#the whole mess reminded me of that one avengers fic i read way back when where tony had a meltdown because he put two and two together
giulolosblackmail · 1 year
Barbalius: did you fuck my dad
Gaelan: Really, for all that you present yourself as above petty insults and crass jibes, hardly behavior befitting a Red Top Knight after all, it is you who always-
Gaelan: :3c
Barbalius: I'LL KILL YOU
#helix waltz#hw barbalius#hw gaelan bavlenka#the whole mess reminded me of that one avengers fic i read way back when where tony had a meltdown because he put two and two together#and realized his dad and steve probably boinked at some point#gaelan leading barbie around by the nose was so damn entertaining#i'm so upset they made gaelan 'secretly good the whole time actually' cuz now they won't make him such a bitch#and try to retcon his whole personality#and they're gonna be way more aggressive with it than they were with bg#god i've got a plotbunny about chopping off the secretly good crap and making a fic where nyx out maneuvers gaelan#to take control of the bavlenka house#and the scattered bavlenkas come together in a show of united force because everybody loves nyx and really not many of them care for gaelan#who ditched his responsibilities to focus on his beef with some foreign knight#come on man nyx was picking up all the slack#and gaelan#all but exiled from finsel in his fall runs into barbie in the church when he's praying#in front of the shrine to the newly canonized saint of hard decisions his old friend and barbie's father#obvi they don't hit it off or anything#but barbalius feels so bad about the whole thing and how bad it turned out for gaelan when he was actually fulfilling a dead man's wish#so he lets gaelan crash on his couch#they both hate each other more the longer they spend together#but barbie keeps letting him stay because gaelan speedran barbie's fall from grace and the parallels make him bend#but unlike barbie gaelan has no intention of getting better#he's not here because he went against anybody to do the right thing#he's here because he picked the wrong opponent to underestimate#he got backstabbed in the house of backstabbers really he should have seen that coming#so barbalius just has this asshole psudeo uncle figure living in his house and actively making his life worse while living off his money#and refusing to 'find his place in the world' or whatever idealistic bullshit barbie keeps spouting#he's going to milk this for as long as he can or until something better comes along#i just think they could make each other worse <3
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 7 months
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Fem!reader
Word Count: 4780
Warnings: Mentions of torture. But I think that's about it for this one.
Author’s Note: I enjoyed writing this one and I hope you guys enjoy reading it just as much. I'm starting to feel a little bittersweet about this cause its closely coming to an end and I'm about to feel like a mess once it is. As a reminder, please be sure to follow @xxwritemeastoryxxlibrary and turn on notifications so you never miss a fic!
I do not and will not ever give permission for my fics to be copied and posted on other sites. Don’t do it. Don’t be that person that ruins it for me and everyone else.
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. While likes are appreciated, reblogs are gold. Seriously, if you enjoyed this in the slightest, please reblog ♥
Phantom Masterlist || MCU Masterlist || Taglist
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When Ross's men came into view, Bucky felt her pace slow down. He felt the way her fingers twitched within his hand as her eyes scanned the hall in front of him. It was then that he realized it wasn't that she was nervous, it was how she was counting them without being too obvious. 
He knew her mind was in defense mode. Taking in the details to ensure she'd be able to handle herself if the need arises. In an attempt to distract her, he tapped his fingers against her skin to throw off her numbers. 
The moment she felt the randomized tapping, it caused her head to shoot up and look at him. When she saw the knowing look on his face, she simply shrugged her shoulders as if it had been nothing. 
She understood why he had done it. He wanted her to know that she would be okay there. That there wouldn't be a reason she would need those numbers. But a habit such as that one wasn't easily given up.
When they came up to the door, Bucky went to open it. But the moment his hand reached out a guard reached his hand out to stop him. It caused Bucky to raise a brow as he looked over at the man.
“I'm sorry Sergeant Barnes, but I have an order to only allow her in.” His head tilted towards her. 
“Who gave that order?” Bucky asked as a glare formed on his face. 
“Secretary Ross.” He said with a nod. “The other Avengers are already in the viewing room.”
“They tried going in and waiting?” Bucky asked as he looked over at her. 
“Until Secretary Ross ordered them out.” The guard responded. “I was told to redirect anyone else to the viewing room.” 
Her heart sped up at that moment. Bucky wouldn't be there with her. Part of her hoped he'd be able to sit there in the room. She knew he wouldn't have been able to say anything but, his presence would bring her comfort. 
“You'll be okay.” Bucky’s words prevented her from beginning to spiral. “I'll be waiting for you the moment you walk out this door.”
“If you're not, I'll hold it against you.” She shrugged slightly before she gently let go of his hand and the moment the guard opened the door she stepped into the room. 
Ross had been by the back wall of the room speaking with a guard. Their conversation had been hushed that she hadn't picked up on anything. The moment the door closed behind her, his attention left the guard and zeroed in on her. 
“Y/N.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I was almost certain I'd be forcing you in here.” 
A guard in the corner closest to the door motioned for her to take a seat. She eyed it for a moment before she looked back at Ross. She kept her eyes on him the whole time she walked towards the table and took a seat. 
“We both know that's not really my name.” She said the moment she was seated. 
Ross scoffed. “And Phantom is?” 
“No.” She shook her head. She was surprised how calm her voice had come out. There was no venom in her voice in an attempt to defend herself. She simply answered the question. “I wasn't given the name Phantom until my handler at the time saw the local news calling me that. I had been with Hydra for five years at that point.” 
“I think I'd like to stick to Murderer.” He said as he slid a thick file towards her. “Maybe even a terrorist. The last six months you have been the constant headache I've had to deal with. Almost 200 hundred casualties and a handful of people in critical condition after today's stunt.” 
Quick flashes of memories played in her mind. Death by her hands was not always quick. Some were shot in the head in one quick motion while others had been stabbed and cut in not so pleasant ways. Each of them had come at her with full force. Each face had been there. Each way she had taken their life had been there in her mind. 
Her eyes welled up for a moment before she blinked them back just as quickly. She wouldn't let him of all people see her break down. She refused to let him see her fall apart at the memories she was forced to do. 
“You can call me whatever you want.” Her voice was steady. “Doesn't change the fact I was a pawn in someone else's game.” 
“Is it really someone else's if you went back?” He asked. 
“Forced.” She corrected. “There are very few things in my life that I've done willingly.” 
Ross didn't find it to be funny, but he chuckled slightly. “Do tell what it is you've done on your own free will.” 
“Let's start with me not killing Earth's Mightiest Heroes.” She tilted her head to the side. “Trust me, I had several chances to do so. How about every mission that helped save thousands of people in the process. Or the fact I single handedly took out a Hydra base to ensure my freedom.” 
“And how many of those missions were you playing as a double agent?” He asked as he pulled out the chair across from her and sat down. “How many deaths have you caused under Hydra?” 
“How many deaths are you responsible for under the name of protecting the US?” She asked back without missing a beat. “If everything I've learned is accurate. My number isn't as nearly as bad as yours. Your casualty list consists mostly of people in the wrong place at the wrong time. Civilians caught in the crossfire in your desperate need to bring in Dr. Banner. Shall we discuss what happened with Blonsky? What about the missions you requested the Avengers go on that were strictly on Hydra’s agenda without your knowledge. Even you, Mr. Secretary, are not as clean as you may think.”
His eyebrow raised and a small smirk pulled at the corner of her lips. She hadn't been wrong and he knew that. The details that had been put out into the world by Natasha with the fall of SHIELD was proof enough. 
She watched as he steeled himself. She could see the way he was trying to get this back on track to be in his favor. This wasn't about the things he had done. It was about what she had done and what she knew. 
“My history isn't an act of war to other countries.” He started. “Yours on the other hand has proven several times that having you out in the world is dangerous. The intel you've stolen and used for Hydra adds to it. Every government you've stolen from is putting a price on your head.” 
“What if I told you I never stole it?” She asked as she watched him. “Sure, the first time around I hacked into what I needed to complete my missions. But this time, most of it was handed to me without so much as entering a single keystroke to bypass security mainframes.” 
“And how was it that it was so easily handed to you?” He asked. “It's hard to believe that the intel of a majority of classified documents was just handed to you as if it was nothing. And for an elaborate measure to obtain that technology doesn't come easy as you say it is. ” 
“Tell me something, Ross.” She said as she leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms over her chest. “Do you vet everyone that works with you?” 
His eyes narrowed for a moment. “That's not what we're discussing.” 
“Isn't it?” She asked. “Your questions are based on what information I can provide on how Hydra has provided Intel for my missions. Your office has had several investigations about security data breaches in the last year.” She hadn't missed the way Ross had stiffened in his seat. She could see in his eyes that what she was saying wasn't new information to him. It wasn't public information either. “What's it like upping the household security for the secrets you know? Or the agents you keep on security detail for your daughter because the simple knowledge of what was breached could put her life in danger?” 
“Don't you dare-” Ross began but she cut him off. 
“Or how about the details of the German technology convoy?” Her voice was a little louder than his. “Your informant in Germany sent over the details. It was a way to ensure the US knew what was being moved and if it would be safe in transport. And what do you know, five hours later they were put into my hands with a mission tied into it. If you want someone to blame, you might want to get Internal Affairs involved. I'm just the puppet.” 
A pin drop could be heard after her voice had left the air. Ross's glare was heavy as he kept his attention on her. Her eyes never left him as she didn't back down. If this had been two years ago, a full smirk would have pulled at the corner of her lips as she spoke to him. But this was an interrogation and the circumstances were now different. 
Her words were enough to even leave the ones behind the window with their jaws hanging. The information she had given was enough to give Ross everything he was asking for with her usual flair. 
A proud smile had been on Bucky's face as he watched the interaction. She hadn't changed at all. Her tactics were the same even when she had just been subjected to plenty of things over the last two years. 
“I just remembered why I would never want to be on the opposite side of the table from her.” Sam said with a shake of his head. 
“It's all that training she's had.” Natasha noted. “And she's had more of it than I did.” 
“More lethal too.” Tony noted. It caused them all to look towards him for a moment. “All I'm saying is none of us have been able to render Ross speechless. There's a staredown happening a few feet from us and the people in this room have never done that before.” 
“You know who it is.” Ross said, stopping their conversation. 
“That's a vague assumption.” She said with a slight tilt of her head. “I know a lot of things and who they pertain to. Your secrets, I definitely know. Your informants throughout different agencies, I know them. Met a few of them as well.” She pursed her lips for a moment. “As an Avenger and with Hydra, for that matter. Do I know who is responsible for hacking into it all? Of course.” Her eyes moved from Ross to the window behind him. “Just like I know my handler has a false identity within your ranks and hasn't raised any red flags, even before the fall of SHIELD.”
Bucky and Steve looked at each other for a moment before Steve was moving away from the window. A silent conversation had been had. She wasn't just giving that information as if it was nothing. That wasn't for Ross. It was for them. 
“Your handler.” Ross clarified. “Who is it?” 
“I want immunity.” She looked back towards him. 
Ross scoffed. “This isn't a negotiation. I doubt you'd see daylight after today.” 
“Shame.” She said with a sigh. “I'm sure I can make some friends in some very low places that would just love to hear what I've learned over the years.” 
“Is that a threat?” He asked as he began standing. “I'll have you locked away-” 
“Where?” She asked as she leaned forward. “Your Raft was deemed inhumane and was dismantled. There's not a jail or prison on this Earth you'd be able to put me in. Solitary confinement might be ideal, but all it's gonna take is for one corrupt guard to ask the right question, for the right price. Execution may be your saving grace, but how do you get all of them to agree to let me walk out of here to start the process for it?” Her head nodded towards the window. 
She watched as Ross actually looked over his shoulder at the window. To her and Ross's knowledge, the whole team had been behind that window watching. The same team who were stubborn enough to go against him on several things at several different times. 
“I'm not the enemy here, Ross.” She continued. “Secrets can be kept for the right people. Having me as an ally is a whole lot better than having to look over your shoulder wondering who might come for that specific piece of information. I am also the only one capable of giving the updated insider information.” 
“So far you've only managed to say you have details but you haven't given anything to show you actually do. Its all been speculation.” 
She knew what Ross was doing. He was trying to turn this back in his favor. He wanted the information without giving her anything in return. She could spill it all and he wouldn't give her anything in return. 
“Immunity. And I'll start with the closest threat that can be dealt with immediately.” 
“Closest threat?” Sam asked as he watched Ross stare her down once more. “Is there something else we aren't aware of?” 
“They can be anywhere.” Bucky responded. “They were here. There could be others near by waiting for the next command.” 
Then a thought crossed his mind. One that made him tense at the thought. He did a quick glance of the people in the room. The whole team had been there, minus Steve as he was checking the new lead. And at the back wall by the door, two guards were posted. They were quietly talking among themselves oblivious to the conversations being had by the team. 
When he brought his attention back to the window, he watched the guards in the room. He watched as some of their hands flexed by their sides. He watched as three particular ones had sweat dewing on their forehead while another looked completely bored. 
Bucky realized she wasn't counting how many guards were present in the event that she needed an escape. She was counting how many faces she knew. 
“The terms of your immunity will be based on what information you provide and if it is accurate.” Ross began and Bucky brought his attention to her. 
He watched as she took in his words for a moment before she nodded her head. “Just to be clear, if the first piece of information I give is accurate, I get immunity?” 
She was being smart about it. She needed to hear him say it. He needed to say it in order for her to accept. 
“Yes.” Ross agreed, annoyed.  
She nodded her head and uncrossed her arms as she braced herself. She knew what would come as soon as she said it. 
Bucky looked towards Natasha and Sam. The moment he had their attention his eyes shifted towards the guards at the door. A simple motion that told them to prepare themselves. It earned brow raises from both of them until they heard her speak. 
“Of the ten guards you came with, six of them are Hydra associates.”
The moment the words filled the air. Three of the guards in the interrogation room moved towards her to attack. A way to silence her if she began speaking about Hydra. She shot up from her seat and began defending herself. 
In the same moment, the viewing room door opened, two other guards came in. The goal was to keep the Avengers from getting to Phantom. But the guards were currently outnumbered and out-powered. It wouldn't be long before they were taken down. 
Back in the interrogation room, she had used the chair to her advantage to knock one of them unconscious. The right amount of force with movement and hitting the guard in the right sport worked in her favor. 
As the two other guards advanced, her hands instinctively went down towards her sides, looking for weapons. But her tactical belts had been removed while she had been out. With a quick shake of her head she braced herself for hand to hand combat until she could steal something from one of them. 
She was trained for this. Not just in the recent months but from years of it being embedded into her mind. Never be weaponless. 
It took only one block from the guard on her left before she had something in her hand. And as her elbow came back and hit the guard square in the face on her right, she knew that all it would take would be to get the right amount of spacing and it'd be over. She'd come out of this untouched. 
In one breath, she had a gun in her hand and within the next breath both of the guards had been on the ground. A routine she could do in her sleep if she ever needed to. The echoes from the gunshots in such an enclosed space didn't phase her at all. 
From the moment she had outed the guards to them lying on the ground, the time had passed quickly. But she hadn't so much as broken a sweat by the time she looked back at Ross. He was currently being protected by the one single guard that wasn't Hydra. 
Pulling the magazine out and clearing the chamber, she placed the gun on the table between her and them. It would have been smarter to keep the gun in hand. But she didn't need Ross to think she was a threat.
“I believe that was enough to grant immunity.” 
Bucky’s voice had startled her. While her body didn't flinch or react in a way anyone else had, she had simply tensed up. She hadn't known he had even come into the room, let alone when. And that seemed to throw her off more. 
“You aren't paying attention.” Her handler said as he circled the sparring room. The barely legal adult currently had been held in a headlock. With the right leverage her neck could easily be snapped. 
She'd only been training with Hydra for a few weeks. Her mind had been reduced to nothing but skills. Yet she was currently being scolded like a child for not paying close attention to the door behind her. 
“If this had been a mission, you would have failed.” He said as he gave a nod. The soldier let her go at the command and took a step back. “You are worth every penny spent and I'll make it so you never forget about all the entry ways.”
The memory had pulled her in that she didn't hear Ross accept the terms of immunity. Nor did she hear the way Bucky had commented about making plans to get the information Ross needed. Her brain didn't even register the voice above them stating Captain Rogers was requesting their presence. 
That name everyone had been calling her for years could be heard a moment later. It was used in an attempt to get her back to the present, not wherever her mind currently was.
“I got her.” Bucky said as he came to stand beside her. He didn't know when her mind pulled her back in or what caused her to. 
Just as he had earlier, he gently reached out and grabbed her hand. And just like earlier he gauged on how she reacted to him doing so. Each step he took in an attempt to bring her out of her mind always revolved around if she reacted in any way. 
If she flinched or instinctively pulled herself out of his hold, he would have stopped and tried a different approach. But when she didn't react negatively, he continued. Just like now, the moment he felt her fingers adjust in a bit before relaxing, he knew he could continue. 
“What memory has you pulled in?” He asked curiously even though he knew she wouldn't answer him. 
He could see it in the way her eyes weren't focused on one thing. They flicked from one spot to another, trying to find a place to settle on. At least until they welled up. An ache filled Bucky’s chest as he watched the first tear fall from her eyes. 
“You don't have to stay in there.” He said as he brought his left hand up to gently run his vibranium fingers along her cheek. He hoped that the cold contrast of the metal would help ease her out. “You're safe with me. I've got you and I'm not going to let you go until you want me to.” 
He tried to think about all of the times she had helped him. His nightmares didn't stop after he had come back from Wakanda. He was safe from ever being pulled back in but the memories that were tied to a majority of his life were unescapable. She was the one that helped him out every time. 
His thumb came up and wiped the tears that had fallen down her cheek. A moment later he watched as her free hand came up and rested on top of his. When his eyes met hers, the vacant look was gone. Her eyes were focused on him. 
“There she is.” He said, giving her a smile. 
“How long was it this time?” She asked softly as she leaned into the vibranium. The cool metal felt comfortable to her. It grounded her in a way she never realized she needed until now. 
“No longer than earlier.” He nodded. “Ross granted your immunity, right before Steve had FRIDAY call us up. Agents even came in and took the bodies.” 
Her head instantly turned to where the bodies had been before she got pulled into her head. The floor had been empty of bodies, but the pools of blood that had gathered had yet to be clean. 
Her bullet. 
But it hadn't been. Not this time. She was trying to prove a point and she did just that. Those bullets were meant for her. She was supposed to be the one on the ground without a heartbeat. 
“How long before Ross wants everything I can provide?” She asked, bringing her attention back to him. 
“We've got enough breathing room, for now.” He sighed as he took a step back from her. “Might be a good thing given that Steve has found something.” He nodded his head towards the exit. 
It didn't take them long to get up to the conference room. The Avengers had been in there discussing several things from the day. Ross stood in the corner with the remaining trusted guards. From the looks of it, he was simply listening as he occasionally glared at the guards with them. As if gauging if they were really safe from Hydra’s influence.
The moment they stepped into the room, the conversations hadn't stopped. Nor did they make her feel like she was someone who left years ago. It was like she never left or missed a beat. It felt comforting in comparison to what could have possibly happened. 
When they reached the conference table, Wanda instantly pulled her into a hug. The tight embrace had been welcoming in ways she'd never be able to express. And it almost brought tears to both of their eyes. 
Wanda had been her closest friend. She hated how hard it had been to leave that night without so much as saying goodbye to her. Deep down that was why she opened her mind up to Wanda a lot more than she normally would. It was a way to say goodbye without having Wanda try to stop her. 
“Welcome back.” Wanda said, still holding onto her. 
She could only give a smile in response as she pulled away slightly to look at Wanda. Was she really back? Would they just take her in with open arms this time around? They may have decided on things that she wasn't around for.
Steve cleared his throat, getting their attention. “I believe I found what you spoke about. I didn't want to let the others see it until you did.” 
She raised her eyebrow for a moment. “If you know, then why not go for it?” 
“Because being one hundred percent sure is better than going off an assumption.” He nodded his head before he handed her the Stark pad. “I had narrowed it down to a handful. But given the new information there's only two of them that are currently flagged.” 
That was when the conversations around her stopped. That was when the attention was on her. It was the information that she could provide that sparked their curiosity. 
Taking a hold of the device, she looked at the files on screen. Between the two faces, her eyes had instantly gone to the one on the left. The memories were quick, each of them quick and simple. Your next mission…
And when the mission was complete, his smirk would grow before he clapped his hands together. 
“I told my brother he should have invested in you instead of letting the others take control over you. Leaving you under cover like that was a mistake. Getting you back like this, it's been the cherry on top.” 
Bucky hadn't missed the way her grip tightened on the device in her hands. It made him reach out for it and tug at it for her hands to let go of it. He handed it to Steve before he turned back to look at her. 
“The one on the left.” She said after a few deep breaths. “The younger Strucker brother.” 
“Excuse me,” Tony said almost in disbelief. “Strucker? As in the Strucker that had Loki's scepter? The one Ultron killed to send a message?” 
She nodded her head. “Between the two of them, they had a system going. One of them had a heavy hand in things and the other kept a low profile. Changed his name and climbed the ranks as if it was something he had been working for his whole life. He kept all ties severed and you'd never suspect him for anything. With the fall of SHIELD I was handed off to another cell when an experimental cell refused to take charge. I remember being told that an opportunity had been missed with that cell. An asset such as myself would have benefited from the experiments. Instead I was set up for a different mission that would eventually lead to me helping to raid that cell.” 
She tried as best as she could to keep memories from wanting to suck her back into her mind. Flashes and echoes played in her mind but she had been able to keep her focus. And as long as she didn't sit with one memory for too long, she'd be fine. 
“I didn't meet this Strucker until after I had been reprogrammed.” She tried not to look at any of them in the face. She didn't want to see the looks in their eyes as she talked about it. “He had a right hand that would act as my handler when Strucker couldn't be present for mission assignments and debriefs. I never learned his name but I knew his face because he was the first and last face I saw each time I woke up and before I was tossed in a cell. And when the programming was set, he was there. It wasn't long after that I was in D.C. meeting Strucker. 
“He was boastful when I returned from a mission. Never missed an opportunity to mention how his brother had been wrong in refusing me. That if anything were to show his success, it was me and the weapon that we were creating. It'd be his chance to show how much Hydra had truly grown since the fall of SHIELD. To prove that hiding in the shadow until the right time would be worth it.” 
“What was he planning on building?” It was Ross's voice that filled the air. 
“He took the data information his brother had collected along with blood samples from test subjects.” She began as she looked towards Ross. “He also found a way to miniaturize Project Insight. Put the two together and-” 
“You get a weapon that can turn specific people into enhanced weapons.” Steve finished for her.
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All WorksTag (The tag to be notified for everything I write):
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The End of the World and Everything After
pairing: Matt x F Reader
word count: 6,345
warnings/tags: angst, grief, hurt, fluff, comfort, established relationship, unplanned pregnancy, swearing, domestic fluff, dad!Matt, the blip/the snap, mentions of alcohol, allusions to sex (nothing graphic). no use of y/n.
read on ao3
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Story Summary: Half of the universe is turned into dust because of Thanos. You and Matt were left behind to pick up the pieces of yourselves and try to learn how to live without the most important people in your lives.
a/n: This fic was born from me babysitting, listening to 90s top hits for two weeks straight, and way too many conversations with my partner about what our fave characters did during the blip. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy <3
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The whole world stopped that day. The entire universe stood still. It was unbelievably quiet everywhere, a silence settling down on the surface that wouldn’t lift anytime soon.
On an average Tuesday afternoon, half of the earth disappeared in minutes. Leaving behind the other half to cope with the losses and clean up the mess left behind.
No one was sure what the Avengers did or didn’t do, all everyone knew was that five minutes after someone had snapped their fingers half of their loved ones were no longer around.
Not dead, just dust.
Matt had taken losing Karen and Foggy hard. He spent months taking out his anger on anything he could hit and kick. Bruised and bloody fists a harsh reminder that he is alive, and they aren’t. The streets and the punching bag in the gym got hit with his rage, and you got hit with his sadness. There was no denying you felt it too, you were just as much of a mess you just didn’t have the physical outlet he did.
He started training you in the old dusty ring at Fogwells a few months after, hitting the bag and sparring until neither of you could handle it anymore and the tears began falling again, collapsing into each other’s arms for a while. You’d then walk home, arm in arm on the quiet streets of the Kitchen, Matt would listen to the people left and you’d stare at the empty buildings.
It was a similar routine for a year but getting easier to handle with every passing week. A smile here and there when you would land a punch, a giggle when he’d grab you around the waist in just the right spot to tickle you.
Slowly, you were getting yourselves back. Not your old selves, but a new version, versions that lived with the pain and held onto the small glimpses of hope. Versions of yourselves that settled into a calm and quiet routine. You got to a place where you could talk about them with a bittersweet tone instead of not being able to speak through the tears. And in the strangest turn of events, connections were made.
It was Jessica who had reached out first. You had been so surprised you read the text on Matt’s phone yourself multiple times. Her and Luke had figured things out, they even had a kid a few months before the blip. But they were getting lonely, and once Luke has realised who was left he figured you and Matt were getting lonely too.
Halfway through that first year you quit your job, began working with Matt in the office doing the admin and office managerial tasks. He didn’t have many clients, but people were still having issues during this time. At some point everyone decided the world had to keep turning, people needed money to stay in their homes or downsize and businesses still needed to run. The city kept going, it just felt smaller and emptier now.
You packed away Karen and Foggy’s things, in storage boxes. Matt asked why you didn’t get rid of them completely and you didn’t have an answer, maybe a small part of you hoped they’d come back one day. Maybe you just didn’t have the heart to get rid of it all yet. The door to Foggy’s office staying almost permanently shut, windows dark.
So, you sat at the desk in the main foyer of the office, answering emails and doing any research Matt needed done. Matt went over files and case notes in his office, listening to you hum along to the music playing quietly through a speaker in the corner of the room. It was a little over a year since it had happened.
It was a warm day, sunlight pouring through the dirty office windows making the space look happier than it ought to be. You were busy typing an email response to organise an appointment with a client when there was a knock at the door.
“Come in” You said loud enough so the person could hear, not looking up from your computer screen.
Luke opened the door with one hand, holding Dani and a bag of food in the other. Dani had her arms wrapped around as much of Luke’s neck as she could reach and was babbling in her fathers ear while he hummed in response.
“Hi Luke, hi Dani” You smiled wide at the two of them.
You were always happy to see Dani, convinced she was one of the cutest kids you’d ever seen. Looks like her fathers and a temper like her mothers (only if you didn’t give in to her ice cream demands).
“Hey, how you guys doing? We bought you both some lunch if you haven’t already had some” He took the bag of food in his free hand and held it up for emphasis.
“No, we haven’t eaten yet, thank you so much.” You stomach grumbling as you stood up and accepted the bag happily, peering at the contents inside “Can’t believe the mayor of New York is doing a lunch run while also looking after his little one”
At the mention of Dani you look at her and scrunch up your nose and smile, she smiled in return before quickly hiding her face in Luke’s shoulder. Luke laughed.
“If I’m behind that desk for too long I’ll lose my mind, besides, needed to ask Matt a few things and figured it was a good excuse to get out”
You laughed in response, it was a new feeling, laughing at things regularly and feeling a semblance of normal. It was something none of you had been used to in a long while, but it did feel good, you almost felt relieved that the worst was over even though the worst was technically still ongoing.
“If there’s enough here for all of us I’ll get a table and some chairs set up so we can eat together, you go chat with Matt, Dani and I will hang out for a bit”
Luke passed Dani over to you before giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and going into Matt’s office. You went about dragging out the fold out table and chairs from the unused conference room, Dani in one arm and dragging furniture with the other. Eventually you put her down on the floor next to the small basket of toys you’d acquired for her so you could finish setting up the table and chairs and place the food out on the table.
Once done, you knocked on the door of Matt’s office and poked your head in telling the two boys that food was ready. The four of you sat down around the small square table, Dani on Luke’s lap trying her absolute hardest to stab things with a chopstick.
You small talk about your days and what everyone has been up to recently, its mostly the same as usual and at some point Matt and Luke continue talking shop so you start entertaining Dani with funny faces and peek-a-boo.
It was a nice day, you finished work an hour before Matt and were able to cook something nice for dinner by the time he got home.
Later that night you and Matt were sat on the couch, both reading a book quietly. He had decided to not go on patrol that night, it had made you wonder at first, but you weren’t going to complain at the chance for quality time. The two of you were sat on the couch, you were leaning against the arm rest with your legs stretched out on Matt’s lap, his feet were resting on the coffee table and you’d both been wearing your pyjamas since arriving home after work. A record playing on the turntable in the corner of the room, Matt had picked tonight.
At a point in the evening when the sun was down and the moon making its home in the sky for the night Matt put his book down on the side table, running his hands up and down your shins. After a few minutes and once you’d finished your page you closed your book and put it down, looking up at him to see he was already facing you, a lazy smile on his face.
“What’s up, handsome?” You teased reaching one of your hands down, meeting one of his at your knee.
“Nothing much, beautiful” He teased back.
You sit in silence for a few moments, taking in all his features and how they seem to have aged so much just in the past year and you assumed you looked the same. But he was still beautiful, pensive and unfocused brown eyes staring while his other senses take in everything. The stubble lingering on his jaw that you had always preferred over him being clean shaven.
“You’re staring” He pulled you out of your thoughts.
“If you could see your reflection then you’d understand why” You giggled.
“Can I ask you something?” He asked tentatively.
“Of course”
You leaned your head sideways to rest on the back of the couch, still looking at him as he seemed hesitant with his question. Had this been six months ago your mind would have run wild with possibilities, anxiety having already decided the worst outcome was definitely going to happen. But this time, your instincts weren’t screaming and your mind was clear, it should’ve scared you but instead your heart stayed steady. The worst had already happened, anything since couldn’t compare.
“I love you, so much. The past year has been…” He looks away, blinking hard a few times before turning to face you again “probably one of the worst ever, we were- are dealing with something so unprecedented. But we’ve made it this far and it has me convinced we’ll make it through anything” You both let out a short laugh.
“I feel like I’m getting off track, sorry” He laughed nervously this time, at this point you could see he was fiddling with something in his pocket with his free hand.
“That’s okay, keep going” You smiled and squeezed his hand, trying to calm your heartbeat as your mind jumped to conclusions hoping against everything they were the right ones.
“Anyway, if it weren’t for you I don’t know what I would’ve done or where I would be now. You’re the most amazing, kind, funny and caring person I’ve ever met.” Tears were welling up in his eyes, matching the ones that had been brimming in yours threatening to spill “I-I can’t live without you, so would you marry me?”
He pulled his hand out of his pocket, holding a silver ring. It was beautiful, two small bands winding around one other creating an infinite spiral, decorated with small diamonds embedded in the bands. It was the perfect ring for you, he knew you weren’t a fan of big jewellery and a big diamond wouldn’t match your style.
“Oh my god Matt… yes I will, of course I will” The tears had now begun to fall now and there was no way you were going to be able to stop them.
He held your shaking left hand steady as he slid the ring on your finger, and you looked at it for a few moments before sliding closer to Matt to wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him. He returned the favour, hands going to your waist to hold you close and steady. When you pulled back for air you could see he was also crying.
After a few moments of catching your breath, you spoke up again.
“What about K-“
“I know, I thought about it. They would hate that we stopped living just because they’re gone, and if we get to see them again one day I want to be able to tell them the things we’ve done together”
“Okay, if you’re sure” You put your forehead against his.
“Sure as I’ve been about anything”
The two of you chose a date a few weeks later to go to the courthouse and make it official, with Luke, Jess, and Dani in tow. You and Jess went out to get a dress, she insisted she was only there to tell you which ones were ugly so you’d know what to avoid. The dress you chose was simple, not a wedding dress by definition but it was white and it suited you. Jess had even said you looked nice in it, which coming from her she may as well have called you Aphrodite.
You filled out and signed papers, quickly kissed, and by that evening the five of you were sitting in yours and Matt’s apartment a few drinks in laughing over nothing. Music from the turntable and Dani’s babbling as she played on the floor creating background noise, and for the first time in a long time the city doesn’t feel too big or too quiet.
It was a perfect night to end a perfect day.
Throwing up into the toilet isn’t how you had anticipated you’d start your Saturday morning, Matt still in pyjama pants and no shirt holding your hair back as your body convulsed. He rubbed your back soothingly until you’d finished, and once you were sure you were done, he held you on the bathroom floor as you caught your breath.
A year and a half since half the universe disappeared, a few months since you and Matt had gotten married.
“Oh god” You gasped, looking at the results of the test later that day.
“Well..” Matt trailed off.
You were both processing the results in silence for a little while, you weren’t sure if it were seconds or hours that passed.
“Quarters” Matt whispered.
At first it confused you until you racked your brain, did some rough maths and suddenly it made sense.
“Quarters” You whispered back in shock.
“This should be incredibly unfair to you but I actually think it’s the opposite and incredibly unfair to me” You giggled while pouring a shot of whiskey into the cup in the middle of the table.
“Mrs Murdock attacks her husband once again, will the torment ever end” Matt pretended to fret to someone else who wasn’t in the room before laughing.
“Mr Murdock is going the right way to sleeping on the couch if he continues to pretend he will be bad at this game”
Matt walked to the dining table, carrying freshly washed quarters in a towel, drying them as he walked. He had insisted on washing the coins before playing, they smelled so strong he could taste them and it made him feel ill.
“I’m going to cheat” You said matter of factly.
“Sweetheart, I didn’t marry you because you’re a fair player” You both laughed hard.
You had begun playing games every so often, going out drinking less meant you and Matt had time to fill and you were determined to not have him fill the time with Daredevil. An argument six months after the blip which left you both emotionally raw had already gone over that issue. He was doing worlds better now, not relying on Daredevil as much to cope and you were proud.
When Matt was satisfied that the coins were as clean as he could get them and dry enough, the game commenced. You immediately regretted it, wishing you had chosen a card game instead. He was landing every single one, you were lucky to get one in four. After a little while you stood up to get some water and wobbled on your feet, deciding that you had to stack the odds in your favour somehow so you wouldn’t get blackout while Matt stayed lightly buzzed.
“Need help getting to the fridge?” He teased, leaning back in his chair.
“I am perfectly fine walking a few steps to the fridge” You insisted, but you were definitely trying harder than usual to take balanced and even steps.
Once you had acquired a bottle of water, you returned to the table and picked up a coin for your next shot. Unsurprisingly you miss the glass, but before Matt can pick up a coin of his own you take one off the table as quick as possible and take another shot. This one makes it into the glass and you throw your arms up in victory while Matt throws his head back laughing.
“Drink up Matthew!” You cheered.
From that point on Matt let you keep trying until you got the coin in the glass before taking his turn. At some point in the evening when your cheeks were hurting from laughter and your mouth was sticky with the taste of alcohol you called it a night, advising Matt that you two had shared enough of the bottle for a single evening.
You stumbled through the living room and into the bedroom together, feeling grateful that you from a few hours ago decided to put her pyjamas on before starting the game. You were warm and happy all over, but it wasn’t until Matt took his shirt off that your heart began to race and heat spread through your body.
The noise had accidentally slipped from your lips, you hadn’t meant for it to come out but it was too late, Matt had already heard it and was taking in the rest of your body’s reaction.
“Oh” He responded quietly while smirking.
“And you’re sure you want to do this?” You asked nervously from the other end of the couch.
“Sure as I’ve been about anything, only if you’re sure too” He placed a hand on your knee.
“Yeah, I’m sure”
You let out a deep breath, taking it all in and already thinking ahead. A feeling settled in your chest, a mix of excitement and anxiety. You both had a daunting future ahead of you but you were sure it would be worth it, and there was no one you’d rather do it with than Matt.
Luke was elated for the both of you, and Jess pretended to not be as happy also but had a hard time hiding it, a rare smile gracing her face for just a moment when you had told them the news. You often texted Jess with a million different questions and whilst reluctant to answer she still helped more than you’d ever be able to thank her for. When you found out the gender Luke brought over a few bags of Dani’s old stuff that she had grown out of and you couldn’t be more grateful.
“Your daughter is fuckin’ huge, can you help me with my shoes please” You yelled across the apartment to Matt.
“As soon as she’s an issue it’s my daughter, huh?” He teased as he walked over to where you were on the couch, his tie still undone.
Matt knelt on the floor in front of you and helped with putting your socks and shoes on, you hadn’t been able to reach your feet for a while now so he was used to it and he never minded helping in any way he could. You were the one doing the hard work after all, who was he to complain about having to help with a pair of shoes every now and then.
Once he was done with your shoes he placed a kiss onto your belly and then your forehead. He finished doing up his tie and you both headed out to work for the day. It was a brisk morning as you walked to the office, arm in arm as per usual. You had to stop once to catch your breath and Matt sat with you on the bench, hand on your knee in comfortable silence.
After you had gotten to the office and up until lunch you had felt minor pains but nothing to be concerned about. It wasn’t until about 2pm that they got worse and you grew worried, but you still hadn’t caught Matt’s attention until a bad one hit you suddenly causing you to hiss through your teeth and clench your fists.
He got up from his desk and rushed to the doorway of his office.
“Are you okay?” He asked concerned.
“Uh-“ You thought about it for a few moments “Not really”
You knew Matt would be annoyed if you downplayed how you felt, he had been all over since you found out you were pregnant making sure you weren’t having any pains that were out of place and making you be almost too careful. Fortunately, you’d read about these pains, and you now had the task of quickly mentally preparing yourself for the coming hours.
“I’ll call Luke” Matt was ready for action immediately, pulling out his phone and finding Luke’s contact immediately.
Taxis were harder to come by after the blip and it was a jarring change for New York. The only person you and Matt knew who did drive was Luke, so he was always the go to if you needed a ride for a bit of a distance; and he had offered to call him anytime for the baby. Luke was outside the office not 10 minutes later ready to take the two of you to the hospital.
Matt would do anything for her, he had decided that the moment he got to hold her for the first time. She was his everything, two people in the world he would do anything for.
While you were sleeping that night, exhausted after all the effort that afternoon, he held her in his arms. Sat on the uncomfortable hospital couch he felt her warmth against his chest and listened to her tiny heartbeat. She was perfect, and he cried as he stroked her soft cheek with his finger.
His girls were everything to him. Two years ago his world collapsed and he thought he could never be happy again, he’d never be lucky enough to laugh or smile. But despite the many difficulties the day offered, he was content.
If he ever got to see Foggy and Karen again, he couldn’t wait to tell them everything.
You told him she was still mostly bald but there were whisps of dark hair covering her head, you joked she wasn’t done cooking enough to tell who she looked more like yet. Luke drove the three of you home two days later, not lingering too long so you could get settled.
Sleepless nights were tough on both of you, Matt didn’t get enough sleep as it was and now with a crying baby it was worse. But eventually you figured out a routine, and after two months of stumbling and sleepless nights the two of you found a way.
Saturday afternoon and you were finally getting around to doing the laundry you’d been putting off for two weeks, Mia propped up by some pillows at the head of your bed and unfolded clothes covering the foot of the bed. She was holding a toy in her hand that she would occasionally decide to chew on or wave around while music played in the background.
“Your father hates when I sing this one, rolls his eyes and everything, can you believe him?” You told Mia as you swayed your hips to the music while folding t-shirts.
She made a quiet cooing noise and you couldn’t help but smile. A few minutes passes of you humming and Mia watching you, content in between feeds and naps.
“Oh my god yes! Mia baby this is important stuff I expect you to remember this one” You said as the next song begun, one of your personal favourites.
The swaying hips very soon escalated into dancing around the bedroom as you folded clothes, Mia smiling at your antics only encouraging you further. You were getting lost in the music, and though you didn’t know it Matt was smiling from where he was washing dishes in the kitchen, attention focused completely on you in the other room.
Near the end of the song Mia waved her arms around a little, and you didn’t care if she was copying you or just doing her thing but it made you laugh anyway.
“That’s it baby, get into it!”
It wasn’t often you had the opportunity to sneak up on Matt, ears hearing you approaching from more than a block away, always making sure you’re safe. But every now and then you had a rare opportunity to, and it was always a gem to catch Matt off guard.
Today you had gone grocery shopping while Matt stayed home with Mia. You had returned from shopping, hearing Matt’s voice on the other side of the apartment door made you stop for a moment. You stood by the door, ear close to the gap trying to listen to what he was saying.
“Now it isn’t so bad, see? If I had known this is what you wanted in the first place we could’ve avoided a lot of stress, sweetheart”
A warmth blooms in your chest as a smile graces your face, a few moments of silence pass before you hear him speak again.
“Ah here we go, you like this one. You gotta learn to tell me this stuff, your mother says communication is important, y’know” He chuckled to himself.
Finally, you unlock the door and go into the apartment. Upon walking into the living area you find Mia lying on her tummy on the play mat, surrounded by toys within arm’s reach, and Matt lying on his stomach on the floor, chin resting on his arms facing Mia.
He greeted you the moment you walked in and you greeted back while putting the bags of groceries on the counter. You shrugged your jacket and shoes off and walked over to Matt and Mia, lying down right next to Matt, mirroring his position and facing Mia.
“Didn’t realise we all needed tummy time” You laughed, giving Matt a kiss on the cheek before leaning forward to kiss Mia on the forehead.
“This was what made her happy, who am I to argue” He shrugged his shoulders.
“You’re a sucker” You nudged him with your elbow.
“I might be” He laughed and hung his head.
Mia’s first birthday involved too much ice cream and cake, but Dani had insisted that after all the time she’d spent playing with Mia that she wanted ice cream and you didn’t have the heart to say no. She loved ripping the wrapping paper off of her gifts more than she liked the actual gifts, you made a note of that for when Christmas came around.
As she grew a whole corner of the office became a play area for her, and occasionally Dani. At first it was one corner, but as soon as she began walking unaided the whole office was hers to play in as far as she was concerned. Matt would often step on toys left lying around his office, muttering to himself in annoyance while putting it away. The conference room had become the nap room, and Mia enjoyed the walk between the office and home.
She often wanted to sit on yours or Matt’s lap while you worked, eager to bang on the computer keyboards and scribble on notepads. You caved and bought an old keyboard for her to play with, it meant she stayed off your lap a little longer, but not Matt’s.
Mia was a daddy’s girl through and through, and Matt would do anything for his little girl. His ears were always tuned in to the sound of ‘dada’ and always telling her she was perfect. You would often hear them having ‘conversations’ on his office, him telling her a story and she would babble back happily.
It was 1:30pm, you had put all work on hold to deal with Mia who refused to nap and was letting everyone else deal with the consequences. Matt was getting frustrated; she would cling to her dad when upset but he had work to do, and the crying child on the floor under his desk didn’t help with productivity. You were getting annoyed that she wasn’t being receptive to anything you did to calm her down and eventually gave up, bordering on tears yourself.
Despite the feelings of guilt Matt made you sit on the couch with him in his office and just leave Mia, she would cry herself tired. He reassured you that you weren’t a bad mother for letting it happen, and if she kept going then he would handle it. You leaned your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes, trying to relax even with the sound of crying filling the room. Matt rubbed your arm soothingly and sighed, leaning his head back against the wall.
The two of you hadn’t felt like this since the sleepless nights when Mia was a newborn, you’d gotten used to her good sleep schedule and generally good behaviour. Jess laughed that the ‘terrible twos’ was approaching, and you refused to believe your baby girl could be anything remotely near terrible. That was until today, when she wouldn’t nap and you were quickly running out of patience.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed when you came back to reality, thinking you had tuned out the crying you opened your eyes and took stock of the room around you. You lifted your head and looked at Matt who had a small smile on his face, looking relieved. It was then you clocked how quiet the room was.
“Is she-?” You whispered.
“Yep” He sighed in relief.
You got up from the couch and made your way over to the desk, crouching to peer underneath. Mia was curled up under Matt’s desk, dark hair pointing in all directions and cheeks still red from her meltdown. Other than the wet tears under her eyes she looked as peaceful as ever, and you felt the tension leave your shoulders.
Matt had gotten up and retrieved a blanket from the conference-slash-nap room to put over her. He joined you where you were crouched and carefully covered Mia with the blanket, then standing up and collecting his files. He sat on the couch and continued his work, while you went to make a cup of coffee, both of you pleased you could finally get some work done before going home for the day.
“I do it!”
“Okay okay, you can do it” Matt laughed as Mia tried to stir the pasta sauce by herself.
He had always preferred cooking when he had company to do it with, the two of you had loved cooking together since you first met. You weren’t chefs but Matt knew what tasted good and you had a knack for portioning pasta perfectly every time (Matt joked that it was your heightened sense). Now that Mia had come along, he had someone else to cook with who was always attached to his hip.
She attempted to stir the sauce, it being too thick for her small arms to handle and Matt sneakily helping her. Once a few stirs were done she clapped her hands and Matt gave her endless praises and cheek kisses, you couldn’t help but smile at them.
You had tried to feed her a mouthful, but she outright refused and said she could do it herself. It was at this point you realised she’d inherited Matt’s sense of independence, wanting to do everything on her own without any help. Trying to stop yourself from helping her when she was getting half the pasta sauce down her shirt was tough, and Matt’s giggles weren’t helping.
“Your daughter is becoming like you” You said to Matt while you both cleaned up after Mia had gone down to sleep for the night.
“Again with the my daughter, you had a hand in making her too y’know” He smiled, amused.
“She’s becoming stubborn, and refuses help. It’s sounding all too familiar, won’t be long until you’re teaching her how to throw a proper punch” You joke, rolling your eyes.
Matt walks up to you and puts his hands on your waist, pulling you close and kissing you with a smile on his face, and you can’t help but kiss back. Still giving you butterflies after all these years.
“You don’t have to worry about her, the way she plays with Dani, she’s inherited your kindness and empathy. Besides, I’m a good father so I won’t teach her how to throw a punch until she’s at least 5” He laughed again at this own joke while you just groaned and rolled your eyes.
Once his laughter has died down you kiss him on the cheek and begin walking towards the bathroom to have a shower.
“You’re lucky I love you, Mr Murdock”
“Very lucky indeed”
He quickly catches up to you and sweeps you off your feet, carrying you bridal style to the bathroom while you can’t help but giggle.
“Good morning sweetheart!”
Mia runs through the lounge room to the kitchen where Matt was getting her lunch ready. He takes a few steps forward to meet her and scoop her up in his arms when they meet. She wraps her arms around his neck while he holds her in a tight hug.
“Tell me what your outfit is today” He continues to hold her with one arm while getting food together with the other hand.
“Got a dress and boots”
“What colour are they?”
“Pink and blue, and pink!”
“As beautiful as always” He kisses her on the cheek before placing her back on the floor to run around the apartment for a little bit.
You walk into the kitchen to make coffee for you and Matt, giving him a kiss on the cheek and a quick good morning. The two of you start a discussion about the cases you’re currently working on and when the next court date is.
As you leave the apartment the glint of Matt’s red glasses on the shelf catches your eye, he hadn’t worn them in years. Right after the snap he was in such an awful place that wearing his glasses out was the least of his concerns, and it became a bit of a habit. Then when Mia came along, he didn’t want her remembering how he looked only with his glasses on, losing any reason to wear them daily.
On the walk from the apartment to the office Mia walks between the two of you, holding a hand each and skipping. Every few steps you and Matt lift her up by the arms and swing her, making her laugh loudly. Her laugh echoes down the otherwise quiet street, and you think you see someone on the other side of the street smile at the sound.
Halfway through the walk Mia begs to get on Matt’s shoulders and he can’t say no to his little girl, you mutter about how he’s a softie and he pretends to not hear you but reveals himself by rolling his eyes.
“Since its Friday did you wanna finish up early and head to the park for the afternoon?” You ask Matt, nearing the office.
“Yes park!” Mia cheered from her place up on Matt’s shoulders, her arms wrapped around his head, hands meeting on his forehead.
“Park sounds good” He turned his head towards you and smiled.
You reach the office building and Matt lifts Mia off of his shoulders, you begin making your way up the stairs, searching your bag for the keys to the office. Matt and Mia hung behind because Mia insisted Matt help her jump up every step.
Once the two of them had finally reached the office, Matt went to his desk as Mia tipped out her box of toys onto the floor and began rummaging through them all looking for something she wanted. You sat at the reception desk and opened your laptop, checking emails like any other day.
Today was a quiet day, not many emails and even fewer calls. It was mostly a day of research and helping Matt prepare for a court date the following week. Mia would interrupt to show you her drawings and you all took a break for lunch.
Mid-afternoon when the both of you were satisfied with how much work you’d gotten done that day began packing up the office, putting away files and leaving to-do lists for Monday. Matt walked out of his office and stood next to your desk, Mia was on the floor slowly putting her toys back into the box.
Suddenly, Matt started breathing heavily and bent over, having to hold onto the desk for support as if he’d just been hit in the gut. His eyes were wide and you were immediately concerned – you couldn’t lose him too.
“Matt, are you alright? What’s wrong?” You asked concerned, a hand on his arm and one on shoulder.
He turned his head towards you and the look on his face was worrying, a mix of horror and confusion. It made your blood go cold; the last time he looked like that the whole world came crashing down.
“Something’s happened” He breathed out, putting a hand on your arm and squeezing tight.
“Are you okay, dada?” Mia asked from her spot on the floor, confusion all over her face.
It was then you heard it, you heard everything; people yelling and screaming, cars honking, and sirens going off. Your legs almost gave way, your heart thundering in your ears and breathing becoming difficult as you try to comprehend what was happening.
Another breath left your lips, you squeezed your eyes shut and when you opened them there was another person in the room. Time seemed to stop, all the noises outside seemed to quiet as you took in the face of the person standing in front of you. Your voice had been ripped from you with the breath you had been holding, Matt was the one to speak first.
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a/n: Thank you so much for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it and please let me know if you did <3 I could probably add some extra scenes in (or even write Karen and Foggy's return) so if you'd like to read more let me know and I might think about writing some more :) P.S: the 'important song' referenced about halfway through is Kiss Me by Sixpence None The Richer bc I LOVE that song.
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galaxythreads · 2 years
NO NO CRINGING I LOVE THAT FIC - HOW DARE QUESTION 😠 so many scenes from stygian live in my head rent-free. goons dragging Loki away????? Nat getting Loki to eat a banana???? the ELEVATOR bit with Clint alone. cinematic masterpiece. the DRIVING???????? BUCKKY????????????????? the entire thing is iconic honestly it's like "we don't have any keys" "what? what on the nine do we need KEYS for?" "to start the car!!!" "KEYS?!" and the Avengers getting along - making a smoothie the first time sakjdjgshjfek Loki not being able to see and tehrefore not being able to eat at the start and not know where things are around him and who is there without magic ;-; Bruce talking to Loki when the adoption comes up and the entire conversation being so dkjfsgsdg like neither WANTS to be there fr like yes i'm going to figure out his medical history but oh no this conversation has devolved into a um. metabolism lesson? Thor shows up and Bruce is just guilty the entire time but curious too akjsfhv and I remember whenever there *was* any improvement with Loki's condition it felt like such a BIG thing - possibly because of the time and struggles along the way to get there? like he doesn't show to be improving with the sight till WAY into the story. and ALSO how could i forget the fic OPENS with Loki disrupting the ENTIRE RAFT like COME ON that's so cool and secxy and am not the anon from before but i'm VERY happy that fic is there even if you don't look back on it so well so thank you for it and I hope you find your more recent writings better to yourself because ALL of them are a delight
no jokes, no exaggeration, I love you with my whole soul. I will give you my firstborn.
Thank you. Thank you so so so much.
I had NO IDEA anyone felt so passionately about this fic. I know people like it, but it's so rare for anyone to tell me that now, given how old it is. It's literally so strange to me to think about anyone actually....enjoying my fics. I love the support I get on my fics, I really really do, but specifics on WHY a story is so beloved to them is so rare and so precious to me.
And like. Okay. Stygian is a mess of grammatical errors and weird inconsistencies, I know that. I want to go back and edit it up into fighting shape because I think I would do a much better job now, four years later, than I did initially, but the thing is--I don't want to remove the comfort of the fic from people. There are fics that I reread all the time despite the grammatical mess and I know the sentence structure and word placement by heart and if anything changed I would have a breakdown, and I imagine there are people that feel the same about Stygian so despite my frustrations with it, I leave it the same.
this just-- it just reminds me how much I love the story. I planned the fic out in a notebook across several long, lazy summer afternoons, completely embracing the tropes of loki and avenger fics because I wanted to and it was enjoyable. I meticulously plotted out an arc for every avenger + thor and loki and carefully detailed when and where their POVs would be the most impactful. It was my first real exploration into the characters and everything felt so raw and exciting.
I had Clint call Natasha his partner because of CBS Elementary and how Joan Watson and Sherlock Holmes call each other partner despite being completely platonic. It felt like such the perfect word and I STILL use that today.
I planned the "WE NEED THE KEYS YOU FOOL" scene after one in Sorcerer's Apprentice 2010 and how cool it was that Balthazar started the car with magic.
Loki was blind because of an image that I saw on Pinterest that looked cool and i looked for other fanart of blind Loki and it just kind of went from there. I barely knew how blunt force trauma actually worked. I didn't even know how many bullets a gun could hold on average.
Loki and Thor had their major argument based off of a fic I read for BBCs Sherlock. 
The scene where they’re in total darkness and being attacked in the tower was based on a Spider-Man/Avengers fic I read a long LONG time ago. I can’t even remember if it’s IN the fic I’m thinking of. 
Lila was obsessed with cats because my younger sister was going through a phase and her line "I want to have so many kitties I can't step on the floor" was something she said.
I had no idea how Loki, Nat and Clint were going to break into the HYDRA facility and made that up on the go. The facility being where Clint was kept at the beginning was a happy accident
I wrote some chapter beginnings in notebooks to fight my writer’s block. The original version of Steve waking up after they escape the Tower was written in a notebook with a purple pen. 
I completely planned from the start that the beginning would be the Avengers saving Loki from HYDRA and then Loki saving them to parallel it. 
The amount of people who have asked me if Loki was still blind at the end of the story is insane. TO ANSWER THIS: THE ANSWER IS NO, HE COULD SEE.
And also the sight thing--Loki being blind is a HUGE part of the story. It wasn’t supposed to be this vague thing that happened and then went away. It was intentionally kept there for the majority of the story because the story is called “Stygian” which means darkness. When Loki healed and was able TO see the story was over. That was the goal. 
I couldn’t even drive when I wrote this story. I had to look up how to drive a car, oh my gosh. And how a dishwasher works. And guns. And ventilation. And how to shoot a bow and arrow. 
There was so much love poured into this story, so much exploration. I forgot about that. Yeah, it’s cringy and kinda terrible, but I worked so hard and put so many countless hours into this fic. 
Anyway. Wow my brain went away from me there. But thank you. Here’s a garbage dump of my thoughts about it. anon, I really do love you. You’re a blessing <3
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
Teaming Up with Sam and Bucky ft Zemo
Pairing: FEM!Reader; Bucky Barnes x reader, Sam Wilson x reader; platonic(?), let’s throw in some Zemo x reader
Summary: What it would be like to team up with our favorite duo. Takes place during TFATWS.
Warnings: none, TFATWS SPOILERS. Lowkey a mess :D
A/n: Ever since TFATWS came out I’ve been reminded of how much I love Bucky and Sam. Also I have a new found love for Zemo. I’ve just been so obsessed with this series and I’ve been reading so many fics about it, so I decided to finally write my own :) Enjoy my loves❤️
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✧───── ・ 。゚★: *. ☽.* :★. ─────✧
You’re basically working with a bunch of children.
The children mostly being Sam and Bucky, though Zemo does have his moments once he joins you three.
You’ve known dumb and dumber for a few years now, being part of the Avengers, you’ve worked with Sam on multiple missions. The friendship blooming somewhere in between.
You were also close friends with Steve; when he first came out the ice, you were assigned to help him adjust to the modern world by Fury. He would tell you a bunch of stories of him and Bucky running into trouble or Bucky always saving his ass whenever he was getting beaten up.
Eventually, you finally got to meet Bucky, though he wasn’t Bucky, he was the Winter Soldier. Your introduction to each other was quite memorable to say the least.
He choked you with that metal arm of his and for a split second you swore you might’ve found it attractive—till he threw your body against a car.
You sided with Cap during the accords and helped him protect Bucky. When that whole mess was over, Steve asked you to stay with Bucky in Wakanda to make sure he would be safe.
You were the first person to have some kind of bond with Bucky. Before and after he was freed from Hydra’s hold on him, you were always someone he knew he could trust.
When Steve told you what he was going to do while retuning the stones he told you to watch over them.
“Promise me you’ll keep an eye on Buck and Sam?” He asked you, sitting on the edge of your bed. He had snuck into your room late at night, knowing you were wide awake.
You squeezed his hand reassuringly, a lazy smile on your lips, “They don’t need me, I’m sure they’re capable of surviving on their own.” Steve breathes out a laugh and shakes his head, “You’d be surprised.”
“But seriously, (y/n), they need you. You know how they get when they’re together. You’re the only person in the world who knows how to deal with the both of them at the same time.” Steve reasons, his baby blues sparkling in the darkness of the guest room of Tony’s lake house.
“Make sure they’re not on the verge of killing each other or running into too much trouble?” You tiredly nod, sleep slowly consuming your body. “I promise, they’re gonna be alright, Steve.”
Sometimes you found yourself looking up at the sky, cursing at it—or Steve—for leaving you with two of the most childish and stubborn men you’ve ever known in your life.
You were like the mother of the group; breaking up fights, making sure they skipped no meals, patching up their boo-boos, etc.
“Will you stop staring at me?” Sam snapped, tossing his goggles onto the seat beside him to glare at Bucky.
“I’m not staring at you.” Bucky remarked from across Sam. His flesh and metal arm crossing with each other as he stared at Sam challengingly.
“Yes, you are. Your eyes are connecting with mine. You’re literally staring at me right now!” Sam pointed out, to which Bucky rolled his eyes at.
“Because I’m talking to you, genius. I wasn’t staring at you.” Bucky quipped.
“Yes you were!”
“No I wasn’t!”
This continued till they were sick of bickering with each other, finally yelling out your name for help.
The arguments were straight up petty. Bucky wouldn’t admit it, but he was the pettiest.
Exhibit 1: “LoOKiNG StrONg jOHn!”
Like seriously? Bucky’s the pettiest bitch, nobody can tell me otherwise.
You and Sam would definitely find it amusing how Bucky doesn’t trust Redwing.
Obviously, you all despise John Walker. Just the thought of him left a bad taste in your mouth.
He was like a fly that you all couldn’t get rid of. But because you were all painfully patient people—mostly you and Sam—you had to deal with his bullshit despite the way he annoyed you all.
Totally loosing your shit when Bucky helps Zemo break himself out of prison.
“Please tell me you didn’t do what I think you did.” You groaned, fingers pinching the bridge of your nose together.
Bucky looks at you with feign innocence; his mouth agape and puppy eyes. “I—didn’t do...anything(?).”
“You helped Zemo break out of prison didn’t you?” You crossed your arms at him, hip jutting out. As if on cue, Sokovian sugar daddy walks into the abandoned garage you were all in.
Before you can explode on him, Bucky tried to calm you down, “Wait, I technically didn’t do anything though! It was his plan!”
Zemo definitely lives up to being the ✨Sokovian Sugar Daddy✨ of your dysfunctional group.
I think you’d all be surprised at how rich he was. The amount of connections he had wasn’t that big of a shocker.
No like seriously, homie was pulling all sorts of shit out his ass; cars, private planes, houses in different countries, etc.
You all had a love hate relationship with Zemo. On days when he was actually helpful, you all got a long. On the days when things got horribly messy, Zemo couldn’t even let a word out since Sam would tell him to “shut up”.
Though that still doesn’t excuse the fact that he got the Avengers to spilt up and go against each other.
When you guys are all hiding out in one of Zemo’s apartments or homes, you would probably cook breakfast, lunch, or dinner for everyone.
They actually loved it when you cooked because it made the atmosphere feel a bit homey and calm compared to the current situation you were all in.
You were the person they can all go to. You were easy to talk to, making it easier for them to open up to you.
You always checked in on them mentally and physically. For example, you knew Sam felt guilty about giving up the shield, but Bucky never made him forget about his choice. You were there to reassure him that he thought he was doing the right thing and didn’t know the hidden agenda of the government.
You were like their on the go therapist, babysitter, and partner.
Sometimes Bucky and Sam would even argue for your attention.
“Can you stop hogging (y/n) please? Her ears might fall off from hearing you yap all day.” Bucky said as he gently took your arm and dragged you away from Sam.
“You literally spent the whole day with her yesterday, you’re the one who needs to stop hogging (y/n).” Sam argued, grabbing onto your other arm.
“I didn’t get to spend time with (y/n).” Zemo mentioned from his seat in the kitchen, a glass of whisky in his hand. Bucky simply turned to him and pointed, “NO!”
Honestly what’s a friendship with Bucky and Sam without some harmless flirting. They weren’t gonna lie, you were gorgeous, the most attractive one out of the group.
When you guys had to go undercover at Madripoor, both times with Zemo and Sharon, you had to wear dresses that were a bit revealing. Maybe your chest was a bit shown, but the dress definitely showed off your legs.
“So what do you guys think?” You stopped at the bottom of the stairs of Sharon’s apartment, doing a little spin to show off your outfit.
Both Bucky and Sam’s jaws drop, Zemo probably nodding in approval in the corner.
You can’t forget about the nicknames: maybe doll, sweetheart, or darlin’ from Bucky and the typical Louisiana Cher from Sammy.
While fighting against the Flag Smashers or anyone in general, you guys always had each other’s back.
You could directly be fighting someone, but you’ll naturally have an eye on Sam and Bucky to make sure nobody was sneaking up on them.
It’s a given that you all patch each other up after some fight.
You were all very protective of each other. If there’s one thing Sam and Bucky can agree on, it’s their instinct to protect you.
Like how you kept an eye on them, they also kept their eyes on you. Even though they knew you could hold your own.
“Could you walk?” Sam asked you as you laid on the concrete floor. You were double teamed by a couple of Flag Smashers. Two super soldiers against a normal person, you totally got your ass handed to you.
You pushed yourself up to rest on your elbows, “I’m fine, just got dropped kicked twice, but I’ll be fine.”
Sam smiled at you, “That’s my girl.”
Though the two can be a handful and argue almost every minute, you loved the both of them tremendously. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
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I’m laughing my ass off. This reminds me of when I was at a fannish party back in... 2012? 2013?
One of the hosts excitedly asked us if we were into MCU. I said yes, and she aggressively shoved her art portfolio at me. It was entirely manips of Stony. I loathe MCU Stony. I also don’t like manips, but it was really the ship that stuck with me. Because she didn’t ask if we liked Stony but whether we liked MCU.
Anyway, that’s a longwinded way of saying that while I was “in” MCU for a hot second, that doesn’t mean I was in that part of it.
I ignored Iron Man 1. I was too angry at how its unexpected success destroyed any chance my beloved Speed Racer had of breaking even. Speed Racer is one of the most aesthetically adventurous films of its decade and offensively underrated at the time. (Hilariously, all the film bro blogs changed their tune in like 6 months, years faster than I expected.) It’s one of the only films I’ve seen multiple times in the theater. (The others being The Man from U.N.C.L.E., which was similarly buried by another film, and Deadpool 2.)
A while later, I was looking up fanvids that use music from Highlander as part of making a vid to mess with a friend. She said any song can be used for anything except for that one because it belongs to Highlander. She was joking, but I thought it would be funny to use the song for something else... only I couldn’t remember which one she’d said, so I used both Princes of the Universe and Who Wants to Live Forever to make fun of all the emo Sherlock vids post S2.
I was shocked to discover that talitha78 actually had vidded Who Wants to Live Forever, and it was a really shippy vid of something I hadn’t seen and didn’t even recognize. So that’s how I watched Captain America: TFA. I have one great narrative weakness, and it’s people being fake or temporarily dead. Needless to say, when I found out what happened with Bucky in comics, I was very interested.
I got into MCU at that point, right before Avengers came out. I ate a lot of shawarma.
Avengers made me ship Science Bros like mad. Bruce was hands down my fave. I also read some Pepperony on LJ. I find MCU Tony insufferable, but I liked his vibe with both Pepper and Bruce. I also read some Tony/Pepper/other dude OT3s, even Tony/Pepper/Steve despite me thinking MCU Stony was intensely chemistryless at the time.
But honestly, the fic I probably read the most of was something I didn’t even ship myself: Clint/Coulson. I loved Coulson. I love characters coming back. And I’m weak for tropey handler/asset. C/C at the time was practically just original m/m with faces grafted on, and there were some great fics.
I also read a lot of trashy Mary Sue Darcy fic. That was everywhere in 2012. Darcy joins SHIELD. Darcy is Coulson’s secret child. Darcy dates Coulson. Darcy fucks her way through the Avengers. Darcy has a freaky blue baby with Loki. Darcy fucks Jensen from The Losers. (In fact, there is more Darcy/Jensen than a bunch of MCU ships that actually make sense.)
Then The Winter Soldier came out. I walked in a stucky shipper. I walked out thinking “Bucky who?” I was blown away by how that movie, like Cap1, is off in its own aesthetic universe. The whole film, I kept going “Oh my god, it’s Three Days of the Condor! Right down to the color palette!” Imagine my amusement to find out that the directors were calling it “Three Days of Captain America”. I was also blown away by Sam. The imperturbable friend who’s too sane to crumple under your bullshit! My weakness!
After that, I read a bunch of fic with Sam, Steve, Natasha, and Bucky in various configurations.
So, okay, yes, I did read some stucky. But even back then, I was seeing a rise in stucky-only fans whose work wasn’t so much my thing. There was a lot of lipservice to “historical accuracy” and fellating of anybody who’d read Gay New York and wanted to show off their learnings. I’ve read that book, and it’s great, but the attitude made me roll my eyes. In my experience, “historically accurate” just meant justifying some specific kink for femme Steve with Steve as a fairy and Bucky as trade. (More on what those referred to in this book review. Basically, femme vs. masculine guy who fucks women and femmes.)
I drifted away from MCU some time after that. I’m not good at staying into canons that are too sprawling or things that are too popular in general, especially if they’re very OTPy. (My stay in BTS fandom is shockingly long for me. I chalk it up to the sheer quantity of OT3s and multishipping.)
The big thing I noticed was that in addition to a lack of fic about Sam, a lot of what there was was distinctly boring. People were afraid to write iddy trash for obvious reasons. Not so with stucky, which has always been iddy trash central. Curse The Winter Soldier for robbing me of my ability to care!
I was excited about the idea of Bucky and Sam in a buddy show despite not having seen MCU in years, but friends’ reviews made me think it would be a letdown, and I haven’t bothered to watch.
I don’t know the big internal dramas in stucky fandom after I left MCU. I’m sure they have been legion. I get the impression that many of them have boiled down to “You are more popular than I am, and that is not okay.”
It’s such a large ship and has so many OTPers who don’t necessarily interact with other parts of MCU fandom that I don’t know how many of those dramas have leaked out elsewhere. MCU is like Harry Potter fandom in that way: there are tons of completely separate camps, and one might or might not be in multiple of them. It’s not even a question of disliking each other: it’s just too big to be in all of.
Given how overwhelming and hard to get into Stucky is at this point, I would just read the fic and not worry about interacting--unless you want to? TBH, ships like that aren’t that easy to get into in a social sense. I’ll still read the occasional fic if I get a rec. I read that one where they go to the Captain America film festival, and it’s a hilarious parody of gay French art films and subtextually homoerotic 1980s US action movies. I also read that one where Steve contacts a professor of queer history looking for info about his past friends and Bucky bugs her office. (I’m certainly not immune to the history nerdery. I just find it lulzy when people go “FACT!” and mean “I love femme Steve!”)
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teebarnes · 3 years
✨ | I'm Fallin' For You, Darling.
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Click [100 Followers Fic] for the rest of the 100 follower fics :)
Pairing: Chris Evans x female!reader
Summary: Both you and Chris have quite the relationship, it all started the day you gave him a marker.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warning(s): Fluffffff, Angst for sure, talk of anxiety (not a lot but also a lot).
A/N: Thank you guys so much for 100 followers! It means the world, I hope you like this one as much as I do. (Sorry that's a lotta words).
⤑ Click here for my taglist so you can be notified when my new fics are posted.
Any Likes, Comments & Reblogs are super duper appreciated :))
When Chris Evans is nervous, there is only one thing that calms him down. And that one thing is you and the fact that you allow him to doodle on your hands all the time.
The premiere of Captain America: The Winter Soldier was the first time you saw Chris so nervous. Him constantly rubbing his hands together or bouncing his leg underneath the press table and the times when he'd fiddle with the hem of his shirts. These were things you noticed Chris did when he got nervous, and it seemed that you were the only one who witnessed them.
The third day into the film's press tour, you decided to take matters into your own hands. You knew what it felt like to be anxious, the feeling settling within the depths of your stomach or the constant avoidance of looking out to an audience. Sometimes you'd excuse yourself a few times throughout interviews just to catch your own breath.
The whole TCA: TWS cast sat along the stage of the comic-con panel. The hosts introduced you all, crowds cheering loudly when they saw everyone.
You took your seat next to Chris, who was already fiddling with his plastic water bottle that he'd been gripping so tightly on, you could already see the indents on the bottle. You smiled, looking out to the audience waving back to some of your fans that you could see holding signs up for you in the crowd. It was, in fact, times like these that your anxiety shot right out the window, replacing that anxiety with happiness and admiration of your fan base.
Five minutes into the panel talk and questions were directed to Scarlett and RDJ. You knew you wouldn't be talking anytime soon as, of course, like all other press tours, the interviews were heavily coordinated. So before you'd have the chance to speak, Sebastian, Anthony, and the Russo brother would go first. Sitting back in your chair, you took a sip of your water, your eyes following down to where Chris was bouncing his leg. Then, setting your water back onto the table, you pulled yourself and your chair closer to the table, reaching over across Joe Russo, who observed what you were doing.
"Could you pass me the marker, please, Joe?" you whispered to him; he smiled, nodding handing you the marker. "Thanks", you whispered again.
You returned to the comfort of your seat, Scarlett and RDJ still bantering. You look forward to the audience and give a tiny little smile to the fans who were waving at you. Your eyes looked down to your arm; you wrote a little message on your forearm, so he knew what the pen was for.
You scooted a bit closer to Chris just enough so you could hand him the pen. You lightly looked over to him; your hand went underneath the table and across to rest on Chris' lap. It was right there when his leg stopped bouncing. You held the pen in your hand, waiting for him to take it from you. Chris looked up turning his gaze to you; you gave him a smile nodding.
His eyes directed back down to where your arm was. He read the note you had written for him, 'Use my arm to doodle. It helps with anxiety :)'. He let out a smile, all the while letting out the breath he'd been holding in.
You looked back up and over to Sebastian, who was now talking; you felt the pen slip out from your grip, the marker clicked and the coldish ink embracing the surface of your skin.
One of Chris' hand rested firmly on your forearm to keep it from moving, and the other used to doodle. That was the first time in the history of you knowing Chris to be calm and content. No bouncing his leg or fidgeting. He was completely aware of everything instead of his growing anxiety.
It was after that moment Chris slowly began to fall in love. He never expected someone to notice his worries and do something about them. But, the way you sat there while he doodled on your arm didn't phase you at all, you wanted to support him, and you showed him that you did.
Years later, It became a force of habit, the tiny hugs you'd give Chris just to slide a marker into his pocket before going on stage. The small slight movements he'd make before he took your hand into his so he could draw.
You'd become someone who knew him better than he knew himself. The many dates he took you on lead to you moving in with him. The small moments you both had messing around on set and loving him in the silliest of moments meant eternity to the pair of you. You knew that you had fallen in love with Chris Evans, and so was he. You both just didn't realise that the moment would be a forever moment. If you hadn't offered him a marker that day, where would you be?
It was now the premiere of Avengers: End Game and the last press tour you'd have for a while. Today's interview consisted of a comic-con panel, the same panel you happily let Chris doodle on your arm five years ago.
You both sat together, his hand protectively on your thigh. You were speaking into the mic as a fan had just asked you a question about possibly seeing your character in the future of the MCU. Chris sat there attentive to your voice while he drew on the top of your hand. It was a little duck with a Boston Red Sox hat holding a heart.
Once you had finished answering the question and someone else began to speak, you looked back down to see what Chris was drawing. You squinted in wonder; looking back at Chris, you wondered why he was drawing this. Coincidentally, you had drawn a duck on him one day in between an interview—a duck holding a heart wearing a NASA cap. Chris looked at you with his cheesy smile. Oh! he was up to something, you thought. Chuckling, you watched him colour in the small heart with a red marker. He was, in truth, quite a good artist; you managed to take a photo of all his doodles over the years. But this one, this doodle was a bit different; it meant something more to you.
After you had both finished the panel, you were set on getting a new tattoo. Kissing Chris' lips, you told him that you'd see him at home. Chris had asked you where you were going, so you said you were going out to dinner with your mum in town, which was true you just left out the part of you going to get another tattoo. Your parents were in for the weekend for reasons unknown and wanted to see you before they left, so you had already planned to see them. He nodded, kissing you once more before departing ways.
You both were always so sentimental, and you knew as soon as you saw that duck in a red sox cap holding a heart on your hand that you wanted it to be a forever doodle. That day, when you had drawn a duck on him, he went and got it tatted on his hand the same day. The first tattoo visible on Chris' body, the only tattoo that wasn't hidden under his shirts. In contrast, most of your tattoos were on your arms and wrists; this was another tattoo among the few others you had on your hand, others being the original six symbol and some writing of your favourite quotes.
Before you knew it, you were sitting on the chair in your private tattoo artist's studio, getting the duck tattooed on you forever. The tattoo was a reminder of memories both you and him had experienced together.
The red sox hat, being where he took you on your first date five years ago. To a Red Sox game, of course. You didn't have anything to wear to represent the team, so Chris kindly offered you his Red Sox cap to wear; five years later, Chris had to purchase a new hat because you kept his one. Of course, he didn't mind; he loved to see you dressed in things that were his; the hat was one of them.
"I don't have anything to wear", you sadly pouted at Chris, looking at him in his Red Sox jersey and cap.
He looked down to you as you stood next to him, holding his hand softly, looking out to the stadium. He smiled, taking his cap off and placing it over your head.
"Now you do", he smiled, leading you down the stairs to your seats. You weren't really a fan of baseball. Still, once you had experienced your first game, oh man... it became a routine for both you and Chris to attend every game the Red Sox were playing at.
The duck, the furry little animal you had brought home a few months after you had first moved in with Chris two years ago. In all honesty, you wanted to get a turtle, but as soon as you saw that slight yellow fluff waddling around at the pet store, you wanted nothing more than to take it home with you. Chris couldn't say no to you, so the duck became your baby.
"y/n?" Chris came around the corner where you'd sat yourself talking to the little duck... Chris had been looking for you for almost fifteen minutes when he found you sitting there with the pet shop worker.
The excitement in your eyes told him that you had forgotten all about the turtle. You looked up at him smiling, patting the empty seat next to him. He sat watching you pet the small baby duck with your thumb lightly. "I'm naming him Alfie" you smiled brightly, looking back at Chris.
He took the duck out of your hands and chuckled, "Alfie, it is".
The red heart...
A reminder of how much you both loved each other. Something that had never gone away, the love both you and Chris had continued, it grew stronger over time, of course with a few hiccups here and there but never enough to break that love. But this, the tiny little heart being tattooed onto you, was one similar to the heart that homed your middle finger on a ring. The rose gold ring he gifted you when he asked you to be his girlfriend four years ago.
You rested your head on Chris' shoulder as both of you watched the office. A new series you'd been watching together, it was a few months after your first date with Chris, and you both were head over heels with each other.
"Hey y/n", he whispered.
"I'm fallin' for you darling."
You lifted your head from his shoulder, looking up at him, "You're what", you whispered softly, you heard what he said, but you just needed to hear it again.
He brought the small box out, opening it to reveal a rose gold band hearts making up the band. "I said I'm falling in love with you", he smiled before continuing ", Be my girlfriend?" he sweetly asked.
You chuckled, letting him slide the ring onto your middle finger. "Of course", you whispered back to him before cupping his face. You both looked at each other, you saw it, you saw the life you'd been wanting. It was with him.
"I love you".
Sitting at the dinner table with your parents, you briefly looked down at the now wrapped tattoo on your hand. You had thanked your tattoo artist for another fantastic job; the new ink was precisely how Chris drew it on you earlier today. Your parents were eating away and so were you.
"It's great to see you again, Hunny", your dad spoke.
You smiled, nodding. "I've missed you guys so much."
"What's on your agenda for this weekend?" you spoke again, taking a bite of your food. Your mum and dad took one look at each other before your mum stopped to talk.
"Your dad and I are going to old friends party", she smiled at you. "party", you chuckled. "Since when do you guys party".
"it's an engagement party, I mean... do you have some parties we could go to" your dad joked.
"First of all... no." you laughed, cringing at the image in your head of your parents dancing and drinking. "But that's nice. I hope you both have fun, wish whoever a congratulations for me" you smiled.
"Oh, we will", your mum outwardly said. You took a second to squint your eyes in curiosity to your mum's tone. "Mhkay".
It was the end of dinner, and you had parted ways with your parents, taking a Cab to the home you shared with Chris. "thank you, driver," you smiled, hopping out of the cab walking up to your driveway. You giggled, seeing Dodger patiently waiting for you at the front door. "Hey buddy", you smiled, opening up the door for him to jump all over you.
Closing the door behind you, kneeling down to cuddle your pup. Dodger wagged his tail giving you kisses. "Shhhhh", you chuckled lightly, "were you waiting for me, huh?" you watched Dodger roll around on the floor. You stood up, taking your shoes off, leaving your keys on the hook. "C'mon, baby", you whispered, gesturing for Dodger to follow. You both walked down the hall, Dodger by your side.
You could hear the snores coming from your room and knew Chris was already sleeping. You opened the door, looking down at Dodger "go keep my spot warm for me, please", you sweetly asked your pup, who did just that. You watched him gently jump up onto the bed and curl up on your side of the bed.
Walking further down the hall, you went to take a shower. Changing into the PJs you left on the warming rack in the bathroom, you followed back out to check on Alfie, who would be sleeping in your office. Once that was done, you head into your and Chris' room. You took off your slippers and ushered Dodger to sleep in his bed. You kissed his head before he left. "night, bubba".
You slide in next to Chris, who had his back to you. Covering yourself with the blanket, you slide one arm around his bare torso pulling yourself closer to him. He was so warm, and you loved it. Chris groaned, turning over. He smiled sleepily. "Hey hon, how was dinner?" "It was good", you kissed his lips, "That's good," he said, pulling you into his arms to cuddle.
"Hey babe"
"mhhh", he mumbled in a sleepy voice.
"I love you."
"I love you too".
The next day you were doing a panel with the marvel cast. Like any other day, you answered questions, so why did you feel this one would be different. You were a bit nervous today, like you had woken up wrong, or you were waiting for something to happen. You didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.
You were talking to your audience. It was a large panel today consisting of the MCU cast, if not all of them. Maybe that's why you were so nervous; the bigger the cast panel, the bigger audience to speak to. "Make eye contact and hand gestures y/n," you thought to yourself right before you begun to answer the fan's questions. You start to use your hands gesturing when a fan had asked you about your character's personality.
Chris smiled, watching you intently; fans noticed. But as you were gesturing, he noticed the tattoo. He had to double-take when he saw your hand, leaving a small on his face. After you finished your question, he leaned in. "I love your tattoo, babe", he whispered; his comment calmed your nerves a bit as you chuckled ", just following your lead."
You both lean back into your seats as Joe and Anthony Russo began the next half of the panel. You were already forty minutes through... only another forty to go.
Anthony spoke, "As you may know, this will be the last you'll see of your favourite actors and actresses for a while..." Joe turned to the entire panel. "So we put together a little something of your time over the last decade" Joe turns back to the audience. "So sit back and relax."
The panel turned their chairs to watch the big screen, the lights dimmed, and the video rolled. It was a decade gag-reel of everyone in the MCU; Chris had pulled your chair closer to his; he knew you were nervous, for what reason? He didn't know, and neither did you. He should've been the nervous one; he was about to do something in front of the entire audience he had been planning for months.
Your head rested on Chris' shoulder, laughing with everyone else as the embarrassing footage rolled through. There was more footage of you and Chris than anyone else, but again, you were too clouded in worry. You didn't overthink about it.
Then there it was, a clip you didn't know existed—a video of you dancing with Scarlett and Jeremy on the infinity war set. You were being videoed from afar, but Chris comes into the frame making funny faces before pointing at you. You blushed a bit, laughing lightly.
"You see her", Past Chris spoke to the camera. "One day, I am going to marry her" he wiggles his finger over to your past self, who was still dancing around like an idiot. You swear your heart stopped, so ultimately, you started bouncing your leg. The video stopped, and the lights came back on. There were hushed voices; you knew they were looking your way, but you couldn't tell why.
You turned your chair, trying to avoid whoever was looking at you. Not noticing anything, nobody was talking. You had turned your head to look down to the end of the panel where The Russo brothers were. They were all looking in your direction, including the whole cast panel. You jumped slightly when Chris caught your leg mid-bounce; you turned to look at him, his eyes dazzling before you. Oh, that smile, you knew that smile all too well. Chris was smiling like a little kid.
Chris tapped you on your thigh, which caught your attention, so you looked down. This is it; this is the same feeling you felt when he first asked you to be his girlfriend. You burst into tears after reading the message on his arm; Chris' forearm rested in your lap while holding a black marker in his hand. You sniffed, looking softly at him. He was now in tears too. Taking the black marker from his grip, you clicked it; resting your hand on his forearm to steady yourself, you answered his question.
'Will you marry me, y/n?' the question written in his bold writing stared right back at you.
You always had your answer 'of course.'
You closed the lid on the pen, and Chris opened his hand; your engagement ring sat in the nook of his palm. He slides it onto your ring finger right next to your rose-gold one. You smile blinking through the tears, you turn to him, and Chris had already stood with his arms in the air.
The whole audience got up cheering; he leaned in, cupping your cheeks, both of you laughing through your kisses. He had lifted you into his arms, spinning you around. He set you back down; you wiped the tears from your face laughing while wearing your t-shirt. At that point, you knew everyone was in on your proposal; you turned to your cast members, who were all clapping.
"Give a round of applause for the future Mr and Mrs Evans!" Joe spoke.
You went around hugging everyone who had gotten up just to congratulate the pair of you. One by one, your friends embraced you in their arms.
"Congratulations", two-voice spoke from behind you, "oh my god, you idiots", you chuckled, pulling your parents into a big hug. Chris stood next to you as your dad pulled him into a hug. "Your fiancé sends her congratulations", he laughed, referencing the conversation you had with them last night.
Chris looked down at you, "They had texted me last night what you had said. I'm surprised you didn't catch on", he laughed. "I- I didn't know... I was curious after mum said it so suspiciously but didn't think," you mentally face-palmed yourself.
And like that, the panel was concluded. Everyone congratulating you and Chris before leaving. Chris had set up a little engagement party back at your house; everyone was enjoying their time having fun. You sat on Chris' lap still in shock, his arms wrapped around your waist "you didn't see that coming, did you?" he smirked, looking up at you.
"No... no, I didn't" you laughed sweetly. Your hand ran over Chris' forearm where it still had both his and your writing on it. "That was the best proposal ever" you looked at him, smiling, "I'm glad, darling" you both leaned into each other, lips connecting softly.
"I've fallen deeply in love with you, Mr Evans".
"I'm still falling for you".
Chris Evans Taglist: @buckyswintersoldiermask @lharrietg @buckyfan12 @afraid-to-be-me @fairityretro
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quillsandtypos · 3 years
Pretzels, Popcorn, and Winners
Summary: Peter simply won't leave you alone to watch a movie till you finally turn the tables. But can you keep the tables turned?
Warnings: none but this fic is basically just a tickle fight
Words: 1.8k
Pairings: none but could definitely be read as Peter Parker x reader
You quickly took your seat next to your best friend on the large sectional in the middle of the Avenger’s living room. Peter and you had decided to watch a move on one of your days off of school and hero work.
“Peter, did you grab my popcorn?” you called out as Peter messed with something in the kitchen behind you.
A large popcorn bowl quickly appeared overhead. “Thank you!” You gladly took the popcorn bowl and immediately started munching on it.
“Wait, you can’t eat it yet, the movie hasn't started!” He attempted to pull the popcorn bowl out of his hands, but you held it out of his reach.
“Then play the movie then!” you argued, as you still protected the bowl.
“Fine, but you’re no fun,” Peter said with a faux irritated eye roll. You chose to ignore it in favor of watching the movie.
But apparently, Peter had other plans. You probably hadn’t even got five minutes into your movie when Peter reached for your popcorn.
“Peter, you have your own snack!” you pointed out as you held it above your head.
Peter’s mischievous face matched your amused one. “I know, but I want your’s,” he pleaded, as he still reached for your popcorn.
“Well you’re not getting it,” you said as you stretched it further out of reach.
Peter's eyes seemed to glitter as a sly grin formed on his face. “You do know I could stand up to get it right?”
You cocked your head, you knew your best friend well enough to know that you were going to win this argument. “Are you going to bother to stand up?”
He thought for a moment as he considered his options before giving up with a shrug. “Mhmm, probably not.”
“That’s what I thought,” you said smugly.
After another five minutes had passed you found that Peter’s mood had somehow infected you. You waited until he was fully engrossed in the movie before slowly snaking your arm over to his pretzel bowl, but just as you were about to pull your arm away with a handful of pretzels, Peter’s hand grabbed a hold of your wrists.
Peter raised an eyebrow. “What exactly do you think you’re doing with that?”
You perfectly matched his body language. “You tried to take my popcorn, I think this is perfectly fair.”
“But I didn’t take it,” Peter pointed out.
“That’s because you’re,” you poked his chest with your free hand, “way too short to,” you scoffed.
“I’m not even that much shorter than you!” Peter released your wrist to throw his hands up in the air in exasperation.
“It’s okay, I still love you Lil Petey,” you teased as you happily ate your stolen pretzels.
If it was possible Peter glarred more, but you noted the smile he was trying to fight off. “I hate you.”
“You wish,” you laughed.
Peter shook his head but he turned back to watch the movie. You soon found yourself engrossed in the movie. Now that you were getting into the plot of it, it was actually fairly interesting. But just as you were on the edge of your seat you felt someone squeeze your side.
You didn’t bother to let your eyes leave the tv screen. “Peter, don’t start shit you can’t finish,” you sang.
“What are you talking about? I didn’t do anything.” You didn’t have to look over at him to know that he was lying, or that he was trying to look innocent and failing miserably. You chose not to give him the satisfaction of answering him. That was until you felt another squeeze at your side.
“Peter,” you warned. This time your eyes drifted over to his.
“What?” His grin grew wider, but so did the devious glance in your eyes.
“I will beat you at this,” you smirked.
“You’re joking, right? I would wreck you,” he gloated.
“Maybe,” you shrugged. To Peter’s surprise, you turned back to the movie. He eyed you curiously, he was certain that you were going to try to do something, but you didn’t seem to be up to anything. He cautiously went back to watching tv, but just as he did you jumped on top of him, successfully pinning him to the couch.
“But I’d wreck you first,” you whispered as you squeezed his sides in unison.
“Whahahahit y/n nohohoh!” he giggled. Peter was desperately trying to pull your hands off his sides, but to no avail, he was laughing too hard to use his strength.
“You know you’re too short to get away, right? You’re stuck here Pete,” you teased as you noted his failing attempts.
“Liahahar,” he retorted. Even in his unfortunate state he still wouldn’t give in. You weren’t in the slightest bit surprised, but you decided to play along.
You held one hand up to your heart. “Peter I am honestly offend-” you had started to say, but removing your other hand had given Peter the opportunity to flip the tables.
He immediately started squeezing right at your hip bones, which he knew killed you.
“Peter!” you screeched. It felt like your nervous system was being played like a piano. All you could do was laugh, you couldn’t even tame your reactions.
“What, does it tickle y/n?” he asked. Though you both knew it wasn’t really a question.
You managed to wheeze out a response. “Shuhuht uhuhp!”
“Aw, I bet your face is so warm right now,” Peter taunted.
You couldn’t answer from all of the screams and laughter coming out of your mouth, but you could feel your cheeks heating up. But that evidently wasn’t enough for Peter, considering that he was still teasing you.
“I bet you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face if you tried.” If he hadn’t pinned you, you would’ve had him on the ground screaming in that moment. You sincerely wished you could wipe the evil smirk off of Peter’s face but he was not giving your hips a break.
“Oh, I have an idea!” he suddenly blurted out. His hands finally moved away from your hips, but just as he did, his face tucked down to blow on your stomach. You screeched as your feet kicked out at the air.
After your third raspberry, you had decided that you need to turn the tables somehow. So just as he pulled away from another raspberry you took your chance to dance your fingers around his neck. Peter practically ducked and rolled to get away from your hand, and you had pinned him again in a second.
“Wait, wait, wait, wait-NO!” Peter screeched as you scuttled your hands across his neck.
“See, all it takes is one poke to your neck and you’re done for,” you grinned.
“Fuhuhuck ohohff,” Peter giggled.
“Oh, and you can’t forget the saying about people who have really ticklish necks,” you said ominously.
“Whahaht?” Peter asked, as he unknowingly played right into master plan.
You bent down so your mouth was parallel to his ear. “Everywhere else is worse,” you whispered. Before he could figure out what you were doing, your hands darted down to claw at his ribcage, and Peter practically screamed.
“Sthohohop!” Peter barely squeaked out.
“What? I thought you’ve told me that teasing doesn’t affect you?” you asked smugly.
“Youhoho are so dead!” he yelled.
“That was so intimidating with your eyes all scrunched up because you’re totally not the most ticklish person ever,” you said, sarcastically as ever.
“Shut up!” he screeched like a pterodactyl.
“What was that you said earlier? Right! I have an idea!” You quickly reminded him of his earlier torture of you by blowing a raspberry right on his neck.
Peter’s laughter went silent, but his body did not. His arms desperately tried to push away your head as his legs twisted from side to side.
You paused for a moment to look at him. “Aww, Peter are you blushing?”
His face turned an even brighter red at your mention, but pausing to take it in was your first mistake.
You were once again underneath him, but this time you noted that you couldn’t move your arms. He had webbed your hands to the floor, which left you with no way to escape, until he decided you were done.
“Now, for the real tickling to begin,” he paused, “after you tell me your worst spot,” Peter instructed.
You raised your eyebrows in surprise. “I’m not telling you that.” You subconsciously looked down to where Peter was sitting for a split second, but the second was long enough for Peter.
“Ahh, so it’s your thighs,” Peter concluded.
You bit your lip in anticipation. Peter’s hands hovered just above them, and you couldn’t help but let a few nervous giggles slip out.
“I have a deal,” he started as his hands neared closer to your legs. “If you admit defeat, I won’t tickle you anymore.”
You stubbornly shook your head and you clamped your mouth down more.
“That’s what I thought you’d say.” Based on Peter’s smile, you were certain that you had given him the exact answer he wanted.
His hands hovered just centimeters away from your thighs and they began to wiggle as he counted down. He was counting painfully slow, but you wouldn’t look away.
“3…...2….-” His hands latched onto your thighs before he hit one.
You would’ve yelled at him for cheating, but your belly laughter was using too much of your air. It was loud, and it seemed to fill the whole space with a sort of light, a light that Peter couldn’t help but grin at too.
He squeezed up and down your thighs just as you had done to his sides. “If you admit that I won, then I’ll stop,” Peter sang. You knew he was taunting you, but you weren’t willing to give in just yet.
“Fine, if that’s how you want it.” His hands moved down to squeeze just above your kneecap and your laughter went silent.
“Fine!” you screamed. Peter stopped and looked at you.
“You win,” you admitted quietly.
He smiled in satisfaction, but he cupped his hand to his ear. “What was that?”
You would’ve crossed your arms if you could’ve. “Peter you have super hearing, I know you heard that.”
Peter squeezed above your knees again.
“Fine, you won!” you yelled.
“That’s what I thought,” he laughed.
Peter finally released you from his web fluid and offered you a hand up. You each took your spots on the couch again, but this time you made sure to stay a safe distance from him.
“I hate you,” you joked as you finally got your blankets situated again.
Peter returned your grin. “You wish.”
The two of you peacefully existed for the rest of the day, happily enjoying one another's presence. Or at least you did till Tony questioned why he could hear your laughter from five floors down, and then Peter and you took off again.
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imaginesmai · 4 years
Peter Parker - I’ll find my way to you(1)
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Did I watch Far From Home and decided to write about it instead of doing responsable things? Of course. This will be a little different to what you’re used to do, becuase I’ll follow the movie and dialogues mostly, only that reader is the romantic interest instead of MJ. Hope you enjoy it, I’m really excited for this series!
If Tumblr fucks this fic up and doesn’t show the tags I’m suing them
Plot: Peter Parker couldn’t be more excited for the trip. It wasn’t only the best vacation he could dream of - I mean, Europe? Cool - but they also gave him the chance to spend more time with you, his new found crush that makes him stutter and blush. He should have known that something would get in the way.
Spider Man far from home featuring Peter Parker as a clueless, cute baby and reader, who is Bucky Barnes’ daughter and as badass as her father.
Warnings: far from home spoilers - but come on, you’ve seen it.
“I have a plan”
Peter all but fell on the chair, dropping his bag on the ground and making a few classmates look his way. He had just ran through the hallways, nearly colliding with a few people in his way. But if he wanted to talk to Ned before the class started, and the rest of the students came in, he had to be quick. Flash was talking about how the teacher had to grab some books from the library before starting the lesson, and he had took his chance; because lately, finding Ned alone was something weird.
Said boy looked at his friend with raised eyebrows, and put his notebook away. He had been making a list about the best ways to impress an European girl, something he didn’t want to forget. Ned was determinated to meet some pretty girl and impress them with his American accent; Peter had a hard time believing that, but he didn’t dare to break his hopes.
Before talking, he made sure there was no one around who could listen to their conversation.
“Okay, first. I’m gonna sit next to Y/N on the flight” Peter rushed his words out, and Ned hummed. “Second, I’m gonna buy a duple headphone adapter and watch movies with her, the whole time”
“Right” Ned nodded, his eyebrows furrowing as Peter kept talking.
“Three, when we go to Venice – Venice is super famous for making stuff out of glass, right?”
“So I’m gonna buy her a bright read star necklace, cause her favourite colour is red” Peter shrugged, moving his hands around. “And because of, well”
“It reminds her of her father, a worldwide recognised assassin but also the man who lives five blocks away from your apartment” Ned completed. “Didn’t he drive you to the last decathlon competition?”
“Yeah, her father” Peter nodded, not even blinking at Ned’s words. “Four. When we get to Paris, I’m gonna get her to the top of the Eiffel tower, give her the necklace, and then five, I’m gonna tell her how I feel. And then six hopefully she tells me… she feels the same way”
“Oh, don’t forget step seven” Ned crossed his arms in front of his chest, and Peter missed the sarcastic remark as he reached again for his notebook, where he had written down all the steps. “Don’t do any of that”
Brown, tired eyes met Ned, and the boy felt bad for about a second. It was obvious that Peter had been having a hard time in the last months; Tony’s death, the feeling of being on borrowed time because of the ‘blip’, and the pressure of being Spiderman in a world who needed superheroes more than ever. He could count with the fingers of one hand how many hours of good sleep he had gotten that week, and they were on Wednesday. Besides, he was also stressing with the stupid plan with the steps, and the final trip to Europe.
May had had the idea of writing down the steps. He had come to her – after Ned proved to be useless for it and Happy refused to talk about girls – when he had realized he had feelings for someone. Not just someone, but one of his new friends who shared with him more than just a friendship. Y/N Barnes, friend and work-colleague, talking about avengers. And of course, crush.
“Why” he sighed, not even asking. He thought of himself as a balloon that had just been poked with a sharp needle, and was slowly deflating.
“Because we’re gonna be bachelors in Europe, Peter!” Ned said, his voice too similar to a whine.
“Look, I may not know much, but I do know this” he nodded at his friend to make sure he was still listening. “Europeans love Americans”
“Really?” Peter tilted his head and raised his eyebrows, knowing that probably Europeans didn’t really care about them. If he was European, he would sure not give a damn about America.
“And more than half of them are women!”
“Okay, sure. But… I really like Y/N” he gave him a tight smile. “She’s awesome. She’s super funny in a kind of a dark way. And sometimes I catch her looking at me and I feel like I’m – She’s coming – don’t say anything!”
Ned looked to his right, and indeed, another person walked in class. Betty waved from the door at you and you gave her a small smile, still not used to her and having so many teenage attention to yourself. Still, you made an effort and contributed to some of her conversations, although most of them were monologues. Again, that feeling that Ned had had about being wrong just moments ago came back when you looked at them and lighted up at the sight of Peter.
Not a lot of people noticed, but you were nothing like your father. The stereotype of a bad mean soldier died when someone talked with you for a few minutes. You were shy, liked puppies and colour pink, and even if your jokes sometimes crossed the line of personal baggage and were a little too dark, you were funny.
You clutched the big sketchbook to your chest and skipped towards your friends. Peter kicked Ned softly under the desk to avoid him saying anything about the plan, and Ned just chuckled awkwardly.
“Hi” you smiled at them, dimples on your cheeks that made Peter mess with the pen on the desk. “Excited about the trip?
“Hey. Uh, yeah” Peter tried not to make it too obvious that he was staring at you, so he looked at Ned. “We’re just – talking about the trip”
“Yeah, and Peter’s plan”
“You have a plan?” you raised your eyebrows, and Peter felt himself stopping breathing for a moment.
“I-I don’t… I d-don’t have plan”
“He’s just gonna collect tiny spoons while we’re traveling through all the countries”
The wink that he sent his friend wasn’t at all discreet, because to do so Ned moved all his face along with his left eye. Peter didn’t feel any better with the answer, if anything it made him feel a small pressure on his chest. He turned the pen around his fingers as he looked at you again, who thankfully, looked unsuspicious. In times like that he was grateful that you still hadn’t caught everything about the sarcasm and indirect intentions.
But even you, who spent more than half of your life locked in a cell and used as leverage for the winter soldier, knew that it was something weird to do. So you hummed and made a small grimace.
“Like a – like a grandmother?”
“I’m not collecting tiny spoons” he scoffed, pointing with the pen at Ned. “He’s collecting tiny spoons”
“Oh. Okay. Well… that was… a real rollercoaster”
Peter’s eyes drifted to your wrist as you moved your hands around, and his previous mood fell like a ton of bricks. He knew he should be thankful that you were allowed to come with them to Europe, since your father wasn’t welcomed in at least half of the countries. Thick, black bracelets fell on your wrist, a huge contrast to your delicate skin. They had a small red light that was always on, unless you broke one of the rules Thaddeus Ross had set.
He had been there when the secretary forbid you to leave the country, using words as ‘freak’ and ‘danger’. Between your father, Sam and a little bit of help of Pepper Potts, he had agreed as long as you carried the bracelets. Peter himself had threatened to go and talk to him too, rambling and speeding across the walls and ceilings as he traumatised May. But then, you had asked him to stay put, and he could never say no to you.
Peter bit his lip and tried to hide his discomfort at seeing your wrists. You had to endure enough from the rest of the classmates, and he would hate himself if you dropped that smile.
“By the way, my dad gave me some stuff for you” you changed the topic, digging into your backpack for something. A metal, clanking noise came from inside. “Told me you should have it since I’m not even allowed to cut an apple if I want to stay out of jail. In case something happen”
“What – don’t!”
Peter jumped out of his seat and pushed your hand back into the bag, careful of the sharp edges. He was too busy pushing the knives back into the bag to notice how your hands touched for more than one second, or to admire how your cheeks turned pink and you eyes went wide. You were so close that he could smell your vanilla scent, and you could see the wrinkles of his sweater’s neck.
The whole class seemed to disappear around as he finally noticed what he had done. Peter was always careful of not being too close to you, in case you could get overwhelmed – like in your first day of highschool – or feel uncomfortable. His own cheeks went red, and the tips of his ears started to burn. He pulled his hand out of your bag so quick that he got a scratch on his palm; not that he cared, as he jumped back to his seat and almost fell out of the chair.
“Did you bring knives to class?” Ned squealed out. A girl nearby had noticed, but she chose to turn away.
“Well, not knives” you tried to explain. “They are like – uh – daggers? Throwing daggers. Dad got them from internet, and some of them have dents so that when you stab someone –“
“Okay, class! I’m here!” the teacher cut your conversation, and a flow of students filled the class.
You quickly ran to your place at the back, besides another boy your age, and Peter tried to follow you as you moved. He could have sworn that you smiled when you passed his side, but he wanted it so bad to be true that he could have imagined it. Most of the times he thought you were looking at him in class, and when he looked at you, there was nothing to see. Sure, you liked to sit beside him at lunch time, and never turned down an awkward proposal for a “date” with Peter, although he was the only one calling them that, as nothing ever happened.
Still, he allowed himself a sweet second of happiness as he watched you greet your classmate and pull down your sketchbook.
“Dude” Ned chuckled behind him, and Peter stared with amused eyes. “I think that went really great”
“Yo, Parker”
Peter turned around and saw Flash calling him from the other side of the plane. He was sitting on the closest side of the window, but even from there he could see the boy’s smug smirk. So far, the whole ‘getting into the plane and not having any problem’ was going good. He had his headphone adapter on his right hand, and was preparing himself to tell Ned to change places with MJ and let him sit with you. The rest of the class seemed fine too, and he was enjoying the trip so far.
But of course not a lot of things in his life went right, and he felt his mood lower down a bit when Flash called him. He fidgeted with the adapter on his hands and nodded at him.
“This is called an airplane” Flash said, and to Peter utter mortification, you stopped right beside his seat to look at Flash. “It’s like the busses you’re used to, except they fly over the poor neighbours instead of driving through them”
“Madam?” a kind looking woman appeared beside Flash and looked at you, smiling. “He blipped, so technically he’s sixteen, not twenty one”
“I’ll take that”
“No – no she’s – s-she’s lying! I don’t even –“
Flash trailed behind the woman as he tried to take back the drink, giving you the nastiest look he could manage. Which wasn’t too big, as he was mostly embarrassed.
When you had first arrived to Midtown, two years ago after you father went to Wakanda and Tony – as a favour to Steve, who was like you uncle – let you stay with him and attend highschool, Flash thought you were pretty. He followed you everywhere you went, tried to win you over with the stupidest and most expensive details about his life and invited you to every party. Then, he noticed that you ignored him in favour of staying with Peter, who you had met in that airport fight. And from that moment, he liked to pretend he hadn’t liked you at all.
Once he was gone, you looked at Peter and gave him a small, shy smile. He smiled back, his face melting at the sight of you. He almost dropped the headphone adapter as he watched past by, if it wasn’t for Ned catching it in the last second.
“Classic of Y/N, right?” Brad Davis appeared out of thin air, following you into the airplane and making Peter drop his smile.
“Did you know Brad was coming?” he asked Ned once the boy was out; although he didn’t stop looking at him.
“It’s… so weird” Ned chuckled, looking at Brad too. “Like, one day he’s a little kid that cried and got nosebleeds all the time, and suddenly we blip back and he’s totally ripped and super nice. And all this girls are after him”
“Not all the girls are after him”
“No man, they’re all after him”
Peter felt a sudden weight on his chest that he couldn’t describe. Brad was helping you to put your handbag on the top part of the plane, apparently saying something funny; really funny, because you weren’t using that fake smile you put when you didn’t get what was funny or what people were talking about. The sound of your laugh usually made his stomach flutter, but that time it made him feel sick. He knew he was selfish for thinking that way – you were allowed to have friends, to be interested in someone, and to like Brad.
But he didn’t know all of that, it was just you laughing with Brad. He was so busy drowning in his own feelings that he missed how you looked at him once more before sitting beside MJ.
“Anyway” Ned went back to his bag, taking out his computer. “Onto more important things, it’s an nine hour flight. We play beast slayers the whole time”
“I need your help sitting next to Y/N” Peter blurted out, finally tearing his eyes away from Brad.
“Seriously?” Ned sighed. He left his computer on the desk and tried to look miserable to Peter, who was too busy already tearing his seatbelt away.
“Yes, seriously”
“What about our plan? American bachelors in Europe?”
“That’s your plan. That’s a solo plan. Come on, this is my plan” Peter tried to remember how May told him that he could get almost anything with those puppy eyes, so he put them on for Ned; who couldn’t be more unbothered by them. But Peter really, really wanted to sit with you. “Please”
Ned threw his head back and scoffed, leaving the computer back on the bag and tugging at his own seatbelt. Maybe the puppy eyes didn’t work with him, but Peter was glad to have such a good friend.
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists​, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
Tom Holland and Peter Parker Taglist
@gypsystuf​​​​​​ (since you didn’t answer me, I just put you on the general taglist. Let me know if you want to change!)
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anika-ann · 4 years
What I’d Never Say or Do (Had I Been in My Right Mind) - Pt.1
We Both Break Free (…if We Make It on Top)
Type: series, soulmate AU series  (part 1, part 2, part 3)  
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader    Word count (Ch1): 2050
Series summary: A story in which you officially come back from the dead, Tony with Natasha decide to take the blame for the whole mess and organize a party with unexpected party crashers and Bucky should consider thinking before speaking.
Fic title applicable to Tony, Natasha, Steve and his soulmate (aka the Reader), Bucky and his sort-of-buddy Matt Murdock and possibly few more.
Ch.1 summary.: In which Natasha and Tony go mad.
A/N: This series will be just a smaller thing, snippets set around The Age of Ultron (and later, Endgame). Later will be referred to as WINSoD because the title is a monster.
Warnings (ch1): mention of death and resurrection, mention of superntural creatures (see Errare Humanum Est), language, fluff
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Tony Stark was a ridiculously theatrical person.
While that was no news to anyone who knew as much as his name at least, but he still managed to outlive the legend, the reputation that preceded him.
He left you standing by the door, walked in to gain the undivided attention of the person inside the office and wanted you to reveal yourself in the exact right moment – a moment he trusted you to recognize.
Well. You assumed with a revelation like yours, it was rather hard to keep the drama away. But leave it to Tony Stark that he would blow it to proportion just to have fun.
“Tamara, darling!” the billionaire howled, the door opened only for a crack, so you could hear the reaction. You rolled your eyes, sighed and nervously looked around. The department was empty safe for the woman in the office, but it still made you feel uneasy; probably the effect of having to hide for the past weeks to avoid detection that could lead to a major scandal.
“Oh god, what happened?” Tamara asked, sounding as horrified as annoyed.
“Why do you assume— okay, that’s fair. How’s you hubby doing?”
“Alright,” the poor woman answered, clearly suspicious. “I more or less cleaned up the latest mess, so I’ve been coming home early…”
“Yeeeeah, about that. I have good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?” Tony offered cheerily.
“Bad news. Always. Let me just sit down-- no, no, don’t let me sit down, I have a feeling I’ll wanna pace irritably.”
That caused the corners of your lips to turn up. You were starting to like this woman already.
“I’m gonna need you to deal with a major scandal worthy of your skills.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere and I assumed as much.” Now you officially loved her – and you saw why Tony did too. Sass and snark; Tony’s language. “So, care to elaborate?”
“Nah, I’ll give you the good news. You’re gonna get some help. I brought reinforcements. She doesn’t have much experience with PR-” Try none. “-but I’m pretty sure she’ll be the one all the questions will be aimed at.”
“Oh my god, Anthony, did you get a woman pregnant?!” the woman hissed, not bothering lowering her voice. She sounded… kinda pissed. Which was reasonable, given the fact Tony Stark was happily-not-single with one amazing Pepper Potts.
“What? No! I have Pepper!” he opposed her, having the nerve to be offended. You smirked, hoping Jarvis caught that one line too. “This is all on Capsicle-“
“Captain Rogers got a woman pregnant?! What the-“
You felt like this was the moment.
“No, Mrs…. Tamara,” you said it the end, realizing Tony never told you the poor woman’s last name, and entered the room. “But his soulmate sort of came back from the death.”
Tamara was a middle-aged woman, with blonde medium-length hair and huge majestic glasses, business suit in a bloody-red colour and lips perfectly shaped in an “O” as you demonstrated the problem at hand.
“Holy. Shit.”
Leave it to Tony Stark he would flee the moment an actual explanation was needed, letting the others deal with the aftermath of his dramatic tendencies. To be fair, this was more of your drama, so…
“Good. Looks like introductions are not needed. I’ll send you the necessary data. Have fun.”
He strode through the door, winking over his shoulder at you and sending an air kiss to Tamara and you nervously smiled at the woman, your awkward side showing when you raised your hand to a reluctant wave before you could realize a handshake would be more appropriate.
“Uhm. Hi…”
The blonde blinked several times, shook her head with an incredulous chuckle and stuck out her hand.
“Hi. I’m Tamara, Antony Stark’s cleaning service. What can I do for you?”
Oh yeah. You’d get along just fine.
The story was simple and yet enough to make at least two Avengers very much hated.
Tony and Natasha, perhaps from some residual guilt of which you weren’t sure where was coming from, were determined to be thrown to the wolves of public.
Apparently, it had been all their idea – to have Steve and you kidnapped in the first place by the bomb enthusiast psycho. They had caught something fishy, been aware of it for a long time and opted for drawing the something rotten within SHIELD and company out by leaking early info on where you and Steve would be going to dates for several nights in a row without your or Steve’s knowledge. Perfect bait with nearly perfect surveillance background and safety measures.
Predictably, it had gone to shit and while you had never been blown up to death, which was something Steve had had zero clue about, you had been recovering from your life-threatening injuries for weeks in a hidden facility of top-secret location with way too much security. Still without Captain America’s knowledge.
Admittedly, this tale was a PR nightmare in making, not to mention a complete bullshit. Yet, the Avengers (sans Steve so far) unanimously approved of it. Tony and Natasha would be the first to blame, while the rest would reluctantly admit they knew as well and they had all kept it from Steve.
“You can’t be serious,” was all you managed to come up with, Steve sitting on the couch next to you while the rest of the team, the part that was momentarily on Earth, gathered around you to break you the news. This was what they came up with? “People will hate you.”
“And their hearts would still bleed for their golden boy, who would forgive us in time, especially since we offered his girl a job and an apartment she can’t quite refuse.”
“Wait, what kind of a job?!” Steve snapped, waking up from the deep thoughts he had fallen into with this stupid talk.
“The non-dangerous kind, Steve, calm down, please,” Natasha cooled him off flatly, but you could see her sincere gaze when it met with Steve’s. We wouldn’t endanger her, not again, it whispered. Steve’s shoulders slumped.
“What kind of a job?” you echoed, still worried. You assumed the apartment Tony mentioned was a place in the Tower, not bothering to ask about that part.
“PR. Unless you want to deal with your old job of which I have no doubt your best buddy would give back. I’d just like to remind you how the public reacted to you dying.”
Right. You wouldn’t mind a little privacy and safe space. You liked your old job, but it didn’t seem like an option now. Except… this was crazy.
“But they will still hate you. It makes you guys terrible friends and teammates. Frankly, it makes you kind of… terrible people,” you said slowly, taking time to examine everyone’s face.
“She’s got a point,” Steve agreed, wheels in his head clearly turning in a lightning speed.
“Meh. You should know what Fury’s up to during his ‘the end justifies the means’ periods – which is non-stop. I wouldn’t worry about that,” Natasha shrugged it off, pursing her lips a bit.
“Wasn’t it you who said you weren’t sure how to get her back to the world without having to explain she was literally led by an angel from Heaven?” Clint reacted to Steve, who sighed.
“Yes, of course, but this-“
“-is perfectly believable,” Natasha interrupted him, raising an eyebrow before beckoning to Tony and herself. “Me and Tony came up with the operation – a spy and a billionaire with questionable conscience. We pulled the rest of the team into the charade. This can work.”
“I can’t say I’ll enjoy this,” Bruce entered the conversation for the first time, surprising everyone. “However, it will allow you to walk the streets freely – with uncomfortable questions, yes, but it is a reasonable deal for us.”
“Steve? Thoughts?” the spy turned to him again.
Your soulmate observed his team for a long time, just like you, watching each of them individually, trying to read them as he himself was conflicted and undecisive. Finally, his eyes settled on you, a hint of an encouraging smile on his lips.
“Doll? How do you feel about that?”
The softness of his voice, the actual freedom he gave you when it came to this decision warmed your heart and made you shudder at the same time. You had no doubt he had come to a decision; but the final step was on you and you only. He would be affected too, of course, but this was your life that could turn upside down for like… what, the third time since you had met him?
You worried your teeth over your lower lip. “I mean… I’d really appreciate not having to hide in here all the time, but… I don’t want people to hate you, guys. I feel like I caused enough problems-“
“No, doll,” Steve whispered, his hand covering yours and squeezing firmly as he locked his gaze with yours and didn’t let go. “I’m not asking about them. I’m asking about you. They are clearly willing to do this.”
“Are you?” you questioned despite being confident about his answer.
“Do I love you?”
That caught you off guard. “Huh? That’s not what I-…?”
What did that even mean? Did he love— come again? How was this about his feelings towards you all of sudden? Was it time to question them? God, you hoped NOT.
“That the newest version of asking whether the sky is blue, doll,” he explained with a lop-sided smile and you released a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding.
Idiot. Sap. Sweet-talker.
“You’re such a sap.”
“You love it,” he hummed confidently. You smiled despite your better judgement. You loved him. And yeah, you loved this silliness too.
“I do.”
“So… are we doing this? Together?” His smiled grew a little wider, the twinkle you adored appearing in his eyes and you couldn’t but squeeze his hand back.
“Yeah. Together.”
“Jarvis, send Dum-E with some insulin shots,” Tony cleared his throat and you felt your cheek dust with a blush, roughly pulled out of the haze Steve managed to put you in once again. “We’re all having unhealthy sugar rush.”
The captain rolled his eyes. “Har, har, Stark. Are you guys really okay with this?”
Clint huffed. “It’s not like people will start planning our assassination more than they do already.”
“Tamara might,” Natasha opposed, amused.
“Ah, poor Tamara, I better bring a wine with me when asking…” Tony mused, scratching his goatee.
You turned to the red-head spy, not happy about being out of the loop.
“Who’s Tamara?”
Tamara, the head of the PR department for Tony (and sometimes for the Avengers too, because those two clients, so to speak, often came as a package deal), was currently starring at you speechless when you told her the tale of what actually happened and what lie they had decided to feed the public.
The silence lasted long enough for you to start worrying.
“Are you alri-“
“Angels are real?!” she burst out, nearly making you jump out of your skin with the sudden exclaim. You placed your palm over your chest to keep your racing heart inside your ribcage.
“…yes. But so are demons, shapeshifters, witches and so on, so…”
“Not a good thing to go public with. Got it. I understand the cover-up now. Though people being able to be resurrected would be enough on its own even without the… creatures. My my… we have a lot of work to do.”
“I’d imagine,” you agreed, not having a clue how to do this and where to start.
The woman looked at you over the rim of her glasses, her smile kind, in the Stark contrast to her loud cry only few second ago.
“…you don’t have any experience with PR at all, do you?”
“Nope,” you admitted, accenting the P and looking away, ashamed that Tony threw you into this without giving you anything helpful.
Now Tamara had to deal with the scandal and with you trying to help. That woman was worthy of some serious pay raise (though you had no doubt Tony paid her enough for her to own a villa or something, exactly as much as she deserved for dealing with his shit).
“I’m gonna kill Anthony, I swear…. Okay,  let’s get this shit on the road. Also, Jarvis? Tell Antony to get the freakin’ wine ASAP.”
Oh yeah. You would actually adore Tamara, you were sure of it.
Part 2
Here we go! The final part of the series. Admittedly, I’m not sure about quality of this thing, but I’m trying.
Chapter titles are taken from the chorus of Les Friction’s What You Need
Thank you for reading ♥
(I’ll be tagging my Errare Humanum Est taggies, if you don’t want ot be taggged anymore, let me know)
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wandasallerdyce · 4 years
Touch - Bucky Barnes x M! Reader
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x M! Reader
Fandom: Marvel
Warning(s): slight cussing, mention of hard pp
Request: yes/no
Plot: Reader is a sibling to Wanda Maximoff. Has the same abilities as her. Takes place after Endgame, but there will be flashbacks. Loosely inspired by Touch by Little Mix
Notes: so, this is a long fic since I kept on writing. I wrote this at 1 so if it’s cringey y’all know why. Please enjoy and vote :)
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You and Bucky’s relationship was… strange to say the least. You guys weren’t dating, yet you guys were all touchy and cuddly. Neither of you guys knew when it had all started and if left Steve confused as this Bucky wasn’t known to be all touchy and stuff. Sam was amused and your sister, Wanda, would just smile at you. In her mind, she knew that you found the right person for you as she had with Vision.
You and Wanda were in the backseat of the van sitting in silence. You could read in her mind that she felt bad about putting Vis in the ground, but it has to be done so you guys could leave. Ever since the Lagos incident, you had stayed locked in her room with her trying to help her feel better (with some help from Vision of course). The van came to a halt as Clint told you guys that you were at the airport.
You guys stepped out of the van and saw the rest of the team. Sam, Bucky, and Steve were all there, looking safe. You smiled at Steve, as you guys were basically best friends since you joined the Avengers and he helped you and Wanda deal with the loss of your guys’ brother, Pietro. You turned your head in the direction of the little blue car, seeing Bucky far from the group. When you guys locked eyes, you felt an excitement you hadn’t felt in a while.
As you stared into his eyes, all time seemed to stop. All Bucky could think of was how beautiful you looked as the sun hit your face. “Oh! And I know you also! Your her brother.” The man, who you had come to known as Scott (who was asleep the whole ride) exclaimed pointing to you and your sister. Both of you just have a small smile to him. Bucky was a little mad that your attention had been diverted somewhere else, but he guessed introductions were necessary.
When introductions where over, it was time to change. Before anyone else could, you and Wanda called dibs on the van. To say some weren’t mad was an understatement. It was going to be uncomfortable changing outside for the others. And to add salt to the wound, the both of you giggled as you guys got into the van to change. “Godammit, Wanda and (y/n) are always quick. Those troublemakers.” Clint grumbled quietly. Bucky just smirked slightly, finding it pretty amusing on how mischievous both of you were, especially you.
Your suit was designed to be like your sister’s. You had a trench coat, leather jeans, gloves and boots like her, except that your chest piece was kind of like a jacket, zipping up. You always left it a little open though. When Bucky saw you when you stepped out of the van, he was blushing furiously. He knew the times were different, but he wasn’t prepared to see you dressed so… nicely. You turned over to see Bucky standing stiff and you just gave him a quick smile and waved. You on the other hand, liked the way the silver from his metal arm popped with the dark colors he wore.
Once your teams were assigned, you went with Bucky and Sam to your guys’ hideout. Bucky was walking stiffly, not trying to make his boner obvious. You, as oblivious as always, took this as nervousness, and, in an effort to calm him, you grabbed his hand and squeezed it lightly. If Bucky hadn’t been a mess by now, he definitely was one as of now.
‘Fuck fuck fuck, go to your calm place Barnes. Don’t make it obvious’ he repeated in his mind, trying to make his boner go down. Once he made it to the lookout place with you guys, he let out a loud sigh he didn’t know he was holding in. “Geez, can you sigh any louder?” Sam complained. Bucky just rolled his eyes at the remark. You simply giggled and said, “Easy Wilson, he’s a newbie to your sass.” He smiled slightly, thankful for you standing up for him.
All three of you were looking out the window until you guys saw a… person swinging towards you? Either way, all three of you started running. You heard a window crash and punches being thrown. “You have the right to remain silent!” Said the person, who you came to deduce as a boy yell. You rolled your eyes, clearly telling he was on the younger side. Why Tony would bring a child was beyond your imagination but hey, it was Tony after all and he didn’t really think things through to begin with.
You turned around and saw a clear shot, so you powered a hex ball that you threw towards him. He barely dodged it, so you decided to keep him distracted by repeatedly throwing them. Using that distraction, Sam was able to kick the boy. The plan backfired on you guys as he was making your way towards Bucky, who was standing near a ledge. With your quick thinking, you blocked the boy’s kick, which caused you and Bucky to break the glass and fall. Bucky wrapped his arms tightly around you as you fell and landed on his back with a thump. You opened your eyes and were met with Bucky’s.
“Well this is awkward.” You said while smiling lightly. He smirked and simply said, “It’s a good kind of awkward. What you both hadn’t expected was for web kid to web you guys together, in that exact position, with you straddling Bucky’s waist. ‘Oh no’ Bucky simply thought, hoping he wasn’t a roused down there. Sam eventually got webbed down there along with you guys. The kid explained how he had to impress Tony and some other stuff which you barely paid attention to. As he was about to shoot a web, Sam summoned redwing to drag the kid out of the window.
“You couldn’t have done that sooner?”
“I hate you”
You hadn’t expected to fight against your friends, but if it was for a good cause, then so be it. You saw Bucky struggling to fight a man in a panther costume. As Black Panther (you had learned his name due to his costume) was about to slice Bucky’s neck, you summoned your powers to stop the attack, which was very close to Bucky’s neck, and threw Balck Panther towards a crate.
You locked eyes with Bucky and simply nodded. He smiled back and gave you a thumbs up. From then on, you guys stuck together in the battle looking out for each other. You and Bucky hid behind a truck as Rhodey launched missiles towards both of you. Once both of you were hidden, you guys discussed your teams next move. You had come to the conclusion that Steve and Bucky where to leave in the quinjet and the rest of you would stay. To say Bucky was pissed was an understatement. He was furious that you had decided to stay.
You looked into his eyes one last time and pulled him into a hug. “Listen Bucky, you need to go and stop this doctor. You and Steve are the only ones who can do it. Trust me. Once the missions over, come back for me. Only after it’s finished though.” You said, trying to make him understand. “I promise, (y/n) Maximoff.” He whispered into your ear. You pulled back and cupped his face. He looked like he was about to cry, not wanting to loose another friend. You leaned in and kissed his cheek. He smiled brightly and with that, you got up to help your sister fight off the others.
Your mind felt hazy as you woke up. You looked around and saw that you were in the quinjet. You squinted your eyes, as your last memory had been of The Raft.
You had it the worst. They hosed you down with cold water and dressed you in clothes that got wet easily. And in addition, they made you wear a shock collar and straight jacket. Your sister was treated a little more fairly, which you were glad about. As long as she was safe it was alright. When Steve has found you, he was beyond pissed. He considered you one of his closest friends and seeing you like this had him seeing red. He had found you in a fetus position lying down on the floor, shivering from the cold. Your memories after that were blurry and you passed out again in the quinjet.
When you woke up, you turned your head and saw Steve and Wanda sitting in the chairs next to your bed waiting for you to wake up. “S-Steve?? …Wanda??” You croaked our, your voice raspy from the pressure of the shock collar. Wanda, after hearing you speak, got up from her chair and rushed to your side and holding your hand. Steve went to go call out for a nurse to let them know you were awake. The nurse came in along with Steve and checked on you to see if you needed more medical attention.
After reading your vital signs and making sure you were okay, she explained to you that you were in Africa, in a country named Wakanda. She told you that you were safe here, as it was hidden from the world, and, you should regain more of your voice in a few days. After she left, Wanda explained what happened after the airport. Apparently there were more Winter Soldiers and the doctor had been apprehended, but at the cost of the disbandment of the Avengers (and Bucky’s arm).
You frowned, seeing as the Avengers had become your family after you lost your parents and your brother. Steve was up next and he told you that Bucky went into ice again. He also explained how stubborn Bucky was being before it. Apparently, he didn’t want to start until he had seen you. They explained that you weren’t awake yet and that he would be allowed to visit after. But oh boy, was he one stubborn man. You smiled lightly. “They got fed up with him so they finally let him visit. He looked sad seeing you in that bed, (y/n). He told me to tell you that he also got you those flowers.” Steve said, pointing to the vase next to you.
The flowers were beautiful. It was a vase filled with sunflowers, which Bucky chose because they reminded him of when you guys met. The sun that shined on your face making you glow beautifully. You smiled, hoping Bucky was doing alright
A few months had passed and you had moved in with Bucky in a hut near the plains. It was beautiful whenever the sun would set. During that time, you became best friends with Shuri who at this time was helping you design a new costume. The sun had set and you were making your way back home.
When you had moved in with Bucky, the first few days were pretty awkward. Seeing as there was one bed, you guys had to share it seeing as both of you didn’t want the other to sleep on the floor. During the night, you had ended up cuddling into each other’s embrace. Your head on Bucky’s chest and his arms wrapped around you. Needless to say, it was pretty awkward when you guys woke up in the morning.
There was a lot of blushing at first, both of you trying to stutter out an apology. You guys eventually got up and decided not to speak on it. But again that night, you guys ended up on the same position. Eventually, that became your guys’ go to sleep position.
“Are you comfortable Bucky?”
“Of course doll”
This brought you back to the present day. Apparently it had been 5 years since Thanos snapped and it was now 2023. You were thankful that your friends were able to reverse it, but you suffered with the losses it took. Natasha has been a good friend of yours also. She trained both you and your sister in hand to hand combat and would always have girls (and one boy) night every Friday which consisted of you guys putting on a cheesy rom com or an action movie. How you wished you could go back to those times when life was simple.
Well, Steve did. He was able to go back to Peggy (which you didn’t agree with, since Peggy got to move on and live her new life). You would go back, but you now had Bucky, and you wouldn’t go back in time just to mess that up. On to you and Bucky. You guys were sitting in the dock outside of Stark’s house. Both of you sitting in a comfortable silence with your head on his shoulder and your hands entertwined.
“(y/n), what are we?” Asked Bucky softly. “I don’t know James.” You responded with the same softness. He turned his head towards you and said, “I think boyfriend would suit you great. If that’s what you’d like of course.” Bucky said, staring into your eyes and blushing. “I’d love that. We could find a nice apartment and move in there. What do you say Buck?”
“Of course doll”
It had been 3 years since the snap. You and Bucky were now engaged and it’s as if the touching had escalated since your engagement. Both of you would always be holding hands or if kisses were exchanged, your guys’ hands would roam somewhere else. You were currently with Wanda, about to tell her about your engagement in a coffee shop. She was talking about how she had a plan to help bring Vision back with the help of a woman named Darcy Lewis.
You were happy for her as since when she came back, she hadn’t gone back into the depressed state she was in before. She had learned to accept his death and know that there could be a way to bring him back. ‘Okay this is it. Just tell Wanda and she’ll be excited about it.’ You repeated to yourself.
“Wanda, I have to tell you something.” You said, mustering up the courage. “Your engaged to Barnes aren’t you?” She said with a smirk. “You read my mind, didn’t you?” You said, laughing quietly. “That and the ring was making it obvious.” She said smiling. “I wanted it to be a surprise, but this works as well.” You said giving her a big smile. “Well dear brother, just know I’m happy for you. Now, (y/n) Maximoff-Barnes has a nice ring to it. Or are you just gonna go (y/n) Barnes? Oh! Or maybe (y/n) Barnes-Maximoff?” She said, not being able to hold in her laughter. You joined her, laughing your butts off in the cafe.
Today was the day. Today you would marry James Buchanan Barnes. Your soulmate. The man who was there for you whenever you messed up. You loved him with all your heart. You had chosen Wanda as your maid of honor (obvi), and the others consisted of Pepper, Valkyrie (who refused to wear a dress which was fine, as you guys got her the flashiest tux), and Laura. Bucky’s groomsmen consisted of Steve who was the man of honor (time travel cause Bucky wouldn’t have it a different way) Sam (who was reluctant at first, but eventually gave in), Thor and Clint.
You guys had planned the wedding to be small as both of you guys weren’t big on big weddings. The colors were a mix of white and pink. You were nervous to say the least. Sure, you wanted to get married to Bucky, you were just worried about how the wedding was gonna play out. Eventually, the time had come to walk down the aisle. You were walked out by Stephen Strange per your request. He had a become a father figure to you, as he helped you control your magic more and eventually you guys became great friends and he claimed you as his “son” seeing as he didn’t want any real “rascals” as he put it.
So here he was, your adoptive father walking you to your new life. There he was, standing in a grey suit with a white shirt, pink vest and tie. It was a struggle to get Bucky to agree to that as he was used to wearing dark colors. As you made it to the altar, your eyes locked an never broke eye contact. Both of you in your own world not paying attention to the priest. Eventually, you guys exchanged your vows and were officially married. You wondered how you were gonna tell Stephen about how soon you and Bucky were gonna adopt, but that’s a story for another time. You don’t want grandpa having a heart attack, do you?
AAAAAANNNNNNNDDDD ITS DONE. WOOO THIS WAS A LONG ONE. IM SORRY IF ITS CRINGEY I WROTE THIS AT 1AM. As always please vote if you guys enjoyed. Love you guys!
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tempestaurora · 4 years
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FANDOMS: Marvel, Voltron: Legendary Defender, The 100, Harry Potter, The Raven Cycle, Community, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Umbrella Academy
i tagged every tumblr i could reasonably find. if you have more than one fic on this list, i have tagged you more than once. some people may be tagged like five times. i’m not sorry.
where relevant, fandoms have been split into general (platonic) centric fics, and romantic/slash fics. this is just because it’s easier than splitting it up into specific relationships.
at the end of every fic title/author line is a list of core relationships; fics are split between gen and romance depending on what relationship is considered centric. otherwise, fics are in no particular order. All fics are completed unless otherwise specified.
i added a read more because there’s over 100 fics listed here.
anyway, enjoy, thanks for the 3k followers
gen centric fics
SHORT (0 - 5K)
K.I.D. by blondsak @blondsak | Tony&Peter
summary: “Hi K.I.D. Glad you’re awake. Do you know your primary objective?”
“To always look for ways to remind Mister Stark - that’s you! - that Kindness Isn’t Dead.”
“That’s right, K.I.D. Good job.” 
forty miles by peter_stank @peter-stank
summary:  the one where Morgan is sick and Tony is in way over his head, so he calls his spiderson for a little bit of help. Tony&Peter
from now on by peterparkr @peterparkrr |  Tony&Peter
summary: Peter’s sure that Tony and Pepper’s wedding will change everything. 
Machine Wash Hot; Tumble Dry Low by alice_in_ink | Tony&Peter
summary: Do you ever fall into sewers and then need your billionaire mentor to wash your super-suit? Peter Parker does too. 
Captain That by maddo | Tony&Peter
summary: Just a bunch of little anecdotes regarding our favourite spider and his Instagram account, feat. a meme-tastic Tony Stark.
Here's to all the new beginnings by Gruoch @groo-ock | Tony&Peter
summary: Peter gets a job. Tony is less than pleased. 
to know, to protecc, and to fuck with by peterstank and floweryfran @peter-stank @floweryfran | Tony&Peter, Natasha&Peter, Sam/May
summary: peter parker convinces the responsible adults in his life to join him on the world’s stupidest stake-out. 
MEDIUM (5 - 20K)
i used to have nothing and then by dirgewithoutmusic @ink-splotch | Clint&Natasha
summary: “Clint,” Natasha said. “You’ve got to let me go.”
“Clint,” she said, and he let her go. 
the hearth by sagemb |  Tony&Peter
summary: What to Do When Your Wife Is Out of the Country: A Guide by Tony Stark
1) Gain partial custody of a child 2) Sleep on the couch 3) Have the child gain partial custody of you.
Love in Ones and Zeroes by forensicleaf @forensicleaf | Tony&Peter
summary: a boy, a bot, and a bond through the years. Tony&DUM-E
call you home SERIES by Madelinedear | May&Tony, Tony&Peter
summary: sometimes family is who you're born with. and sometimes family is a spider boy, a rich not-dad, and a kickass aunt. (or; tony, may, and peter find a place in each other's lives) 
Not-Uncle Tony by Jen27ny @jen27ny | Tony&Peter, Happy&Peter
summary: Happy is Peter's biological father, and Tony is there for the entire ride. 
Between how it is and how it should be by frostysunflowers @frostysunflowers | Peter&Bucky, Tony&Peter, Steve&Bucky
summary: ''Doesn’t Captain Rogers ever…wonder,'' Peter winced as he fumbled for the right word, ''where you are?''
Bucky smirked. ''Steve’s a regular mother hen. Used to be me that worried about him.'' He gave Peter a pointed look. ''Better question is, isn’t Stark wondering where you are?''
The Unfortune Teller by peterparkr @peterparkrr | Tony&Peter
summary: A woman in a carnival booth predicts Peter's death. 
all the things yet to come (are the things that have passed) by peterparkr @peterparkrr | Peter&Morgan, Tony&Peter
summary: The first time Peter sees Morgan is at the funeral. 
tony and peggy’s big day out! by floweryfran @floweryfran | Tony&Peggy
summary: “What’s happened this time?”
“Just a bombing,” says Peggy.
“At three in the afternoon?” says Jarvis. “Frankly, how rude.”
Blips on the Record by ambivalentangst @ambivalentmarvel | Flash&Peter, Tony&Peter
summary: Flash Thompson’s story is not simple, Peter Parker can always use someone else in his corner, and secrets are had and protected by all. 
aiding and abetting: a peter parker saga by floweryfran and peterstank @floweryfran @peter-stank | Peter&Avengers
summary: 5 times peter parker runs into the rogues separately + the 1 time they work together as a team. 
Tennessee Outreach for Spider-Man (and friends) by ciaconnaa @ciaconnaa | Harley&Peter, Harley&Tony
summary: in an attempt to help Harley beef up his college apps, Tony offers Harley a remote Stark Industries internship to help Spider-Man. It easily becomes his worst nightmare. 
Allston Christmas by Gruoch @groo-ock | Tony&Peter, Tony&Peter&Rhodey
summary: “You guys didn’t have to do this,” Peter says from where he sits squeezed into the middle seat of the U-Haul, sweat running down his back. The air-conditioning in the truck they’ve rented is broken, and even with the windows rolled down it’s hellishly hot inside.
“We wanted to,” Tony replies as he blasts the horn at a minivan with a “Harvard Mom” bumper sticker that is attempting to cut into his lane.
so happy together by floweryfran @floweryfran | Tony&Ben
summary: ben parker calling tony stark a twink for 13k words
LONG (20K+)
An Unofficial Introduction to the Avengers SERIES by Isnt_it_pretty_to_think_so @isnt-it-pretty-to-think-so-tr | Tony&Peter
summary: The Avengers meet Spiderman via the online world, and then meet Peter Parker in Stark's living room. It takes them longer than it should to put two-and-two together. 
what is and will be (is you and me) by momentofmemory @momentofmemory | May&Peter
summary: 5 times May was there for Peter, +1 time he was there for her. 
dear mr. fantasy by iron_spider @iron--spider | Tony&Peter
summary: He grits his teeth and turns around, and before he can even begin to trudge over towards Peter’s room, he’s stopped in his tracks. By a door. In the middle. Of the living room.
“Well that’s new,” he says, still rooted to the spot.
timshel SERIES by justanotherblond @blondieewritess | Bucky&Peter, Steve/Bucky
summary: The soldier doesn’t remember his son’s birth or how he came to be. He doesn’t remember bedding a woman and watching her belly swell, but they said the boy was his. He does know that he will protect and teach the boy within the confines of their cell walls. Even when the handlers berate him. Even when the good guys take him away. 
odd couple buddies SERIES by bysine | Peter&Bucky, Sam&Thor, Tony&Peter
summary: "You know you're not supposed to call him the Winter Soldier any more, right?" Peter says, while they handcuff him to a pipe. A pipe. "Also this whole thing is kind of messing up my schedule. My two overdue papers won't exactly write themselves."
i understand (i’m a liability) by floweryfran @floweryfran | Harley&Tony, Harley&Peter
summary: “I… am not being challenged in the right ways here,” Harley says slowly, carefully.
“Then move here,” Tony says, and Harley’s heart drops straight into his feet. 
Roundabout by Gruoch @groo-ock | Tony&Peter
summary: In which Peter attempts to survive long enough to graduate, Tony moonlights as a semi-professional party planner, and absolutely nothing goes according to plan. 
Uncle Steve's Fix-it Freelance Gig (and friends) SERIES by whowhotellsyourstory | Steve&Morgan, Tony&Steve, Bucky&Peter
summary: "You ever need help, and I'm not there-""Why wouldn't you be there?""You call Uncle Steve."
notes: probably my favourite post endgame fix it fic/series in existence
Dumpster Fires Verse SERIES by deniigiq @deniigi | Peter&Wade&Matt
summary: A collection of Team Red stories because they are all hot messes. Except Peter. Two-Thirds of them are hot messes.
Impression, Sunrise by ciaconnaa @ciaconnaa | Peter&Morgan
summary: In Peter Parker's eyes, Morgan Stark is a lot of things: a terrible pancake chef, a top notch negotiator, the world's cutest six-year old. But above all, she is his family. He hopes he's enough. 
The Room Where It Happens by notapartytrick @notaparty-trick | Tony&Peter
summary: At 7:36 pm on the 12th of May 2016, Tony Stark is put in the Room.
A twelve-by-twelve-foot shed, soundproofed, double locked. It becomes his home. It has to be, because there’s nowhere else.
At 4:22 pm on the 15th of June 2017, Peter Parker is put in the Room.
They make a living under duress, fearing at every moment the entry of their captor. Confinement halts their lives in their tracks, changes them both for good: breaks them and brings them together simultaneously.
“If someone has everything they need, but nobody, do they have everything? Or nothing?”
romance centric fics
SHORT (0 - 5K)
written in the star(war)s by ciaconnaa @ciaconnaa | Peter/Michelle
summary: Michelle looks at the nurse one more time, and despite the evidence, asks, “Are you sure it’s twins?”
“Yes, I’m sure,” the nurse points them out again. “One boy, and one girl. Due...May 4th.”
It only takes Michelle 2.3 seconds to realize the horror of that sentence. 
Steve Rogers is (Not) A Good Influence by stevergrsno @stevergrsno |  Steve/Bucky, Steve&Peter
summary: Steve Rogers' American Tour Of Waiting For His Brainwashed Boyfriend To Come Back And Blowing Up Hydra is interrupted when Tony Stark dumps Peter Parker into his lap.
Captain ‘Socialist Rage Muffin’ America by mybrotherharry @baffledkingcomposinghallelujah | Steve/Tony, Steve/Tony/Bucky
summary: It takes three months of dating Steve Rogers for Tony to understand why Aunt Peggy once shot at him in sheer frustration.Alternately titled, Honey, I committed treason again. 
Soft Spot for the Hell Raisin' Boy by ifeelbetter @ifeelbetterer | Steve/Bucky
summary: The Winter Soldier takes an interest in Sam Wilson. Bucky Barnes wants to tell him how to be Steve Rogers's best friend.
Cat’s Cradle by Traincat @traincat | Peter/Felicia
summary: The test was positive.
Felicia tilted it idly this way and that, sitting on the bathroom floor with her back against the cupboard. The floors and the counter tops were marble, and the shower door was glass. Every one of Felicia’s moves seemed to echo in the large room, even though she knew that she was making no sound.
The test was positive. She didn’t bother to check the box to make sure she’d gotten the little symbols right. She’d known before she took it.
“Well,” she breathed out, tilting her head back to inspect the ceiling. “Damn, Spider.”
MEDIUM (5 - 20K)
cross this river to the other side by defcontwo | Steve/Bucky
summary: In 1943, the Howling Commandos wrote goodbye letters to be given to their loved ones in the event of their deaths.In 2014, Sharon Carter finds those letters in a tin can in an abandoned HYDRA base. 
Tony Stark Googled The Thing by mybrotherharry @baffledkingcomposinghallelujah | Tony/Pepper, Tony&Peter
summary: When Morgan is six months old, Pepper goes back to work and Tony takes over as stay-at-home dad. Discovering the mommyblogosphere is the inevitable next step.
Winter Soldier Program by NocturneByChopin | Steve/Bucky
summary: Here’s the thing: he’s got a bit of a secret. It involves a boy that went and became famous when Steve wasn’t looking. 
i was found and now i don't roam these streets by hipsterchrist | Steve/Bucky
summary: Bucky relearns himself and how to be on a team, the rest of the Avengers try to get answers, and everyone watches too much Criminal Minds. 
Between a Rock and a Hard Place by ciaconnaa @ciaconnaa | Michelle/Peter, Michelle&Happy, Tony&Peter
summary: Ever since her mother died a few years back, Michelle's relationship with her father became strained in their grief. One night, after she's forced to show up at Peter's covered in bruises and in need of stitches, she remembers that even the most unsuspecting dormant volcanoes can erupt.
Brooklyn by togina @toli-a | Steve/Bucky
summary: "Captain America, what's your stance on gay marriage?"
Everyone knows that, by now. Everyone but Bucky.
Steve Rogers at 100: Celebrating Captain America on Film by eleveninches, febricant, hellotailor, M_Leigh, neenya, tigrrmilk | Steve/Bucky
summary: Steve and Bucky find out Hollywood has been busy since they went away. A historical survey, including but not limited to: one set of exploded genitals, a brief interlude in France, Mel Gibson and other masterworks of casting, eight Academy awards, several dinosaurs, and something Tony Stark has ominously dubbed “the masterpiece.” Art included.
Project: Get Bucky Barnes a Dog by ruxian | Steve/Bucky
summary: Bucky Barnes does not have a dog. Bucky Barnes does not want a dog. Sam thinks that should change. Bucky does not agree. 
On My Radar by sprinkle_of_cinnamon | Steve/Bucky
summary: The Winter Soldier first noticed it when he was on the helicarrier.
The blonde’s shoulders were broad, incredibly broad.
They stretched the blue uniform in a wide span, drawing down to a narrow waist. It was a distinctly triangular silhouette. It was entirely improbable. And somehow it was strangely familiar.
The Winter Soldier raised his gun and fired. He didn’t have time for distractions, or Steve Rogers’ shoulders. 
LONG (20k+)
despite the threatening sky and shuddering earth (they remained) by praximeter @praximeter | Steve/Bucky
summary: “Those are pins,” Steve realized. He looked over at Hill. “The mask—it’s nailed to his face.” 
notes: may i say a massive fucking HOLY SHIT??????????? incredible. iconic. life-changing.
United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. 2d 143 (D.D.C. 2015) by fallingvoices and radialarch | Steve/Bucky
summary: The Associated Press @AP Winter Soldier set to stand trial for Washington D.C. massacre and treason apne.ws/1og6SWE 
Bucky Barnes: Former Disney Channel Star SERIES by mambo @whtaft | Steve/Bucky
summary: "The question the entertainment world is asking themselves today is... Who is Steve? Hollywood superstar Bucky Barnes was spotted at a wrap-party last night, serenading someone named Steve onstage.” 
Not Easy Conquered SERIES by dropdeaddream and WhatAre Fears | Steve/Bucky
summary: In 1945, Steve Rogers jumps from a nosediving plane and swims through miles of Arctic Ocean to a frozen shore.
In 1947, Steve Rogers marries Peggy Carter.
In 1966, the New York Times finds the lost letters of Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes.
notes: if you’ve read stucky, you’ve read this series. i know this. just like i know that its the most GODDAMN BEAUTIFUL series ever written. no topping it. it’s number 1.
Strays by snarklyboojum @snarklyboojum | Steve/Bucky
summary: After finding himself alone for the first time in decades, the Winter Soldier learns how to be a person again. Mostly through caring for an orphaned kitten, countless rounds of YouTube roulette, and stalking Captain America. 
hold me until we crumble by queenklu @queenklu | Steve/Bucky
summary: “Sam told me you were watching Antiques Roadshow,” Natasha says, shaking out her hair. “I assumed it was a national emergency.”
notes: one of my favourite standalone fics i’ve ever read
half awake in a fake empire SERIES by idrilka | Steve/Bucky
summary: In the aftermath of Steve's return to the world of the living and the battle of New York, the academia and the Internet react.
by the river potomac i sat down and wept by peterstank @peter-stank | Steve/Bucky
summary: bucky barnes atones.
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell SERIES by AnnaFugazzi | Steve/Bucky
summary: Captain America and Bucky Barnes were like brothers. Everyone knew that. 
Out of the Dead Land by orphaned account | Steve/Bucky
summary: Someone is building machines that look and act like people.
Meanwhile, the Winter Soldier tries to be Bucky Barnes.
V O L T R O N:  L E G E N D A R Y  D E F E N D E R
romance centric fics
MEDIUM (5 - 20K)
called out your name (but it was too late) by arahir @arahir | James/Keith, Shiro/Keith
summary:  An old classmate watches Keith fall in love with someone else. 
so much for the after party by arahir @arahir | Shiro/Keith
summary: Shiro gets his groove back.
i breathe disaster by arahir @arahir | Shiro/Keith
summary: After the wedding, Keith leaves Earth in search of something he can keep. 
notes: what doES THIS M E AN?!!!??!!?!?! i cried over this ending. i cr i e d. actual real tears. it was so upsetting somehow. and i am so confused. and i went and found the author’s imagined ending in the comments to help understand the open one and it just made me SADDER. i think this is one of those fics that tries to teach me to read the tags and back away at the word “angst”. anyway, excellent, everything i’ve read from this author was incredible
LONG (20K+)
Alien Sex Fiend by Glossolalia | Shiro/Keith | WIP
summary: It started at a drive-in in the 1980s. Unfortunately, this is a love story; a love story about the frontman of Quantum Queef, a punk band, and a boy who rides a red motorcycle. Also, they fight aliens. 
notes: i’m OBSESSED with this fic. i have read it many times. shiro as a punk singer of a band called Quantum Queef????????? and the fact that it’s the only fic on this account???? absolute POWER MOVE.
T H E  1 0 0
romance centric fics
SHORT (0 - 5K)
golden gunned girls by littlearrows | Bellamy/Clarke
summary:  They’re not good girls. They have no reason to be. 
notes: i think about this fic approximately twice a week despite reading it five years ago. there’s a song called gold gun girls by metric that makes me absolutely feral and would be the dream theme song for the intro sequence of the girl gang tv show of my dreams
and then my soul saw you by synchronicities | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: Lexa tells Clarke that love within the cluster is the worst kind of narcissism. Bellamy begs to differ. Sense8 AU.
givers prove unkind by emullz | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: a modern au in which bellamy is in a band, he writes an album about clarke, and she is his ophelia. also, marriage.
she sounds like sex on the radio by lecornergirl | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: “Wait, hold on,” Clarke says. “Are you suggesting I—in the booth?” But her tone is a lot sterner than she feels. Against her better judgement, she’s into it. 
notes: idk what to tell you. i have only bookmarked like three smut fics in my life. it deserves it ok.
the kids aren’t alright by opensummer | Multiple Relationships
summary: The Pacific Rim fusion seven ways. 
notes: probably???? my favourite? pacific rim au? i’ve ever read??? does so much with so little
Haven’t You Heard? The World is Coming To An End by Jenye @likcoln-blog | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: So where would you rather die? Here or in Jaeger? Pacific Rim AU. 
MEDIUM (5 - 20K)
three points (where two lines meet) SERIES by PinkCanary | Bellamy/Clarke/Raven
summary: Clarke wears the two names on her skin like a badge of honour. 
Icarus Lives by karusarchive @cluelesskaru | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: No one could ever have predicted the kaiju were coming.  Clarke Griffin was in need of a new Co-Pilot. Bellamy Blake had just graduated. You can guess how that goes.
notes: if anyone knows me at all, they know i’m a MASSIVE pacific rim fan. like, own all the books and graphic novels and have multiple pacrim t-shirts kind of fan. THIS FIC was my first experience with that franchise. my first ever. i watched the movie BECAUSE of this fic.
Pony Regrets SERIES by Chash @ponyregrets | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: Octavia drags Bellamy to a My Little Pony tournament. Bellamy is deeply upset about the whole thing, but then the girl running the tournament is really cute.
The Internet Is Forever SERIES by Chash @ponyregrets | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: Apparently, the internet has been shipping Bellamy Blake (of Team Arkade) and Clarke Griffin (of Craven Cosplay). No one told Bellamy about it. 
Nothing Like Old Times by LayALioness @filmnoirsbian | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: “Clarke killed some guy and stuffed him in the trunk,” Jasper says delightedly. “Your cousin’s dark, dude.”
“Yeah,” Bellamy nods, trying to backtrack. Sometimes he wishes she was actually better at making things up. “She’s a…closeted Goth.” Terminator AU. 
the feel-good hit of the summer by disco_vendetta @errorofyourways | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake are sleeping together. (aka ROCK BAND AU) 
notes: i think about this fic an OBSCENE amount. it’s been five years since i first read it.
LONG (20K+)
Your Mess Is Mine by monroeslittle @argyledpenguin | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: modern AU, Clarke grows up with Octavia, and Octavia's brother. 
notes: the fic that got me into fan fic in the first place. top tier. 42k.
Love Will Come Through by monroeslittle @argyledpenguin | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: AU. Clarke winds up in an arranged marriage with Bellamy. 
Neeeeeeeeeerds by Chash @ponyregrets | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: Clarke joins the Junior Classical League for two reasons: to appease her mother and to annoy Bellamy Blake.
Our Time Now SERIES by TazmainianDevil | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: The Ark may have been short on all resources vital to sustaining life but one thing they never ran out of was guns.On an Ark that has always been defined by violence, Jake Griffin manages to save his daughter's life and Clarke joins a gang to change the world.
Disney Channel You by Chash @ponyregrets | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: Bellamy only goes to the open casting for Clarke Griffin's new Disney Channel show because Octavia begs him. He never thought he'd actually get the stupid part. 
And You Understand Now Why They Lost Their Minds and Fought the Wars by marauders_groupie @marauders-groupie | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: Clarke doesn’t understand why they say that soulmates are one soul in two bodies. Her soul has five other bodies and she would give her life for any of them. Sense8 AU. 
notes: probably my favourite sense8 AU i’ve ever read?? and i have read Many
build this fire higher, higher toward the sky SERIES by adelicatepeach | Bellamy/Clarke
summary: Clarke's jaeger goes down on a Thursday. Pacific Rim AU. 
H A R R Y  P O T T E R
gen centric fic
LONG (20K+)
yer a wizard, dudley by dirgewithoutmusic @ink-splotch | Dudley&A Lot of People
summary: Minerva fished in her pocket without looking, because the only things allowed in her pockets were only ever exactly what she needed. “I've come to deliver this,” she said, “because Hogwarts by-laws require a professor to hand-deliver acceptance letters to Muggleborn families for their explanation and comfort." 
notes: i have only ever cared about two harry potter fics in my life. this is one of them.
the family evans by dirgewithoutmusic @ink-splotch | Petunia&A Lot of People
summary: What if, when Petunia Dursley found a little boy on her front doorstep, she took him in? Not into the cupboard under the stairs, not into a twisted childhood of tarnished worth and neglect—what if she took him in? 
notes: this is the other one
T H E  R A V E N  C Y C L E
gen centric fic
MEDIUM (5 - 20K)
Helter Skelter by Anonymous | Ronan&Blue
summary: In hindsight, a road trip with your step-brother and his best friends in Gansey's dying Pig is not an ideal way to start summer break. Sargent-Lynch siblings AU.
meet hennessy by izzylizardborn @gaybluesargent | Hennessy&Jordan
summary: Hennessy had seen movies. She knew how this went. When it came to clones, there was always a good one and an evil one. She didn’t need to wonder which was which.
life is not a movie, maybe by coyotesuspect | Ronan&Blue
summary: Ronan gets kicked out of Aglionby and enrolls at Mountain View High for his senior year. The only problem is, no one remembers to tell Blue. 
Honeymoon by vexmybones | Ronan&Blue
summary: Blue and Ronan living together, no buffers, no bullshit, this is how they cope. 
the bugs and alphabet by Pi @rhea314 | Ronan&Blue
summary: In which Blue babysits Chainsaw, Ronan & Blue make angry art projects, and some conversations are almost had. 
romance centric fic
SHORT (0 - 5K)
Pretty Good, Right? by suddensingularity | Ronan/Blue
summary: Blue wants to have sex before her true love dies. Ronan helps out. Ronan/Blue
notes: yeah ok this is one of the three smut fics i’ve bookmarked its fun ok
MEDIUM (5 - 20K)
It Had To Be You by shinealightonme @toast-the-unknowing | Ronan/Adam
summary: Ronan hates basically everything about their business, or that's what he tells Blue, but the worst part is that he's constantly meeting cute guys and none of them are single. 
darling, don’t make such a drama by shinealightonme @toast-the-unknowing | Ronan/Adam, Ronan&Henry, Ronan&Declan
summary: "Straight answers are boring," Cheng says, "and yes I do mean that for all values of straight. I do not need Ronan to share his tragic backstory, I would much rather deduce it on my own."
"Who says I have a tragic backstory?"
"With your fearsome glower and troubled good looks? If you did not have a tragic backstory it would be a waste."
 C O M M U N I T Y
romance centric fic
LONG (20k+)
Playing House by itsactuallycorrine @itsactuallycorrine | Jeff&Annie
summary: Six years ago, Jeff let Annie go. She never returned to Greendale, and he moved on. Now, he's a single dad to a one-year-old and he needs her help.
A V A T A R:  T H E  L A S T  A I R B E N D E R
gen centric fic
SHORT (0 - 5K)
call it dreaming by ciaconnaa @ciaconnaa | Toph&Gaang
After the war, Toph has nightmares. The screeching of metal, Sokka and Suki's screams, the snap of Sokka's leg as it broke from their fall. It's usually his confession that they aren't going to make it that makes her wake up in a cold sweat. She's anxious all the time now, unable to find peaceful sleep.
The cure is apparently to try and hold all of her friends hands for all hours of the days and hope that they're cool with it. 
what’s in a name by ciaconnaa @ciaconnaa | Toph&Sokka
summary: At her request, Sokka teaches Toph to write her name.
He learns a thing or two about the weight his own name holds in the process.
MEDIUM (5 - 20K)
the beginning of a new and brighter birth by aloneintherain @captainkirkk | Zuko&Gaang
summary: “I’m so proud of you, my nephew.” Uncle cups Zuko’s face in his lined hand. The gesture is so tender, his palm so warm, that Zuko has to take a fortifying breath against the sudden swell of emotion in his chest.
“I want to be a good leader, Uncle,” Zuko says. “I want to look after my people.”
“You will,” Uncle says. “You are, nephew.”
In a new era of peace, Zuko works to be a very different Fire Lord than his forefathers.
the scope of blindness series by littlelionlady @thelittlelionlady | Toph&Gaang
summary: There are just some things that Toph's feet can't see.
Her hands can though.
Or, Toph learns what her friends look like by tracing their faces. 
notes: geniunely how goddamn beautiful is this. like. i cried. this is so soft and so cute and it made me feel SO MANY things
All The Gentle Creatures by Haircrescendo @sword-and-stars | Iroh&Zuko
It’s said that you can tell a lot about a person by how they treat animals. Zuko may be loud and stubborn and sharp but all the woodland creatures love him. 
LONG (20K+)
The Family You Choose by TunaFishChris | Zuko&Gaang
summary: Some people are born with soulmarks. Zuko has them, but his grandfather burned them off because they "make you weak."
Team Avatar has a few things to say about that. 
such selfish prayers by andromeda3116 @andromeda3116 | Katara&The Fire Nation, Katara/Zuko
Katara's ambition, so long set aside for the good of others, breaks free and sets fire to her soul. Or, Katara has a vision of her canon future, casts it aside, and becomes a world-changing politician instead. 
and love will be your teacher SERIES by Ford_Ye_Fiji @ford-ye-fiji | Iroh&Zuko
summary: "And you will know the pain of losing a firstborn son." Ozai loses Zuko. Iroh gains a son. And the future changes.
notes: excellent excellent excellent excellent makes me very happy indeed
romance centric fic
SHORT (0 - 5K)
on commitment by jdphoenix | Zuko/Katara
summary: “Just explain it to me again.”
“There is no way you can pass as my brother and we are way too conspicuous as two unrelated people, from different nations, traveling together. So we’re pretending to be married.”
we hold our hearts in silence by psychedelic_aya | Zuko/Katara
summary: Seventy years later, Korra tries to figure out Zuko and Katara. 
oracle bones by orphaned account | Zuko/Katara
summary: The foreign, pictorial characters that bracelet Zuko's left wrist have never been covered in any of his lessons. He cannot read them. And then he turns thirteen, and his father burns his wrist along with his face.
MEDIUM (5 - 20K)
late nights/early mornings SERIES by shmulia @shmuliawrites | Zuko/Katara
summary: Whoever set off the fire alarm at 2 in the morning is on Katara’s shit list. Even if he is hot and shirtless. 
the thing about dancing by anodymalion | Sokka/Zuko
summary: The first time a attendant spills Zuko’s tea and doesn’t immediately fall to her knees, begging the Fire Lord’s forgiveness, it is not anger but a resounding warmth that fills his chest.
LONG (20K+)
Fate Deferred by catie_writes_things @catie-does-things | Zuko/Katara | WIP
summary: Aang remains in the iceberg ten years longer. He awakens to a very different world. 
The Sparrowkeet SERIES by audreyii_fic | Zuko/Katara
summary: Ba Sing Se has fallen and Katara has been captured by the Fire Nation; a more adult take on the potential progression of S3. AU series of interconnected one-shots. 
notes: i would die for this series, particularly the last instalment. i enjoyed every single fic and it was just such a GOOD STORY.
T H E  U M B R E L L A  A C A D E M Y 
gen centric fic
SHORT (0 - 5K)
you from yesterday by questors (sieges) @softpunks | Five&Siblings
summary:  The difference between who his siblings once were versus who they are now. 
Ghost Math by pinstripedJackalope | Five&Klaus
summary: Number Five needs a new hobby now that the apocalypse is off. He decides to help Klaus--and in turn maybe he'll help himself. 
Then There Was Two by AnneKatherine | Five&Vanya
summary: Reginald Hargeeves finally decides to allow Grace to name the Academy. Unfortunately, he's only willing to let her name the Academy, which Seven is unfortunately not a part of.
[or how Five gave away his name]
(he definitely didn't want one anyway) 
i tiresias (have foresuffered all) by ThatWeirdGuyInTheBushes | Five&Siblings, Five/Delores
summary: Five misses sharing his birthday, but Five has missed a lot of things.alternatively; number five, coffee, and the art of taking back. 
MEDIUM (5 - 20K)
The Five Vetting Process by jaz_hop | Five&Siblings
summary: In which Five is incredibly invested in the love lives of his siblings, because they're obviously too stupid to choose anyone worthy enough to be their partner. Otherwise known as Five being stupidly over-protective, and incredibly invasive in the hopes of keeping his siblings safe and happy... even if he is being a stalker and a dick about it. 
LONG (20K+)
You and I Together Forever SERIES by Ace_of_Spades_400 @ace-of-spades-400 | Vanya&Siblings
summary: What if it hadn't only been Five, what if it hadn't been Five at all?
A series of stories about what would have happened if Vanya had chosen a different sibling.
Sometimes the choice isn't hers.
Timeliness 1-2.1 SERIES by dgalerab | Hargreeves Siblings
summary: As the world ends, Five takes his siblings back into their child bodies on the day he originally left. With the knowledge of how the world ends fresh in their minds, the Hargreeves siblings do what they can to leave clues for their past selves on how to grow up a little less fucked up before returning to the present.
A present where they all have different lives they can't remember, there's a fun new apocalypse on the way, and Reginald Hargreeves remembers the day where all his children suddenly and inexplicably lost their minds and all respect for him at once a little too well.
Rare Birds SERIES by Cryptix23 | Hargreeves Siblings
summary: An alternate 2019 brings with it new problems and new dangers.
The two sets of Hargreeves children mix like water on a greasefire. It's hard to tell which group is unhappier about the situation -- the Sparrows, trying to navigate the minefield of their new siblings' many traumas, or the Umbrellas, trying to carve their place back into a world that forgot them.
Plus the whole saving-the-world thing hanging over them all.
Whether they like it or not, they're going to have to learn to work together. 
Partners, Parents, or None of the Above by DarkFairytale | Diego&Klaus
summary:  Kenny's mom assuming that Diego and Klaus were A) a couple and B) Number Five’s parents was both bemusing and amusing at the time. But that was because it was the only time it had ever happened. Now though? Now they just can't understand why these misunderstandings keep happening. 
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lovespelt · 4 years
Katsuki cupped Izuku's cheeks, looking at him with a soft, fond, awe-loving stare that Izuku wasn't familiar with— and whispered. "You are still as beautiful as the day that I've lost you.."
He was 13 when he was taken, Katsuki and Izuku would still be friends while growing up bcz they don't have quirks here, even tho Izuku is weak, Katsuki still tries to protect him, Katsuki is still friends with Izuku bcz he didn't get much praise from his peers like the canon.
But it really messed up his head when Izuku got taken and that was the start of his hot headedness.
Eri was born with a horn shaped lump on her head after Katsuki became Chief (he's like,, 22 now)
But she wasn't his biological child, she was actually at another island, her father—chisaki, didn't like her appearance and he tried dropping her on a cliff.
But at this time, Izuku finally bulked up a bit and is living and familiar with dragons after 9 years and he learned everything about them and learned how to fly with them too and when he saw this man dropping a child from a cliff, he swooped in and saved Eri from the fall, the bottom was foggy so Chisaki couldn't see but he thought Eri was already dead so he walked off, not realizing there was a big ass dragon opening it's mouth to shoot fire into his whole body lmao
After that, Izuku tried raising Eri for a year with the dragons and realized that this isn't a suitable place to raise a child well and he was heartbroken by this realization and decided to maybe, give her near a village.
Perfect timing that Katsuki was out hunting in a nearby woods when Izuku was flying his dragon to go to the nearest village but then he saw this tall strong blond male hunting, he seemed to target a big deer but then he stopped when he saw two baby calves nearby and cursed out loud, making the deers run away.
And Izuku thought he was a perfect parent and all that without realizing that it was Katsuki.
So he left Eri (he hugged her tight one last time— his little snow) within Katsuki's sight and looked behind a tree. Ofc Katsuki saw the child and was like "it's parent's must've left it here to die bcz of the strange looking bump on it's forhead." And angrily took her back to his village, Izuku sighed in relief, knowing that the person that took her was a nice morale one.
And he left.
And Katsuki is all like, I'm just keeping you around till I find you a good enough family and one day Eri is all like Papa to Katsuki and Katsuki is all like Fuck shit looks like I'm a father now. And adopts Eri officially. And Katsuki mellows out again.
Eri didn't know why she had a fascination for dragons and wanting to learn about them and decided to use a journal and Katsuki was anxious (scared—) bcz his little girl acted just like Izuku, he still had Izuku's journals somewhere safe bcz he's a secret sentimental bastard and all that.
People loved Eri and shit but they were worried that there was gonna be another Izuku incident bcz of it and yada yada yada.
Gobber is Kirishima.
Tuffnut and Tuffnut as Katsuma and Mahoro.
Fishlegs as one of Tsu's little brother.
And Snotlout as that spoiled kid from the "I wanna see your cute face. Ft. Todoroki and bakugou" Episode.
Kouta is definitely Astrid.
And Eri kissed his cheeks Instead and bla bla bla.
So after most of the movie plot and Katsuki just accepted that Kouta is gonna be part of their weekend dinners from now on and the dragons when his daughter had almost died bcz of him.
They met Izuku again.
Eri learned how to do the flaming sword, she's like, 16 now. (And Izuku is like, 39 at this point but let's just make him look like he's in his mid twenties)
And Izuku revealed his face to her and was all like, "Eri..?" And Eri was all like "How did you know my name???" (And Izuku low-key blushed coz that was the name he wanted for his child to have when kacchan asked. He still didn't know that it WAS Katsuki is her dad tho.) He slowly removed his mask and kneeled to cup Eri's face and was all like "I could never forget you my little snow."
And it all clicked from there. Where she got her fondness for dragons, her little drawings of green bunnies (bcz of Izuku's mask HAHA) , her crybabyness, and her Notebooks.
She kind of adapted his traits shen she was 2 and she kind of connected some dots after she remembered her dad saying that she acted like her first love alot.
And she asked him. "...Are you Deku?"
Ofc this surprised Izuku and he was like "how did you know that name??" And she was all like "My dad talks about his first love to me because the way I acted reminded him, my dad is Chief Bakugou Katsuki from birth." And Izuku's eyes widen and he was all like "Kacchan is the Chief now?!"
Ofc they reunited at last after Katsuki tracked down where her daughter was and tried attacking Izuku coz he was wearing a mask and he did not recognize him until he was pinned to the ground (damn this guy is strong wtf?!) And Eri is like NO! STOP DEKU! THAT'S MY DAD.
And Katsuki froze and the person above him whispered "Kacchan..?"
And that ladies and gentlemen, was the third time in his 40 years of living, crying.
(first when Izuku was taken and second when he thought Eri died)
So yeah, (first Love's) Childhood friend reunion!!!
They talked alot and it was the first time Eri saw his dad smiling and laughing alot with someone that isn't her. And she just casually mentioned about how Izuku is her dad's first love and all and both became a blushing mess and stutters.
(wow never in a million years did she thought her dad would act like this,)
So they went back to Berk on their dragons (Eri did not loose a leg, and her Dragon is a Light fury instead!!!)
And Watch everyone doing a reunion for Izuku and bla bla bla and all that (we aren't gonna make the whole Stoick dying part, no fricken way,)
And both now reunited childhood friends tried to flirt with each other and being oblivious to both of their antics and the whole village find this amusing and just kept quiet while Eri thinks Kouta would have a permanent hand shape mark on his face for facepalming too many times because of both of her parental figures that act like fucking teenagers hahahaha.
Like that's their whole plot lmao, hope you enjoy!!????
(this is unedited and rushed coz it's really late where I live and I'm sorry for any possible spelling errors, it just struck me in the middle of the night and I'm too tired to reread and edit it lmao, I'm sorry,thx for reading!!)
this is rly rly cuteeeeeee. i’ve never actually seen httyd 2 or 3, but i loved this- the bits w eri and jouta were adorable too 🥺🥺🥺 i would so totally read this fic!
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no-gorms · 4 years
Hi Annie! May I request a ficlet with Steve winking at Tony? I just realised I don't remember ever reading a fic where he's the one winking....which seems like a missed opportunity tbh
Hi! I don’tthink this is what you had in mind, but with Endgame reaction stuff goingaround recently, this spontaneously popped up in my brain.
Post-Endgame, everyone lives, Steve/Tony first kiss, feat.Morgan, Bruce, Thor, Natasha. (also on ao3)
When Tony told the team that he was thinking of having a few people over at the lake house today, Steve foresaw two possibilities: one, a handful of Avengers crowded on the porch in a rather more cheerful reprise of their time travel proposal of a few weeks ago; two, a full-on party.
They got the party.
Where on earth Tony got the canopies and catering a mere day after the Battle of Earth (as they’re calling it), Steve has no idea, but here they are. Avengers – core, new, ancillaries, allies, friends and loved ones –flood the grounds of Tony’s deceptively rustic home, eating and drinking and laughing and showing off their abilities. Luckily it’s a daytime gathering so alcohol is less an issue thus far; it’s daytime to accommodateMorgan, of course, who declared herself a VVIP earlier and is being bolstered around on Tony’s arm as he introduces her to everyone.
Not that Steve’s been watching them (Tony) walk around and play host, Morgan quietly excited and her father looser and more upbeat that Steve’s seen him in literal years. And even if Steve is watching Tony, it’s only out of concern that Tony not push himself, not after the close call with Thanos, the other close call with the gauntlet, and the freshly accumulated stress of the past five years leading into a one-chance time heist. The episode isn’t even really settled yet, what with the stones under lock and key somewhere in these very grounds, since the compound is a square mile of rubble and very few places on earth are safer than an Avengers tea party slash mosh pit.
Still, it pays to be vigilant. On Tony. Due to his health, and his status as the focal point for today’s gathering.
So Steve tells himself.
He used to be better at papering over his own motivations. If anyone asked, he’d say that he’s distracted from the party by thoughts of tomorrow. There’s still a lot of work to come – rebuilding, networking, accommodating the return of half the world’s population and all its associated complicated trauma – which is so beyond the Avengers’ original purview that they might not even need the team for that. It’s Natasha’s call, anyway. Steve will probably follow her. Clint brought Laura and kids today, but he’ll be leaving tonight. Bruce has his own work elsewhere now. As for Tony, no one knows what the hell he’s going to do next.
Steve certainly doesn’t expect Tony to be approaching him now, with Morgan still making a swing of the crook of Tony’s arm.
“Here you go.” Tony practically tosses a laughing Morgan at Steve. “Free up my hands for me, won’t you?”
“Sure thing,” Steve says, having accepted that he’d never not do anything Tony asks of him ever again. Steve adjusts his grip on Morgan in one arm, and puts his plate down on a nearby table with his free hand. Morgan beams at him, while at the corner of Steve’s eye he just catches Tony’s stuttering smile, as though he hadn’t expected Steve to roll with it.
“You want a drink?” Tony says, eyeing the nearest table spread. “I’m up for refuelling.”
“I’m fine, thank you,” Steve says.
“Wasn’t asking you,” Tony says.
Steve raises an eyebrow. “That’s kind of rude.”
“Yeah, rude,” Morgan parrots, while Tony presses an outraged hand to chest. “He wants lemonade.”
“I would like lemonade,” Steve says agreeably.
“Geez, all right, as the lady demands,” Tony says as he bounds off.
“The lemonade’s good?” Steve asks Morgan.
Morgan shrugs. “I don’t know. We can try.”
Steve’s never held Morgan before, or talked to her properly before today, but this feels a natural extension of the rhythm he’s found again with Tony – the focus of shared goals and risks, the ribbing without hurt, the ability to be earnest without mockery – since that fateful day Tony rolled back up to the compound armed with little more than hope and a time travel GPS olive branch. But that’s not entirely right either, because they never had this easy rhythm off the battlefield before. It was only the shattering and its aftermath – and Steve’s learning the hard way that he had so much more to lose in the 21st century than he thought – that they’d found this.
“Are you staying here with your dad tonight?” Steve says. “Or are you going back with your mom?”
“Going,” Morgan says. “Too many people for sleepover.”
“Makes sense,” Steve agrees, looking out on the raucous mass with her. “It’s a lot of people. Do you remember everyone’s names?”
“Yes,” Morgan says, intense and offended. She presses a palm against Steve’s forehead. “Captain Thor.”
“Captain Thor with the hammer. May I see it? Thank you.”
“You’re not tired of that,” Steve says dryly.
“You know you can just ask actual Thor—”
“Captain Thor.”
Steve sighs dramatically, which only prompts Morgan to loop both arms around his neck expectantly. He does a quick surroundings check –Thor’s just a couple of feet away chatting with T’Challa and Hope, and Tony’s coming back over with a paper plate of pizza on one hand and a pair of lemonade bottles gripped in the other – and lifts his free hand.
Physically, it’s very different from the control he exerts on the shield. Mentally, the two are strangely similar, for much like how Steve just knows the shield’s trajectory at each throw, he knows that Mjolnir is coming to him. Today, the hammer sails in a parabolic arc, over the crowd spread over the lawn, and into Steve’s hand. There’s only a minor crackle of electricity in Steve’s hand when it lands, and it says a lot about the people present that barely anyone notices any of this.
Morgan bobs her head silently in approval.
Nearby, Tony huffs under his breath between bites of his pizza. The lemonade bottles are consigned to the table by Steve's plate, though sadly Steve's hands are preoccupied at the moment.
“Which reminds me,” Tony says, “no way that was your first time holding the hammer.”
“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Steve replies, twirling said hammer on its handle.
“Right.” Tony holds out a mushroom slice to Morgan, who eats it without taking her eyes of the hammer. Tony’s smile is pure fondness, the kind of which sends somewhat intense flips in Steve’s stomach. It doesn’t matter that the smile is for Morgan; it just takes Steve’s breath away that Tony has so much love in him and, no matter that things didn’t shake out too well with Pepper, he still has unconditional outlets for that love. When Tony’s attention shifts to Steve, so does his expression to one of familiar wryness, “You knew exactly how to double-wield the hammer with the shield.”
Steve hums neutrally.
“How long you been messing with the hammer without us knowing, Steve?” Tony says.
“How long, Steve?” Morgan chimes in.
“Just a few times, back when we were in the Tower. Which was wrong of me,” Steve says meaningfully to Morgan. “You shouldn’t keep big things like that from your friends.”
Morgan’s focus is elsewhere, though. She’s twisting her mouth in cheeky thoughtfulness – she definitely got that from Tony – and holds a hand out. Steve obliges, and adjusts his grip on Mjolnir before holding the handle out to her.
Morgan tentatively wraps one hand around the handle. Steve eases his grip to the back of Mjolnir’s head, and subtly moves the hammer along with her.
“Worthy,” Morgan whispers.
Steve, grinning, slants a look over at her father and winks.
Tony startles and drops his pizza slice. Not the ground, which would have been neater, but to his shirt, at which the slice flips and flops while Tony scrambles, flails and fumbles, getting sauce and cheese everywhere, before finally salvaging it by stuffing the whole thing into his mouth.
“Butterfingers,” Morgan says primly.
Tony munches furiously, and does not look at either of them. While his daughter continues to bob Mjolnir against Steve’s hand, Steve’s captivated by the pink at Tony’s neck – a lack of sunscreen, or something else? It cannot be something else, because that would be ludicrous. Except.
“Goddamn,” Tony mutters. His eyes dart around wildly, and only for a mere split-second land on Steve before moving away again. Steve feels a prickle up his spine, along with a sense of anticipation and urgency, though without a clear goal to be seen. He’s seen Tony flustered before, but never like this, never because of him.
“Gotta clean up. You watch the madame, yeah?” Tony clears his throat and starts walking away from them, stiff footsteps towards the house.
Steve watches him go, heart hammering loudly over Morgan’s humming a tune to herself.
A shadow falls over them as Bruce approaches. “Excuse me,” Bruce says. “Hi Morgan, do you want another ride?”
“Yesssss.” Morgan lifts her hands up eagerly.
While Bruce sweeps Morgan up onto a massive bicep, Thor appears by Steve’s other side, a hand immediately clamping around Mjolnir. “I’ll take that.”
“And I,” Natasha says, sliding around all three men to take Steve’s plate from the table, “will take care of this.”
“What?” Steve says.
The three of them pointedly move away from him, focused on and chatting with Morgan as they go. Steve’s head swivels back and forth and back, before a sharp oh sends his limbs into action, pushing him into a quick jog that follows Tony’s path up to the house.
Tony’s already inside, having disappeared behind the front door. The whole house technically isn’t off-limits to guests, but FRIDAY has been pretty stern about who gets to come in (and even then, only because the garden bathrooms are occupied). She doesn’t say a word when Steve enters, though, so he follows the sound of running water to the kitchen, where Tony is washing his hands in the sink.
“Like an amateur, really,” Tony says under his breath.
“Hey,” Steve says, which doesn’t get much of a response beyond Tony’s increasingly furious scrubbing of his hands. “You want me to get a change of shirt for you?”
“Right,” Tony says, “because you know where my wardrobe is.”
Steve’s face grows warm, but he presses on, compelled by Tony’s not immediately kicking him out. “Would you buy that as a poor excuse to explore your house? Which is very nice, by the way.”
Tony mumbles under his breath. Frowning he may be, but he isn’t actually angry. Steve unfortunately knows what Tony’s anger looks like, and this is more embarrassed annoyance. Tony turns off faucet off and scowls when Steve offers him a drying cloth. He still takes it, though, and after drying his hands, dabs it at his stained shirt.
“Be careful,” Steve says, “your arm—”
“Oh my god, you can’t quit!” Tony exclaims. “You do not know how to quit! Wait, I shouldn’t be surprised by that.”
“Are you upset at me? Morgan’s with Bruce, I didn’t abandon her—”
“Why are you like this now?” Tony’s voice is shrill. “Why are you so wonderful now? Morgan can’t get enough of you, which is bad enough, but now the fight’s over and we did what we needed to do, and you’re still so—you’re so…”
“I’m sorry,” Steve says quietly. “I know, I should’ve done better by you from the very start. But I’m trying, I’m really—”
“That’s not what I…” Tony shakes his head, a rapid side-to-side motion as though the man’s deeply rattled and has to express it physically. He sighs, the sound resigned and exasperated; it’s apparently a prelude to his tossing the dry cloth away and launching himself at Steve.
Tony’s lips are warm and soft and taste of tomato sauce. Steve doesn’t kiss back, too shocked as he is by the motion at all, which is over before he can even process it. His mouth tingles with the aftertaste, and the rest of him tingles at the depth of Tony’s wide eyes, filled as they are with hope and fear and surprise. Steve’s heart goes into double-time.
“Uh,” Tony says.
Steve kisses back. His hands find Tony’s cheeks, his palms brushing Tony’s facial hair in holding him close. Tony’s hands come to Steve’s waist, fingers digging in to the muscle as though making sure that he’s really there. Steve presses in, breathing rapidly through his nose as he does, and finds Tony’s mouth hot and wet and open.
In the deepening of the kiss comes a collective cosmic exhale. There will have to be talking later, which may help slow the dizzy, confused, ecstatic whirl that is in Steve’s brain, but that is later. For now he’s been given a gift, and he is not strong enough to not grab at it with both hands.
“Gonna mess up your shirt—” Tony says against Steve’s jaw.
“Priorities,” Steve says sternly. He comes back in for another kiss and Tony hums an agreement against his lips.
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thomotomo · 4 years
Fuck it.
Summary: Loki and Tony have been dating for a while in secret, one day where the ex-Rogues are getting too much on Tony’s nerves and he decides to say fuck it to their little secret.
Pairing: IronFrost Tony Stark x Loki
Words: 2.0k
A/N: 1st fic of 2021! Tell me what you think about it :)
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Tony frowned as he felt the sun’s rays hit his face. He simply didn’t want to wake up and face the cold outside of his bed and the people outside his bedroom.
He nuzzled closer from the “not that hot” body that was lying next to him. He felt the body’s chest rise up and down quickly as the same time as hearing a low laugh. Tony groaned and half-heartedly hit the torso of the other male.
“Stop laughing at me Loki. You’re just a comfy pillow.”, Tony stated, voice rough because of the previous night.
“Oh, considering what happened yesterday night, I’m more than just a pillow to you huh?”, the Asgardian asked a smirk playing on his lips even though the other couldn’t see him.
“Meh, just an upgraded pillow.”, Tony grinned as he moved to take a look at his lover. He looked at his pale features and bright green eyes and kissed the dark-haired male softly.
“I wish we wouldn’t have to leave that room…”
“Me too darling… Sadly we have to go or those companions of yours will wonder why Tony Stark didn’t left his bedroom and they will find a stupid reason about it as if you’re going to murder someone…”, Loki said, a small frown on his face.
“I know, they act like assholes, but we have no other choices but have them here.”
Tony sighed and laid back his head on Loki’s torso, closing his eyes to savour the moment they were having before they inevitably had to separate themselves from each other for the day. After cuddling for extra minutes Loki regretfully pulled away and put on his clothes.
“Sorry love, I have to go back to my room…”
“It’s okay Loki-doki, see you later then.”, the nickname made Loki groan playfully as he pulled the last piece of cloth on him and left to go to his bedroom.
Tony stared at the now closed door and felt his heart ache from the emptiness he felt, even though Loki just left. He wishes they could spend every second with each other but alas they couldn’t. Mainly because they were housing the ex-Rogues with whom he wasn’t on good terms at the moments. After all, he received a nearly fatal wound from someone he admired greatly, of course their relations would be very strained.
Tony sighed and stood up, looking for his clothes and put them on before checking if he had any hickeys or not and when satisfied with the covering of his . He gathered all his mental strength and stepped out his room, locking it behind him and left to go to the kitchen, trying to dismiss the feeling of dread in his stomach as he neared the room and arbored a look of tiredness and confidence as he stepped inside.
Some ex-Rogues were eating but luckily for him Rogers was probably jogging or something else and Tony was glad for that. Even though he wasn’t the most aggressive of the band, Tony felt constantly judged by the man and the ghost of his father every time the blonde male was trying to talk about what happened.
Tony took a mug as he nodded politely to the Rogues present and made himself a cup of coffee and waited a bit impatiently and slightly anxious. He heard the haughty scoff which obviously came from Wanda and tried not to wince at the thought of her being able to use freely her powers against him if she ever wanted.
“Of course, the great Tony Stark wouldn’t talk to us. He’s better than that after all.”
Tony closed his eyes as the last drops of coffee fell in into his mug and grabbed it, trying to put a pleasant a face and turned to face her and the others.
“Well good morning then Wanda, good morning to you too Clint and Natasha.”
Tony walked away to his lab, a fake air of confidence to avoid any questions and once he was in one of his favourite places in the tower he dropped the act and sighed tiredly. Having the ex-Rogues clearly had taken a toll on his mental health but sadly he had no choices to accept them, mainly because he felt guilty leaving his ex-comrades even though they were the one who messed with him in first place but also partly because the government didn’t like to see their star super-hero being a fugitive so of course they wanted him to become once again a great team.
Tony sipped on his coffee and started to work on his current project, giving instructions to Friday and gently lectured DUM-E whenever he brought the wrong object to help him. Bruce came later in the room, starting his own work quietly, sometimes disrupting their quiet work by asking some help for something. Tony really enjoyed working in this calm but sadly every good things have to ends and it happened when Steve decided to step inside the lab.
“Stark, we need to talk.”
Tony kept working on his project.
“We can do it here. What do you want Rogers?”
“I’d like to know if we’re obligated to have Loki around. Wanda and Clint feel really uncomfortable whenever he’s around, and truth to be told I am too.”
“Oh and you don’t think I’m uncomfortable around Wanda?”, Tony scoffed but stopped working to avoid any accidents.
“C’mon Tony that’s ridiculous, she’s a child who made mistakes! Loki is a grown ass adult who tried to invade the Earth and murder everyone! Why is he here anyway?”, Tony could feel Steve trying to keep his “golden hero” façade by trying to keep himself from yelling at Tony. The dark-haired man turned to face the other hero.
“Well if you had read the news asshole, you would have known that Loki had been mind controlled, which means he attacked Earth against his will. He could have invaded Earth from anywhere but no, right in New York where a lot of heroes are stationed. A bit weird for someone who want to submit the planet huh? Seriously Rogers, Wanda is not a kid either she’s in her 20’s!”
“Tha-That’s not the same! She was tricked into thinking they were friendly!”
“Well the situations are quite the same in my opinion! Anyway, I don’t even know why I bother talking about this to you? If you have a problem with anyone in the team, I’m not the boss here you should see Ross and the council they’ll decide of solutions and all.”
“Tony you can’t dismiss this like that!”, Steve took a step toward Tony, making the man
“I-“ “Rogers, not only he can, but he just did. Why don’t you go see Ross like Anthony advised you?”
Loki stepped in, seemingly out of thin air (which wouldn’t be surprising considering the man’s powers). Steve stared at the Asgardian, turning a bit red and stomped awa.
Tony sighed as Loki approached him.
“Are you alright love?”
“Yes thank you Loki.”
Tony felt soft lips touching their forehead and he happily sighed. Bruce was still in the room but ignored the two lovers. They didn’t mind being affective in front of people who actually cared about them, they knew they wouldn’t be judged, and it was better to keep their relationship between people who really mattered to them to avoid any complications.
They stayed close to each other for a few moments before Tony told him he had to work on his project. Loki offered to help or at least stay in the lab in case Steve would come back to bother him, but Tony rejected the offer.
Loki kissed him in the cheek and left to train with Stephen. Tony kept a soft smile the whole time, that was the effect the ex-villain had on him. He heard Bruce laughing and he turned his head to hide he was laughing about Tony.
“Shut up Bruce there’s nothing funny!”
The other man tried to calm himself as Tony looked at him dead serious, trying not to break character because holy molly it was great to see Bruce laughing freely and in genuine happiness. Once Bruce calmed down they resumed their work but not for long before they got interrupted again, this time by Clint.
“Stark. Why is Loki roaming free around me?”, Tony couldn’t help but sigh, the Rogues weren’t able to discuss between each other to coordinate their complains.
“Barton. I can’t resolve this issue, I’m not the boss here and earlier Rogers came to talk to me about this issue. He went to see Ross so if you would please go and join them instead of bothering me during work.”
Tony heard Clint stomp away and sighed before continuing his work. He didn’t see the time pass and before he knew it, it was time for dinner and Bruce reminded him, forcing him to leave his work alone. It was something that happened during the time the Rogues weren’t here yet, he had taken upon himself to eat at reasonable hours and was “forced” by Loki to sleep a bit more than before and truth to be told, he felt a bit better.
When they arrived in the kitchen, everyone was already here and the only place available was next to Steve, but luckily to his left there was Loki and Tony sent a secret smile to his lover, which got reciprocated by a smile smirk and a heated gaze making Tony feel hot on the inside. But he didn’t ignore the glares Loki was getting from most of the ex-Rogues, mainly Clint and Steve who’s meeting with Ross didn’t seems to go the way they had hoped.
On the inside Tony felt really glad Ross and the council had denied whatever request they had made about Loki, even if he knew that it wouldn’t have been accepted, considering that the Rogues were on a kind of probation with everything they did prior to be re-integrated to the Avengers they wouldn’t be believed unless they brought substantial proofs.
Everyone dived in the meal, trying to keep it civil between but of course it didn’t last before Loki couldn’t help but make a sarcastic jab toward Steve’s behaviour with Tony, making everyone start an argument.
Tony sighed tiredly, he knew they shouldn’t have accepted trying to have a meal with everyone pre and post Russian bunker incident reunited in the same place for a meal. He just wanted to everyone to shut up and eat their meal but he knew it wouldn’t be so easy. He ignored the injunctions that were thrown at him by Wanda and Clint and instead observed Loki’s face who was sporting a smirk on his face as he was arguing with the Rogues, clearly insulting their abilities and, in that moment, Tony found him extremely hot.
Tony decided if everyone was already hot angry why not throw some grease on the fire. This would be fun. He suddenly stands up, catching Loki’s shirt collar in his hand and kissed his lover, cutting short the Asgardian insult toward Wanda’s magic and well shutting up everyone because they were now gaping at him.
Tony stopped kissing and winked at Loki who seemed shocked for a split second but quickly put on a grin and licked his lips.
“C’mon Loki-doki, let’s eat in the lab it’ll be quieter.”
Steve was spluttering, shocked, and most of the Rogues were trying to find something to say about the display of affection that just took place in front of them.
“Also, yes, I’m dating Loki and we’re damn happy. And you clearly don’t have a say in this. Go complain to Ross, again, and everyone who you think they care and see how they will react.”
Tony snatched his plate and left the room, quickly followed by Loki who had a shit-eating grin on his face. Once they were in the lab Loki talked.
“Well love, that some spectacle you put out there.”
“At least those little assholes will actually have something to complain about.”
Loki laughed, from now on the Rogues will definitely will have to worry not only about the PDA but also on which surface they want to eat their food on.
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So I’ve never done one of these fic recommendations lists before but I really want to share some of the amazing work that I’ve read this past month! I’ve definitely read a whole ton more but I was dumb and didn’t think to like draft this list and then just keep adding to it... so I’m just attempting to go through my tags LOL please be patient with my dumbass. 
NOTE: Since I only started doing this recently, a lot of my recommendations are gonna come from a lot of my mutuals but I’m always open to hearing more about other fics!!! If you’ve got an incredible fic that you are super proud of or if you think that I should read something you’ve read, PLEASE SEND IT TO ME! I’m really big on StevexFem!Reader, BuckyxFem!Reader, WandaxFem!Reader, CarolxFem!Reader, and Stucky fics!!!
If you do end up reading these fics, please tag me if you reblog them or comment on them!! I’d love to see your guys’ reactions :) 
PS. if these links dont work for some reason, please let me know so I can update this list because I was very distracted halfway through making this so it might not be perfect!
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1.Walpurgis Night by @anika-ann​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “In which Steven volunteers to find a long-lost princess of Starkerbürg. (Fairy Tale AU)” I have no clue why this fic is not given more goddamn attention because holy shit yall, I have never been so grasped by a fic before. If you love medieval/fairy tale type things, you will love this fic. And if you don’t, you’re gonna love it anyways because @anika-ann​ writes SO. FUCKING. WELL. 100% fluff and love.
2. Abs Aren’t Always the Answer by @its-not-captain-america​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “Steve asks Y/N what girls are interested in, trying to impress her. Several shirtless pics later it’s not working.” Y’all want hilarious shit??? What about Steve Rogers always trying to take his fucking shirt off because he has the DNA (and the body) of a stripper? JK that’s not the actual reason but this fic is so funny, I died reading the first 700 times (and the 701st time too... and every time after that). 100% hilarious.
3. Challenge Accepted...? by @anika-ann​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader ”Steve’s never been good at quick decision-making when it came to his own safety. After one particularly horrible experience, you find a way to remind him every day to think twice the next time he’s faced with a tough choice. He is not amused.” Steven Grant Rogers you stupid dumb hoe lol. That’s all I’mma say about this fic because it speaks for itself when you read it haha. Banter is iconic in this fic. 100% hilarious.
4. A Matter of Trust by @anika-ann​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “You and Steve get to go to a mission together after a while; free drinks, partying, dressing-up nicely, stealing blueprints, the usual. You might even enjoy this as a couple.“ This time it’s Y/N that’s kindof a stupid dumb hoe but like that’s okay because when Y/N is a stupid dumb hoe, it’s not as stupid or dumb as when Steve does it. There’s a bit of a carry on between Challenge Accepted...? and this fic! So I would suggest reading that one first and then this :) 100% hilarious.
5. For a Smile by @anika-ann​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “You see him run past every morning. So you smile, because he looks like a nice person. How could he not be when he smiles back and the world stops for a while to pay respect to such beauty?” So you know how Disney movies totally screwed over some of our perspectives of how guys were gonna come and sweep us off our feet? Yeah. This fic did it too. I’m still waiting for my fairytale fucking moment like this fic but if it never happens, I’ll settle for just reading this over and over again LOL. 100% F L U F F and LOVE.
6. Grease and Pearls by @anika-ann​​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “All you know is uptown; fancy clothes, expensive cars, jewellery outshining one’s personality and exhausting dinners with family acquaintances and business partners. Your life is all planned out; one day, you’ll marry Howard Stark’s son and you’ll be the golden couple adored by press.” This 3-part series slayed me. Like honestly, I’ve never been so torn apart before. Y’all lucky that if you read it, you get to read all 3 parts right away whereas I had to sit and wait for my heart to be torn apart and then stomped on. (Jk anika i love you you know that). Super amazing thing I love about this fic: it’s got links to the dresses that Y/N wears (super cute btw) AND it’s got two different endings so you can decide!!! 100% ANGST and 100% FLUFF? At the same time??? Because of the two endings?!?!?!? NOTE: part 2 got some steamy smut in there so 18+ readers only. I had to take a cold shower after reading it like goddamn.
7. Be Alright by @kayteewritessteve​ ​| Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “Steve goes through a bad breakup, but a sweet voice and a friendly smile helps him realize he can begin again, and that he definitely should.” God this fic. I can’t with this fic. It’s based on the Dean Lewis song Be Alright, which is already one of my favourites, but this fic, ugh, Kaytee knows how to hurt you that’s for sure. It’s so pure and so wonderful. 100% SAD but like it gets better promise.
8. Cold Feet by @anika-ann​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
“After two months of dating, you’ve come to a conclusion as exciting as well as a bit irritating: Steve Rogers is a perfect man. He simply has no flaw.Or does he?” Mother. Fucking. Adorable. I dunno if there’s anything else to say except that anika really knows how to make me wish I was Y/N adsoifhosd. 100% F L U F F
9. Hot Chocolate by @vodkaxtonic​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “Steve gets sick and Y/N takes care of him, which involves a lot of Steve’s whining, hot chocolate and cuddles.“ Steve Rogers is a little shit who won’t just accept that he’s sick and needs to be taken care of BUT IT’S SO CUTE AND THIS FIC IS THE BEST!!!! 100% FLUFF!!
10. Home by @evanstush​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “It’s been 2 years since the last battle and it’s now Morgan’s 7th birthday, and well, Tony being Tony, he prepared a small party for her little girl, inviting everyone from the team, including you.” Hnnnggg this fic. Okay so. I love @evanstush​ with all my fucking heart because she’s always been so supportive of me and my fics. That being said I WAS NOT EXPECTING HER KIND ASS TO HURT MY HEART LIKE THIS. But again, it’s okay because it’s got fluff guys. 50% ANGST and 50% FLUFF. Well like it’s 100% both but like I have to split it haha.
11. Cocktails by @writeyourmindaway​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “ ~i really don’t know what to write i’m sorry~ DRINKS!” That’s okay, darling, I’ll write the summary you. HILARITY. WONDERFULNESS. THE WORD BLOWJOB WRITTEN SO MANY TIMES AND IT’S FUCKING GOLD. This is so funny i love it haha. This fic killed me. I should’ve seen it coming (hehe) but i didn’t lol. 100% HILARIOUS.
12. Unadulterated by @writeyourmindaway​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader No summary for this one but again, I shall do the honours haha. It’s part 2 of ‘Cocktails’ and this one is just as adorable and hilarious as the first part! Steve is a cheeky little soft boi and the flirting just makes me feel all sorts of ways <3 100% ADORABLE.
13. Water Wars by @writeyourmindaway | Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader “The team finds a new way to unwind” I love fics where you just see the team get to be normal people!!! Plus haven’t we all thought about how the Avengers would are in a water fight? Is that just me? Don’t have to fantasize about it now because @writeyourmindaway wrote it for you :D 100% FLUFF.
14. Slow Like Honey by @heli0s-writes | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “The gossip that buzzes around in the teacher’s lounge is that sweet, sensitive, divorcé Steve Rogers is hot-for-teacher. His daughter’s first-grade teacher, to be exact.” I binged this whole fucking series. 8 parts of PURE. EVERYTHING. I have never so badly wanted a happy ending in my fucking life. This is an amazing series with so much love put into it, you can tell. I really can’t explain this fic because you really need to just go read it to know how amazing it is. NOTE: Part 4, 5, and 8 have some serious love smut in there so 18+ readers only please. UGH. I love this fic so much. I will continue to keep daydreaming about it and thinking about it all the time. God I love me some Dad!Steve. 50% FLUFF and 50% ANGST (which seriously tore my heart out like I cried).
15. You Make My World Spin by @anika-ann | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “After the Battle of New York and all the mess Tony gets involved in later, Pepper believes he is in a need of an assistant slash tech genius. Enter you. While Tony is not amused by Pepper’s idea at first… he soon warms up to you.” So many insanely wonderful references in this fic, it’s hilarious. Also, Tony being a little shit LOL. Such a hilarious fic!!!! 100% AMAZINGLY HILARIOUS.
16. If You Stumble... by @anika-ann | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “If you stumble…make it part of the dance. In which you ask Steve what your date would look like if you lived the forties. He decides to show you instead. There are few flaws, holes to see through to glimpse beyond that illusion. But what life would be besides boring if everything was perfect? Perfect dress. Perfect date. Perfect gentleman…?” So my dumbass was so excited to read something that anika put out that I didn’t realize this was part 2 of a 3 part series lol I’m dumb yes I know. Anyways, this is part 1 so please don’t be like me and read the first part LOL. ANYWAYS, this was so fucking wholesome. This is definitely one that I need to read again and fully read in order (she’s got part 3 on her AO3, I believe) but ugh. I love the idea of Steve dating in this century, comparing things to how things were done in the old days ufglasodfhsd. I love it. Amazing. 100% FLUFF (I think because well my dumbass hasn’t finished but this part was fluffy :3)
17. @wxstedhexrt‘s poems | Read Them Here! | Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes I don’t think Destiny ever gave me a summary of these but (and Destiny, please correct me if I’m wrong in how you want these to be portrayed!) I believe they’re poems written throughout the whole Steve and Bucky timeline. She’s used the Winter Soldier’s words and turned them into a gorgeous set of poems. 100% My favourite thing in the whole fucking world. 
18. The Lonely Tree by @sarahwroteathing​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “You have a favorite tree which you make sure to pass every day on your way to class, but one day you find you’ll have to get used to sharing it with a friendly art student.” Holy shit guys this 15 part series was so amazing. It’s 100% PURE FLUFF and PINING and gorgeous. Holy shit. Like I screamed reading the whole goddamn thing. Amazing writing by an amazing human being with some awesome humour haha.
19. @sinner-as-saint​ responding to an anon request? Amazing. | Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader Request: May I just spice up your day with the thought of best friend/roommate bucky being jealous when you bring someone home HOT. AS. FUCK. Holy shit. It’s such a short little list of things that Bucky would do but ugh. I was dying reading it. I love me some jealous Bucky smut. 100% angsty fluff? With smuttiness ;) 18+ readers please!!
20. @alloftheimaginesblog​ prompted fic | Steve Rogers x Reader (I could be wrong here but I believe the gender of the reader is never specified? But the ring is a woman’s ring so?? @alloftheimaginesblog​ pls correct me if you want!) Prompt: Finding an engagement ring in one of their drawers. So fucking fluffy I needed a cavity filled after ugh. I loved it so much it was just a gorgeous piece of writing. Steve is a little piece of poop for not hiding that ring better I mean come on, you’re telling me you couldn’t have punched a hole, put the ring there, and then cover it up with like a cabinet or something??? jk i still love you steeb. 100% fluff!
21. Laser Tag by @stargazingfangirl18​ | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “You play laser tag with your boyfriend Steve and his best friend Bucky. Since you’re just a plain ole civilian, you gotta use what non-Avenger skills you have to avoid losing. Hint: those skills involve Steve and kissing.” Iconic. Everything. Wonderful. There is nothing I love more than Steve Rogers being a little sucker for making out with his girlfriend even when there’s a competition. 100% fluff!!!!
22. Under the Rainbow, Draga mea by @binkysteebnpewter​ | Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader I don’t think there’s an official summary ( @binkysteebnpewter​ pls correct me if I’m wrong) but my summary is this: GAYNESS <3 I love me some wlw content so when I saw this pop up on my dash, I couldn’t NOT read. It’s soooo good. This is a Social Media AU and the amount of meme usage in there I- it’s fucking wonderful. It’s still in progress though so you guys will have to pine after this relationship with me. I FUCKING LOVE IT. 100% GAY LOVE <3
23. A Fic in which Peggy Carter plays wingwoman because these two idiots are in love with each other but they can’t see it so our Queen needs to throw it at them by @1she1hulk1​ (please note I made this title by myself because I don’t think there was a title LOL @1she1hulk1​ lmk if you want me to change this xD) | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader “the plot is bacially you and Steve go to see Peggy and she tells Steve to finally make his move” Peggy Carter is a fucking Queen and she knows that Steve is falling for you, because he just won’t stop fucking talking about you LOL. Anyways, this is a super cute fic!!!! Please go give it some love because this human being who wrote it doesn’t think she’s a good writer?????? Crazy. 100% FLUFF!!!!
So because this is my first recommendation list on this site, I know I’m definitely missing some amazing fics that I’ve read but never saved (I’m a terrible person I know). So I’m just gonna add them in this list here because they deserve love and attention too!
@wxstedhexrt​‘s poetry. Period. End of story lol. JK. So the ones that I’ve read that are on Destiny’s tumblr aren’t all fandom related (besides the one that I posted above) but they’re still really amazing. I’ve never felt so captured by poems before (mostly because i’m stupid and don’t understand a lot of poetry). Ugh anyways I love her poems so much so please go check them out! CLICK HERE FOR BEAUTY <3
Alright so I know a lot of you guys know @kayteewritessteve​ but if you don’t, she’s this super amazing writer with INCREDIBLE series. (CLICK HERE TO SEE HER FULL MASTERLIST). But one of my most favourite series by her, and one of my favourite series of all time, is: If Only You Knew “You arrive home one day to find a wedding invite for two of your best friends from high school. You knew this day was going to come eventually, but even with that said, you weren’t prepared to return home. At least not after 7 years of avoiding Buckhannon, West Virginia. Or rather, avoiding him; your ex-best friend and the secret love of your life. But maybe it was finally time to face your past, to face him and everything else that happened on that horrible night.”  This 18 (plus an Epilogue) part series will literally have you screaming at your screen being like WHY YALL CANT JUST TELL EACH OTHER HOW YALL FEEL?!?!?!?! 75% angst (because Kaytee likes to hurt us) and 25% fluff BUT the fluff is SOOOOO worth it so it’s like 100% angst and 200% fluff (i was never a mathlete). NOW since, we’re on the topic of Kaytee’s writing, I’d also like to mention: Love and War  “In a harsh medieval world, you set out on a perilous quest that will lead you onto a forbidden land. A land ruled and controlled by a ruthless Warlord King, one who does not look favourably upon trespassers of any kind, and punishes all with an iron fist. You may not know exactly where this quest will end, but what you do know is you will forever be altered by it. And that knowledge alone is what truly terrifies you the most.” so I read this while Kaytee was writing it about a year ago and holllyyyyyy shit. Okay. So. Listen. Fantasy? Check. Romance? Check. Amazing writing? Well it’s Kaytee so yea obviously check. I want to list more things but I don’t want to give it away! This is a 15 part series (plus an Epilogue and Outro) but it goes by so quickly once you’re stuck and waiting for more!!!! 
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