#the writing as a whole is just. insanely good. but some particular lines just. AGH.
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what the fuck...........
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lady-mordrid · 6 years
A Cold Cup Of Tea - Mingyu fluff
A Cold Cup Of Tea
Genre: fluff
I’ve never written or posted any writing before. I wrote this a while back ago for a friend and decided to post it and see what happens! Hope everyone enjoys. :^)
It’s only the second date, you tell yourself, it’s only the second date and you somehow managed to mess it all up already. You and Mingyu had gone out once before and had such a wonderful time. The two of you spent the day going thrift shopping and finding various antique shops around town. Usually so much interaction would wear you out, but all of your fears and exhaustion seemed to melt away when you were with Mingyu. Everything was going so smoothly, and when he dropped you off at home you got ahead of yourself amidst the excitement and leaned in to kiss him. He quickly moved his face and feverishly told you goodnight before practically tearing out of the driveway, leaving you feeling confused and rejected. You were sure he’d never want to see you again after embarrassing yourself like that. To your surprise, he texted you only a few days later, asking if you were free the next day. You quickly agreed thinking this is my chance to redeem myself!, however, now that the day had actually come you weren’t so sure of yourself. A whole day gave you plenty of time to overthink the situation, but you were determined to at least try and clear the air.
You hear a car horn and hurry outside, still applying chapstick on your way out. Mingyu is standing outside, holding the car door open for you. “You look really pretty today, y/n.” he says with a smile. He closes the door for you and gets in, pulling out of the driveway. “So I thought today we could go to the bookstore since last time you said you had been looking for that one book. I looked it up on their website and it says they have it.” He said it without looking away from the road, so he obviously didn’t see your stunned expression. He actually remembered that I said that? You can’t find the words, and it seems he noticed. “What, you don’t want to?” he says, finally looking over to you with furrowed brows and his classic pout. “Oh, no no, that sounds fine.” you say quickly, “...Thank you for remembering.” You meant to say it under your breath, but you were never very good at whispering. Mingyu chuckles softly, “There’s no need to thank me, silly. Of course I’d remember.” he says looking over to you and flashing a grin. When he looks over and sees you blushing with your hands over your face, he laughs again, louder than before. The rest of the ride was filled with small talk and karaoke. Mingyu was especially impressed when a seventeen song would come on and you knew all the words. “Wow y/n! I never knew you were a carat!” He’d say laughing.
You two arrived at the bookstore... but didn’t get much done shopping wise. Instead, you would both run and find a book, flip to a random page pointing to a  paragraph and read it aloud to one another. There was a point at which one of you even ended up reading a part of Fifty Shades of Grey, keeling over, laughing loudly, and blushing from the written words. After some time, Mingyu picks up a book and starts to read to you without a word prior. “I don’t exactly understand my feelings quite yet, but I think i’m falling for you. There isn’t a time when you aren’t on my mind and i’m starting to think I might be going insane…” His words take you back at first, making you blush deeply and grin to yourself listening. You start to notice, however, that Mingyu hasn’t once looked down at the book to check the words. He has been staring intently at you this whole time, and when you look down to see the book he’s reading from you see that it is, in fact, an English textbook. “...how am I supposed to act around you? I feel like I wouldn’t even need the sun with you in my life, you are bright enough to light the world. I must have saved a country in a prior life. I thank the world for allowing me to meet you.” and with that he closes the book, putting it to his chest with his eyes down, occasionally looking up to meet your eyes long enough to try and gauge your reaction. You try to feign ignorance and cross your arms, stammering “W-was all that really written in an English textbook, Mingyu?” Mingyu’s eyes dart up, then to the book. “WAH? YES IT WAS!! IT Was, i-it was… a.. Text sample! Yes! Psh they have those all the time in textbooks come on, y/n.”
“Oh really? Then who was it by?”
“Agh, I didn’t really check uhm, Vincent something. Vincent… Van Gogh, yeah, Vincent Van Gogh i’m pretty sure.”
“Mingyu, Vincent Van Gogh was a painter.”
“Y/N IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE ME THEN JUST READ IT YOURSELF IT WAS BY A VINCENT!” Mingyu shoved the book into your arms and stormed off in a huffing, flustered mess. You laugh, putting the book back and following after him. In the end, you didn’t get your book; you didn’t care.
You headed out to get coffee at a cafe not too far from the bookstore. As you two sat down, you were joking and talking as if nothing had happened, but you couldn’t stop thinking about Mingyu’s words.  Was that really written in there? Or…. No, no, don’t get ahead of yourself, y/n. We all know how that ended last time. Your mind snapped back to reality. “... I’ll have you know that I am a connoisseur of pickup lines.” Said Mingyu brightly from behind a hot cup of coffee. Shake it off. Focus.
“Oh yeah? Care to give an example?” “Okay, okay,” Mingyu re-adjusts, sitting upright now. “Your eyes are blue like the ocean, and baby I’m lost at sea.” Mingyu just manages to get it out before erupting in laughter, but before he can recover you fire back. “Is your dad a baker, because you’ve got some nice buns!” and now you’re both banging the table, clapping your hands together breathlessly, much to the displeasure of the other cafe goers. Mingyu comes back with “Your lips look so lonely...would they like to meet mine?” He starts laughing but you just... stop. You should be laughing, but it hits you harder than you expected. You liked Mingyu, a lot. But you didn’t want to keep doing this if it wasn’t going to lead to anything more. You didn’t want to be strung along.. “But you don’t want to kiss me.” You say flatly. One might think you sounded stone cold but your voice wavered the slightest bit, your fingers anxiously rubbing against the ceramic of your coconut mocha. Mingyu stopped too now, and is looking down into his cup. An uncomfortably long silence sets in, until Mingyu finally starts. “Y/n, i’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings last time, I jus--” “You just what, Mingyu?” You snap back. “I-I wanted to kiss you, y/n, I did, but I just didn’t want it to be like that..” Mingyu didn’t look up but settled to his hand on his head, shaking slightly. “Then what did you mean?” You asked softly this time, feeling bad for having snapped at him. He had his own reasons, and although you didn’t understand, you knew he was being genuine. “I’m sorry, y/n.” He left it at that. You accepted it, at least for now. Before long you were talking normally again, moving on. By the time you were getting ready to leave, you were several coffees into conversation and the sun was descending behind the mountains. Mingyu was talking about nothing in particular, yet you lost yourself staring at his features in the incandescent yellow and orange tones breaking through the window panes. He looks different today… more handsome? No..that’s not it. He looks..warm, and safe. Just looking at him puts me at ease..
Mingyu drove you home and walked you to the door before saying “Today was really fun y/n, thank you. And, I’m sorry again.” and started walking off towards his car. This doesn’t feel right, I can’t just leave it like that.. “...Mingyu! Do… you want to come in for some tea first, before you leave?” What am I saying?! I just invited him into my house oh my god y/n what are you doing! Mingyu looks back, smiling from ear to ear. “I’d love to.” He said… yes? Oh my gosh oh god okay y/n be cool. Do I have any tea he’ll like, is the house clea… and by the time you came back to your senses, the tea had been made and you and mingyu sat on the couch, sipping and chatting occasionally through comfortable silence. When you finished your tea, you look up to Mingyu to find he never finished his cup and has been staring at you for.. who knows how long. “Ah, sorry, let me take this for you.” You take his cup and nervously shuffle back to the kitchen. As you put the cups down you hear Mingyu get up and walk towards you. “..y/n.” Mingyu grabs you by the wrist and turns you to face him. His hand moves slow to cup your cheek and leans down, meeting his lips with yours. Your hands instinctively find their way to rest on his chest while his free hand moves into your hair, gently caressing your neck. You stay there for a long time, just feeling each other softly, sweetly. Your lips finally part and Mingyu meets your eyes. “I meant something like that.” Without another word Mingyu gets his coat, kisses you on the cheek once more, and leaves. Picking his cup back up, for the first time… a cold cup of tea has never felt so warm..
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