#the whole men are bad women are victims thing needs to stop rly.
everythingsinred · 1 year
can we PLEASE stop tolerating the "god forbid women do anything" jokes when it comes to ACTUAL nonfictional atrocities. its not funny when youre talking abt real life murder, abuse, and exploitation and im tired of seeing it
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swatato · 4 years
They claim Blake slapping Sun hard in the face was a miscommunication. It was meant to be a more playful shoulder slap. But if that was the case why did they make her slap him again two times with greater force later? It's like they realized they made a mistake and double downed on it later despite making no sense at all?
Omfg the damn slapping in volume 4...god
Yeah I heard that Miles had explained how the slapping was an animation error due to miscommunication between the writers and the animators in a director’s commentary or smth but...it just sounds too convenient ngl. To save themselves from criticism once ppl called them out on it. I’ve never produced a show or animated one and ik its a huge and difficult project but i mean you’d think that 4 volumes into the show they’d have basic communication within the team down?? I guess I can see how “have blake give sun a silly tsundere smack on the shoulder” transformed into the lol sO FunNy slow-mo face slap the first time but idk what the excuse is for “and then have her dO IT AGAIN EXCEPT TWICE THIS TIME AND HAVE HER REACH HER ENTIRE ARM ALL THE WAY BACK WHILE SHE BERATES HIM-AND BE SURE TO SHOW SUN HISSING IN PAIN :)” like I-??? Did the miscommunication happen twice?? Also even if the slapping was not meant to be there it still would of had to have gotten the okay by any editors/miles himself (unless they dont look over the episodes before they get released??) to end up in the final product so no sIT DOWN.
Idrc about the show as much anymore, but what Im mad at is the way so many in the fndm defend this scene, and actively dismiss male abuse/suffering besides Sun’s in the show (but thats a whole seperate rant and others have already talked about it but ill elaborate if anyone cares) and honestly tumblr as a whole does this to irl male suffering.
Slapping sun was completely uncalled for. Blake had absolutely ZERO right to slap Sun like that and hes the LAST person to deserve it period. Nobody can ever just slap someone because they made them mAd. Idc. Its abusive. The double slap was not shown to be comical in the way tsundere types wack guys in anime. Her first slap was meant to be comedic (even though that slap was also totally unwarranted and not funny at all what the hell Blake) due to Sun’s lol slowmode reaction, but the slap and backhand later on are almost cruel. Blake’s goal was purely to harm him in that scene, and she had him hissing in pain. It was so jarring and uncomfortable to watch because Blake was already being ridiculous, but we’ve been shown these two becoming FRIENDS and FLIRTING and BONDING before this. Where tf is this rage coming from? Some clowns rly say “OH but nora got to slap ren so why is that fine?” Because the tone is COMPLETELY different; nora wanted to stop ren from losing himself to his grief/anger and getting himself hurt, not harm him herself. I hate how so many people were like “He iNterrupTed their conVersation >>::[[ its bAd MannErs >;((“ wtf??? Are yall children??? Some ppl out here have terrible double standards for getting ready to crucify any male character for anything but turn around and DEFEND the problematic and abusive shit raven, cinder, salem blake, coco, yang and ilia pull just because theyre hot women and ✨WoMen cAn Do no wrOng✨. Im 100% all for crucifying garbage guys who deserve it, but I just want the same energy towards women when they’re acting like trash as well. Women can be abusers, and men can be victims, and tumblr needs to quit dismissing male suffering.
If they really needed Blake to lose her crap, then thats fine. It shows the severity of how far blake was spiriling due to her depression. Its good because it delves into Blakes head, guilt, core flaws, and depicts the complexity of how the abused become abusers. But none of that excuses her actions, it just lets us know why shes acting that way. Its fine as long as, afterwards, they have Blake show some REMORSE and face some damn CONCEQUENCES for once, but she doesn’t!! Sun tells her to quit pushing her friends away and all is well in the world. She never apologizes, sun never calls her out on it, and the fndm celebrates it.
The whole thing just looks worse cuz later on Kali intrudes on Blake the EXACT SAME WAY but this time its absolutely fine and its just Lmao silly ol kali
She did acknowledge that Sun helped her a whole lot and thanked him a few times. She said how she was gonna apply his message of being there for a friend in order to help ilia, and that was good, but idk its just not the same as her confronting sun and saying “Hey. Im sorry for how I treated you. I was wrong and you didn’t deserve it”
Im not even gonna start with the whole B-buT He sTaLked Her!! ;(( bs
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