#the way. the role it took upon itself. when it was younger. to be the fixer. to clean up after [redacted]
moe-broey · 1 month
Idk I also just hate the future actually. My ass is Always living in the past or simply day to day 💪💪💪
#HELP ...... SO MANY OF MY DAYDREAMS CENTER AROUND THIS ACTUALLY.....#like. huge point of drama/point of contention between alfonse and moe is that moe Hesitates.#even outright Refuses. to consider the future. where alfonse's future seems set in stone that is the path he's been striving for all long#moe feels like it won't have a place there. you'll be king. you'll be all set. you'll probably have to have a queen#and even if it's a political marriage thing (WHICH. I HAVE SO MUCH HC LORE ABOUT --#like no one specifically but like. alfonse is the type of guy who has accepted this long ago and just treats it as a fact of life#which moe RESENTS. HOW are you gonna fuckinh ACCEPT THAT. your life entirely out of your own hands#bitch i'll fucking KILL YOU. ect)#also as a side there was a whole wedding banner wip that explored that that i. forgor about#but like. alfonse tries SO hard to convince moe that there WILL be a place for it by his side. he will MAKE that place if he has to#also a king4king situation isn't feasible i think moe would be a concubine (gay style). or an enuch or something#like moe does NOT want to be in any position of actual authority. that's not its heart. it's a support guy through and through#but going back to the start. moe is the type of guy who's convinced it's going to be replaced.#moe is the type of guy who burns bridges and feels a sense of relief. moe is the type of guy who is looking for ANY excuse#to run away. and ESP to reframe it as 'you're better off without me'.#the only reason it was able to get so close to alfonse is bc it was convinced alfonse wouldn't get attached to it#and when he did moe was convinced Well. this will all be temporary anyway. i'll take it day by day#make the most of it. and whenever alfonse hits it w one of his classic zingers like#the more you have to lose the worse it hurts when you do doesn't that make you feel lonely. SHUP FUCKIYBNG SHUT YPUR FUCK UP‼️‼️‼️#moe is a normal guy with no problems. definitely no commitment issues or intimacy issues. i promise.#ACTUALLY THAT REMINDS ME. BEEN TURNING THIS AROUND IN MY HEAD TOO. ESP W MY CURRENT WIP#and the feelings it invokes in me. moe is SO CONVINCED. SO CONVINCED. it's gonna fuck alfonse over big time#do NOT make me your lifeline i swear to fucking god. i Promise You. i Will Fail You.#adjacent but moe being a healer is ENDLESSLY. FASCINATING TO ME. LIKE MY GOD#healer that is just SO destructive. that's w.. that's part of why... it became a healer.........#like god. being a healer to ensure that if you get rid of me you'll be at a disadvantage.#nevermind the fact that i have a role exclusive to me. not good enough. i need More insurance.#the way. the role it took upon itself. when it was younger. to be the fixer. to clean up after [redacted]#and its never ending cycle. ever since it was a child. its never ending cycle of tearing itself apart#to rebuild itself anew. better this time. Perfect this time. this time. this time. this time.
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that-one-p00k1e · 9 months
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Pairing: fem!reader x Muichiro
TW: none, OOC overall, fluff^^
Note: reader is 5 days younger than Mui
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“Tokito-Sama, please hold still.”
“Your eyes look familiar.” Muichiro tilted his head again as you let out a light sigh, continuing to gently dab disinfectant on his cheek.
Logically, when a person enrolls as a demon hunter, their title would be a demon hunter itself. The same goes for a kakushi. They both have their own different roles to play, as well as different duties to fulfill. You, on the other hand, decided to take both responsibilities of both titles upon yourself.
People would think of that as an absurd decision. A tiring one, too. But the agonizing boredom that engulfs when no mission was around, made the idea of being an occasional kakushi not seem to be a bad option. Which explains your current position right now; face to face with the Mist Pillar, tending to his wounds from his recent mission.
“Have we met before?” his deep yet soft voice spoke up with curiosity.
“No, we have not, Tokito-Sama.” Your tone was put up with formality; keeping composure despite the untruth that came with it. As a demon hunter, you've been acquainted with Muichiro more than once. Either by accidentally bumping into him, walking past him during his cloud gazing sessions, or doing a friendly gesture by sharing food with him once in a while.
Although he was in a way higher rank than you; in terms of age, you were only 5 days younger than him. Thus, you wanted to take the opportunity to befriend someone of your age, considering most demon hunters as of now were around 16 and older. Moreover, you were bewildered the moment you found out about a Pillar that was only 14 years of age.
Despite the interactions you've made with him as a demon slayer, you never dared to do the same when taking your secondary role as a kakushi.
“Were you the one who gave me furofuki daikon?” he questioned further as he looked at you tending to his arm.
“I'm afraid I could not recall doing such a deed. You must’ve mistaken me for another kakushi, Tokito-Sama,” you replied calmly as you kept focused on healing his arm.
“No, not a kakushi. You were a demon hunter.”
And with that, your heart skipped a beat.
A kakushi have always had to keep their identities undercover; wearing a beanie-like hat to cover their head and hair, and a mask covering the back of their heads and half of their faces. Of course, wearing those complete attributes already made you feel safe.
But never did you expect Muichiro– a young boy with short term memory loss –out of all people, could easily suspect your true identity despite it being hidden.
“I don't understand what you mean, Tokito-Sama. I am a kakushi, not a demon slayer,” you continued further as you tried to keep composed and unfazed; a contrast to the rapid increase of your heart beat you felt inside.
“Your wounds are fully taken care of. There’ll be tea brought here for you soon, I shall take my leave.” You stood up from your kneeling position and quickly bowed your head, turning away to head for the exit before a hand suddenly pulled you down; bringing your eyes to meet with a pair of mint green ones.
In a matter of seconds, another hand tugged at the hem of your mask; pulling down the whole thing along with the hat as it revealed your whole face.
“I was right,” was all the culprit could mutter as he stared blankly into your eyes; only a few centimeters of distance between your faces. Immediately, pink sprawled across your face as you pulled back and looked away in embarrassment.
“Tokito-Sama, please refrain from doing such actions. And h-how come you remember me? No offense, but usually you easily forget things.”
“You just seem… familiar.” His words piqued your curiosity as you took a glance at his stoic face.
“Familiar? What do you mean?”
The young Pillar then raised his hand, pointing a finger at you.
“You… You keep showing up in my head.”
“... What?” you questioned as your brows furrowed in deeper confusion.
“Your face. It shows up in my head… a lot.”
That face of yours that once had a pink-tinted surface, rose to a warmer shade of red.
“In a good way or a bad way?"
“Don't know… What was your name again?”
“It- It’s not important. You should inform that issue to Kocho-Sama, maybe she'll know what's wrong,” you quickly spoke due to being flustered, as you immediately left and brushed it all off; not wanting to get your hopes up further.
Muichiro was then left alone with his thoughts; considering to talk to the Insect Pillar.
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“My, my. Stuck in your head, you say?” a soft and gentle voice spoke in amusement.
The youngster then replied with a nod, not seeming to be expressing anything apparent.
“Let's see. How does your stomach feel when you see her in your head?”
“It feels… weird.. Like I'm getting tickled on the inside,” he stated with a blank expression.
“Well would you look at that. I think we'd better talk this out with Kanroji-San,” the woman with a purple butterfly hairpin stated with the same remaining smile; leading the young boy to head to the Love Pillar's residence.
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blueflipflops · 2 years
Blessed is The Fruit of Thy Womb
tw: pregnancy, violence, dissociating
Inspired by @cyrwrites 's prompt which is just too good to not write about Talia being pregnant from the exposure from the Lazarus Pits. Saw the tag about "Damian having a complex due to danny's whole "Child of Lazarus" thing he's got going on" and ran with it. Also the religious allegations thing was inspired and I am so here for it. Ended up longer than i planned tho. Would probably add more to this. Enjoy.
Damian Al Ghul was born a prince. An heir. The blood son of Batman and Talia Al-Ghul. The grandson of the Demon Head.
He is to have the world presented to him in a silver platter even before he reaches his majority.
And yet... that's not quite right, now, isn't it?
Because for all the gift of genes he has in his body, for all the training he has ever endure ever since he learned how to walk... that is all he'll ever be.
A genetic experiment on how to get all the appealing genetic material from both parents and make it into a child.
His mother did not even bear him!
Pregnancy is too much of a hassle, too restrictive, too dangerous for her line of work. She need not be bothered to undergo the burdens of pregnancy when she can create a perfect child in a test tube.
Yet for all her complaints and stilted explainations, why...
Why does it seem like she cared more for the Child that grew itself in her womb?The one that came out of nowhere. The one she birthed herself. The one that Damian seemed to keep losing everything to.
Ever since his mother's womb grew with child with a distinct energy only felt in the Lazarus Pits, she has became estatic and raving. She had claimed that the Lazarus Pits has Chosen her to bear the fruit of its power. The one true heir. The Incarnate of Immortality and Power.
She claims all the honor and the pains that came with it. She became obssessed with the Child even before it was born. Even more when it was born male and familliar feeling of power emanating the infant. The Child opened its eyes with glowing Lazarus green eyes and the scent of death clinging to its blood covered flesh. It did not cry when it was born but just opened its eyes seemingly judging the worth midwife's life in the mortal realm. It must have deemed it unworthy as it is said that the stare looked straight to her soul and drove her mad. Damian never really knew who did the final blow. Was it his mother, the midwife herself or if it was his... brother just as rumored. Damian did not care to know any of that only that the midwife and several other helpers did died that day screaming and bloodied. Their corpses dumped over to the Pits as an offering.
The first time Damian had looked upon those cursed eyes where the first he had ever felt real fear in his life. In the very young age of 10 was he formally introduced to the Child. It looked like a human but distinctly not at the same time. Like an entity thats trying too hard to appear human but forgets what humans look like half the time.
The Child unsettles Damian.
It began its training about the same age as Damian did and unsurprisingly took on the skills easily as breathing. With abilities that seems to only get stronger with time and added training. It is not as perfect as his Mother praise it to be as it is said to go off in bouts of mad rage that seemed to only calm after blood has been spilt. This stopped being a problem after they found out that constant baths in the Pits have a similar enough effect without thinning their forces from the whims of the Child.
Slowly, no matter how hard Damian trains, no matter how successful he is in each obstacles or tests thrown his way, he will never get that Honor he was raised to believe was rightfully his. He was put to the side. Once a future leader now in a role of a follower.
Damian Al-Ghul is a prince. A warrior. An assassin. A spare. A bargaining chip against his father.
For all that the Child is younger than him by a mere year, Damian, with his obvious superior combination of genes, is less than the Child of Lazarus himself.
No matter.
There is one thing the Child cannot claim over him.
He is the blood son of Batman. Not him. Never him. Batman has no claim to the Child either as his mother ravingly repeated over and over again. (As if to remind him of his place.)
He is the only blood son of Batman after all. Not him. Damian need not share what is rightfully his.
No. Of course not.
That is why when his mother told him that he is to pack up his belongings to live and train with his father, Damian did not hesitate nor did he looked back.
His father will be different, he knows this. He will value him more than some demon child from the pits, he is sure. Even if he has to prove himself for it.
Danny is dissociating most of the time and feels like this is a very detailed hallucination post vivisection and cannot (dont want to) accept to awknowledge what is happening. He doesn't know what to do with himself if this was real. He has killed people here and sometimes in blind rage too. His core is very fragmented which means his memories are all over the place. Add that to his willful ignorance of the development of his apparent reincanation, he is very Messed Up.
To him, he is Danyal Al Ghul. Heir to the Demon Head, son of Talia Al Ghul, and Child of the Lazarus. But he is more than that, isn't he? He sees flashes of life before this. Of flight and action. Of family and friends. But that can't be right, can it? He feels like something else. Like someone else. But how can that be?
He emanated death energy all over because he can't control his emotions and powers as much as his teenager self. The ectoplasm in the air in the LOA's lair comes from the Lazarus Pits which is so corrupted from the amount of death, corpses, and heavily concentrated emotions, that it messes with Danny's head. He tried to get as much distance from the Pits as possible but Danny can't survive without ambient ectoplasm especially with his core being fragmented like this. When the stress got too much (which was often) he ends up in blind rage that only stops when someone dies and he hungrily absorbs up the ectoplasm from the freshly new corpse. And it goes over and over again until Danny decides that enough is enough. He doesnt want to not have complete control of his body nor does he want to kill more than what his new family is already making him to. He just has to suck it up and get his ectoplasm from the nearest available source: the Lazarus Pits.
After that, he stopped randomly killing people whenever he gets pissed. Being so hungry all the time, the ectoplasm from the pits started to become delicious to Danny but still. He tries to limit his consumption to the very minimum because it messes his head a bit wheter he notices it or not. So like 2-3 times a month. He stopped being deathly hungry.
His apparent "skill/genius" is just a abnormal one up from a normal child who had not lived half a lifetime growing up with a black belt ghost hunter mom who trains them to fight as mother-son bonding time. He didn't really go about it easily either. (Damian is just an unreliable narrator) He just instictively knows the basics and the theory but had to relearn how to do it in his new body that the League just polishes and sharpens to the max blinded by the idea of Danny being the Child of Lazarus. (Them being a cult and all) His hair becoming flame-like wisps and glowing eyes when angered did not help this theory. Nor did his inhuman strength and ghostly powers or his sharp teeth either. He seems to be able to use his powers even in his human form but ra's pissed him off so much one time he reverted to his ghost form...which became so twisted as the years has passed from all the trauma he has experienced and turned into a giant eldritch monster with way too many eyes and teeth, a cloud-like expanse of space and stars, and an Aurora Borealis encircled above his head like a crown. Ra's learned some lines drawn in the sand that day. He is overcome with both fear and poorly contained greed. His eyes dilated from the show of sheer power from this Child. Oh, how he hungers for it.
Danny, despite his nonexistent efforts, became a momma's boy. How can he not when his new mother showers him with love and affection near obssessively? His core subconsciously purrs in satisfaction from the attention despite the overall creepiness of the situation. His core imprinted on the woman already. Who cares if she's a bit crazy? His mother has always been a bit crazy. His memories of past!Maddie (pre-discovery/vivesection thingy) get muddled over and mixes up with memories of Talia which makes him latch onto her more. (Which Talia definitely encourages.) Because his mom is finally paying attention to him again :) she says she loves him :) and she doesn't want to rip him apart molecule by molecule :)))
(He knows. He asked! Although the words may have got tied up on his tongue and the question may have sounded more like a threat than what was intending to ask. But its all good! Surely his mother understood what he was trying to say because she immedietely hugged him and told him that she loved him very much and asked very nicely not to kill her. He is sure that they became closer after that. Talia is just thankful that her Child continues to recognize her as his Mother/Bearer and spared her from his usual rages. She is, of course, worth more than these other lowly mortals. Danyal is hers and hers only after all.)
Damian, on baby's first crisis: I am the blood son of Batman. The ONLY son of Batman. Surely I don't have to share him with others :)
Me, nervously looking over my shoulder to see a line of robins and robin-adjacent children that had at one point dressed up as a caped traffic light or another: ...uhhh...
Me, looking at the other side seeing Terry Mcginnis and Helena Bertinelli/Wayne playing rock paper sissors : yeah... about that...
Damian is very biased here. Because how the fuck is he going to compete with a fucking demon pit incarnate??? He's got a lot of thoughts about being replaced here which ha! New flavor of trauma for my baby bird. :)
Love giving Damian a complex :) Wanna put him in a jar of pickles and shake it :)
Also would love to see Damian will arrive ready to prove his worth only to find out that Batman is dead/missing/stranded in the timestream and how it will affect his new flavors of complexes and issues. Lol Oh to be a fly on the wall of the batcave when that happens. Wait dont they have bats there? Flies would get eaten—
Lol someone calls Damian a demon child once and he gets geniunely offended. He hisses back that he is not a Lazarus Pit Baby and thats how the batfam finds out about danny. They all panic at first thinking that not only did Bruce have another secret child but said child is apparently still with LOA. And boy would that do wonders to Damian's buried insecurities. Damian is going going to experience some Emotions and he's going to make it everyone's problem.
Like mother like son.
Talia and possibly Ra's POV next
Anyways, here are them tags:
@emergentpanda-blog @skulld3mort-1fan @rosecinnamonbun @ver-444 @learning-to-fly-on-my-own @dannyphantomphan @yasminerd00 @blep-23
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stomach-bugg09 · 2 years
im insanely in love with your older! Sister mini series!
Hmm I have a request, could you perhaps do one where you remember the scene where kiri unfortunately has a seizure underwater?
Instead of it being kiri could you switch it so instead we’re the one who has a severe seizure?? maybe a little different? Not too similar to how kiri’s whole situation went.
And the whole family especially our younger siblings go into a panic bc this has NEVER happened before.
It’s alright if you don’t want to do this one 🤍 was trying to come up with an idea so the mini series could stay alive for a bit longer! Lol
summary: [y/n] is normally the one taking care of her younger siblings—how are they supposed to care for their big sister while she’s hurting?
a/n: ahh !! thank you for this request. it’s been sitting in my drafts for a while because i was writing other requests , but i’m finally here !! i kind of changed the plot because kiri has a reason for her seizures ( “epilepsy” as norm might say , or as educated people might say , she’s connected to eywa ) so i decided to go with more of a connection to ancestors sort of route so that way they’re still super worried and she’s super in danger , but at least it’s something unique to her character !! hopefully you all enjoy. feedback + reblogs are always appreciated !!
tags: @rafeslovergirl @wxnderingthoughts @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @hjkshshjkhklhkl @itssiaaax @grierpilots @fleurbeass @eywas-heir @historygeekqueen @missroro @23victoria
warnings: mentions of immense pain , passing out , almost drowning , death , a very familiar death scene of a beloved na’vi from the first movie
not invincible
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it should have been a normal day. it truly should have! but, alas, the sully family would forever keep it from being anywhere near “normal.” especially in their new home.
the group of siblings had been overwhelmed with honor when tsireya offered to show them the metkayina spirit tree settled beneath the waters of the cove of the ancestors.
as soon as [y/n] broke through the surface, immersing herself in a completely different world than she ever grew up around, she could feel the change in atmosphere. there was something different, something deeper that exuded itself through the cove. at the feeling, she could not fight the natural smile. it reminded her of her home, of the omaticaya tree of voices. oh, how she missed it.
the underwater bioluminescence highlighted features upon each of her companions, the beautiful splatter of glowing freckles littering each of their cheeks. [y/n] sent a cheeky grin towards her youngest sister, excitement omitting from every one of her movements.
the further they swam, the more in awe that [y/n] seemed to be. it was absolutely gorgeous. the scenery was jaw-dropping,
“come,” tsireya signaled, gently grabbing her own queue as they neared the tree. the four sully siblings that joined her on the journey to the spirit tree, neteyam, kiri, tuk, and [y/n], all followed suit.
the closer [y/n] swam to the tree, the louder her heartbeat got. she couldn’t help but stare in complete awe, the purple light omitting onto her face. she smiled, grabbing her hair, and she connected it to the underwater tree.
immediately, warmth flooded through her body. her smile broadened, and her fingertips tingled. at the comforting sensation, she felt herself slip from reality, allowing her eyes to close as she shifted into another world.
when she opened her eyes again, [y/n] was met with a familiar sight of home. she let out a laugh of joy, spin around as she took in the sight. she’d missed the forest, but as the eldest child, as the role model, she felt as if that longing feeling of being homesick had been pushed down. it was a common role that [y/n] had to take as the eldest. push down her feelings and prioritize that of her baby siblings.
[y/n] took a step forward, feet sinking into the wet mud. she paused, wiggling her toes, a moment of nostalgia playing back. once she looked back up, she felt smaller as she was met with the comforting eyes of her father.
he looked younger, much less stressed than how he did now. he looked happy.
“daddy!” she cried, stubby arms reaching out to him.
jake laughed, immediately swooping down to grab his daughter. “i’m gonna get you!” he taunted, voice teasing and soft.
[y/n]’s small voice shrieked with joy, turning and attempting to run. unfortunately, her father was far too quick, his large hands grabbing her by the waist.
she cried out, laughter flooding her voice as he lifted her into the sky. [y/n]’s eyes squeezed shut as he soared her through the air. and then, everything changed.
the wind picked up, and she felt lighter. the air was thin from where she flew. at the change in her senses, she instantly opened her eyes wide, her stomach crawling into her throat as she took in the sight.
she flew through the skies atop an unfamiliar ikran. the ground was very far beneath her, it was merely just her and the atmosphere.
the one thing that did accompany her, however, was the sight of sky-people technology, specifically that of the rda. it was large and dangerous. ammo was stacked within the ship that flew in front of her. she ship that she was flying towards.
[y/n] screamed at the creature to stop, but it was as if she couldn’t open her mouth. she had no free will, in fact. no, she was merely watching the scene unfold from eyes that weren’t her own.
she gasped as she jumped forward and off of the ikran, bow pointed at a soldier standing aboard the ship. a fierce battle cry left her throat raw, tears pricking her eyes from the wind that pierced them.
her feet thudded against the metal ground, grabbing men and throwing them one by one. she was actually doing quite well!
she smacked a few with her bow, multiple ending up thrown overboard. but, just when she was getting to the last of them, one of the humans released a round of bullets. each one embedded themselves into her chest.
[y/n] screamed at the feeling, warm pain spreading from her chest outwards. she could feel it in each of her limbs, a feeling of a throbbing numbness.
before she knew it, she was free falling, the wind roaring in her ears. and then, it all flashed to complete black.
[y/n] awoke from the spirit tree, and she couldn’t breath. her chest hurt, it was so tight. she could not feel her arms and legs, they were numb.
immediately, she detached her queue, stumbling backwards as best as she could underwater. cries left her throat, but all that came out was bubbles upon bubbles.
every second that went by, her vision began to darken. she could not see, could not hear, could not think. everything hurt. so bad.
neteyam was the first to notice. it was almost as if, through his urge to protect, he instantly felt that something was off in the universe, and as a result, he left the spirit tree earlier than anyone else.
at the sight of his big sister floating helplessly, screaming as loud as she possibly could, his heart burst. what happened? he was quick to act, bringing everybody else back to reality as he swam over to [y/n].
when the eldest sully felt her brother’s hands grab her’s, she felt a little bit more at peace, although not by much. all of her senses were out of whack, simply put, and she was in so much pain.
she barely even noticed as neteyam swam her upwards to the surface, and, thanks to her lack of oxygen from screaming, she kept fading in and out of consciousness.
once they broke the surface, the first thing to leave her throat was a scream. “it hurts so bad!” a sob took over her voice, each word shakier than the one before.
“sh,” neteyam attempted to calm her down as he brought her over to his ilu, getting her to lay on top of the creature rather than float in the water.
beside them, tuk bobbed up and down with tsireya, kiri, and rotxo. “[y/n]!” she cried, repeating herself a multitude of times. kiri clasped a gentle hand on her shoulder to quiet her down.
“what happened?” kiri panicked aloud. “what is happening, sister?”
the only answer she got was another choked cry. “it hurts. oh, it hurts so bad.”
“go!” tsireya called their attention. “you must get her back to the village.” neteyam nodded, boarding the ilu as he wrapped his arms safely around his sister.
“let’s go.”
neteyam and his ilu shot into the distance, kiri, tuk, rotxo, and tsireya not far behind. kiri held the youngest sully between her arms, attempting to comfort her, but it was extremely difficult considering kiri herself was worried.
the only reason neteyam was composed was because he had to assume authority, as weird as it was considering [y/n] was always the one to fill that role. as soon as he swam into the docks screaming for his parents, his heart began to rise to his throat.
when he watched his big sister get carried away in the arms of their father, pain panged deep within his chest, worry overtaking all of his emotions.
not one of the sully siblings sleep all night, especially lo’ak upon returning and learning that he was not there to help.
upon waking up a few days later, after a multitude of different attempts from norm and maxwell to ronal and eywa, she is immediately attacked by love and care from every member of her family.
when [y/n] first wakes up, she cannot help but cry. although she is no longer in pain, she can’t get the image out of her head. the way that na’vi died, no matter who he was. it was sad, it was gruesome, it was unfair.
the one thing to bring [y/n] back to reality was the small body of tuk who laid herself on top of her, the youngest sully’s arms wrapping themselves around her big sister.
“[y/n]!’ she cried, her small hands laying against [y/n]’s. “i am so glad you’re okay.”
once tuk noticed her new sense of consciousness, it did not take long for the rest of the family to pay their honorary visits, each of them having their own sense of emotion to them.
neteyam’s was more relieved than [y/n] could have imagined. he was so worried, so concerned for his big sister. he told her about his prayer to eywa, he told her about how scared she’d made him. she couldn’t help but smile, another round of tears pricking her eyes ( this time more bittersweet than sad ).
kiri was quite teasing the way that she threatened, “if you ever do that again, i’m going to kill you!” she told her of the way they’d all been so worried for [y/n], the way they’d all forgotten that their oldest sister actually had feelings and could get hurt. “we’ve just been so used to you taking care of us!”
lo’ak told jokes. he updated her on the ways of life in the past few days, told her of the reef. a part of lo’ak wanted to avoid speaking of her event because of how difficult it was to visit what could’ve happened, so he avoided it with his humor. as he always seemed to do.
tuk didn’t leave her side once. she made bracelets for her healing sister, she ranted about the reef, she made dinner with her. there was so much to do, so much to talk about! after a few days of [y/n] being asleep and healing, tuk had a lot of quality time to catch up on.
neytiri and jake, of course, were just so happy she was okay. it took a while for them to get rid of her siblings, wanting them to get their own time together before they had to remind her of whatever’d happened. but, they needed to understand.
once neytiri asked her, tears immediately pricked her eyes. as [y/n] retold the events, she had to pause multiplied times to keep herself from choking on her tears.
by the end of it, jake and neytiri exchanged glances. the story was far too familiar. but, they also decided that was a problem for another time. they just had to thank eywa for keeping her alive.
overall, the sully family learned a valuable lesson. just because [y/n] seems invincible does not mean that she actually is.
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llondonfog · 1 year
let's make no mistake about it, i genuinely find lilia one of the most fascinating characters in twst— a 700 yr old fae who spent centuries as the most revered general of briar valley, confidant to the royal family, did an about-turn to fatherhood immediately upon finding an abandoned baby and now romps around a school campus with said son and the heir apparent to the draconia family pretending to be 680 years younger than he actually is???? fucking insane.
we know absolutely nothing about his own personal life; no immediate family to speak of (besides his adopted son), and we can safely assume they're no longer among the living. we have no idea what his own childhood was like, but i think we can extrapolate by the way that he initially raised silver that it wasn't conventional. were tensions always so high between fae and humans, did lilia simply grow up in a time where war was a common occurrence, that to serve in the briar valley army was the obvious path to take? we can only gather bits and pieces about his previous lifestyle from his card lines, and it would seem that his life prior to silver was a harsh one, with little to no time for personal amusement or exploration of interests.
and one doesn't just become a renown general fitting for the history books by simply leading an army for so many years— it's clear that he was so very good at it. did he too share the fae consensus that humans were not to be trusted, and if so, at what point did that begin to change? was it truly raising silver that altered his perspective? and more to that point, can we assume that he was truly looking for the boy as his new card title suggests? and if so, why? was it for silver's unique magic, did he really come from royalty, was he considered a threat to the draconias? does any of this have to do with the disappearance of malleus' parents so many centuries prior??
i'm so torn between the idea of lilia being instructed to find and raise silver for some greater purpose and over time, realizing how much he's grown to care and love the child, versus the idea of somehow this little baby being enough to give the fierce general pause, to take him in as his own. i also wonder if lilia even proclaimed himself as silver's father to begin with, or if that's simply a title silver gave him on his own and only then did the ramifications of what he meant to the boy truly sink in. it must have been such a shock, the realization that a human could look up at him with such pure love and think of him as a father— for what does he know of rearing a child, and a human one at that? lilia himself even admits this at countless points, and the more we learn of silver's childhood, the more clear it becomes that while the mutual affection is truly there, the understanding of how to properly care for another being of any kind is clearly lacking.
which is understandable when we think of lilia's past experiences— he was simply a guardian, a 'bodyguard' to an extent to malleus, and someone who intervened to provide the kind of life lessons and guidance that an absent father figure could no longer give. but he did not raise the prince, nor was he responsible for caring for him daily. if what we know so far is to be believed, there was little to no time of lilia's role as a general to his departure and caring for silver. for once in his life, he gets to taste the unfettered freedom of no longer shouldering the weight of a nation's protection, and to be frank, goes a little mad with it. it makes sense why he was cavorting around the world while leaving silver at home, he simply never got to enjoy these freedoms before and perhaps selfishly took advantage of that fact while neglecting the ramifications of leaving a child to care for itself (especially one with a narcoleptic condition).
(and even now he kind of seeks that familiar comfort of warfare— we see him gaming as a kind of warlord with idia, which makes sense that he was unable to fully part with that portion of his identity if it truly made up his entire persona for nearly 600 years.)
anyways all this to say that i have no doubt that lilia truly cares for silver. but i think there's something to be said for fae emotional differences, and that he massively underestimates or doesn't know how to acknowledge that silver loves him before even himself. that the things he does to his family (re halloween, his departure party) are ignorantly cruel at best. at the same time, how could you blame him? as a general and being accustomed to loss of life, what is the use of a long, drawn out goodbye? and to have spent the majority of his life in such a mindset, it's understandable, even if reprehensible, to apply this logic to silver, malleus, and sebek. on the flip side, how utterly fascinating how lilia seems to be fooling himself with these forced and abrupt goodbyes— he admits it himself that he fears becoming weak before his family, that vulnerability so at odds with the kind of power and strength he wielded for years.
i have absolutely no idea what the next part of ch7 will bring us, but i really cannot wait to explore more of lilia in his general years, at the height of his glory. and i really do hope that we get the truth of what we all know— his happiest dream, his sweetest memory, being that of when he found silver at last. how fitting would that be, especially for silver who had wept miserably to malleus about his failures to lilia as his son. how fitting to know that lilia does not see him in that way, that his happiest moment that he would choose to relive and dream is the one where he gathers up silver in his arms, and inevitably sets in motion his course to become his father.
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askmerriauthor · 2 years
Pokemon S/V - Story Themes: Failure and Abuse
Something I actually really like about Pokemon S/V, which is somewhat ironic given the state of the game itself, is that its underlying story theme is about how the adults of the setting have utterly failed the younger generation.
General discussion and rambling about Pokemon S/V after the jump, as there's sure to be spoilers. This is a long one, so buckle up.
Throughout the many stories Pokemon has told over the years and its iterations, the role of adults in the series and how they relate to the kids - ostensibly, the Player themselves as well - has varied wildly. They've been mentors, friends, allies, enemies, or even just odd folk we encounter. But, for better or worse, they've always been fairly direct in a What You See Is What You Get sort of way.
Pokemon S/V subverts that a bit in that all of the adults - even those we don't meet and only hear about through dialogue - have completely failed the children of the story. The results of those shortcomings range from very mild to absolutely disastrous, but nobody is untouched by it. Even the Player isn't spared.
Right up front we've got the Friendship Trio: Nemona, Arven, and Penny. Being the core to the story, they're the biggest examples one has out the gate. Common themes they all share are that they're each left without support from their families or peers, and that they're each desperately lonely as a result. Nemona is a star pupil, a battling prodigy, and daughter to a wealthy, powerful family. But despite all her talents she's left adrift without aim or goal. Her younger sister is the one being given control of the family business and Nemona's own talents set her apart from other students, meaning she struggles to find peers. Her family seem all too happy to focus on the younger sister, while Geeta from the Pokemon League and the academy itself happily makes use of Nemona's skills for their own ends. Nemona is constantly eager to please, always looking up to powerful people like Geeta and Professor Turo/Sada, but admits that she's just sort of floundering without any anchor. The people she looks up to only see her as a tool to be used and immediately discarded until the next time they need her.
A lot of Players joke about how battle obsessed Nemona is toward the Player, or how yandere jealous/possessive she becomes immediately upon meeting us. She even stands up to Geeta - who she absolutely hero worships - about our attention being poached. But can you really blame her for realizing there's finally someone who not only matches her skill, but seems dedicated to following a route the game itself states virtually nobody else in the region ever comes close to achieving? Nemona is not only the youngest Champion ever, but the only Champion in years, until the Player shows up. Regardless of what the person holding the console feels toward the Gym Challenge, in-context of the story the Player is proving through their own actions that they value Nemona as a friend/rival and are putting in genuine effort to meet her. When you defeat her, especially at the very end when she goes all out in a way she's never been able to with anyone else, she's thrilled. To Nemona, it's got to be the most amazing validation she's ever had in her life. Why wouldn't she hold on dearly and enthusiastically when nobody else, let alone her own family, are able to keep up with her or offer her the validation she needs?
Arven is just absolutely wrecked by his parental failure. His parent (Turo or Sada depending on which version you're playing) was so obsessed with their research in Area Zero that they threw away their entire family. Their spouse left them and took Arven, leaving the boy growing up constantly feeling the void of that missing part of their life. They keep hearing about the things their Professor Parent has accomplished and how well-regarded they are, but that's always just a reminder that the parent put more effort into their work than into being with their child. When Arven tries to go into Area Zero to find their parent himself, his Mabosstiff (his beloved Pokemon companion he's had literally his entire life) is near mortally injured as a result and Arven spends the rest of the game desperately trying to save it. Later, it's revealed that the Professor's work is endangering literally the entire ecosystem and stands to destroy Paldea itself, leaving Arven with the knowledge that not only was he abandoned for the sake of research, but that research was both ultimately harmful and pointless.
By the time the Player reaches the depths of Area Zero and meets the AI Professor, they find out a few things about the Professor. Namely that they're dead. It turns out that the Box Legendary they brought through time killed them years prior and the person the Player - and Arven - has been interacting with all throughout the game is just an AI replica left behind. While exploring the Professor's various labs, the Player first finds an empty picture frame that had its photo removed and, when in the final lab in the heart of Area Zero, they find the photo pinned to the Professor's work board. A photo of Arven as a tot with his beloved Pokemon (still an unevolved Maschiff at the time). This yields two big realizations. One is that the Professor still absolutely harbored love for their child and family, but allowed their drive - or possibly insanity - to overcome them. They were lying to themselves all those years saying "I'm doing this for my family" while outright ignoring said family entirely. Second is that the Player is the only one who learns outright that the Professor was killed, which means they - albeit off-screen - were the ones to break the news to Arven. Even in death, with the AI Professor's remnants of its creator's memories showing love for Arven, they failed him again and again. It's always up to Arven himself to carve his own way through his parent's wake, relying on his own abilities and the help of his friends, to struggle through the mess his parent left him.
Penny is failed on multiple fronts and to multiple degrees. She's a complete introvert and clearly suffers from a fair level of social anxiety due to the bullying she endured during her time at school. She's not shy, per say; when it comes to interacting with the Player and others, she's actually rather outspoken once she feels comfortable. But there's absolutely a wall put up that she doesn't let anyone past until she's ready, controlling her level of exposure and interaction through mediums like only communicating via phone or intentionally restricting her in-person time behind excuses.
At the most basic level, Penny is failed by her own father who doesn't understand her. She mentions that he's always doting, giving her childish nicknames and basically fawning over her. That sounds great on its face - exactly the sort of thing Nemona and Arven crave - but it shows that her father doesn't understand his daughter. Penny doesn't enjoy or respond well to that type of affection and it's being forced on her, causing a wedge in her home life. Next up are Penny's friends, the bosses of Team Star. They gained that rank and gang affiliation because of Penny; she's the one who set it up as a means of rallying all the students who suffered from constant bullying to stand up for themselves as a unified resistance. By that point she was so emotionally battered that she couldn't even stand to be in the company of other people directly, isolating herself and communicating only through phone calls. The Team Star Bosses and Penny all considered each other to be the closest of friends, yet they had never once met her face to face. While it's not explored as much (criminally so, I say) each of the Team Star Bosses show that they're in a similar state as Penny; they rely on each other for support but also self-expression and validation. It's shown throughout their stories that they're let down by the systems they trusted and their families, not able to find what they need from those establishments and instead turning toward one another.
As it's revealed through the events of the Team Star story, the previous administration of the Paldean Academy allowed a brutal level of bullying to go on at school. So much so that it resulted in the targeted students dropping out, falling to truancy, and literally forming a gang just to protect themselves from their aggressors. When Team Star finally did put their collective foot down (peacefully by both intent and action), they were wrongfully branded as the villains of the story and stigmatized. Team Star was shown that not only would adults not protect them, but would actively punish them for protecting themselves. The school admin at the time - who were fully aware of the whole situation - not only allowed it to happen but then actively attempted to cover it up for the sake of protecting their own asses. They were content to sit by and allow their own students to suffer, ultimately leading to drop outs and expulsions, just for their own sake. This led to both the admin and the entire teaching staff to resign and be replaced by the staff we see in the game, and Director Clavell starts to fall into the same error as his predecessor.
When the Player gets involved, Clavell is about to expel all the Team Star members for good (and there's a TON of them). But, hey, credit where it's due; Clavell really puts in the work and goes to considerable lengths to uncover the truth of what happened. He puts into motion the start of healing those wounds by setting aside not only his time, but his own ego for the sake of understanding his students, protecting them, and rectifying the mistakes of those who came before him. There's a part at the very end where Clavell outright apologizes to Team Star for the abuses they suffered at the hands of the previous Academy staff and deeply bows to them. That may not seem like much on its face, but one has to consider the context of this being a Japanese game. A major authority figure like Clavell bowing and apologizing to those younger than himself, let alone those he's an authority over, is a MAJOR demonstration of genuine regret.
That's not to say Clavell is perfect though. Far from it; while he succeeds in this area, he fails in others as he readily allows Geeta to use both the Academy and its students as she pleases. Geeta outright takes advantage of the students for unpaid labor - the Player included - even though none of them actually work for her. The teaching staff themselves, while all good people who are trying their best, show similar failures to varying degrees. Saguaro doesn't show who he really is because he's afraid of disrupting the image students have of him. Miriam - beloved by students for her skills and nature - languishes unable to fulfill her desire to be a teacher because the credential testing (presumably set by Geeta, who establishes similar needlessly exclusionary tests) keeps knocking her down. Hassel is endlessly harangued by his family to give up his passion for art and teaching to take the lead of their House.
It continues with the Gym Leaders and Elite Four as well, given how Geeta readily abuses her position of power to her own ends. All the Gym Leaders readily discuss their dislike of Geeta, how she holds them back or interferes with them, and the various shortcomings of their lives due to structural failures in their society. People like Larry, Brassius, Grusha, and Iono are wholly at the whims of capitalism in a region where the economy itself is tied directly to the Pokemon League they work for. Larry and Hassel pull double duty as both a Gym Leader and Academy Teacher, as well as members of the Elite Four, further showing how much Geeta is intentionally intertwining all these systems together into a narrow, unstable medium. Poppy, a LITERAL TODDLER, is somehow a member of the Elite Four - when Geeta doesn't even pay adults a living wage to be Gym Leaders/Elite Four and also readily takes advantage of students for free labor, you cannot possibly tell me Poppy isn't an overt case of child labor abuses. Seriously, who are this kid's parents and where the hell are they? Later in the game, Geeta calls the Player on their phone out of the blue and one of the responses you can give is "How did you get my number?". She replies that because you're a Champion, she has access to your personal information. Information you did not consent to give her, that she used her position to look up and privately contact you - a child - for work, without the consent or awareness of your parent. Geeta has set the Pokemon League in a way that best suits her desires and warped the entirety of Paldea around it, endangering and weakening other institutions as a result.
There's actually a lot more to this scattered throughout the game, such as a student who's languished in the Academy system for twenty years without graduating because he's constantly failing. Or everything that has to do with History Teacher Raifort. But this has already gone on long enough of a ramble. In summary, Pokemon S/V has some honestly interesting explorations of institutional and personal failure from the past and how it impacts the future. Themes of generational trauma wasn't what I expected out of a Pokemon game. I hope to see it expanded on in the coming DLC content or, even better, in the upcoming anime series.
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killingstalkingfic · 3 months
Hues of Obsession. Chapter 1.
Yoon Bum stood in front of the charred remains of Sangwoo's house, the memories of their twisted bond still haunting him like blurry figures in the shadows.  His heart ached with an intricate mixture of emotions — longing, fear, and a profound sense of loss. Sangwoo, the object of his desire and his terror, was gone now. The flames that had helped consume the younger man's life also scorched Bum's soul; but the memories of their intimacy were not so easily extinguished, they burned within him still, leaving him battered and broken. 
The sight before him was a stark reminder of the fragility of their bond, built upon a foundation of manipulation and obsession... a bond that had ensnared them both in a dangerous dance, where roles of victim and perpetrator blurred with terrifying ease. 
He reached out tentatively, as if expecting Sangwoo's touch to materialize out of the dust that, months later, still hung in the air. But there was only emptiness, and a cold realization that he was truly alone now. The flames had not just marred the house; they had razed his illusions, leaving him to confront the harsh truth of what their relationship had truly been. 
As he turned away from the desolate scene, Bum knew that he could never truly escape the haunting presence of Sangwoo; their bond, forged in darkness and pain, would forever linger in the corners of his mind, a reminder of a chapter in his life that could never be erased. 
In a way, Sangwoo's death had brought a semblance of frail closure, yet it also ripped away the only anchor Bum had in a world that had always seemed cruel and indifferent. With Sangwoo gone, Bum found himself adrift, like a ship lost at sea, tossed about by the merciless waves of his own grief and guilt. 
As days blurred into nights, Bum struggled to make sense of his shattered existence. He wandered the city streets aimlessly, his footsteps echoing in the empty alleys like the hollow beats of his own heart. With no family or friends to turn to, he became a ghost among the living, haunting the fringes of society, his presence unnoticed and his pain unacknowledged.  
To survive, Bum took on a variety of odd jobs wherever opportunity presented itself: he scrubbed greasy floors in shabby, fluorescent-lit restaurants that reeked of old oil. His hands, once soft and unblemished, now bore tiny cuts from hours spent gripping worn-out scrub brushes and mops. When the restaurant work ran dry, he found himself washing dishes in rundown cafes with cracked windows and flickering neon signs. The steam from the industrial sinks mingled with the sour scent of burnt coffee grounds, impregnating his clothes and clinging to his skin like a second layer of filth.  In moments of sheer necessity, Bum mopped the sticky floors of shady bars, where the air was thick with the stench of stale beer and cigarettes. The laughter and chatter of patrons a welcome noise that drowned out his thoughts, yet each sweep of the mop was a silent protest against his own sense of insignificance. 
These menial tasks, sometimes demeaning, served as painful reminders of his dwindling place in society. Each job underscored his status as a ghostly figure, unnoticed and unremarkable in a world that seemed to have forgotten him. 
But it was during the long, lonely nights that Bum's despair truly engulfed him. With nowhere else to turn, he sought refuge in the cold embrace of shelters and soup kitchens scattered throughout the city. Places that, with their flickering fluorescent lights and creaky floors, offered little solace from the harsh realities of his existence. 
In such places, Bum often found himself in cramped rooms filled with rows of narrow, metal-framed beds, where the air was stale and musty, with a lingering scent of sweat and disinfectant permeating the space. Threadbare blankets barely provided warmth against the chill that seeped through cracked windows and worn-out walls. 
Here, he would shuffle in line for a steaming bowl of watery broth served by weary volunteers, the food, though scarce, offered a fleeting respite from gnawing hunger. Around him, other shelter dwellers, their faces etched with exhaustion and resignation, exchanged greetings or shared quiet moments of camaraderie born from shared hardship. 
As he huddled beneath old blankets, listening to the snores and murmurs of his fellow shelter visitors, Bum's mind was consumed by the void left by Sangwoo's absence. He replayed their twisted connection over and over in his mind, dissecting every cruel word and violent gesture that had defined their bond, the moments of tenderness overshadowed by manipulation and fear. In the silence of the shelter, with only the distant hum of traffic outside and the occasional snore, Bum wrestled with the loneliness left by Sangwoo's absence. It was here, amidst the anonymity of shelter life, that he confronted the stark reality of his own vulnerability and the haunting memories of their twisted connection. But try as he might, Bum could find no solace in the memories of their past. Sangwoo's death had closed the door on that chapter of his life, leaving behind only scars that refused to heal and open wounds that festered with each passing day. 
And so, with a heavy heart and a weary soul, Bum trudged onward, his footsteps echoing in the darkness as he searched for a glimmer of optimism where all hope seemed unreachable.
As the days turned into weeks, Yoon Bum's desperation grew. Each passing moment felt like a burden bearing down on him, suffocating him with the weight of his ever-present loneliness. He drifted through the city streets like a ghost, his hollow eyes reflecting the emptiness of his soul, until... 
...One fateful day, as he wandered aimlessly through the alleys of the city, Bum stumbled upon a building that seemed to rise out of the darkness like a beacon of hope. Its looming presence cast a shadow over the surrounding buildings, its windows cloaked in enigma and intrigue. 
The complex loomed over the cityscape like a forgotten relic, its weathered facade bearing the signs of time and neglect, yet still exuding an eerie allure that drew in weary souls seeking refuge. 
A sign caught his attention, its bold letters announcing that rooms were available for rent at a surprisingly cheap price. It was a ray of sunlight in the sea of despair that had become his life. Though he couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty, the idea of having a space of his own, even if it turned out to be less than ideal, was a tantalizing prospect. Anything would be better than the shelters where some of the residents grew aggressive after nightfall, their frustration boiling over into violence. With a hesitant but determined step, Bum pushed open the heavy metal door and stepped inside... 
As he stepped into the faintly illuminated foyer of the complex, he was greeted by the sight of a tall, wiry man with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. His slender frame seemed to sway with an almost theatrical flair, and his attire, a flamboyant ensemble of colorful vests and a hat tilted rakishly to the side, echoed the eccentricity of his character. His short, jet-black hair was neatly styled, framing a face adorned with a thin, curled mustache and a perpetual grin that danced between charm and cunning. With each gesture, he exuded an aura of extravagant charisma, a magnetic presence commanding attention and curiosity in equal measure. The man, who Bum assumed was the landlord, leaned casually against the reception desk, a small smirk playing at the corners of his lips. 
"Welcome, my friend," the man said, his voice smooth, "What brings you to our humble abode?" 
Bum hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to articulate the swirling thoughts and emotions that churned within him. "I... I was just p-passing by," he finally managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper. "I saw the sign outside and... I was curious." 
The man's smirk widened into a wide grin. "Ah, curiosity is a powerful thing, my friend," he said, nodding knowingly. "And what, may I ask, has piqued your curiosity today?"  
Bum glanced around the foyer, taking in the gloomy corridors and the faded wallpaper peeling from the walls. "I was wondering about... the p-price," he said, his voice trailing off uncertainly. 
At this, the man's grin grew even wider. "Ah, the price," he said, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "Well, my friend, let me tell you something. The price of entry into our little community is... quite reasonable, if I do say so myself." 
Bum furrowed his brow in confusion. "Reasonable? How much are we talking about here?"  
Bum's heart skipped a beat as the man continued, "It's 190.000 wons a month."
His eyes widened in surprise, it was a sum he could afford, barely. With a glimmer of hope igniting in his chest, he hesitated only momentarily before asking, "M-may I see the accommodations?" 
The man's grin widened even further, if that were possible. "Of course, my friend. Follow me," he said, gesturing for Bum to follow him down one of the faintly illuminated corridors. 
Bum fell into step behind the man, his footsteps echoing softly against the worn wooden floors. The corridor, lined with doors, stretched out before them, the walls were adorned with peeling wallpaper, the faded floral patterns barely visible beneath layers of grime and neglect. 
They stopped in front of a small door, the paint peeling and the handle slightly rusted. The man swung the door open with a creak, revealing a small room bathed in soft, golden rays of sunlight that filtered through the dusty window, casting long shadows across the weathered furnishings. An old bed, its wooden frame worn and creaky, occupied one corner, the mattress lumpy and uneven beneath well-worn blankets. Opposite the bed stood a modest wardrobe, it's faded paint peeling in places, revealing the dull wood beneath, the brass handles, once shiny, were now tarnished with age. A small table, its surface covered in countless marks and scratches, occupied the opposite wall, accompanied by a solitary chair, its legs wobbly from years of use. Throughout the room, dust and grime clung stubbornly to every surface, coating the worn floors and clinging to the peeled walls.  
Bum stepped inside, his eyes sweeping over every inch of the small room with a mix of apprehension and unease. The air was heavy with the scent of mold and decay, a stark contrast to the bustling life outside the window.  The space was modest, to be sure, but it was a sanctuary away from the chaos of the outside world. 
"The kitchen, bathroom, and patio are shared between all the tenants," the man explained, his voice echoing softly in the dusty room. 
Bum nodded, his mind already made up. "I'll take it", he said, his voice barely above a whisper. And as he stepped into his new home, he couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding settle over him like an icy blanket. It wasn't much, but it was a start—a chance to escape the darkness that had consumed him, and maybe... just maybe...forge a new path forward, no matter how uncertain it may be. 
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the-holy-ghosted · 11 months
*holding out my hands completely unbidden and unprompted*
Hey I heard y’all got ocs in here? Ocs hello?? Hot ocs in my area????
hi im gonna pretend i didnt get this asked to me by somebody else before i clicked a wrong button and tumblr erased the whole post. taking this unbiased opportunity to jump into these characters.
i have had these ocs for upwards of 7 or 8 years, who went untouched for a VERY long time before getting picked back up and refurbished as of about 2 years ago. it is with MUCH pride i tell you that they intertwine very deeply with a friend's own ocs (YOU!! WHO SENT THIS!!) and they've helped me build up these characters into something i'm incredibly proud of and ought to share by now
without further adieu: some pirates, some 19th century fantasy (a LOT of fucking fantasy), and like 8 years worth of worldbuilding that i am STILL not done with. enjoy
FIRST of all let me show you who we're working with:
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Who the hell is that?
Leo Blackwater (he/him) - 56 yrs, 5'6'', 152 lbs
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Captain of the ship The Eclipse.
Widower of 19 years. only recently decided to open his heart back up; she wanted him to be happy, after all. She's a sensitive topic, even now. so any prodding or teasing on the matter of moving on will be met violently.
Bounty hunter. Smuggler. Doing pirate things, you see. Polite old dad, a warm personality to lure you into a false sense of security and turn you in for a pretty penny.
Disabled after a beam cracked and landed on his knee, breaking it. It never healed right, and hes slower for it, especially in old age. Despite this handicap making him more vulnerable, he does not carry much in the way of weapons.
Eldest of 6 siblings. Son of a humble small town fisherman; perhaps not all that glad for his son's criminality, but the money he sends home makes it forgiven.
Father of one, a daughter, captain of her own ship.
Formed his love for the sea at 18 on his father's fishing boat. Never much respect for the Navy proper. But, after being in the right place at the right time and earning the reward money for a highly wanted pirate, he started to get ideas...
Percius (Percy) Blackwater (they/them) - 48 yrs, 5'10'', 150 lbs
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Younger sibling of Leo. 3rd child of 6.
Takes up a number of jobs on Eclipse. Took up the role of second in command after the passing of Mrs. Blackwater.
Respects and trusts their brother's choice in livelihood. Begged since they were young to let them sail with him. Didn't realize what it entailed until they were already aboard.
Unmarried. They're a bit busy right now.
Willing to be called uncle by their beloved niece, for lack of a better word.
Betelgeuse Blackwater (she/her) - 30 yrs, 6'5'', 240 lbs
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Captain of The Starlight, all-female crew.
Bounty hunter. Smuggler. Learned her way of living from her parents.
Inherited her face and density from her father, nothing else. Prone to brute force rather than wit and cunning. This works for her just fine.
Quite awkward, if she likes you.
Eldest (and favorite) grandchild, an only child, a totally different woman if you see her around family. Towers over father, but makes herself small for a kiss hello.
Was only about 7 or 8 when her mother passed. She remembers what little she has of her fondly, and greets her kindly when she looks in a mirror.
So whats going on?
What a funny question!!! I got no clue. But I'll start by explaining a little worldbuilding lore (cringe explination incoming):
There is magic in this universe. Not one that's denied or marveled at, but exists as much as everything else you dont pay attention to around you. Its as real as gravity. It's a honed skill in some, frowned upon by others, used unwisely by a small (but not unheard of) few. Magic makes itself present in a number of ways; it's hard to find written rules of these things unless you know precisely what you want and what you believe in. In many areas, some small towns appear to be protected by nameless elements and energies. It's more often that you find individuals who put in the work to harness their beliefs into something tangible, all calling their faiths and abilities something different from each other. Again, its not unheard of for individuals to use these abilities for their own poor intentions. If someone like Leo is lucky, bagging a Magic user is worth every ounce of hassle it takes. He seems to get away with feats like this often, though port authority fears him enough not to ask how. The Blackwaters won't admit foul play, though, if you're in the right town listening to the right gossip, you might hear a rumor or two about Betelgeuse's warm touch and a spitfire attitude when shes angry.
So whats up with Leo?
As aforementioned, Leo has recently made himself a bachelor. He has no shortage of acquaintances and colleagues in his line of business. His demeanor, if you trust it, is very welcoming to new colleagues. He's not looking for something to jump too quickly into, he's happy to take things slow as he navigates romance again after so long.
And then he captures Roark.
Roark Renshaw (he/him) - 68 yrs, 6'6'', 250 lbs (CREATION OF @skelelephant)
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World's worst man.
Captain of The Red Hound, took this position by force at the age of 21. The crew that remained after his mutiny had naught the will to defy him, choosing to follow out of curiosity more than anything else afterward.
Professional menace. High-seas whore. Good old fashioned murderer, committer of pirate crimes as you'd imagine. Terribly smug about it.
Unknown origin, unknown motive. He cropped up out of thin air and has made himself a name to be feared ever since, doing a service to the red flag The Hound flies.
For all his force, he is not one easily captured. For all his reputation, he is reckless. He caught Leo at a bad time, unfortunately.
Roark is a household name among most port towns, wanted dead or alive for the better half of his life by the Navy. His nature is not unlike that of a rabid dog, compared often to his ship's namesake. It is a state of being that none have been able to tame him out of, not by any rotating carousel of lovers he finds among port towns or the enemies he finds in equal amount, and one that gives the bounty over his head a lot of zeros. One that Leo, for all his skill, saw as a pipe dream. Leo knew of him, certainly. Roark has been on his radar since before his wife's passing- they'd spoken of capturing him fondly, joked about like some impossible fantasy. But for all his reputation comes bad habits that lower his guard when he needs it most. Stumbling drunkenly out of a tavern one evening, docked unknowingly at the same port as The Eclipse, he is disarmed and captured before he knows it.
This is a victory unheard of. It seems only fitting that Leo Blackwater would bag him, Roark having not expected to meet his match in such a mild man. Before the crew of The Hound have enough notice, Eclipse sails off to deposit the dog that is Roark Renshaw to the navy for a glorious execution, and an even more glorious reward. Leo has the gall to boast this to his prisoner, who seems almost humored. Hes quite charming when hes disarmed, a feature of his that seeps into the cracks of Leo's resolve and that itch the loneliness that he had yet to satisfy. Hes dangerous even with his hands tied.
This is what solidifies Leo's decision to turn him in. A man who so loved to be chased and so loved the rotten attention he recieved, who needed to be put down. It was a thrill, though, to capture the hound himself and be one of few to ever do so. To be revered as Roarks captor would make one want to do it all over again.
By luck or by the hunger for chase that gnawed on Roark and Leo's ribs, Roark finds the moment to escape as hes being escorted off the ship. Leo, notably, makes a piss poor attempt at catching him.
Seen as a dire fluke from the outside, the captains know it was on purpose. They've found themselves amidst a game of cat and mouse, that gives them a small purpose for at least a little while. You bond very closely when trying to kill each other, you know!
So what's their deal?
Well, their deal is that they *make* a deal.
Though Roark might be a big fish in their career pond, he is not the only one. Eventually, always eventually, there is another to challenge Roark's reputation. He wants the pirate out of his way, and Leo could always use another bounty. But hes slippery... moreso than Roark, who lets himself into Leo's jaws on purpose.
So... an alliance is formed. Temporary, of course, they split this bounty and part ways. So they say. But Roark is a charming man, and fulfills the loneliness and search for companionship that Leo wanted... and Leo is collected and steady, more than the majority of Roark's colleagues. They stand out to each other. They're comfortable. Attached.
So... after the bounty is collected they choose not to end their truce. Spend more time together. Work together exceptionally well. Balance each other out, in a way.
So they're together?
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probably the only existing drawing of them Together despite how much we both draw them seperately.
Their alliance spills over into something... fond. Affectionate, even. A few meetups at a port town turn into a lot more working together peacefully. This leads to some... interesting wires to cross between their own respective enemies, interesting wires between one another. They get to know each other very personally in some strenuous circumstances.
Anyways! Now that they're on the table, I feel a little more comfortable to talk about them more. Draw them more. Answer some questions, if anybody has any. I did leave a lot open-ended...
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sansacherie · 2 years
every child comes into this world (with its own message)
Later, Alicent will lie to Rhaenyra on Aegon’s second name day when she tells her that his birth was an easy one.  At least, she will leave out the reason why.
The only reason it was so because what came before it was simply worse.
Alicent Hightower had believed she understood fear.  Whenever she saw those beasts, it hurt to breathe.  Being in Prince Daemon’s company made Alicent’s stomach clench.  She had not let on to Rhaenyra how she felt, for her friend and princess dearly loved her uncle.  Alicent was afraid to know how Daemon loves Rhaenyra in return, given the queer Targaryen way.  
But as it turns out, she was mistaken.  Fear was her wedding night, and the nights that came after.  Trapped beneath her husband, as he sweated, panted, and pushed into her.  Rhaenyra’s father.
Fear was feeling like time became lost when the king took his rights.  Alicent despised herself for feeling this way.
It was not as though Viserys was committing some tremendous wrong by her.  He was simply doing his duty by her, and she him.  She would think of this and tried to ignore the part of her that whispered Viserys had a duty already – to prepare Rhaenyra for the role he apparently wanted her to have.  It is not need that drives him into your bed but want.
Fear was a knife being shoved into her heart and twisting when Alicent realized that the babe laid upon her breast that she beseeched the blessed Mother to make a girl was a healthy son.  A daughter would pose no challenge to Rhaenyra or any children she might have.  Men pushing against a woman sitting the Iron Throne will hardly look to replace her with a younger sister.  A son was different.
What was it her lady mother had once said?  A wise woman learns to bury her son from the day he is born.
Alicent did not want to bury hers.  She would bury herself first.
She wept, the midwives never knowing the truth of her tears.
The daughter Alicent prayed for in her first pregnancy arrives after her second.  Helaena is smaller than Aegon was, but no less hungry as she eagerly latched on the wetnurse’s dugs to nurse.   Alicent felt a flare of jealousy towards this brown-haired usurper holding her daughter, but her sense of exhaustion was stronger.  Alicent had not slept well at all throughout the last weeks.
Alicent closed her eyes, and dreamed she was a girl with a mother still instead of a girl made to be a mother.
Alicent is with Ser Criston when she goes into labor for the third time, and the knight does not leave her until it is over.  Of course, he is not in the room itself.   That would be improper.  But he stands guard outside, and that is enough.
It is Ser Criston Alicent wants anyway, not Viserys.
Alicent gritted her teeth, as another contraction commanded her body.   She pushed away the hands of the midwives, to instead trudge the room.
She hated Queen Aemma for dying and leaving only dead sons.
She hated Viserys for choosing her to be his new queen.
She hated her father for wanting the marriage so badly.
She hated Rhaenyra, for thinking Alicent wanted it.
Time passes.   Alicent wonders if Viserys will bother to name the babe when it dies alongside her.
She does not die and neither does her second son.  Her boy is bigger than his sister, and already Alicent knows that he will be fiercer than his brother.
She knows his name as well.  Aemond.   It comes to her easily as her own.  
Viserys who named Aegon and Helaena, beams and boasts of the new son his queen has given him.  Alicent watches as Viserys toasts her son.  She watches as Rhaenyra does not drink from her cup.
By the time Alicent gives birth to her fourth child, she knows she loves Ser Criston.  She knows that it will be her last, as Viserys had not invaded her bed for two sweet years until the night of Daeron's conception and did not touch her throughout the entirety of the pregnancy.  
She knows that Rhaenyra's two sons are bastards.
She knows that a safe Prince Daemon is a dead Prince Daemon.   Even if she could trust Rhaenyra again, she will never trust Daemon with the lives of her children.
If she was in denial with Aegon, she has accepted it with Daeron.
Her children will know war.
They were dragons.
A dragon always fights back.
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exspiravited · 5 months
Giratina first met Elys around two-hundred years ago, after she broke free from the Distortion World following the events at Spear Pillar. It was after all 108 spirits were gathered, freeing the Spiritomb back into the world after having been sealed for the past several hundred years.
They were one in the same, the two of them. Cast out from the world, and sealed away to keep them from earth for as long as possible. Many things had changed, even in Elys’ case. They had both come back to an entirely new world, an entirely new Hisui.
Giratina took Elys in when she found her, a disheveled and frightened Spiritomb. She bestowed her a human guise, so that they can walk the lands uninhibited. Their relationship started as a mentor-mentee relationship. Elys was essentially Giratina’s right hand as the goddess vied to get her power back, and amass a following. Though Giratina had been ousted from the world for billions of years, she would bestow her knowledge and teachings upon Elys. She would teach the younger ghost how to fight and defend herself, and even taught her a weaker version of her signature Shadow Force: Phantom Force.
Most ghost-types knew of Giratina, of course - the infamous legend of the queen of the dead. Many were already receptive to her presence returning to Hisui, aligning themselves with her and working under her. Some were more on the fence, and it was Elys that swayed them to their side. Giratina was always taking a bold, head-on approach, while Elys worked more indirectly, moving and speaking through the shadows.
It would be later on that their bond would turn to more of a familial one. Elys had always been enamored by the chaos goddess, and in working for her personally, she became even more of a role model to her. In turn, Giratina saw a lot of herself in Elys. They had both been damned to rot away in the places they were sealed into, an unjust ending for the two of them. And one way or another, they came back with a vengeance. Not only that, but Elys had had... nothing. Nothing at all. She was all alone in the world, meant to fend for herself, just like Giratina had been as a child. Seeing her own past repeat itself in another was something she couldn’t bear to see, and it was why she quickly began to see the Spiritomb like a daughter.
Giratina went to great lengths to make sure she was taken care of, being the first to bear her fangs at anyone who was even remotely threatening to Elys. They have walked and traveled together for so long now, to the point where it’s like Elys had always been her child, even long before. She owes Elys so much for being a key role in gaining her following back, and spreading the word of the ghost queen’s return to the mortal plane. In turn, Elys feels like she owes Giratina so much more. She wouldn't be in the place she was now without Giratina's guidance and mentorship.
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His Starlight Her Firefly (Chapter 1)
Summary: She was not Targaryen. She was not Valeryion. She was not of royal blood. She did not possess the hair of silken white nor the eyes of soft violet. She did not have the blood of the dragon within her veins. But she was his starlight. The one thing in this wretched world that he could without a doubt claim as his own for it was he who first found her amongst the wings of dragons and it was he who took her in. It was he who she first saw upon opening her eyes and it was him whose smile she blessed. No Astraea was none of those things. She may not be important to those who beheld her; those who whisper of her heritage and rumors of her arrival. She may not be the daughter of the king but there was one man who'd burn the world for her and kill for her honor. No…Astraea was not a dragon. But she thought herself truly blessed to have Daemon 'The Rogue Prince' Targeryon at her back. For she was his starlight-his saving grace. And he the as beautiful and special as the fireflies she loved to watch glittering in the darkness like the man himself.
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He couldn't believe he had agreed so readily to keep this child. To adopt her and take her into the folds of their family. Had his older brother not thought it through purely because he was blinded by the innocence of the unique child in front of his face? Daemon had to admit she was rather adorable. But even still, who was supposed to raise this child? Teach her what it means to be a Targaryen. Certainly not he! He was no father. He didn't have the best role models, even when he was younger; he would not be suited to raise this little girl! But his brother was firm in his decision and as Daemon watched the pale skinned red-eyed toddler content at the feet of her newly pronounced uncle he couldn't deny the fact that she seemed to fit so effortlessly. 
Perhaps not to the rest of the court who looked as if they were looking at some freak show from hell itself while Viserys announced baby Astraea's arrival. Daemon could see the gears turning in the heads of everyone he looked at as he scanned the crowd. The way the men and women would lean toward each other to whisper and gawk made the younger prince's skin crawl and his fingers itch to grasp the hilt of his sword and make some heads roll. But he didn't. Instead, he stood to the side with the rest of the councilmen and guards watching as the king who had only taken upon the crown a few months prior reached down to where the young girl sat playing with some sort of...was that a goblet? Daemon couldn't help to pinch the bridge of his nose as he felt the headache coming along pounding at his skull. 
Viserys lifted the younglings in his arms and shifted so that those pretty crimson eyes could look at the people below with the look of a proud father as he held the infant. The little girl's eyes scanned the crowd with wide eyes filled with awe as if she could understand they were there for her even if she did not yet understand that they looked at her with distant reserve. But then amongst the crowd, her eyes landed on Daemon and her face visibly brightened like the sunshine and she began to wiggle with such violence that the king had to set the toddler down before he damn nearly dropped her. Her little feet unsteady and unsure toddled her way down the few steps while people looked on and others held their breaths. When the guards tried to intercept her to make sure she did not harm herself she merely sidestepped them as if it was a dance; amusing if anything as she waddled her way through the crowd as if fearful of her touching them yet curious parted like the red sea; watching the way the little girl with the darkest of curls very un-Targeryon made her way through with her hands held out in front of her as if for balance but her gaze never left the man at the back of the room.
Daemon felt his chest constrict as all eyes turned to him when Astraea finally exited the path filled with people; the brightest of smiles still on her face. She did not say anything but her eyes said all of the adoration she held for the rogue prince. But she did not seem to notice the slight step that separated herself and her target so as her little foot caught on the edge she pitched forward with comically huge eyes and before Daemon knew what he was doing his body moved. The crack of his knees against the stone floor was like a gunshot as his hands wrapped around the small body as it pitched onto his lap instead of the unforgiving ground. His heart hammering in his chest at the mini-fright he had just received as he closed his eyes for a moment to attempt to stop the shake of his hands as they tightened around her small body and lifted her in the crook of his arm before rising to his feet; the throb of his knees silently telling him how hard he'd hit the floor as he finally turned his gaze from the little girl who was now content to play with his long white hair and allowed his eyes to meet his brother's from the other end of the room and Daemon found the urge to smack the shit out of him for the grin that was stretching his brother's face as if he found everything so amusing. 
The rogue prince ignored the eyes of the court as he strolled back through the path made for the child and headed back towards the front to stand beside Viserys who after attempting to take Astraea and very firmly glared at by the toddler turned back to resume the mini-speech he had prepared. Daemon stood by his king with the little girl in his arms the rest of the time still feeling the burn of gazes and practically hearing the rumors already spilling from gossipy lips. No doubt by the end of today people would be talking about the new princess of Westeros that seemingly came from nowhere and looked nothing like the Targaryen family. Daemon knew from the innocent display Astraea provided people would think he was her father. Perhaps that he had gotten a whore pregnant as he was known for his unruly ways and visits to the brothels when not doing his duty. He knew they'd think the mother either hid the pregnancy fearful for the title of a bastard to be attached to her child and that she finally handed the child over since she could not raise it. None of those would be true and a part of Daemon wondered if the rumors would stick around for years to come to make it harder on Astraea as she grew.  
"Did you see that? How adorable was that!" Viserys's voice broke through his brother's thoughts making him look up from where the child was playing at his feet now that they were blissfully in the king's chambers away from the eyes of peers.
"I was there, brother." Daemon's snarky reply came quickly as he tsked at Astraea when she started for the sword sheathed and resting against the arm of the chair the prince sat on.
"And there will be rumors, you know. About her arrival. You not giving any background history to how she came into our home gives far too plenty room for rumors." Daemon chastised as he casually grabbed his sword and placed it on the other side of the chair only for Astraea to crawl around the furniture to attempt at grabbing it again only for her eyes to well up with tears when Daemon hissed a nasty "Stop it!" at her.
"Look what you did," Viserys grumbled when tears began rolling down the baby's cheeks as they tinted red from the fierceness of her crying
"May I remind you, brother? You are the one who adopted her into the folds. You swore you would protect her Viserys yet here I am being placed into the position of playing daddy." Daemon said sarcastically as he reached down to pick the toddler up and place her on his bent knee that began idly bouncing under her weight which helped calm her. 
"You are the one who found her. Well, your dragon at least. It's only right. Besides, look at this. You are a natural." the jesting tone was not lost on the rogue prince who looked at the babe as if seeing her for the first time and he balked as he realized his brother was right. 
"Shit fucker." he grumbled
"shit!" a tiny voice spoke up and both men's heads snapped down to stare at the red-eyed princess as she clapped her hands excitedly. 
"shit shit shit!" she repeated and Daemon's head thunked to the back of his head chair with a groan.
"Oh by seven hells!" he grumbled before placing a finger over Astraea'a mouth. "Don't say that!" 
And then he was leaping from his chair when teeth sank into his fingers and he snarled yanking his finger from between the baby's teeth as she grinned up at him. "Why you little-"
Viserys burst into boisterous laughter so hard that he had to hold himself up by the edge of the sofa to stop himself from toppling over. But he was quick to take hold of the little girl as Daemon passed waving a finger in the air that most likely hurt like hell. 
"That beast is getting a fucking nursemaid! Let her bite their fingers instead!" Daemon cussed as he allowed his brother to take her from him and stalked from the room
Astraea's giggles followed him as he left and Viserys looked down at her amused as he wiped a tear of joy from his eye. He looked down at the little girl fondly thinking how her presence so unexpectedly brought more joy to the castle than he had in quite some time since he'd taken his place as king. Even the grief of his father's passing did little to dull the joy the little girl brought. Made him think about having his own family; of course, as king it was inevitable. He'd have to secure an heir sometime down the road but until then he could practice being a father with this little one no matter what Daemon says. 
"Don't be too harsh on him, little one. He doesn't know what he's doing. He'll get the hang of it though. You just got to help him along a little, right?" Viserys stroked through the soft mass of black curls. 
Astraea looked up at the king for a long moment as if she was trying to see through him and for a moment the man grew uneasy at her steady focus before she raised her hands to his face and patted at his cheeks. "help..." her small voice spoke up 
Viserys looked down at her with a slight smile and nodded slowly. "That's right. Help." he agreed before turning to leave the room in search of a servant to bring a nursemaid for Astraea. 
He wiped himself down with a wet cloth before grabbing his pants and yanking them on. His breaths came in hot and heavy pants as he slouched back in the chair in the corner of the room. The rustling of bedsheets alerted him to the figure climbing out as naked as she was born from the bed and making her way on unsteady legs to the table to pour a drink from the pitcher of water that resided on its surface beside him. Daemon's eyes lazily lifted to gaze at the whore as she handed him the cup with a smirk. He grabbed it from her and downed the cool contents before handing it back to her and she refilled it for herself. 
"So, I heard you have a new addition to the family, m'lord." her voice was silky as she leaned against the edge of the chair with the cup playing between her fingers 
"You never eluded to having a daughter. Was she a surprise?" the laugh was easy even when the violet eyes of the rogue prince lifted in a glare. 
"She's not my daughter."
"Oh, well if that's the case. When she's old enough you should bring her here. I heard she's quite beautiful-" 
The woman's words were cut short as Daemon's tall frame lurched from the chair and a strong hand latched around the whore's throat like a vice bringing the woman close she could see the dragon's fire burning in his eyes. Not all whores were stupid no matter what people may say and this woman could tell the difference between a man who was furious about something and needed release to destress and a man who was out for blood. The rogue prince was the latter and it took her breath away in more ways than once. There was no sexual tension here but a pure fire that threatened to burn her to ash if she wasn't careful. 
"If you dare say such a thing again I will carve your tongue out myself." his threat came low and nearly a growl as his fingers tightened around her throat until the woman's face began to change colors from lack of oxygen. "If anyone here speaks about the princess in my presence again I will gut them and let them watch as their entrails spill to the floor," he added shoving the woman away from him so roughly she fell to the floor with a gasp of pain. 
The prince grabbed the rest of his clothing and tugged them on before tossing a few coins the woman's way; a few coins short of what was her price for the night but all things considering he was a prince after all. And her mouth could have been used elsewhere instead of spitting such ideas into the air about Astraea. He left the brothel without a word already regretting not doing worse to the woman - he would have if he was drunk. But unfortunately, he was only high of the turmoil boiling in his blood instead of wine so he was steady on his feet as he stalked through the cover of night back towards the castle. 
It was late but the guards recognized him as he passed and did not stop him. Instead, he slipped through without saying anything and went down the halls of the cover of the night towards Astraea's chambers where upon entering the room he could see the nursemaid sleeping on a cot in the corner. Who at the sound of the door opening jolted awake and rose hastily when she saw who it was. 
"My prince." she bowed but did not question why he was in there. 
Daemon said nothing as he walked towards the basset where Astraea lay fast asleep. He looked down at her without so much as a twitch of expression on his face as he studied the way the moon lit her skin up like pure moonlight and the darkness of her curls and lashes that rested on her baby-smooth cheeks. Her mouth was in a sweet little pout as she slumbered and she held onto the old green blanket that the many months before he'd found her in in lue of a toy or doll that would. 
"She is a sweet child, m'lord." the middle-aged woman said softly as she dared to come up beside the prince. "Very smart as well. Smarter than kids her age should be. Those eyes are so observant too. I must confess it's unnerving when she chooses to stare at you. Like she's staring into your very soul." the woman commented with a slight smile despite her words. 
"She is unique indeed," Daemon muttered reaching inside to stroke along the cheek of the toddler and as if she knew who it was a sigh slipped past her rosebud of a mouth and she grabbed at his hand to hold onto like she had been holding onto her old blanket moments ago. 
Seeing this the nursemaid was quick to grab a chair and place it behind him as a silent invitation to sit. When he looked over at her curiously the woman merely smiled and shrugged looking down at her feet. 
"Princess Astraea does not sleep well for long whenever you are not around sir. She won't let go anytime soon now that she knows your here." with that, the woman slipped from the room leaving Daemon to sit in the chair placed for him.
When his arm began to ache and fall asleep from the angle that it was crooked at along the edge of the basset he rose and reached inside to pick up the little princess and moved himself to the couch where he reclined a little more comfortably. Astraea curled herself up like a little frog on top of his chest and tucked herself beneath his chin; a fistful of his hair clenched tightly between her fingers as she slept and Daemon knew he would not be going anywhere as he braced her to him with an arm under her bottom to make sure she did not fall. Most would wish to get a book for entertainment or something of that sort but Daemon was all too content in his position to study the princess as the moonlight shone through the windows lighting the room in an eery glow of silver. His eyes would periodically scan the room as if looking for danger even when he knew there was none.
And when the sun rose to light the room in a fiery glow of morning the nursemaid came back inside to check on the princess expecting the prince to have long gone by now but as she opened the door she was surprised to find a peculiar sight of the rogue prince who was known all around the keep for being cold and unruly-foul mouthed and unpredictable sprawled out on the couch with hair askew and the little princess tucked protectively against his side - both sound asleep. The mother within the nursemaid melted at the sight and for a moment she just took it in before she regrettably had to wake them for breakfast. When she nudged the prince's shoulder to wake him his violet eyes snapped open instantly and for a second she dared think he would draw his sword but the man held no weapons and he seemed to realize that at the same moment as he finally relaxed and looked down to find Astraea still contently asleep. His back hurt and so did his neck from the weird angle he slept in; he needed to bathe urgently and his stomach was growling at the thought of breakfast but nothing beat the look of such innocence on Astraea's face as she slept. 
He reached down to lightly stroke her dark curls until the baby's eyes began to flutter to reveal half-asleep crimson eyes that blinked a few times when the light hit them just right. Daemon's lips curled up in a half-smirk as he met the baby's eyes
"Sȳz tubis, dōna mēre. Ziry iksos jēda naejot wake bē." (**Good morning, Sweet one. It's time to wake up.) his voice was gravelly from sleep but she understood him as she pouted and gave a little whine while burying her face into his chest as if trying to hide. 
"Come on, time for breakfast." he patted her back a few times but she stubbornly refused and he sighed planning on just allowing the nursemaid to take the babe but then an idea hit him and he grinned down at her. "Uncle Viserys will be there."
She peeked up at him a bit and squinted before she reached up making grabby hands. "Visy." her tiny smile only grew when she saw the surprised but proud look on Daemon's face.
He sat up fully and picked up the child; waving off the nursemaid for the moment. "Yes, let's go see uncle Visy." he grinned; oh he was never going to let his brother live that one down. "But you have to go with your nursemaid to go see Visy. I have to go bathe before breakfast," he grumbled as he held the child over to the woman
Astraea's lip pouted again but she grabbed onto the front of the nursemaid's dress as she watched Daemon leave the room and sighed. But her mood soon lifted when the young woman holding her smiled at her and bounced her in a friendly manner. 
"Come on little miss. Let's go see your uncle! I believe the cook has made some sweet cakes for breakfast. if you give your uncle those big puppy eyes I'm sure he'll let you steal a cake or two." she winked playfully at the little girl who only looked up at her curiously for the briefest of moments before she began wiggling. 
"Visy! Visy!" she echoed excitedly
The nursemaid laughed setting the little girl down and walking behind her as the little thing began running from the room down a random hall. 
"This way princess!" the woman called and watched as the toddler turned and with the same enthusiasm raced back to her and past her filling the halls with the squeals and laughter of childish delight.
Chapter 2
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foreversecrets · 2 years
Meet the Family
Part of the Rogers Family Expansion Series
Joseph Rogers amassed power and money, along the way he had many women. His wife Sarah, followed by 7 mistresses throughout his life before ultimately passing away, gave him 9 children, 2 girls and seven boys. Upon his passing his eldest took up the role of leading the family. Listed by age oldest to youngest just happens to coincide with the power and responsibilities they each help amongst the family as well as the partner they eventually find themselves with.
Steve Rogers: the boss overseeing both business and the family side of things. Most of the time he is the only one who can keep everyone in line and break up spats. On the morning of his beloved mothers birthday he encounters a woman who turns out to be his mothers personal assistant and the object of his intrigue.
Frank Adler: the second in command, he tends to handle the legal and legitimate side of things mostly as a fail safe in case things go wrong his hands aren't dirty and Mary won't be abandoned. As good a role model he tries to be, he can't help the fact that he's in love with a married woman.
Diane Adler: unfortunately during a turf dispute, she was caught in the crossfire and lost her life, leaving her brothers to care for her young daughter Mary. Mostly Frank takes on the responsibility as Diane's twin brother he had been the closest.
Andy Barber: stays out of both sides of things, maintaining his legitimate job as an attorney. He mostly spends all his time keeping the family and their associates out of jail. It was an accident how he fell in love with his younger sister's best friend, growing up she hadn't even been on his radar but when she returns to town for Delilah's wedding he can't help seeing all the positive changes about her.
Lloyd Hansen: Typically he handles the tech side of things while also dabbling in the discipline of those who've wronged the family. It's while seeking revenge for the rival family who killed Diane that he runs into the daughter of the highest ranking member of their family. She is a spoiled fucking brat but Lloyd can't admit that he likes her, especially when she convinces him the greatest revenge of all would be to marry her so she'll never truly be part of her fathers family again.
Curtis Everett: The muscle, not afraid to get his hands dirty to protect his family. It's during the investigation of unmarked crates on one of their shipping boats that he discovers a human trafficking business that has been going on under their noses and the women who's trying her best to protect all the girls. Usually he's not the one who people find approachable, but for some reason she trusts him to help her and all the other women.
Ari Levinson: handles the smuggling and is Steve's main advisor on matters pertaining to their drug business. Once Steve orders a mass investigation into all their dealing after what Curtis uncovered, Ari finds an independent drug dealer who's been stealing from them and using their goods for her own profit.
Delilah Levinson: her brothers keep her out of the business out of fear of history repeating itself. They are terrified to lose their only remaining sister so instead she is set up with a bodyguard who happens to be her eldest brother's best friend and the man she's in love with, oh yeah, and he's married.
Ransom Drysdale: holds no responsibility whatsoever apart from being part of the family. Outwardly he doesn't give a fuck that his brothers don't think he can handle any part of the business and not just because he is the youngest, inwardly he is a ball of melancholy. Which is why he's so pissed when his brothers decide to set him up in an arranged marriage so the family can spread their reach.
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Of course! I'm glad my Unmitigated Braindumping has given you more opportunities to talk about them at length I never know where to start myself, so I'm very thankful for the jumping-off point that first post provided (and that many of your posts provide!) This has been a wonderful experience. (Also, uh, since these "bookends" work for more personal stuff--I am No Longer Sick and I'm happy to hear you seem to be doing a bit better!)
Reading it over, I figure the event transcript itself is okay to share, so here it is on my test wiki! It's, well, it's about the same length as this ask will probably end up, and it's a "sequel" to his first event. A thing I really like about Mine's RGGO content is that It's All Connected; the narratives continue to build upon each other to this day. That's not the case for almost any other character.
And totally! With Mine in specific, I feel there's enough reductiveness on "both sides" regarding his sexuality and regarding Daigo that trying to put forward any particular stance would be detrimental on top of the reasons we've discussed. It's probably a bit weird to say this about a fictional character, but Mine's a whole person independent of the men in his life, y'know?
I actually fell for the red herring with Katase myself until the Kanda scene we talk about below haha, so I guess that's fair enough on your friend's part. Definitely the case that the ending makes it clear that's not how it is, though.
Mine's interactions with women are always fascinating to me, especially in contrast to Kanda as you mentioned, but also in contrast to the main series protagonists. Just the way he immediately drops everything to help the woman Kanda attempts to assault when he and Kanda first meet almost on instinct says a lot to me when almost every protagonist occasionally acts like it's an inconvenience to Them to intervene.
I'd say a lot of it comes from growth on the writers' parts in terms of understanding that, hey, being totally complacent in Kanda's actions is scummy. So I appreciate that Mine is by far the one who does the most to minimize Kanda's harm (up to and including having him killed, of course, but also getting him arrested in that event as well as physically stopping him--and apparently dozens of others, since every woman who picks him up in that event is apparently a woman he saved lmao.)
I feel like Mine, when mentally stable, has this almost "chivalrous" quality to him. I'm kind of reminded of Hijikata as well in that they both insist on calling every younger woman they meet "miss"; it's a little old-fashioned, perhaps condescending, but still kind of cute (biased though lol, the ratios on those three things may vary.) There's a lot I want to talk about on this topic with regard to Hijikata, the historical account, and other "definitive" Shinsengumi media, but I'll probably save that for another ask.
But on Mine and relationships, there's so much to unpack there! The old joke is absolutely applicable. And because he was talking about how he's "never 'picked anyone up' in his life" in that event, agreeing to all these "dates" but never enthusiastically (I think the one and only time he didn't seem actively unhappy was in the finale to the accompanying card's character story), I do wonder to what degree his passivity would play a role in other romantic encounters. Agreeing to whatever those women wanted whether he really wanted it himself.
Rewinding to Katase a bit, while that was obviously not romantic, I think the interaction in the finale could perhaps provide insight as to a problem he may face in romantic relationships. Which is his refusal (or inability) to be emotionally honest while sort of expecting the other party to be perfectly attuned to his emotions.
Because like, I don't think Katase /didn't/ care about him whatsoever, I think she just took his "I'm fine"(s) at face-value and took a "business as usual" approach without realizing how much that would upset him in his current state. I would be mortified in her position if I called up my boss on an urgent matter and he said he was "fine" and then just completely stopped responding before hanging up lol, especially upon learning he committed suicide shortly thereafter.
But that interaction is (or appears to be) something he emotionally experienced as a "betrayal" despite being totally unintentional, so I have to wonder how much of a pattern it is in his life; he's been concealing his real problems and saying he was """fine""" since he was a kid, after all. I obviously can't say anything conclusive, but it "feels like" there's something there with the way he sort of lumped in the women he's been with with his coworkers when talking about how "they'll all abandon ship sooner or later" or whatever.
Like, I don't doubt that some (or perhaps many) women would like him for shallow reasons, but all of them…? Hm. Not Sure. That said, there's definitely an argument to be made he was seeing hostesses and sex workers (seeing him talk to a hostess is one of my top 10 reasons for wanting him to be a protagonist at some point tbh), but I guess there's also an argument to made that those types of relationships are overtly "fake" and "paid-for" and so wouldn't appeal to him? I wish we actually got to see some of that when Kanda took him to cabaret clubs.
And hey, you're totally right about Aoki's secretary! That was something that stood out to me as well. Her screen-time is roughly comparable to Katase iirc, so it's puzzling. Jo's leftover files really are such an enigma, because everyone's got unused voice lines and stuff (and they're still interesting to listen through for "another dimension" to the characters you don't get to see in-game), but there's so much that's Unique to him. I can only hope some of those ideas are explored elsewhere.
Kanda's insult is a lot of fun to examine for the exact reasons you mentioned, because on the surface and in a literal sense, the translation is "off the mark"--but is it? I'm not sure how much crossover there is between cultures in this regard, but I know when I came out as bisexual to my family, there were a lot of accusations thrown around that I'd become "too Westernized." It's definitely something I'd like to ask native speakers about if I can get over the embarrassment; perhaps if that's no help, one of my books or papers on LGBT issues in Japan might have an answer.
I'm definitely under the impression that both localization teams understood Mine wasn't straight. I might be a little bit biased with regard to the original, since, like I said, that was actually the scene I began to "suspect" Mine was gay lmao. But there was an effort to maintain accuracy in the finale even if the wording is superseded by Y3R's intensity. In that respect I kind of wonder about the reason for the change, because it addresses the homophobia but not the inaccuracy.
Right! I do give Mine some credit for attempting to be cautious with Kanda and Daigo, of course. It does seem like his misanthropy (or his tendency to spiral into it when things go wrong, anyway) has a lot to do with his guardedness. And he definitely does have a tendency to look to the future to the detriment of his ability to consider the present (or even that the future might not turn out exactly as he predicts). "The pinnacle of hindsight bias" is the perfect way to put it.
I think that's very much evident in how much of his mental state hinges on things he takes for granted. He'll finally be happy now that he has Daigo to dedicate his life to, because of course Daigo will be around forever (spoilers: he won't.) He'll finally be happy now that he can take over the Tojo, because of course the Tojo will both accept him without a fuss and be around forever (spoilers: it won't).
But I very much agree this is exactly the sort of thing that makes him such a captivating and relatable character! It's been a lot of fun exploring that side of him with you, just as it's been a lot of fun exploring the Arakawas. Of course, I would also be interested in your take on Arakawa and femininity whenever you're feeling up to it.
It was no trouble, thank you so much for taking the time to watch my recommendations! Also gave me the push to get started on Hero with a friend and am excited to see how much that changes my perception of the special! Tsugaru's very much got things going on and I'm excited for the rewatch. Eventually! I honestly have no idea where I stopped watching Pure haha, but I recall wondering if her dependence on her family would just end up being transferred onto Toru, so I'm glad that's not the case at least.
I really appreciate the vote of confidence regarding examining the localization further! That means a lot to me. I think it was especially worth emphasizing Jo and Ikumi's youth because both dubs make the somewhat odd choice to have Jo voiced by the same actor (whereas teen Arakawa is given a different actor), and the model doesn't really have the same wide-eyed innocence Tsutsumi did when he was younger.
I did notice Tsutsumi's performance was much more animated than for Jo as an adult though, and it was a lot more "obvious" when he was saying things he didn't mean, so I appreciate the effort to make up for it in terms of Tsutsumi's acting and probably-Yokoyama's direction.
It's probably hard to believe these days haha, but if anything, people were significantly more vicious towards Arakawa than towards Jo at launch. It just got to be too much to take after a while, especially because I had to see it from ~mutuals~ too. Like you guys know that man's my namesake and that I can see what you're saying, but you're not even going to tone it down a little bit? Okay I Guess.
It felt really aimless to me, because it was like, what, "betraying" Ichi? Having a "weak" "redemption?" I'm not going to say Arakawa Did Nothing Wrong, and I'm sure even he would never be satisfied with whatever he tried to do to make it up to Ichi (he never was when it came to Masato), but he Kind Of Died before he had the chance. Sometimes that's how it is, but Ichi was always going to forgive him.
Of course I should be happy people loved Ichi enough to feel so protective over him, and I kind of am, but I can't fully put my experiences aside either. I don't want to harp on all that too much now that things are looking better though lol.
All of that aside, I'm glad Princess Toyotomi was an enjoyable enough experience! Although it's not as direct as Honnouji Hotel, I think there are still some time-bending aspects with reincarnation and such that history buffs can enjoy. For example, Matsudaira was Tokugawa Ieyasu's family name, and Sanada was the name of a samurai he respected greatly although they were on opposing sides. And of course, the Sanadas as a whole served as vassals to Toyotomi (after the Honnouji incident, coincidentally, haha.)
Chako was also named after the mother of Toyotomi's heirs, so I suppose one could have seen that coming if they were aware of that, but I really, really wanted Daisuke to be the princess too! She (and Sanada's acceptance of her) were very much one of my favorite things about the movie as a whole. I appreciate that, whenever I've seen transgender identities and gender non-conformity come up in Nakai and Tsutsumi's works, that's generally how it goes. Most of their works tend to narratively align with their viewpoints in real life so it's cool.
Speaking of, family issues are very much a pattern in Tsutsumi's characters! Most of what I could say here is a bit spoiler-y, so I won't, but I hope you'll notice more as you go on to experience other roles.
I was hoping to reply to the other asks here, but that got to be Too Hot To Handle (read: way too long), so I'll section them off into a different ask (that you'll probably end up seeing before this one haha). Hopefully they're a bit easier to respond to separately as well. Thank you for your time, and sorry to take up so much of it!
I love how all of Mine’s stories are connected, it feels like some sort of atonement for the fact that Mine wasn’t going to be RGGO’s main protagonist anymore: if we can’t have him in a brand new story, then we can at least make up for it by having multiple prologue stories line up together. HUGE huge thank you for sharing this with me, it was an absolute honor to be able to read this!
It’s incredibly interesting to see Mine and his line of thinking in this story. At the end of Y3, Mine practically explodes with anger towards the people who betrayed him back then, yet with Tashiro he’s almost entirely the opposite. I guess in this particular situation though, Mine managed to find an optimistic outcome of that deceit: because Mine was booted from his company, he was able to find the thing he really wanted with the Tojo Clan. I can’t explain it properly, but that’s a sweet mentality for Mine to have honestly considering his displeasure with the society around him: something terrible happened to him (and Tashiro even tried to worsen the wound), but having been able to make the most out of the situation, he was almost prepared to let Tashiro go unpunished (I suppose this ties back into Mine’s whole thing of not striking unless attacked first). As a final small note on the story and translation, I love the sprinkle of French in his dialogue. As we’d talked about before, it’s just small details like that that help enhance his Westernism and I appreciate it immensely.
I totally agree on Mine being his own man/character and wanting to focus on that! That’s something I’m always worried about when I post honestly, as weird as that might seem. It’d be ridiculous for me to try to deny relationships between characters are some of my favorite aspects of RGG, but I also try to highlight the characters on their own. The reason why examining the relationships in RGG is so fun is because of how the characters are by themselves, and ergo the type of characters they become when put with others/how certain qualities of their characters become enhanced when in a (any sort of) relationship. In that, relationships help deepened characters, but they definitely shouldn’t be reduced to ONLY the relationships they have.
As for Mine’s relationship with women in RGGO stories, that’s an aspect of Mine I adore too, and I agree on the whole ‘address women as ‘miss’’ bit: it is old fashioned and potentially condescending, but the over-polite nature of it is endearing all the same to me personally. Just in general, Mine’s very polite and I feel like that’s a detail that’s overlooked at times, but it’s a detail I love all the same. Moreover, Mine generally being- at the very least- a decent person does remind me of Hijikata now that you mention it (despite his scary reputation, apparently almost all personal accounts with him only ever said nice things about him and how amiable he was), not to mention the virtuous nature of kirins, to go back to his original symbol. To extend on that, it does just solidify that Mine is a kirin at heart: he respects the people who haven’t done anything wrong or egregious, but he’s harsh on the people who do injustice (and even then, his tolerance is incredibly high. Back to the subject of when Mine first meets Kanda, he doesn’t punish Kanda for acting inappropriately with the woman, he only engages in a fight with him to get his attention. I appreciate that Mine still wanted to make sure the woman he helped was alright though, making sure she was able to walk first before putting his full attention back to Kanda).
I agree that Mine probably doesn’t pursue relationships himself and more so lets them come to him (especially if the ending of that Okinawa story where Mine’s approached by a woman on the beach is any indication or hint at his past relationships), and I especially agree that due to his closed-off nature, he ultimately jeopardizing any romantic partners he could have had. Ergo, I agree in that Katase shouldn’t be put at fault for dismissing Mine’s feelings (while we’re on the subject, I’ve always wanted to explore how Katase might have reacted to Mine’s death. I know she’s considerably an irrelevant character, but I can’t help but wonder how she might have felt and if she ever felt guilty for something she had no control over). I personally always live by the idea of saying what you mean, and as a result I don’t get upset with people if they can’t discern I’m not okay if I don’t tell them that. As for Mine, it’s painfully evident that’s now how he operates: he fully expects others to be on the same page as him, and as we see that becomes incredibly detrimental to him. It’s a consequence of his need to be independent, I believe: he’s become so focused on himself, he either isn’t comfortable with expressing the truth and relying on others emotionally, or he doesn’t know how to do it.
To expand on the hypotheticals of his past relationship, it really is hard to discern what ‘type’ of women he was entangled with (as in whether they were hostesses/sex workers or women he met naturally), and trying to find out which one is significant to understand the depth of his grievances. We know Mine isn’t fond of money- he understands it’s a tool to achieve what he wants, but it doesn’t make him happy (it wouldn’t be a stretch to even say it disgusts him in some aspects, or at least the greed it brings out of people turns him off). So would he seek out workers to get a sample of a human bond? But again, he’d know right at the start that bond would be artificial, so the only conclusion I can come to is that he really did have the capability to attract women on his own (or at least he didn’t have to ‘buy’ them, per say). And of course, the reason they didn’t work out could have been due in part to multiple reasons: women being with him only for shallow reasons, Mine’s inability to be sincere with others, potentially his sexuality, or maybe some mixture of these factors. Not all relationships are the same, after all. BUT this is all speculation at this point, and unfortunately I doubt we’ll get a concrete backstory on Mine’s relationships (but I do agree in being curious as to how he behaves around hostesses…)
I’m not overly versed on LGBT issues and terminology in the East, so I can’t say my input would be anything of much value. All I know is that- at least in the West as well- the concept of LGBT seems to be very ‘western’ for whatever reason (or at least, I see a lot of people get upset with Japanese franchises having LGBT elements and then claiming they’re ‘affected by the West’. Maybe it’s a two-way street for some). But yeah, all-in-all, it really is an interesting case of ‘technically this is wrong translation wise, but character wise it’s accurate’.
As for Mine and his tendency to be ‘short sighted’, that’s precisely how he operates! He very much has the mentality of ‘there’s no problem now, so don’t worry about it’, or at the very least he is very present-minded (outside of business endeavors, of course) and focuses on his happiness in the moment. I can’t fault him for that, though: again, it’s a very human trait to have, even if a little naive, so to say, but again it’s greatly compelling and relatable.
On to Jo though, it definitely was a weird choice to not have child Jo dubbed with a different actor- I know some boys can have deep voices by 15, but it really is jarring to watch and doesn’t help keep me in the mindset that they’re kids at the time. But you’re right in Tsutsumi’s effort to try and sound more youthful at least: it’s not perfect of course, but it’s definitely easier to discern that he’s supposed to be younger (and definitely fits better based on the interpretation the director might have wanted. For the Japanese dub, Jo sounds a lot more carefree about the situation and like he’s just ready to go home- like the circumstances are more of an annoyance than anything severe. Whereas in the English dub, Jo sounds more remorseful- or at least like he’s struggling with moving on from what happened. But that’s just my takeaway, of course).
About Arakawa’s negative reception though, on the surface I get it just from the premise of ‘Arakawa betrays Ichiban’. Even when I didn’t know anything about Y7 and I was just reading a quick summary of the game, I had a sour taste in my mouth after reading that part. BUT of course now I adore Arakawa. His methods were extreme and deadly, but it’s hard to come up with any alternatives for his situation (and it’s not as though he isn’t aware of the pain he put Ichiban through with his elaborate plan. It’s just another case of not everything a character does can be categorized as a purely good or purely evil action), and it’s unfortunate we didn’t get to see Arakawa try to make things up to Ichi after all they went through.
Onto Princess Toyotomi, I wish I was as much of a history buff for Japan as I am with American history: I love history so much, so I’m sure if I’d known these bits before watching I would’ve appreciated the movie and its details a whole lot more (not that I didn’t enjoy it of course, but having that context definitely would’ve been fun to notice while viewing)! It’s also sweet to hear that Nakai and Tsutsumi seem to be accepting of LGBT themes (I try not to look too deep into actors since I’m scared I’ll find terrible things and it’ll make viewing media they’re in awkward, but so far I’m glad that they appear to be decent guys)! On that note, I am absolutely excited to watch more Nakai and Tsutsumi works when I get the chance- I’m curious what you’re referring to when you talk about spoilers, but I’ll find that out seen enough I guess!
And I also have replies to your second ask, though I'll put it below the cut just to keep things separated and organized.
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Whatever you decide to do, I’m sure it’ll turn out great (and if you ever need the tweet, I have it bookmarked and screenshotted- I can never be too certain on whether Twitter’s going to nuke a tweet nowadays…)! As for Masato though, I’d be absolutely surprised if he somehow survived. My reason to doubt as much were the funeral scenes, but with Mine- even if unlikely without repercussions- it’s not impossible to survive a fall from that height, so yeah RGG if you drop the confirmed He’s Fine I have no promises on being Not Annoying LMAO
In reference the nature of Jo and Arakawa’s relationship, I’m glad to have given you a chance to talk about their relationship further (it really is an awkward subject to navigate: it’s fair and reasonable to assume SOMETHING is there obviously, we just can’t put an exact label on it.)! And I am open to criticisms, whether that was the intent or not, otherwise I’m a fan of peer review and looking at notes on a subject together, so no worries!
I’ve always been a big fan of turn-based RPGs, so RGG’s push towards the genre’s been really fun to watch! Again, while you certainly can do storytelling through gameplay for action games, RPGs inherently being more story based definitely lend a hand in being able to inject smaller details better (especially in regards to attack/ability and weapon names that highlight aspects of a character)!
Thank you about my latest comic, it means the world that you enjoyed it despite how simple it is! It’s unfortunate I never draw Ichi since whenever I do, I always have fun with how different and expressive I make him (most of it’s due in part to wanting to make a homage to Akira Toriyama since if the gameplay of Y7’s going to be affected by Ichi’s love for Dragon Quest, then I might as well draw him with Toriyama in mind. But at this point, it’s just fitting to draw him so exaggerated)! And I definitely wouldn’t say your contribution was ‘small’, our back and forth’s were a pretty significant reason for me to have the energy and inspiration to draw the thing in full, so thank you again for chatting with me so much!
The subject of Hijikata and his poetry’s one of my favorite topics (if not majorly because according to people who read them, his poems weren’t all that good despite their famous nature nowadays), and I’m glad they managed to sneak in bits about him and in poetry in Ishin (like him reading in his room, and as you said, the quote at the end)! I can definitely see Mine wanting to thoroughly analyze Hijikata’s poetry just on the basis of being an art buff and wanting to extract as much meaning as he could from the writing (but again, considering the questionable quality of them, I can just as easily see pretty much everyone else looking at it without much regard lmao). On that note though, I’d be interested to see how the poems’ meaning ultimately become reworked in your vision!
Talking more about Ishin, Arakawa and Jo would have fit well with Kondo and Hijikata’s roles, I agree! Honestly, if it weren’t for Mine and how popular he is (which I’m infinitely grateful for, I shouldn’t have to say), it wouldn’t be hard for me to imagine Jo filling in his spot (especially if they were willing to swap in Zhao for Baba; they weren’t afraid to switch out RGG characters for other RGG characters. Though imaging Y7Jo having that slightly friendly air that Hijikata does definitely would have been… something to see lmao). Kondo was also considerably sneaky in Ishin too, wasn’t he? That definitely would have been a good fit for how lowkey Arakawa tries to keep things in Y7.
The complicated nature of Ichi and Jo’s relationship is such a neat subject. As you said, I’m sure part of Jo’s frustrations with Ichi lie in how Ichi’s seeming aloof nature reminds him of his own careless attitude as a kid: nothing like old-fashioned projection to make you irked by someone, right. On the note of Arakawa though, it will be interesting to see how they interact now that they aren’t technically ‘required’ to with Arakawa gone and there’s technically no more need to keep the peace. As I said in some ask ago, I do hope they have a more neutral bond come LaD8; I don’t think it’s reasonable to think they can ever be as close as Ichi and Arakawa are, especially how shut off Jo is, but it would be nice to see them more civil and relatively on the same page (maybe despite Arakawa being gone, they can at least appreciate his memory together right. Not that Jo seems too earnest to crack on sharing his personal feelings about Arakawa anytime soon, though, but maybe one day Ichi can convince him lmao).
Shifting a bit, I do wonder why Kiryu was responsible for making sure Jo was going to be alright. That seems so weirdly specific, especially when Kiryu doesn’t seem to have any connection with the Arakawa family. I hope Gaiden answers that question too!
And if you ever want to talk about Ryuji, feel free to write in about him! It’s been a while since I’ve focused on Y2’s story, but I at least remember his scenes well and I’m pretty solid on his character!
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ainyan · 2 years
19. — fireworks
(This is a snippet from a fic I was writing once upon a time - it suits, and I happen to like this part a lot.)
Upon the roof, Thancred and G’raha Tia set about creating a nest of blankets and pillows, while Kali stood by, basket in hand. When she tried to help, both men shooed her off. “Isn’t it the male birds who build the nest, and the one with the prettiest one wins the fair maiden?” Thancred asked whimsically, and she giggled at him, then stepped back, basket held before her as she patiently waited for them to finish primping.
None of them pointed out that there was but a single nest, and that the two males supposedly competing were working together with all evidence of complete enjoyment with each other and the situation.
When they finished, G’raha Tia took the basket while Thancred took her hand, leading her over. She stepped into the middle of the pile of cloth and stuffing and sank down with a rustle of silk and gems, having changed to her dancer gear in the spirit of celebration. Both men slid down beside her, one on either side, and arranged her so that she nestled into their arms. 
She felt G’raha at her side, the heat of him, the flutter of his pulse, the rush of his blood, his palpable excitement as he awaited the festivities with the same enthusiasm as he awaited their next adventure. For all of his centuries, he was only as old as his current body - barely a year or two her senior.
And at her other side, she felt the solid, stolid presence of Thancred. Although in actuality much younger than G’raha Tia, his body was the oldest of the Scions, and his personality suited his outward appearance - though he was in no way so old as he often was teased of being. A patient rock, it had been to no one’s surprise when Thancred had taken up a position in the vanguard, eschewing his previous role in the shadows. He was the most protective - and the most caring - of the Scions.
Her heart fluttered, torn, and even as she laid her head against Thancred’s shoulder, her tail flicked out and wrapped itself firmly around G’raha’s hips, her hand reaching for his. His fingers twined through hers and he lifted them to brush his lips against her knuckles as the sun finally sank below the horizon, casting long shadows across the harbor.
And the fireworks began.
Light flashed across the sky, pictures and explosions emblazoned across the heavens for all to see. The alchemists and arcanists of the Far East plied their trade with consummate skill, telling story after story in fiery images writ large across the stars. Between the three of them they were able to identify the vast majority of the pictures, their low-voiced commentary in no way drowning out the shouts and cries of surprise and elation from below.
Now and then Kal’istae felt Thancred’s lips press against the top of her head; now and then, she felt G’raha Tia raise her hand to kiss her knuckles - absent gestures of affection that sent her heart alternately thudding from joy and aching from sorrow.
There was music, too. The sweet voices of the bards of Sharlayan and their instruments could be heard, giving voice to the stories behind the imagery through ancient songs. Even as the pictures faded, leaving only bursts of abstract stars and flowers to brighten the night sky, the music continued to swell across the city, a joyous chorus welcoming in the new year.
And then she heard it; the tocsin pealed across the city, bright and strident as timepieces across Sharlayan struck midnight. “Blessed Heavensturn,” she whispered to the two men at her side, words choked and just a bit watery.
“Blessed Heavensturn,” the men replied in unison, and she lifted her head, feeling them lean down to both brush their lips across the edges of her mouth. And she couldn’t help it; the tears began in earnest. “Kali, Kali, don’t cry,” Thancred murmured urgently.
G’raha Tia slid closer until she found herself sandwiched between both men, the miqo’te fitting along her back, kneeling behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist even as Thancred shifted to kneel before her, drawing her against him. “Sweetest Kali,” G’raha whispered in her ear, “there is no need for tears.”
She couldn’t stop them, even if she were willing - in her breast her heart twisted, aching and breaking. “I can’t do it,” she hiccuped. “I can’t choose. I can’t. I won’t.”
Citrine eyes met scarlet and the two men nodded, then wrapped themselves firmly around her, heedless of how close it brought them. “Then don’t, my own,” Thancred replied firmly.
“Then don’t, my love,” Raha echoed. “You need not choose at all,” he continued as he pressed his forehead against the back of her head. “We don’t want you to.”
Her tears faltered. “B- but…”
Thancred pressed his lips against the scales on her forehead. “We don’t need you to. This arrangement suits us just fine, and we see no reason to change things. Why should you choose between us when we can both make you so happy?”
She sputtered, and both men drew back to give her room, keeping their arms firmly around her. “What - you’ll share me?” she asked incredulously. “What about - when we - when I…” She trailed off, blushing.
Thancred chuckled low in his throat, and she felt a tug deep in her belly. “Well, I for one would not object; it would not be the first time, though it would be the first time with someone I… but then,” he murmured, the thought trailing off unfinished, “everything with you has been the first time for me. But it would not be every time,” he added, glancing at Raha, who nodded.
The miqo’te held her close. “We will spend much time apart, you and I, and you and he and I. ‘Tis our lives as Scions. Sometimes, the three of us will be together, and I doubt any of us will wish to waste such time worrying about who is where, or who is doing what.”
The hyur lifted his hand to stroke her cheek. “And there will be times where it is only the two of us, or the two of you. Only the gods know where we will end up once you have healed and we have made our decisions regarding our futures. You know,” he added soberly, “that Urianger and I have a vested interest in the well-being of Garlemald. And Raha has a duty to see the Students rebuilt. And you, my bright star, your steps will ever dance onward and outwards towards new experiences, with or without us.”
She dragged herself out of their arms and they knelt side by side, watching her as she stumbled to her feet, pressing her hand to her breast. “You want to share me,” she said. “I - it’s a dream, but… but…” Her tail drooped, her shoulders slumping. “No. No, it couldn’t work.”
The two men exchanged an alarmed look. “Whyever not?” G’raha demanded.
She looked at him… then her gaze slid to Thancred, and he read unhappy embarrassment in her eyes before she looked away. “Because I don’t know that I would be able to do the same, not for you,” she whispered, “and it would not be fair to lock you into a relationship where you must be forced to watch the one you care for in the arms of another, but be denied a similar joy.”
Ah. The pale-haired hyur smiled. “Kali,” he said gently, and she lifted her gaze to his. “I share you only with a man who feels for you as I do, a man for whom you care as much as you do me. I would not be able to countenance you with any other. And I would expect no less of you. And as you are the first woman I have ever loved,” and his smile broadened as her eyes widened in shock, “I do not think it likely I will ever find another for you to concern yourself with.”
She took a step forward and reached out a hand to him, fingers trembling. He rose to his feet and caught her fingers, drawing them up to his breast and covering them with his own as he continued to gaze down into her eyes. “You… love me?”
His heart pounded in his throat. “I do. I do so very much. I think I always have.”
G’raha continued to kneel as he watched them stare at each other. “Kali, if you’ve changed your mind…”
Both Scions pinned the miqo’te with a fierce glare. “While I never expected to hear those words from Thancred,” she said hoarsely, “and I do not deny that it changes some things, it does not change the fact that I care for you,” she said fiercely, “as I do him. Completely. I don’t want to live without either of you.”
“Even were she inclined,” Thancred added, turning his gaze back down to Kal’istae, “I would not allow her to. We are suited, we three. We are,” he murmured, “fated. This I believe; there is no other explanation for this union of like souls and like minds. No, Raha. It was always to be us - all of us.”
The miqo’te’s eyes widened, then filled, and he stepped forward as Kali held out her free hand, sliding his fingers through hers and drawing her knuckles to his lips. “I love you,” he said quietly to her. “And I want to do this.”
Her eyes shone up at him, but it was to Thancred she turned first. “I love you,” she told him, and he exhaled sharply, his fingers tightening on hers almost to the point of pain before he relaxed his grip. She smiled up at him, then turned to G’raha. “And I love you,” she said to the Exarch, who pressed his lips to her hand, his eyes overflowing. “And I do not want to live a life without you both.”
Thancred abruptly tugged on her and she fell into him, giggling. G’raha Tia echoed her laughter, moving in until he was pressed against her back. She released both men, sliding her arms around Thancred’s waist as she lifted her face to his. “I love you, Kal’istae Miurani,” he whispered as he pressed his lips to her forehead, then took her mouth in his.
“I love you, Kal’istae Miurani,” G’raha Tia echoed, and she felt his arms surround her, his body pressed against her back as he kissed the back of her head, waiting patiently for Thancred to relinquish her.
Reluctantly, the gunbreaker pulled back. “My own,” he murmured, his hands skimming up until they caught in her hair, tangling amidst the short strands. Her lips parted and he sucked in a breath, then released her, his hands sliding down again to her shoulders before he turned her to the miqo’te who watched with anxious scarlet eyes.
“Raha,” she murmured, her face alight as she gazed up at him, and he gathered her close, feeling her arms come around his neck. He bent his head and covered her mouth with his, feeling her pliant and willing in his arms.
When she finally pulled back, she stepped away, gazing back at the two men watching her. “You’re absolutely certain this is what you want?” she asked, one hand going to her throat.
“Be ours,” Thancred said simply. “Be mine. Be his. Be ours.”
She gazed up at him with wide, bright eyes. “I - yes,” she breathed, and threw her arms around them both as they came in, resting her head against their shoulders. “Yes. Yes, yes, yes!”
Original Ask Meme
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lunas-otome-blog · 6 months
Luna's Review: Cupid Parasite
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Official Summary:
What's love got to do with it? In this divine romantic comedy, play as Lynette Mirror, Cupid Corporation's top bridal advisor and none other than Celestia's Goddess of Love, Cupid! Determined to prove that love is more than bows and arrows, she meets her biggest challenge yet — the infamous Parasite 5.
But in finding love for the Parasite 5, will Cupid find love herself?
Luna's Thoughts (Spoiler Free)
I needed a break between the stupendously long playthroughs of Jack Jeanne (review coming soon!) so I picked up Cupid Parasite for a more casual, less involved game.
In Cupid Parasite, the MC, who is literally the goddess Cupid, descends to earth as human alter-ego Lynette Mirror in order to stick it to her father and prove that human algorithms are better than forcing people to fall in love with her magical bow and arrow. She joins a dating agency and quickly becomes their top advisor. Due to her success, she's forced to take charge of five bachelors who are having trouble finding love because they suck.
I'll say it upfront. Cupid Parasite is very stupid. The plot is goofy and very loosely constructed. There is a roomba. The MC is a powerful demigod and her first move upon coming to Earth is to rent a shared apartment and get a bachelor's degree. The B-button produces a honk sound. These were the highlights for me, actually. I don't mind a stupid game as long as it spells that out upfront, and Cupid Parasite definitely does.
Where this game really stands out is where it embraces the stupid and allows itself to be fun and silly. But it suffers from inconsistency, leaving me unsure of what to think. Some routes are very serious and others are incredibly unserious.
It took me a really long time to warm up to this game for a few reasons. First, Cupid Parasite feels like it's aimed at a younger audience, as everyone in the game, including the protagonist, is immature or undeveloped in some way.
This game was also just way too sexy for me, and extremely heteronormative. The romance and ideas portrayed are very traditional. Lynette has some fairly antiquated views about love between men and women, ranging from boring to slightly offensive. A lot of it didn't sit right with me.
It was also a little difficult to get through the common route because I truly didn't like a single one of the dating options lol. I know the premise is that they're undatable but man...they are insufferable at the beginning.
The interface, while colorful and quirky, is too "busy" and thus difficult to navigate. It was a little laggy for me. The whole experience felt clunky and unpolished.
If you like flirty, silly and sexy otoges, you'll probably be really into Cupid Parasite. But unfortunately I am not the target audience for this game. There were certain aspects of each route I enjoyed, though, so find below my thoughts in the order in which I played each character.
(Spoilers) Ryuki Route
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I genuinely liked Ryuki's route, which was surprising to me because I really DID NOT like him in the common route lol. He warms up to Lynette right at the end of the common, and his affection grows from there. He's not a true tsundere, but he fulfills the "has trouble being honest" role in this game for the most part.
He's the youngest of the love interests at just 19 — not that age matters much when the PC is an immortal god— so I didn't feel too great about the sexy scenes with this barely legal kid lol. But they don't sleep together on the route, which I was grateful for.
Ryuki's driving force is in learning how to be a good designer, and Lynette is charmed by the attention he puts into his designs. It turns out he always wanted to design clothes for women, but nobody has allowed him to do that, so he's just lived with this repressed desire his whole life.
His interest in Lynette comes from how she treats him like a normal person, rather than flee from his rudeness or put him on a pedestal like most people, as well as how she's the first person to tell him he can do what he wants. Ryuki's attraction to her felt natural and the pace was good. When he realizes that you naturally find the person you're in love with more attractive, he freaks out in an adorable way.
Once he accepts that what he's feeling is love, his entire attitude changes, and he instantly becomes an attentive and kind partner. He was already warming up to Lynette, but the switch proves how much he was holding back on his base instincts to cherish her. Realizing he's in love gives him the freedom to do what he's always wanted, just as Lynette gave him the freedom to design women's clothing.
Proposing to Lynette instead of asking her out was silly, but he's 19, so I actually felt like it was in keeping with how a teenager would act with his first love.
Overall, I felt Ryuki's route was very successful. I hope Lynette reels him in a little, hehe.
(Spoilers) Gill Route
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Man this route sure was...something.
It's so hard for me to judge Gill, because every time the game gives you a reason to like him, they add in another reason to dislike him, too.
He's an insufferable sad sack in the common route. Then you start his route and realize he took such good care of Lynette at the beginning when she didn't know anything about the human world. Then you find out he literally stalked her in college and calls her his "baby bird." Then you find out he did technically ask her out (though she never got the letter) and thought he was formally rejected. Then you find out he took his job specifically to spend more time with her.
Toward the end of his route, he reveals he has a folder of pictures of her on his phone, taken secretly over the years, including some of her sleeping. This is treated as romantic and sweet, but as someone who has been stalked before, I can assure you it is not. It's creepy and frightening. And no, Gill is never told this behavior is not ok. The game actually treats it as not only acceptable but as demonstrative of how dedicated he is to Lynette. Gross.
Gill's route also had a lot of contrivances and some downright weird stuff, such as him being kicked out of his apartment due to rotting blue cheese, and a voice change app that exists to create a convenient misunderstanding. This is already a very silly game, but it felt like a few too many coincidences.
He also swoops in to save Lynette by literally building a transforming car and flying to the heavenly realm where she lives, culminating in a giant robot battle with Lynette's father, Mars. What.
This route gets really weird toward the end, and just goes on forever. Every time it seems to be coming to a good stopping point, there's yet another chapter or plot thread we must unravel.
You do get some fun background on Claris, and I did like Gill's backstory, including his family and interest in cars. But this route was too long, too weird and just thoroughly unromantic. Rather than give Gill an opportunity to learn from his mistakes, Gill is allowed to do whatever he wants and is praised for it. I did not like this route.
(Spoilers) Shelby Route
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After playing Gill's route with all its craziness, I was worried about Shelby's route, but it ended up being fine. There were some contrivances and pacing issues, but it was an okay story.
This whole route reads like a fanfiction. It's a fake relationship plot complete with mutual pining and a drunken confession that is forgotten the next day. I actually love these tropes so that wasn't an issue, but I would have liked it a lot more if it didn't drag on as long as it did.
Lynette is a complete moron in this route as she steamrolls past her boss's concerns and basically invites herself into his life as his fake wife. While she works hard to make Cupid Corporation a success, Shelby is taken by her positive attitude and dedication to spreading love. And when she's in danger, he immediately clears up the misunderstanding, even to his own detriment.
I think my biggest issue with this route is that there was no tension. When Shelby admits he was pretending to have a wife, we are immediately reassured that everything his fine. His employees are cool with it. Other CEOs are cool with it. The guy who forced him into the misunderstanding publicly announces everything is his fault. It was complete overkill.
And then later, when you finally get backstory as to why Shelby wants to be "SS" at everything, it's immediately resolved. We get a flashback to his middle school days and we find out a few kids made fun of him for not being the best at academics, and that there was a shitty rich kid who attracted everyone's attention and stole the girl he liked. So he decides that he will become the best at everything because that's all people care about, apparently. Idk, it was kind of a leap.
Then we go back to present day at his middle school reunion. (Really not sure why they didn't just go with high school reunion, which would be a lot more normal.) Everyone remembers Shelby as the cool kid, and he realizes he never needed to be great at everything for people to like him. Oh, and the shitty popular kid is all washed up now. Basically everything resolves super neatly, without Lynette being involved at all.
There is a scene where Shelby is able to shoot a gun with pinpoint accuracy at another guy's gun, shooting it out of the assailant's hand. Lynette is shocked that he can do this, at which point he just calmly says he's SS so of course he can do it, which was very funny. I do wish we got to see more of his "SS" skills though. Allegedly he has a lot of them, but we only get to see the gun and a little bit of cooking. There's also a very silly scene involving Lynette's father and a Roomba, which I enjoyed.
Ultimately, I think this route was a little too neat. I would have liked to see some more consequences for Shelby's lying, and I wanted Lynette to be more involved in him figuring out his own problems. But it wasn't too bad, and I love a good fake relationship trope.
(Spoilers) Raul Route
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Raul seemed to be the most airheaded out of the Parasite 5, so it was nice to get a peek into his head and learn via his thoughts that he does take acting seriously. I also enjoyed learning that he looks coldly on people who pretend to be interested in mythology to get close to him.
I had high hopes for this route toward the beginning, as Raul argues that there's nothing wrong with casual sex, and even offers to show Lynette that you can sleep with someone without it meaning anything, which she accepts and agrees with at first. I thought it was kinda cool. I'm ace, so the idea of casual sex is very spooky to me personally, but I understand that it's very normal for a lot of people. So it was kind of refreshing to see Lynette accept that sometimes it's ok to just have fun with someone without it being serious.
However, after she sleeps with him, she just bans him from casual sex in general, telling him that he'll never learn about love if he does it. She keeps insisting that it's better to have sex with someone you love. I'm not really fond of this holier-than-thou attitude.
Most of the route is generally fine, consisting of the pair enjoying their time together, with Raul trying to piece together why he enjoys spending time with Lynette and Lynette trying her best to ignore her own feelings.
However, like Gill's route, it just kept going on and on. There's a long scene with them getting stuck in ancient ruins that was entirely unnecessary, as it's just a plot device to get them to Celestia, and then a MASSIVE FUCKING PLOT TWIST that I actually thought was pretty interesting. But the plot twist should have been revealed halfway through the route, with the rest of the route being resolution, as opposed to just tossing it haphazardly at the end.
This was not my favorite route, but it at least made a little more sense than Gill's route so... 6/10 lol.
(Spoilers) Allan Route
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I was actually pleasantly surprised by Allan's route. I tend to dislike flirtatious characters, so I figured he'd be my least favorite. But that was all blown away pretty quickly as you realize he really is just putting on a persona in order to conduct his incubus activities.
Allan is a man with complex feelings. His confidence is largely for show to cover up his deep shame and feelings of disgust toward himself for being a demon in the first place. Lynette doesn't make it any easier for him by being a precious angel baby who isn't bothered by him at all. I thought their relationship was sweet, well-paced and actually pretty innocent at times.
While Cupid Parasite doesn't formally have a true ending, Allan's route felt like one. It honestly makes all the other routes seem shallow by comparison. I LOVED the description of Heaven as basically an angel incubator from which new gods are pulled. It was treated as sort of natural, but it's honestly pretty horrifying — in a good way.
There is certainly some of what I call "magic bullshit" in this route. What I mean by that is there are contrivances in how the magic system works in this universe that are clearly created for plot reasons, so they felt a bit forced.
There's also an absolutely giant time skip in the middle of the route that I felt could have been handled better simply by using different sprites, backgrounds, etc. I understand budgetary constraints, but to say that Lynette, after reincarnating as a human, would look exactly the same and also have the same name was lazy writing.
I'm also furious that we didn't get to see a demon version of Lynette or Claris. Claris I kind of get, because why bother drawing a whole new sprite just for one scene in the underworld, but the game actually dares to tell me Lynette has grown a tiny lil tail and I don't get to see it in a cg???? Unfair.
Overall, while I do think this route suffers from contrivances and some pacing issues, it was probably my favorite route of the game. Allan is a true baby muffin and it's heartbreaking knowing what he has to go through while the other routes are happening.
(Spoilers) Secret Route
I won't name the love interest in this route just in case. But this is a route that explores what happens if the gods send Lynette down to Earth themselves, rather than her escaping. It starts off much the same as the regular game, minus a few small changes.
We FINALLY get an explanation for Lynette's divine beast companion Chii in this route, which I was grateful for. I felt like most scenes with Chii were largely a waste of time, so it's nice to know there was a deeper meaning to his presence. I didn't realize how big Chii was supposed to be until I saw him in a cg. I thought he was hedgehog sized lol.
While this route is treated as an alternate reality, it competes with Allan's route for a suitable true ending. Everyone plays a role. This is the route that showcases what I wanted the whole game to be — a fun mix of romance, silliness and serious plot. It was pretty well balanced and a good way to end the game. I just wish more of the game was like this route.
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devolusion · 7 months
the mikos we see in the narukami shrine seem to be more similar to modern - day mikos than ancient ones, at least in terms of their day - to - day responsibilities. 
still, i’m going to be playing a little loose here with specific miko headcanons in the present day, too, especially those on watatsumi.  kokomi is the divine priestess and head of the island’s shrines, as well as the one responsible for raising and training the island’s mikos.  as watatsumi is sequestered from the rest of the nation and seems to cling more tightly to the old ways, i’m going to assume that their mikos are a bit more of a combination of modern and ancient.
while kokomi’s own training was uncommonly intensive, it was, broadly seaking, similar to what most others go through to become mikos.  most of the girls that enter the islands shrines to be trained as miko are between ten and thirteen years old, though kokomi’s own training began much younger.  she was taught to enter trances and allow possession, so that kami might speak the will of the gods through her.  she was taught dances and intonations thought to make her more susceptible to spiritual influence, and then the strength of self and magic to prevent any long - damage from being done to her body or mind in the process.  she knows a secret language specific to the island’s priests that enables her to call upon various kami to support her own magic.  this was all in addition to the more secular training she was receiving to become the island’s leader.
once her training was completed at the age of fourteen, the older miko — including her mother, the current divine priestess — put her into a trance and invited orobashi to possess her.  kokomi, in her trance, confirmed that she was possessed by the god, and thus would serve them.  she then passed out and, when she awoke to her mother and others’ praise, was allowed to don the traditional miko - wear until she took over as the proper divine priestess, and was given more freedom in how she would dress as her role shifted from simple running of the shrine to commanding the island itself.
the miko that serve under her, in addition to a less intensive version of this process, also perform the role of a modern - day miko; everything from maintaining the shrines to selling souvenirs and performing dances and reading fortunes. there are several shrines on the island, and kokomi only directly oversees sangonomiya shrine, but is still broadly in charge of the others — the head mikos in the other shrines report to her.
kokomi, due to lacking a childhood of her own and the young age of many of the girls, is very strict that the mikos training under her will have time to be children; a miko is not allowed to complete her training and undergo a milder version of her own final possession until such a time that they are eighteen at the youngest and kokomi deems them to be of sound mind and spirit.  (  this rule was especially funny when kokomi herself had yet to reach that age.  )  she enforces this rule even with the mikos not directly under her command; she checks up with every miko at every shrine on the island before they can complete their training.
similarly, the girls are not allowed to work more than six hours a day until that final ritual, all are given generous time away from training, and are encouraged to play with one another like children.  many of the girls that enter one of the city’s shrines are either from families of shaman or otherwise display symptoms that might see them shunned elsewhere, so kokomi does her very best to make the environment a welcoming one.  the shrine maidens running the shrines that kokomi does not directly have the time to oversee are given instructions to do the same, and kokomi checks in on them as frequently as she’s able to ensure that they are doing so.
while kokomi’s heart doesn’t truly lie with the role she was born into, there is much about being a priestess and a diviner that she truly loves.  but her training, both as a miko and as a leader, prevented her from truly having a childhood.  she doesn’t want the same thing to happen to any of the girls she trains.  some of the girls at the shrines will playfully whine about how her excellency never lets us work! 
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