#the white on the trans flag is for my nb ass
awkwardmermaidhair · 5 years
enjoy the sound of me fumbling through Oh Fionna at a lower pitch to live my transmasc life
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pip-n-flinx · 4 years
Among Us
So this is going to get long, this is going to get personal, this is going to be about prejudice and race and self-serving bad-faith arguments and flawed rhetoric. And for all of these reasons I’m going to leave the rest of this under the cut.
As a few of my friends will know, earlier this week I was delivered an ultimatum from my landlord/roommate. He disguised it well, telling me he was ‘concerned for my mental health’ that my ‘negativity was dragging the whole house down’ and that I was simply too filthy to live with. I won’t pretend I’m a neat freak, and I can honestly say that I have taken some pains to clean more since, to his surprise and delight, though its particularly hard to take coming from him.
“You’re always so down. It’s making you lazy and thin skinned” You know its funny you should say that, now specifically, because I’ve actually been on the up and up this last week and you didn’t mention this at all in January when I was actually at my worst, or February when I was afraid I was going to have to quit my job, or back during the holiday season when retail work was breaking my back... Only now do you think to check in on me?
“You left a pair of gloves, a letter, and a small wooden trinket on the table!” Indeed I have, as you have left your pair of gloves, well over 21 letters, and regularly set your packages on this same table, including today two packages to be returned to amazon. I didn’t realize I didn’t get to use the table the same way you do.
“You don’t do dishes! except that you did this week, which is cool I guess but still!” You do realize that I actually hand-wash every dish I use within 24 hours of using it, right? And that often the dishes you come to me bitching that I never cleaned are in fact your fiances, yes? Ok good, next question.
“You’re always complaining about work. I don’t mind that you vent, but its all you talk about anymore!” I have either lost or walked away from 4 jobs in this last year, and that has not been easy, or fun. I have worked essential retail jobs the entire pandemic thus far. Additionally, in the months leading up to you storming out of your 75k a year salaried sales job, I had told you to leave it because I could see that it was killing you. You got so fed up with the job that for 4-5 months before you left your grandma-paid-off-my-second-mortgage capitalism-knows-best-pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps-ass spent more time playing valorant and league of legends on the clock than doing actual work. Need I remind you that every time I stepped into your office, or simply stepped upstairs to get ready for work, you would complain about how awful your managers were, or how shitty someone had been to you over the phone? DID I EVER BELITTLE YOU FOR ANY OF THESE THINGS????
The real kicker was that the spark, the moment that started this (at least for him) was me trying to explain why racism and ‘cultural supremecy’ was bad. I had brought to him something I thought we could both agree on, that we could both laugh at. I brought him a series of tweets about how problematic Van Gogh was for studying and imitating traditional japanese painting techniques. He took this, and immediately turned into a piece of the culture wars. Now, I agree, this is an egregious example of trying to ‘cancel’ someone. How cancelling a long dead artist who couldn’t sell his art while he was alive is important is beyond my comprehension, its not as though the market value of these comes up very often, and almost no-one will ever have a chance to buy or reject a Van Gogh. But to him this was emblematic of ‘liberals’ cancelling Seuss and Rowling.
He even went so far as to say that Van Gogh probably ‘did it better’ than the artists he was studying/imitating. Now, this is a huge red-flag to me because this is straight out of the Nazi playbook. This is William Shenker, proposing a theory of music to proof ‘German cultural superiority.’ This, if you will pardon my language, is the real culture war: trying to supplant other cultures art and history with western figures and events.
Now, for those of you who don’t know who I’m talking about, this man is sexist. He doesn’t believe women are equal, complains about women’s sports, and rejects a woman’s right to choose. This man is a transphobe, questioning the logic of ‘safe-spaces’ and allowing people to change their pronouns. This man is a Trump supporter, and voted for him twice. And all of these things I found out years after we became friends. I have in the past contemplated what it would take to cut him out of my life wholesale. Despite our wealth of shared experience and our shared interests, we’ve been drifting apart as he drifts further and further to the right. And he has been drifting. He’s parroted more bad-faith arguments from Ben Shapiro and Tucker Carlson in the last 6 months then he ever did when I first moved in with him.
I have been trying to push back, especially when he says the quiet parts out loud. I try to let him know that it is not acceptable to say he would rather an unarmed black man die that risk that a police officer might be injured. When he compares the people in control of Seuss’ intellectual property and works choose to stop printing less than 6% of his published works to the book burnings in Mao’s china. When he says that its more important to protect teacher from students trolling them by changing their pronouns than it is to protect trans or NB kids. When he espouses his belief that trans and NB kids are ‘just mentally ill.’ Whenever he says any of this shit, I have pushed back. I have tried to halt, or at least slow, his descent towards eugenics and white supremacy and fascism.
It has been to no avail.
And to be honest its exhausting. I wanted to believe that he would trust me, not just to be a moral and thoughtful person, but to be educated and informed on these issues. We went to school together, spent countless hours solving homework and trying to crack games together. If I don’t know the answer to his questions immediately, he often jokes ‘C’mon, you’re supposed to know everything!” and has frequently told me that I’m selling myself short.
But apparently all that trust and all that respect goes out the window when I challenge him. Suddenly I’m ‘overly negative’ or ‘too sensitive’ or he’ll ‘need to look into that, but...’
And the thing is, he is capable of great acts of kindness. He offered to rent me a room in his completely paid-off house, no mortgage at all, simply because he could see living at home was killing my mental health. He offered me 50-75% off of market rate. He buys gifts all the time, has landed tenants job interviews, set people back on their feet, and refused to press charges for several major financial loses he’s taken on the determination that it would do more harm to the defendant than he could ever recoup from it.
But he does not extend this kindness, this generous soul, to everyone. And lately, his circle grows smaller, and his kindess has waned, and it’s been so devastating to see him slip further and further towards his own worst impulses.
I know there will be people who think I should have cut him out of my life years ago, who can’t believe we never talked enough to know that he voted for Trump in 2016. I think back then he was genuinely ashamed, or at least guilty, about that vote. Now? It’s almost a matter of pride for him. I can’t tell you the number of times in the last 4 months that he’s told me that Biden “couldn’t possibly” be as “great” a President as Trump.
And he hides behind this “praise them when they do good, cuff them when they do bad” line and I used to take comfort in it but now... Now it’s clear that it was just a front or excuse for liking these abhorrent people.
I’ve had a couple of hard conversations with some of our mutual friends about what this means for me, and how I interract with the whole group of friends as a whole, in the last 3 days. None of our mutual friends seem to take any of these things as seriously as I do, with my oldest friend even telling me that he ‘can’t imagine’ breaking a friendship off over politics.... I know I know, the caucasity of it all, yes ha ha. And it does make me genuinely worried that I’ll wind up losing the 5-6 close friends that I actually rely on these days over this horrible sonuvabitch. But all this personal venting aside, there’s something bigger here I want to address:
I sat down this evening to watch Last Week Tonight and I was struck by this piece about Tucker Carlson, because while I knew some of what was said on his show, he is remarkably confident for a man who spouts the quiet parts of racism/sexism/homophobia on TV. I have a hard time imaging a more blatantly racist thing to do then declare that a woman who suggested ‘dismantling systems of oppression wherever they are found’ wants to dismantle the American system...
And I have to say, we should go back to punching Nazis. I want these fuckers afraid. I want them to crawl back to the furthest reaches of the internet, relegated to be laughed at for their bigotry by pundits of every political ideology. I want their vile vitriol hidden away where it doesn’t embolden others. I want them to know that they are out of line, out of touch, out of time. I want them to feel ashamed, like the relics of a bygone and worse era that they are, and for them to quietly fade to an ignominious death. I’m tired of seeing them on National News. I’m tired of Pewdiepie’s channel and influence refusing to die despite all the horrible things he’s said and done. I’m tired of Ben Shapiro spouting off about a woman’s place and rights, as if he has any fucking authority on the matter. I just want these people to lose their platforms and their followers. And for me the fact that they haven’t yet is so incredibly discouraging.
I know I didn’t offer any answers here I’m just tired of being alone with this defeated attitude and I guess I needed to get this off my chest as I try to disentangle myself from the losing battle of trying to save a friend from alt-right radicalization.
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Of Birthdays And Binders
Ship: Agender!Aziraphale x Genderfluid!Crowley x FtM!Reader
Content Warning: Gender dysphoria, mention of transphobia, reader had been disowned and kicked out prior to the story (brief mention, but might as well throw it out there.)
Summary: His birthday, and only two people cared. Not even people, two beings cared. No people. Don’t question why a legal adult with his own apartment can’t afford a new binder...? Convenient plot device. This can be read as FtM OR masc!nb. I use he/him the whole time.
He woke up alone. Not only in the literal sense of being alone in bed, but no one had made any attempts to contact him. The street was unusually quiet too. It was like the one day where he wanted to be surrounded by people, he was…
His second alarm rang, and he rolled himself off of his bed and onto his pile of plush pillows. His phone buzzed. Twice. Reaching for his phone, he yawned, expecting it to be a notification from Twitter or Instagram. So naturally, it wasn’t.
It was two texts.
‘Hello, darling! Happy birthday! I have a surprise for you, so if you could pop on by the bookshop at noon, that would be lovely. I love you, (y/n)!’ Azi’s texts never failed to make him wiggle with joy. They were full of gentle, affectionate words, oh so different from what he was accustomed to.
‘Someone told me it was my favorite baby goat’s birthday today. <3 So I figured I’d stop by in 30. You don’t need to do anything, just be in your flat. Love you, handsome ;)’ If someone walked up to (y/n) and said that the demon Crowley invented emoticons, he would believe it. Nonetheless, his texts were always flattering and made him feel appreciated.
He sent them both a heart emoji, and went to get dressed. Dressing didn’t really require much effort. He slept in his clothes, with the noteable exception of his old, beat up binder.
He had bought it in secret when he was sixteen years old. Had it shipped to his friend’s house, and paid for it with his birthday money. He almost got away with it, too, until his parents walked in on him washing it.
They were quick to start yelling at him. Calling him a sinner, a disgrace. They told him that if he was going to be a tranny, that he would do it far, far away from them.
So he packed his duffel bag, bought the cheapest ticket to London that he could find, and he left Massachusetts for good. Cut all ties with his blood relatives, and texted his friends goodbye.
Now, four years later, he had two loving boyfriends, and his life was getting back on track. Every weekday he worked a nine to five job at a diner, which paid just enough to pay rent, buy food, and pay his cell phone bill. He had some money set away for education, and medical expenses. But he still only had his old, beat up binder. It didn’t bind very well anymore, it was so stretched out. He couldn’t really afford to spend so much on one thing, no matter how happy it would make him. Money was tight, but what did he expect, being a high school dropout? He would give anything to have completed high school back in his hometown, but life didn’t work in his favor.
He sighed and shrugged it on, then pulled his oversized T-shirt back on. Five minutes until Crowley said he would arrive. Then, three knocks. Quick, sharp raps on the thin plaster door. (Y/n) rushed to open the door, and his boyfriend blew the birthday song on a tacky kazoo.
He laughed and opened the door wider so that the redhead could step in, playfully slapping his ass as he sauntered towards the couch.
“Happy birthday, hot stuff!” Crowley smirked, the pointed tips of his tongue showing slightly. He pulled out a small box. There was wrapping paper on it, but he could hardly call it wrapped. An attempt at wrapping was most likely made, but that’s really the extent of it. “I think you’re gonna like this.”
(Y/n)’s eyes softened. “Oh, you really didn’t have to.”
The look on Crowley’s fact could only be described as offended. “Oh, baby goat, I know I didn’t have to. But I wanted to. It’s your twentieth birthday, and the first birthday since we started dating. This is special. Now, take the box and open it, hm?”
He laughs and grabs the box, pulling it sharply and sending the demon flying into (y/n)’s arms. “I love you, my love.”
The tape was slowly peeled off, and the box flaps popped open. Inside was a full-tank, nude binder. In his size.
He stared in silent shock, eyes wide and teary. “Oh my God.” He pinched himself twice, before tackling his boyfriend into the old couch. He tenderly kissed the tip of his nose, smiling widely. “You got me a new binder. You actually got me a new binder. Oh my goodness.”
Crowley ruffled his hair affectionately. “Well? Go try it on!” His smile only got wider as (y/n) sprinted into the bathroom to put it on. After a couple minutes of silence, (y/n) yelled from the bathroom.
“Erm...sweetheart, darling, sweetcheeks, pretty boy, love, sexy ass, hottie, aha, erm…” he trailed off, and Crowley knew immediately that he had done something stupid. “How would you respond if I said I was stuck?”
Biting back a laugh, Crowley started walking towards the bathroom. “I’ll come help, hot stuff.”
He was indeed stuck in the new binder. It had been quite a long time since he had put on something so tight, and while he was euphoric, he had forgotten how difficult it was. Most of the binder was on properly, except for his arms. Somehow, he managed to get his arms stuck along his torso, and it was too tight for him to wiggle them out. Crowley’s face scrunched in a snicker that was met with an indignant pout.
“Oh poo, love.” He sticks his tongue out, and attempts to cross his arms (this doesn’t go well).
Crowley mock gasps. “So you don’t want my help?” Immediately, (y/n)’s eyes switch into a very persuasive puppy dog impression.
“Please?” He wriggles pathetically, in an attempt to invoke sympathy. “Pretty please?”
Crowley deadpans. “The physical appearance of the please has no effect on me.” But with a snap of his fingers, (y/n)’s arms were through the proper place, and he wasn’t stuck anymore.
Immediately, he ran up to the demon and tackled him. The twenty year old peppered his face with gentle pecks until he was breathless, finally pulling away to bury his head in Crowley’s shoulder. “Thank you, Crowley. Thank you so much.”
They spent the next couple hours cuddling on the couch, spooning with Crowley whispering sweet nothings to his boyfriend. Before they knew it, it was a few minutes to noon. Crowley pulled him up, and snapped his fingers. Instead of being in a small, musty flat, they were standing in an alleyway next to an even mustier bookshop.
A. Z. Fell & Co. Antiquarian and Unusual Books. Where his other darling boyfriend lived. As the clock struck noon, Crowley burst into the bookshelf and held the door open for his more timid boyfriend.
His eyes lit up when he saw a cake, and three mugs of cocoa. By no means was it small, in fact, it was the size of a traditional wedding cake. Large and extravagant. Aziraphale burst out of the back room and jogged over to his boyfriends. “Oh, happy birthday my darling boy!” He reached over (y/n)’s shoulder and pulled him into a tender hug and kiss on the top of the head. “Now come, else the cocoa will get cold.”
The three of them sat at the table. The angel pulled out a daintily wrapped, but rather large package. It was covered in a creamy white paper, and tied with little blue bows. Crowley nudged (y/n), prompting the boy to blush and tug the box from his boyfriend’s hand. “Gosh, you guys, you really shouldn’t have done all of this stuff.” He carefully untied all of the bows, and peeled the tape away. Everything was perfectly intact, except Crowley’s patience. “Honest, I don’t deserve any o-” (Y/n)’s eyes widened as Crowley leaned over and kissed the human until he had to pull away for air.
Wordlessly, the redhead poked the brown box, and his boyfriend got the message. He opened the box eagerly, and his eyes widened once again. Tears welled in his eyes and an infectious smile spread across his face. The box fell to the floor as a trans flag emerged.
Aziraphale’s eyes closed in a giddy giggle. “Look in the box again!” His bright eyes opened, and it was clear that watching (y/n) open gifts brought him joy. He did what he was told, picking the box up, only to drop it again.
“Oh, wow!” He cooed, awestruck. A hand-knit throw blanket, that doubled as a rainbow pride flag. “Oh, I love it! Did you-?”
Aziraphale cut him off with an excited hug. “Oh, I did hope that you would like it! I learned how to knit right before we began courting, and the day we, er, performed coitus, I knew exactly what to do!”
Crowley’s mouth dropped. “You didn’t use miracles? When you said you were going to make a blanket for him, I didn’t think you would spend a year making it.” Aziraphale blushed, and twiddled his thumbs. (Y/n) kissed both their cheeks lightly.
“I love you two, so much. I don’t deserve you, honestly.” He tugged them over to the plush couch and threw the blanket over the trio. Safe, warm, and happy. Just how life should be.
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nonbinary links and shit for your arguing pleasure
Featuring your Fed The Fuck Up host, me. Sorry I’m so angry throughout, you get that way after being shit all over because people can’t do their research, and it’s become exhausting to try and be nice when I’ve dealt with so much fucking bullshit from people just straight up ignoring the truth. Anyway.
Warning: some sources may use mixed information or language, such as asserting binarism, so please refer to the whole section about those as social constructs for what you also need to know regarding those things, thank you. Many who believe NB people exist still don’t know about how the sex binary isn’t a binary as well, hence the long explanations. Believe me, that section is very extensive.
You will be linked to pages on my blog with all your sources. Don’t expect me to come to your home and click them for you. If you’re too lazy to click some links because you like scratching your ass and ignoring facts, please cease to exist at your earliest convenience.
This is a constantly-updated blog, with the pages of sources being added to and updated. That’s why all the information is available on separate pages, and also because the google document I used is just too damn big to fit in one post. If you have information you’d like included, or if you’d like your link/post removed, please feel free to ask.
Here is the link to the google doc for a comprehensive version.
Let’s just say the most important things right here:
The trans flag’s designer made it with the white stripe reflecting nonbinary people:
The stripe in the middle of the trans flag is white, for those who are intersex, transitioning or consider themselves having a neutral or undefined gender.
timestamp 1:06
WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) Links:
-Identity Recognition Statement, urging governments to create a nonbinary option. (I think the gender marker in general should be abolished but…)
-Volume 7 Standards of Care mentioning genderqueer and other nb identities as valid orientations. (Read directly under section V. But the whole document in general is unanimously supportive of nonbinary people
Psychiatry.org’s take-
‘Some people who use this term do not consider themselves as matching a binary gender category. In addition, new terms such as genderqueer, bigendered, and agendered are increasingly in use.’ - via the american psychiatric association.
And now, our pages! Please click to find links to your sources! These will be updated whenever necessary!
Articles About What/Who Nonbinary People Are, Some By Major Organizations (page 1)
Sex and Gender are Social Constructs (page 2)
Pronoun and Gender History (page 3)
Acknowledgement of NB Identities In the Real World (page 4)
Some questions to ask if you still aren’t convinced (page 5)
update and repost 11/22/18
mod is a diagnosed dysphoric trans nonbinary person.
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Man do I got A LOT of opinions on that last post’s notes. First one out of the way, exaggerating any gay PDA to “fucking on screen” is some classic home grown homophobia! Very galaxy brain of you. It’s disgusting, think before you speak.
Other point is my beef with the white fandom non-binaries and I’m not gonna be nice about it. (obv. prefacing this with I’m a gay nb poc). A cis content creator making some of their fantasy/sci fi characters nb as an after thought because those characters are “technically not human” or whatever is not good rep. In fact my stance is that it is not rep at all, even if the words “non-binary” are spoken by the CC themselves**.
This creator is not interested in writing trans characters, they are not writing a trans story, and they certainly are not assed to have actual non-binary people in mind when writing these characters. These characters “non-binarity” (which I do not even acknowledge) is a mystical element. That’s it. That’s all its ever meant to be, like a pair of fangs or glowing hair, it is a flag these characters are not human. It is not even lip service, and it /certainly/ isn’t lgbt rep. Period. You need to stop deluding yourselves and calling CCs woke or lgbt icons or whatever for doing this shit, when it’s lazy, dehumanizing, and offers us nothing.
And on this note, actual real non binary people can be gay, can call themselves gay, we can be any sexuality, not just some whatever secret sexual orientation that y'all seem to suggest is reserved for nbs. Gay does not exclusively mean male/male attractions. Even women can be gay. “They can’t be gay they’re nb” I’ve seen that so many times, and that’s nothing, that’s a nothing statement, it’s not true, the premise does not support the conclusion.
**post-canon/extra-canon obv. if it’s stated in Cano that’s different
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((don’t reblog))
i stg if i see a new fad popping up targeting and shitting on nonbinary peoples’ identities my head’s gonna goddamn pop like a squeezed grape. if y’all had the gall to fucking reblog nonbinary positive posts and talk about how the white stripe on the trans flag represents nonbinary people and then suddenly turn on us and start spouting bullshit about “non-trans nbs”, you’re a fake bitch. i’m a neutral-aligned fem-presenting nonbinary person who fluctuates between fem and masc, but if you start calling dmab masc and dfab fem nonbinaries “not trans”, you can kiss my ass goodbye as a friend or even an acquaintance because i don’t have time for that bullshit. being trans means you aren’t the gender that was assigned to you at birth, and you literally can’t be assigned nonbinary at birth, so even if a nonbinary person feels a little more masc or fem, if they’re still nonbinary, they’re still trans. y’all like to treat us like scapegoats because we aren’t a binary gender and that makes us easy targets, and you’re all “uwu luv and support enbys” and preach about not misgendering or invalidating others’ identities until you see whatever fucking opportunity y’all can use to turn on us. if you actually practiced what you preached, you wouldn’t use excuses  (”oh these particular nbs are bad so let’s use them as an excuse to suddenly invalidate every nb who doesn’t meet My Standard of Transness”) to suddenly start misgendering us.
((don’t reblog))
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stimcourse-archive2 · 7 years
I just saw a video of the woman who created the trans flag talking about the meaning behind it and the white aparently always stood for nb people in her mind and im just,,,,so happy omg
i saw that! truscum can kiss my nb ass!
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Hi, nonbinary people are real, stop being willfully ignorant! Here’s your gigantic proof post!
Featuring your Fed The Fuck Up host, me. Sorry I’m so angry throughout, you get that way after being shit all over because people can’t do their research, and it’s become exhausting to try and be nice when I’ve dealt with so much fucking bullshit from people just straight up ignoring the truth. Anyway.
Warning: some sources may use mixed information or language, such as asserting binarism, so please refer to the whole section about those as social constructs for what you also need to know regarding those things, thank you. Many who believe NB people exist still don’t know about how the sex binary isn’t a binary as well, hence the long explanations. Believe me, that section is very extensive.
You will be linked to pages on my blog with all your sources. Don’t expect me to come to your home and click them for you. If you’re too lazy to click some links because you like scratching your ass and ignoring facts, please cease to exist at your earliest convenience.
This is a constantly-updated blog, with the pages of sources being added to and updated. That’s why all the information is available on separate pages, and also because the google document I used is just too damn big to fit in one post. If you have information you’d like included, or if you’d like your link/post removed, please feel free to ask.
Here is the link to the google doc for a comprehensive version.
Let’s just say the most important things right here:
The trans flag’s designer made it with the white stripe reflecting nonbinary people:
The stripe in the middle of the trans flag is white, for those who are intersex, transitioning or consider themselves having a neutral or undefined gender.
timestamp 1:06
WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) Links:
-Identity Recognition Statement, urging governments to create a nonbinary option. (I think the gender marker in general should be abolished but…)
-Volume 7 Standards of Care mentioning genderqueer and other nb identities as valid orientations. (Read directly under section V. But the whole document in general is unanimously supportive of nonbinary people
Psychiatry.org’s take-
‘Some people who use this term do not consider themselves as matching a binary gender category. In addition, new terms such as genderqueer, bigendered, and agendered are increasingly in use.’ - via the american psychiatric association.
And now, our pages! Please click to find links to your sources! These will be updated whenever necessary!
Articles About What/Who Nonbinary People Are, Some By Major Organizations (page 1)
Sex and Gender are Social Constructs (page 2)
Pronoun and Gender History (page 3)
Acknowledgement of NB Identities In the Real World (page 4)
Some questions to ask if you still aren’t convinced (page 5)
update and repost 11/22/18 
mod is a diagnosed dysphoric trans nonbinary person.
276 notes · View notes
Hi, nonbinary people are real, stop being willfully ignorant! Here’s your gigantic proof post!
Featuring your Fed The Fuck Up host, me. Sorry I’m so angry throughout, you get that way after being shit all over because people can’t do their research, and it's become exhausting to try and be nice when I've dealt with so much fucking bullshit from people just straight up ignoring the truth. Anyway.
Warning: some sources may use outdated info or language, such as asserting binarism, so please refer to the whole section about those as social constructs for what you -really- need to know regarding those things, thank you. Believe me, that section is very extensive. 
You will be linked to pages on my blog with all your sources. Don’t expect me to come to your home and click them for you. If you’re too lazy to click some links because you like scratching your ass and ignoring facts, please cease to exist at your earliest convenience. 
This is a constantly-updated blog, with the pages of sources being added to and updated. That’s why all the information is available on separate pages, and also because the google document I used is just too damn big to fit in one post. If you have information you’d like included, or if you’d like your link/post removed, please feel free to ask. 
Here is the link to the google doc for a comprehensive version.
Let’s just say the most important things right here:
The trans flag’s designer made it with the white stripe reflecting nonbinary people:
The stripe in the middle of the trans flag is white, for those who are intersex, transitioning or consider themselves having a neutral or undefined gender.
timestamp 1:06
WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) Links:
-Identity Recognition Statement, urging governments to create a nonbinary option. (I think the gender marker in general should be abolished but…)
-Volume 7 Standards of Care mentioning genderqueer and other nb identities as valid orientations. (Read directly under section V. But the whole document in general is unanimously supportive of nonbinary people
Psychiatry.org’s take-
‘Some people who use this term do not consider themselves as matching a binary gender category. In addition, new terms such as genderqueer, bigendered, and agendered are increasingly in use.’ - via the american psychiatric association.
And now, our pages! Please click to find links to your sources! These will be updated whenever necessary! 
Articles About What/Who Nonbinary People Are, Some By Major Organizations (page 1)
Sex and Gender are Social Constructs (page 2)
Pronoun and Gender History (page 3)
Acknowledgement of NB Identities In the Real World (page 4)
Some questions to ask if you still aren’t convinced (page 5)
If anyone decides to cover their eyes and pretend these pages of sources doesn’t exist because you’re THAT SET in being a transphobe,
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