he makes us worry, but Kohga says we're in a hurry
Search all the kingdom Refine the strongest Earthwake move we've ever seen Serve Master Kohga We'll take the hero's life and prove our faithfulness now
Time to get a little madder, act a little bolder Be a little meaner, let our spirit smolder And we'll leave a few bananas, sitting by a boulder Need a little ambush now
For we'll keep our ancient promise, raise our ancient master Ganon will awaken, Hyrule face disaster And we'll prove that we are Yiga, steadfast ever after Call out all the Yiga now!
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parksrway · 11 months
I'm usually not even like. actively critical of most of the media I consume. if I have fun that's usually good enough for me and I usually only point out things that are like. egregious. so that's really not a good sign for totk since I've been speaking so much ill of it
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
Can I ask for a romantic Link and Zelda (BOTW) concept of them sharing a darling, please????? Thank you! <3
Sure! I'd love to now that I have both of their concepts done :)
Original BOTW Link Concept
Original BOTW Zelda Concept
Yandere! Link + Zelda (BOTW) Sharing you
(Or Alternative BOTW! Zelda Concept)
Pairing: Romantic - Sharing
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Paranoia, Stalking, Poly/Sharing yanderes, Isolation, Forced/Dubious relationship.
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I'd imagine this being like an alternate version of Zelda's concept.
While Zelda's concept mentioned Link being involved in protecting you, I didn't go too far into it.
If they were sharing it would go similarly to Zelda's concept but with Link being more involved with you in general.
Zelda would've known you as a childhood friend but has been scared to admit it to you.
Plus she has to fulfill and train for her destiny/research technology.
As a result she has only been able to act as a close friend to you.
You two talk all the time just like in her concept and for the most part it's the same.
Here's where things change.
Zelda is annoyed by Link's presence as her knight at first.
She feels she doesn't need some protector following her around and is annoyed by his presence like in the cutscenes.
She'd much rather hang out with you alone than with him tagging along.
During this time while Zelda is annoyed, Link ends up getting attached to you.
He watches you and the princess chat and just can't stop listening to your voice.
He ends up following you while protecting the princess as he seems interested.
Zelda probably can sense this which only makes her more irritated than she already is.
Zelda tries to tolerate Link until she's eventually attacked by the Yiga Clan and saved by him.
It's at this point she begins to care about him more.
She may even accept the fact that they both have an interest in you.
As her own obsession develops she may even ask Link if he feels anything towards you.
If he admits to it then Zelda isn't that annoyed.
She can't blame him... after all, he isn't that bad of a guy and she's fallen for you two.
Zelda may admit to Link she also has feelings for you... for awhile now... but she doesn't mind sharing.
This is what makes this concept different from Zelda's.
While you're unaware the two have already decided they wish to date you.
Zelda continues to act as your close friend while Link acts as a protector for you both.
Link would be the one more prone to stalking but relays any info he obtains to Zelda.
The two would plan and watch over you until a confession eventually comes up.
Zelda may confess that she and Link have fallen for you and wish to pursue a shared relationship.
If you refuse then they'll be patient.
Both of them will want to still protect you as they love you.
They're willing to wait as long as they have to in order to have you love them.
If you say yes, they'll accept you with open arms.
Expect kisses and hugs... all sweet actions from the two.
No matter your choice the two vow to love and protect you.
To an obsessive and overly protective degree.
This escalates when The Calamity awakens and the whole plan to seal Ganon fails.
Similarly to the Zelda concept she decides the best way to keep you safe is to seal you away.
The princess becomes overly stressed as Link by this point jumped in to protect you and Zelda... dying in the process.
This means both you and Link are sealed away while Zelda holds of Ganon for 100 years.
This brings us to the time of Link's concept.
When Link awakens with memory loss, he's told to grow stronger yet also find you.
This leads into a long journey to find you in a shrine of something sealed away.
Link has memory loss of the relationship he had with you and Zelda.
Yet the hero still feels an overwhelming urge to protect you from danger.
To the point he never wants to leave your side.
You may remember him, you may not, either way it's a bit unnerving to you how close this man hovers around you.
You're most likely kept in a village until after Link fights Ganon.
He forces you to stay put and visits you often as he goes to cleanse the Divine Beasts.
He slowly begins to fall for you again, even more if he manages to regain his memories.
It's to the point he wants to kiss and hold you again... to feel your warmth and adoration.
Yet he knows he has to rid the world of Ganon first.
After all... Zelda must miss you too.
By the time Ganon is gotten rid of (for now), the events have affected the both of them.
Like in Zelda's concept, once Hyrule Castle is rebuilt, she has you locked away in your own little room.
She tries to tell you it's to keep you safe as she fears you'll be in danger again.
Link agrees to this and stands as your guard.
He takes it as his job to keep you in Hyrule Castle.
The two still treat you well and give you affection.
They kiss you, praise you, and hold you close.
Yet they take away your freedom.
Zelda explains it's for the best while Link tries to comfort you.
Surely you'll understand...
They only do this because they love you.
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ivymyers · 1 year
Broken (Part one) (Sidon x Reader)
Around 800 words, sorry it's kinda short.
(Seems everyone collectively agreed the nickname for Sidon’s beloved is “Pearl” so we going with that too)
Warnings: Trauma, scared reader, injured reader, sadness, would this be classified as agnst?
One breath and then another. It took time to cool down after the intense trauma.
It had been 2 weeks since you came home to Zora’s Domain. 2 weeks since you escaped the never ending torture of the Yiga Clan. Two weeks and you were a wreck. But you still hadn’t told Sidon anything yet, in fact you had barely said anything to anyone since your return. Your feelings were complicated and your thoughts were mixed.
—- (Two weeks earlier)
When Sidon saw you passed out on the road, tattered and broken, after being missing for 3 months, he froze. It was supposed to be a short, week-long trip to a nearby stable to help cook for the less fortunate.
When you didn’t return after three days, Sidon sent out patrols and looked for you everywhere. Everyone who passed through was searched and questioned, but no one had even heard of you. The majority of the domain thought you just ran away, wanted to run from the stress of Sidon working all the time. He knew this was not true. He had a gut feeling the entire time that something had happened to you.
After defending you for weeks in the light of day, and then wallowing in guilt in the shade of night, Sidon felt so lost. His world was missing.
So when he saw your body, crumpled and broken, blood dripping from your mouth and cuts all over, his heart broke. He thought you were dead, and you would’ve been if he wouldn’t have rushed you home.
He stayed up all night to make sure you were ok, when he finally fell asleep it was next to you.
You slept for 4 days and by the morning of the 5th day you returned, when you opened your eyes as the sun was just rising, you didn’t know where you were. Sidon was next to you, he had slept there every night. When you saw his face you let out a scream of terror. The next thing you knew your vision went blurry.
“My Pearl- you’re awake- are you ok- I-“
The breathing came fast and heavy. Then the tears began to flow as everything that happened in the past 3 months came back to you. You recognized Sidon, of course, but although you wished it could be any other way, you also feared him more than almost anything in all of Hyrule. But to tell him would be to break him. So you kept silent as he brushed away your tears, flinching at every move and moment.
He held you until he noticed something was definitely off. Your pushing away at his arms got more and more intense and the look in your eyes was not one of love, but one of fear. When he reached over with a trembling hand to brush the hair from your face you stiffened at the touch.
“Are you- you can’t- are you afraid of…me?”
You just looked off to the side confirming Sidon’s suspicions. He backed away from you slowly. “What exactly happened in that time you were gone?” When you stayed silent he followed up with, “My Pearl…who hurt you?”
—- (Current time)
Staring from the balcony of your room, your new room (once your fear of Sidon became obvious they arranged a new place for you to stay), you saw Sidon. He was sitting on the edge of the Domain, crying. You felt awful. After all, Sidon is the love of your life, and after what happened you can’t get close to him without a freak out.
You know that even if it pained you that much, you had to open up to him. Sidon had to know what happened behind the waterfall, even if it broke both your hearts, anything was better than this. You vowed to tell him everything when the moment was right.
(Later that night)
Your screams echoed through your door. Sidon, who had only found comfort in sleeping across from your room ever since your move occurred, heard your tortured cries. He ran to your door and seconds before he knocked he knew it would only cause you ore distress in him being there. This had been a pattern going for the last week. Sidon would forget your condition and then the realization would come crashing back. Everything was eating him alive.
Just a moment later you opened the door, tears streaming down your face. The exact Zora you wanted was looking back at you, tears glistening his eyes just like you.
You slammed your body against him locking the two of you in an embrace. "I'm so scarred Sidon." Your arms trembled around him. "I'm ready to tell you everything."
Not sure if I'm going to do a part two. If you want one (maybe with what happened behind the waterfall and y/n telling Sidon why they're/she's scared?) just request it/reply. Hopefully you enjoyed this, I'd love to hear some opinions!
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lucky-clover-gazette · 3 months
Mask Off 🍌
Traysi, head editor of the Lucky Clover Gazette, has been kidnapped by the Yiga Clan! Will Link be able to save his friend before she falls victim to his not-greatest-but-still-somewhat-frustrating enemies?
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Chapter 1/? (2096 words)
“It’s those guys,” Penn mutters, more to himself than anyone else. He motions to his own face. “You know, the ones with the…” “Noses?” asks the stablehand. “No, the masks! They all wear masks!” Link’s blood goes cold. The Yiga Clan has kidnapped Traysi. What in Hyrule did she write?
Read the rest on ao3 or under the cut:
Rumor Mill: Volume 2
Greetings from Traysi—your source for the best gossip and news!
Have you been hearing any good stories on your travels? I've got a great one for you today!
The Sword that Seals the Darkness
The only one who can wield this sword carries the blood of the hero in their veins.
That's what they say about this special blade! Rumor has it the blade has been hidden away in a forest somewhere...
I have to admit that this rumor really has me interested, but sometimes you have to face reality.
My reality is... There isn't any hero in my bloodline, so this sword would just be a big paperweight to me...
Traysi's Recommendation: ★☆☆☆☆
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Link pockets a brightbloom seed and sighs. That voice is unmistakable—there must be trouble up above. His journalistic partner Penn has a knack for placing himself in newsworthy situations.
He raises his hand towards the ceiling and ascends to the surface, right beside the cooking pot and a light brown Hylian Retriever. Penn, an unusual-looking Rito, speaks frantically to the stable attendant Kenyo.
“She’s gone!” Penn exclaims, waving his wings in the air. “The boss, she’s been kidnapped!”
Link’s frown deepens. Penn’s boss is also technically his boss, and she’s not the kind of boss that leaves a heart container when she’s killed. If Traysi, lead editor of the Lucky Clover Gazette, is really in danger… well, she isn’t exactly a castle knight. He’s not even sure she knows how to use a sword.
Wait. Kidnapped?
“I’m sorry, sir,” says Kenyo, “but I’m not sure how I can help.”
Penn groans. “Where’s a hero when you need one?”
Link isn’t surprised by Penn’s obliviousness. He tends to go relatively unnoticed while traveling, due to his small stature and typically casual dress. Sure, some people recognize the sword on his back and his magical arm, but they’re few and far between. And in Penn’s case, their boss has intentionally kept him in the dark about Link—for ‘journalistic objectivity,’ she’d once privately explained.
“It’s those guys,” Penn mutters, more to himself than anyone else. He motions to his own face. “You know, the ones with the…”
“No, the masks! They all wear masks!”
Link’s blood goes cold. The Yiga Clan has kidnapped Traysi.
What in Hyrule did she write?
He clears his throat, but Penn remains fixed on Kenyo. Link sighs, grabs a nearby wooden spoon, and hits it against the side of the cooking pot.
“Link!” Penn exclaims, darting over to the familiar face. “My faithful reporting assistant! Something absolutely terrible has happened to our esteemed editor.”
Link nods. Penn glances behind his back, suddenly suspicious. “Do you know a place we can talk… privately? They could be anywhere. I trust you with the details, but everyone else…”
Penn eyes the Hylian Retriever suspiciously. Link would find his wariness rather silly, if not for the fact that the Yiga Clans regularly disguise themselves as random Hylians, cuccos, and even trees just to ruin his day.
He leads Penn to the well and climbs over the edge.
“Wait!” Penn whisper-yells. “You expect me to go down there?!”
Link meets his eyes, willing him to understand. Our friend is in danger. We don’t have time to waste.
Before the Calamity, Link had restrained himself from speaking out of duty. He’d been a rather gregarious child, but took a voluntary vow of silence just before his assignment as Princess Zelda’s knight. Over time, he’d grown comfortable enough in her presence, and her presence alone, to occasionally speak. But it usually felt like a favor to her, more than anything else. As a very vocal person herself, it made sense that she’d see his speech as a sign of growth.
After his century of restoration, Link had traveled the world for nearly a year. Not with his father, not with the knights or Champions, not even with Zelda herself—just him, alone. And he didn’t really have a reason to speak. Most things were on a strictly need-to-know basis, and he’d ultimately freed the Divine Beasts alone. He’d found other ways to communicate with his newfound allies, people from a time that wasn’t even his. He was a visitor in their world, send from the past to save them all.
So he did save them all, and Princess Zelda too. But then time... just kept passing. And they all just kept living. Distant allies became close and treasured friends, and all the places he used to just visit became his home.
These days, Link occasionally does talk, mostly to keep other people safe and informed. The fact that he can do this without issue is a great improvement to the way he’d silenced himself before the Calamity. Especially after the Upheaval, his voice has served him well.
But mostly, when he is given the choice, Link still prefers to remain silent. He often finds that words only complicate the world’s simple truths anyway. His friends do their best to respect his unique communicative habits, although it occasionally causes some frustration. Eventually, even Zelda came to understand that his silence is a choice, rather than a limitation. Link has always admired that quality of hers—the willingness to change.
He pictures the Light Dragon soaring through Hyrule’s skies and winces at his own poor choice of words. Yet another reason he prefers silence.
“Fine,” Penn groans, glaring distastefully down the well. “But only because the boss is in trouble.”
Link gives him a thumbs-up and slides himself inside. The fall is brief and broken by a small pool of water. Several hot-footed frogs scatter as he wades over to dry land.
Penn drifts downward into the small cave, skipping the water entirely. He regards the moss and lichen with mild disgust. “Do you spend a lot of your time in these kinds of places, partner?”
Link shrugs. He rather enjoys the sound of rushing water, and the quiet stable music from above. A sticky lizard falls onto him from the ceiling and he doesn’t even flinch.
“What was that?!” Penn exclaims, as the yellow creature skitters away. “Oh, forget it.”
Link gestures to an imaginary mask on his face. Mimicry, he’s found, can be an incredibly effective method of communication.
“Right,” says Penn, nodding his determination. “Okay, I’ll give you the scoop.”
Link plucks a nearby brightcap and bites into it like an apple.
“Ever since the Princess Zelda case went cold,” Penn tells him, “the boss has been searching for new leads to follow. First it was the disappearance of the Guardians and Sheikah technology, but when we sent investigators to Kakariko Village they were all turned away. But we both know that Traysi never gives up, so she kept digging on her own.”
Link raises an eyebrow and points to himself. Why didn’t she ask me?
Penn bursts out laughing. “Sorry, pal, but I think all that Sheikah stuff might be a little above your pay grade.”
Penn may be oblivious to Link’s true identity, but Traysi isn’t. She knows exactly who he is, although he supposes he’s not exactly the easiest person to track down. He should visit the Gazette more often, to give her the opportunity to check in. He still enjoys her company, even though he’s already earned the Froggy Armor and learned Zelda’s fate.
Which… maybe that’s why Traysi hasn’t asked him for help. When she’d asked what happened to Zelda, Link just teleported himself away, hoping that she’d run with the Demon King story instead.
“And there’s always the Demon King,” Penn continues, “but all we have on him is history. Traysi says people don’t care about history, they want current events. And we can only run the headline ’Demonic Demagogue Does Dastardly Deeds in Desolate Depths’ so many times before people start to complain. Although maybe it’s the alliteration, not the repetition, that really gets under their skin…”
Link takes another loud bite out of the raw mushroom.
“Anyway,” Penn continues, “the Guardian stuff was a no-go. But she found something else while looking into the Sheikah, a story she seemed even more excited to chase: the Yiga Clan.”
That surprises Link. He had no idea that the Yiga were connected to the Sheikah—although in retrospect, their symbol literally being the upside-down Sheikah symbol isn’t exactly subtle.
“We’ve mentioned them before in the Gazette,” Penn explains, “but only while debunking rumors about the Princess. They do like to disguise themselves as Zelda, huh?”
That, they do. The worst time was on the Great Plateau, where a not-Zelda had been waiting for Link at a fire near the Cave of Resurrection. For just a second, he’d let his guard down and hoped it was her. But then he looked up at the sky and saw the Light Dragon overhead.
Like all Yiga footsoldiers, not-Zelda had managed to teleport away before Link could land a final blow. Normally Link is fine with that—he’s not exactly eager to take Hylian lives—but in that specific instance he would have been very tempted to make an exception.
“I’m sure it drives her swordsman crazy,” says Penn. “Poor guy.”
Link nods sympathetically. Penn proceeds.
“After learning about the Yiga Clan’s history, Traysi started digging into their present operations. She sent a few brave reporters to the Great Plateau, but they all returned empty-handed. All they found were some perfectly nice travelers and researchers and a few weird frog statues.”
Link points to Penn. Why didn’t you go?
Penn shake his head. “Way too dangerous, partner. We’re writers, not fighters. I have no idea how you managed to survive so many scuffles while we were in the field. And Traysi… she’s mentioned looking after herself during the Rumor Mill days, but it’s been years since she’s been on the beat.”
Link remembers meeting Traysi during his post-Calamity adventures, when she’d been kept out of Gerudo town despite her gender very much being female. From the conversations he overheard between Traysi and the guard, it seemed that they’d simply found her annoying.
“I came into work today and she was gone,” Penn recalls. “I searched the entire stabl—uh, base of operations—but the only thing I found was…”
He pulls a familiar red talisman out of his messenger bag. Link is all-too-familiar with the Yiga Clan’s literal calling card.
He points to his own eyes. Did anyone else see anything?
“Juannelle spent the night in Rito Village and Douma is chasing down a lead in Goron City,” Penn reports. “Really, what’s the point of running a newspaper with your sisters if they can’t even save you from kidnapping?”
Link wonders if anyone in the history of Hyrule has ever said those words in that order before.
“Oh, and Galli’s on paid leave because he threw out his back chopping wood.”
Link finishes his mushroom and takes the Yiga talisman from Penn.
“Good idea,” says Penn. “Find a hero and pass that on to them. It might be a hard ask, though—it seems like most people are completely unaware of the Yiga Clan.”
Penn might be surprised that most Hylians haven’t noticed the Yiga Clan, but after eight years in this post-Calamity world Link has accepted that most people experience life in a very different way from himself. They have no reason to pay attention to mysterious assassins or giant bleeding chasms, because those things aren’t their duty to confront. Most normal Hylians spend their time thinking about what to make for breakfast, or admiring the sunset over the sea.
Link often reminds himself that he, too, deserves to indulge in life’s simplicities. It’s why he took the job at the Lucky Clover Gazette, instead of simply investigating Princess Zelda’s disappearance on his own. It’s why he spends hours a week transporting koroks to their friends, even though Hestu has already fully upgraded his weapons capacity. And it’s why even now, long after he solved the mystery of Zelda’s fate, he still occasionally stops by the Gazette’s headquarters in the old Rito stable. Because Penn and Traysi are his friends, and he likes to make sure they’re okay.
It’s nice to remind himself that most of his friends are okay.
“I’ll hold down the fort while you search,” Penn tells Link. He seems quite relieved to have someone else on this specific case. “SOAR LOOOOOONG!”
Penn salutes, as he always does, and then he flies directly into the ceiling. Link offers him a mushroom to offset the damage.
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marshmallowloves · 3 months
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Well now, who's this? A member of the Survey Team seems to have made it quite far into the Depths - much further than any of the other members have been - and offers to guide Link to a handful of the large abandoned mines down there, for rest and resources. She seems friendly enough, but on their way, she always manages to take Link right through the bases that the Yiga Clan has set up. Surely she just has an abysmal sense of direction and these drive-by's are completely unintentional...right?
And what's with her always disappearing whenever Master Kohga's at their destination? Not to say that she's really Master Kohga's right-hand woman, Sepria, in disguise...but it is true that no one's ever seen Olive and Sepria in the same room... 👀
BASICALLY I had the idea that Sepria takes on a disguise and intentionally guides Link into danger - that is, the Yiga bases scattered about the Depths - and then eventually, to whichever abandoned mine Master Kohga is stationed at...all with the intention of getting rid of the Champion of Hyrule one way or another.
Whenever they reach their destination, she disappears and sheds her disguise to assist Master Kohga as herself. It's only when they get to the Abandoned Hebra Mine that Sepria reveals her true identity, frustrated that Link has survived this long and vowing to take him down with her own two hands - but she unfortunately gets bested, and that's when Master Kohga steps in to fight Link with his Construct. And then he gets his ass kicked too, and then...well, I'll figure that part out later kdfjg
The fact that her uniform is green instead of the usual blue is supposed to be a hint that she's not really who she says she is. Her disguise also falls apart just slightly when she starts getting frustrated at Link, hence the hair color change.
You'd think that her being hellbent on Link's demise is just because of her loyalty to Master Kohga, but in reality she has her own reasons. She nearly threw her life away long ago because of the way she had to live - desolate and barely scraping by despite doing all she could, while the royal family prospered and prioritized the wellbeing of those already better off than her. But Sepria found purpose after joining the Yiga, who were also bitter towards the royal family, and thrived in her new life. Link, who is so closely associated with the royal family, is a reminder to Sepria of what she tried to escape from. Not only that, but he's stopping Ganon's return - which, frankly, Sepria would welcome if it meant the destruction of the rulers who ignored the struggles of many others like her. It's a long-term goal that Master Kohga is working hard to achieve, the only roadblock she can work on destroying right now is Link.
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noirandchocolate · 4 months
Replaying TotK and trying to wear the Yiga armor as much as possible has led to some hilarious moments in Gerudo areas like.
I had to go to jail to get a photo of a stela for the historian lady so I just put on my Yiga gear and got thrown in. Then I was like well it’s all sand shroud shitty outside and I didn’t see any guards so surely if I simply ascend out through the roof I’ll be fine. Nope! Emerged, immediately got called a “thief” despite minding my own damn business escaping from jail like a perfectly normal person, and got thrown back in and ~yelled at~ again. God forbid a Blademaster do anything.
Then in the Lightning Temple it was just fun running around with Riju acting like she didn’t even notice. Like cutscenes and everything, of course one’s outfit can’t change the dialogue or anything but Riju clasping hands with a lil’ Yiga boy and vowing to help him forever was just astfglddkdafs peace and love in Gerudo Desert.
BUT THEN right after all the scripted dialogue was over and all the Gerudo warriors literally bowed to a member of the Yiga Clan (I mean…I guess from Link’s perspective he’s infiltrating but from my perspective? …glorytoMasterKohga)…Buliara was just like “you’re dressed like an evil guy, go away and don’t come back til you cut that shit out.” And I got dumped outside where it was immediately too hot. So it just looked like Link was sadly reeling from this rejection.
Well ladies you can prevent me from wearing my uniform all you want but that doesn’t change the most important thing. My Kohga paraglider I MEAN what’s inside my heart! i.e. Kohga BANANAS.
Also one last thing, I put on the Lightning Helm to cover my face to talk to that one gal in the Voe and You class and after that walked around with it on for a while. A LOT of Gerudo popped up lil speech balloons commenting stuff like “I recognize that helm!” and “it couldn’t be…our helm?” and such. And I was like literally this is not yours. You did not make this. Yiga scientists gave their lives to create this thing. Show some respect! But on the other hand good job Banana Boys it’s so perfect it fools everyone. <3 (Kinda want to wear it near Riju now she’s back in town and see if she says anything tho.)
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bloobluebloo · 7 months
There was an interesting piece of info i read today in the botw book, it was talking about the Yiga but more specifically i would interpret it to mean the Gerudo were at least knowledgeable about the Depths
"...only the Yiga Clan Hideout, which is actually an old Gerudo archaeological site..." - Manabu Takehara (Creating a Champion, page 327)
So the Gerudo specifically dug that hole into the Depths, would that not make the area under there, Gerudo owned?? And if thats true and Rauru still set up mines in there, that would lead me to believe Ganondorf didn't make the first move?
To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if the Gerudo, and Hyrule at large, were aware of the Depths. If the lore is anything to go by, it has been established since Skyward Sword that the Demon Tribe lives beneath the surface, and in TotK it's implied that it was the Depths being opened up for mining operations that released the monsters from beneath the ground. So, I don't think it's a far cry to assume that the people indigenous to the land that becomes Hyrule may have already been aware that the Depths were not to be touched. Perhaps they may have allowed the Zonai to open them under the assumption that they were gods and knew what they were doing. This post points out that there are 7 mines in Gerudo territory which is excessive and makes me even more baffled as to why people don't seem to understand why Ganondorf would have justified hatred for Rauru and the Zonai. If they could dig beneath his territories and create these mines without any sort of pledge of fealty or agreement what would they proceed to do with his submission? With Rauru having apocalyptic stones in his possession as well? Surely there is a non-zero chance that this sort of imbalance of power would not be exploited? So, back to your ask. All this considered (the excessive amount of mines, the Depths being the origin of monsters) maybe the Yiga Clan Hideout had been an old Gerudo fortress built for the purpose of driving back monsters that were rising from the Depths? TotK wants us to believe the Zonai were nothing but good, but I like to imagine that maybe Gerudo that were disgruntled with the Zonai crawling all over their lands, taking advantage of their resources, and releasing monsters onto their lands led them to building a hideout where they could organize rebellious campaigns to drive Zonai out of their lands. It may lend some more believability to Rauru having doubts in Ganondorf's sincerity in his vow of fealty if that is the case. It would also explain the prison that exists in Gerudo territory in the Depths too, perhaps 👀
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busket · 1 year
Since the breath of the wild sequel came out, will you write a sequel with aita in it based off of the game?
yes :) I'm waiting until I actually beat the game before I start writing it but I got some ideas: aita wanting to propose to link, aita learning more about the founding of the yiga clan, aita being conflicted about hyrule becoming a monarchy again and the tension that creates between link, who's vowed to serve that monarchy. I also want to explore more of my characterization of link, he's going to be much less cheery and naive in the sequel, partly due to the affect that his initial gloom poisoning has on him. it will take him a while to return to his normal self along with rebuilding his strength. he falls back into his pre-calamity habits and needs to be reminded that he's not alone anymore <3
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russieraholic · 1 year
It’s come to the point where the Yiga Clan in my brain has diverted so extensively that it would literally make more sense to just name them something else. Like. Seriously. And I’ve had the name “East Desert Rogues” in mind for months now.
The lore is, in a nutshell:
The land of Terra-Exodeum was the first place to ever exist in the world and was the birthplace of the gods which correlated to and were the pure source and physical manifestation of all the elements, tangible or not. These deities were what created essentially everything- the serpent of ice formed mighty glaciers, the hyena of lightning called on powerful storms, the hound of water procured rivers and waterfalls, the bull of earth sculpted mountains and valleys.
After assuming more human forms as the eons passed, the deities who chose to not forfeit their godhood in order to pass down their elemental powers into their bloodlines, of course, had the desire to rule over their own territory. This was relatively easy and peaceful, for a while. One such deity, Saint Equinox, hound of water, was undemanding of a domain to rule over and generally spent his time lounging, training in martial arts and wizardry in his monastery.
A few thousand years later, however, the deity of Plague, along with the deity of Wind, held a massive siege against much of the land in hopes to gain territory. This lasted for centuries, in which the incredible power of the goddess of Ice eventually overcame and ended the siege.
Still, many descendants of deities, commoners, and even a few of the deities themselves chose to leave the tainted land in search of brighter prospects, Saint Equinox no exception.
After changing his name inspired by his element (“Kohga” meaning “old river”), Kohga eventually settled in a distant land, in a village that was just starting its roots (many of the settlers being direct descendants of the deities.) For centuries he would quietly watch over this tribe, elusively enough as to where he was not questioned about his longevity. He came to adore these people like his own. Their technological achievements were incredible, and intellectual prowess immediately evident.
However, one fateful day, a horrific attempt by the corrupt hierarchy to wipe out the tribe was made. The king both despised the race for no apparent reason, and also thought their advancements were a threat to his rule.
Many lost their lives that day. Kohga, of course, fought hard to protect them- but the only other survivors that were able to hold their ground without surrendering were the descendants of his fellow deities. He gathered up the survivors, and offered a chance to run away from and rebel against the wretched kingdom. Many chose to instead forfeit their prowess and go on to lead mundane, heavily governed lives. Those who didn’t, which were the descendants, chose to flee alongside Kohga.
From there they formed a rudimentary group, which Kohga vowed to the seven young men that he would teach them as their sensei and pass on all of his knowledge. Kohga realized that the way they could best protect themselves was by gathering as many descendants, or “elemental wielders/masters”, as possible and beginning a clan of their own, passing the deific powers through the bloodlines in said clan.
Not too far into their journey, however, they were accosted by kingdom soldiers and officials. Already exhausted from the days of walking and trekking through harsh conditions, all looked bleak, until a very powerful woman intervened and annihilated the squadron. After some questioning this woman turned out to be none other than the goddess of ice that had defeated the siege that drove Saint Equinox and many others away to begin with. She vowed to take the men under her wing and became their protector.
For a few years, the group searched for any other elemental descendants that could aid their cause- in the end they ended up with twelve founders (including Kohga himself). They would go on to found the culture, settle in the desert, and establish their yet-to-grow community in the heart of the desert.
Much of their culture focuses on deep understanding and celebration of both ethnic diversity and homosexuality. And though of course it’s evolved over time to be about queerness and diversity in general, it’s important to remember their roots.
Important things to note:
-The typical bodysuit that you see Yiga soldiers wear wasn’t established until about 1,000 years before the current time (the lore I mentioned ends at about 50,000 years before current time).
-Even though the clan’s main goal is to fight against the prejudice they face, it isn’t free from its own glaring prejudice. Over 98% of the clan are male/masculine. This problem lasted until their assimilation with the Marine Embassy, which had the same problem but with female/feminine.
Anyways. I think it’s abundantly clear that with the adjustment of just a few things, this whole story could be its complete own. I’m not saying it will be or won’t be, I just think it’s impressive to see how far it’s diverted from its source material.
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silentprincess17 · 2 years
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers (if you would like to)!
Thanks for the tag @drsteggy :)
Ah my top 5 favourites! This is kinda hard haha. In no particular order here they are!
1) A Hero Indeed - my beloved Anti-Hero!Link long fic. My aim in this fic was to take the memories given in BOTW and add a spicy twist with a morally grey Link. It’s a play on what it means to be a Hero, in the context of Hyrule, the Triforce and the vows Link makes :) I also like that it’s told from Zelda’s perspective so the reader grows in suspicion along with her that something is not quite right.
2) Sometimes Things Have To Get Worse Before They Get Better: My first Yiga clan fic featuring an AU of memory #7 (Blades of the Yifa) where Link and Zelda are captured, and tortured by the Yiga, before escaping. I really liked this plot of this fic, I feel it’s probably my most unique plot idea :)
3) My 2021 Whumptober fic. It’s an imagining of what could have happened during Zelda's 100 year fight with the Calamity, and the effect this would have on Zelda and Link. It’s all under the theme of "betrayal" and I particular like the parallels in this fic- there’s a lot of imagery and symbolism that I really enjoyed writing :)
4) The Perils of Swimming: spirit tracks zelink! I love ST (I mean look at my header LOL) and in this fic we explore repercussions of Link’s decision to say yes to Zelda’s request in Papauchia village to go swimming. Spoiler alert: he can’t actually swim :) Cute fluffy Zelink to balance out my angst lol and this was a collab fic so featured really lovely art too!
5) Shadows are but one side of the coin: My post twilight princess fic where I explore what happens to Link once Midna shatters the mirror, his slip into depression, and the first steps he takes towards recovery when an unexpected letter from the castle arrives. It’s a softer and slower fic, different to my other stories in its subtlety and I keep having thoughts of what to happens next so I may very well write more of this haha.
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outcastsketchbook · 2 years
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Nightmares and Monsters
< Previous | Part 4 | Next >
Link has a lot of guilt on his shoulders.
Extra long update this week! I finished the last page just in time and decided to group the two sets together since I’m super pleased with how these pages turned out. Let me know what you all think! 
Start here > Part 1
Reblogs and comments are much appreciated! Open the images in a new tab for easier reading. Text transcript is provided below the cut.
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Page 11
Link: The moment pulled the sword I sealed everyone to their fate. I was the harbinger of the calamity and their doom. And a thousand eyes watched me walk out of the lost woods and back to the castle with dread of what’s to come.
Link: But there was hope too. They thought I could do it... That I wouldn’t...
Page 12
Link: But I cursed them too. And they all suffered because of what I failed to do. 
Link: I let down my parents, broke my vow to the king, and the champions... I failed them all.
Page 13
Link: And after 100 years when I saw them again.. I didn’t even apologize. But I don’t deserve their forgiveness either. I just.. left. I took their gifts, struck down their blights, and moved on to the next battle. 
Page 14
Link: I’m a weapon--and I’ve killed so many. It’s not just the monsters and the blights. All the Yiga clan members and bandits and just-- people. They were all real people with lives, and families, and dreams and I just... ended them.
Link: But that’s what I’m good at. I’m good at killing. Because wasn’t that my destiny? Pull the sword and kill Ganon? But sometimes I wonder...
Page 15
Link: Am I much different than him? Or are we just two sides of the same coin resurrected to burn the world together in our fight?
Page 16
Link: All the people I cursed, all the death I caused... Everyone I’ve hurt-- and you...
Link: I’ve hurt you the most.
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7spaceace7 · 3 years
Master Kohga Headcanons (ft. Sooga)
Am I obsessed with the Yiga Husbands? Maybe. Ask my dashboard. BUT HEY! We’re all here to have a good time and refuse that anything bad happened to Sooga. So, here are a few Kohga headcanons that my girlfriend and I came up with at 2am one night.
Spoilers? maybe? Also this was inspired by us reading Yiga Husbands oneshots by @sheikah-simp so shoutout to them! Go read their fics, they’re fucking brilliant!
-First of all, my theory for the Yiga Clan in AOC!Kohga’s time is that they were more of just a nuisance to the Gerudo for years until Astor showed up (clearly Kohga had been master for a while at that point)
-They *told* people they served Ganon? But like- in this universe they totally did not care, they were just following orders from Kohga and fucking around
-They serve Kohga, not Ganon, it’s really just about keeping a reputation and gave them a reason for a Super Secret Evil Hideout
-In general, the Yiga Clan is just made up of everyone that was an outcast or rejected somehow
-None of them are super evil, they’re just here to mess around and have fun with their banana shenanigans while being super cool ninjas
-Which is whyyyy, when Kohga came into leadership, he immediately adopted all the new recruits
-If you’re part of this clan, he will adopt you, thems just the rules, age doesn’t matter
-Tries to make it lowkey, fails
-If anybody acknowledges he actually cares about them, he’s the guy that’s like “NO! I do NOT! You’re my minions, that’s IT!”
- “...Here’s your banana smoothie, now go have fun and cause chaos.”
-Literally grew attached exactly three hours after he said he wasn’t gonna get attached
-Bad day? He knows just what you need
-For all the Yiga that stick in the hideout and live there full time, they all have their own little space to sleep in the rooms, but you can fit like twenty of them in there
-Goddess forbid one has a nightmare, the whole room wakes up
-Not because of the afflicted Yiga member being loud, no no, it’s what happens after
-One of them calls out in the night for Kohga, as he knows how to deal with them best (so they think, because he’s the greatest warrior ever)
-Immediately after, you just hear the fast pittering of footsteps down the hall until BAM! the door is struck down by Kohga
- “Alright you dirty dream demons, you! Get the HELL out of my hideout and STAY AWAY from my kids- er, minions!”
- Created his own “dream-demon-be-gone” move set that’s actually just him kicking at the air
-Absolutely no one questions if it’s real because somehow, it works
-”Dear Future Husband” would be a common drunkenly-singing-to-Sooga song at Karaoke Night
-Sooga always enjoys hearing Kohga sing and have fun
-but my gods that man doesn’t even consider for a moment that it’s meant for him
-Kohga could flat out tell Sooga “HEY I LOVE YOU!”
-And Sooga would be like “I also enjoy your company, Master Kohga :)”
-But Kohga would never do this anyway, no no, much too forward
-Literally EVERYONE in the clan knows he’s in love with Sooga, except for Sooga
-No, they are not hiding it well
-Sooga is just blind
-Extremely blind
-Not just because he has one eye
-The whole clan is trying to get them together and several (failed) attempts have been made
-They’ve collectively come up with a secret ship name for these “secret missions”
-It was after a long debate, but they finally settled on Kooga 
-Kohga overheard them talking about some Kooga person and eventually asks after they keep talking in hushed tones 
-Cue the many stammering and murmurings, as both Kohga and Sooga were there, and they had been caught red-handed
-To spare their master’s pride (and their own), a footsoldier fibbed that there was someone out there copying Master Kohga and trying to steal his evil thunder 
-Whose name was Kooga, instead
-Somehow, this works
-Kohga, completely convinced this guy exists, swears him as his arch-rival and vows to find this no-good rotten copycat if he has to search all of Hyrule!
-...That is, if it’s convenient and doesn’t intrude on nap time
-He never does get to the “all of Hyrule” part, but he never doubts Kooga’s existence for a second
-Has woken up in a cold sweat at 3am with a steely glare on his face and one thing on his mind
- “Kooga” 
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ghostgirl19posts · 4 years
“To be honest, I just wanted a chance to look at the stars with you.” for zelnik?
This is horribly overdue, I’m sorry for the wait! I hope you like it :)
It had been three days since her attempted assassination by the Yiga clan.
Three days since Link saved her life without hesitation, despite the horrible way she’d been treating him for no other reason other than his claim to the sword that seals the darkness.
Three days since she vowed to apologize and so far hadn’t found the courage to do so.
Every time she made the attempt, he’d just give her that unreadable look he always wore. That, combined with the hilt of that sword mockingly gleaming at her, immediately caused her to tense and return to her cold demeaner.
She didn’t snap at him anymore, but she didn’t exactly try to make amends, either. And the more time that passed, the more she felt the guilt weighing down on her shoulders.
No wonder Hylia was deaf to her devotions; if she couldn’t be brave enough to apologize and face Link’s answer, then how could she ever be granted the power to seal Ganon away?
She wished it was as easy as saying ‘sorry’ and walking away, but she knew she couldn’t go that route. She needed to talk to him, make him understand how regretful she was about her unwarranted behavior towards him. That much was easy, it was just his ensuing answer that worried her.
He could respond in a number of ways. He could simply give her that blank look and look away from her, disregarding her apology entirely. Or he could finally do what she knew he’d always wanted: yell at her about her harsh attitude and spit on her apology. Then maybe throw in a few insults about her continuous failures to unlock her power. Or he might just tell her point-blank that her apology wasn’t accepted and then return his attention to his horse.
She didn’t know which scenario she was more afraid of.
But she knew she couldn’t keep running from this forever. Above all else, Link deserved to hear how sorry she was. If he didn’t forgive her, at least she could say that she tried.
That’s the mindset she kept as she quietly opened the flap to his tent that night. It was probably an unseemly thing for a princess to do, downright scandalous even, to sneak into a man’s sleeping space at night. But they were alone out here in the wild, no one would know. She knew Link wouldn’t tell anyone; his silence wasn’t solely reserved for her, after all.
She bit her lip, another doubt entering her mind. What if he broke his silent vow and yelled at her about coming into his tent, telling her how inappropriate this was and that he’d tell her father how he had a whore for a daughter?
She’d never be allowed outside her room again, and not only would she have to endure the shame her failure to access the sacred power brought, but she’d be known as the Hyrulean princess who snuck into knight’s sleeping quarters at night to have her way with them.
That was almost enough to make her turn around and forget this plan. She would have, if not the rational side of her mind shedding some light on the situation.
Would Link really do that to her? Would he intentionally bring shame and humiliation upon the girl whose life he put before his own when facing the Yiga? He had never betrayed her since becoming her appointed knight; he didn’t even tell her father when she used to try to ditch him all the time.
Link may be silent and distant, but he was loyal. He’d never try to hurt her like that.
With renewed resolve, Zelda stepped inside, and promptly froze at the sight before her.
Now, she was aware that her knight was handsome. She always knew, even when she despised him. She just ignored it all this time due to said dislike.
But she couldn’t ignore it now.
Because—oh Hylia—he wasn’t wearing a shirt. Link wasn’t wearing a shirt and she could see plenty of skin that certainly wasn’t proper for a princess to see until her wedding night.
Unbidden, her eyes roamed over the broad planes of his chest before moving down to the barely-there abs on his abdomen. He was fit and lean; but lacked an obvious show of muscle. Most wouldn’t assume he could wield the Master Sword and fight off a group of assassins single-handedly.
And it would be that assumption that would cost them. Zelda had a feeling Link must have used that at least once to his advantage.
She was hardly aware of how long she’d been staring, but once she realized she shook herself out of it. If she stood like a creep and stared at him all night long, then Link would definitely have no qualms of yelling at her and telling her father if only to get away from her.
Squaring her shoulders, she kept her eyes pinned to his face as she silently walked closer to him. It was then that she noticed that his hair was out of its usual ponytail. The blond locks were messily spread behind his head, the length probably reached to his shoulders.
She was tempted to run her fingers through it, to see how soft it really was, but held herself back. If he wouldn’t appreciate her staring at him, he’d hate knowing that she touched him.
When she was next to his head, she crouched down.
Time to set her plan into motion.
“Link,” she softly called. He didn’t stir. “Open your eyes.”
Nothing. She tried again, a little louder.
“Wake up, Link.”
A crease between his eyebrows formed. His breathing grew irregular, a puff of air harshly leaving his nose.
She steeled herself. No going back now.
His eyelids cracked open, revealing irises that rivaled the pure blue of Lake Hylia. They were dull at first, until they zeroed in on her face. They abruptly sharpened with clarity, snapping open as he hauled himself up. His left hand snaked around her waist while the other made a grab at the nearby Master Sword.
Zelda’s breath hitched in her throat as she suddenly found herself tightly pressed against Link’s side. It was impossible to ignore his body heat seeping through her shirt, and how her lips could brush against his cheek if she leaned in just the slightest bit. She also couldn’t help but take note of how snug she fit against him, almost as if she was meant to be there, and the way his fingers gripped her waist, like she was something precious he’d never surrender.
His eyes were hard and unblinking as he glared at the tent flaps. His jaw was clenched, the Master Sword pointing forward, ready to protect them from an unseen enemy.
But there was no enemy. Zelda had to tell him before he lost his patience and charged out of the tent on the warpath.
Clearing her throat, she tried to wiggle her way out of his hold. Her effort was in vain however, for he only pulled her impossibly closer. Her heart was thumping madly in her chest and for a wild moment she was afraid that he might hear it. But when she looked at him, his attention was fully dedicated to the tent flaps before them.
Don’t get her wrong, she appreciated how protective he was, but she had to at least get a foot of distance between them quickly before she passed out from the blood rushing to her face.
“No, Link. There’s no danger. We’re safe.”
The Master Sword faltered in the air. Link peered down at her, his eyebrows lowered, and for once Zelda could tell what he was thinking. He was unsure if he should believe her and wanted to know what was going on.
When Zelda tried again to remove herself from his hold, he reluctantly let her go. Able to finally regain her normal breathing pattern and heartrate, Zelda stood and cleared her throat. Her chin tilted up, regarding him as she always did in their roles as knight and princess.
“There is no danger. I woke you up because I have need of a star fragment for my research.”
She almost broke her cool demeanor when his eyebrow slightly lifted, and he frowned. He was confused.
You research the ancient Sheikah technology, not the stars.
I know that, she wanted to say, but had a feeling he would be perturbed by how she was beginning to read him. Link always wore his stoic mask, his true thoughts concealed; if he thought she might be beginning to see through it, he would throw up more walls to deter her.
No one was privy to his heart. Hopefully, she’d be the exception one day.
But that would never happen if they didn’t become closer. And what better way to start that progress than with an apology?
“I simply wanted to tell you that I’m going outside and will possibly be leaving for a brief time to get one, should one fall.”
Link stared. Zelda couldn’t see through the mask this time.
She bit her lip the longer the silence dragged on. Link hadn’t moved from his sleeping bag nor looked away from her. She was beginning to feel scrutinized under that gaze, like he was peering into her soul to try and figure out her true purpose for waking him up. Because she was starting to suspect that he didn’t buy her excuse.
She had to get out of there before her plan fell apart in his hands.
“I feel that as my appointed knight, you should be with me in case a monster attacks…or something.”
Link stared. Zelda forced herself to stand straighter.
“I shall be outside. Do hurry.”
And with that, she left the tent much quicker than she had entered. Once outside, she took several deep breaths and tried not to recall that piercing blue gaze. If she had stayed any longer, if she had faltered at all, Link surely would’ve questioned her, and her plan would’ve been ruined.
She also fought hard against remembering the way the blanket was lowered to his hips, his naked chest on full display for her viewing pleasure. With flaming cheeks, Zelda shook her head and dismissed it.
She was trying to befriend Link, and friends weren’t attracted to each other. Besides, it wasn’t as if she was attracted to him. He just happened to be the first boy she saw shirtless, so of course she was going to blush and be a little flustered. It had nothing to do with Link.
Nothing at all.
He had dressed in his Champion’s tunic. Zelda couldn’t remember a time when he hadn’t worn it since acquiring it. Together, they walked to the top of a nearby hill to get the best view of the stars. Link hadn’t asked her a single question the whole way, and Zelda hadn’t provided an opening for one.
She sat down on the soft grass and was dismayed when she saw Link standing off to the side, back facing her, keeping guard. She couldn’t apologize to him like this!
“Link,” she called, and he turned his head in her direction, indicating she had his attention.
“Sit with me.”
He turned fully around at that. Zelda could practically see the questions in his eyes as he stared at her.
She smiled in a way she hoped was inviting, even patting the spot next to her in case he didn’t get it.
“Please, sit with me.”  
His eyebrows drew down and he didn’t follow her request. He was still hesitant, suspicion shining clear in his eyes.
Zelda’s smile waned and she looked away, down at the grass. His rejection hurt, but she more than deserved it after the appalling way she had been treating him. This was only a minor dose of the repercussions she should suffer for her behavior.
And then she heard a rustle from her left side.
Curious, she turned to see what the cause of it was, and nearly gasped as she saw Link removing the Master Sword from his back and setting it down on the grass. He then sat down beside it, the sword acting as a makeshift barrier between them.
The irony wasn’t lost on Zelda.
“You know,” she started, once the ensuing silence became too much to bear. “Star fragments are incredibly rare. Our best chance of getting one is waiting until we see a shooting star. But that doesn’t happen a lot, so we could be here awhile.”
He turned to her, not saying a word and face as blank as ever, before peering up into the night sky.
She sighed. Easing into this apology would be harder than she thought.
“They fetch a high price when sold. I also heard that you could cook with them, of all things.” She grinned at him. “That would be perfect for you, wouldn’t it?”
He didn’t match her expression. Then again, he didn’t exactly frown, either. But his eyes seemed a bit brighter. Contrary to his lack of reaction, perhaps she held a bit of his interest?
If that was the case, it’d be best to continue. She didn’t believe in the notion of quitting while you’re ahead.
“Although, I can’t imagine what eating a star fragment would be like. Would it crumble into stardust? Or would it retain its hardness and feel like eating a rock? Does it even have any flavor? Then again, they do come from the sky, so it could taste like it. But then that brings into question of what the sky tastes like.”
She tilted her head. “What do you think?”
Link blinked. He likely didn’t expect her to directly ask him about it.
As the silence stretched on without an ingenious speculation from his end, with just the chirping of restless crickets ringing in the air, Zelda frowned and looked back up at the sky. What, did she seriously think that he’d talk to her just like that?
Sad thing was, that she did. She needed to stop being so naïve.
Zelda didn’t know what else to talk about. Nothing of interest came to mind, at least nothing that she knew, without a doubt, that Link would respond to.
Combat? No, he must hear compliments about his fighting prowess all the time wherever he went. The most he acknowledged them with was a simple nod of his head.
Cooking? Not likely, since she sort-of tried that route already and got nothing out of it.
His childhood? Ha! Her sealing power would come before she’d ever hear about something so personal.
The Master Sword? Keep dreaming. Everyone wanted to know how he got it. If he wouldn’t tell her father, the king, then his lips would be sealed forever.
Addressing the elephant in the room and explain why she slipped into his tent at night and practically demand he come with her to search for a star fragment, despite her lack of interest in the stars?
She sighed. Maybe that was it. Perhaps it was time to stop beating around the bush and finally be direct with him.
He removed his gaze from the sky to look at her, tilting his head as he did so.
She couldn’t meet his eyes. Instead she peered at the ground, twirling a blade of grass with her finger.
She took a deep breath and bit her lip. No going back now. He needed to hear this. He deserved to hear an apology ever since the first time she yelled at him. This was long overdue.
“Link, I didn’t request your presence here to look for a star fragment. To be honest, I just wanted a chance to look at the stars with you, and to apologize.”
She kept her eyes glued to the ground, not having the courage yet to face him. Who knows what kind of expression he was making? He could be getting ready to laugh at her for all she knew.
Still, she pressed on.
“I’m sorry for the way I’ve treated you all this time. I was angry and frustrated with myself and ended up taking it out on you, just because you were able to acquire the sword that seals the darkness while I myself haven’t received the Goddess’s blessing. I shouldn’t have allowed my failures to get the best of me like that. You weren’t deserving of it in the least, and I wish to apologize for my deplorable behavior.”
She glanced up then, finally seeing Link for the first time since starting her apology. His eyes were wide, but he didn’t seem angry or disgusted with her. He certainly wasn’t amused, thank goodness.
She swallowed, hoping he would see the sincerity in her eyes as she next spoke.
“I’m sorry, Link. I dare not hope for your forgiveness, but I want to at least try to get on more…companionable ground with you.” She didn’t risk asking for his friendship, Hylia knew she didn’t deserve it. “I want to start over, a clean slate for us both. Would that be agreeable to you?”
His answer was quick.
Zelda was shocked at first simply because he finally spoke. However, when his answer fully registered in her mind, her shoulders slumped and she looked away, a frown replacing her tentative smile.
His answer shouldn’t have hurt her the way it did. Her stomach shouldn’t have felt as if it had received the full brunt of a Goron’s punch. Her heart shouldn’t have stuttered the way it did, she shouldn’t have felt so wounded and hopeless.
The realization was a heavy blow to bear. She wouldn’t be able to merely apologize and have the entire thing swept under the rug and forgotten about. Link wouldn’t forgive her so quickly, if at all.
Goddesses, she was so foolish to think otherwise. Of course, he didn’t want to forgive her or start over, she didn’t blame him at all. If the roles were reversed, she suspected that she wouldn’t be so willing either.
“I don’t want to start over. I want to continue.”
He spoke again?
The curiosity of its purpose had her tilting her head, regarding him anew, breath caught in her throat.
Dare she hope…?
He was still facing the sky, legs tucked in and arms resting on his knees. His eyes were hard, pensive, his expression betraying nothing as to how he was feeling.
“I want us to acknowledge our initial problems and choose to rise above them. I don’t want everything brushed aside, forgotten about. I want us to be…companions, despite our beginning.”
His eyes softened upon looking at her.
“Would that be agreeable?”
Forget that this was the most he had ever talked in her presence. All she could think of was how relieved she felt, how the tension in her shoulders finally relaxed and how pure happiness swelled in her entire being.
The resulting emotion transferred to her smile; a smile so radiant that Link could swear he was gazing at the sun.
“Yes. I would find that very agreeable…Link.”
He didn’t smile. He simply kept staring, and it was only when she hesitantly raised an eyebrow did he move, flopping down on the grass and turning his head away from her.
Zelda grinned to herself, choosing not to question his strange behavior. He had agreed to a possible companionship between them despite her previously harsh and unjustified treatment of him. That was enough for her, and so she silently joined him, lying down on the grass as well to study the night sky ahead. Already she could pinpoint various constellations.
Link returned his stare to the stars only when he could feel his face begin to cool.
She has a smile like the sun…
Dear Hylia, he was in trouble.
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wild-moony-joonie · 4 years
Nothing is Ever as it Seems
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Author: Laura(me)
Warnings: None it’s fluff fools.
Pairing(s): Zelda/Link(Zelink).
Synopsis: Zelda just really, really needed a friend. 
She hates him. She absolutely loathes him. His stupid blonde ponytail, perfect tan skin paired with eyes so blue they could be pieces of the sky over Rito village. She blames him for her fall, her father's disappointment in her. His waning trust being transferred over to her newly appointed knight. She knows her father likes him, most people do. They love the sunshine he brings everywhere with him, despite his common silence. He rarely talks, but mostly listens. She can't help but take her rage out on him. Avoiding him at every cost, refusing to acknowledge his presence when she has to be with him. Urbosa has tried many times to sway her opinion of the knight. She sees Zelda's anger and frustration for what it really is. 
Zelda fears that with Link's skill set, and the champions, She won't be a necessary asset to sealing away Calamity ganon. She still refuses to listen to reason, and won't let him follow her on her expeditions, despite his orders to protect her. She is now realizing the stupidity in her decision to leave him behind as she frantically sprints through the Gerudo highlands, pursued by a member of the Yiga Clan. She's panicking, unsure of what to do, the sheikah slate slapping against her thigh with every stumbling step. The rocky terrain is difficult for someone as inexperienced as her to maneuver, but the masked figures in red streak across it with ease, quickly gaining on the frantic princess.
She trips, tumbling head over heels to land gracelessly, desperately crawling away from the Yiga Clan Member. Two more red clothed, scythe swinging people step out on either side of her. She whimpers, realising that this won't have a good outcome for her. She desperately searches for a way out, carefully sizing up the encroaching assailants. One steps quickly forward, raising it's blade, flashing light across her face from the afternoon sun. She throws her arms across her face as the blade lowers, and the sound of metal on metal causes her to open her eyes again. A lean muscular figure is standing in front of her, the sword to seal the darkness drawn, his body shielding her from harm's way.
"He didn't even hesitate to protect me, he was there in an instant, without even having to think despite how horrible I've been to him." She thought, silently vowing to make it up to him.
He turned, extending his hand to her, after thoroughly checking that the attackers were dead. She gripped it firmly and he pulled her up in one swift movement.
"Thank you," She smiled softly at him, brushing the dust off of her pants with shaky hands while her voice wavered. "All I've been is ungrateful, and... I'm sorry. I'll do my best to make it up to you."
She met his eyes for the very first time and found them to be warm bottomless pools of comfort, and he smiled slightly nodding to gesture that her words had been heard.
"We should probably go back to the castle." He cleared his throat, gesturing towards his own horse. His voice was surprisingly deep, for such a feminine face, startling her slightly.
"We should," She sighed, "I wonder what father will say when he hears about this," She frowned already imagining the lecture she was going to get, and the praise that will be showered upon Link.
"I won't tell him if you don't," He murmured, mounting his horse. He stretched out his hand to her, and she took it again with a smile on her face. He pulled her up, with only the strength of his arm, swinging her leg over the horse to sit in front of him.
"Lets go!" She cheered, internally thanking Hylia for the gift of Link's silence, and cursing whatever lucky younger sibling he had for hogging him all of her life.
    Link clicked his tongue behind her, his arms slipping loosely around her to reach the reins and steer his horse in the direction of the Kingdom. She felt a strange feeling in her chest as they rode home in the dusk. It soon turned to night, and he wrapped his cloak around her and she cursed her heart for speeding up as he did so.
"Aren't you cold?" She asked, silently wishing that he would take his cloak back so she couldn't smell his musky scent.
"No. I don't get cold very easily. Besides, Urbosa would murder me if anything happened to you." he responded, leaning forward to see better over her head. She blushed, opening and closing her mouth in embarrassment. He smiled to himself, internally laughing at her reaction.
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katedoesfics · 4 years
The Lost Hero | Prologue
The Gerudo Desert was known for many things. For most, it was simply known as a vast wasteland, though some whispered of the dark secrets it contained. To others, it was a point of curiosity, drawing many unsolicited visitors in hopes of catching a glimpse of the beautiful Gerudo women contained within the heavily guarded walls of the city where no men were allowed. But to the Gerudos, the desert and all it contained was home. They knew the sands like the back of their hands; every change in weather and every dishonest mirage. They could navigate the desert with ease, whether on foot or by sand seal. They knew of the creatures that lurked in its deepest, darkest depths, and they knew just how far to venture out before getting lost to the unpredictable sandstorms.
It wasn’t often that an unfamiliar soul found themselves lost in the desert sands, but when one did, the Gerudo soldiers came to the lost Hyrulean’s aid, easily guiding them back to familiar territory.
Over the years, however, the Gerudos found that their curious and adventurous visitors grew less and less as the notorious group of ex-Sheikah known as the Yiga Clan grew in vast numbers. They, too, called the Gerudo Desert home, and they eagerly took advantage of the skilled travelers and curious newcomers.
It was impossible to locate their hideout, despite the efforts of the knowledgeable Gerudo, and they were left with only one option: to up their patrols between the city and Central Hyrule in hopes of keeping all travelers safe from harm. And though travelers were less frequent in the recent years, they kept their patrols up dutifully. Though, they could not save all who dared to tempt the desert. 
It was very late at night when Urbosa got word from her guards of a disturbance on the far eastern edge of the desert, just beneath the Great Cliffs. Their initial report told her of a lost couple ambushed by the Yiga Clan. When they arrived to come to the defense of the couple, however, all that remained was a lone child.
Something about the situation didn’t sit right with Urbosa. What would a young couple - with a child, no less - be doing out in the desert at that time of night? Blood had been shed, but otherwise, there was no sign of the outcome of the battle. In the morning, tracks could be seen, and the guards determined that a body had been dragged away, but the tracks did not lead far before disappearing completely. No other sign of any survivors remained.
Urbosa took the child into her care as the guards spent the following days desperately searching for the family of the child, but as the days turned into weeks, it became clear to them that the baby was an orphan. No mother or father would come knocking on their gates in search of their lost child. For whatever reason, the child was spared, but they could only assume that the parents had died.
It was rare that a male child would be born to a Gerudo women, and even more so, it was unheard of to allow men into their city. But Urbosa would not abandon the child, nor did she trust him in anyone else’s care. She felt a duty to the baby, and thus, she named him Dahvi and vowed to protect him within the walls of Gerudo City.
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