#the wonders of vector
bonfirefighter · 2 months
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Came out swingin 👻
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cyberdragoninfinity · 3 months
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Cheers! Thrilled to finally share the full page art I drew for @ygocookbookzine's fabulous second volume, celebrating sea life, aquarium-themed dining, and a VERY purple Shark-inspired cocktail 🦈🍹I had SO much fun with this, and jam packed this piece full of little Zexal references and Easter Eggs--can you spot 'em all? ;3c
Leftover sales for the zine are going on now, go take a peek!!
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crow-eyed · 4 months
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what can I say I love a melodramatic shadow
(wip here)
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communistkenobi · 9 months
I’m thinking about how administrative leave requests would work in starfleet and it’s gotta be a huge pain in the ass right. vulcans would probably need a special expedited leave request process for pon-farr, because they become violent/die if they don’t excuse themselves to have sex asap, but this is probably a narrow accommodation only granted to vulcans, so if they were dating a non-vulcan who had to go through normal, slower leave request procedures that would cause logistical issues cuz emergency pon farr admin leave only works if both parties can do it at the same time, so if you’re a non-vulcan dating a vulcan you would have to probably apply to get that accommodation extended to you, and because I’m assuming starfleet operates on the same punitive logics as contemporary bureaucracies do, they’d be paranoid about non-vulcans “cheating the system” by falsely claiming they were dating a vulcan to get their leave request expedited, so they’d probably require proof of marriage or long-term cohabitation with a vulcan in order for a non-vulcan to get approved for that kind of thing, meaning casual or otherwise non-normative vulcan/non-vulcan couples in starfleet would be administratively marginalised and (re)produce a culture deriding interspecies dating, especially because humans seem to be kinda default racist towards vulcans in star trek in general, so they would probably view a human dating a vulcan as getting “special privileges” for administrative leave even though it’s just a basic accommodation. this is a classic example of how administrative apparatuses operating on a liberal conception of equity can reproduce systems of racial discrimination
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theknucklehead · 8 days
With the announcement of a Sonic & DC Comics crossover, I thought it'd be fun to come up with some other character combinations.
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Rouge as Catwoman (and I'm aware of the irony, but if a hedgehog can be Batman then why not a bat as Catwoman?)
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Vector as Commissioner Gordon
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Charmy as Bumblebee
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Eggman as Lex Luthor
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Black Doom as Darkseid
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And yes I am aware that Amy is already Wonder Woman, but personally I just feel Blaze would be a better fit. So who would Amy play then?
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You can't tell me that wouldn't be a more fitting choice.
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askcometcare · 8 months
I LOVE THE NEW DESIGNS SM OMG??? are there gonna be toyhouse pages for them in the future??
OOC: ill put some together soon! give me a bit to make the emoji icons and stuff :3
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fruit-snacker · 5 months
How is vector only 20? He is a single parent of his 6 year-old son and his edgy brother/nephew
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geekynerfherder · 11 months
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Showcasing art from some of my favourite artists, and those that have attracted my attention, in the field of visual arts, including vintage; pulp; pop culture; books and comics; concert posters; fantastical and imaginative realism; classical; contemporary; new contemporary; pop surrealism; conceptual and illustration.
The art of Orlando Arocena.
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beatcroc · 5 months
My relationship to the sonic the hedgehog franchise is at a funny point right now because its always been a very deep-seated background interest but like very much still just a background interest. And so I forget just how deep-seated it is and likewise how little a push it needs to take over my brain again
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eorzeashan · 7 months
instead of just fighting the agent in 1v1 on his ship Jadus should've transformed into a manifestation of the agent's fears and chased them around the Dominator's halls like a horror monster. who said that
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marsbotz · 3 months
gru 🤝 maxime - being trans and choosinh a stupid fucking evillllll villain name
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sweetmiremoonie · 1 year
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My hype for Super Mario Bros. Wonder is real! It looks so colorful and zany and fun~
I love love LOVE the color palette of the bubble flower~ It gives me "cute pastel bathroom" vibes lol. So of course I had to draw one, lovingly in their container of foam, and housed in a restroom befitting of their loveliness 🫧🤍💜🩷🩵🫧
🌙 You can find me elsewhere here
💫 I hope my artwork brightens your day~
💖 My artwork is free for personal and public use with credit
❗️Please do not repost, trace, or use my artwork for financial purposes
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sysig · 1 year
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Little guys (Patreon)
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soothedcerberus · 2 years
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Hey @plottinc I hope you know, I love your pencil snake oc Penny 🥺
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thunderboltfire · 29 days
Random info about Daen!
This one may be on the more obvious side, but Daen's clothing is one of the least original among my main Isaldian cast. Daen's somewhere between 180 and 300 years older than the rest of them, and if the general inspiration for most of Isaldi is roughly mid-to-high medieval, his clothes are also 200 years off, but in the wrong direction. He wears what is essentially a standard 17th century Polish-Lithuanian nobleman garb (it could be Hungarian too), only less ostentatiously decorative than some real-life examples of it.
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In fact, the only thing in his looks that is notably different from the fashion of the times is his hairstyle and the fact that he's clean shaven (or an approximation of it). That, and the fact he doesn't wear a hat. If I was to give him an undercut, a mustache and a fox fur cap, bam! Polish-Lithuanian jumpscare.
And the thing is even more evident if I'd give him a fur-lined coat with sleeves cut open.
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The reason why I've chosen this look for him was because it looks just a bit different than the rest, and where the action takes place he is a foreigner, though it's not really clear where he hails from. The second reason is that I really like this style and I think it's unterutilised in fantasy. The unintended result of sticking to it, however, is that I've loosened the white-knuckled grip I've had on keeping Isaldi in a strictly typical medieval high-fantasy aestetics.
It helped a lot when for a pretty long time I couldn't quite fit Argo to a specific role on the battlefield, because he slipped through most of the usual RPG archer archetypes. That's why Argo also ended up wielding a sabre, and why he has a much subtler, but still somewhat early modern influences in the way he is both armed for melee combat and for mounted archery.
Lore trivia:
Daen's native language is Moer, but he speaks Illiraian (language of the territory in which most of the action is going on) without a discernible accent. He is fluent in Andaran (neighboring country's language), and communicative in at least one dialect of elvish. He knows, or at least understands a pretty terrifying number of languages - a feature he picked up throughout his unnaturally long life. He has a rather pleasant, low voice, he's probably a bass, but it isn't easy to get him to sing.
The first thing people usually notice when looking at him is his unusual pallor. He's got permanent dark circles under his eyes, almost looking like bruises. He looks at best unslept, and at worst like he's anemic or straight-up dead (and the fact that he's able to just sit unmoving for a very long time and not sleep for days at end doesn't help the unnerving impression). One way or another it's pretty clear at a glance that something's not right with him. And that's before someone sees him eating.
The Bloodless have an in-born magical affliction - similarly to the shapeshifters, they are descended from humans, but the generational exposure to ambient magic resulted in them having many aspects of their physiology vastly different from regular humans. In their case, they are able to absorb live magic from living (or maybe, recently living) sentient creatures to perform impressive magical feats, but such opportunity comes at a cost of an inevitable, and irreversible corruption. The side effect however, is that they live incredibly long and heal extraordinarily fast.
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watchingbehindtheeyes · 2 months
What Chiren thinks about Ido, Vector and love (from the prequel book)
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When I mention that Chiren at some point sees Ido as weak, and Vector as the more manly one (that is, possessing qualities like assertiveness, leadership etc), this is what I'm referring to, among others.
Also, wtf Chiren you expected Dyson to do to change Nova's mind?
Like she blames Dyson for their exile because apparently he didn't act like a man, thus sees him as a "screw-up".
Oh yes if he was manly enough he'd just walk into the autocratic leader's office and look him manlily in the eyes and have a manly talk because that's what men do, right.
( @imgonnachangemyusername because you wanted to see bits from the books)
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