#the way they barely even reacted i. my god how are yall alive what is this reaction time
youngpettyqueen · 4 months
a whole intruder shows up in the mess hall with a version of Seven actively shooting at him and the ONLY person who does anything immediately is Harry. shoutout to Harry for that why does literally everyone else just STAND THERE
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big-brainrot-hours · 3 years
First off, can I be 🌟, and Fatui! Xiao, I'm interested 👀
Fatui!Xiao Headcanons || SAGAU Xiao x Reader
Absolutely you can!! It’s nice to meet you 🌟!! Also,, here we go, fatui xiao :)
Part of this is gonna be copy pasted from another post of mine because I’m not sure if anyone saw it lol
Also!! This was supposed to come out yesterday but I got a bit carried away with my drawing so I hope yall like that too lol
Warnings: SAGAU, obsessive/cult behavior, mentions of past abuse/torture, fatui!xiao, fatui!reader
First off, here’s my drawing of Fatui!Xiao (if you’re on mobile you’re going to have to tap on it because i think tumblr destroyed the quality lol)
Headcanons under the cut
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Fatui!Xiao doesn’t change much from the regular Xiao. The only difference now is that he doesn’t do anything for anyone other than himself and darling anymore. Like, you know how he tells the traveller to call and he’ll be there? Yeah, that’s not a thing anymore for anyone except darling.
At first, he does cover up from the cold, but he finds that all the layers of the bulky clothing you’ve asked him to wear makes him a bit slower. It’s barely noticeable; only a fraction of his speed has decreased, but he notices it and he doesn’t like it. So he goes back to wearing his regular clothes and finds that the cold really has no effect on him. He figures it’s because of your sheer desire for him to stay warm, and once again he thanks you for your divine presence.
So he’s not cold anymore, but he sticks close to you. As time goes on, he eventually shows you the markings that he was born with but have been damaged by his past. Instead of reacting with anger or disgust, though, you ask him if he’s okay and comfort him. And he starts to hate himself a bit less. It’s around this time that you two get your custom fatui outfits commissioned, and he chooses to get his looking like that. It combines aspects of both his old outfit and the Fatui uniforms.
Him showing off his markings isn't just about him looking cooler. It's also that his markings aren't what they used to look like. Before, they were clear and crisp and vibrant, almost like works of art across his skin.
After his time with Osial, though, the marks have changed. Osial hated the fact that Xiao was blessed with divine marks and would tear them off over and over again until they were unrecognizable once the skin and flesh finally grew back. They're warped and faded, and you can't tell what they used to look like.
His marks are also damaged by all the scars he has covering his body, so the reason he always covered his arms (why he always wore his old gloves) is because he was ashamed of the way they looked now. He thought his ruined markings were a sign of his god abandoning him. Why would anyone want something so damaged and ugly? He's grown to hate his own body and the way it's been ruined, so he covers it all up. It gets to a point where people have forgotten he even has them. Even Morax has forgotten that he has them.
So him showing them now isn't just about looking hot (although that's definitely part of my reasoning tho lmao), it's also a show of devotion to his god, and his way of learning to love (or at least not hate) his own body again.
Xiao in the fatui is a horrifying concept for everyone involved, except maybe Xiao and darling. Xiao’s not known by mortals; none know either of his names, and no one really knows who he is, but everyone knows about the legends of the last light of the god. And now that Xiao is here, markings and scars and light on display, there’s no denying who he is. And all the markings on his body, cut through and warped by scars, go to show how powerful he is, to have been through as much as he has and to still come out alive.
The thing about Xiao is that, as stated many times before, he is loyal to no archon or nation, only to darling. So the real difference would be determined by you and how you choose to treat him.If you want him to be a ruthless murderer, he’ll do it. But if you want him to be the somewhat soft boyfriend that he’s depicted as in some fics? It’ll be hard, but he’ll definitely try.
He does hold somewhat of a level of respect for the harbingers and Tsaritsa. Of course, considering he pretty much hates everyone else in Teyvat right now, it’s not that big of an achievement.
He and Childe get along better now than they did before. They’re still not friends or anything, but they do have a sense of mutual respect. Also, now that they’re getting along somewhat, Xiao occasionally entertains Childe’s demands to fight. Of course, he doesn’t have to put that much effort into it (given by how I destroy Childe in minutes lmao) but it’s still a satisfying fight for both of them. Especially when their wonderful God is cheering them on from the sidelines.
He’s allowed to attend meetings with the Tsaritsa and the harbingers. They’ve been plotting ways to make the other nations pay for what they’ve done to you. He stays in the meetings and gives them ideas from time to time or tells them when one of their plans is something you wouldn’t like. They listen to him because, despite how much they envy him, they know that he’s your favorite and he knows you better than anyone else in Teyvat.
Basically, he’s more willing to hurt people now so long as you ask him to, and most of the fatui are either envious of his position as your personal guard and favorite, afraid of him since you can tell how experienced he is in battle by just looking at him now, or some mix of both. And also, him and the harbingers and the Tsaritsa are plotting revenge for you.
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blueluneacy · 4 years
Worthy of his Grace
Hey yall, this is a commission fic for the lovely @diobrandoatemykids! They’re super great!
Also on AO3!
Word Count: 5k words
Warnings: love bites, possessive behavior, fingering, self doubt, lovey sex, cute pet names
You sighed as you looked away from the mirror in your shared room. Part of you wanted to slam your fist into the damn thing, to smash it until you couldn’t even see your reflection in the shards. But no, that would cause worries and bleeding hands. The glass would cling to your hands and you would receive cuts you wouldn’t be able to hide from your lover, making it impossible for you to not let him know what was going on. While you doubted that Kars would ever say such a thing to you, you were certain that he deserved better. In a world where humans were slowly dwindling and Kars had become an almighty being incapable of death, it just shocked you to believe that he would even lay eyes on you. And yet, here you were, taken in by this god like being, to be loved and adored by him. You wondered if one day, he would become sick of you and discard you. You weren’t sure if you feared that, or felt as though you deserved it.
So, you did your best to sit up straight as Kars opened the door into your shared quarters, smiling as you saw him look at you lovingly, even though a pang in your chest told you that you didn’t deserve it. Fuck that pang.
“You’re back early. Did everything go alright?” You asked, looking over at your Lord and just basking in his presence. He was certainly nice to look at, you’ll give him that much. 
“Of course it did. Just a few straggling hamon users. Nothing I’m unable to handle now.” Kars replied, and god, there was just a hint of smugness in his words that made you quiver. Kars was extremely proud of his triumph, and he had made such clear at all times. You had heard that after his victory, he went on a rampage against his enemies, tearing each of them apart. But you weren’t sure if you could ever believe that though. After all, he was soft with you, so loving and gentle in a way that made you just swoon. And when Kars opened up his arms to you, you couldn’t help but jump up and let yourself be embraced by them, Kars’ skin cool but pleasant to the touch. You felt the way Kars relaxed once your skin was against him, feeling just the bit proud of yourself that you could at least offer such an ethereal being the slightest bit of comfort. Kars just smiled as he lifted you up into his arms and brought you to the bed you were once resting on, keen on relaxing with his darling. 
“And now, I get the joy of being right beside you. Soon, all these leftover fleas will be dealt with, and I’ll never be forced to leave your side…” Kars hummed before leaning in and pressing soft kisses against your neck. And you knew that you should be happy to hear that, that you should be grateful and honored that Kars would even consider spending that much time with you. That you should be honored that you’re considered his, loved and taken care of by him. And yet, you couldn’t help but feel that pang in your stomach, your body tensing up just the slightest bit before you forced yourself to relax. But, of course, Kars notices everything. He raised an eyebrow, pulling you just a bit closer. He knew that he had his temper to work on, certainly, so he took a deep breath to attempt to stop himself from losing his cool.
“Does that idea not please you, little one?” He asked, and you could tell he was doing his best to keep a growl from pouring forth. You gulped and quickly moved into fixing mode. You would never want your own self worth issues to ever be a reason you rejected Kars, of course not!
“Of course not, Kars! You know I love you, I want to be with you…” You replied, looking down at yourself and sighing. You told yourself you wouldn’t get Kars involved in your own issues, you really did. He didn’t deserve to be wrapped up in your own nonsense, and yet here you were. However, your words were enough to soften the almighty being, a hand moving to gently pet your hair. You gasped a bit as you felt his large hand, giggling a bit. Kars was just so large, it almost felt comical. As you laughed, Kars drank in the sound of your happiness. He could listen to that sweet melody over and over, taking in the sounds of your joy and feeling pride in knowing that he was the one who caused them. 
“Then what is it, my love? Have I been doing something wrong? Are you in need of something?” He asked, and there was just the slightest bit of disappointment in his voice that just made you feel so bad. You didn’t mean to hurt Kars, not in the slightest! God, it really did feel like everything was going wrong.
“No, it’s not you, really. You’re perfect, Kars, you already know that. I’m the one who’s… Not.” You admitted, refusing to look at your lover and instead letting your eyes glue themselves to the bedsheets. You sighed as you looked at the soft fabric, and vaguely wished that you could cocoon yourself into them and simply disappear from the world. However, Kars probably wouldn’t let you, not to mention you were sure it wasn’t possible. Probably.
“What do you mean, little one? You’re wonderful.” Kars told you, and you really just wanted to shrink away, to hide from his kind words, because in your mind you believed you didn’t deserve them. But Kars just held you tight, starting to get an inkling of what was going on in that pretty little head of yours. At least someone was aware.
“I… Are you sure? Are you sure that you wouldn’t prefer someone… Better?” You felt your eyes start to well up, and you just gulped, leaning your head back to try and blink the foul things back, to not show this side of you to someone so perfect like Kars. “I’m not particularly pretty, and it’s not like I’m offering you anything that’s unique… There’s plenty of people out there who deserve to be with you much more than I do, I just-” You felt the words begin to pour out of your mouth almost uncontrollably, barely even noticing how you could no longer contain the tears falling from your eyes until Kars finally cut you off.
“That’s enough.” Kars let go of you to look at you more clearly, but it honestly just made you feel like he was upset with you. Maybe you deserved it, you shouldn’t have saddled Kars with all of your personal emotional baggage, venting to him about things that really weren’t important to someone as powerful as him. He deserved better, needed better-
But still, Kars reached forward and gently cupped your cheek, watching as you still leaned into the touch.
“Do you really believe those things about yourself?” He asked gently. You looked away, refusing to look your lover in the eye, but still nodded. You could never lie to Kars, not that you ever wanted to. He just sighed, pulling you back into his embrace and holding you tightly. You were shocked to find how he actually buried his own face in your shoulder. You were tickled by the way his locks fell over you, leaving you to sniffle. “I’m so sorry, little one. I should’ve been there for you. Do not worry, I’ll make sure to show you how worthy you truly are.” He cooed, leaving you to gasp as he pulled up his face from your shoulder. You were about to argue, to tell him not to trouble himself, that you would be fine on your own, that he didn’t need to bother, but you didn’t have the time. Kars pressed his plush lips against yours, pressing you into a gentle kiss as he held you close, and god, you just melted into it. Kars was sweet, so gentle with you, it was truly wonderful to feel him up against you like this, for him to press his lips against yours as he lightly prodded you to open up your mouth for his tongue, bringing you with him into the throes of passion.
And Kars relished in your presence, in your radiance. To him, you were like the sun, ever present and now attainable, now his to adore and bask in its presence. You were his sanctuary, his place to relax and to enjoy, and in return, he wanted to give you everything he could, to have you beside him eternally. And if you couldn’t love yourself, well… Kars was going to make sure he loved you enough for the both of you, to make sure you knew exactly how precious you were to him. 
So he let his hands travel to your hips, moving to place you on your back on the lush bed, leaving you to gasp as you felt yourself sink just the slightest bit. Kars loved how you reacted to the slightest of things, how you seemed to find interest in what he never noticed. You brought new perspective, new wonder to what was once mundane. Even kissing you was something unique now, the way your skin against his lips as he pressed feather light kisses against your neck, the way he saw your chest rise and fall as he began to slip his fingers under your light clothing to run his fingertips against you. You were artistic, beautiful, passionate. You were alive in a way Kars never was, that he knew he would truly never be. In a way, he slightly envied you for that, even if his power was far greater, with his pros definitely outweighing any sort of con at this point. You had a vibrancy to you that just made Kars adore you, his love for you igniting his heart in a way that made him feel like a child. You were his, all his, and you were wonderful.
And yet, you tried to sit up. You didn’t want to let Kars do all the work, it simply felt unfair. After all, you were the one who had been here, sitting and waiting for him, while Kars went out and made the world safe for you. Kars had told you that he wished to bring you everywhere, for the two of you to explore the planet together once it was safe, but that his enemies still lurked near, all too eager to find a way to destroy him. Only fools search for what is impossible, but they still could be irksome. Especially when someone as fragile as you might get entangled into it. So you were kept away, safe and hidden while Kars worked away at making this planet a paradise for the both of you. It felt only fair that you at least let Kars relax when he wasn’t toiling for you, but when you tried to sit up, he simply pressed you down, hushing you.
“Please, dear, let me show you how much I love you. Relax just for tonight for me, won’t you? If I want you to do anything, I promise to let you know.” He told you. Tentatively, you relaxed, leaning your head against the feather pillows below you as Kars smiled, letting his hands slowly pull off your top as he drank in the view, humming as he let a hand run along your stomach before pressing a kiss on your collar. He slowly moved downward, making sure to lavish each part of you with love via gentle kisses, looking up occasionally to take in your cute face. You were just so embarrassed from all the love that Kars was showing you, you couldn’t help it! While his body was muscular and pulled taut, his lips were soft, letting you take in the wonders of them as he travelled ever lower. You felt the way his fingers hooked around your underwear and you gasped, causing Kars to lift up his head.
“May I?” He asked, and god, if looks could kill. While his voice sounded innocent, you could see the slightest hint of a smirk. Kars knew damn well what he was doing to you, and oh how he loved it. You were already putty in his hands, willing to jump and serve him, to do anything to make him happy. But right now, the thing that would make him most happy is him having the honor of pleasuring you, to take you in as you were and make you his. 
“Y-Yeah, I-I guess so…” Your response was shaky, your eyes darting away as to not meet his sinful eyes, knowing that the flames of lust had ignited in them. You didn’t want to admit it, but you too could feel heat start to coil in your belly from the way Kars was treating you, the way he was admiring you. He smiled with your response, pulling down your underwear and tossing it to the side without a care in the world, leaving you just to roll your eyes. Such showmanship. Still, you weren’t given much time to chuckle at the way Kars carried himself with the way his hands gently grasped your thighs pulling them apart. You just gawked at him with wide eyes, almost expecting him to pull some sort of trick. But he just smiled, seeing the fruits of his labors already coming to bloom.
“Eager, aren’t we?... You’re such a cute thing, already getting ready for me like this…” Kars teased, leaving you to look away and pout, your face starting to flush.
“I-It’s not my fault… Your face is too pretty. I’m banning it.” You replied a bit jokingly, hoping your humor would be enough to curb some of your own embarrassment. It only half worked. 
“Hmm… Well then, please do look at me through every moment of this, won’t you?” Kars replied. You were about to ask what he meant before a clawed finger began to prod at your entrance, leaving you to gasp. You immediately tried to squeeze your eyes shut, only for Kars to tut just a bit. You really were just so cute like that.
“Already, little one? Come now, I want you to see who exactly is making you feel so good.” He tutted, and you apprehensively tore open your eyes to see Kars’ red ones meet your own, smiling as he slipped a finger inside of you. 
“Theeere we go, my dear. That’s exactly it.” He chuckled, leaving you to turn red as he began to play with you, no doubtedly opening you up to take his cock. You watched as he opened you up, moving to press kisses along your stomach, humming as he took in the sounds of your soft moans. You did your best to try and relax, hoping to not jump the gun on this whole affair. You were Kars wasn’t very patient with these things, and you didn’t want any uh… Mishaps when he entered you. 
“K-Kars…” You mumbled out, your hand inching down to run your fingers through his hair. It was always a surprise how soft his hair was, the silky quality rivaling most fine fabrics, in your humblest opinion. You were, however, just the slightest bit biased. You smiled just a bit as you heard Kars let out a slight purr as your nails scratched lightly against his scalp. Kars loved to feel as though he was above such things as feeling good from something so simple, but you enjoyed bringing him back down to earth, just a little. You gasped when you felt just the slightest bit of teeth on your stomach, staring at your lover entirely doe-eyed. He just smirked, drinking in your surprised expression.
“What is it? Did you think you were immune to my teeth, to my harsher touches?” Kars teased, leaving you just to look away as you slowly massaged his scalp.
“I don’t want anything bitter tonight. Please, just be tender with me…” You mumbled. Kars eyes widened as you spoke out those words, and before you could even realize it, he had pressed another finger inside of you, moving up to leave kisses against your neck.
“Alright, little one, I’ll accept that. But can’t I at least leave my mark on you? I want everyone to know who you belong to…” Kars growled. You whimpered and tilted your neck just a slightest bit, hoping to give the Pillarman eager access. It was a strange exhilaration, to have Kars nip and bruise a place as delicate as your neck. To know that his fangs could easily tear you apart if he so wished, perhaps, made you feel more alive, the sensations going through you even more amplified, even though you were certain he would never do such a thing. 
“Alright, but just a little… I mean, everyone already knows I’m yours anyway…” You felt a bit of your own zest come back to you, your own teasing and cooing words able to be spoken despite your precarious position. While Kars was always on top, with very few exceptions, he enjoyed being with someone who could bite back just a little, offering up a witty word or two, while still remaining loyal and submissive to him. Kars just hummed, letting his kisses become harsher as he so pleased, his teeth scraping against your tender skin and worrying it red. At one point, you felt embarrassed about the marks Kars loved to leave on you, even attempting to cover them up. But those actions made Kars only resolve to leave more all over you, to make them harder to cover, until you eventually just gave up on the whole affair. After all, it wasn’t like anyone dared to judge you for it. Everyone knew what was going on.
So you let Kars have his way with your body, the pleasure going through you simply from his fingers enough to make your toes curl. When the pads of his fingers pressed up against your sweet spot, you moaned, throwing your head back as you bucked your hips against Kars to try and gain more of that feeling. There was a time where you might have been much more embarrassed by the way you reacted, but there wasn’t enough time for that now. You hear Kars growl into your ear, his fingers slowing down to carefully find the spot he had just touched. When he heard you whimper as he brushed against it, he just hummed, pausing for a moment before beginning to attack the spot incessantly. You couldn’t help but groan in pleasure, throwing your arms over your lover’s shoulders to try and find some sort of grounding. 
“Listen to the cute sounds you’re making, little one… I can feel the way you’re squeezing on my fingers, the way you’re pulling me in. You really are precious…” His voice was light in your ear as you felt his hair brush over your chest, leaving you to just gasp as you felt yourself starting to near your finish.
“K-Kars, please, fuck, need you, I’m so close, feels good, fuck, please!” You couldn’t help but just babble out your own begging words, your body anxious for release as Kars brought you closer and closer to bliss. You let your nails dig into his perfect skin, knowing that it wouldn’t matter anyway, and that you couldn’t leave any marks on Kars by the time you were done. The way his body healed left you unable to mark him up in the same way Kars often marked you. It pissed you off just a little bit, but you were able to get over it. 
“Are you now? Do you want to cum on my fingers, love?” His words were just slightly teasing in a way that made you ache all the more for him, so you couldn’t help but nod, trying to pull Kars impossibly closer. He did his best to curb the rumble he wanted to let out as he felt your hands on him, instead nipping at your neck and lapping at the small amount of blood that came from his efforts. He always did relish in your blood, finding the quality of it to be so refined, so much better than anything he could ever have imagined. You were so perfect, and yet you weren’t even trying. You didn’t know about your perfection, and even if you did, you were humbled by it. You were a counter to Kars’ own pride, his own hubris, and yet you were still able to entice him so. 
“Then cum for me, little one. We need to see that you’re nice and prepared to take me.” He told you, and Kars’ words broke down the dam that was holding you together, leaving you to let out a loud moan as you let yourself grab onto Kars freely, holding onto him as your body shuddered with waves of pleasure washing over you. Kars easily worked you through your orgasm, watching with delight as your expression became just a bit dazed, your chest quickly rising and falling with your short breath, your body still squeezing around his fingers as if to pull him in ever closer. When he finally pulled out his fingers, you whined just the slightest bit, letting your head rest on the pillows. You had to regain yourself just a bit, rest for a moment before you got back at it. Kars just hummed as he looked at you, and you could tell by the smug grin on his face that he was damn pleased with himself at the mess he made of you. You saw the way his cock was straining in his loincloth and you couldn’t help but reach forward, trying to help pull it off.
“Already back at it, aren’t we?” Kars teased, leaving you to blush as you clumsily pulled at the cloth.
“You’ve already helped me so much… I don’t want to just sit back and do nothing…” You mumbled, only for Kars to move his hands over your own and help you pull off the cloth, finally revealing himself to you. Although you had seen it many times before, Kar’s cock was still a magnificent sight to behold. It was larger than anything you had ever seen, with just the right curve. You had always taken into account the veins on the thing, gulping at the sight. While that sort of thing wasn’t necessarily pretty, it did look good on Kars. 
“Admiring the view, little one?” He teased, leaving you just to pout as you tore your eyes away from him. 
“Maybe. I don’t think that you mind too much though.” You replied, leaning forward to crawl on top of your lover, only for him to press his hand against your chest, just pushing you gently back down into the soft bed below you.
“Don’t worry, my dear. Let me take care of you. I want to show you how much I adore you, I want to show how much you belong to me…” You could hear his voice lower at the end of that sentence, causing you just to shudder. God, Kars really did know how to keep you submissive. Even though you wanted to argue, to tell Kars that he had worked hard enough for you and it was your turn to repay him, you spread your legs wider, looking up at him lovingly. Kars hummed as he grabbed your hips, angling them up before grabbing one of the many pillows that adorned your shared bed, moving it under your hips to hold you up. He smiled as you like out a whine once his cock rubbed up against your entrance, happy to hear you needed him so badly.
“Now now, you know you need to tell me what you want, little one. I can’t just read your mind.” Kars purred. You just gulped before opening up your mouth. Usually, you would draw out this little sequence more, but you already just wanted him so badly, wanted to feel Kars and make him feel as good as he just made you.
“K-Kars… Please, fuck me… I want you so badly…” You told him, and that was all he needed to start slowly pressing into you, letting out the slightest of groans as he listened to the music of your own mewling. He could already feel you squeezing down on him, your body trying to bring him ever closer as you did your best to just and adjust to Kars’ size. No matter how well prepared you were, there was always a slight sting when he entered you, just proving how massive he really was.
“So tight, little one… I can feel your body squeezing down on me so needily… Do you really want me that badly? Want me to show you who you belong to, who loves you more than anything?” Kars growled, and you could tell by the tone of his voice that he wasn’t going to be able to hold back much longer. His claw-like nails were starting to dig into your hips, leaving you just to gasp and moan, nodding eagerly. You were more than ready for whatever Kars had in store.
“Y-Yes, please, Kars, I love you too, love you so much!” Your voice was quite reedy at this point, but it was still one of the best things Kars had ever heard. He pulled back slowly, pulling his cock out of you until just the tip remained inside, before pushing back in slowly, taking a slow but passionate pace with you. You moaned as Kars cock dragged against the best spots inside of you, pressing up inside of you so deeply that when you looked down, you could see your stomach bulging. You slowly moved your hand down to feel over the bump, moaning a bit as Kars just licked his lips at the sight, relishing in the sight of you so in awe of his obvious prowess. Of course you should be in awe of him. It was only natural.
“You’re so pretty like this, little one. Does it feel good? Heavens, you fit me like a glove…” Kars words in your ear seemed to float in your brain for a moment before truly settling. It was like you could barely put together a real thought as you felt Kars gently fuck into you, any sense or reason you had completely gone. 
“Y-Yessss… Feels so good, Kars, please…” You mewled out, letting yourself pull Kars closer as he moved back to pressing kisses on your face and neck. He tried to be gentle, but occasionally he couldn’t help himself and nipped, secretly relishing in the surprised yelp you always let out when he did.
“I love you, you know. I love you more than anything.” Kars told you, and you could feel his thrusts start to speed up just the tiniest bit. You grabbed onto your lover, adjusting slightly so that you could wrap your legs around him and bring Kars ever closer. The look Kars gave you could only be described as utter adoration, complete worship of your self not only as a person, but an entity, something he could cherish for eternity, even when the eventual loss of everything happened at the end of the universe. You were real, you were you, and you were beautiful.
“Love you too, Kars. I love you so much, I want to be with you forever…” You mumbled out. While it was hard for you to put together a real thought at this point, the words that you did give were genuine. You truly couldn’t imagine a life without Kars, nor could he ever go back to one without you. You were interlinked through your love. Perhaps this is what people meant when they described the concept of soulmates. You supposed you would never truly know. 
Still, the two of you felt yourselves nearing orgasm. Though no words were said, you could easily tell Kars was through his rougher, less steady thrusts and the way his nails were digging into your hips enough to draw blood.
“God, want to fill you up, little one. Want you to be all mine, want to, want you…” Kars growled, leaving you just to rapidly nod as you leaned in, attempting to clumsily press your own kisses against your lover.
“Y-Yes, please, Kars, all yours, already yours, please, I love you, I love you so much!” You whined, Kars eventually catching your lips and pulling you into an intense kiss as he bottomed out inside of you, brushing harshly against your sweet spot to finally bring you over the edge. You moaned as your body clamped down on Kars, your squeezing enough to bring Kars over the edge, swallowing up his sounds as your tongue interlocked with his. You felt the warm heat inside of you, moaning as you realized that Kars was easily cumming enough to cause your stomach to distend. Kars just held inside you, relishing in the kiss as his cock began to soften inside, before finally pulling out. You almost immediately let yourself collapse on the bed, Kars happily falling down with you and greedily pulling you into his arms. 
“Love… You…” You mumbled, already letting yourself bury your face into your lover’s chest. You felt rapidly cooling cum begin to spill out of you, and god did you cringe. That was going to be a bitch to clean. Problems for the future you. For now, you let Kars just pull you into his embrace, to hold you tight as he let a hand run through his hair.
“I love you too, little one. Know that I will always protect you. That you will always be worthy of being in my embrace like this..” He told you, watching as you began to drift off in his arms. He smiled at the knowledge that you were his, that you really were here, and that nothing could take you away. There was nothing left to stand in his way to build a paradise with his darling, in a world that he could finally control.
And he closed his eyes, Kars basked in both the heat of the sunrise peering through the curtains, and of the person he cared about most resting in his arms.
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samthemarvelfan · 4 years
I Won’t Say: Chapter Eight
-The Truth-
Summary: Ellaria Stark is the daughter of a king. When she is unwittingly betrothed to the King of a neighboring city, she isn’t sure how to feel. More importantly, she isn’t sure how the King will feel if he finds out the truth about her.
Pairing: James Barnes x OFC, Ellaria Stark. (Stark!Reader.)
Warnings: Royal!AU, ANGST, mentions of kidnapping, small male on female violence, general calamity
A/N: THE SECRET IS REVEALED. Oh man, yall. This is just the set up for the big drama in the next chapter, but it DRAMATIC nonetheless.
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James threw his desk chair at the wall with such force, it shattered like glass. His hand—the flesh one, was bruised and bloodied from striking his oak bed posts over and over.
The anger coursing though his veins ate at his heart like a poison.
How could this be happening?
A woman he’d trusted and allowed into his home—and heart, had turned out to be a thief and a liar.
The notion vexed James enormously. Ellaria was so kind, and true. Though her temper was one that could rival his own, he knew her heart was double—no, triple the size of his.
James couldn’t stop seeing her eyes. How happy they’d been to see him, and how frightened they were when he tore her dress so violently. He hadn’t meant to put his hands on her in that way, and even now in his rage, he regretted it.
He was embarrassed and ashamed and felt a fool.
The study doors creaked open swiftly, without so much as a knock. “Your Majesty.” Steve called.
“Not now, Steve. For God’s sake, not now.” James pleaded, running his hands down his face.
“Bucky, you need to hear this.”
The King looked to his friend, and took in his appearance. Steve was irate—this man was ordinarily level headed and rational, so the sight before him worried James more than he cared to admit.
“Bring her in.” Steve called into the hall.
Suddenly, Sharon walked through his door. Her hands were shackled and Sam was right on her heels.
“What are you doing, Steve?!” Bucky called in horror.
Sam pushed Sharon down to her knees. “Speak, coward. Now.”
Sharon refused. She simply smiled at the King; a delusional, alarming sort of grin.
“One of you had better start talking...” James warned.
“Ellaria is innocent, James.” Steve said. “The events that transpired this evening were entirely Miss Carters doing.”
“Majesty, look,” Sam reached out, handing him the letter found in your room. “It is written in this snake’s hand. She’s conspired to destroy your betrothal to Ellaria.”
As Bucky’s eyes skimmed the page, he felt a boulder drop to his stomach. A forgery; a letter given to the Princess to lull her into contentment.
“The broach,” he seethed, “how did you get it?”
Sharon again stayed silent, keeping her gaze locked on the King’s feet.
“I believe when you dined with Ellaria, she’d snuck into your parent’s quarters. The Princess had noticed the East Wing lock was unlatched, and she wanted to alert you immediately. I told her it was the maids, as I surely never thought something like this could happen.” Steve said somberly.
James put a hand in his friend’s shoulder. “You did not know, my friend.”
Sharon began laughing, “Oh James, don’t you see? Our problems have been solved!”
She jumped quickly to her feet, grabbing the King’s lapel. “We can be together again. I can be Queen! Rumlow promised if I gave him The Iron Kingdom that I would be—“
“Rumlow?” James cut her off, pushing her back, “What do you mean Rumlow?”
Sharon smiled, “Lord Rumlow, of course. He rules Hydralia. When Shieldian fell, he told me I’d be Queen, I just had to help him get what he wanted.”
“What does he want?” Steve growled.
Her eyes didn’t more from the King’s, “He wants revenge. Revenge for what your father did to his, he means to avenge his death with your own; a life for a life.”
“Sir...” Sam said worriedly, “The man from the farm, he was right.”
James’ mind was going a mile a minute. Shieldian has fallen, Rumlow is alive, but none of that mattered.
She mattered.
“The Princess. Steve, where is Ellaria?” The King said fretfully.
“James!” Natasha yelled. He heard her before he saw her. She ran into the room in a panic, her eyes on the brink of tears.
This worried Bucky, because as anyone who knows her will tell you: Natasha Romanoff does not cry.
She walked to him, putting her body between his and Sharon’s.
“Nat?” James pleaded, searching her eyes for answers.
She shook her head. “Ellaria...she’s gone.”
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The smell of mildew and rust churned your stomach as you woke.
Black walls surrounded you. It was cold—so cold you could see your breath as you chattered; attempting to keep yourself warm. There was but one window and when you glanced out of it, all you could see was forest.
Where am I?
“Hello?” You call.
“Hello?” You shout.
Suddenly the doors unlatched and is scraped open along the stone floor.
A man with tanned skin and dark featured walked in, flanked by two guards. The colors they wore were the same as the ones the men who took you wore
The men from the castle.
“Look who’s awake...” His voice was sickeningly taunting; it made you shiver.
“Who are you? What do you want?” Your voice is strong—stronger than you expected.
The man chuckled, “We’ll get to that, for now, I want to talk about you, Ellaria Stark.”
You hesitate, he knows you?
“You seem surprised,” he said, walking deeper into the room. The light from the doorway cast him in an ominous shadow as he got closer to you. “Did you think I didn’t know who I was after?”
You freeze again, this time he’s mere inches from you. You watch in horror as his hand finds your arm, he trails two fingers up the length of it.
It disgusts you.
“What do you want with me?” You ask through gritted teeth.
The man sighs, and brushed a piece of hair behind your ear. “Unfortunately, you’re just a stepping stone. I needed you to get to Barnes.”
At the mention of James’ name, your heart plummets.
“The future Queen of Buchanan holds more power in this country than I think even you’re aware of. You’re also the heir to the Iron Kingdom, the first born daughter of Anthony Stark....”
He steps back and laughs a moment, “But then again, that’s not exactly true, is it?”
The only sound you hear is your heart as it starts pounding. The air in the room feels like it’s getting thinner and thinner by the moment.
Suddenly he lunges at you and grabs you chin harshly in his hand, “Is it?!” He shouts.
Tears spring to your eyes, and before you can speak another guard enters the room. “Lord Rumlow, the troops are awaiting your command. Are we to move on Buchanan this evening?”
Rumlow kept the grip on your jaw tight, before tossing you to the floor effortlessly. “No. Not until Barnes leaves the city,” he spared you one last look. “He’ll come, and he’ll come for her.”
Tears sprung to your eyes. “You’re wrong.” You mumble.
He froze, turning back to you. “Am I now? Why’s that?”
Palms flat on the stone floor, your push yourself up. “James cares not for me. Ask your spy, Sitwell. He saw what the King did to me at the ball, he saw the hatred in his eyes...”
You drift off when Rumlow starts laughing. “You stupid girl. They told me you were smart—that I should tread lightly around you. I guess they got that wrong. James is easily manipulated, Sitwell wasn’t the only spy I had inside the walls of that castle.”
It takes a moment—just a moment for you to put the pieces together.
“Sharon Carter.” It comes out as barely a whisper. All of the events suddenly making sense in your eyes.
“Well, well. You’re not as daft as you seem.”
He laughed. “Get comfortable, Princess. Once I kill your fiancé, you’ll have a purpose to serve. I’ll need an heir of my own, after all.”
His words struck your stomach like a sword. “W-What?”
He smiled darkly and walked towards the door, “I told you already—you’ve more power than you know. The perfect woman to give me an heir to not one kingdom, but two.”
Then he was gone. He took with him your hope of ever seeing the light of day again.
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“Answer me!” Natasha shouted, landing another slap across Sharon’s face. Nat had tied her to a chair and began questioning her, but she refused to answer anything without the King there.
“You think James loves you? You delusional radge, be thankful the King hasn’t ordered your hanging already.”
Sharon was empty; no fear or cares. “I want my James! I need to see my Husband!” She shouted.
Natasha shook her head, moving to speak to Steve, who was just outside the door.
“She’s gone mad, Steve. She’s a nutjob.” Nat said, crossing her arms.
Steve looked through the crack in the door, watching as she hummed and swayed in her shackles. “So I see. What do we do? Bucky is with Tony in the war room.”
Nat pauses, allowing the gears in her mind to turn, and create a plan.
“Let me try something. It may work...”
She walked back into the room, and stood in front of Sharon, shrinking herself to her knees, and softening her once hard gaze.
Nat cleated her throat, “Your husband is on his way, he was simply held up.” She glanced at Steve, who watched in understanding.
Sharon smiled, dazed. “He loves me, you know. He always has.”
Nat nodded, playing into her hands. “I know he does. That’s why you had to save him right? You had to give Ellaria to Rumlow?”
She swayed in her seat and giggled, “Of course! Besides, how would James react if he found out her secret? He’d have killed her,” her eyes lit up. “I saved them both!”
Natasha realized in that moment that Sharon knew something. It took her only a moment to connect the dots between the handwriting on the forged not, and the threatening ones Ellaria had been receiving. 
“Yes the secret, the terrible secret. The King doesn’t know?”
Sharon shook her head, “No, but I will tell him. He’ll thank me! Imagine marrying the daughter of a servant? The Great Lie of the Iron Kingdom!”
Natasha’s blood ran cold. She looked to Steve, who was just as perturbed as she was. “What did you say?” Steve asked.
Sharon turned her head to look at him, “The Princess is anything but that. She’s the daughter of a servant, adopted by the Starks at birth. There’s not an ounce of noble blood in that trollop’s veins.”
“Steve...” Nat whispered.
He nodded, running down the corridor. He needed to get to James and he needed to get to him now.
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James rounded the table in the war room. The map of the realm affixed in the center of the table.
The strategy was simple; invade Shieldian, kill Rumlow, save Ellaria.
By any means necessary.
“You’ll have my full army; any of my men will be at your disposal. I want my daughter found.” Tony said, his palms pressed flat to the map on the table top.
James nodded, “You have my word, I will bring her home to you.”
“To me?” Tony asked.
“To you.”
He didn’t look at Tony. The disgust in his eyes was something he didn’t think his heart could bear.
Tony scoffed. “So you’re still ending the betrothal? After all you’ve learned...”
The King’s eyes snapped up. “Tony, after what I did to her, what I’ve put her through...” he paused, swallowing the emotion he felt down. “I do not deserve such treasure in my life. Your daughter is far too precious to be tainted by my soul.”
King Stark nodded, “I would love nothing more than to watch you hang for what you’ve done to her, believe me.” A sigh left the veteran king’s mouth, “But I must tell you, my daughter is as stubborn as she is strong. She is fierce and she has the wisdom of a woman thrice her age. She will not yield or give up as easily as it seems you do.”
James nodded.
He didn’t want to give her up. He wanted all of her—heart, body, and soul.
James didn’t deserve her, but he could not let her die because of his own ignorance. The misdeeds in his kingdom were his responsibility, and he would see that they were undone.
“I love you daughter, your majesty. I love her, but I’ve been keeping her in darkness for too long. She is light, and I’ve drowned her out. I would do anything, anything to undo the mistakes I’ve made, but I cannot.”
James is grateful when Steve walks in, it distracts him from himself for a moment.
“Steve, any news?” James asked.
He doesn’t respond to his friend, instead he turned to Tony.
“Your highness, my apologies for my frankness, but I need to ask you...”
Tony’s befuddled, “Sir Steven?”
Steve was clearly nervous, but persisted. “Your daughter, Ellaria, is she of your blood, your majesty?”
The room fell silent.
“I mean no disrespect. Whilst Ellaria was here she became a great friend to me, but she was threatened. A secret was used to manipulate the Princess, and I believe it will come to light and be used against you as well.” Steve stepped forward to the still silent king, “Is she adopted?”
Anthony Stark isn’t a man of few words, but now he cannot speak.
James merely looked at his friend, someone whom he respects and looks up to. He saw the battle of truth and protecting his daughter in his eyes. “Tony, is it true?”
King Anthony’s eyes are glassy as he clears his throat. “She is mine. My daughter, the love of my life. How she came to be so doesn’t matter.”
The room stays still and silent, waiting for either man to make the first move. James is overwhelmed, and now more determined than ever.
“We must go. Ready my horse.”
She was scared to admit this to him? Jame’s heart broke for her; for the fear and shame she kept hidden away.
if only she knew.
Taglist:  @iheartsebastianstan @jjlizz @stuckysbabe @sk493494 @lefoutoir @nickangel13 @marvelismysafezone @lilulo-12 @warmvanillafeels @star-spangled-beard-burn @ravenesque @pinknerdpanda @wintersoldierissucharide @snapcapquartet @ellen-reincarnated1967 @unlistedpond @my-drowning-in-time @supernaturalwintersoldier @kimvmarvel @roseboho @winterboobear11 @choicesloversstuff @disaffectedbarnes @igothroughphasesalot (strikethrough means the tag didn’t work! I’m sorry!)
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womenlovingworms · 3 years
S3E11,12,13 (Su’Kal, There Is A Tide...,That Hope Is You Part II)
i am generally Loving the soundtrack
grey?? grey i want to see my boy
ohh the queer found family...
even knowing about gray i would have a very hard time not reacting to adira talking to air
tilly's hair going all over my beloved
"the life sign" is ??
i guess these doctors also have to be vets
i dont WANT them to have to make a hard call
tilly and michael i love them
humans are still superstitious in the future and im so glad
bajoran culber and trill micheal...
oh thank GOD they gave culber the earring I am pleasently surprised
that's saru again I swear
michael will see a chance to play hero...
now that's a monster
also michael with the spots... pretty...
creecher :)
i like that everyone is clever
i take that back did yall not realise what was happening
The Tune?
everone needs to stop being mean to my girlfriend
PLEASE skip freud
did He cause the burn
sing the lullaby sing the lullaby
oh he did
poor thing
reno and adira going rogue fuck yeah
i love them all
i like osyra
There is a tide
what is the computer up to with the charlie chaplin
grudge secure :)
damn that's one way of doing it!
dont like this man
james corden?? /j
save your breath
why is everyone into opera n the future
disabled villain?? really??
book and michael are really good
i Want to believe that she she is truly here to talk
dont understand how coms work but okay
im so glad they know morse
I dont even trust future lie detectors
eli asfddg
this would be great if it happens...
thats not how OH COOL antennae work?
adira child!!!
this doesnt seem tenable she’d suffocate and freeze
forgot the andorian was still here
What is she planning!
15 years? hh i guess that makes sense... feels empty
paul is Very Good
neck pinch
Zimmerman part seven
sceince man
oh andoriaan? please use they
no it cant be made right
bamf tilly
two pistols?
robit??? oh! fren! ahhhh 🥺
that hope is you pt 2:
ignominious? words man
oh theyre not lookin so hot!
oh this hurts my entire heart
adira?? where is my partner...
oh that's quite the alien!
vulcan grey!
who they can see!!!!
meet the parents (well, parent)
voyager j!
the looping camera angles are mildly confusing
this man sucks
full on fuck this fuck you transformation
barely convincing stage slap
jj abrams aesthetic here
oh teamwork :)
they don't even know that his child is in that nebula!
this did not make sense why did micheal ask that maybe i’m just not tracking
robots in the theme song !
why are star trek evil so touchy
sure can rule over the dead!
no no win situations they say to a kirk era fleet officer
oh this poor poor kid
gratuitous torture scenes my most hated
Quarantine activated
popsicle my beloved. this is unrelated.
tilly and michael :)
grey pointie :)
trauma metaphor
where are they in the ship??? its very cool though
owo.... gowo!!
yes robot save her! is she even a real robot ora hallucination
no insulting grudge!
gotta clean guts from inside the ship?
i miss the cramped jeffries tube feel
yess girl!
where are the regulators being beamed to??
owo!!!! she's alive!!!!!! thank gd
oh the poor robot oh no
go book go!
leap of faith and the musci
oh... ow...
who is booker
we deserve a soft ending my love
how does he know what the burn is??
all here!
star trek is beautiful actualy
oh! trill!
sahill!! i like him
CAPTAIN burnham
oh these uniforms Suck but thank goodness that adira gets to wear one
rebuilding... hope again
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owlways-and-forever · 4 years
Not Giving Up
Summary: With Neil going into septic shock, Claire is desperate to try anything that might save him. Now she just has to convince Dr. Lim to do the same, and see if her gamble will pay off. Starts after the conversation about religion.
A/N: I have very little medical knowledge, so I'm skipping right over the surgical bit. This is just a short, quickly written little one shot because I just finished s3 last night, and I just cannot deal with that. I'm sure there will be more Melendaire to come though, because I desperately need them.
Idk if y’all are interested in this but figured I’d tag yall @shaunthegooddoctor @neilrnelendez . If y’all (or anyone else) want to be tagged in any future TGD fics (in which Neil will never die before he’s 80) let me know :)
WC: 1651 | Read on: AO3, FFnet
o . o . o
“Claire, he’s got severe sepsis,” Audrey commented, her expression beyond sad. “Even if he did recover, he’d be immunocompromised. He’d never be allowed back in an OR.”
“‘He’d be alive ,” Claire protested, desperation creeping into her voice. “Dr. Lim, are you really going to deny him a life-saving procedure just because his quality of life might decrease?”
Audrey hesitated, trying to figure out what she would do if this were any other patient. What if it was a stranger? It  was too hard to imagine. What if it were Andrews? Or someone who wasn’t so deeply entrenched in her heart? But it was no good, she just couldn’t untangle her feelings for Neil.
“Please, Dr. Lim, just let me take it to Melendez and see if he wants it,” Claire pleaded. “If I talk to him…”
“No,” Audrey interjected firmly. She pulled the resident aside, to a miraculously empty patient’s room. She dropped her voice, no longer speaking as Chief of Surgery, but woman to woman. “Claire, he will do anything you ask him to, even if it’s not in his best interest. He won’t care, he’ll do what you say without batting an eye. You have to know how he feels about you.”
“I…” Claire stammered, not sure how to answer that. Being in love with your boss was awkward enough, but it was even more so when his ex-girlfriend was his boss and the one standing in front of you arguing about how to save his life.
“It’s okay,” Audrey soothed. “It doesn’t bother me. I care about him immensely, but it’s different with you. He’s different. It’s fine, I’m not in love with him. But you are, Claire, and that means you can’t be impartial about this. You’ll do anything to save him, and he’ll agree to anything to make you happy. That’s dangerous.”
“Then you talk to him about it,” Claire bargained, not giving up that easily.
“Frankly, I don’t think I’m impartial enough,” she replied, fixing Claire with a wry frown as she considered the options carefully. This was the hardest part of being Chief, putting aside your feelings to make big decisions. “Murphy just got back to the hospital. Tell him your idea and have him pitch it to Melendez. Without you in the room. If Neil consents I’ll get Andrews to do the surgery.”
Claire opened her mouth to protest, but Audrey cut her off.
“I can’t do it, Claire, I just can’t. Andrews may not be as good as me, but he’s still a damn good surgeon,” she said, attempting a joke.
Claire nodded and scurried away, on a mission to find Shaun as fast as possible. Time was of the essence, after all.
o . o . o
She sat in the chair reserved for family and friends, bouncing her leg up and down, elbows on her knees and her chin resting on her clasped hands. Waiting was agony, and she needed it to be over. She needed to know, one way or another, what was going to happen. But mostly she needed him to be alive.
Claire’s eyes flicked from his body, laying complacent on the bed, to the monitors that were beeping his vitals. Still no change. Which was good, because he wasn’t dead. But he wasn’t awake yet either.
She lost track of how long she had been sitting there, waiting for Neil to wake up. Exhausted, she was beginning to drift in and out of consciousness, not quite sleeping, but not entirely aware of the room around her either. She didn’t see his eyes flutter open, just narrow enough to see her figure sitting there, holding a vigil, the rosary she’d gotten for him tightly clasped in her fingers.
“Geez, you’d think I was dying or something,” Neil quipped, his voice barely a whisper.
Claire’s eyes snapped up, meeting his and taking in his full, conscious state. He had the ghost of a smile on his lips, and his eyes were hinting at their usual sparkle. Neil was awake, and his vitals were still good. She felt like hyperventilating and crying with happiness. He was going to be alright. She stood, hands still clasped in front of her face, tears building up in her eyes.
“Hey, come here,” he beckoned, his tone soothing.
Claire obediently crossed the little room until her thighs bumped against the hospital bed’s mattress. She wanted nothing more than to curl up next to him and rest her head on his shoulder, sob her relief into his papery gown. Neil reached for her as much as he was able, only strong enough to lift his arm a few inches from the bed, but Claire caught his hand in one of her own, sitting down softly on the edge of the bed.
“Thank you,” he croaked, his throat still raw and dry from the surgery. “Shaun told me it was your idea.”
“Thank you for doing it,” she whispered in reply. Suddenly, Claire felt overcome with guilt. Had she been selfish to insist on this procedure? He was alive but it might have changed his whole life, and not for the better. “You might not be able to operate again though.”
“I know,” Neil replied, nodding slightly, the oxygen tube bunching under his chin at the motion. “But there are worse things.”
“Yeah? Like what?” she sniffed, having trouble believing that there could be anything worse for him than a life on the sidelines.
“Like never telling your friend that you’re completely in love with her,” he said, his eyes flicking up to the ceiling as if he was asking god to give him the courage to say what he needed to. Or maybe he was just in pain, his abdomen had been carved open hours earlier, after all.
Claire tamped down any hope she felt at the statement. He had, after all, stopped her when she’d tried to tell him about her feelings earlier in the night. Why else if not to save her the embarrassment of confessing her love to someone who didn’t reciprocate? Even if it had saved his life, she was still a fool for falling in love with her boss.
“Claire?” he asked, looking at her significantly as his voice pulled her out of her thoughts. “Was ‘friend’ too vague? Should I have said ‘star resident’ instead?”
Well there was absolutely no way he was talking about Morgan.
“Me?” Her voice failed her, but it didn’t matter. He understood.
“Yeah, you,” he whispered, a shy smile appearing. “I love you, Claire.”
“Ohthankgod,” she breathed, her body relaxing a little at his words. “I love you too.”
“I know,” he answered, confident in a way that only Neil could be. “Why else would you try so hard to save me?”
It was meant to be a joke, but they both knew there was some element of truth to it. She loved him so much that she just couldn’t let him go. She smiled and snuggled in next to him, encouraged by his words and his prognosis. After that night, she just wanted to hang onto him and never let go.
“Claire?” Neil said hesitantly, brushing his nose softly against her forehead and following the touch with a gentle kiss over the same spot.
She craned her neck to look at him, smiling at him to prompt him further.
“When I get out of here, I don’t want to take things slow.” His expression was thoughtful and sincere, conveying that he meant every word he said with utter certainty. “I don’t mean physically, that’s… I’ll follow your lead, and there’s no rush there. Hell, my doctor may not clear me for much exertion for a while.”
They both grinned at the stupid joke.
“But,” he continued, “I don’t want to hide things or take it one day at a time or anything like that. Which is maybe stupid, given how many relationships I’ve killed in this hospital. But I know you’re different, Claire, and I… I just want to be with you.”
“You sound like you’re about to propose,” she teased, mostly because she wasn’t used to hearing him take that tone. Sure of what he wants, but nervous how she might react.
“If I had a ring, I might be tempted,” he replied, laughing a little. “But you can go ahead and take the spare apartment keys that are in my office, because I want you there as much as you want to be. Always, if I’m really honest.”
“That sounds nice,” Claire answered, fighting a yawn.
Despite her desire to stay awake and continue their conversation, exhaustion was finally catching up with her now that the adrenaline had worn off. She wriggled a little bit until she was lying on her side, her arm draped over his chest so that her hand could curl around the far side of his neck, and one leg resting gently on top of his. Neil slid his arm beneath her ribs, wrapping it around her waist so he could hold her tight as she dropped her head against his chest, savouring the feel of his heart beating.
“Get some sleep, Claire. I love you,” he whispered, even as she was already drifting off into a dreamland, and he pressed a kiss into her curls, breathing deeply. He was more than content holding her like that, falling back asleep with her small frame clinging to him.
Dr. Lim appeared in the doorway to check on her patient, smiling at the setup she found. Quietly, she backed away, sliding the glass door just so that the couple wouldn’t be disturbed. They’d had a long road to get to where they were, and they would have a lot of challenges ahead of them. The least she could do was give them one night of peace, where it didn’t matter that he was an attending and she was his resident.
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