#the world does not revovle around you
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terriblysims · 1 year ago
Really sick of seeing people shit on a game and people who play that game because they think it's taking away from people interacting with their content
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merrilark · 9 months ago
Sorry about (sort of) infodumping here but something inside me does everytime the name of fives mother is spelled Efa instead of Aoife. I know that's how it's spelled in the show but it still irks me so much
I know Efa is easier to understand for americans but the world doesn't revovle around america y'know? If someone can't understand that a name from a different country could be spelled differend than how they would spell it than I'm sorry to say this but the might just be a bit dumb. It isn't hard to look up how to pronounce something. (Sorry if this seems a bit mean I've just met so many people who think Ireland is like mini-england or smthn when it really isn't)
Her name actually being spelled Efa just feels so unrealistic to me bc no actual Irish person in their right mind would ever spell it like that 😭
Hi! No worries lol
I also thought it was a bit odd but "Efa", for what it's worth, also isn't a name that I've ever seen before as an American. From my understanding, Aoife is the Irish equivalent of Eva, but Efa is the Welsh equivalent. Perhaps Efa has some Welsh relatives?
But like I said, I'm neither Irish nor Welsh so take that how you will. I have no idea how common or uncommon it is as a name in either country. Maybe an Irish or Welsh follower can chime in with more info?
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enoshkamediaaaslevel · 5 years ago
Media studies has always been something I wanted to study and take part of , and when I was offered it as a subject I was more than excited to be part of the class .I feel a subject like media studies allows individuals to bring out their inner creativity and in the midst of quarantine being able to be productive and embrace it is very important.
Our class started with the Introduction to media studies , the forms of Media that exists like film , Radios , Podcasts , Music , Articles etc .
We discussed the activities and assignments and how we would be graded in the future . we would also be  learning key elements such as camera angles , lighting , editing , colour schemes and pallets .
Our  project we have to do this year is  our foundation portfolio where my  classmates and I would be divided into groups to create our own 2 minute opening of a film
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Our class started off with all of us discussing movies that we liked and what kind of impact it had that made us like the movies , we discussed almost all the elements such as the music , the genre , what colours the directors played with and how it impacted a scene in the movie, my favourite movie was yeh Jawani hai Deewani as it told a story about friendship as well as being ambitious and chasing your dreams no matter what what background or situation you come from , as long as you work hard you can achieve anything .
Our Teacher taught us the 3 main Elements of storytelling
Information- Tells us about the characters , the setting , basic storyline , who’s the protagonist & antagonist of the story - if any .
Conflict- The main problem in the story .
Destiny - The outcome that is bound to happen despite the efforts of the character’s to escape it.
The types of Genres we discussed
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We were also then introduced to Hybrid genres , where the movie holds more than one type of genre such as the movie ‘Blended’ by Frank Coraci , the movie held both comedy and Romace allowing viewers who like to watch Romance and viewers that like comedy to enjoy this combined genre of film .
Linear storytelling  - is the most widely used and accepted format in animation. It develops with a beginning, progresses into a middle and then goes off to a resolution at the end.
Nonlinear narrative - is a narrative technique, sometimes used in literature, film,  where events are portrayed, for example, out of chronological order or in other ways where the narrative does not follow the direct causality pattern of the events featured, such as parallel distinctive plot lines . 
There are 10 principles that make up a good story
Object - The movie revolves around acquiring a specific object eg- Infinity war where the avengers had to retrieve all 5 stones in order to save the world . 
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Place - Gravity , takes place in outer space to embrace the story line and its characters .
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Conversation - The movie letters to Juliet is a perfect movie to describe conversations without actually communicating , it is essentially communicating solely to his lover through letters .
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Nostalgia- The Bollywood movie ‘ Zindagi Na milegi Dubara ’ creates intense emotions as it takes place with 3 best friends going on a road trip as one of them is about to get married . Due to not keeping in touch regularly they rekindle their friendship on this trip through memories . 
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News - Films that are associated with some kind of news that can impact society such as such as The Bollywood movie -Section 375 .
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Myth/Religon/History - Involves mythical creatures and Greek gods or historic movements . The Lord of the rings is a form of myth that revolves around a hobbit that has the most powerful ring and how different creatures are after him in order to snatch away the ring . 
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Backstory - Movies that  hold more history and background explaining the format of the storyline
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Rumour - Revovles around a character that has started a rumour or is a victim of the rumour such Hannah baker in 13 reasons why where the rumour has caused her to take her own life and has led to more complicated events in the series and depicts the problems that teenagers face just by causing one rumour .
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Calamity - Includes a series of events which follow natural disasters and global pandemics such as the 5th wave and contagion .
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Blending - Blending is a mix of all the principles stated above , the Bollywood movie WAR has a backstory, object , location , nostalgia and conversation
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Overall this week I got the opportunity to learn many new things and understand the principles of story tellings as well as the types of story telling . I was very eager to know what we would learn next . 
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uncloseted · 3 years ago
Met Gala anon, I don't know if my words will help you, but there is so much that is valuable about each and everyone one of us as PEOPLE that don't revovle around the way that we look. I encourage you to look deep inside yourself and find what you love about yourself that isn't just your body, because I know it's there. You deserve to be loved for more than just your looks (:
Absolutely! Culturally, we put way too much emphasis on ow a person looks and not enough on who they are or what they do for others. I do want to say, though, that I intentionally don't answer questions like the Met Gala one with messages of body positivity or body neutrality. I think when someone has a problem or negative emotion, it can be tempting to tell them that the problem isn't that important, and that if they just let go of the importance they ascribe to the problem, the problem will go away. But that can feel invalidating, especially when nobody else is letting go of the problem.
Celebrities will continue to have events like the Met Gala, where they show off how fashionable and attractive they are. We'll continue to be bombarded with images of their surgically altered, digitally edited faces and bodies everywhere we go, whether we want to be or not. We'll continue to be sold products that promise to make us look like those celebrities. We'll continue to be told that we have cosmetic problems we didn't know even existed so that we'll buy products to fix those problems.
Adopting a policy of body neutrality is good, and it does help. We are more than our bodies, and we shouldn't have to think about our physical appearance as much as we do. But the outside world that profits off of manufacturing these feelings of insecurity will continue to exist, and it's important that we recognize it and hold it accountable. We shouldn't be putting responsibility of getting rid of insecurity. on the individuals who are victims of a celebrity culture designed to make them insecure. We should be holding the system responsible for the damage that it's done, and change how it works in the future.
I hope this doesn't come off as sounding critical, because that's really not my intention at all. Your advice is good. But the more we push responsibility onto individuals to fix problems, the more the big corporations are responsible for creating those problems can dodge responsibility themselves, and the more we as individuals feel like failures for not "doing enough" to fix the problem.
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ask-spamano · 7 years ago
Before I get to my question, Lovino could be deprived from the name Lovinus "little wolf", and it is an actual name despite belief, just rarely used. Now to my question: WWII, do you know how happy the South Italians were when the Allies started invading? I remember reading somewhere that many were happy when the Americans came. I know Romano joined the Allies in WWII, I just want to know the reception from his people. (This was hard, I didn't want to bring up politic/current issues..)
I’ve never really heard of the name Lovinus, besides, the Latin word for wolf is ‘lupus’ so such a thing would be derived from that. I’m sorry, but, you didn’t really fact check that and it’s very much not true. The closest thing in Latin that would mean ‘little wolf’ would be along the lines of Lupulus? Lovino is not a name. There is no record on it. Lovinus is not a word. No record on it. I don’t know where you heard that, but, it’s not true.
The closest thing to it is Rovino, which would loosely be around meaning ‘I ruin, I fall, I spoil’, and could’ve been a mistranslation through Japanese (give the L to R translations). This, still, is not a name. It’s just a word.
The most likely name, is Lavinio. This is heard from my Italian friends themselves, that’s probably what it’s from. Lavinio is still a incredibly uncommon name, and I have no idea what it means because of how little there is on it. So, all three options are out. No, it does not mean little wolf.
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On to the invasion: mixed feelings, overall. Yes, it was liberation from German occupation, therefore many people were happy and praised the Americans and helped them, but there was still a lot of harm done by the Allies (which is common and overlooked, since the winners write history); Allies bombed and shelled the island of Sicily and other parts, mainly Naples.
Naples had suffered hundreds of bombings and air raids from the Allies, in their means to ‘liberate it’, they had killed upwards of tens of thousands of civilians, though their target was supposedly the Germans. This would lead up to what is known as the ‘Four Days of Naples’. 
So, while the Germans had been ordered to reduce the city to “cinders and mud”, the Allies were already doing that for them, destroying many buildings, many homes. This combined effort left the city in such shambles, as well as most of the rest of southern Italy, that even 20 to 30 years later a lot of it wasn’t repaired due to it’s economical state (a general fact, but also a first-hand experience from my grandmother who visited family in Calabria). 
Neapolitans tried to be their own heros, the Italian resistance and the carabinieri doing their part to drive occupiers out. (Apparently Naples was award the Gold Medal of Military Valor for this, I didn’t know that!)
Of course, any country that went through the hell they did would be happy to see heroes, there’s plenty of pictures of this happiness:
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An Italian civilian policeman provides an American soldier a refreshing drink of water following Operation Husky: the Allied invasion of Sicily and the capture of the town of Troina from Axis forces. (Troina, August 1943)
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A British Army soldier of the Eighth Army waves to Italian civilians who have adorned him with flowers following the liberation of the Sicilian city of Catania during the Allied invasion of Sicily (Operation Husky).
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An Italian woman kisses the hand of a soldier of the U.S. Fifth Army after troops move into Naples in their invasion and advance northward in Italy, on October 10, 1943.
So, overall, there’s mixed feelings around this. Civilians were harmed but most were elated to have refuge from the Allies, who provided aid, but there’s still ill feelings around the bombings and air raids, even if not blatant because - again - the winners are the ones who write the history.
( Sources: x x x x ) 
Also, around this topic, I love the book – while historical fiction – ‘Fire in the Hills’, a sequel to Stones in Water, by Donna Jo Napoli. It is honestly one of my favorite books in the entire world. It revovles around this specific period, the liberation from German occupation, and the Italian resistance (my favorite part). It talks about the resistance and how they fought to liberate Naples, and how it moved north to liberate them as well. 
It’s also not entirely antagonistic of Germans or Allies, which is usually a problem with WW2 fiction, as the main characters befriend German resistance members that are in Italy, and work with the Allies while also showing how both sides harmed Italy.
And, if you’re wondering, Romano has mixed feelings towards America for this as well, holding a grudge for the harm caused but still appreciate the aid in a definite time of need (though it’s not spoken appreciation).
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seekeroftruthpromestein · 5 years ago
Alright. Lets check out Ladies Village. Going around first to see some things before hand. 
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That’s actually incredibly comforting. Its nice to know that, and my Morales are consistent. 
Let’s check out Luddite real quick.
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Interesting. So she’s the one who has been writing help messages. I really feel for this girl. I wanna pat her. 
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Here at Lady’s village. It seems like we already know two things. A) That this place is filled with Monsters because Alice is more helpful.  And B) A group of adventures left after some incident with a bunch of dead humans. 
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That’s good to know. 
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Oooh? New continent! New Continent! 
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....Southeast you say? 
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Me and Me are on the same page about Me. 
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Dammit VN Luka and Alice. Teaching your daughter how to be badass. Though,  I suppose this is good for us so. Good job?
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So yeah. This place needs to die too. I get that they’ve stopped so, F+ I guess, but still. 
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Setouchi Body! 
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Horray! I can fulfill my dreams and destroy this place! 
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Here’s something that i’m realizing. The game very rarely addresses Alice. Because her existence is shared with Ilias. She becomes unimportant to the plot because they both have to fill the same role. Its typically your “mass effect dialog” problem. Where any party member who gets addressed will always be addressed vaugly (with a few notable exceptions). It does well in making the illusion that they are there, which is good. But once you see past it, it feels disingenuous. 
Neris for example has said nothing to Alice the entire time and is instead interested in getting to know Luka. Now, this *COULD* be explained that Luka has died in her universe and she already clearly knows her, but its still rather awkward that she doens’t address it. 
So. Any time she is addressed is a treat.
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This line however continues, and its clear it can go two ways. “Fufu the former Goddess looks like a total disgrace”. 
You know what? As I say that, it is unfair to look at the strings, especially when i’m only seeing one. Like I said, its so rare that Alice is part of the plot at all, I should just be happy she’s an entity at all. 
I’m reminded of a story with a stage play about a man going to assemble an old band of his with his girlfriend. His girlfriend in the play the entire time and it turns out at the end that she was dead the whole time. Hints being that none of the other band members ever looked at her or addressed her. 
I think, if you ever find yourself writing for something, you should avoid that at all times. Having the entire world revovle around your protagonist can be very empty. 
Which, this game avoids narrowly by having the characters talk to each other plenty often. While I am coming off this with the rant that Alice rarely gets addressed in the story proper despite being an important focal point, the rest of the game does a nice job trying to have your party talk to each other, and having enough conversations that it can really be interesting. Having them have their own lives and hobbies and such. 
Anyway! Let’s get back to the game. We’re playing Spider’s Parlor and the fly. 
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I guess the fly eats the Spider in this story though.
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You two are lucky to be alive. I’m sure if Ilias was here she’d flat out tell you you should be dead.
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Considering how much else this game blatantly stole. I’m gonna go on a limb and say that this was inspired by Majin Buu. 
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Sonya. Have you not been paying attention? That’s all we DO. Get involved with the power struggle of others. 
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So join her then? 
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Yeah. That’s a bit hard to forgive. 
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Good. I’ll go inform the grieving mother of the son that you ate last year who still is pacing eagerly for her son to come home...
God I made that dark. But I just got off the coat tails of the game pushing a really serious topic, its a bit hard to get into the “lol eating people” mindset. Like. Those are two entirely diffrent tones that you can’t merge. 
Anyway. Yada yada. Beat up Majin Buu or whatever on the mountain. Got it. 
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I love that it definitely feels like the writers just realized that they pretty well depicted the horrors of rape so they are now doing everything they can to remove the casual instances. Because yeah, between Luddite, Witch village, and Succubus Village plots. The game really pushed that the, what should be obvious lesson, that rape is bad.  A lesson I feel shouldn’t be needed, but considering who this game is for, definitely glad they are including it. 
In many ways, it feels like a disclaimer. “Listen. We know that you’re probably someone who actually wants this to happen to you, considering your playing the game. So here’s the deal. It’ll pretty much only happen to you. Which in some ways makes it consensual because you’re playing it.. And the POV is clearly male oriented.” (The Male Oriented POV does actually annoy me though, as a girl playing this game, I wanna see some ladies moan and have a good time dammit! Not just be there to satisfy the guy!). 
Anyway! I’m getting REALLY offtrack a lot. Let’s continue. 
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You know what. Despite my rant earlier. This is actually a little better. I mean, its horrifying if you think about it. But it actually brushes against comedic sociopathy. 
There’s nothing funny about leading men and getting eaten. And i’m sure if you thought about this it is horrifying. But the casual way she says it, it makes it funny. Its still horrifying and because i’m still in a serious mood from earlier makes me cock an eyebrow. But its handled at least a little better.
So yeah. If this place was more of this it would be at least nicer. Though I still think these people should die. 
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I hate these designs so much. Slapping a girls head on a monster isn’t sexy! It’s weird! look! just take off the head and it would be a lot better! As of now, do you know what it actually reminds me of? Do you! It reminds me of this game right here! 
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Let me guess. “But wait! you have the wrong idea! I was doing good! They were bad! Here’s a complicated social trolly problem with no right answers! for you to pick!” 
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Okay good. We’re going simple. 
Looking at her form. I can already guess what her “deal” is. God. Vore machine going on over here. 
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You know... I don’t... NORMALLY much thought in capturing these fights. Because normally nothing happens. So. Okay. She devours Alice? Mkay. I’ll just have Promestein Reviv- wait. Where is she? Chrome came up and took her place! I didn’t even REALIZE that was a mechanic! She was just eaten! She’s gone! Like! What the hell! That’s weird! That’s horrifying! 
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I guess now that we won she got spat out. 
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SOMEONE has a De-aging fetish. 
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You’ve successfully hooked me. 
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Considering how late it is I better go to sleep. However. Next time...
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bjornhansell · 8 years ago
Sinead O´Connor
Låg i sängen och läste nu på morgonen. Som vanligt ramlade jag in på sociala medier och fastnade för en video som Sinead O´Connor postat på sin facebookprofil här om dagen.
Jag minns fortfarande omslaget på mammas exemplar av LPn "I do not want what I haven´t got. Den hade en matt finish som kändes sträv under fingrarna och megahiten "Nothing compares to you" drabbade mig.
Så jag sökte upp filmen. Sinead sitter i ett hotellrum någonstans i New Jersey och pratar direkt till sin webbkamera. Hon är mitt i en kris och gråter och pratar oavbrutet men mellan utbrotten berättar hon klarsynt om sin erfarenhet av att vara en av miljoner människor med psykisk sjukdom. Inte minst om hur sjukdomen har påverkat viktiga relationer i hennes liv och därmed kastar sin skugga över henne även när hon är frisk.
“I´ve gave so much love in my life and I just can´t understand how a person can be left alone. I want everyone to understand what it´s like and that´s why I´m making this video. Mental illness, you know, it´s a bit like drugs. It does not give a shit who you are. And equally, you know, what´s worse is the stigma doesn´t give a shit who you are. Suddenly all the people who should be loving you and taking care of you are treating you like shit. And then, when your angy or you´re hurt, it´s like a which hunt. Thery´re pointing at you going: See see, this is why we don´t ... // That´s what happens when people think, mistakedly or otherwise, that you have a mental illness. They use it as something to invalidate every fucking thing you think, do, say and feel. // I´m doing my fucking best in the world just like everybody else. I know I have a good heart even if I´ve been an asshole a lot of the fucking time you know”.
Jag gillar det här framförandet av låten “this is a rebel song”, men kanske framför allt att hon gjort den i formen av en smäktande kärleksballad. Det är ganska genialiskt i all sin enkelhet. För vad är mer kärleksfullt än att ge återkoppling till den som behandlar en illa?
Även i videon från hennes facebooksida ger hon oss återkoppling. Hon pratar om vad som håller henne vid liv och om vad hon behöver.
"I´m now sitting in a travel lodge in New Jersey. I´m fighting a kidney stone, I´m all by myself, and theres absolutely no ... in my life, except my doctor, my psychiatrist, hah. The sweetest man on earth who sais I´m his hero. And that´s about the only fucking thing keeping me alive at the moment, the fact that I´m his here. And thats kind of pathetic ... // The people with mental illness are the most voulnerable people on earth. We cant take are of our fucking selves you idiots. You know what I mean, you gotta take care of us?” // Everyday I´ve spent, for two fucking years, that my entire life is revovling around just not dying and that´s not living ...”
Avslutningsvis har hon en uppmaning till oss:
“Go visit the people at your local psychiatric hospital ´cause they´re just like me. I´m one of millions sitting by themselves being treated like shit because we´re not dying of cancer. Instead we´re dying of something emotional. // Be good and be tender to them. Love them and don´t let them end up like me.”
Om du vill öka din förståelse för hur det är att vara mitt i ett psykiskt sammanbrott så kan jag rekommendera att se videon på hennes facebookprofil. Den är väldigt intensiv och rymmer många snabbt skiftande känslor. Har du inte mött det tidigare så tycker jag att du skall ta dig gott om tid så att du hinner reflektera i lugn och ro. När du är klar vill jag be dig - glöm inte att kolla in några av de briljanta musikvideos och intervjuer som hon gjort när hon är frisk. Till exempel den här:
Fakta om psykisk ohälsa:
Personer med psykisk sjukdom finns överallt bland oss och nästan alla av oss kommer att drabbas någon gång under livet. Enligt folkhälsomyndigheten rapporterar 16% av oss nedsatt psykiskt välbefinnande och den siffran har ökat på senare år. Det är vanligare bland kvinnor (19%) än bland män (13%) och vanligare bland unga (23%) än bland de äldre (9%).
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thateerieplace · 6 years ago
Everday is a giant mess of games
An endless cycle of blame
When will you ever learn
Some things you just have to earn
The place the you were given
Does not mean you were ever forgiven
Maybe you are just lucky
That you were born into money
You pit people against each other
Never mind if they go any further
You need the world to revovle around you
Even if you haven’t paid your due
You love to control
When you never really had a goal
You know I have nothing to lose
What will you do when I blow my fuse?
I’m fighting my own demise
Would it hurt you to be nice
I’m so sorry it had to be this way
You gave no reason for me stay
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meghundleyyoga · 7 years ago
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Good Morning :) As I make this post I'd like to share with you a little about myself... ➡My birth name is Meghan Orloff ➡I'm 29 years young ➡I've brought two young boys into this world: Jackson & Thomas ➡I'm married to the most amazing partner/best friend any girl could ask for, we've been together for 7 years and will be married for 3 of those years this December ➡I grew up in Bakersfield, Ca with my two sisters @_madcow_disease & @mermaid_mel2_ , I'm the oldest by 5 years ➡I have 4 tattoos, the first of which being a heart on my right foot ➡I love animals. Growing up, my family always had fur people. In my home I have 3 kitties ➡I love plant life ! I have 35 indoor plants and a lovely garden in my backyard ➡I make my own sourdough breads completely from scratch, including the yeast ! ➡I taught myself how to play the acoustic guitar...bass followed and electric is next :) ➡I enjoy knitting and making jewelry ➡I love watching movies...so much so it's impossible to pick my favorite one. Comedies mostly😏 ➡I love stand-up ! A few of my favorite comedians are Tom Segura, Christina P, Ari Shaffir, Joe Rogen, Louis C.K., Mitch Hedberg...this list goes on forever really. ➡For as long as I can remember I've always admired photography in every form. A photograph really does have so much to tell us. ➡My favorite meal is Pho 🍜. I could seriously eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and any other eating times. ➡➡➡ These are just a few things that my life revovles around...if there's anything else you want to know just ask !! 💚💚 (at Carson City, Nevada)
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