#the witch queen of talokan series
evita-shelby · 1 year
Devilry dancing in her blood
Or Evas adventures in the Eva-verse
For @raincoffeeandfandoms blog birthday OC celebration 🎂
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It is strange how she got here.
To this place she knew was her destiny and she pretended she could avoid it.
Eva was born to rule high society, marry a great rich man and ensure they could rise as high as far as Saint Peter’s Gates in her generation or the next.
She drinks the tequila quickly before she lost her nerve.
The witch still gets nervous before these events, you know.
When she was fifteen her mother introduced her to the secret passed down to them from Lydia Chapul de Aramburu who took a shot of tequila before receiving her lover at the home she rebuilt from scratch.
Eva takes one last look at the mirror and sees the nervous fifteen year old girl so hopeful in a pink ball gown that once belonged to her grandmother.
To think all the hell that broke loose when she became a woman in the eyes of society.
To think how she came to discover who she was and what she would never be during those dark years between her fifteenth birthday and her twenty-first.
That she would leave and start over in a strange country that hated her for being different and yet rise just as she her great-great-grandmother did when she chose to change her last name from Aramburu to Arambula after sending Emperor Agustín to his death.
“They are ready for you, Mrs. Shelby.” Tommy says from outside the dressing room door.
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There was probably something bad about drinking so early in the morning, but she needs it.
Besides it just one measly shot.
Just to settle her nerves and keep her from being nauseous or worse throwing up on Tommy during her vows .
Could you imagine if it went viral?
Mexican heiress vomits on English groom.
No, señor, she is not letting that happen.
There can’t be anything going wrong today.
It can go to shit tomorrow, today is her fucking wedding day.
After one last look in the mirror, Eva reaches for the door.
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She keeps a bottle of tequila for emergencies such as these.
The first true meeting between Wakanda and Talokan to cement their alliance.
Maybe if K’uk’ulkan had not killed Ramonda thinking they had killed her or not have Wakanda declare war in revenge, this wouldn’t be making her so nervous.
She is dressed in Talokanil regalia, the only difference is that her headdress is a replica of Montezuma’s and black as squid ink with pearls and silver white vibranium holding it together.
She wears the pearls Ch’ah Toh Almehen , or as his enemies know him, Namor, gave her that magical night they met and te pearl bracelet woven for his mother with the fibers of the plant that save him and his people.
She has been the Witch Queen of Talokan since 1920 and yet this meeting has her biting her nails from the anxiety.
When she opens the curtain door she will be where she needs to be, she tells herself after fixing the endless ropes of the most perfect pearls the God King of Talokan could find.
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It is over.
The last of the Shelbys are dead or hiding and now begins their reign.
The rubies are as red as the blood on her hands and the dress as black as her soul.
The Empress has completed her transformation and tonight she comes to stand by her Emperor as they celebrate their victory.
The black velvet is fine and warm, but the chill in her bones creeps in still.
The tequila does enough to quell it, but it’s there.
Something is going to happen the moment she opens that door.
But she must open it and see what’s behind it.
“You said you only needed a minute, maga, it’s been ten.” Her husband said impatiently.
“You can’t hurry perfection, Luca.” The witch laughed despite the pit in her stomach and opened the door.
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She shouldn’t have been drinking.
She is pregnant with their first and second.
Twin boys.
Perfect little boys with their father’s looks and her desire to fight for what is right.
Eva can’t wait to tell Jack.
He has been great, sure there were some close calls and she’s had to threaten his secretary, but he wouldn’t stray.
Eva won’t let him.
But he could, her magic has been acting strange since she conceived.
And some men don’t like fucking their pregnant wives and after because the body changes for the occasion.
Will he still find her desirable?
Will he stop being her devoted husband who can’t go a day without her?
There is only one way to find out.
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“Next time you want to fuck with magic, Evie, count me out.” Tommy said and she laughed at his words.
Fuckity fuck fuck.
Not again.
Eva Shelby, formerly Eva Smallwood opens the door of her dressing room to step into her old house in Veracruz and sees five other Evas walk into the courtyard as confused as her.
“Did we play with magic again?” an older Eva asks her, and it takes her a moment to realize that this was the Eva she switched places with.
“Why are you old, we are the same age?” she asks herself and her lookalike scoffs.
“Forty isn’t old, Smallwood.” Eva Shelby answered.
“Neither is 129, Lady Smallwood.” The fae looking queen who isn’t a day over twenty-five says with a glare.
“What is going on?” an Eva ,with a more pronounced American accent says wearing a baby blue day dress and having the aura of twin baby boys, asks the one question she might be able to answer.
But the sixth Eva beats her to the punch.
Somehow there is a darker, bloodier aura to her. The cold of death sticking to her like perfume.
“The Multiverse has been broken."
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thestarlightforge · 2 years
Wanda and Vision f—n sh!t up, we love to see it 😆
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~Centerstage Wanda UWU~ lmao
“Who is Namor” Infinity Comic, 2022
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evita-shelby · 1 year
What Would Eva Do?
(Wwed) send some questions and Eva will answer
Or a game i started and plan on keeping for a while
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A threat in ten words, best place for a hidden knife, how she keeps Jack Nelson faithful to her(questions by @zablife
Advice (question by @look-at-the-soul)
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evita-shelby · 2 years
Of Gods and Witches
Chapter 13
Gif by @crushondonald
Taglist: @v3d3rl1cht @thegreatdragonfruta @urgonnaneedabiggership
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They leave and go to the Hacienda. Easier to erase the cenote and the Talokanil out of their minds if they aren’t there.
Flores del Mar.
He scoffed at the name, until Livia Drusilla told him the name had been given to it by her late sister-in-law and to insult the name she gave her home is to insult the late woman’s memory.
The place had changed over the years and yet it was stuck exactly as it had been when he first crossed paths with Benjamin Riley, the red-haired father-to-be who Namor had almost killed by scaring his horse.
He had gone riding through the land to clear his head and nearly lost it had he not cursed in Nahuatl.
I bought this place for my wife. Her mother was a maid here when she was little and now my Nicte is the lady of the house. I never want her or our children to think they are not worthy of the life she deserves; Benjamin had said as he asked what he was doing there.
“Eva says you are a mutant like us, but the villagers say you are a god. Which one is it?” Santiago asked the king as they settled in sitting room they had entered.
He had never set foot inside this place, he had only stood beside his mother’s grave and dealt justice to those who had enslaved his people.
There were some similarities between this place and Eva’s home, but it didn’t stop the hairs on the back of his neck from rising in warning.
But his witch squeezed his hand assuring him there was no danger here, reminded him that the people here with him were more like him than the people who had erected this fucking place.
They needed to discuss things, who could know she was still alive, which of them was allowed to know he was a mutant king of a mutant kingdom for safety reasons and about how many times would Eva make an appearance here to let them know she was well.
Ignacio had met two Norse gods, but Santiago had been trying to find if there were more people like them.
And he had found them, most of them had been wrangled into working for some government or secret society or independently like him because what else were they supposed to do with their powers.
If one could know about his existence ---for all but one would leave here thinking K’uk’ulkan is just a normal human man Eva had eloped with after staging her own suicide--- he would choose Santiago.
“My people believe I am a god, but I am a mutant, similar to them.” He answered the spy’s inquires.
Santiago was more subdued than his two cousins, Ignacio the more vivacious of the three and Eva was a pleasant mix of the two.
“I’ve met others like us, you would be surprised to know how many of us exist.” Us, he says, other mutants.
“Two brothers, Victor and James. One can make claws appear from his fingertips and the other bone claws from his knuckles. There is one in Europe who consumes the life and power of those he touches, nearly got me during a mission that went wrong---” Santiago continues, but K’uk’ulkan interrupts.
“Eva is a witch, not a mutant, how do you explain that?” he asks. Things were missing, not enough information kept around for safety purposes and even then whatever he had gotten his hands on was scarce.
All peoples had magic wielders too, but some argued that the gods and magic did not exist therefore magic wielders were simply mutants.
And now here there were people like him, but not like him who seemed to know the answers to his questions.
“Not all magic wielders are mutants, some like me and Itza just happen to be mutants.” Eva answered his question, still daring to hold his hand despite her aunt’s grumbling about it being improper.
“Eva’s father knew a woman who’s mutation allowed her and her sister-in-law to communicate with their deceased, one of her sons is a brilliant man with above average intelligence and a strange sort of invulnerability---'” Santiago went on to explain further and was cut off by his aunt who sat there drinking something he assumed was wine.
“Unfortunately, they use their gifts for criminal purposes, and somehow Enrique’s brother thinks one of them would have suit with Evita. Thank God you came along.”  The wine had loosened her tongue, and he preferred this woman over the one who accused him of doing heinous things to her niece.
Livia Drusilla was everything a lady was supposed to be, but to compensate for her lack of supernatural abilities, the gods were kind enough to give her an honest, but clearly forked tongue.
“Oh, so now you approve of him, mama?” Nacho taunted and took the wine glass from her. “First you hate him for taking our dear and deranged Evita and now you think he might be the only one on the list worthy of her.”
“Don’t call me that, Nacho.” Eva warned her cousin.
She had told him how the first time she lost control was because the girls in her boarding school had started calling her Eva la Loca and suddenly the quiet rain outside turned into a furious storm that broke every window in the classroom she had been in.
“Sorry, prima, I forgot you don’t like those words.” Nacho apologized and somehow that prompted his mother to apologize for her scene at the cenote.
“I must apologize for getting off on the wrong foot with you, but do understand I love Eva as if she were my daughter and you can’t expect a mother to act rationally if they believe their child has been hurt and taken against their will.” She apologized genuinely and Ch’ah found himself accepting it not just because of Eva who hoped the two of them to call a truce for her sake, but because that was a sentiment he understood well.
“I understand.” He had no children ---yet--- but anytime one of his people, who are like his children, were hurt by surface dwellers, he rained hell on them in revenge.
Namor loved as deeply as he hated and his wrath was as great as the ocean itself.
Something he and the red haired woman across from him had in common.
“Now that we know I’m not dying, I feel so embarrassed about telling you everything about me.” She said as he led her in the basic dance steps she had taught him in Veracruz. "I don't know if i should marry you or kill you."
Eva had splurged on music in his language and hers, and what better time to show him her gifts for him than tonight.
The witch had taught him how to use the gramophone, and the radio and even the piano. She had also tried to teach him a simple dance, but at some point, they’d given up. They had stood in the music room skin tingling and hearts beating in tandem as both witch and god fought the urge to devour each other.
“You told me I was getting the bad end of the deal by letting you know my name, now my name will live forever with you, and you will live forever with me.” He nuzzled against her cheek before kissing her in that addictive way of his. “In watan.”
“In wíichan.” She said in between kisses.
They were to marry in the presence of his mother’s stone later tonight and her family would wake up in the morning thinking Eva eloped with a human Mayan man. Well, everyone except Santiago who would be given a conch shell to summon them here.
Eva and Ch'ah had wanted a proper courtship, to have time to truly get to know and love each other, but the moment Livia asked if she was living in sin with Ch’ah it was decided they would marry where she could see them.
She’d die if she knew Eva and her soon-to-be husband had thrown caution to the wind and stopped being careful when they fucked this past week in Tlalocan.
Who knows, Eva may follow her mother’s footsteps and have a baby born seven months after the wedding.
“You aren’t too keen on marrying me, ki’ichpan.” As always, his powers of observation are unparalleled even when faced with a practiced liar like her.
“We have only known each other for three weeks.” She admits, resting her head against his as they stopped slow dancing to a soft and romantic song in Yucateco. “There’s a saying, marry in haste, repent at leisure.”
Ch’ah as usual, doesn’t ridicule her for her thoughts and feelings and heard her out. “Are you afraid you’ll regret it?”
The witch loved this intimacy, this closeness, being able to just be with him like this and know she’s not alone anymore.
“Talokanil law permits divorce, if one day you wake up and decide it’s over, you can divorce me.” He said, hiding the pang of hurt he feels at the thought of it, but saying it anyways.
But that wasn’t really what was worrying her.
She is mortal, she will grow old and die.
“I won’t live as long as you do, Ch’ah.” The witch feels sorrow well up in her throat as she says it. “I. I---”
“You don’t want to hurt me.” He finished the sentence she can’t bear to say and the hands on her waist came to hold her face as if she were his greatest treasure. "To that I ask you, in Eva, what is grief, if not love persevering?”
And so they marry, with Itza and Kinich, with her family and some of K’uk’ulkan’s soldiers and some others to serve as witnesses.
Eva Smith dies and in her place stands the Witch Queen of Talokan.
notes: I will probably be doing a time skip so we can get into Black Panther: Wakanda Forever and filling in the gaps through one shots
Victor and James are Victor Creed(Sabertooth) and James Howlett (Wolverine), the european who sucks peoples likves and powers is Sebastian Shaw who was also Dr. Klaus Schimdt who was the Nazi scientist experimenting on Jewish people and Magneto. Charles Xavier and Erik Leshner(Magneto) aren't born yet.
yes, i also made the shelbys from peaky blinders into mutants lol
and also borrowed vision's line from WandaVision
in watan: my wife
in wiichan: my husband
ki'ichpan: beautiful woman, pretty girl, precious, etc
in Eva: my eva
tlalocan: nahuatl spelling of Talokan
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evita-shelby · 2 years
Of Gods and Witches
Chapter 15
Taglist: @v3d3rl1cht @urgonnaneedabiggership @thegreatdragonfruta
Gif by:@unicornspwnall
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He tries not wake her when he returns, just tucks her under his chin and holds her like he has always done.
His witch has taken to wearing her glamours to bed, he remembers a time when he’d rub away the enchantments that hid the scars left by her time as a soldadera kiss by kiss.
She was vain, taught to see her beauty as a necessity, taught to cover anything that reminded you she was not the storybook queen you see.
Now Eva used that to shield him from the truth.
“How was it?” she asks still mostly asleep, but alert enough to tell him even in her weakened form, nothing gets past her.
“I threw the helicopter around like a rock in a yúuntun.” The humans hardly proved to be more than a nuisance. Eva has always disapproved of his extreme measures, but she knew they were necessary.
She chuckled at the imagery and settled with her head on his chest, Cha’h had missed her painfully those five years.
For the better part of the past century, his witch was always within reach, even when they quarreled, they had never been truly apart.
Whenever she used to go to the surface he’d go with her, steal into her room like a thief in the night and relive their whirlwind courtship.
“I will leave for Wakanda in the morning in yaakunaj.” He said softly and traced patterns on her back. He cannot see how her mysterious illness has affected her physically, but he can feel it with every touch.
There are bruises, sometimes a rash and a certain fragility to her skin that was not there before.
Just because he cannot see it, doesn’t mean K’uk’ulkan isn’t aware of what is going on.
She had never truly recuperated from her last pregnancy even after fifteen years.
Six-year-old Itza had been born powerful, developed flight without the need of wings, with the strength of a Talokanil like her sisters and a magic that surpassed her mother’s.
Their little water witch had unfortunately required far more than her mother could give her, making the pregnancy difficult, and the birth far worse.
Eva had seemed fine before Thanos and his Snap, even the doctors both in their kingdom and out of it had not noticed something amis.
Then when she came back, she did everything in her power to make sure he didn’t know about that illness that had evaded detection for so long.
A cancer in the blood, the head doctor and healer had whispered weeks ago.
Nothing is working, the treatments only seem to make it worse, they had said before he had dismissed them from his presence.
But he needs to hear it from her, to have her admit she is sick and has been for the past two years.
“So you know then.” She raised her head to look at him and gave a defeated sigh, with that sigh the glamour dissipated.
His heart breaks when he sees the color leave her, to see her dark eyes sunken in her face and her luscious dark brown hair be brittle and lifeless.
It was her, but at the same time the woman sleeping with him was a stranger he could barely recognize.
“You should have told me, we could have shouldered this burden together, in Eva.” He stroked her papery skin with great care.
“You have had your hands full, in kuxtal. I didn’t want to worry you when you already have so much to worry about.” she avoids his eyes by returning her head to his chest.
Two years ago, the surface world had discovered Wakanda and its vibranium.
Two years ago, the Mexican government had begun investigating every place and crevice where a meteor had fallen.
In Puebla, a fragment of vibranium had been found, a young man in Merida had inherited ancient ring made of the metal as well and just last year, the current president had given the green light to the Americans for all vibranium investigations on Mexican waters.
We don’t know what was said, but we can guess, Santiago’s great-grandchild had reported.
Not SHIELD, not the supes, it’s the government.
She has been sick for two years; she has been dying every second of each day and he had not seen it until it was too late.
“I should have noticed, what sort of man does that make me?”
The sort of man who is still going to leave her tomorrow morning even after this revelation, a voice that sounds like Eva’s long dead aunt reproached him.
“A busy one, the king of the world’s best kept secret.” She answered trying to assuage his guilt at his neglect to her. “And before you ask, no, I don’t want you to postpone your trip to Wakanda. The queen and her daughter will react badly, but they will agree to do your bidding.”
“You make me sound like the villain.” He points out stroking her hair.
“A strange man breaks into their country, interrupts an important ceremony by the river and asks them to kill a girl of nineteen exploited by the fucking gringos.” The witch spoke with her usual snark, as if nothing was wrong. “Even if you have good intentions, it won’t be seen like that.”
“Then I will be their enemy, they fucked everything up with their naivety anyways.” The king could live with such a reputation, eternal damnation in Xibalba is a low price for Talokan’s safety.
“Namor, we can’t afford to be their enemies, not now.” the witch cautioned him softly.
Wakanda was the only civilization as advanced as them, almost equal to them. But the first Black Panther had been shrewd and kept the power of the vibranium flower to himself and his heirs instead of sharing with his followers.
Ten Wakandans could barely match the strength of a Talokanil child. Sixteen-year-old Itotia could wipe out their army if he allowed her to.
But his wife advised for peace, to avoid needless violence because the fabric of the universe has been altered since the snap.
Something had changed, the threads in the fabric had snagged and pulled or so the witch tried to explain.
We cannot be at war.
“You never call me that.” No, he is always Ch’ah in private, K’uk’ulkan in public and Ch’ah Toh Almehen when she is annoyed at him.
“You want a child old enough to be ours dead, no one would agree to that.” Eva said sternly. Standing her ground and letting him know this crossed the line.
He loves her for her strength and humanity and even now Namor cannot fault her for it.
“Let me guess, wàay, the universe has need of the child?” he asked with an irritated sigh. Always has a card up her sleeve, somehow the universe dictates she must have her way.
“Ironheart, a genius African American girl with a metal suit to replace Ironman.” She said as giddy as a child, coming to lean on her elbows over his chest.
How can he say no to her?
“I won’t kill her,” he gives her his word and demands she reward him for such mercy.
“You won’t regret it.” His witch of a wife promised and kissed him as if she might never seen him again.
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yuuntun: slingshot
mcu atlanteans have a lifespan of 150/170, but Namor and Eva don't age like either humans nor talokanil and expect some errors because i didn't do good enough math.
so to summerize, Talokanil live twice as long as humans(aging 1 year in 2 human years), but Namor is 500ish so he would age 1 year =12 human years(making him like 40/41 to match Tenoch Huerta's age), Eva is 30-35 and his daughters with Eva would age 1 year=6 human years
Itotia is 16 (101/96 b.1924), Ixchel is 12 (77/72 b.1948) and Itza is 6( 36/31 b.1989)
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evita-shelby · 2 years
Of Gods and Witches
Chapter 14
Taglist: @thegreatdragonfruta @v3d3rl1cht @urgonnaneedabiggership
Gif by @diver5ion
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“She’s married, she’s possibly pregnant, but at least the baby will be born on the right side of the blanket.” Livia tells her brother when they meet up at her fifth avenue palace she now owns. Belonged to the Astors before Livia made them an offer they couldn’t refuse.
He is one of us, Santiago had said in a coded telegram. He may be immortal.
Not a god, but a mutant who she fell in love within the course of three weeks.
You would think her immortal lover could have waited.
But, for all intents and purposes, Eva drowned, and the man Meche saw was just Jesus Christ coming to collect her soul to heaven.
Her body disappeared as if by magic and in five years ---in accordance to the clauses in Dominga's will--- it will be the sign the church needs to make her a saint.
Saint Eva of Veracruz.
He wants to scoff. She killed several priests and at least one nun, not counting that she had been recovering from all that pill popping, smoking and drinking and that her peers assumed she was on the verge of insanity.
“No, she’s too cautious to get pregnant, Eva’s impulsive, but not stupid.” Patricio shook his head as they went over the lost of specifications of everything on Eva’s list.
They were covered for the next four business quarters with a book worth of shipping schedules for all legal and illegal ventures.
Signed ‘all my love, Eva’.
“Fatherhood suits you, in kuxtal.” His witch kissed him in greeting and made no attempts to take the baby from him.
“You know any other man would be more than happy to ignore their child.” Eva points out as he held their infant daughter instead of finishing his work for the day.
He was never this distracted by anything, and now the God King of Talokan will use any excuse to be with his baby daughter and his wife.
“I think we’ve established I am not any other man, yaakunaj.” Ch’ah had waited more than a century for a child of his own blood. A child he didn’t have to return to their mother and father, a child he loved ever since he held her and heard her in that vision four years ago.
Itotia, whose name means dancer in Nahuatl.
Itotia, who has little wings on her ankles and dark curls like his.
Princess Itotia of Talokan.
“Sometimes I can’t believe this is all real.” He admits to his wife.
“Neither can I. Sometimes I wonder if this is all a dream.” She said running her fingers through their daughter’s hair.
“I love you.” the words come unbidden now, she had said them first and then he struggled to say them.
And then one morning, after she had sucked him into one of her visions again, he said it the moment their souls were slingshot back into their bodies.
I love you, but please don’t do that, in yatan, he had been out of breath and nauseous and yet all that was forgotten when his wife asked him to say it again.
“In every universe in which you and I exist, I love you too.”
“Come back to me.” she said putting the pearl necklace he once gave her on him.
This was their deal; he wears them to battle and returns them when he comes back to her and their girls.
“In every universe in which you and I exist, I will return to you, in kuxtal.” He kissed her like he may never do so again. A stupid fear, but a real one.
When half of the life on the planet disappeared in 2018, Ch’ah Toh Almehen was left with just the pearls in his hands as his life was snapped out of existence.
His wife and children gone and he had not been able to stop it.
Half of Talokan had died with them, and many had been killed by the consequences of that sudden disappearance.
The ocean was filled with dead in ways it had never been before, those didn’t get resurrected, those who were only died in watery graves as people scrambled to remember where the others had fallen in 2018.
The thing about magic is that you must be careful on how you word things and these Avengers did not think about consulting witches or sorcerers or even someone who had remembered those old stories.
But they had come back and yet the signs are all there. Something is coming, something worse than Thanos the Titan and his infinity stones.
K’uk’ulkan's worst fears had come true in the meantime. Wakanda had tried to be as noble as its dead king and now the Americans had discovered how to track vibranium.
They kept getting closer and now they were too close for comfort.
The smaller cities and outposts had been able to move out if harm’s way, but Talokan was too large to move now and it would never move again.
He cannot lose more people he loves because of the whims of the surface dwellers. He needs Wakanda to clean up the mess they started or pay the consequences for their so called good intentions.
Vibranium could not be shared to all.
Countries had been enslaved and pillaged for centuries because of lesser resources, if only someone had reminded T’Challa that when he foolishly showed those greedy leeches his hidden kingdom.
And yet, that is not the only thing threatening those he loves and holds dear.
“Will you tell me what you’re hiding when I return?” The king of Talokan whispered softly when they parted.
“Maybe.” She said. No, her eyes said.
She is hiding something; something is wrong with her and Eva thinks he wouldn’t know when she lies after a century together.
When her husband leaves, Eva removes the glamour.
His witch is ill and it kills him to know she refuses to let him help her. To save her one more time.
She hates lying to him, but him losing them seven years ago nearly destroyed him.
He can’t know she is dying.
The thing about magic, is that sometimes there are limits to it.
She can pretend she is well, but the magic can sometimes breed a certain type of cancer that no one can cure.
King T’Challa had died of it, Jane Foster as well and now Eva, the Witch Queen of Talokan will join them.
The witch is running out of time and has played the last card up her sleeve, and like the coward she is, she doesn’t have the courage to tell her husband the truth.
But she must, she must prepare him and their daughters for the inevitable.
She will tell him when he returns, the witch tells herself as she lies down in the hammock and ensures her daughters cannot see her like this.
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evita-shelby · 1 year
Namor/K'uk'ulkan x Eva
Gif by @unicornspwnall
Taglist: @thegreatdragonfruta @urgonnaneedabiggership @v3d3rl1cht
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Eva stirs but doesn’t wake as his hand caressed her round stomach until his palm is directly over their little dancer.
It took seventeen weeks for a human and Talokanil heart to form in a fetus. Before that there was something resembling a beat as it formed, but now, on this very second, he hears the first heartbeats of their first child.
He had been sleeping when he first heard it.
Faint and slow at first as it grows steadier as the heart finished forming. Like a hummingbird’s wings fluttering as they take flight.
Ch’ah is careful not to let himself laugh at the joy of it, wanting to keep this strange first to himself just a while longer.
“Itotia, in chan x-ch'úupal.” He whispers softly instead.
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in chan x-ch'úupal: my little girl
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evita-shelby · 2 years
Mayan, meaning shave accoridng to this website i found (pueblos originarios)
It was supposed to be just fluff, by then it turned a bit spicy
Gif by @wiha-jun
Taglist: @thegreatdragonfruta @v3d3rl1cht @urgonnaneedabiggership
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“Did you do this often?” He asks as she prepares to trim his beard.
Her method seems unorthodox, Eva puts a knee on each side of his thighs and forces him to look up at her as she puts shaving cream on his cheeks.
“Yes, many times when but never like this.” She admits with an false innocence that tells him he’s in for a good time.
“Witch.” He said running his hands up her legs. She could use magic to ensure his beard never needs maintenance, like she does with unwanted body hair on her body, but the witch refuses to do so.
His witch of a wife, refused to let him do it himself this morning, sweet talked him into sitting back and letting her pamper him.
Eva is methodical, slow and gentle as she glides the knife over the stubble on his cheek.
Mouth slightly parted and despite her relaxed demeanor, he can see her eyebrow creased in concentration.
If his devoted wife wasn’t holding a sharp straight razor, Ch’ah would do everything to make her lose that concentration.
Wouldn’t matter if she fucked up his mustache, if he could just torture her the way she tortures him like this.
The King is at the Witch’s mercy, with his hands on her hips using all of his self-control to keep himself from doing more than just keeping her steady.
It would be so easy to move one downwards and trail a finger over ---
“If you’re a good boy, Kukul, I will let you do anything you want to me.” Eva, bold and beautiful Evita, leans close enough to kiss him.
“You’d think you were the queen, ki’ichpan.” He jokes as she wipes the knife in between strokes.
“Such disrespect to your poor wife,” she tutted and resumed the mundane task he will demand his wife and queen does for the rest of their days. “Maybe this lowly human woman shouldn’t sit on someone else’s throne.”
“Claim it then, stop with the games and claim your throne, wàay.” He says pushing her down onto his lap and smirking at her raised eyebrow.
“You play dirty, K’uk’ulkan.” She admits defeat and snaps her fingers twice, one to clean him up and the second to trim his beard the way he likes it.
“So do you, my queen.”
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