#the whole freshman wing concept did not work out
emilylawsons · 4 months
Closing day for staff at school today. Interview this afternoon. Despite the whiplash of doing a complete 180 mentally in less than a week, I’m feeling pretty good.
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everybodyscupoftea · 4 years
hockey!jj: road to the nhl
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the ncaa and the stress of being an nhl prospect
@sunnypogue​​ and i are back at it folks - and with this, we’ve finally established all of jj’s backstory
(the next thing we’re working on is the masterlist linking all of our hockey!jj and coho!rafe content - we’re posting on both of our blogs and @sunnypogue​ has a ton of coho!rafe stuff written already for you to catch up on his backstory)
warnings: cursing
Ward knew the Major-Junior leagues were a great opportunity and that they funneled players straight into the NHL - JJ’s end goal
The OHL came knocking as soon as JJ was draft eligible, but the idea of leaving the outer banks during high school to move somewhere way up north to play with even richer kids than he already did was intimidating to him
Then Rafe started looking at college hockey and opened the ncaa option to JJ, which he much preferred
As soon as Ward learned that JJ was considering college hockey, he started contacting coaches from the top hockey schools in the nation
Ward had a whole whiteboard full of schools and corresponding contacts posted up in his office
He sent out JJ’s highlight tape to any D1 school he could get in touch with
(JJ was oblivious - just playin’ hockey & working at the mechanics in his free time)
Actually, outside of playing hockey, JJ had very little to do with the process
Ward would send the emails, field the calls, etc.
Ward even accompanied him on a few recruiting trips, asking all the right questions.
(Did Ward miss one of Rafe’s games to attend the BU recruiting trip? Yes.)
And it paid off - JJ had a lot of college offers from some really good schools
Most of which JJ had no idea existed - Quinnipac? Northeastern? Clarkson?
Of course, there were a few he recognized - Michigan, BU, Denver
(tbh his favorite was Arizona State, but Ward refused because - “what kind of hockey did they play on the West Coast?”)
(JJ imagined it was similar to the hockey they played in North Carolina, but kept his mouth shut - for once.)
After much debate, he decided to attend University of North Dakota
JJ had grown up watching Toews & Oshie college highlights - he couldn’t help but have a soft spot for the school
Plus, the concept of living in North Dakota was hilarious to him
Ward moved JJ in mid-June, sticking around for an additional week to “keep an eye on him”
Despite Ward practically adopting JJ, he still didn’t really trust him
JJ caught Ward hovering at his practices, chatting up the coaching staff, the Athletic Director, his RA - JJ could only imagine what Ward was instructing them to do.
JJ dealt with it the way he dealt with most Ward-related things - he put his head down and played hockey.
JJ’s birthday was mid-September, so he had the luxury of being able to enroll at UND without worrying about the upcoming draft - he wasn’t eligible for another year.
UND was great, the guys were really nice and it was like a fresh start for him - no Ward, no Luke.
No one knew he was just a poor kid from some beach town on the Atlantic Coast with a deadbeat dad - he was “just JJ”
Road trips were his favorite - he’d never really gotten to travel in this region of the US before
He loved the bus rides with his teammates - even the early morning ones.
Plus, his teammates actually LIKED him - unlike his travel team back in NC, who never really embraced him as “one of their own”
(Ward said they were jealous - JJ knew better.)
The team was significantly more laidback than his travel team - despite being one of the best teams in the country
Most of the guys weren’t actively trying for the NHL and were a lot more chill which helped his nerves
Some of the older guys were already drafted, allowed to return back to UND for a year or two before joining their respective clubs
They took JJ under their wing, recognizing his talent immediately
They were always willing to hang around after practice, offering an opportunity for JJ to get a couple more drills in, or hit the gym with him a little extra.
They were full of advice for what to do and what not to do as a prospect
One thing they all advised? Attend the combine
JJ got an invite, late his freshman year, opting to attend despite being pretty unknown.
No one was really talking about him, this scrappy kid from North Carolina, who somehow got a full ride to UND.
He had a pretty impressive combine despite being on the smaller side; the physical testing went well, even though he almost threw up after the Wingate Test
(The kid before him puked twice)
The team interviews were harder, he was unfamiliar with it, unlike the junior hockey boys, his only experience coming from meeting with college coaches
JJ definitely said the Wrong Thing more than once
Ward had always handled the harder questions, the harder conversations - suddenly JJ was getting asked about his attitude issues, what he thought about legalizing marijuana, what he would do if there was a 25 foot python in a room with him - JJ was LOST.
(Also if he got ONE MORE question about his size, he was going to Lose It.)
He felt really alienated because they all seemed to know each other; it was like an exclusive clique.
Thankfully, one of his older teammates from UND was there too - they stuck together despite not really being good friends.
Somehow, he survived the combine (even after he snarked off in an interview when they questioned him about his height - JJ aptly responded with a ���well, I’m taller than you, aren’t I?”)
Ward did not like that one.
His prospect status grew. Teams were very interested in him and he got on the media’s radar. Analysts predicted him going late first round, early second even.
Some of his UND teammates got wind of his newfound popularity and googled his name + elite prospects to check out his page
JJ was a little astounded to see how in depth they’d gone on his stats and a little embarrassed by all the teasing, but it was never mean-spirited
Kinda helped him feel like one of the guys which was unfamiliar after being ostracized in his younger years for not having the same economic status
JJ felt a little sick when he entered the draft.
He had been having a recurring dream where he attended the first and second rounds, only to not get picked at all, left sitting in the stands, desperately waiting to hear his name.
Deep down he knew he’d get selected by someone, but there was the inherent fear that teams hated him and would pass on him.
What if he didn’t get picked at all?
Of course, several teams were interested in him - he had a great freshman year, an excellent showing in the Frozen Four (UND lost in the semis, but JJ really put the team on his back), and his name was popping up all over Twitter as a “sleeper first round pick”
He had been in contact with scouts from Philadelphia, Columbus, Nashville and Dallas - he knew they were interested.
Ward regularly kept up with JJ, checking in to make sure his grades were good and he was getting his workouts in to stay in top form for the draft.
“Scouts are going to start attending your games, if they haven’t already.”
“They’ve even popped up at a few of Rafe’s games - they’ll be at yours.”
(That’s how JJ found out Rafe was interested in trying out for the Canes after graduation)
JJ felt stupid, but he was really praying Carolina wasn’t interested in him - he’d rather go undrafted than end up on a team with Rafe again
Hell, he was hoping they wouldn’t be in the same division, much less the same conference - the less he saw of Rafe, the better.
Silly boy thought he’d be in the AHL
JJ didn’t attend the draft because he wasn’t predicted to go super early (also, you know - the nightmares)
He ended up staying in North Dakota to keep practicing and working out with some of his teammates who stuck around
The night of the first round, the group of them ordered food and hung out in one of the boys apartments to watch together. JJ was pretty sure he wouldn’t go in the first round, but his curiosity won out.
He sat in a corner chair, staring blankly at his hands the majority of the evening, too nervous to really even watch
To his surprise, his name was called late in the first round, the Dallas Stars using the 28th pick on him.
(JJ was pretty dejected at this point - Philly and Nashville had passed him up, despite showing a ton of interest earlier in the week)
He was struck still and wordless, barely registering the boys jumping up and down, shaking him, and screaming all around him
“Fuck, dude, you get to play with Seguin and Benn”
Soon after the first round ended, the Stars GM called and he put it on speaker to talk to him
“We love your game, son, we feel you’ll be a good fit for our team. I’m calling to invite you to prospect camp this year, we want the opportunity to see what you can really do. Can’t wait to see you in a Stars uniform.”
Ward called him next, already talking about getting JJ an agent and flight details to get down to Dallas for camp. It was all a blur, and the fluttering in JJ’s stomach got stronger as he realized he’d really made it.
Well, almost made it.
Prospect camp was insane. He felt like he barely slept, it was just eating, media, and hockey. The facilities were amazing and the other guys were so talented.
The competitive atmosphere was nothing like he’d ever felt before, and he thrived, consistently rising to the challenge.
Everyone wanted an invite to training camp, but spots were limited.
The practices were on another level - JJ was bone tired the whole week, body aching from the constant skating & checking.
Scrimmages were fun - JJ loved playing with guys outside the NCAA, enjoying the challenge that came with playing with talented, older prospects.
At the end, he got an invite to training camp
Playing with actual NHLers, some that he’d even grown up watching, was insane.
He was legitimately starstruck when Joe Pavelski checked him into the boards during a practice scrimmage - it took him a couple of seconds to recover.
JJ was the youngest at training camp by far - living out of a suitcase in a random Dallas hotel, trying to figure out whether he needed to re-enroll at UND or not, fielding daily calls from Ward - it was stressful.
(And apparently, his stress was palpable, because the next day, after practice, Tyler Seguin smacked him on the head, demanding that he meet him for dinner that night at Nick & Sam’s)
(JJ did not know what the fuck Nick & Sam’s was, but he figured it out)
Tyler sat JJ down, ordered him a big ol’ steak, & told JJ to tell him what was on his mind because “you’ve been looking constipated for about a week, now.”
JJ just...unloads on him. Tells him everything he’s stressed about - leaving school, moving to Dallas, whether he’s actually good enough to stay on NHL roster - he’s nearly panting by the time he’s done talking.
Tyler, shockingly, is an excellent listener. He offers advice about signing a contract & reassures JJ that he’s talented (“dude, you’re not going down to Austin. They’d be insane.”).
They also discuss the merits of maybe playing an extra season of NCAA before committing fully to the NHL because he was young and it was intimidating
Tyler gave his perspective and mistakes he made as a bit of a warning to starting too young
If anything, the dinner made JJ more confused about his future - would he fuck everything up if he waited another year? What if he got injured at UND, and never actually made the NHL?
He didn’t sleep that night - or the night after.
Ultimately, Ward ended up deciding for him, pushing him into signing an ELC & leaving UND.
“At least you’re guaranteed some money, son. That’s gotta be enough inspiration.”
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Roman Reigns x OC: highschool! AU
Request for anon
A/N: Oh lord hello. Okay I know I’ve been dead but I’m back and this is only chapter one! I promise it gets better after this. I tried a thing so bear with me please. Anyway. Enjoy chapter one of Caveman :)
Word count: 5050+
Warnings: angst and swears
Tags: @jenn0755 @zappyzoodle @disturbthepearls @lost-in-the-stories @lithesxx @racingandreigns @rocketgirl2410 @vebner37 @therianfurry46 @littlelunaticfringe @finnbalorlover21 @winged-time-criminal @mrsnegan25 @xfirespritex @wefunloveruniverse @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk
Everyone had the same answer if you asked them to describe Roman Reigns. Athletic, but stupid. Popular, but alone. Girls thought he was hot, but they were scared of him. He’s a giant. A 6’3”, 200-something pound monster who plays football and lacrosse and is known to be extremely violent. They say he has no concept of other people’s pain. He’s dumb as a brick wall and doesn’t know his own strength. A mindless soldier, who’s getting into college on a sports scholarship.
But that’s what everyone said. I just had a really hard time believing it. Sure, I’ve seen him play football and lacrosse. I go to all the games, I take the pictures for the yearbook. But even if I didn’t have to go to all the games, I’d still go. I watch Roman play. He racks up a lot of penalties per game, but it’s because his coach only tells him to hit whoever gets in the way. And he hits hard. I just had a feeling that there was no way Roman could only be what everyone says he is.
I kept my distance from him though. I smiled in the hall and sent him the pictures of him that I took. I kept to myself though, I didn’t want to ever give up how madly in love with him I was. He didn't seem to be distracted by girls though. I would hear his father screaming at him from the sidelines, he would never allow Roman to have a girlfriend while he was in season. I wasn’t trying to be his girlfriend, I was just crushing on him. Hard. I had been since middle school.
And I was very good at keeping my distance these past few years. Until the first day of our senior year, he approached me in the hall. It was the first time I had seen real emotion in his grey eyes. I saw fear.
“Lindsey.” He began as I paused my music and pulled my headphones out. “I need your help.” I nodded for him to continue. I didn’t talk much, to anyone. “I need a tutor, bad. You have straight A’s right?” His voice was desperate.
“You want me to tutor you?” He nodded his head and put on a hopeful grin. It melted me right away and I said yes. I knew it was a bad idea, but he intrigued me. I’d learn more about him this way I guess.  
He explained to me that his low math grades would keep him out of his senior year football season. I nodded along but I didn’t really believe him. Mr. Ruiz was the athletic director at Lakeside High School and all he cared about was football and boys lacrosse. Both sports Roman played and had varsity spots in as a freshman. I didn’t believe that with such a biased program, anyone would ever tell Roman Reigns he couldn’t play. But I didn’t question him. I simply told him that I could tutor him during lunch or after school. He asked me this on a Wednesday and we worked out that we’d start next week.
I went into my study hall that day bubblier than I should’ve been on the first day of school. My best friend Baron was sitting at a desk in the back and I skipped over to him. Baron had been one of my best friends since we were little. He was my first friend in elementary school and we’ve stayed close through high school. We’re even going to prom together. Not because we like each other, but because we made a pact. We mutually hate almost everyone else in our grade so we’re gonna go together, as friends. But prom is in June and it’s September so that didn’t matter too much.
“You’re kidding right?” Baron said. His voice lacked the enthusiasm I thought he’d have for me. “You’re gonna tutor that caveman?”
I kinda just stared at him for a little. His words shocked me. Baron has always made fun of me for having a crush on Roman. He always found it funny that I would like someone so dumb. But despite the teasing, Baron was my best friend. And he knew that ever since 6th grade I’ve had a crush on Roman. After a long silence on my part, I spoke up. “Are you not happy for me?”
“Happy for you? Lindsey, I’m gonna start planning your funeral.” I didn’t respond. I just scrunched my nose. “He’s gonna get mad about math or something else he can’t understand and take it out on you. To him, everyone is just someone he can hit. Look I know you can hold your own, but you can’t against him.”
What the hell is he talking about? Is he really scared for my well being? I’m tutoring someone, not going into boxing. I didn’t argue with him. I didn’t want to get into a fight with my best friend over a boy I’m tutoring. So I agreed with him. I told him he was right and I told him that I’d tell Roman to find another tutor.
Except, I didn’t agree. And I didn’t tell Roman.
The rest of the week went by normally; ice breakers, class syllabuses, and basic assignments to get you into the swing of things. I blatantly lied to Baron though. He thinks I’m not tutoring Roman. Luckily, Baron doesn't have lunch when Roman and I do and I’ll just have to keep my composure in study hall.
Friday night came quickly and Lakeside had its first football game. Roman played but rumors went around the bleachers that he wasn’t supposed to. There were also rumors that he had a tutor so he’ll be able to play. Nobody knew that tutor was me, so everything was fine.
The weekend flew by quickly and I got a text from Roman after 3rd period on Monday. Can we study in the library today at lunch? I texted back yes and watched the clock as I got closer and closer to 6th period.
The bell signalling the end of 5th period finally rang and I practically jumped out of my seat. I get to spend a whole period alone… with Roman Reigns, the most gorgeous boy in school. Despite me wanting to sprint, I walked as slowly as I could to the library. I wanted him to get there first.
When I got there he was sitting at a back table in the corner, devouring a sandwich. I smiled and walked over to him. He looked up from his sandwich and smiled with a closed mouth. He waved me over and finished chewing before I sat down. “Hey, sorry about the library. I won’t be able to focus in the cafeteria. All the football guys are kinda on my ass about the whole tutor thing.” I think that was the most I’ve ever heard him speak. His voice was extremely quiet, despite screaming on the football field. I guess he was just shy in school because he wasn’t comfortable.
“It’s no problem, so, what are we doing?” I asked with a smile. I got the feeling that everyone who had spread and believed those rumors about him had never actually spoken to him.
“Uh, we’re graphing functions… I think.” I knew that’s what he was doing. I took pre-calculus last year when I was a junior. I saved all my notes and everything from that class. Roman pulled out his folder and opened to the notes he took. They were probably the worst notes I had ever seen. I didn’t want to change his whole system though so I got my notes out from last year and opened to the first section: graphing functions.
The 45 minute lunch period went by quickly, but Roman was able to semi-understand what happened in class today and get his homework done.
A week went by and nothing changed. During 6th period we’d sit alone together and I’d help him and that was the only interaction we ever had. I’d see him in the hallway and make eye contact with him but I never got anything from him. No smile, no nod, no acknowledgement. I didn’t really mind too much though. It's not like I was expecting a high school rom-com.
Okay… maybe I wanted that… but I knew it wasn’t gonna happen.
Roman had a quiz on Friday and if he failed it, he wouldn’t play in his game that night. That was the system Roman’s math teacher worked out with Mr. Ruiz. If he fails a test, he can’t play in the game that comes after it. It was an odd system but I didn’t want to put my nose where it didn’t belong, so I didn’t ask.
I waited with Roman in the hallway after his first math quiz, his teacher handed him his test with a frown. Originally, I thought the frown meant that Roman failed but when I looked at his grade I saw a 78. A 78 was a C, he passed. Why was the teacher frowning? And why did he look so pissed off when he handed Roman his test?
I quickly forgot about his teacher’s face when I felt Roman’s warm hand on my shoulder. “Thanks for helping me pass. I’ll see you at the game. We’re playing Shoreview. It’s gonna be a good game, you’ll get some good pictures.” His hand fell from my shoulder and his fingers brushed my arms, leaving goosebumps in their path. And with that, we went our separate ways.   
This week, the rumors about Roman and his tutor still swirled, except this time, I was included.
“I heard Lindsey is his tutor…”
“Nuh uh, she isn’t just his tutor…”
“He definitely fucks her…”     
“I’d fuck him…”
“I don't understand how she isn’t afraid of him…”
“I think he’s terrifying…”
“Everyone thinks he’s terrifying…”
“Lindsey doesn't…”
“I see them at the library every day during lunch…”
“I’ve seen them make out under the stairs…”
I rolled my eyes, everyone was so stupid. It was almost like they wanted me to hear them. But thank god Baron wasn’t at this game. He would’ve been pissed. And okay, I knew Baron was gonna find out eventually, but I just didn't want to tell him yet. I knew he’d get mad and I didn't feel like dealing with that.
This Friday’s game was great too. Roman played incredibly and it was pretty apparent that he was needed on the team. I was starting to see why he wanted a tutor so badly. I was also starting to see how much I was letting my “little crush” affect me. As I was going back through the pictures I took of that game all I could see was number 96. 80% of my pictures were of Roman. I felt so stupid. I was so caught up with watching him play I only took pictures of him. Obviously, other players were in them, but in most of them, he was centered.
I sent the photos out anyway, but I didn't send Roman every single one of the photos I took. I couldn't, there were too many.
The weekend flew by like usual and I was back in school. Monday morning was boring but after school got exciting. I heard the buzz in 4th period, apparently there was a fight in the hallway. One kid got his ass kicked and other got suspended. Roman was the kid who got suspended. I heard that the other kid was talking shit about him and he kicked his ass before getting pulled off of him by a gym teacher. Roman went straight to the principal’s office and got suspended for 3 days.
Almost exactly as the bell to end fourth period rang, I got a text from Roman. Hey Lindsey can we study at your house tonight? I got suspended. I wasn’t surprised, I had already heard the rumors. Yeah I heard, what happened? And yeah no problem. You can come at 6. My phone buzzed again with Roman’s explanation. This dumbass junior was talking shit. Kinda lost my temper I guess. I scoffed, yeah kinda.
I was walking to study hall and I saw Baron smiling to himself while going through his phone. “What are you all smiley about?” I asked once finally reaching his desk.
Baron looked up from his phone and smirked at me. “Your caveman got suspended today. He got into a fight with an underclassmen.” I rolled my eyes, why was he so happy that Roman got suspended? “Aren’t you glad you don’t tutor him? He could have beaten the shit out of you.” I didn’t argue, I just nodded my head. Telling Baron that I knew Roman would never hit me probably wouldn’t do anything positive for the situation, so I kept my mouth shut.
As the day dragged on, the rumors about Roman got worse. First, he beat up a junior for talking shit. Then it was a sophomore for being an asshole. But as people got increasingly more bored, the rumor made Roman look worse and worse. By the end of the day Roman had apparently beaten a freshman that got lost to a pulp. They said that the freshman got beaten so bad that the staff couldn't even recognize who he was. I rolled my eyes upon hearing all of these. Roman told me what happened, but I couldn’t argue anyone so I didn’t.
At 6:03, my doorbell rang. Something about this made my heart race. I don’t know why I cared so much about this. Roman Reigns is a complete dipshit. I had no idea why should I care about him but I did. Roman didn’t seem to be as eager as I was about this. I had a smile on my face when I opened the door, but seeing his stoic expression made my face straighten.
“Hey Roman.” My voice was light and happy. Roman’s voice was deep and monotonous. He did not sound happy to be here. “So what are we doing tonight?” I asked, leading him to the kitchen.
“I don’t know. pre-calc?” He sounded incredibly pissed off. Almost like if someone broke is pencil he’d flip his shit.
“Pre-calculus? Like everything we’ve done so far?” My voice dropped out when I saw his face. He was serious. He didn’t really understand pre-calculus.
“Yes. Lindsey.” I couldn’t help but stare at him, I couldn't believe how anyone could be so dumb, I’ve been tutoring him for two weeks now and he hasn’t retained anything. “What. You think it’s funny? I’ve had a tutor for weeks now and I’m still failing!”
“Well, Roman you have to try. You can’t expect to magically get good grades just because you have a tutor now.” I said sitting down at the kitchen table.
“Well that’s what happens with all the other guys.” Roman was mumbling. I raised my eyebrows at him.
Roman rolled his eyes at me. How does she not know? “Every other guy on the team who needed a tutor picked someone who would do the work for them.” I creased my eyebrows. “C'mon you’re smart. How do you not know this?” His tone of voice was snappy.
“Well I figured you cared about your grades.” I was starting to see why he chose me. Did he think I would do it because I like him?
“I don’t give a shit about my grades, Lindsey. I wanna play football. And I can’t. I still can’t. Cause you haven’t helped.” Roman still hasn’t sat down.
“What is your definition of helping?” I asked, my voice raised.
“Do the work for me. Help me cheat. C’mon you got a crush on me don't you?” He seemed unphased. Like the words spilling from his mouth weren’t wrong.
“You’re kidding.” I said. I stood up and walked around the kitchen table. “You really think that I’m one of those spineless girls who will do favors for you because you’re an attractive football player? I could be doing anything else but I’m here trying to help you, not because I have a crush on you, but because I thought you needed help.” I was moving towards him as I spoke. He still didn’t seem phased. At all.
“This isn’t a favor for a friend. We aren’t friends, Roman. We’ve barely spoken before this year and you’re still a dick. You ask me for my help and I genuinely wanted to help you. Now you come to me saying ‘oh I’m too stupid to do this so can you?’ You have a person who understands the topic and is good at teaching it and you still can’t do jack shit.” I was now standing face-to-face (more like face-to-chest) with Roman. I tried my best to be assertive, but it was difficult. He stood 8 inches above me and he was a hell of a lot bigger. Roman’s broad shoulders, his dark hair and features paired with his size made him look intimidating. I tried to stay strong though.
Roman looked down at me with a smirk. “What are you gonna do? Not tutor me? There goes your extra credit.”
I laughed, I didn’t mean to laugh, but I did. “You seriously didn’t just say that. You really just threatened me? Try to use that brain of yours and tell me, do you really think I need that extra credit? Take your time now, I wouldn’t want you blowing a fuse up there.”
“You wouldn’t not tutor me.” He said smugly. He was so stupid.
“You’re sure?” I smiled sweetly. I could feel my blood boiling.
“Certain.” His smirk made me want to punch him in the face. Idiot. I pushed myself away from him and walked towards the door. “What are you doing?”
“I’m not tutoring you. You’re a fucking idiot who doesn’t deserve my time.” I undid the top lock on the front door, not breaking eye contact with Roman.
“Without me, the school will barely have a team.” He was threatening me. Seriously.
“You think I give a shit about our school’s football team?” I opened the bottom lock. “You think I’ll be sad to see you fail? It’ll be great to see reality punch you in the face” I turned the doorknob. “You’re an egotistical douchebag and you don’t deserve me or my time at all!”
“You’re attracted to me.” He paced towards me. The smirk on his face was so hot and so fucking annoying at the same time. I hoped he couldn't tell how overwhelmed I was. 
“Don’t fucking flatter yourself, caveman. You ain’t shit.” God I prayed I wasn’t blushing. I would die if he knew. He’s a complete douchebag and the single most vain, egotistical, stubborn... muscular, gorgeous, convincing, hypnotizing, perfect… what the fuck? Where am I? He noticed I was trailing off, he got closer, he smelled wonderful. “Ugh Roman get out!” I pressed my hands to his chest and shoved as I yelled. Holy shit he was muscular. Ugh, Lindsey, pull yourself together!
I slammed the door on him and pressed my back against the closed door. I felt something sinking in my gut. I was feeling disappointment. I don’t know maybe I just hoped- I hoped. I’m just as much of an idiot as he is.
A week passed. I haven’t spoken to or even seen Roman since that night. He failed his math quiz on Wednesday and he sat the bench during that Friday night’s football game. The rumors swirled around the bleachers.
“I heard he cheated on her…”
“I heard she flipped on him for no reason…”
“That’s what I heard…”
“I heard he hit her...”
“I heard she got a restraining order…”
I didn’t answer to anyone’s whispers. I was too busy looking at Roman on the bench. I saw his face, he looked miserable. I felt guilty but I quickly shook it off. He chose me because he thought I was a stupid girl with a crush who would do his work for him. He deserves to be on the bench. Unsurprisingly, Lakeside didn’t win that game. Our QB got sacked multiple times and we just didn't have the intensity and strength that we needed. It probably would've been different if Roman was playing. He knew it. The team knew it. Everyone knew it.
We made eye contact after the game. He looked sorry but I didn’t care. I looked at him with a smirk and shrugged my shoulders. I saw his face get angry. He walked away from the bench and walked quickly towards me.
He shoved through the remaining cheerleaders and stood at the fence.
I spoke before he could. “How was the bench, caveman?” I asked raising my eyebrows.
“Fuck you.” He said. His voice was loud, not many people were left. Most of the students left before the game ended.
I had an evil smirk on my face. “Geez, I was just asking a question.” I put my hands up in defense. I turned away from him and began walking to the parking lot. I didn’t have any car to go to, I just wanted to walk away.
“Lindsey!” His voice was even louder than before. I turned around to see him jogging towards me, he was fuming.
“What’s up, Roman? Was the wording of my question too hard for you to understand?” My voice dripping with sarcasm and fake concern.
“You’re a pretentious cunt, you know that.” His tone was icy and his words seemed to bite me. “A fucking bitch with a stick so far up her ass-” his words cut off as my hand slapped him across the cheek.
What nerve he had saying that shit to me? He used me and I’m the cunt? Dickhead. I didn’t know what was going through my head other than that I hated him. My face was furious and I drew my hand backwards. I felt absolutely no control in my body and I slapped him. Hard. Everything happened so fast and I had no clue what I was doing until it was too late.
My eyes widened and I slapped my hand over my mouth. His head barely moved, he just stared into my soul with cold, grey eyes. I lost my angry demeanor and felt fear rise from my gut.
“Roman.” I didn’t even know what to say. Despite what everyone said, in the two weeks I tutored him I had never once thought he was going to hurt me. But in this moment, I was convinced he was gonna beat the shit out of me.
I saw him smile and lick his lips. I backed up until I felt my back hit a wall. Roman put his large hands on both sides of me. He leaned more of his weight on his arms, his eyes still looked dead and I was getting increasingly more scared.
I closed my eyes and braced myself against the wall. I wasn’t expecting a punch or kick or anything but I was expecting to get hurt. Except I didn’t feel anything, maybe I was already dead. I peaked out of a half closed eye after a few long seconds then opened both my eyes completely, Roman was gone. I saw him trudging across the turf.
Roman realized what he was doing before his hand made contact with me. I didn’t notice him sigh and drop his hands to his sides before turning and walking up to the locker room. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. Dude, what the fuck? I almost hit her! She’s a girl and I almost hit her! She gives up her time for my sorry ass and I called her a cunt. I deserved that fucking slap. Fuck. He was also beginning to figure out that he was gonna need a tutor still, and that I was one of the few people willing to tutor him.
I turned to the parking lot and noticed Baron’s car in the lot. Oh shit. As I walked closer I noticed he was standing outside the door. “Lindsey what the fuck was that?” He was not happy.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, hoping to steer the conversation in a different direction.
“I wanted to make sure you had a ride home. Now answer me, what the hell was that. Why was Roman about to kill you?”
“I don’t… I don’t know.” I said. My answer seemed to piss Baron off.
“What the hell does that mean?” He snapped. I wasn’t expecting him to snap at me.
“I don’t know. I literally thought he was gonna hit me, but he walked away.”
“No Lindsey I saw that. I saw everything. Why was he there. Why are you even talking to him?” He was asking but I had a feeling that he knew.
“Well, I might be tutoring him.” I said quickly and quietly. Baron stopped short and I smacked my nose on my knee. “Ow Baron, what the fuck.”
“You’re tutoring him?!” Baron yelled. “Even after what I said!” My mind raced and my heart was still pounding after being convinced I was gonna get beaten by Roman Reigns. It was definitely not pounding because he was so close. That's totally not it.
Okay… maybe that was a part of it. But just a part.
Baron didn’t talk to me the rest of the way home and he didn't come inside when he dropped me off. He told me he didn’t want to see me tonight then drove off.
A few minutes later, I heard a knock at the front door. I figured it was Baron but then I realized that Baron doesn’t knock anymore. I got up from my spot on the couch and opened the door.
Dude. Leave. This is so weird. She probably isn't even home. No. I can’t sit out of another game. This was the worst night of my life.
I felt my stomach flip when I saw him in the doorway. He was still wearing jersey but instead of his football pants he was wearing sweatpants. His long black hair was pulled to the back of his head into a bun. His hair wasn’t as perfect as usual, it seemed like he did it in a rush. God, Lindsey, shut up about his hair. 
“What the hell do you want?” I asked. A part of me was happy to see him. A part of me was always happy to see him.
“I wanted to say sorry.” Roman’s voice was quiet and he sounded sincere. But I couldn’t believe him. I wanted to. But I couldn’t.
“Funny.” I said before closing the door. Roman’s hand against the door thudded loudly and he was beyond strong enough to hold it open.
“Gimme a week.” Roman said quickly. “A week… you tutor me and I’ll try and if I don’t get above a C on my tests you don’t ever have to deal with me again. I’ll leave you alone forever.”
I pursed my lips. I knew I was going to agree to his terms. But I didn't want to.
“Please, Lindsey. I know I was an asshole but I didn't pick you because I thought you had a crush on me, I swear. I picked you because you’re nice. I’m an idiot, everyone knows it. People are scared of me, but you aren’t…” he noticed I was trying to close the door again. “Please.” his voice raised and his tone got increasingly more desperate. “I can’t sit out of anymore games. I know you don't care but I really need to play. I wont get into college if I don't. I’ll try to do work I promise.”
Honestly I was gonna let him in a few sentences into his apology, but I wanted to hear what he was gonna say. I groaned and stood aside, letting him walk inside. Relief overtook Roman’s face and his features softened as he walked inside. “Thank you.”
“I haven’t said yes yet. I know what you just said, but you expected me to do all your work. I’m not gonna do that. I’m not an idiot with a crush. I’m not gonna do all your shit. You’re gonna try. And you’re also gonna explain what kind of system you have going right now cause it doesn't make sense. What did you work out with your teacher and Mr. Ruiz about you playing?” I didn't care about being nosy anymore. He pissed me off and I was gonna do whatever I wanted.
“Oh. Well, last year I had the same teacher, Mr Barnes. He hated me last year too. I didn't do any work and I failed a lot of my tests. He was pissed because our school doesn't really enforce the whole “low gpa-no sports” rule, especially with Mr. Ruiz. So this year, on the first day of school, Mr Barnes held me after class and told me that if I don't start doing better in his class I won’t be able to play. I didn't believe him at first but then Mr. Ruiz came in. He looked at me like he was sorry for me, like he thought he disappointed me or something. He explained everything, he’d lose his job if he didn’t enforce the rule, so they compromised. I have to start passing my tests, and if I don’t, I don't play.”
I looked around my living room and I hated myself for thinking the way I was. Everything was normal except for the gorgeous boy on my couch and I felt bad for him. It was Roman’s senior year and football really was his only way into college. I also had the biggest crush on him. I know. I know. I said I wasn’t a “spineless girl who would do favors for an attractive football player” but I kinda was. I didn't want to be. But I couldn't help it. “Fine. I’ll help you. But I’m serious, if I notice you're not trying or I find out you cheated, I’m not tutoring you. I will not do your work and you will not take me for granted. Deal?”
I couldn’t describe Roman’s expression, other than it being the cutest thing I had ever seen. I tried not to melt as he nodded at me. He was staring at me attentively with a grin on his face. I hated myself for giving in so easily. I hated myself for being so pathetic.
He picked me to tutor him because he thought I had a crush on him and I would do his work for him. He called me a cunt. But he came to my house and apologized and I melted at his feet. Ugh. 
I hated Roman Reigns. That caveman is gonna be be the death of me. I swear it.
A/N: okay I know it seems one sided right now but in chapter 2 someone else catches some feelings ;)))
part 2
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samhgooch-blog · 6 years
Freshman Perspective #1: My Top Ten Essential Things to Know Going into the First Semester
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Arguably, starting college can be the biggest transition for anyone in their life. It’s a time where you begin to figure out who you are, what you want, and how you want the next four years of your life to pan out. Sound terrifying yet? What about communal bathrooms, a shared room and no mom or dad to do the laundry? Yeah, don’t worry, I was scared too; Not so much in the sense where I kept myself up at night worrying about how I was going to survive but, terrified in the anxious way that had me packing, double-packing and triple checking the master list (thanks Bed Bath and Beyond) that I had snagged along my shopping adventures to make sure I wasn’t forgetting anything.
I have been very fortunate to attend a university as extremely invested in its students as it is, and I owe a lot of the credit to my school for truly making my transition as seamless as possible. However, there is still a lot that I have learned personally through my own transition to school that I think, going into the first few weeks of anyone’s freshman year, really helps to know! 
If your university is anything like mine, then your first week of school once you initially move in will be nothing but orientation event after orientation event. Personally, I LOVED attending the orientation events because they helped get my mind off of the whole “Oh my god, I’m at college, time to freak out” thought. They also were a GREAT way to meet people; Some of the individuals I had the pleasure of meeting during orientation week ended up in my classes, and ultimately also became some of my best friends throughout the semester! 
Inevitably, you’re bound to want to go to a college party at some point or another. It’s part of the ~experiance~ but please, listen when I say that you do not want to bring your room key into a party on a cute bright pink lanyard. Just don’t do it. Instead, try fastening your room key(s) to a hair tie and wearing it on your wrist or tucking it into your pockets if you don’t want to sport the ~industrial~ style. It’ll be way more accessible and easier to keep an eye on without getting in your way all the time. 
Ok, let’s be real. The first or second week of school is probably not the best time to take on a work-study as you’re still going to be adjusting to the new environment and courses after moving in. However, give it about a month and then begin to check in with your campus career services, business offices, or financial aid about getting a work study. As many of my peers know, I am someone who has to have something to occupy my time or else I spiral into boredom unlike none other, ceased to be aided by Instagram and Pinterest.
Work studies are the perfect alternative to fix that as well as a great opportunity to do some things you might have never thought of. For instance, my work study has no correlation to what my major and potential career will be. However, the experience of doing something I would have never otherwise considered and getting to meet people I otherwise wouldn’t have known is pretty cool! 
Also, to my prospective freshman, you actually do get paid for work studies. 
The first semester will be rough. If you were a student who had to work hard in high school, you will have to work hard in college. If you were a student who did not have to work so hard in high school, you will still have to work hard in college. Everyone works hard because classes are simply harder. 
This was a concept I struggled the most with the first few weeks of school, as I walked out of high school mighty high riding the 4.0 GPA wave, only to then get crushed on my first exam. However, after emailing my professors and going to their office hours, I reaped the benefits more than I ever would have, had I not talked with them. 
Big school or small, your professors are your educators and want you to succeed! Don’t be afraid to reach out to them! 
I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH: GERMS ARE EVERYWHERE. If you think you will not get sick, think again. Carry hand sanitizer with you at all times, keep a bottle of Lysol in your room to spray things down every once in a while, and whatever you do, do not go into the communal bathrooms without shoes on. 
As the infamous Justin Timberlake quoted, “Cry me a River”. 
No seriously though, if we strung together all the breakdowns I’ve had since this semester started, it would be a very high and unsettling number. As I mentioned above, the first couple weeks are hard. It’s a lot of adjusting, a lot of figuring things out, and a lot of ~winging it~. You’re living with someone new, in a new environment, and learning how to do things on your own. It can get overwhelming; if you need to cry, then you freaking cry. There is NOTHING wrong with having a breakdown or 20. It shows you’re human, and that’s pretty amazing! 
If you find that things get too overwhelming, you can always look into the counseling services your school has to offer as well! It is always a great thing to have someone to talk to that isn’t in your immediate circle! 
Even if your campus dining sucks and going to Taco Bell or McDonalds or Wendy’s after-hours will fix your hunger, it does not fix your already broke wallet. Be smart with your money and try and budget the best you can while still having some spending money to go out with your girlfriends! 
If you’re posting pictures on your Instagram that you wouldn’t be comfortable showing your parents or grandparents (in moderation) then maybe you shouldn’t be posting those pictures. A simple rule of thumb: try and be who you know you are. 
It’s college. It’s easy to get caught up in your newfound independence. You want to be the cool one at family reunions on the holidays. Trust me, I GET it. But also let's be real if being the cool one means sacrificing what makes you truly happy and begins to deter you away from who you are becoming, then take a moment to breathe! 
Greek life! Honor societies! Service projects! Anything and everything! If you can do it, then do it! (It’s ok if you can’t either, somethings take time!). They are a great way to get involved with your university, meet new people, and get your mind off of all those daunting papers to write! 
1.  S T U D Y     A L O N E  ! 
A big move. As I go into 2019, with the new semester quickly approaching, it gives me a moment to reflect on my study habits of the previous semester and analyze them. Was I happy in how I ended my courses? What could I have better improved? What did I benefit from the most? 
There are some individuals who benefit from loud distracting environment whenever they study; And then there is me, who gets so distracted instead of writing a thousand-word essay for her composition class, she ends up watching vines and going to taco bell instead. Yeah, not a move. 0/10 do not recommend. 
To anyone who's like me, I suggest individual study in a quiet environment that you enjoy. You will be amazed at how well you do. 
So in conclusion, I hope there has been something in these that you have been able to take away. Just remember: you got this! 
If you have any additions or would like to give me your own tips on how you survive, feel free to message me! I���d love to hear your thoughts! 
Good luck! 
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hyunjin-writes · 7 years
friends to lovers!hyungwon
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so hyungwon as your best friend
somehow people can’t seem to grasp that concept of hyungwon being other than constantly sleepy
i mean, since all other kids in collage ever see him is when he’s in some oversized sweater, bed hair, books messily stuffed in his bag and just trying to pass his tests and all that
you would expect with his looks hyungwon would try to dress up a little
but lmao no he couldn’t care less
he’d appear to class with swollen face and pjs if he could
which happened once and kihyun, his roommate, swore that would be the last time he’d let anything like that happen.
but anyway, you’re hyungwon’s best friend and you guys met,,,, in a quite funny way to begin with
you both were freshman attending some start of school party or whatever
and you were just at the corner nursing your drink, not really wanting to get drunk and just observing others
it’s not a wild party but people are slowly getting drunker and more flirtier
and it’s just not your thing honestly you would rather stay in your room and binge watch friends or sleep or something
but your roommate dragged you out to this party saying it’s the start of a new chapter of life or whatever and you decided that maybe socializing a little wouldn’t do u any harm
only a few hours later you find yourself ready to head home and watch a movie alone
but just as you were about to dump your drink in the trash and leave
a tall shadow loomed over you and a body blocked your way
you look up to find a guy grinning down bashfully at you and.... is he sleepy???
if it was any guy you would have rolled your eyes because you were really not up to any games that night
but something about the way he bites his lips uncertainly or the way his fingers finddles with the end of his sleeves just made you ???what is he up to
so you look up at him and just raise your brows
“hyungwon” he put out his hand for a handshake and you shrugged, guessing no harm done by shaking his hand and telling him your name as well
only as soon as you tell him your name he starts talking - in a whole different language.
he was rambling on and on about something and if it wasn’t the fact that you actually self studied that language a little before you would have mistook him as drunk rambling
hyungwon: is smartly rambling in Portuguese
you: why are you telling me how the honeys are made in portuguese.
hyungwon: ..... huh?
you could clearly tell that hyungwon himself doesn’t know half of what he’s talking back so you stiffle back a laugh and said: I studied that language before, you know.
hyungwon: ......oh........
you: you memorized that, didn’t you.
hyungwon: w-wha- i- nO! no i- ...............ok maybe i did it was part of a dare from my friends
he pointed to a group of 5 boys sitting on the sofa and a few of them are actually already on the floor laughing their asses out
you laughed before waving at his friends only to look back at him “that was convincing, the way you spoke. I would have believed you know what you’re saying if i didn’t know the language already”
“that’s what i’m trying to go for. my friend dare me to act convincing to prove that im really an acting major, you know”
you asked if he’s an acting major because you’re in the film major and hyungwon just goes: well who knows, maybe one day i’ll act in a movie that you’re directing! he joked
and one thing goes to the other, you and hyungwon just started talking more that night and truth be told, you were actually comfortable with hyungwon
he is attractive, with his height and face and all but something about how witty and humourous he is just kind of makes you forget about you being attractted to him and just end up being more comfortable with him
so the night ended up with him walking you home to your dorm because he insisted so since “it’s late and you shouldn’t be walking alone”
you decline at first but he insisted and you figured his company during the walk wouldn’t do any harm either
and you were right
by the next day, when you see him at the campus’ cafe, you two were practically best friends as he jumps towards you with a wide smile before putting his arm around your shoulder and putting his coffee order under yours and made you pay for it too
well, that was freshman year and now it’s your 3rd year in collage and you’re halfway dying with the constant quizzes and assignments to pass in within said dates.
and being a film major just means more because going out to film for things only to realize that you don’t have enough clips while editing?
cues you banging your head on the table
but somehow having hyungwon as your best friend helps you big time especially when you need subjects to film in your short movie projects
so you and hyungwon hardly share classes together but the two of you would always make time to meet up after classes at the library or campus’ cafe or the auditorium when hyungwon have to practices to do
you were done with your last class for the day when you text hyungwon, asking him where is he since you know his class ends earlier before you today
the two of you knows each others’ class schedule by the back of your hand so there’s an unsaid rule between you two: the one with class ending earlier gets to decide the meet up place for the day
and when hyungwon texted you back with a curt “audi.” you knew that he just got a new project and is staying back for extra practices
so you took a detour to the campus’ cafe to buy two drinks - your chocolate milkshake and his favorite coffee before skipping to the empty auditorium
the auditorium was mostly dark but the few lights around the stage guide you to the front of the stage, only for you to find hyungwon sitting on the front row
but he looked slightly stressed out with his head down and his hands holding his head.
hyungwon didn’t even noticed you coming in, eventhough you were certain that when the door creaked it was loud enough considering how the auditorium tends to echo
so you put his drink in the cup holder beside his seat before sitting down on the ground, right beside his leg and put a hand on his knee, and he flinches in surprise
“hey, i bought your favorite.” you said and when hyungwon looked up at you, you realize the distress in his eyes and you just become more alert
hyungwon slides down from his seat to join you on the floor before sipping on his coffee
it was quiet for a few second and when he put down his drink, you immediately grabbed his hand, holding them tightly in yours before searching for his eyes
“is everything okay? did you get a new project or something?” fully knowing how hyungwon tend to overwork and stresses himself out whenever there’s a new work given to him
“they’re doing a christmas play....” he started and you nodded as you patiently wait for him to continue “and it’s big this time, you know. like super big.”
your school’s play always tend to go all out for plays and it’s always amazing so when hyungwon said “super big” you just wonder how much more grand will it get?
he probably see the look in your eyes before continuing : there’s gonna be people from Julliard to come and see this play and they’re gonna be giving out scholarships to finish our major there if we get it
and hearing that you just go all !!!!!hyungwon!!!! ohmygo d and you’re gonna get it right!!!!!!
you’re just so goddamn estatic because Julliard is just so!!!!! and with how hyungwon is just so goddamn talented in acting and all you know!!!! that he need to get that scholarship to spread his wings wider and all that you know
hyungwon can’t help but laughs at your excitement before calming you down “oh god relax just because i get the main lead doesn’t mean i’m gonna get it for sure”
you took a sip of your chocolate drink before going “MMMMMM!!!! no but if Madam L gave you the main lead it means the people from Julliard are gonna be considering you, you know since you’re The Main.”
you were talking animatedly about how the people from Julliard are gonna be Blown Away by his talent when they see him
and hyungwon just sit down there in front of you, with this fond smile on his face as he sees how giddy and excited you get
it’s not even you that could be getting the scholarship but yet you’re still so supportive towards him
and he could feel his heart beating wildly and flutter when you beam and grin at him
how could he not realize how adorable you are before this?
i mean,,, you did caught his attention during that freshman party before but after getting close to you he kind of just developed a habit of pushing away or shrugging it off whenever someone said you’re cute or how you two could be a couple since,,, well,,,, you’re his Best Friend.
,,,,but now that he properly think about it...,,,
“come on, let me see those lines.”
“you need someone to help you rehearse your lines with you, right? Well, I’m here so come on let’s get started!”
shaking his head, hyungwon pushed back the thought that maybe you and him could be More than friends to the very back of his mind and showed you his lines
it’s silly, he thought. they wouldn’t feel the same way
if they did they would have showed some signs,,, or so he thought
so you and him would meet up more often to help him read or rehearse his lines
sometimes it would be in his dorm, or at the auditorium whenever it’s empty
but most of the times it’s at the auditorium
so it’s always just the two of you,,,, in the mostly dark auditorium,,,
but it’s not uncomfortable in any way since you often help him out and that you guys are close enough that you trust each other that the other party wont do anything silly,,,
the thing is,,, hyungwon’s the main character and the play he’s playing is,,, of course,,, centers about romance and you,, well,,,
often had to help him by acting out as the female main character
though you act as if it’s no biggie and you’re not affected in any ways since it’s just acting, you said
but your heart always beat a little bit stronger whenever hyungwon reads the romantic lines or when he steps a little bit closer and look deep into your eyes.....
but you push it away, thinking that you probably just got a bit too into your character
yet you can’t deny the attraction you felt towards hyungwon
i mean, you have always acknowledge your best friend as someone that is good looking
and you’re aware that almost half of the student body in the collage would do anything to be in your place, as his best friend and maybe even more,,
at least that’s what they’re speculating as they often see hyungwon’s arm around your shoulder as he walks you to class,
or him waiting infront of your class sometimes and immediately helping you carry your bag,,
you’ve noticed the way others look and you’re aware how much those actions could be seen as a couple thing,,,
but,,, you know better,,
hyungwon is blunt and would often say things on his mind without hesitation
so when people point out that hyungwon might just like you, you just ????i know him lmao he would have said something if he feel that way
yet again, somewhere deep inside you wished that maybe what others has been saying are true and that maybe, just maybe, your best friend feels the same way for you
and that maybe you could have something more then just this friendship...
so like,,, you keep on helping hyungwon with his lines, eventhough your feelings for him are slowly growing bigger and deeper the more often you help him
you couldn’t help it,, not when you see how passionate and determined he is on rehersing for this play and just so,, hardworking it just makes you so??? why is he so goddamn attractive for :(
whenever you reach certain parts where his character and the female character need to do the kiss as the finale,, your heart kind of drops because wow, he’s gonna be kissing in front of so many people and that person won’t be,,, you
but you kept up your front
when hyungwon realized that they’ve reached the part where he’s supposed to do the kiss,,, he got nervous and a bit giddy too because maybe,, just maybe he’d be able to man up and kiss you,, and confess right after
eventhough it’s not the most ideal way to confess but
throughout the time of you helping him out it just made him realize his true feelings towards you
how you’re so supportive and caring towards his passion and work eventhough you’re not gonna get any benefit from this
how hard you help him practice and read his lines eventhough you have had a full day of classes and you could probably just ditch him to go to sleep but noooo
you stayed until late hours to help him practice
you even came to the rehersals and sit among the empty seats so that you could point out things that maybe he could improve
,,,,the amount of time the thought of wanting to pull you into a hug and smother you with kisses for being so supportive towards him crossed his mind was Countless.
and yet he had to hold himself back every. single. time. because that’s not what best friends do.
so when you and him finally practice the lines for the kissing part, you thought that hyungwon was being in character when you see how nervous he is,, but little did you know
when he pulls you in and closer towards him, you could feel your heart beating wildly when you see his eyes cast down towards your lips
thinking that maybe this is it, maybe you’re gonna have your kiss with him, you close your eyes out of both anticipation and fear
seeing you closing your eyes, hyungwon let out a small smile as he softly run his thumb on your cheek before cupping your cheeks and leans in,,,,
only to stop short when he realize how this is not how he really wants to tell you his true feelings
he wants it to be romantic, to be,,, you know,,, ideal because after all you’ve done for him, he wants his way of confessing to be remembered eventhough you might reject him and his feelings
so he lets out a sigh before bumping his forehead with yours and mutter out “why did you close your eyes for, nerd”
slowly, you open your eyes and you laugh, quite bitterly and mostly towards yourself for expecting that hyungwon might kiss you,,,
pushing away and covering up your thoughts, you playfully glare at hyungwon as he walks away to drink his water
“i was scared that you might kiss me for real, you ass”
“i wouldn’t do that lmao”
you: *gasps and pretend to be offtended* whats that supposed to mean!!!
but eitherway, both you and hyungwon pretended that the almost kiss didn’t happen
and while hyungwon tries to figure out the perfect time and way to properly confess to you, you’re left with thinking that you’re sure hyungwon doesn’t like you Like That
and that maybe you should move on and just get over with your feelings for hyungwon....
but anyways, soon it was d-day for the play and hyungwon’s nervous for the play, but you’re nervous too for him,,
since this is gonna be his Big Break if everything goes well for him and he gets that Julliard scholarship
though you’re gonna miss him if he really gets it and leave, but you know how much this scholarship means to him
so when you go backstage half and hour before the show start, a big flower bouquet in your hands as you look around for hyungwon,
wanting to wish him luck and telling that no matter what happens he’s still gonna be A Star to you,
hyungwon spots you first before you sees him and when he sees you standing there,
the flowers in your arm and looking cuddly with your scarf wrapped around your neck to keep you warm,
hyungwon couldn’t stop himself as he stalks up towards you, holding you by the shoulders and turn you towards him
when you felt pressures on your shoulder, you were close to screaming but when you see hyungwon, you immediately beamed at him
you were about to wish him luck when he suddenly cups your cheeks and just,,,,
kiss you
right there and then
among the busy bustling backstage
you were too caught offguard by the kiss that you didn’t even get the chance to close your eyes when he had already pull away
maybe it’s the nerves speaking but hyungwon mutter out an “i love you”
you blink up at him and as if he just woke up from a dream, his hands immediately drop down from your shoulder and he takes one step back, eyes wide as if he’s scared he’d mess up even more
“i’m so sorry i shouldn’t hav-”
he couldn’t even finish his sentence when you grab him down by the collar and kiss him back,
in which it takes him a while to realize whats going on but when he does,,,
well,,, you can guess the rest,,,
yes, you went back to your seat beside kihyun with rosy cheeks and a smile just never leaving your face
kihyun: omg what took you so long the show is about to st- ,,, ohmygod what happened to you??
you: blushes and just shush him to focus on the play
throughout the play you can’t help but feel your heart flutter wildly when hyungwon steps on the stage
seeing the way he plays his character so damn well and just gets almost everyone in the hall hooked with his acting
it’s not like you’re being biased, but you can clearly tell that the scholarship is his
it would be rigged if it’s not
by the time the play ends, almost everyone in the hall stands up to give him a standing ovation
you immediately ran backstage and as soon as hyungwon spots you
he opens his arm wide and you crashes into his arms immediately
“i’m so so so proud of you!! you did amazing tonight even if you don’t get that scholarship do know that you got my heart and-”
yes,,, hyungwon shuts you up by kissing you again,,
and everyone that’s lurking around backstage notices the two of you and they just,, whoops and whistle
(kihyun, somewhere in the corner of the backstage: took them a while. i was ready to just yell at them to confess any second.)
but at that moment, the two of you were just so caught up with the moment and the feeling of being in each others’ arms, you could hardly care
your first date with hyungwon was the night right after the play, your hands holding his as the two of your walk through the cold winter night to get some hot chocolates.
dating hyungwon,,, is like having nothing much changed from your previous friendship with his
only this time having more kisses and clingy hugs in between
you having to threaten him with no kisses whenever he refuses to let you go when you have classes to attend to
“hyungwon i have classes to go to”
“skip it and spend the morning cuddling with me”
“...sounds tempting but you see, i kind of need to ace this class”
he would get all shy and whiny whenever he sees you wearing his hoodie or sweater when you hang around his dorm
“oh you don’t like it? i can take if off-”
“no no no no” as he pulls you onto the couch and cuddles you
you pinching his cheeks out of nowhere when he speaks
“!!! what was that for!!!”
“i’ve always wanted to do that”
having silly rap battles with him when you go out on karaokes with him and the rest of the boys
jooheon: suddenly my career as a soundcloud rapper is being threathened.
dealing with him dozing off at certain times,,
but like he’s cute when he does that eventhough it’s lowkey annoying sometimes
you caught him singing once and ever since that you always bugged him to sing for you more
always avoids doing it because “go ask kihyun to sing for you instead he sings way better!!!”
“why would i even do that when you’re my boyfriend,,, not kihyun,,,”
his heart melts at that and he ended up singing for you softly when you’re cuddling later that day
suddenly speaking some random foreign language towards you
“Eu te amo muito.”
“...what does that mean.”
“i’m confessing your love in portuguese i thought you learned that language before??”
“...oh lmao that. i lied i only know ‘Olá’ ,,,,”
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potentiality-26 · 7 years
11 questions meme
1. always post the rules. 2. answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. write 11 questions of your own and tag 11 (or however many) people to answer them.
I was tagged by @futuredescending!
1. What is the nicest thing someone has done for you?
At my high school the seniors were taken on a trip to Disneyland at the end of the year.  The idea was that all these graduating seniors would spend the whole night there and go back to graduate the next day.  Anyway, I ended up really sick.  I can’t really explain it further without getting into TMI, but I was a mess.  The girl who had been my roommate freshman year (I was in boarding school, for those who haven’t picked up on that yet), and who I had grown apart from especially when we were seniors, spent like every minute of that night with me while everyone else was off having fun.  I’m not sure how I would have made it through if she hadn’t, and I’ve never forgotten. 
2. Do you have NOTPs? If so, why are they NOTPs for you?
This answer is going to be less nice than the one I gave earlier, but I get salty late in the day.
In the Kingsman fandom, I don’t really like Eggsy paired with anyone but Harry (OT3s are fine as long as he is involved, but otherwise... no).  Merwin is the one I most dislike, but not because of anything in canon.  When I first realized Merwin was a thing and looked into it, every single fic or headcanon I saw doubled as the author’s dissertation on why Hartwin was a bad ship and/or Harry was an asshole.  That would have turned me off Merwin even if I didn’t like Hartwin better, and I do like Hartwin better, so... yeah.  No. 
There are lots of lovely people that I know, who I follow, and who don’t hate Harry/Hartwin that write and ship Merwin, and I’m sure their fics are lovely too.  I just have this immediate visceral Nope reaction now that I can neither contain nor control.  So usually when I have a NOTP it’s less about the characters themselves and more about what the fandom does or doesn’t do with them.  Otherwise I just don’t think about the ship.   
3. Summarize the worst film/book/song/story you’ve ever read/watched.
Ahhh that’s hard.  If I hate something enough for it to be the worst, I usually stop reading/watching pretty well.  But... They Came Together is an extremely bad romantic comedy that’s difficult to accurately summarize because it’s... basically every rom-com trope that exists?  Like, these two characters are telling the story of how they fell in love to this other couple, and they explain that she worked in a cute little shop while he was part of the corporation shutting her down, and then they meet while they were in the same outfit for a party, and then he has a girlfriend who just cheated on him and she has a deadbeat ex and a son the love interest must impress, and then she’s with someone else but she tells him (the love interest) what she would do if she ever ran away from her wedding, and it just goes on and on in this way.  And the dialogue is very stilted because they’re kind of purposefully saying stuff like, “Hello, I’m your friend who gives you pep talk that’s full of character exposition.” 
Anyway, I absolutely understood what the movie was trying to do, and it could have worked but it just really, really didn’t. 
4. What are some fandom/fic things that irrationally annoy you?
In fandom, it’s the general black and white thinking that is very common in some areas of it.  Too many people seem to have lost touch with the idea that you can like a story or a character that is (dare I say the word?) Problematic without like... losing your grip on morality?  It’s crazy.
In fic, there will be plot tropes/fanon concepts that I’ll get tired of, but I’m not that bothered about it.  Like I said, I usually stop reading things I don’t enjoy. 
5. Write a summary for the fic you want to write but never will.
I don’t think there’s a fic I want to write but never will.  I mainly just prioritize when the stars are not right for the tribute.  I mean, if I summarized one of my more long shot fics right now, I would be working on it by the weekend. 
6. Someone writes a story that perfectly hits all your buttons. That story includes: _____, ______, and _________.
Pining, smut, some angst but with a tooth-rottingly happy ending.  I am simple soul. 
7. I’m stealing @colinfilth’s question once asked on twitter bc it was SO GOOD: what is the fic one would write that clued your readers in that your identity had been stolen?
A fic with no happy ending?  (I do actually have this one spite-fic that would have an unhappy ending, but I only work on it when I’m in a terrible mood and I’ll probably never finish, let alone publish, it)
8. Most embarrassing celebrity crush, past or present?
Around when Pirates of the Caribbean was new my friend got obsessed with Johnny Depp and kind of dragged me in with her, but I would never have called it a crush.  Still, I did see a ton of his movies and the whole thing just hasn’t aged well, both because he’s clearly not a great person and because he genuinely hasn’t given an original performance since those days.     
9. How much research will you do for a fic? Wing it? Get lost in a wikipedia hole? Read actual books on a topic? Google translate? Get consulting with native speakers?
I mostly wing it.  Sometimes I’ll look up something here or there, but that’s about it.
10. The one thing the creator of your current fandom could do to kill your fandom love.
If Eggsy ends up in a relationship at the end of the movie I will most likely contribute less to the Kingsman fandom.  I like a lot of ships, so I may still be into it (I particularly like the look of Whisky, and I’m sure I’ll find someone to ship him with), but Hartwin is my main love and I almost never handwave canon relationships for fanfic.  I’ve done it like... once?  I don’t know why a marriage/engagement is harder for me to ignore than a death, but it definitely is.  It would depend on how this hypothetical romance was handled, obviously- they might give a really strong amicable breakup vibe, or I might genuinely love them together and write a ton of OT3 fics- but in general the lack of romantic subplot was one of the things that drew me to Kingsman, so it would bother me if that changed.   
Also, if I just generally don’t like it that would kill my fandom love too.  S3 of The Musketeers definitely had that effect on me.  Sometimes the canon just goes in a direction that drops everything you love and jumps into everything you don’t.  It doesn’t seem like that will happen, but... Who knows, right?
ETA: Ooops, forgot that 11th one. (I’ve had a lot of gin). Um. What are the songs that absolutely fit your faves to a T?
I actually made a Hartwin fanmix a while ago, if anyone wants to check it out.  The Grace by Neverending White Lights in particular is a favorite Hartwin song IMO. 
I just did this so I’m not tagging anyone new, but check out my questions here if you’re interested!
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cerisepcy · 8 years
karlee i'm such a doorknob that i haven't followed you yet WHOOPS TIME 2 CHANGE THAT. anyways i'm actually a lil bit obsessed with your writing and if i could get number 32 for junhui that would be gr8. thanks!!
↳ hanahaki  au
◇ pairing: jun | reader
◇ genre: 
◇ word count: 1,398
◇ disclaimer: I do not own thehanahaki disease concept.
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The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes after vomitingwasn’t at all what she had expected, what was once simply Jonquil flowerstaunting her they were now covered with blood, as suffering from it was enoughit was going to kill her.  She rememberedrolling her eyes when one of her friends told her about the disease scoffingthat it wasn’t really a thing and that her friend had just skipped a week ofschool because she felt like it, oh how irony worked. The next week when sherealized she was hopelessly in love with her very best friend. She realized itwhen he was up on stage kissing another girl for a show, it was then that sherealized she wanted everything with him. She wanted the hand holding and makingout somewhere in the university library, she wanted to wake up next to himafter a night of making love, she wanted him and it was fucking terrifying.
She slowly got up from squatting on her knees and made herway to the sink, she eyed her appearance, her once pinned back locks nowfrazzled with sweat and her once perfected winged liner smudged from the tearsthat fell. She washed her hands and made sure to leave no trace of flowersanywhere where her best friend could find, she wasn’t going to confess to him,being his friend was simply enough.  Shealso knew that this was killing her and she was letting it, for getting the surgeryto remove them and remove her feelings for the boy outside the bathroom doorwas unacceptable.
“Are you feeling okay?” She jumped when she was met with hisbody after shutting the door, she was expecting him to still be sitting on thecouch in the living room where their textbooks lay and some random anime playin the background; she should have known he would’ve been outside the lockedbathroom door when she stopped laughing at one of his jokes and nearly brokedown the door as she lost the contents once settled in her stomach.
“I’m fine Junhui, it was probably a bad batch” she whisperedher throat lingered with petals causing a tickle to induce her to coughing. Hesimply nodded his head and wrapped an arm around her waist.
She couldn’t help but think of telling him right then andthere as they cuddled on his couch and cracked more jokes as they studied, ifanything she’s read about this was also true wouldn’t she peal of the Band-Aidsooner than allow herself to die? But then if he didn’t like her back wouldn’tshe die anyway? She looked up from the crook of his neck and saw him completelyenchanted by the movie on the tv, she had forgotten he had even put the moviein. She loved him when he was bare faced, his skin showing the results ofwearing stage make-up for the shows he was a part of, she loved how his skinshowed off his dedication to being an actor, he was one of the very best ontheir campus, she was positive he was going to end up going to Hollywood oneday and she hoped that she would be there with him. His coffee colored locksparted down the middle, she remembers when he snapped his new color to her whenshe was in the library with Wonwoo. Their close friend Mingyu had colored andcut it due to Jun’s request and it was then that she decided there wasabsolutely nothing more ethereal than Wen Junhui.  
She slowly got out of his embrace and cleaned up her trashmaking sure to return the room how she entered it, completely clean but stillwith a Junhui touch. She was crashing in his apartment due to her dorm beingpre-occupied with lust from her roommate and a willing and completely eagerSeungcheol, that same friend who told her about the disease had confessed andher feelings were reciprocated and nothing was going to stop them from provingit to one another. It made her absolutely sick.
She grabbed her keys and made her way back to the sleepingboy and dipped her head to his cheek where she lingered a bit before peckinghim goodbye.
The next morning and another night of flowers later theyfinally met up again, he was with his dance team now and the members adoredher.
“You look like shit noona,” Minghao said as he greeted herwith a hug
“Wow thanks Minghao you sure do know how to make a girl feelstunning” she retorted as she playfully punched him in the shoulder after they separated.
“In all seriousness what happened? Did you and Jun finallyconfess to one another and you two had a laugh because of how idiotic thiswhole thing was?” she was stunned at the sophomore dance majors exclamation asif she forgot how the boys talked, it meant a chance with him but she couldn’thelp but assume he was teasing her, knowing very well that she was sick, sickand afraid of unrequited love.
Meanwhile across the studio Jun and Soonyoung watched thetwo playfully interact, Soonyoung couldn’t help but look at his friend indisappointment.
“You should tell her you know”
“Oh yes, I should say I’m completely and utterly in lovewith you and I’m fucking terrified you don’t feel the same!”
“What’s wrong with confessing?”
“Rejection and three years of friendship down the drain”
“You know what’s not worth it?” Soonyoung spoke quietly,startling Jun from the contrast of the conversation beforehand
“What is it?”
“Losing her altogether, Seungcheol texted me earlier duringclass and said Rose found her kneeled over in the rest room coughing upflowers, she has the disease, she loves someone and doesn’t realize he lovesher just as much”
“She could love anyone, she’s close with Jeonghan for all weknow it’s him”
“Junhui get your head out of your ass and confess!”
Soonyoung pushed the male towards where she was stilltalking with Minghao and an eager freshman who went by the name Dino.
“Hao, Chan can I steal her for a minute?” she stoppedexplaining her disease when he pulled her by her arm, as if she was going to bescolded.
“Listen, Hosh said something and I need to know okay so don’tlie to me” she simply nodded, her head down as if she were counting thescratches that littered the wooden floor.
“Are you spitting up bloodied flowers?”
“Who told you” her voice was now small, she wrapped her armsaround her body as if she were now naked in front of him, she suddenly feltinsecure, yes she was puking up her feelings but he didn’t need to know aboutit, she was taking care of it well she was.
“I am”
“Junhui don’t bullshit me you know why” she respondedfinally looking up from the ground and looking straight into his gorgeous honeyeyes. His eyes were painted with so much concern and a look she couldn’t decipher.
“Tell me a secret”
“I’m in love with you and I’m terrified, I’m terrified youdon’t love me back and I’m going to die by the power of Jonquil flowerstaunting me and tearing me apart”
“What if I told you I loved you back? I loved you just asmuch and I’m also terrified I’m going to lose you?”
“You do?”
“I’ve loved you since the first day of class, you walked inwith a know it all attitude and you had the guts to talk back to me when Iassumed I had it all figured out, how could I not love you”
He was suddenly closer now, she noted how his body wasnearly pressing up against hers, his leg between her thighs, If she were tokiss him now she could. His lips were up against her ear and if she turned justslightly she could meet him halfway.
As if he read her mind he wrapped a strong arm around herwaist and pulled her to his welcoming lips.
“I love you I love you I love you”
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ilyashrayber · 6 years
The Mission
  When I first entered high school, I knew absolutely nothing. No work ethic, no plans, and perhaps most alarming, almost no friends to speak of. I was so young, and yet, it felt like the world was already closing in around me, as if some metaphorical caution tape was already cropping up on things I wanted to do and people I wanted to meet. I had no knowledge of what was around me, and even more so, it felt like I never would. But as you get older, things start to change, and you feel more and more doors open up, one after the other, in a way that could only make sense with the passage of time. If I’m coming off as vague, it is because it’s hard for someone like myself to specify exact moments when you feel validated, satisfied, and as if you’ve broken away from an almost self-imposed mental barrier. But if there was a place that embodied the transition from the timid, smelly, and raggedy boy I was to the slightly less timid, smelly, and raggedy man (by Jewish law) I am today, it would be the Mission District.
I would be remiss to bring up the Mission without addressing the growing, all-encompassing wave of change that is hitting it right now. What used to be a primarily Latinx community comprised of families, artists, and blue collar workers has been all but washed away by white software engineers in search of some strange, exoticized concept of ‘urban grit’ and ‘authenticity’. Where there once were family owned groceries, optometrists, and photo studios, I now see exorbitant pre-fixe menus, ‘organic’ clothing stores, and the occasional (read: extremely common) misuse of local history to sell me something. I am exhausted, and I don’t even live there. Additionally, the privilege of being a cis, white man is something that makes me just at fault when I do not speak up as those who are actively destroying a piece of what makes this city so dynamic. It is a tricky tightrope to walk on, and the best thing people like myself can do is listen, and help when asked, whether that is giving our time, money, or a mix of the two to help preserve the integrity, and magic, of the Mission.
 I remember the first time I ever had a sleepover. It wasn’t with the kid next door to me, or at a birthday party, or even in the first 14 years of my life. Instead, my first sleepover happened in my freshman year of high school. This isn’t super uncommon among children of immigrants, but nonetheless, I felt like I was missing a key piece of the American experience. When it came to mind, before I actually went to one, I had, like most things, romanticized each and every single aspect of a sleepover. I had imagined a world where we would get to the house, only to be greeted by plates of fresh grapes, served to us on priceless marble while enjoying French brut in tall glasses. Instead, we made eggs at midnight and drank Tropicana Orange Peach Mango (henceforth known as ‘OPM’) straight from the carton. In place of sampling liquors from around the world and discussing literature, we downed Kirin Ichiban and talked about girls from our high school we would definitely want to go out with but definitely would have no idea what we would even begin to do if we ever did. Usually crouched down, in the basement, trying to stealthily sip our brew while an adult was upstairs. All this happened in a Victorian on the corner of 27th and Guerrero, a house purchased by my friend’s father for $70,000 right when he got out of the Navy in the 1970’s. It had four bedrooms, an insane kitchen leading out into the backyard, and a circular top floor window, one situated right above the bed of my friend who would always invite me over. It was through this window that I had witnessed car break-ins, smelled the waft of burritos only a couple blocks over, and totally messed with other people trying to get in at the front door. They are good, sacred memories that put a smile on my face when I remember them, both in their quality and the sheer quantity that I have of them.
 The Victorian sat on the cusp of Noe Valley and the Mission, leaning more to the former when you went east and more to the latter when you went west. And boy, did we go west a lot. We would often leave the house at night, with no plan at all, burnt out from playing video games, and simply walk down Mission Street trying to process what it was we were seeing as little baby birds sprouting their wings for the first time. People were out drinking and dancing, the air had a palpable energy to it, and it seemed as if everything was right with the world. It was a sensation I knew I wouldn’t have for a long time, but I wanted it anyway. Street vendors, taquerias, and the only CEX in the city were the main draws, but it was the friendly faces, life experience, and exposure to cultures outside our own that really made us want to stay.
  The stretch of 24th Street that begins on Mission and ends on Potrero is perhaps my favorite dozen or so blocks in the city. It has everything anyone could need, ever. Casa Lucas is the exclusive grocery store I shop at when my folks are out of town and I’m calling the shots, and believe me, it’s worth every penny of the Muni fare I feel disillusioned to pay. The fruits and veggies there taste better than any trustfund soulcycle hayes valley bullshit they’re trying to feed you over at Whole Foods, and at a fraction of the price. Plus, they’re the only grocery in the city I’ve found that stocks the very specific kind of kola I’ve become dependant on, imported all the way from Oaxaca. When I say that this kola fucked up my world, I am being modest in the effect it had on me.. I don’t even know the name of it, but I reach for the stuff everytime I’m on 24th because it has that kind of hold on me. Days get brighter, and nights get longer, whenever I feel the sweet, smooth liquid gold pass through me. Anyways. Moving on. Not only does 24th have the most kick-ass grocery in the entire world, they also have maybe the best cheap seafood ever, in the form of Basa Express. Ignore the sign that was made in Microsoft Paint. Appreciate the fact that this is a no frills, what you see is what you get kind of seafood place where you can grab a freshly made California roll for 5 dollars. With ceviche and sashimi being just a little bit more than that, it’s a refreshing change of pace from the recent increase of trendy seafood places with exposed wood and vintage buoys hanging everywhere. There is no exposed wood here. There is no old photo of a ship captain the owner bought on eBay. There is no lengthy description of how the fish lived and died along with a short obituary. It is just good, cheap seafood that you can feel good about eating.
 Walk up and down 24th and you’ll realize the plethora of people and places that feel like hidden gems, but have been there all along. I stand by Humphry Slocombe as the best ice cream in the city, while the vast majority of my friends cry out in support of Mitchell’s, another place that is very good but in no way a competitor to Humphry and his offerings. The classic at Humphry’s is to walk in, have no idea what you want, and then have the young college kids behind the counter begrudgingly ask if you want a sample. That is just the way it works. If I can just be bougie for one second here; they have a Wine & Cheese flavor. And it’s delicious. If this is the hill I die on, so be it. After a nice little ice cream break, I like to peruse the various cultural offerings, in the forms of records and books that 24th has to offer. I always have to walk into Pyramid Records, which, dare I say, is the most finely curated selection of wax in the entire Bay Area. Is there a huge selection? No. Do they have deep discounts and unbeatable prices? Not really. But is there a dude behind the counter who compliments my sneakers everytime I’m there? Yes. There is. For myself, Pyramid has a beautiful mix of international, lounge, and soundtracks on vinyl, which just so happen to be some of my favorite genres in music. It’s all designed in a super clean, minimalist-but-nowhere-near-boring type of aesthetic. I feel like I’m in a music video for a bedroom pop artist when I’m in there, and that’s all I could ever ask for. When talking about literature however, it’s hard to beat Alley Cat, a big bookstore with a gallery and event space in the back. I’ve picked up some of my favorite graphic novels from this spot, and their mystery section makes me feel good. Adobe Books a few blocks up is great too, and it sports a much more intimate setting for falling in love with any number of books, local or not. I’ve seen many a performance inside of Adobe, ranging from Chicana poetry, all the way to a solo performance from the bassist for Real Estate. Great books, great vibe, and it always feels nice to support a place that feels like an institution. For any bookstore, that should be a slam dunk. And it is. Usually directly into my wallet.
  There are tons of other great places on 24th, especially if you’re into just sitting down and having a good time. There’s the OG Philz, a coffee shop with perhaps the comfiest furniture in any cafe, and Haus, half a block down, where I may or may not have a crush on every single female barista that works there. Again, this is unconfirmed. I would really love to recommend Wise Son’s, a jewish deli with an insane breakfast salad, but every since I took edibles right before I ate there and thought I was in 1920s New Orleans, it has been a tough sell. They have a very nice restroom, however, that they’ll let you use if you ask nicely. St. Francis Fountain, a diner nearing the very end of 24th, has the best pancakes in the city. I am sorry but everyone got together and voted on it, and there will be no recount. Whether chocolate chip, banana, or even, dare I say, vegan, these guys are a home run every. Single. Time. It is almost uncanny how good they are, and are the definition of a food that is ‘good for the soul and not so much the love hips.’ Lastly, when you come up on Mission, you’ll no doubt see a line going out the door for the much beloved El Farolito. If you ask me? It’s good, but it’s definitely not my favorite. I try to explain it in terms of ice cream flavors. When you take your kid to go get ice cream, you always start with vanilla. There’s a reason it’s the default, you know? Well rounded, satisfying, and very inoffensive. I feel the exact same about El Farolito. (Cue the thinkpieces attacking me.) It is the vanilla ice cream of taquerias. My favorite, however, is also in fact on 24th, and it goes by the name of Taqueria Guadalajara. More salsa options, less rice, and juicier meat is what drives me to make this almost sacrilegious decision. Plus, there’s never a line. And that in and of itself should be celebrated.
   The Mission is so, so many things. But most of all, it is not mine. And it’s probably not yours, either. I simply play, and for a little bit, worked there. There is so much to celebrate about this neighborhood, and so, so much that we as a city should try to preserve, even if it considered by many to be ground zero for gentrification. Be respectful. Think about your actions. How will this affect others? If you live there, try broadening it to a macro level. How will this affect my community, one that is already going through an incredible amount of change, and the heartbreak that comes with that? What can I do to make things better? Always say thank you, and respect those that came before you. These seem obvious, but it’s easy to forget with everything going on. At the end of the day, I like to hang out in the Mission, and I bet you, the reader, probably do too. So let’s just try and not be complete asshats about what we choose to do in a community that is experiencing an immense shift, both culturally and economically. Let’s just try and be a little better next time we’re there.
0 notes
therecoversite · 6 years
Devastation from The Press Box: Ken Daniels Loss
New Post has been published on https://therecoverdev.wpengine.com/devastation-from-the-press-box-ken-daniels-loss/
Devastation from The Press Box: Ken Daniels Loss
Today the Detroit Red Wings Play-by-Play Announcer Ken Daniels, visits Washington to share a different story, one that took place within his family, not on the Little Ceasers Arena in Michigan. Daniel��s lost his 23-year-old son Jaime, in 2016 when he overdosed on a deadly concoction of heroin laced with Fentanyl.
Ken was interrupted while wrapping Christmas gifts on December 7, 2016 when a police officer showed up on his doorstep. He had become familiar with law enforcement throughout his son’s drug abuse and was surprised when he was greeted by an officer he didn’t recognize.
“He said, ‘Are you Ken Daniels?’ and I said, ‘Yes. What did he do?'”
He being his son Jaime Daniels, who was away in South Florida in the midst of seeking treatment for his addiction to opioids and benzodiazepines. In the last 8 months Jaime was in and out of multiple facilities and was staying at a halfway house for recovering addicts in Boynton Beach, Florida. The previous day, Jaime had spoken to his father on the phone and told him how he had painted the wheels on his car and promised to send pictures, and ended the conversation with his common departing message, “Love you.”
To Ken Daniels shock, the officer informed him his son was not arrested or broken the law, but had passed away.
“I guess there’s shock, which seems like a half an hour and its probably just seconds,” he explained. “And then he came in the house and he hugged me and he’s got that police vest on him, so you never forget that feeling. And then all I could think of was: ‘How am I going to tell his sister? And how am I going to tell his mother?'”
According to an autopsy report, Jaime died of an overdose of heroin that was laced with fentanyl. Ken was confused, wondering how his son could overdose in a sober living home. Ken was determined to find answers while investigating the dark and disturbing side of the billion-dollar rehab industry of South Florida.
South Florida rehabs suffer from the lack of oversight seen in other rehabs, but to an extreme. Federal laws are exploited by people who are supposed to be in a position to help pull people out of their addiction, but instead have no interest in keeping recovering addicts clean. Jaime was lost in the insurance scam known as “The Florida Shuffle.”
“It’s one thing to have an addiction and not being able to overcome it because the addiction overtakes you … but then when bad people get involved and they contribute to it, it makes you sick,” Ken says.
Jaime’s Decent
Jaime Daniel’s attended Michigan State University where he became the video manager of the Spartan’s Hockey Team and talking about going into law school and becoming a sports agent. Then he joined a fraternity and as told by his friends, began using heavy drugs.
“Jamie has a very addictive personality, where he can’t really say no, and he didn’t really know his limit either, so he’d just keep doing it and taking more because he liked the way it made him feel,” says Amanda Farber, Jamie’s friend from both high school and Michigan State.
Farber told how in Jaime’s freshman year, he began using Cocaine and then Vicodin and Xanax. Soon away from school, his family began noticing the obvious signs of addiction.
“You’d see him at night and trying to put a coat on and even struggling to get the arm in there. But you’d say to him, ‘You high?’ ‘No, I’m not high,'” Ken says.
His younger sister talked about a public incident where her brother was acting out of control and was barely functioning.
“He couldn’t talk. He couldn’t stand up straight, and I was embarrassed to have him there. I took him back to my apartment … I couldn’t handle it,” Arlyn said.
Both Jaime’s parents Ken and Lisa were exposed to the angry and dangerous side of drugs.
“The s— that will come out of somebody’s mouth who is on drugs is amazing. The crap that they’ll say … it’s another person, just takes over the body,” Ken says.
While home from college, he split his free time between his mother Lisa and Father, who had divorced when Jaime was 9. Lisa recalled one of the more violent rages her son expressed while under the influence.
“I can’t remember what prompted it, honestly, but [Jamie] threatened me. He threatened to kill me,” Lisa says.
She explained that Jamie was always remorseful and was always sincerely apologetic after lashing out. But regardless of the sincerest apologies, she says, she took the threat seriously enough to remove the knife set from the kitchen counter and lock her bedroom door at night.
While Jaime was a heavy drug user, he was able to function as an addict and a college student. Maintaining a 3.5 GPA and frequently staying on the Dean’s list, he was able to graduate in May 2015. Over the following summer he started working at mortgage company in Downtown Detroit, and also became a camp counselor in Ortonville, Michigan. It was at the camp one hour north of his father’s house where he reached the low point that resulted in his first real call for help.
“You could tell from the phone call he was desperate and just so high,” Ken says. “He was at the point saying, ‘I need to go to rehab.’ And we said, ‘OK, if you’re going to rehab, we’re picking you up from camp and you’re going right to rehab.’
Ken placed Jaime in a rehab in Michigan but his stay was brief and was followed by relapse two weeks later. Over the next month Jaime’s parents were subjected to his lies, hospital stays and a car accident. The car accident where he had flipped his car and called his mother from his cell phone while hanging upside down from his seatbelt. He walked away with minor injuries and not long after, agreed to out of state rehab in April of 2016.
His mother Lisa had heard of an intensive inpatient program in Palm Beach County, Florida. At age 22 Jaime boarded a plane to South Florida with the intention of obtaining sobriety.
South Florida: The Recovery Capital of America
Palm Beach County Florida is headquarters to hundreds of unregulated treatment programs, who advertise resort like conditions and weather, with the promise of lasting recovery and a second chance. But with three quarters of its patients in the private treatment centers, South Florida has earned its title as the recovery capital of America.
But Palm Beach County also held an equally important title, as the county with the most overdoses in a single year. 571 people died from overdoses that year, more than any other county in the state and jumping up 110% from the previous year.
But Jaime had a good start. He checked into Beachway Therapy Center in Boynton Beach, costing more than $15,000 a month for the intensive inpatient therapy. He stayed for over a month then transferred into a sober living in Delray that featured a supervised apartment complex.
“Jamie came in, and immediately he knew where he wanted to be in life, and it wasn’t as an addict,” says Chris Ege, a manager at Sober Living in Delray. “He was working. He was going to meetings. He had the sponsor that was top of the line. He was doing everything right.”
He stayed in Sober Living for more than five months and worked as a clerk in a local law firm during that time. But he began to grow annoyed at the over structured environment because of the constant spot checks and urine tests. On November 1, 2016 Jaime moved into the sober home “Miracle House” blocks away from the Sober living home he was at the beach bungalow style home was in the middle of a residential neighborhood in Delray Beach.
“The whole concept of having kids in a sober house, to mutually support each other and keep each other honest and struggle together for sobriety is pretty good — done right. Done wrong, the results are much worse,” says Marc Woods, a code enforcement officer for the city of Delray Beach.
Woods, has spent the last 30 years working as a police officer in Delray Beach before retiring in 2009.
Around 2014 Woods started noticing a shift in ethics at the sober homes in the neighborhood. When the Affordable Care Act kicked in policies were lifted for insurance companies that limited the policies for drug treatment, which then gave treatment centers a “blank check”. During the shift in the insurance policies, sober living homes began treating urine samples as liquid gold because insurance companies would reimburse them for the tests.
“The recovery industry took a turn for the worse when people found out that the urine testing billing was lucrative, and the wrong people got in the industry to enrich themselves,” Woods says.
And so began the insurance fiasco involving patient brokers and marketers that would lure addicts with good insurance and pair them with unregulated sober homes. With a less structured environment and cheap rent, insurance companies then would bill out tens of thousands of dollars for unnecessary drug treatments.
And the trend continued, the growing number of sober homes estimated to be in the hundreds started opening in neighborhoods across Palm Beach County and with the privacy protections in place under federal law, local governments had no say about it.
“Now you have sober home owners, who are using that law designed to protect individuals in recovery, so they can prey upon people in recovery,” said Dave Aronberg, State Attorney for Palm Beach County.
“In The Florida Shuffle, you go in and out of recovery, in and out of rehab centers, in and out of sober homes, milking the individual for their insurance until that person dies,” Aronberg says. “Our current system isn’t really a recovery model, it’s a relapse model, where the big money is in relapse. It’s in failure rather than success and sobriety.”
The Florida Shuffle has been investigated in the past by such media outlets as The New York Times, the Palm Beach Post and South Florida Sun-Sentinel. Jamie’s story was first told by The Athletic.
Jamie became another one of the victims of the Florida Shuffle, supported by his father’s insurance, he was sent for tens of thousands of dollars in urine tests while living in various sober homes.
“About every two days, they were doing blood and urine testing, and the charges were anywhere from $4,000 to $6,000 a test,” Lisa Daniels says.
Urine tests, even on the high end, should cost no more than a few hundred dollars per test, says Ege, the manager who supervised Jamie at Sober Living in Delray. Most reputable treatment facilities, Ege says, conduct drug screens for opioids that cost no more than a few dollars a test and can be purchased from the local drug store.
Jaime came to visit during Thanksgiving Break 2016 and that visit was significant in two ways. First it was the last time Ken and Lisa would see their son alive. The second being that during that time, Ken’s Insurance was billed for urine specimens three times during the dates of November 23, 25, and 27th, when Jaime was in Michigan visiting his family.
“I figured, when he went back … I was thinking in my head, you know, ‘How long is he going to stay down there for?’ And then the s— hits the fan,” Ken says.
When he returned to Florida, Jaime moved sober living again and started renting in a home where he stayed in converted garage turned bedroom at Sea of Recovery, Boynton Beach. He told his parents rent was only $50 a month and he shared the room with one other person in recovery.
“I started hearing something in his voice. His voice just sounded off … but I thought, ‘He’s in a home. They drug test. It’s the safest because, if he were using, then they would know,'” Lisa says.
Kade Potter, Jaime’s short-term roommate at Sea of Recovery, told media that during their time together in that room, they were regularly abusing drugs together. And that Jaime was using his drug of choice, Xanax, again.
Potter even claimed some of the drugs came from within the sober home and said one of the managers at Sea of Recovery Emmanuale Merilien, knew drugs were being dealt to the recovering addicts in the home.
Merilien denied these claims, saying “There was no drug use in the home. If we found somebody using drugs, we kicked them out,”
But this wasn’t the first time this tactic had been used within the world of sober living. Code Enforcement Officer Woods talked about the horrible practices that would take place in these unregulated homes.
“Some of the illicit operators … would rent these houses and put a bunch of kids in it and then warehouse them and then sell them to the highest bidder to the treatment center that would pay them the most in kickbacks. … The kids wound up being worth more money if they were using drugs than if they weren’t using drugs,” Woods says. “People that have their kids go out of state for recovery, they’re so at risk.”
Insurance forms from less than a week prior to Jaime’s death showed he was drug tested at a facility named Journey to Recovery. Jaime and other addicts would be bussed to the facility for testing and therapy and then sent back to their sober living homes.
Owner of Journey to Recovery Kenneth Chatman was sentenced to 27 and a half years in prison in May 2017 for his role in the insurance scam. During court, Chatman admitted to knowing that drug dealing, and prostitution took place within his sober living homes and he obtained millions in illegal kickbacks from treatment centers.
Four days before Jaime’s death, he was prescribed Alprazolam which is a generic version Of Xanax, the anti-anxiety medication that he had struggled with in the past.
Chris Ege, who managed Jaime’s first Sober Living home in Delray was shocked when he found out about the prescription.
“They gave him something that’s violating all the rules. It is an abusable drug. And not only is it an abusable drug, it’s a drug that will make you black out while you’re wide awake. So the unfortunate thing for Jamie in that week that he passed away, he might have blacked out and made a decision that killed him.”
Jaime’s father Ken agreed, “He should have never been on Xanax,” Ken says. “He should have never been in that place. Having good insurance put him in that place. … I think all contributed to his death.”
The official cause of death was listed as “acute heroin and fentanyl intoxication” The report also showed the presence of the generic Xanax brand Alprazolam.
On the morning of December 7th, 2016 , Jaime’s roommate Kade Potter awoke to the sober home’s manager Emmanual Merilien’s screams. Jaime was white and motionless lying on the floor a few feet away from Potter.
“Emmanuel was packing Jamie’s stuff before the cops got there. He was telling me: ‘Tell them you pay $125 a week in rent.’ … Just telling me to lie to the police because he knows everything he is doing is illegal.”
When police arrived, there were no signs of illegal drugs or paraphernalia to be found. Potter admitted he never reported the allegations against Merilien because he was afraid of him.
Merilien has since left the rehab industry and is now training to become a massage therapist. Merilien has no criminal record in Florida and is not facing charges or being investigated for the way he handled or reported Jaime’s overdose. He vehemently denies profiting from Jaime’s drug treatment.
Even four months after their sons’ death, Ken and ex wife Lisa continued to receive medical bills and insurance claims from the facilities Jaime lived in before he died.
“I’m amazed with the greed at someone’s expense, at their life expense,” Lisa Daniels says. “How do you look in the mirror? I will never get over the anger. That I know.”
Now his parents are sharing his story, party to remove the stigma that surrounds addicts and their loved ones. Jaime was not a nameless stranger, he was college educated, working in law firm and had a loving and supportive family who were trying to help him, and still he was struggling to beat his addictions. They want people to know, if it could happen to him, it could happen to anyone.
Ken has been visiting community groups and high schools in recent months, educating people about the dangers of drug addiction and the shady underbelly of addiction treatment in Florida.
“Jamie’s legacy should be to save hundreds of thousands of lives and make everybody aware of what happened to him,” Ken says. “The more people we can make aware than I think we do Jamie’s name proud.”
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
US PRO Rugby season come to Denver v Ohio designation decider
Americas first pro rugby organization conference intention its season on Sunday. For one of the men who built it happen “its time” for reflection, remain and getting ready to go again
On Sunday afternoon in Obetz, just outside Columbus, the Ohio Aviators will play the Denver Stampede. The wins with a bonus part, in Ohios case will be the first PRO Rugby champions.
The five-team league has no championship game. Best over 12 rounds prevails. It just happens that go the final weekend of the tournaments first season, these two teams have not sorted out who that is.
Couldnt have schemed it any better, replied Steve Lewis, the freshman organisations director of rugby, over breakfast on the Upper West Side. Were it plannable, of course. Its an interesting symmetry: our first game was Ohio at Denver[ in the snow in April] and that was a close-fisted finish, the only recreation weve had that is entered into additional day, which was one of our inventions. So this is ideal: final tournament of the year, all the marbles. It mounts it up nicely.
Lewis is an ebullient Scot whose ebullience has not been entirely chafed off by nine months spraying to and fro in sole service of Americas first pro conference. Like conference owned Doug Schoninger, he works out of New York City. The five units are in the middle and west Ohio, Denver, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco.
Lewis has reason to smile, gingerly as much as wearily. Crowds ought to have acceptable if small-time; press coverage positive if slightly bemused; politics, in a rugby scenery that manages to be scattered and congested at once, manageable if predictably intense. Denver, for example, moved residence mid-season, from the Glendale Raptors rugby-built Infinity Park to Ciber Field, a college soccer stadium. Words were exchanged. The dealership lived and so did the conference.
Season one of Schoningers epic, then, is almost in the can. A inspect will follow in September, followed by planning for season two. Swelling is on the cards: Canada, perhaps. The east coast, perhaps.
You wishes to pair beings up from a antagonism view and a hurtle perspective, Lewis said. So Chicago for Columbus, Boston for New York. That in my view “wouldve been” ideology, but we may not find the venues.
Much of Lewiss work has been visible at the existing venues, on their freshly marked-out turf. Much has gone to plan.
Jamie Mackintosh takes on the San Diego defence. Picture: Joseph K Ghammashi/ PRO Rugby
Two of the tournaments marquee knacks internationals employed to be good citizens as well as good participates will encounter in the decider: the South africans back row Pedrie Wannenburg for Denver, the New Zealand prop Jamie Mackintosh for Ohio. Over scrambled eggs and strong coffee, Lewis described how Mackintosh, from Dunedin, a hotbed of All Black rugby, came to live and play in Obetz, a village outside Columbus most well known for its Zucchinifest which has nonetheless hugged rugby, building a small stadium from scratch.
Everyone wanted to go to San Francisco and San Diego, he responded. So how do I get anyone to go to Obetz and Sacramento and Denver?[ Italy back] Mirco Bergamasco wanted to go to Sacramento, because his wife had lived there before.[ Australia rugby league great] Timana Tahu had lineage bonds in Denver, so that was OK. But how do I get anyone to go to Columbus?
[ Ex-Zebre flanker] Filippo Ferrarini was the first one. I contemplated: Youre Italian, Columbus, off you go. He didnt get it, so I had to explain it to him subsequentlies. And then Mackintosh rose on track and he was really easy.
The New Zealander is a one-cap All Black loosehead, a big humanity known to home devotees as Whopper. He approached rugbys American frontier with generally Kiwi affability.
He added, I dont mind, Steve, Im really easy, wherever you want to placed me.
I supposed, What kind of region do you like?
He announced, Im a country boy, Id instead be somewhere with a little bit of chase, a bit of fishing.
So I had to call up Paul Holmes at[ Ohio-based US national improvement academy] Tiger Rugby and allege, Is there any chase and fishing near Obetz? He responded, Oh yeah, consignments. So I told Mackintosh I imagined Ohio might be the claim fit for him and he went there, espoused it and went well.
Steve Lewis speaks to Matt McCarthy of rugbywrapup.com in March.
San Franciscos star man, Mils Muliaina, has 99 more All Black caps than Mackintosh. Unfortunately, the largest full-back arrived late and has not boasted often for a unit which tottered to 3-8 ahead of its final had met with Sacramento( likewise 3-8, moving Saturdays game a playoff to shun last home ). But on the whole the experimentation has worked. The big names have visas and may be back for more.
Discussing recruitment for 2017, Lewis said: I dont think we need the marquee actors as much anymore, though. If were expanding my biggest pertain is structural constraint, ie: are there enough good players to staff those stretch units? Clearly if we do[ expand] then the number of foreign actors on each team will need to go up, likely to five to seven, and I think that well skew younger.
Asked where such foreign players might come from, he enunciated: Everyones inhaling around, but my next happy hunting ground is likely to be South Africa. Biggest talent pool, constriction of geniu, exacerbated by the falling rand and the coaching arrangement. Theres going to be lots of good young South African players, shall we say competitively priced. So that would be a sweet recognise, I feel.[ New Zealand] Mitre 10 Cup people, the docket duty, Japan the docket works.
At home, the docket still needs to work for everyone. PRO Rugby flowed from mid-April to the end of July. One top fraternity challenger, the east-coast American Rugby Premiership, is set to move to September-November. The west-coast Pacific Rugby Premiership, home to Glendale and other powerful societies, may or may not follow. Politics.
PRO Rugby will continue to grapple with whether to play in the June Test window. This year, while the Eagles lost to Italy and drum Russia, it did. Politics-plus.
Nor, Lewis said, does the PRO Rugby docket work with the European season. But, thought-provokingly in an age of Premiership tournaments in New Jersey and Pro1 2 conceptions of a team on the US east coast, he included: You do have academy musicians there who have bugger everyone to do between January and May. I think thats policy options and weve had those the talks with Quins, London Irish. So I anticipate the league will probably skew younger.
The young league, Lewis said, depicts encouraging development of raise. Teams have improved in fitness and knowledge; tries have been scored at a standard of performance somewhat below Currie Cup, slightly below Mitre 10 Cup, a reasonable grade to have aimed at, a reasonable degree to have got to.
Also, along with cherry-red safe tackle wrinkles on shirts and no move, PRO Rugby empowered reviewers to evade too many scrum re-sets by awarding free-kicks. Harmonizing to fascinating analysis of the tournaments stats by Jake Frechette for Rugby Today, the policy seems to be working.
In the 2015 Six Nations, Frechette writes, 51% of scrums were completed successfully. At the World cup finals, 68%[ of scrums] were completed successfully. For PRO,[ where average number of scrums per competition is high-pitched at practically 20] the rate thus far is 77 %. Thats good bulletin for everyone who wants to see the pellet played from a scrum instead of listening a referees whistle. Thats all of us, right?
Pedrie Wannenberg in action for Denver, against San Diego. Picture: Connie Hatfield
Players have glowed. Dom Waldouck, formerly a centre for Wasps, Northampton, London Irish and England Saxons, did well at Ohio and has earned a ordeal at Newcastle. Langilangi Haupeakui, a hard-hitting Sacramento No8, came to the league from a tough upbringing and fraction two rugby with the East Palo Alto Razorbacks. Five a few months later, Lewis said, he got fit, eventually ate well and all of a sudden, boom, launched into the Eagles, got a detonator and is going for a contest with Harlequins next week when they come over.
Other achievers include Spike Davis, a defensive attack who attended camp with the Washington Redskins and Green Bay Packers before pitching up in Ohio as a 6ft 4in, 250 lbs wing. There is also Hanco Germishuys, a US junior flanker no longer a male among boys or a son among people after a season with Denver, and the San Diego openside Cecil Garber, a learn from the Seattle Saracens with a attack count off the charts.
Weve fulfilled that part of the mission, Lewis said. Three, four, five participates are now on[ USA coach] John Mitchells radar who maybe wouldnt ought to have otherwise.
Thanks to Lewis and Schoninger, a pro competition that would not otherwise have been on nature rugby radar is now there. A blip, perhaps, but thriving brighter. After Sundays finale, there will be a breather for all concerned. Then the hard work begins again.
The post US PRO Rugby season come to Denver v Ohio designation decider appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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a4pocket · 7 years
Utah Jazz: Fewer workouts helping team with draft preparations
Scott G Winterton,
FILE: Utah Jazz VP of Player Personnel Walt Parrin, talks with the media after the Utah Jazz worked out six more prospects Wednesday, June 3, 2015, at the the Zions Back Baseketball Center in Salt Lake City. On Saturday, June 3, 2017, during another Jazz workout in preparation for the 2017 NBA draft, Perrin said, "We’re probably further along doing that this year. We’ve got a few more workouts coming up, but I think we still have enough strategy days left so far."
SALT LAKE CITY — Over the past few years, the Utah Jazz have become known for the high number of prospects they bring in for workouts prior to the NBA draft, as about 100 players have come to Salt Lake City each spring.
By design, the Jazz have taken a different approach in 2017. Vice president of player personnel Walt Perrin and general manager Dennis Lindsey have talked over the last two years about having more “strategy days” where they spend time watching film of prospects and discussing them instead of conducting a workout.
With less than three weeks to go before the June 22 draft, Utah has held just five official workouts, bringing in 30 players total. The latest one on Saturday featured Florida State wing Dwayne Bacon, Michigan guard Derrick Walton, Washington State guard Ike Iroegbu, SMU wing Sterling Brown, North Carolina post Kennedy Meeks and Vanderbilt big man Luke Kornet.
“It’s helped us that we’ve been able to get as a staff into the theater and watch a lot of players on Synergy (a video scouting service), talk about it,” Perrin said. “We’re probably further along doing that this year. We’ve got a few more workouts coming up, but I think we still have enough strategy days left so far.”
Perrin did note that there’s some differences in scheduling workouts with the 24th and 30th picks of the first round rather than somewhere in the lottery like they have the past four years.
The Jazz own the 42nd and 55th picks in the second round as well.
“The pool is a little bit wider,” Perrin said. “I’m still trying to get guys in that I think are late teens in agents’ eyes but maybe they’re in our (range). I’m having problems doing that, but I think it’s been good that we have four picks this year … we’ve got basically the whole draft covered except for maybe the top 18 players.”
DWAYNE BACON: The most notable prospect to participate in Saturday’s workout was Bacon, who averaged 17.2 points, 4.2 rebounds and 1.7 assists per game last season as a sophomore for the Seminoles.
Bacon tested the draft waters in 2016 after a strong freshman season, and was being discussed by some as a possible lottery pick before he decided to return to Tallahassee. He’s in the draft for good this year, but may not get selected in the first round.
Despite that, the 6-foot-7, 221-pound Bacon said Saturday that he’s grown as a player over the last year.
“I’ve gotten better in my overall game,” he said. “In every aspect I’ve gotten better. Every aspect I improved. All my percentages are improved. I just wanted to go back and mature and be a better player, and that’s what I did.”
DEFENSE: Bacon said he feels the Jazz know he can score, so he wanted to show Saturday that he can defend, too, although he noted that can be challenging playing 3-on-3 in a workout (teams can only bring in six players per workout).
“I’m so used to 5-on-5,” he said. “It’s a big court, a lot of space, so it’s definitely hard.”
Perrin acknowledged that defending is a challenge during workouts because there’s less of a team concept to it, but he said he’s still looking for individual effort from prospects, especially how vocal they are.
“We try to look and see how well they defend the ball and how well they defend when we run screens, how they get through them,” he said, “and whether or not they’re talking — all the defenders — whether they’re talking enough to help their teammates.”
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The post Utah Jazz: Fewer workouts helping team with draft preparations appeared first on Renting Salt Lake City Utah Apartments.
Read full post at: http://www.a4pocket.com/utah-jazz-fewer-workouts-helping-team-with-draft-preparations/
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
US PRO Rugby season come to Denver v Ohio designation decider
Americas first pro rugby organization conference intention its season on Sunday. For one of the men who built it happen “its time” for reflection, remain and getting ready to go again
On Sunday afternoon in Obetz, just outside Columbus, the Ohio Aviators will play the Denver Stampede. The wins with a bonus part, in Ohios case will be the first PRO Rugby champions.
The five-team league has no championship game. Best over 12 rounds prevails. It just happens that go the final weekend of the tournaments first season, these two teams have not sorted out who that is.
Couldnt have schemed it any better, replied Steve Lewis, the freshman organisations director of rugby, over breakfast on the Upper West Side. Were it plannable, of course. Its an interesting symmetry: our first game was Ohio at Denver[ in the snow in April] and that was a close-fisted finish, the only recreation weve had that is entered into additional day, which was one of our inventions. So this is ideal: final tournament of the year, all the marbles. It mounts it up nicely.
Lewis is an ebullient Scot whose ebullience has not been entirely chafed off by nine months spraying to and fro in sole service of Americas first pro conference. Like conference owned Doug Schoninger, he works out of New York City. The five units are in the middle and west Ohio, Denver, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco.
Lewis has reason to smile, gingerly as much as wearily. Crowds ought to have acceptable if small-time; press coverage positive if slightly bemused; politics, in a rugby scenery that manages to be scattered and congested at once, manageable if predictably intense. Denver, for example, moved residence mid-season, from the Glendale Raptors rugby-built Infinity Park to Ciber Field, a college soccer stadium. Words were exchanged. The dealership lived and so did the conference.
Season one of Schoningers epic, then, is almost in the can. A inspect will follow in September, followed by planning for season two. Swelling is on the cards: Canada, perhaps. The east coast, perhaps.
You wishes to pair beings up from a antagonism view and a hurtle perspective, Lewis said. So Chicago for Columbus, Boston for New York. That in my view “wouldve been” ideology, but we may not find the venues.
Much of Lewiss work has been visible at the existing venues, on their freshly marked-out turf. Much has gone to plan.
Jamie Mackintosh takes on the San Diego defence. Picture: Joseph K Ghammashi/ PRO Rugby
Two of the tournaments marquee knacks internationals employed to be good citizens as well as good participates will encounter in the decider: the South africans back row Pedrie Wannenburg for Denver, the New Zealand prop Jamie Mackintosh for Ohio. Over scrambled eggs and strong coffee, Lewis described how Mackintosh, from Dunedin, a hotbed of All Black rugby, came to live and play in Obetz, a village outside Columbus most well known for its Zucchinifest which has nonetheless hugged rugby, building a small stadium from scratch.
Everyone wanted to go to San Francisco and San Diego, he responded. So how do I get anyone to go to Obetz and Sacramento and Denver?[ Italy back] Mirco Bergamasco wanted to go to Sacramento, because his wife had lived there before.[ Australia rugby league great] Timana Tahu had lineage bonds in Denver, so that was OK. But how do I get anyone to go to Columbus?
[ Ex-Zebre flanker] Filippo Ferrarini was the first one. I contemplated: Youre Italian, Columbus, off you go. He didnt get it, so I had to explain it to him subsequentlies. And then Mackintosh rose on track and he was really easy.
The New Zealander is a one-cap All Black loosehead, a big humanity known to home devotees as Whopper. He approached rugbys American frontier with generally Kiwi affability.
He added, I dont mind, Steve, Im really easy, wherever you want to placed me.
I supposed, What kind of region do you like?
He announced, Im a country boy, Id instead be somewhere with a little bit of chase, a bit of fishing.
So I had to call up Paul Holmes at[ Ohio-based US national improvement academy] Tiger Rugby and allege, Is there any chase and fishing near Obetz? He responded, Oh yeah, consignments. So I told Mackintosh I imagined Ohio might be the claim fit for him and he went there, espoused it and went well.
Steve Lewis speaks to Matt McCarthy of rugbywrapup.com in March.
San Franciscos star man, Mils Muliaina, has 99 more All Black caps than Mackintosh. Unfortunately, the largest full-back arrived late and has not boasted often for a unit which tottered to 3-8 ahead of its final had met with Sacramento( likewise 3-8, moving Saturdays game a playoff to shun last home ). But on the whole the experimentation has worked. The big names have visas and may be back for more.
Discussing recruitment for 2017, Lewis said: I dont think we need the marquee actors as much anymore, though. If were expanding my biggest pertain is structural constraint, ie: are there enough good players to staff those stretch units? Clearly if we do[ expand] then the number of foreign actors on each team will need to go up, likely to five to seven, and I think that well skew younger.
Asked where such foreign players might come from, he enunciated: Everyones inhaling around, but my next happy hunting ground is likely to be South Africa. Biggest talent pool, constriction of geniu, exacerbated by the falling rand and the coaching arrangement. Theres going to be lots of good young South African players, shall we say competitively priced. So that would be a sweet recognise, I feel.[ New Zealand] Mitre 10 Cup people, the docket duty, Japan the docket works.
At home, the docket still needs to work for everyone. PRO Rugby flowed from mid-April to the end of July. One top fraternity challenger, the east-coast American Rugby Premiership, is set to move to September-November. The west-coast Pacific Rugby Premiership, home to Glendale and other powerful societies, may or may not follow. Politics.
PRO Rugby will continue to grapple with whether to play in the June Test window. This year, while the Eagles lost to Italy and drum Russia, it did. Politics-plus.
Nor, Lewis said, does the PRO Rugby docket work with the European season. But, thought-provokingly in an age of Premiership tournaments in New Jersey and Pro1 2 conceptions of a team on the US east coast, he included: You do have academy musicians there who have bugger everyone to do between January and May. I think thats policy options and weve had those the talks with Quins, London Irish. So I anticipate the league will probably skew younger.
The young league, Lewis said, depicts encouraging development of raise. Teams have improved in fitness and knowledge; tries have been scored at a standard of performance somewhat below Currie Cup, slightly below Mitre 10 Cup, a reasonable grade to have aimed at, a reasonable degree to have got to.
Also, along with cherry-red safe tackle wrinkles on shirts and no move, PRO Rugby empowered reviewers to evade too many scrum re-sets by awarding free-kicks. Harmonizing to fascinating analysis of the tournaments stats by Jake Frechette for Rugby Today, the policy seems to be working.
In the 2015 Six Nations, Frechette writes, 51% of scrums were completed successfully. At the World cup finals, 68%[ of scrums] were completed successfully. For PRO,[ where average number of scrums per competition is high-pitched at practically 20] the rate thus far is 77 %. Thats good bulletin for everyone who wants to see the pellet played from a scrum instead of listening a referees whistle. Thats all of us, right?
Pedrie Wannenberg in action for Denver, against San Diego. Picture: Connie Hatfield
Players have glowed. Dom Waldouck, formerly a centre for Wasps, Northampton, London Irish and England Saxons, did well at Ohio and has earned a ordeal at Newcastle. Langilangi Haupeakui, a hard-hitting Sacramento No8, came to the league from a tough upbringing and fraction two rugby with the East Palo Alto Razorbacks. Five a few months later, Lewis said, he got fit, eventually ate well and all of a sudden, boom, launched into the Eagles, got a detonator and is going for a contest with Harlequins next week when they come over.
Other achievers include Spike Davis, a defensive attack who attended camp with the Washington Redskins and Green Bay Packers before pitching up in Ohio as a 6ft 4in, 250 lbs wing. There is also Hanco Germishuys, a US junior flanker no longer a male among boys or a son among people after a season with Denver, and the San Diego openside Cecil Garber, a learn from the Seattle Saracens with a attack count off the charts.
Weve fulfilled that part of the mission, Lewis said. Three, four, five participates are now on[ USA coach] John Mitchells radar who maybe wouldnt ought to have otherwise.
Thanks to Lewis and Schoninger, a pro competition that would not otherwise have been on nature rugby radar is now there. A blip, perhaps, but thriving brighter. After Sundays finale, there will be a breather for all concerned. Then the hard work begins again.
The post US PRO Rugby season come to Denver v Ohio designation decider appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
US PRO Rugby season come to Denver v Ohio designation decider
Americas first pro rugby organization conference intention its season on Sunday. For one of the men who built it happen “its time” for reflection, remain and getting ready to go again
On Sunday afternoon in Obetz, just outside Columbus, the Ohio Aviators will play the Denver Stampede. The wins with a bonus part, in Ohios case will be the first PRO Rugby champions.
The five-team league has no championship game. Best over 12 rounds prevails. It just happens that go the final weekend of the tournaments first season, these two teams have not sorted out who that is.
Couldnt have schemed it any better, replied Steve Lewis, the freshman organisations director of rugby, over breakfast on the Upper West Side. Were it plannable, of course. Its an interesting symmetry: our first game was Ohio at Denver[ in the snow in April] and that was a close-fisted finish, the only recreation weve had that is entered into additional day, which was one of our inventions. So this is ideal: final tournament of the year, all the marbles. It mounts it up nicely.
Lewis is an ebullient Scot whose ebullience has not been entirely chafed off by nine months spraying to and fro in sole service of Americas first pro conference. Like conference owned Doug Schoninger, he works out of New York City. The five units are in the middle and west Ohio, Denver, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco.
Lewis has reason to smile, gingerly as much as wearily. Crowds ought to have acceptable if small-time; press coverage positive if slightly bemused; politics, in a rugby scenery that manages to be scattered and congested at once, manageable if predictably intense. Denver, for example, moved residence mid-season, from the Glendale Raptors rugby-built Infinity Park to Ciber Field, a college soccer stadium. Words were exchanged. The dealership lived and so did the conference.
Season one of Schoningers epic, then, is almost in the can. A inspect will follow in September, followed by planning for season two. Swelling is on the cards: Canada, perhaps. The east coast, perhaps.
You wishes to pair beings up from a antagonism view and a hurtle perspective, Lewis said. So Chicago for Columbus, Boston for New York. That in my view “wouldve been” ideology, but we may not find the venues.
Much of Lewiss work has been visible at the existing venues, on their freshly marked-out turf. Much has gone to plan.
Jamie Mackintosh takes on the San Diego defence. Picture: Joseph K Ghammashi/ PRO Rugby
Two of the tournaments marquee knacks internationals employed to be good citizens as well as good participates will encounter in the decider: the South africans back row Pedrie Wannenburg for Denver, the New Zealand prop Jamie Mackintosh for Ohio. Over scrambled eggs and strong coffee, Lewis described how Mackintosh, from Dunedin, a hotbed of All Black rugby, came to live and play in Obetz, a village outside Columbus most well known for its Zucchinifest which has nonetheless hugged rugby, building a small stadium from scratch.
Everyone wanted to go to San Francisco and San Diego, he responded. So how do I get anyone to go to Obetz and Sacramento and Denver?[ Italy back] Mirco Bergamasco wanted to go to Sacramento, because his wife had lived there before.[ Australia rugby league great] Timana Tahu had lineage bonds in Denver, so that was OK. But how do I get anyone to go to Columbus?
[ Ex-Zebre flanker] Filippo Ferrarini was the first one. I contemplated: Youre Italian, Columbus, off you go. He didnt get it, so I had to explain it to him subsequentlies. And then Mackintosh rose on track and he was really easy.
The New Zealander is a one-cap All Black loosehead, a big humanity known to home devotees as Whopper. He approached rugbys American frontier with generally Kiwi affability.
He added, I dont mind, Steve, Im really easy, wherever you want to placed me.
I supposed, What kind of region do you like?
He announced, Im a country boy, Id instead be somewhere with a little bit of chase, a bit of fishing.
So I had to call up Paul Holmes at[ Ohio-based US national improvement academy] Tiger Rugby and allege, Is there any chase and fishing near Obetz? He responded, Oh yeah, consignments. So I told Mackintosh I imagined Ohio might be the claim fit for him and he went there, espoused it and went well.
Steve Lewis speaks to Matt McCarthy of rugbywrapup.com in March.
San Franciscos star man, Mils Muliaina, has 99 more All Black caps than Mackintosh. Unfortunately, the largest full-back arrived late and has not boasted often for a unit which tottered to 3-8 ahead of its final had met with Sacramento( likewise 3-8, moving Saturdays game a playoff to shun last home ). But on the whole the experimentation has worked. The big names have visas and may be back for more.
Discussing recruitment for 2017, Lewis said: I dont think we need the marquee actors as much anymore, though. If were expanding my biggest pertain is structural constraint, ie: are there enough good players to staff those stretch units? Clearly if we do[ expand] then the number of foreign actors on each team will need to go up, likely to five to seven, and I think that well skew younger.
Asked where such foreign players might come from, he enunciated: Everyones inhaling around, but my next happy hunting ground is likely to be South Africa. Biggest talent pool, constriction of geniu, exacerbated by the falling rand and the coaching arrangement. Theres going to be lots of good young South African players, shall we say competitively priced. So that would be a sweet recognise, I feel.[ New Zealand] Mitre 10 Cup people, the docket duty, Japan the docket works.
At home, the docket still needs to work for everyone. PRO Rugby flowed from mid-April to the end of July. One top fraternity challenger, the east-coast American Rugby Premiership, is set to move to September-November. The west-coast Pacific Rugby Premiership, home to Glendale and other powerful societies, may or may not follow. Politics.
PRO Rugby will continue to grapple with whether to play in the June Test window. This year, while the Eagles lost to Italy and drum Russia, it did. Politics-plus.
Nor, Lewis said, does the PRO Rugby docket work with the European season. But, thought-provokingly in an age of Premiership tournaments in New Jersey and Pro1 2 conceptions of a team on the US east coast, he included: You do have academy musicians there who have bugger everyone to do between January and May. I think thats policy options and weve had those the talks with Quins, London Irish. So I anticipate the league will probably skew younger.
The young league, Lewis said, depicts encouraging development of raise. Teams have improved in fitness and knowledge; tries have been scored at a standard of performance somewhat below Currie Cup, slightly below Mitre 10 Cup, a reasonable grade to have aimed at, a reasonable degree to have got to.
Also, along with cherry-red safe tackle wrinkles on shirts and no move, PRO Rugby empowered reviewers to evade too many scrum re-sets by awarding free-kicks. Harmonizing to fascinating analysis of the tournaments stats by Jake Frechette for Rugby Today, the policy seems to be working.
In the 2015 Six Nations, Frechette writes, 51% of scrums were completed successfully. At the World cup finals, 68%[ of scrums] were completed successfully. For PRO,[ where average number of scrums per competition is high-pitched at practically 20] the rate thus far is 77 %. Thats good bulletin for everyone who wants to see the pellet played from a scrum instead of listening a referees whistle. Thats all of us, right?
Pedrie Wannenberg in action for Denver, against San Diego. Picture: Connie Hatfield
Players have glowed. Dom Waldouck, formerly a centre for Wasps, Northampton, London Irish and England Saxons, did well at Ohio and has earned a ordeal at Newcastle. Langilangi Haupeakui, a hard-hitting Sacramento No8, came to the league from a tough upbringing and fraction two rugby with the East Palo Alto Razorbacks. Five a few months later, Lewis said, he got fit, eventually ate well and all of a sudden, boom, launched into the Eagles, got a detonator and is going for a contest with Harlequins next week when they come over.
Other achievers include Spike Davis, a defensive attack who attended camp with the Washington Redskins and Green Bay Packers before pitching up in Ohio as a 6ft 4in, 250 lbs wing. There is also Hanco Germishuys, a US junior flanker no longer a male among boys or a son among people after a season with Denver, and the San Diego openside Cecil Garber, a learn from the Seattle Saracens with a attack count off the charts.
Weve fulfilled that part of the mission, Lewis said. Three, four, five participates are now on[ USA coach] John Mitchells radar who maybe wouldnt ought to have otherwise.
Thanks to Lewis and Schoninger, a pro competition that would not otherwise have been on nature rugby radar is now there. A blip, perhaps, but thriving brighter. After Sundays finale, there will be a breather for all concerned. Then the hard work begins again.
The post US PRO Rugby season come to Denver v Ohio designation decider appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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