#the world to me<3 so im glad i have tht w/ u <3
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weird-bookworm · 1 year ago
talk about your favourite mutuals and why you like them
oh god this is gonna be one hell of an answer
@fairyhaos because shes the sweetest comfiest most adorably chaotic lil ball of energy + she gives the best advice like hello??? what are you??? oh god my heart goes a little off track everytime we talk i just love you so much
@wheeboo okay shes part 2 of the they-make-me-feel-the-safest trio along w yena and axe like please i stumbled across the sweetest sassiest boo stan ever ALSO UR GORGEOUS???
@blue-jisungs axeaxeaxeaxeaxe so chaotically lovely and so boomer and so fun and yoid think shes savage but no shes just soft and as harmful as a pinecone (why do u remind me of tht one joon meme of him just. sitting there. peeling potatoes. in tiny.)
@slytherinshua we kinda talked less for a while bc life happened and then caught up (kinda lol) and im so glad to see shes still as crazy and lovable as ever (im waiting for tht ppt) like talk abt impressive. impressive is her whole personality. sometimes in, uh, less than conventional ways...hehe
@eternalgyu HANNIE WHERE TF R U I MISS UUUUUUUU 😭😭😭😭🫶🏻 like yk what i imagine when i think of hannie? causing mischief. LIKE IDEK WHY OKAY i just feel like we'd be running around giggling like idiots js pulling random pranks on people and js the thought makes me smile
@yllouhannie ylli is like love. ylli is gentle and kind and sweet. shes understanding and passionate and really quite cute. oh my love you make me wanna jump off a cliff because how can someone like you exist 😭 (no srsly what is this witchcraft ilysm mwah)
@woozvc nora is like home. which is saying a lot lmao i sound dramatic but like yk when u just talk to someone and it feels just right even tho ur not rly doing much? shes older but she lets go and i can just feel how absolutely beautiful this person is *melts off a cliff*
@welcometomyoasis shu oh shu i have no words so pardon if this is a little small but. ik i say this a lot but i rly do mean it. i love you. so much. yr msgs and reblogs and asks always make a smile and they make me giddy and suddenly nothing is wrong with the world 🥺
@haecien bro is my ultimate gay bestie like what else do you need in life other than cien. what. nothing is the answer. life is complete when u hv cien and his shenanigans lolol like i dare you try to Not like him. i m p o s s i b l e.
@glosskirt AYYYYY MY ARMY SOULMATE we connected over min yoongi. we still rant over min yoongi. we shall die talking about min yoongi. like there is nothing better than having someone to fangirl with over my favs gloss you filled a hole in my life <3
@mesanthropi weiwei!!!! my little bundle of sugar spice and everything nice!! (+ chaos and a passion about the randomest shit ever how do u live why am i not this exciting) how is it always fun to talk to you and why do ur msgs excite me so much
@aaniag chaos. thats it. chaos. this woman brought with her about half a dozen more desi moots for me like how do i hug you how do i appreciate you enough i ugghhhh 😩
@thepoopdokyeomtouched im still waiting for my flirting yk? lol on a serious note, u and ur crazy streak r probably the most entertaining thing on here, and i fucking love it. i love ur chaos and the fact tht u choose to share it w me, thank you 🫶🏻
@arafilez bro rly dropped outta thin air like a fucking ghost and made my life abt a 100x more exciting where were you my entire life ara. where. why didnt the atz rants and the writing and the random asks show up sooner. why.
@nonononranghaee HAFS MY LIL CUTIE PATOOTIE WHY DO I ALWAYS WANNA SQUISH U NOMNOM U CRUSH U KSKSJEHEH u give me so much cuteness aggression oh my god...
@kkooongie sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah i live for ur writing and im always looking forward to our little chats abt books and random stuff (...when r u updating btw 😅)
@maeleelee @mxnsxngie @imagine-a-life-like-this i don't tell you guys enough how much i love and appreciate each one of you. i dont tell u enough how grateful i am whenever i think abt u bc god ik how hard it is to take in a random person in ur circle, to adjust w a kid, to make said kid feel safe and included and loved. so thank you. for all that you do for me and for loving lil ol' me <3
@cadenonlinelive where u at damn i hvnt seen u in ages
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hpdfag · 7 months ago
IM SO HAPPY YOURE DOING BETTER!!! I’ve always been rotting for you from far away, and I’m so glad to see it happen…I hope our interactions contributed to that nice state of yours :} good luck with all of that! I also can’t grasp how you’re going to college ngl…I won’t go to uni for another four years even if I’m your age because of the school system here and stuff so it’s just so interesting to me!
(Here in Italy you go to uni at 19/20, strangely)
I checked out your website and it looks sweet,,,I’m not very info informatics and computer-y stuff anymore but i was super obsessed with that stuff in the past! I hope you’re able to finish it <3 to me it’s like making a carrd so I can’t fathom how difficult it would be, but it feels very old internet-y and silly for now! Good luck, really.
I’m also really happy you’re with your family more! It’s so nice to feel connected to them…there’s a self fulfilling feeling that comes to me whenever I manage to be with my family, myself.
This update is so good to hear and it really brings a smile to my face, thank you for always taking the time to answer me and create this little connection :}
- 🧶
ooo thats rlly interesting !!! im probably gonna skip a year before going to college anyways, since i need time to get a job so im not in Too much debt .. so ill probably be 19 when going into college myself !! i just need 2 power thru this year ... then i'll be off !! the goal rn is to major in computer science and minor in japanese :] since i wanna make games for a living and well. japanese is such an interesting language and while it wldnt be as useful career wise as like spanish or smthn i dont want 2 only make life decisions based on career viability ... i wanna have fun !!
and they really have, it's always nice talking w/ u guys !! it means a lot that uve been rooting fr me, truly :]
hehe thank u thank u ... i hope so too !!! im working on moving away from the template i started with, it's a lot of work figuring it all out but im having a blast, coding is a pain in the ass but once u get the hang of it its so cool seeing what uve been working on coming together all nicely :D html is generally an easier language to learn than something like javascript or python, since it's much more immediately readable. it has a lot less potential than those two, but it doesnt necessarily need to be the most complex thing in the world! u can still get a lot out of it, and most things tht i dont understand immediately i can usually infer what theyre Supposed 2 do and tht makes it a lot easier. much less math too LMAOAOAOA
and of course, even if i don't reply right away i always want to reply to you, it's lovely being able to have a connection like this :] i hope you're doing well !!
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perfectsunlight · 2 years ago
hi im here to update !!
i confronted her abt her behavior and she DENIED tht shes obsessed w me and what so ever.. she also denied tht shes jealous of my friends when she literally posted abt it but nvm😭
she said tht she alrdy have partner but erm, her actions towards me said otherwise when she literally posted abt me but sokayy we already resolved now and yeahh.. thank u for ur advice tho !! i appreciated it <3
bestie i think you should js block this person and move on w your life bc why in the world would she lie and then post abt it where you can see it ⁉️😭
but i’m glad you got it sorted out…even if she’s crazy
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legobatjoker · 2 years ago
.BTW AGGH ITS AMOST 5AM AHSDGFHGF SO NOT GOOD literally how tf did i let this fucking happenn agghfghgfhf so ya im going ot bed like RN but boefire i do i really do this is gonna be RLY short bc of the time but rly do just wanna say tht i really do just love you soso much my dearest !1 like aggh i rly did just have so much fun vcing with you today like im soso glad tht we got to it rly was soso lovely to chat and talk and hear ur voice love and just to spend time together just like it always it whenver we get to and ough i hope you know u rly are just sosos dear to me youre such a wonderful kind caring thoughtful friend and make me feel soso loved and cared for and safe and warm with you and just knowing you and having you in my life dearest rly just brings sm joy and light and happiness into my life and i hope you know tht im always here for you and you really mean everything to me and i really do just love you soso very much my dearest :'> i hope ur days been good and tht u sleep well, ilusm <3 💞💕🌸🍓🥭🌻🐞🦋💞💗✨✨✨
SHSJSJSJ NOT THEE 5AMNESS <//3333 i hope u can get lots of sleep and rest tn to help w the lateness dear<333 !!! and omggg i had smmm fun vcing toooo and it was just amazing to chat and hear ur voice and stuff and yah just soending time with you is sooo lovelyyy and ur suchhhh an amazing friend to meee all arounddd and make my lfie smmm better and brighter and i am sososo glad i can do the same for u and!!! u just mean the world to me and i love you soooo muchhhh 💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕🫶🏻 gnight!!!💕💕
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caruliaa · 2 years ago
ahhh its really late and also omfg we’re going to a museum thats like famous art and cool and stuff tmrw which is great EXCEPT its a super long drive from here which??? makes me kinda -___- lmao just bcuz theres plenty to do here like in fact i wld like more downtime so i cld just vc with youu<////3 but yeah im hoping friday will be more free hopefully.. manifesting… but anyway b4 i go to sleep i just want to say that ik u werent doing so great before u went to sleep so i mean ofc feel free if u still r feeling like that tmrw to dm me abt it or anything but the main thing i wanna say is just! that i care abt u and love u and hope i can be here for in any way possible ok? and i just want to say that youre such an incredible amazing lovely thoughtful understanding compassionate friend and person and that you fill my life with so so so so much care and support and love and light and you make my world so much brighter and just you are such an incredible incredible person all around and i just feel so lucky and grateful to know you and have met you and to get to be your friend like ;;; yeah i love you sosososooomuch. (hugs you a lot if u wld like? 💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕🫶🏻💕💕💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕💕🫶🏻💕💕💕)
nauur not the lateness tht always sucks -___- nd museum sounds rly cool but also rly frustrating w such a long trip there nd no free time but ya i have tmrw off school so we can call then ya and im v touched tht u were so excited too even if we cant :'> and ough omg ur so so sweet love ;; thank you so so much for being here for me love it really does just mean the world to me love and ya im still a bit. not the best but i feel a lot better today than i did last night and its spring break which is good !! and j thank you so so much for checking in on me its so kind of you and rly means sm to me :'> as does just knowing you in general love !! like im really so so glad that i can be such a good friend to you and be so lovely and understanding and thoughtful to you love and be so like supportive and caring and stuff i really really am because you really do deserve it so so much and just because i really do just want to so so much dearest because you really are so so dear and special and important to me and just soso amazing and i hope you know that you really are the same to me like youre just such a wonderful kind understanding loving friend to me and makes me feel soso loved and cared for and safe and warm with you and just bring so so much joy and light and love and happiness into my life just knowing you and being your friend and i hope you know you really do just mean everything to me and i really do love you so so much dearest !! :'> *hugs you back rly close if thats okay* 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
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20cm · 3 years ago
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♡ megbias highlight reel — heart boys, if you will . for meg @slowrabbitpd , happy birthday . ♡
#caleb.gif#i could tag all these guys but honestly this is For meg <3 :') its rly not fandom related its just going to be posted on tumblr dot com#( if anyones curious tho: changkyun + yeonjun + kang daniel / kihyun + junhyeok + taehyun / seungyeop + steve + romin )#meg!! happy birthday bestie 💕#really i hope you have an absolutely wonderful day ahead of you and are able to enjoy it w/ your People whoever they may be#and that you get to treat yourself to something fun <3 and have a wonderful meal 💖#spiritually i am making you egg on rice right now.. or go out for kbbq or w/e u kno..#truly its been an absolute pleasure to have met you and become friends outside just being mutuals on tumblr#youre such a fun and warm and funny person whos just . smart as a whip and have a killer sense of design and general eye#ur an absolute joy to talk to nd i cherish all the roller coasters we've been on together since last year .. theres no one else id rather -#be SO so normal with <3 u just Get it. and i appreciate that more than i could put into words. i love all our shared megrook bias boys +#biases in law? is that what we can call it. anyways. megbiases are treasured <3 so i wanted to include them in a little something#all for you <3 including some very special sky pics !! bc u sent them to me a while ago and i treasured them!! so. have some megbias boys#peeking into ur photos. thats the concept yup fkgjkjdgf idk i just had an idea of sort of .. flipping thru photos here.#anyways. love u bestie! very much. sending u big warm hugs#we are the [deep breath]#taejunist high school yearbook editor freshman orientation leader magic and hiyyih defense squadists kep1er detectives#the boyz gatekeepers woojinist dailytaehyun and soobinsource admin team •_• (witnesses of the horrors) + peer review service#^ that gets longer EVERY time. lmfao 💕#ill shut up now but <3 just thank u for being here and being u. i admire u and cherish our friendship + thank u for ur endless patience#bc ik the last few months i was sorta awol but u never once made me feel bad for it and its that sort of level of Comfortable that means -#the world to me<3 so im glad i have tht w/ u <3#MWAH ok [posts]
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nitroish · 4 years ago
red, blue and green can see the minish, while vio can't. if co-fronting with one of the others, he can, but if they shrink as a whole, he'll be kept from the front/consciousness [basically he'll just pass out], and he can't when he's the main one fronting. he doesn't know if he couldn't from the moment they drew the sword and split, or if he lost the ability somewhere along the way, but whatever it was he can't see them now. it makes him sad, yeah, but at least he can see them sometimes, with the others. green knows his time is limited, he knows he won't stay a child forever, he knows someday something's going to push that innocence over the edge and not even the magical connection they have with the minish will be able to stop it, and he'll look to the grass and an entire world will be lost to him, and that thought terrifies him. it hasn't really donned on blue. he doesn't consider himself to be childish or innocent anyway, if he was gonna lose the ability he would've already. maybe he's just special, and he'll just continue to have the ability for life! they are heroes to the minish, after all! it'd make sense! he teases vio about not being able to see them sometimes. it doesnt seem to bother him too much- for the most part. red is...purposefully ignoring that thought. for now he's going to just enjoy whatever time he has! no use fretting over something that hasn't happened yet! they've got plenty of time, and blue's right, they are kinda special after all! worrying about something that might not even happen won't do any good!
anonymous asked: oh a note i felt was necessary to add to one of my previous asks [the one about the minish] because i thought of this and it was bothering me, i realize that "he teases vio about not being able to see them sometimes. it doesnt seem to bother him too much- for the most part." could come off as blue being an asshole and purposefully making fun of stuff people are sensitive about, and that's not really what i was going for. it's more meant to be "blue tends to make fun of people as a way of joking around, but isn't aiming to upset anyone genuinely and will try to avoid doing so if he thinks it'll hurt anyone [though he sometimes doesn't realize something will be hurtful until it's too late, and when that happens, has a habit of being defensive rather than apologetic because it's sort of human instinct to make ourselves look good, and he tends to deflect anger outwards to avoid feeling guilty]", if that makes sense. he's not trying to make jokes at other people's expense.
hope u dont mind i put these two together like this!! im gonna answer under a readmore so it doesnt take up a ton of room and i dont annoy ppl KJFGJHFD
I TOTALLY GOT WHAT U MEANT THO i understand blue isnt rly Just A Fucking Dick kind of character! i totally get what u mean. op all these thoughts make me so so fuckin happy i . love these. i love four swords so fucking much.
im glad vio still gets to see the minish sometimes when hes co-con !! at least he has that, thts nice? "hes sad but at least he can see them when the others are fronting" Exactly is my thought on it sjghfdg hed just be kinda glad he was able to see them sometimes at all? its better than never kinda thing, ykno??
blue is straight up vibin and sometimes to take a hit you need to joke a bit ohh that rhymed KJFSHGKJDHFG. green has so many thoughts about everything i hope he takes a break soon jdsghdkjfhgd hes so busy in his head and i love him for it but i can hear the gears turning.
god i love blue. i 100% get blue and hes really valid and youre RIGHT. blue is just? hes not a straight up dick and people that depict him as such are ~ wrong ~. thats not what hes trying to go for? when hes talking and joking to people some of his jokes just land wrong/hit too hard or close to home but it isnt like he. purposely did it knowing it would hurt op. he doesnt plan on the other persons downfall when he says shit. and u r so right?? defensiveness comes from the fact its hard to just accept that it was hurtful when he had good intentions and meant for it to be a joke? "it was just a joke" but its genuine and not "i knew what i was saying was gonna hurt u and im gonna say it was just a joke to fuck w u"? KJFHGKJHFD IDK IF THAT MADE SENSE BUT I HOPE SO. he did not mean to and <3 guilt is a gross emotion (is angry instead)
the colours my beloveds. i fucking love them. four swords is one of my favourites,,,,
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apostitudes · 6 years ago
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darpc was my first introduction to the world of tumblr roleplaying and i couldn’t have had a happier start! everyone was so welcoming and sweet and it made it really easy to get into!! and, because i hit 150 followers recently, this means i get the chance to yell about how much i love my friends and how much i love writing with them! i can’t wait to hash out some cool and fun threads with more of you!!! my hearts full of extreme love!!!!!!!!!
@chantrysworn: i have no clue where to start beyond hello there old chum! i just flat out want to say i Love And Appreciate You So Much!! tolerating my incoherent rants abt morriana @ 3 in the morning? that’s friendship bliptch!! you were one of the most welcoming people when i first got here and i’m rlly glad u were!! the way you write and portray leliana is my absolute favourite and there’s a certain quality to your writing that’s so fucking pleasing to the eye. i love writing with you both because of how enjoyable you make it and how easy it is to get into the groove of things with you :’) :’) <3 wah!!!!!
@apocryphorum: holds orion with my tiny fists and keeses him.... the love you put into your characters really shows and i’m SO fucking appreciative of it.... i truly love both u and orion the snotty lil mans.... just bouncing off ideas about their dynamic and sharing adoration for miss olivia octavius... it’s valid and i appreciate tht babey!!!!!! i can’t wait to write more with u!!! <3
and some nice things i wanna say to people even if we don’t talk much ooc/have many threads!!
@pentaghasted: i love the way u write cassandra a lot!! and u have some Superb Ideas(tm) about some uhhhhh top tier ships :3c ur valid and i appreciate ur existence on my dash!!
@sevnswords: a) meredith stannard solidarity b) ur passion re: lesbian characters and headcanons rlly makes this lil gay happy.......... i know i’m bad at holding plot convos but wah!!!! one day.... i will write something Good w/ you :eyes:
@polvado: YELLING ABT UR COURIER IS A LOT OF FUN...!!!!! it’s super cool to be around someone so enthusiastic abt the fallout series, it’s really getting me Back into it and ur just super cool in general!!!
@magiklead: i love atheris....... n talking to u on the darpc discord is a lot of fun!! seein the stuff u post both there and abt ur inquisitor rlly warms my heart.... i hope to write with u more!!
@thedraisms: YOUR THEME....... IS AESTHETIQUE....... the amount of absolute LOVE you pour into thedra is so fucking cool!!! your art is amazing and honestly i thought u were a little Intimidating at first?? but you’re so sweet and easy to approach and!!!! ya!!!
@acesfight: hi!!!!! i love talkin to u and seein stuff abt sterling on beacon (yknow. for as much as i pop in there whOOPS BUT!!!!!!!!) and you’re Really Really cool!!! 
@worrytoken: ok so i know we haven’t spoken but a) the idea of a darkspawn chronicles alistair is so original and honestly the execution is stellar and b) THE ADORATION YOU HOLD FOR HIM.... it’s inspiring. your metas are so long. your headcanons are an absolute joy to read. awawawawa!!!
misc. list of ppl whose dash precense i adore and enjoy/would enjoy writing with!!! (if i accidentally tag someone twice oops im sorry dhgkhd)
@ofdales / @lcstwarden / @nothinglorious / @worldevoured / @warwcn / @soutarasyl / @wolvesandcrow / @greymarch / @taempestas / @guardianlost / @desarteres (i still love morph) / @magicbound / @crowcull / @ofdought / @nxthero / @fadeventured / @pettyshot / @theharellan / @valorcorrupt / @prismbursts / @intoxicatiing !!
i’m sure i’m forgetting a few people but!!! <3 love u guys!!! wah............
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saltflat · 6 years ago
dearest naava! happy birthday to you so much sweetheart! thank u for being such a wonderful and lovely person i love you so much!! my birthday girl!! u always make me laugh and ur text posts always brighten my day. thank you for always sharing a lil piece of you with the world and for always being so sweet & funny. you are super hillarious and ur tags nskdjhsdjk thank u for being so much of a joy! idk what made me smash follow when i first saw ur blog but im so glad that we r mutuals (1/?)
(and have been for over a year now ! bc i was mutuals on ur last bday 🤧🤧💕💕💘💘💘💕💕🌹🌹) i love u so much and i would ship u all of the roses that i could possibly find … toronto i am COMING w love 4 naava !! COMING TO U W SO MUCH LOVE!! thank u for being a LIGHT and for being so respectful & funny and the queen of urls .. may allah grant u many more years, and may they be FRUITFUL and good to u! may u find happiness (2/?)
LOVE support and all the good things during these years! may u always be happy and may allah grant u good blessings!! and when times get tough remember “with hardships will be ease!!!” i love u so so so much !! i wish i could bake u a big ol cake n take u out for some food angel but i cant so :/// thank u for being amazing i love u angel … love u love u love u .. shipping myself to canada rn so i can take u out on tht date 💕💕💕 (3/3)!! happy birthday princess!!|
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royaielfroot · 8 years ago
Hey! Im a Bolts fan who is fully intent upon following Bishop to the stars next season. What would a new stars fan need to know?
hey! sorry it took me ages to answer this! i’m so glad to hear that you want to learn more abt the stars! ! i’m putting this under a read more so that ppl can be spared from me going on abt the stars for forever!
anyways DALLAS STARS intro ish the 17/18 season
! as all teams,and esp because stars had a p shitty season, stars are shuffling rosters and coaching a bit!so i can’t know for sure if everyone’s gonna be here when the season starts but still!we hired ken hitchcock who’s replacing lindy ruff as head coach for the 17-18 season! hitchcock actually coached the stars to their cup 1999! so he’s a familiar face to the franchise!
and ofc u know that we signed ben bishop (and i bet you know more about him than me! so i’ll just say that i’m really excited)! we’ve been struggling a bit with our goaltending (kari lehtonen, our 16/17 starter, gets more shit than he deserves tbqh,but he might not be the starter we need. he’s a gr8 guy and a good goalie and he saved us a bunch of times last season!)
we also recently traded for marc methot! who we need to fill out our messy defense, hopefully he will bring us some veteran experience and solid defense! and vet experience we need ! because stars are a pretty young team! or at least our d is!(i’ll get back to that) 
i’d say our “core” group of players,aka the ones we protected, who won’t be moved this summer are:
jamie benn! captain! #14, wingerreally gr8 drafted 129th(!) overall 2007! went extremely underrated for a while but he worked really hard and he’s loved by the stars org and fans! he won the art ross 14-15 (that’s how good he is!) he’s been bothered by injuries for a couple of seasons but hopefully he’ll be back on top after the summer!also has a brother who played for the stars until the deadline this season ): jordie benn is now playing for the canadiens!here he is mic’d up !tyler seguin #91 , centerreally good hockey player,drafted 2overall by the bruins 2010, traded to us after the 13-14 season. a great center! has 3 dogs he posts abt on social media a lot, they’re called cash,marshall and gerry so he’s automatically blocked and idk him. no but he struggled a bit w media and stuff when he was younger, around and before the trade,there’s a lot on tht out there and in his tribune article! he made some mistakes when he was a teenager,and the stars have waited him out for several seasons now so i wouldn’t be surprised if they give him the A, and honestly imo he deserves it by now,he’s been gr8 with the community and with younger playerswatch this  + tribune ! good read!
jason spezza! alternate captain #90 , centerteam dad !!! nhl vet ! amazing with rookies (i still have *** dreams about the spezza-valeri-mattias janmark line, they’re all still stars so I hope they’ll be able to reunite tht line this season), has an amazing laugh i love him!!! 
radek faksa #12 c/lwjust watch this video ! he made it so far and fought so hard to get to the nhl! he’s really good! only 23 so there’s a lot of potential with him! owns a turtle !
antoine roussel #21 LW! one of 2 french players in the nhl ! known troublemaker and the loml, underrated because ppl thinks he only fights! he had his best season yet last season and did really well for france at worlds! if u google him you’ll only get stuff abt his on ice stuff,off the ice he’s a really sweet guy, he does a lot of charity work and he has a cat called minou! he also called jamie out during an interview,announcing to the world that jamie has a diabetic cat…which remains a mysteryhere’s a vid abt his journey to the nhl! 
john klingberg #3 Di could go on forever abt him lbr, he’s a good offensive dman , heavily criticized last season when stars for some reason expected him (24) to play on the top d pairing with esa (21) w/o any struggles. he’s dumb af and i h8 him ! no but lbr if he gets some stuff together he’ll be one of the better offensive dmen in the league,he’s a big part of the Stars Future™ which takes us to the rest of our Dhe once said that he’d rather be bad at hockey than a virgin,which is rly embarrassing.he won gold w tre kronor at worlds! and got two teeth knocked out…which he has since replaced than godhere’s a vid abt his journey and 1st season!here he is …narrating the casino night,, and accidentally asking why tyler carries around two dicks…unfortunate
esa lindell #23 D! a gr8 Guy! big ! almost paler than klinger i bet they switch sunscreen brands in the locker room… transitioned from the AHL to the NHL really quickly last season played big minutes ! he’s a good two way dman! stars just signed him to a two year contract! and he’ll probs be up with us all season this season too.THERE’s an iconic interview with him in finnish that klinger crashes my yelling esa’s name rly loudly 0 chill,it’s so messy i love it
kari lehtonen #32sat on top of the goal once,the world won’t let him forget it. part of the now dead finn goalie tandem. he’s been with the stars for a good while! i love him and i think he’s getting too much shit, but i do agree that he might not be a starter
ALSO a big mf shoutout to VAL NICHUSHKIN , you’re gonna hear shit about him because he’s playing in the KHL right now to develop his game and ppl are bitter about us protecting him! but he has the potential to be really good! and he’s really young too, he had some contract agreements that says either the NHL or the KHL, no AHL, so stars let him sign with KHL for two seasons, he still has one season left on that contract but we kinda want him back, and we MIGHT get him! he’s rly sweet and ! iconic !
we also protected stephen johns, brett richie !
i’m not going to talk about all the players but we have a lot of young guys, (julius honka, remi elie,mattias janmark, brett richie), and i love them all!they’re hopefully going to be parts of the future of this team! and even with them mentioned i’ve skipped a bunch of dudes, - I KNOW it can be hard learning about the stars with tyler and jamie (love them but still,) blocking up the tag! but there’s so much gold ! especially in the casino night vids (15/16/17)!- ALSO wow! big shout out to any content julie dobbs is in! she’s the main media personality for the stars and she’s so amazing! - the stars youtube page is dead af so i recommend the website for videos and stuff!!!
extra info:- GOAL SONG- video abt rich peverley, a player who collapsed during a game 14/15 season,it’s rly great and it makes me cry so warning abt that.
also the stars are rly good with extra af videos and content like THIS vid that makes me cry and THIS vid tht makes me emo
OK ! I’m gonna shut up now! Sorry for making this so long i just love this team a lot! I can recc u some stars blogs or answer any other questions if you want to!
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cmrnfry · 8 years ago
hey, so I'm p sure I followed you a while back when we were in the same fandom((s)??? idk) but I still follow you now bc you seem really cool and you post a lot of pretty anime gifs. anyway I was just wondering what akira was about bc I've never seen it, and it looks really interesting so i'm wondering if I should check it out. so what's like, the basic rundown of the plot? thank you for helpin me out
sure!!! i’ll give a Vague description of the movie.. but not th manga cause its rlly long and even though the movie will probably be harder to follow w/o having read the manga, it’s a big commitment u kno. so um i’m gonna be vague so i don’t spoil much even tho i’ve been reblogging a million gifs. also i’m on mobile so idk how to put it under a cut i am So Sorry BUT:
so obvi it’s after world war III but it turns out the war was actually caused by a child who was taken in after being discovered to have psychic abilities, then tested on heavily for having the potential to be extremely powerful, n then losing control and basically becoming a meat sack of power and , Hng, Exploding. but with him there were like . fuck . twenty? HNGG I GUESS twenty other kids like him but tht didnt have the same Power? I Guess ? idk how to explain it but these kids were discovered, secretly tested on in hopes for being used in the military, then one of them EXPLODED !! AND THAT KID WAS NAMED AKIRA AAAA anyway so That Happens but the shitheads who tested on him still had to keep all the Experiments a secret so they covered it up w/ the War Excuse. but guess WHAT! they still kept the kids and gave them their medicine and kept them secret and theyre not even kids anymore? its been like 30yrs? and only three of them survived the explosion ITS FUCKED theyre wrinkly and little but they each have their own little powers its great. thats the BackStory I Guess that wasn’t explained in the movie. im worried i got some of that wrong but i havent read it in its entirety in a long time so (SHRUGS) CANT BLAME ME OK LOL
ok but like the thing abt the Powers the children have is tht iirc its like passed down thru generations or smth ? im gonna act confidentsososo Basically the movie is abt a biker gang of 15/16yr old kids? 16/17? theyre our main characters. they have no parents but they have Cool Bikes. the main members that we Get To Know r kaneda (the leader), yamagata, kaisuke, and tetsuo! there r other members but fuck them i guess. so we follow them as one of the members (tetsuo!) comes into contact with one of the three little kids (i call them kids but theyre not) who tried to escape from the nursery all three of them are kept in. so tetsuo crashes his motorcycle into the guy and explodes and hes like HHHUYGGHHYYUUGG u kno. layin on th groundso now the Government Ppl who were comin to get the wrinkly buddy back in his nursery home see that tetsuo touched his Power n were like well fuck bring him in too lolso they TOOK TETSUO AAHH and kaneda’s like NO!!! and they do little brain tests on him and give him shots and pills and shit n they see, woah, would u look at that?, he has the potential to become as powerful as akira!!!!!!!! SO UH LETS FUCK HIM Up n try again w the whole capturing-god’s-power thing cause we’re selfish pigs Just don’t let him explode this time!!!!
so that’s uh the basic plot theres also kei she’s cool but is pretty useless in the movie so fuck her too i gue
but um! if u end up watching the movie and wanting to read the manga then here is me trying to convince u to: a shit ton more character development, a shit ton more kei i mean a SHITE ton, a shit ton more kaisuke, more kaori we love kaori, n characters tht didnt make it to the movie that are … So good
also the manga ends up taking place between like Two completely different and surreal aesthetics while the movie gives you.. just one . if you care
but ya thats me rambling about akira im sorry if it doesnt make sense!!!!! thank u for taking interest its a long movie But its very dear to me and its beautiful and funny and tragic and it’ll make u angry but also glad and its good????its a masterpiece so i hope u watch it lol
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daisy--sorbet · 6 years ago
no one cares but uhhh time 4 some kh3 opinions
god i love olympus. it was a rly nice world to be reintroduced to and i actually rly loved whats essentially a tutorial level.
and while im sorta implying game mechanics - i actually rly love the way kh3 plays. the fighting feels pretty fluid imo and i really love formchanges a lot more than i did in kh2
and by formchanges i mean
just. i guess just the formchanges from shooting star and hunny spout - more shooting star tho bc its just. rly fun to nyoom around 
uhhhhh what else
im sad abt twilight town bc it was one of my fave worlds in kh2 tbh and now its just. its so tiny. its gorgeous but its just so small and i would have loved to be able to see the usual spot at the very least???
HAYNER. PENCE. OLETTE. i love them. especially hayner tryin 2 fuckin kick ansem sod like u stupid boy i love u
also i never expected to love ienzo as much as i do but i love him w my entire god damn heart. a cute dude. 10/10 i can and will die for him
and speaking of characters i love a lot: demyx, axel, and larxene are all still <3333 for me. axel and demyx have been since 2, and larxene started w 3 and intensified when i met her in kh re:com because ugh she could literally slam me against a wall and i’d be heart eyes emoji at her
listen i loved playing as riku in 3D and i wish i could play as him more.
AQUA. MY GIRL. i loved fighting as her even tho i nearly died in the process once or twice but-
also!!!! waking ven up!!!!!! my boy!!!! i love ventus so much and hes probably one of my fave characters its just <333 to see my boy awake again
possibly also intensified by the fact i recently beat bbs and watched him sleeb
i already shared my thoughts on the paopu scene.
uh back 2 worlds
i think my fave worlds so far would be a huge tie between the kingdom of corona and san fransokyo??? which... im probably biased because i rly love tangled and bh6 but
i love eugene so much sdfkjhsdf hes just. one of my fave disney guys honestly.
and UHHH
TWO??? BAYMAXES???? i was so excited when i saw both of them bc baymax has been one of my favorite characters for a while now and bh6 is still one of my fave movies even tho i desperately need to rewatch it soon.
i tried to get a pic of hiro being hugged by both of them just so i could send it to a pal and say “god i wish this were me” but sdkfsdhf
uhhh least favorite world out of all of them is definitely the caribbean :/// FUCK luxord and that boat race. it was bullshit and i lost too many times bc i literally like. had the tutorial on how to steer boat and i went “oh no. ohhh no. oh no.” because i Knew what was coming because you dont just introduce new mechanics like that without putting in some kind of challenge with them tbh :/
but no, seriously, this world literally ruined any sort of replayability for me??? like. i’d replay the game, but i’d get to the caribbean and go “oh fuck, not this part” and die i guess
arendelle was.... ok. not my favorite world, but not my least favorite in the series at all. i wish they could have done more.
100 acre wood felt... rushed. im glad they included it bc theyve had it in every game im p sure??? or at least in most of them. i do love the minigames and its still a good happy place 
i got so excited to see remy in twilight town 
mr ratatouille im a huge fan
(idk how many ppl i dmed that with 0 context and they were like “ok then” but it was a lot)
monstropolis was fun! i grew up watching monsters inc a thousand times w my brother so it was just another <333 nostalgia thing for me 
TOY BOX WAS LIKE. VERY MIXED FOR ME??? i love the world and what it is, but i didnt enjoy certain parts of it
mainly also that opening bc that commercial confused me a lot before it was revealed to be a commercial
lets talk forms.
toy box sora: good design imo. very cute. 
monstropolis sora: also very cute. his lil tail...
the caribbean sora: honestly, as much as i hate this world, i absolutely adore this design??? hes so cute and he actually fits in with the world because kh2... the contrast there is rly funny sfkjjshf
uhhhhhh main complaint: can we talk about the writing in this game? mainly the female characters?
i was hoping for badass kairi. shes a keyblade wielder for christs sake! but instead shes stuck in another pretty pink dress and shoved into the background.
and while we’re on kairi: i wanna know more about her friendship with axel??? 
i actually really like concepts brought up with aqua. she stayed hopeful for so long, anti-aqua was an interesting concept! im also an awful person who likes to break characters sometimes for the development it brings but something tells me not much is going to come from this. she was left alone down there for so long, and when she had a shot at potentially escaping, she lost it. :(
thank u san fransokyo for giving us some good gals. i love go-go and honey lemon a lot since hell yea!!! smart gals kickin ass!!! love them.
i feel ROBBED of having elsa as a companion. i guess it makes sense but i was hoping to have her fuck shit up after accepting her ice powers bc her kingdom was in trouble Or Some Shit like cmon man :(
also why was the entirety of let it go in kh3. it looks so good but why.
were there any other female characters??? olette im relatively ok w since shes not supposed to be some super strong fighter or anything im p sure - and the other female characters in different worlds either didnt stand out enough for me to have any feelings towards
sora feels... off in this game. so does riku. idk what it is, but...
they’re so good.
i was smiling so hard at the “just like your face!” joke because it was so DUMB but it was so CUTE and i love the three of them being good pals and making dumb jokes together
i also love mickey and riku havin a good friendship there.
even if i did make the “mickeyriku is canon” joke when they reunited at the end of 2. it was purely to stop myself from crying.
but idk as much as i love sora, donald, and goofy gettin some good friendship stuff in - it feels like
thats where all the focus was for sora’s friendships? like.
idk he doesnt really talk to kairi or riku as far as i remember???? more kairi than riku but like. still. theyre supposed to be two of his closest friends tht he grew up with, and yet he doesnt??? really make any comments abt communicating w them from what i can remember???
like. the most he had was calling riku i think? and then going to the realm of darkness to get riku and the king back.
i wonder how much of the kh3 plot would change if we took kairi out
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legobatjoker · 2 years ago
okay so idk if ur free and i might not b bc my dad was suppost to be somewere today and tmrw but he came back early today bc he was feeling unwell and he said if he still is tmrw he'll stay home but if he doesnt then ishld be home alone for a lot of tmrw so if ur free then i would love os much to call if thats good w u :> but also omg idk whyiv been saying tmrw this whole time bc its fucking 4 am !! so umm i should get to bed huh DFHDFH so i will nd sorry if this is short bc of that but before i do i really do just wanna say that !!! i love you soso much i really really do mx like !! u rly are just the most amazing incredible friend to me like youre really soso good to me and kind and thoughtful and considerate and make me feel soso loved and cared for every day and jsut bring soso much joy and light into my life like whenever we talk aand spend time together and share stuff together it rly does make my life sm happier and better and warmer and jsut such a wonderful experince just like knowing you in general is and i hope you know that you really do mean the world to me and that i just rly do love you soso muchh i rly rly do :'> i hope ur getting lots of rest after ur college thing and that u sleep so well tongiht, i love you so much <3 !! 💕💗🍓🦔🐈🌼🍋🌻🍰❣✨✨✨
YEAH as far as i know i should be free to call tmrw???? i mean all i have is that i have to get a lot of work tht ive been procrastinating on done lollbut i can do that whenever in the day so yah!!! and so yeah i wld rlly love to but ofc if you cant because your dad is home or anything else then i ofc ofc understand peaches!!! also oughhghuyhh;;; you are such such an incredible friend to me too flappy and are always just sosooooo thoughtful and sweet to me so i am sosososooo overjoyed that i can be the same for you and i mean not only am i glad bcuz ur the same type of friend to me but im j glad bcuz u rly deserve it and also mainly bcuz i j rlly rlly want to be a good friend to u ykw!! and yah u bring sm joy and brightness to my life too and ;;; i j love u smmm!!!! gnighttt i hope u can get some good sleep and sleep in tmrw<33!!💕💕💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕
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caruliaa · 3 years ago
okay i rlly do need to go to bed early bcuz wisdom teeth are going away earlie tomorrow and also what we talked ab ab fixing sleep schedules…!!! so yeah im sorry if this is short but i stil wanted to say that well vcing with you was sooooo much funn and just so nice to do even if it was p quick i am always so so glad to get to speak withbyou itse just!! so lovely!!! and ur such a lovely presence in my life and make my world sooo much brighter warmer lovlier and i really want to provide the same to you smmmm!!! and i just think you yourself are not only a amazing friend but an amazing person whonis so so skilled and makes such great arts and who i love to listen to the thoughts and ideas of and who is so thoughtful and good and loveable and endearing and incredible!!! i really do love youuu so much!! (hugs you perhaps if u like💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻)
!!!! dw at all abt being short its chill i understand and GOOD LUCK W THE TEETH GOING AWAY <3 even tho im answering this after tht happened but ya FGHFDHGDF nd ough omg mx you are soso sweet and kind ;; i had so so much fun vcing with you too mc i rly did even tho it was just for a little while bc !! i got to talk with you and hear your voice and spend time with you mx and it always so so lovley whenever i get to do that bc well you are so so lovely mx !! :'> nd oohh im so so glad i hope you know that i be a lovely presence in your life mx and help make it happier and warmer becuase i rly want to i hope you know i rly rly do :'> and i hope you know that you do make my life so much better and warmer and brighter and just fill it with so much love and care you rly rly do mx and i hope you know that i just think your such such an incredible caring thoughtful understanding friend and wonderful amazing talented charming kind sweet fun funny person and im just so so incredibly lucky to have you in my life mx i rly rly am i hope you know you mean the world to me and i love you so so so much i really truly do :'> *hugs you back if you like my love !!* 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕✨✨✨
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20cm · 4 years ago
wait I GOTTA SEND ONE I don't think I did?!?! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ you're one of my favourite people on this site! like ... talking to you feels really comforting and easy and I feel like I could talk to you for hours! you are so fun and lovely and a real pleasure to have as a mutual/friend!! I also love what you create, and your icons are always so pretty 💞 pls spare talent. I look forward to your presence each day, and reading your tags on my sets brings a smile to my face!! tumblr would not be the same without you, caleb. I also feel like I've known you for a long time, but I think we haven't been moots for long? you're just so refreshing and cool!! I feel like I could ramble forever omg but seriously ... you are a wonderful person and I hope you have a great week ahead of you !! ❣ily!
HI RYUUU 💕💖💕💖💕💖💕⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️<- stars for you too!!
😭🥺PLEASE ur gonna make me tear up youre so so kind please 🤧💖💖💖
im so glad tht you feel comforted + tht genuinely makes me rly happy to hear <333 the same to you its really easy and fun to talk with you!! 💛i wouldnt change us being muts/friends for the world <3 esp because it truly does feel like ive been mutuals w/ u for Much longer than i actually have its insane 😭(i think its been since late may earlier june?)
also PLEASE Ur also so so talented and creative with everything u do!!! i love the icons + headers + general design gfx you do its just fun and bright and conceptually so You i think.. and your giffing skills are top tier ofc ofc 💖💖 i think of your run away + 2nd anni sets so often <3 i love seeing whatever you put out+im looking forward to more <3
tumblr wouldnt be the same w/o you either <3 genuinely moablr - or at least the mutual circles we're both in - has made my days so much brighter and i really appreciate all of u, and youre a large part of it 💕💕💕 truly and sincerely im rly glad we're in the same spaces + that i met u !! thank you sm sm for taking the time to write this + i hope u know i think the same of u!
i hope your week is also just as wonderful and ily2!!!!🧸💖
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legobatjoker · 3 years ago
waa oaky omg it is pased 2 am and i rluy rly rly rly am soo fucking exaghsted im falling asleep as we speak practically lol so i lry gotta go 2 bed now so osrry if this is short but i od j wanna say b4 i do that !!! i love you so os much mx i lr y rly do :'> like ough ur j such an incredible friend i hope u know like ur here 4 me sm nd care 4 me sm nd ur j so os good to me and treat me w sm kindness nd love nd ur j so undrstanding of me nd thoughtful and i just know rly tht u rly rly do care abt me and love me and tht just rly rly does mean the whole world 2 me mx and makes me feel so so happy and loved and i hope so much that i can be the sdame for you my belvoed becuase you deserve it so os much and becuase i just love you so so so much and want to make ur life sm better and happier and bring sm joy into it and just i hope u know how lucky i am 2 b ur firend mx bc i lry rly am and i rly do jjust love oyu so os much u mean the whoile world 2 me :'> i hope ur days been good and tht sleep well w many sweet dreams (also os osrry 4 my typoes om j so tired sleeby yk) ilusmm <3 ❣💗🍋💞🍰🌻❤🍓❣✨✨ /p
its only 1 am but i almost j fell asleep by accident myself LMAO so yeah do nottt worry and i really hope you get a chance to get a lot of good rest tonight omg!!!!! and oughhh T____T 🥺🥺🥺🥺 tysmmm im sosoo glad i can be all of that for you and!!!!! you are absolutely so much the same for me dear:333!!!!! youre so lovely and incredible and make me feel sososo warm and loved wahhhhh❤️❤️💕💕💕❤️❤️ i love you and hope you have such sweet dreams, good night jules!!!💕❤️❤️💕💕❤️❤️💕💕
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