#the worst ship shart ever
soaked-ghost · 4 months
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one last thing about before signing off to bedtime.... I love them lots..........
I zoomed in on some stuff because it was too cluttered I feel
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unsoundedcomic · 2 years
Is keelhauling a practice among pirates in Kasslyne or does pymaric technology allow the removing of barnacles from the bottom of ships? Has Jivi ever seen it done to someone? Is it the worst thing he’s seen pirates do?
I can't speak for other privateers, but Regina can't be arsed to do anything like keelhaul a prisoner. That's a lot of setup and less satisfying to watch than you'd imagine. She prefers your standard pulling out fingernails, cutting off ears, digits, toes, and nose, mutilation with hot irons, sodomy with a cold blade. If she really hates you, she'll hang you over her galley window, open up your belly, and let the stormies play with your trailing guts as you bleed out. That last one is probably going to top Jivi's list of "Worst Things." It took that one guy *forever* to die.
Regina isn't a cutesy Disney pirate. She's more of a Francois L’Olonnais. Cresce loves her because she's murdered so many Alds and Shartes, and she can do so as a criminal rather than an official soldier of the state. Alds hate her because she's an evil bloodthirsty bitch and all that aforementioned torture. Sharteshanians kinda respect her body count, but are happy she stays in western waters.
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julesasf · 3 years
the death of anakin skywalker
it had been weeks after the funeral of the once so beautiful and kind padmé amidala, due to anakin’s condition after what had happened to him on mustafar— he had had to spend weeks in medical care, not being able to leave the medical station. due to the extreme medical attention that he had accuired there was just no way he would function or even survive on the outside world without his suit or having healed and recovered enough. so given the fact that the droids would’t let him go, the male had been unable to attempt the funeral of his former wife, the love and light of his life— or more like the life he once had before he had lost himself in the temptations of the wicked dark side. to anakin it had always been obvious that he would do literally anything to just made padmé happy, and after seeing her die in his nightmares, her life was seemingly on the line. the only thing he ever truly cared about was to make sure padmé was safe and sound, and after seeing her die like he had seen his mother die, he was sure that it was only a question of time until she would be taken by the same destiny, cruely being taken away from him and dying right in his arms. the boy did make the promise to his mother that he would find a way to make sure the people around him weren’t dying anymore. he knew he had the power to make sure of that. after all he was the chosen one, right? but the dark side was a dangerous and tempting thing, most jedi struggled with resisting it, but anakin had been manipulated into joining it— being ready to pay any price to get to see padmé living. even if it would be without him. but he failed… her too. here he was now, in a spaceship on his way to naboo to visit the tomb that had been made for her and her only. while everyone else the woman so deeply cared about got to say goodbye to her, he had been suffering endless pain, not only because of her loss but also because of the condition the fight with his former master had left him in. the fact that he wasn’t able to say one last goodbye to her had been haunting him, quite literally. she appeared in his dreams, the way she did during the period of time when they were separated for ten years. the major difference now though was that he knew he would never get to see her beautiful face again, the way that her lips would curl into a smile at just the sight of him coming home to her. now he had no place to call home, but what was far worse than that was that he had no one waiting for him. nor would he be able to ever wrap his arms around her again, feel her breath against her skin while she hid the beautiful face of hers in the crook of his neck, melting into one another’s touch or let alone even be able to hear the sweet sound of her voice, the way her laughter would will up a whole room that had only been filled with the two of them, in situations where they both were able to truly be themselves and let down their guards entirely. but now, dreams were everything they would ever truly be. but having her visit him in the nighttime was his favorite thing, even if she came to blame him for her death, for the fact that he was the reason why she would never be able to watch their baby grow up. the worst part though wasn’t when she blamed him for all those things— he was aware that it was true. it only got really bad when she started crying, begging for him to hold her, and whenever he would reach out and try to, she would fade away and he would wake up, bathed in cold sweat. anakin skywalker died the moment his wife did, and with that darth vader was born.
while his space ship had been traveling he didn’t spend even one second questioning how it was possible for padmé’s lifeless body to be kept in a tomb when it usual for nabooians to burn their dead. little did he know that palpatine himself had made sure to keep her body in pieces. the emperor had been aware that if darth vader was able to visit the most meaningful thing about his past life, the thing he once cared about the most, the one that he had to watch slipping right from his hands, then he would feel terrible amounts of guilt, and this guilt would be a great thing to be turned into anger. and from that, palpatine would gain power. so at vader’s request of visiting padmé’s grave he didn’t hesitate to make it happen. this very moment, the ship had landed on naboo and the moment the doors of the ship had opened the male realized that it dindn’t look anything like it did when he came here with padmé. the sun wasn’t shining to fill the planet with life, the birds weren’t singing the ways they were supposed to, the air made him feel like he couldn’t breathe. but that was probably in his head, last time he stepped onto this very hangar, he had been accompanied by the light of his life. now the only thing there was— on this planet and also deeply running through him was sadness and darkness. slowly he made his way to where he had been told he would be able to find the tomb where her body had been resting at. big part of him considered if she would’ve even wanted for him to visit her grave, after all he was the reason why she died, or so he was told to believe. but the little, selfish part of himself told himself that if he wasn’t there as darth vader she would loved to have him there. he could bring anakin skywalker back one more time, before leaving him behind him. letting him rest in the tomb with padmé— exactly the way they were supposed to. spend the rest of eternity together. like the vows had told them to. it would be one last goodbye.
anakin skywalker was now approaching the large building that kept the last memory of his wife within their walls, as he made his ways over there he was able to feel a cold shower rushing through his whole body, if he didn’t know any better it was like his own body was telling him to turn around and not do it. but anakin being anakin, he was too stubborn to actually listen. eventually, the large yet beautifully decorated grave came into view, her favorite flowers being placed all around the tomb. sola. he knew it was her who took care of that, it had to be. the grave looked exactly like what he would imagine padmé wanting it to look like, yet it was closed, hiding her beauty from the world, keeping it safe in the walls of the coffin. while approaching her lifeless body that laid within the coffin he felt the air thickening even more, it was like he was unable to breathe. looking up, the male was able to see a large colorful window, the ones that you would find in churches. but instead of of just anyone being memorized within the thin sharts of glasses, it was padmé. the male took a moment to himself to stop, just looking up at the window as it was there to remind people of the four years she had spend as a queen. and weirdly enough, the only rays of sunshine naboo had to offer on this day seemed to be shining right through the window, only for his angel. the window did a beautiful in showing her, it was that one dress that everyone loved, a bright red. after taking his time to admire this memory of her, anakin had finally been able to pull all his strength together and say his goodbye. carefully, darth vader took of his helmet, knowing that padmé wouldn’t have wanted to see him like this, ever. she belived there was good at him, so he might as well just let himself think that for the last moments they’d have together. as he placed his helmet down, he used the force to open up the coffin, not being sure with what view he would be met, but he knew it was what he needed. and there he was, his angel. anakin looked down into the coffin, seeing the way padmé’s body was absolutely lifeless. she looked at peace, her skin pale and perfect while her hair had been spread out around her the exact way it would when she had been asleep in his arms. the only difference had been the small flower blossoms. carefully, he reached down, placing his hand on her cold cheek, closing his eyes as he tried to feel her one last time. but the horror was confirmed when he couldn’t feel her. even though padmé had never been force senstive, anakin had always been able to feel the force within her, since it had been flowing through all living things. but this was the conformation, his angel was gone. slowly, anakin pulled his hand away, knowing what he had to do— more like wanted to do. the former jedi took out his lightsaber, the one that he got when he was a padawan, and carefully he placed it down in padmés hands, having her hold onto it the way she held onto the necklace he once made her. ‘this weapon is you life’ anakin heard obi-wan telling him. but the truth was, padmé had been the true reason why he lived, and now she was gone. so having the last remaining thing of anakin skywalker in this tomb would be his way of saying goodbye to the life he was never good enough to have. the last remaining proof that anakin skywalker ever existed would stay with her. forever.
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perahn · 5 years
Also realistically you could do all of AE and I wouldn't cry about it
I am spending an evening doing this instead of writing baby Khem and it’s a fun change of pace.
favorite thing about them
She has so much love to give. Just SO much, offered so freely.
(also I’m grateful she takes the rap for jumping us into so many situations that the more cautious members of the party would never touch)
least favorite thing about them
It’s a kirin not a unicorn!
(shush, Khem)
favorite line
Again, there are just so many. Any time @bettydice opens her mouth, genius nonsense comes out. Claiming to be allergic to water? The first time she called Harper her brother-dad? Explaining to Khem that all she needs to do to win an argument with Harper is to tell him to go shave?
Apart from the party members (especially Harpy), Katy and Celeste is TOO CUTE
I don’t think she’s ever had eyes for anyone except Shay, and it’s pretty cute. But I refuse to call Kayazi an OTP until I have seen some fic from Betty and @dakoyone​, hop to it.
It’s really funny to remember that when we began this (there’s still a reference to it in the first codex) we thought she was crushing on Harper, her asshole won’t-say-I’m-a-boyfriend.
Also Vigo was hitting on her pretty hard before she pimped Harper out to him.
random headcanon
She still sometimes misses Bob and feels a bit guilty about exorcising him, even knowing that she had to.
unpopular opinion
This is tough to come up with. hmmmmm… She should stay blonde, because when I draw the party, I get tired of all the black in her goth look and Shay’s monochrome look.
song i associate with them
I mean, Tangled is already the Harpiest movie ever (disregarding the romance) so it has to be When Will My Life Begin?
favorite picture of them
favorite thing about them
The contrast between the steadfast patience of her usual demeanor… and the way she runs headfirst into a fight, then jumps on top of the giant monsters to punch them to death.
least favorite thing about them
Her bag must stink to high heaven with all the trophies she’s taken, and our garden is probably completely overrun with screaming mushrooms by now. WHYYY
favorite line
I mean, it’s a cheap shout, but…. “You don’t have to be alone, Harper.” She meant it so well, and it landed so badly.
Thay buddies ftw!
(also I think she should see Jeremy Bonk again)
I stand by what I said. No Kayazi shilling until I have actual fic, thank you.
So @codenamecynic​ mentioned that the first time Shay called Khem ‘ahket’ in-game, she had no idea what it meant, and she started wondering if perhaps Shay had feelings for Khem, if they’d been a little closer on the road than we’d said previously. (for the record, it means ‘sister’, and I nope right on out of Khem/Shay)
also SHART
random headcanon
Katy has definitely cut her lip on Shay’s broken tusk while kissing at least once.
unpopular opinion
She hasn’t been cooking fantasy meth in her room all those days, but don’t ask me what she has actually brewed up.
(this one probably is unpopular… I don’t think she’s as attracted to Katy or as invested in the relationship as Katy is)
song i associate with them
I am kind of drawing a blank here, but Stand Up Be Strong, maybe?
favorite picture of them
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lookit, abs
favorite thing about them
She’s a robot who was programmed to be a bitch and is slowly learning to love, and I’m so proud of how far she’s come. 
least favorite thing about them
Never again will I create a character who is supposed to be a Machiavellian genius that I have to play at 3am.
But to be a bit more fair, the paranoia. She’s her own worst enemy about 90% of the time.
favorite line
I am still pretty fond of ‘Know you are not disposable.” On one hand it’s a very dry assessment, but in context it seemed to be exactly what Harper needed to hear. Those moments are rare but they’re great.
Thay buddies! (even if that’s a little more complicated than it used to be). To look outside the party, though, I also think Khem and Celeste are shaping up to a great teacher/student relationship.
So here’s the thing, previously alluded to when I did this for Harper: I don’t think Khem’s in a position to be in a relationship with anyone. I find it really difficult to imagine a time when she might be. But if ever she was, the person I come closest to seeing her with is Harper.
There’s just nobody else on the board at the moment who has her attention and respect in the same way, nobody else who she’s opened up to quite as much, nobody else she thinks about and worries over and takes up half of her journal as Harper. And, as I said, there is something there, which she will ferret out at some point. Don’t ask me yet what she might do about it.
I get the Khem/Jorran shipping, I really do. He’s adorable and he’s obviously head over heels for Khem, and she’s been pretty pleasant to him overall (plus Kherran portmanteaus so nicely, and every permutation of Khem and Harper’s names so far sounds dreadful) But she’s never going to take him seriously if he doesn’t take those clownshoes off, and it would take him a very long time - if indeed it’s possible - to win as much of her trust as Harper has.
So many. So very many. Highlights include Khem/Gerald, Khem/Valas Daevin and Khem/Banelar Naga.
random headcanon
As recently mentioned to Cynic, her back tattoo is the source of her ‘Lucky’ feat (which is actually flavoured as extra divinatory insight), and represents a coautl. One of the reasons it’s on her back is that a winged-snake-Celestial was a slightly embarrassing choice of tattoo, but the magic encrypted in it was powerful enough that she said yes to her ally’s design and just asked her to put it somewhere hidden.
unpopular opinion
um hm hmmm she doesn’t need actual clothes, Katy, the hooded potato sack robes do just fine
song i associate with them
If non-lyrical counts, the Rachmaninov C Sharp Minor Prelude. Otherwise… Fallen, Dirt Poor Robins?
favorite picture of them
There has been some lovely art of her, and some silly things that I’ve done
but I think I have to share this Very Important Egg
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violetcomplains · 7 years
The Voltron fandom has, without a doubt, some of the worst ship names I've ever seen. They're just combining character names but half the time it ends up being "shart" or something.
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