#the way thc slows things down helps
ashtraysystem · 1 year
tbh i wish i were high rn
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housecow · 2 months
it’s so bad but. ruination is one of the hottest parts of feedism for me... i’ve set myself up well so far. i’ve made good decisions that’ve paid off—but i want all of that to mean nothing eventually.
does it even matter that i’m a published academic when i can’t get myself off the couch without help? unread emails from colleagues i haven’t seen in years. inquiries about a database i poured my soul into developing for grad school, unread and untouched for months because i can’t bother to reach over and pull the laptop onto my massive belly. maybe i’d figure out a way to forward them to someone else, removing any potential responsibility. why keep up with those connections when it’s so much easier to keep shoveling food into my mouth?
i can’t wait for all of my accomplishments to pale in comparison with the hundreds of pounds i’ve put on. my world will narrow—my feeder and the piles of food he supplies will be the only things that matter. his careful and strong hands, massaging the rolls and folds he so lovingly made sure were our priority. it started with a simple, “close the laptop and come sit, i got the shake ready”
one day i just won’t open it ever again. the tv remote is right there, my phone is tucked somewhere under the flab. there’s a few pizzas on the way. premade shakes are in the mini fridge next to the couch i fill up almost entirely by myself. my mind is finally blank—no one would expect i was ever more than a useless cow
the occasional trip to the fridge is the most i’d accomplish in a day, maybe even a week. my feeder figures out he can lace the shakes with thc and keep my mind numb, just like i told him i needed. no more documentaries. shitty reality tv keeps me entranced and distracted, thousands of calories devoured each hour. after work he finds me where he left me, surrounded by wrappers and working on a tub of ice cream. “babe, how many has it been?”
can i even count at that point? “i don’t know, can you get me another?” he’d pop it in the microwave first because spoons are getting hard to hold in my pudgy hands. sticky sausage fingers grasp the tub as he hands it to me and he slides onto the couch next to my massive figure.
this is the best part of the day. he rubs my belly in circles, pressing deeply into the soft and dimpled fat as i desperately gulp down the slurry of melted ice cream. he grips a roll and gives it a shake, making me groan a bit—in a good way, it freed up a bit more room. not like i would’ve stopped eating anyways. he shakes his head and tuts: “you still have room?”
i don’t say anything but i smile and lazily look at him, slow and dumb but knowing what that disapproval means. he reaches to the table and pulls the funnel mask out, slipping it over my face. “good girls can barely breathe by the time i get home.”
god, at one point in time people thought i actually had potential. i can’t wait to ruin it all
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teastainedprose · 6 months
Homelander x fem!reader
Homelander with their significant other that gets really horny/touchy feely when she takes THC gummies
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The moment he steps into the penthouse, he knows. There's the faint stench of it in the air from what's already sweated out through your pores. Then there's a scent that makes Homelander salivate, the muskier scent of you.
In contrast, your heartbeat is slow and steady because you've yet to notice that he's home. Of course you wouldn't notice, you're sprawled out on the couch like some hedonistic goddess with one hand down your gym shorts.
Your languid, rendered foggy brained with whatever you've ingested. Some sort of gummy candy, he assumes. He's seen you popping them like the candy they're not often enough to make an educated guess. Homelander knows the effect they have on you, too.
You don't seem notice as Homelander makes his way across the room, eyes fixed on the TV with detached interest. He can see it in your expression, how spaced out and unfocused you are. You don't even seem to even wholly focus on what your hand is up to between your thighs. A quick flick of his x-ray vision shows your fingers rub circles around your clit through the fabric of your panties, the sensation pulling the occasional sigh or huff from you but your heart isn't into it. Homelander knows as he's memorized the noises you make when his whole heart is into working you over.
"Do you need help?" He drawls out, smirk on his lips. Homelander drops hands to your shoulders and squeezes gently as he leans over the couch's back to loom over you. The startled squeak and how you jolt in place, and how the reaction is a beat off makes him chuckle. Anyone else would have gone white, heart hammering in fear with round eyes. Not you, though. No, you're beaming up at him like a sunflower turning towards the sun's warmth. You purr, purr out a happy noise with arms lifting so you can promptly bury your fingers in Homelander's hair to play with the strands in your giddiness at seeing him.
It warms some secret section of his heart few know exist, that you're all warm invitation and sunshine to his arrival even as stoned as you must be. One of those hands stroking through his hair had been down your pants and now the scent of your sex is too close to ignore. Homelander inhales deep with eyes rolling up, a groan escaping. You're a sinful little imp and he can already feel his cock twitching in response. You both know how these things go. Homelander leans further over the couch, burying his face against your neck with a huff. His gloves skim off your shoulders, effortlessly plucking you free of the couch before he turns you in his arms. You're happy to snuggle close, all limped limbed as you drape your arms over his shoulders in turn while being mindful of those metal eagles. "Mhhhm, help would be nice." You murmur, chin drooping to his well padded chest as you peer dreamily up at Homelander. You continue to thread your fingers through his hair, messing it up as you play with the strands. He knows that's the hand that had been against your panties for how the scent of you drifts in and out in intensity with your movements. Homelander has to blink multiple times to properly focus on your face. Homelander considers you for a spell, expression perfectly neutral save for the occasional twitch at the corner of his lip as if he's fighting a smile. You wait as time already feels distant, content to rest against the warmth he offers. Content to play with his hair and stare up into those blue blue eyes. You press closer, arms tightening about his neck as you lean up to nuzzle under his chin. Your breathing slows as you make a happy little moan and Homelander feels that noise straight through to his groin. "Alright, yep- Bedroom." Homelander clips out, turning swiftly with you in his arms as his cape swishes behind. Your laugh is pure delight as he carries you to the bedroom.
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omg HEAR ME OUT kappa being gentle and whiny as he eats out reader and he’s kissing and biting at their thighs and being soooo needy and desperate :((
Y'all...I'm about to start with the ovulation horny, have mercy!
Hedonistic Tendencies
Summary: Neither Kappa nor you have the slightest grip around consuming things in moderation.
Pairing: Kappa x fem!Reader
Word Count: ~1k
Content Warnings: Smut Bomb 18+!, Oral (F Receiving), Consumption Of Substances (Pot and Alcohol Because Everyone's Getting Crossfaded In Here), Gooning (Here I Go With My Slightly Obscure Kinks), Orgasming While Tripping (IFYKYK)
A/N: Okay, y'all hear me out. So, Gooning apparently is something in between a tantric sex practice (don't nail me down on that!) and, simply put, prolonged, predominantly male, masturbation. Like, a constant state of edging for hours until your brain shuts down because you are so consumed by keeping that state of sexual arousal intact. Reading about it had me going from "Hmm, interesting! 🤔" to "Oh, yeeeeeahhh, that's very Kappa coded!" in 0.6 seconds.
Tagging the horny horde:
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @alalalaaallaaalaaa @star-milk-tea @milsthouqhts @roryculkinsbf @roryculkinsgf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @b4sementgrl
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More power, more pace
More money, more taste
More sex, more pills
More skin, more shills
More wants, more needs
More hits, morphine
- We Love You By Avenged Sevenfold
There were days when you had your act together, where you knew when to keep a sober and sharp mind but today was clearly not one of those.
Taking another deep hit from the joint between your fingers before putting it to rest in the ashtray next to you, you let your drowsy head loll back against the wall, reveling in how the tingling sensations of your buzz ebbed through your body like a lazy tide.
It washed down from your head, through your torso and clashed with equally fuzzy warm pangs of arousal emitting from amidst your thighs. Everything felt slowed down and yet amplified as you looked down between your legs with heavy, half-lidded eyes.
It's been hours since Kappa propped you up on his desk, eagerly burying his face into your throbbing pussy that was screaming for his attention all around the clock, even more so in your increasingly intoxicated state.
By now you had lost count on how many orgasms his tongue and nimble fingers had pulled from your body. All of it was but a wash of time, space and sensations mixed into one massively hedonistic trip of pure indulgence.
"Fuck the world, am I right?" It trickled out of your somewhat dry mouth in a dragged out groan.
To help with that you reached for an already half-way empty bottle of wine right next to the ashtray. The potent mixture of THC and alcohol in your blood made you feel like your body was nothing but a random array of colors slowly leaking out of their confines, like a rainbowy smear of oil spreading over water.
"Good fucking god, this feels so good." You exhaled into the room after taking a large swig from the bottle.
Kappa beneath you answered with a low hum into your oozing cunt, his tongue flat against your clit, lapping at it like a man parched.
He was even further gone than you were with his face against your thoroughly slik-coated folds and his hand fisting his cock in a slow pace, seemingly endless spurts of pre-cum leaking and pooling around his fingers. His brain lost any touch with reality hours ago as he had edged himself up to the brink of spilling his cum all over your thighs for the first time and keeping himself right there on the thin line of overstimulation and ecstasy ever since. In that very instance he had only two things on his substance and sex-corrupted mind: To get you to cum all over his face once again and to shoot his load right at the same time.
As if in trance, Kappa worked his tongue over your swollen clit over and over, the tip of it nudging softly, hitting that spot he knew you were the most sensitive.
At that you allowed your eyes to flutter back shut completely while your mind got lost in some place that was much closer to a colorful astral plane than planet earth. Images of softly flowing prisms fogged your mind as gravitation seemed to double down on your body. You were glued to the wooden desk underneath your bare ass and yet you felt like levitating off the ground by your power of will and imagination alone. With the last hit of the joint truly hitting your system it got harder to pinpoint what your body was experiencing exactly, all you knew was pleasure and exquisite numbness to anything else.
Was Kappa finger-fucking you or was it his tongue pushing into you? You couldn't differentiate anymore and, honestly, you didn't care too much. All that mattered was the rising feeling in your lower abdomen. A spark of arousal growing into a wildfire with every touch of his against your throbbing cunt. For a moment you were convinced that you were burning from the inside out, your body filling with warmth, spiked blood rushing through your veins like magma.
"Shit…oh, fuck!.." You felt your pussy clenching in the first contractions of an oncoming orgasm.
The sensation shot right to your head and your upper body slumped against the wall behind you as jolts of white-hot bliss had your muscles trembling and twitching.
You were so lost in the experience, seeing stars behind closed eyes, that you barely took notice of Kappa moaning and mewling beneath you, increasing the pace of stroking his cock, eventually pushing himself over his own threshold as thick, sticky ropes of his seed splattered against your quivering thighs.
"Fuck.." He groaned into the thick air that was heavy with the pungent scent of weed, bodily fluids and sweat as he pulled his soaked face from your cunt to lean back into the creaking, old chair.
"Fucking hell…" He exhaled, his cock still in hand and pupils blown out wide.
Both of you were panting heavily, filling your lungs with much needed oxygen before you couldn’t hold back an almost maniacal avalanche of giggles falling from smiling lips, dopamine and oxytocin clearly putting in their work.
"Happy, huh?", Kappa chuckled, his chest still heaving up and down strongly, "How about I roll us another one and we give it another go? You think you can take that, sugar?"
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pedge-stuff · 1 year
Hi love
Can I have a request for pedro × reader?
Cutie and fluffy?
hello love! hope this might be what you're lookin' for...
lamp city (pedro pascal x gn/m!reader)
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a/n: same vague universe as “marked.” drop a line if you have a sug. (:
summary: a friday night in the Pascal household.
It’s muscle memory— the key with the orange rubber top makes a sticky turn in the lock on the door handle, shoes get toed off into a pile on the rubber mat, and then a slow ascent up the steep flight of stairs to the apartment. (Condo, really— tiny apartment building converted into a single-family residence. Rented and then purchased by Pedro over a decade before you knocked on his door.) 
You take the stairs with the gait of a person twice your age; the week of work has wrung you out. With SNL wrapped for the season, you’d been writing on a new show for Comedy Central, but tight deadlines and a cramped production schedule have been kicking your ass. The crawl to Friday night now complete, you can’t help but yawn as you trudge upwards. Can’t even bring yourself to turn the hallway lights on. 
On the second floor landing, a warm glow spills out from under the door. Faint laughter echoes from within. 
It’s one of your favorite things about Pedro— the importance he places upon the relationships in his life. His schedule is grueling, pulling him from New York twice as often now as he’s actually home. Yet, the monthly dinner with his friends has held steady. 
There is a cheer as you swing open the door. Just visible, at the other end of the long hall, several heads turn towards you in the living room. 
“Hi, baby.” A salt-and-pepper head turns to grin at you, from over the back of the couch. You pad towards him in socked feet, feeling a little out of place in your work clothes; around the room, everyone is in sweats. Elvira and Oscar are on the loveseat. Sarah, fresh in from LA, lays across the armchair. Picked-over cartons from the Thai place down the block scatter the coffee table. 
You lean over, pressing a quick kiss to Pedro’s temple as you sneakily reach for the container beside him.  A large hand wraps around your wrist. 
“Begone, thief. Your drunken noodles are in the fridge. ” He trades you a kiss on your pulse point before he releases you with dramatic flair. The moratorium on public affection does not extend to his friends, though neither of you go out of your way to be syrupy in front of company. 
Light music is playing, something acoustic and tinny spinning on the turntable in the corner. All the lamps are on, but the overhead is off. ("Goddamn surgical light," Pedro usually gripes. It only ever gets turned on when he searches the couch cushions for his missing keys. Semi-regularly. Otherwise, lamp city.)
"There are edibles on the counter," Oscar supplies, with a flourish of his wrist. Quiet laughter ripples across the room.
“Mm. Knew there was a reason I came here.” 
“Rude,” Sarah points with her chopsticks. “You knew I was gonna be here.” 
You ignore her in favor of heading for the fridge. There is an unwrapped bar of chocolate on the kitchen island, off of which you break a square.
"Dogs been out?" Edgar has followed you into the kitchen, summoned by the sound of the fridge opening. His sister, your pre-Pedro companion, is still laying on his lap. (Her loyalty to you is dubious at best, now two years into the relationship.)
"Not since four," Pedro concedes.
"I'll walk 'em now and wait for this to kick in."
He is now half-handing over the edge of the couch, cheek smushed against the back cushion. "Can you just come chill out for a minute? You just got home. Come sit."
No convincing needed. You carry your noodles to the couch, nudging the dog over so you can settle beside Pedro. He wastes no time in swinging his legs over yours, mismatched Happy Socks balanced on the tops of your thighs. It's a warm, familiar weight. Pedro is a touchy stoner— the combination of THC and the company of his friends, always seems to melt his ever-present anxiety away.
Chopsticks in hand, boyfriend in lap. 48 hours off work. A room full of friends and good music. Subconsciously, you rub your right thumb over the target-shaped soul mark on your left hand. Look over at the man it brought you to... high and cozy, disheveled in a way that makes your heart soar.
As if on cue, he reaches for your hand himself. Brings the mark to his lips, as he often does; light scruff tickles the inside of your wrist.
Oscar has launched into some story about a weird fan encounter at Trader Joes. The record has ended, but no one has moved to flip it over.
Not the worst way to spend a Friday.
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skelingtonsderek · 1 year
From “The House Carpenter:” I read this story years ago (and The Wayfaring Stranger, though I can’t find that one so I assume you must have taken it down; fortunately I have it downloaded, I hope you don’t mind) and I still go back to it sometimes. This goes a few dozen words over the limit, but I already shaved as much as I was willing off of either end, because I really wanted to get the whole scope of history contained within that hat, I think it really contextualizes Boyd’s request at the end:
"Your daddy used to drink like that," Boyd's mouth says. He feels like it's the wrong thing to say because Raylan frowns. Boyd loves to make Raylan frown sometimes. He loves to make Raylan feel something about Boyd and since he can't ever get a smile out of him, it's the best he's got. He feels guilty about it, though. He hates to make Raylan sad. He just can't help but want to make him feel. Sometimes Boyd just needs to know Raylan is there with him and not somewhere he belongs. Like Lexington or the old west. Raylan would be perfectly at home in Deadwood or out farther. The Alamo.
Raylan belongs somewhere that Boyd never will.
"He'd get to drinking and sit there with this frown like everything were shit and he was the only one who knew. Everyone knows, Raylan," Boyd says leaning towards Raylan and still smiling. Raylan is glaring at Boyd now. He opens his mouth to speak but Boyd beats him to it. "We can just hide it better. Cause we belong in this mud and shit and blood and snow. This is our penance and our sin."
Boyd stops, sways, looks down. He's taller than he should be. He's kneeling on the bed. When did he get up? When did he move? Was he ever not moving closer to Raylan? Struggling on too short legs to keep up with him? He went away after he did, fought and killed for a country that portrays him as a backwoods hillbilly. He notices the way other people, strangers, would shift their eyes when he talked. As if just cause the words came out of his mouth slow meant that he was slow. Boyd looks up. Raylan is staring at him.
If Boyd were a betting man, which he is, he'd put down money that no one treated Raylan like that once his accent had eroded away. He bets that it just helps. That little twang of something old, harkening to an age when women were ladies and men were gentlemen. It plays in the cowboy's favor.
Boyd wants to yell at these people, blow them up in a fire of history, tell them what the cowboys did, what their job was. He wants them to know the bloody birth of the marshal. He wants them to look at Raylan and see that. He wants them to never look at Raylan and see what Boyd sees. He wants them to keep their romanticism so he can have the boy with the black eye and bruises on his arms and chest. He wants the coal miner who shook like a leaf when the world rumbled and fell on them. He wants the young man he pulled out of hell only to be sent to it again with a rage in his eyes and a steady hand, determined to not let the uncaring world win.
He wants the lawman that looked at him like he was a stranger but worse. Like he was a bug that needed to be purified with Raid. He wants those cold eyes and the rage. He wants it to pound into him until he’s oversensitive and screaming.
"I want to wear your hat. Can I, my friend?"
Raylan stares at him with cagy eyes, like how a wild horse looks down on the man who will break him, and nods slowly.
Why’d you go and have to pick one of my favoritessssss. I’m very excited to talk about this. A quick answer for the Wayfairing Stranger: It was pulled down for remodeling because I thought it unfair to leave up when I planned to redo so much of it. I’m still trying to work that one out so it’s more cohesive and fits into the existing story set up by The House Carpenter. I also have it downloaded and in my WIPs file until I feel bold enough to tackle it. I’m glad you liked it enough to remember it existed anyway TT_TT you’re so nice. OKOKOKOKOK On to tHC… I actually really like this part, too. I suppose it’s Boyd, constantly romanticizing, filled with a covetous sort of nostalgia that he doesn’t want to share, being too fucking thick-headed to realize that you don’t get to know someone the way he knows Raylan here— you don’t get to see their tender spots and bruises and vulnerabilities like this— if they don’t let you. He’s made a narrative in his head where he, Smart and Brilliant and Hopelessly and Tragically In Love Boyd Crowder, is the only person perfectly situated to truly deserve to appreciate Raylan Wounded Baby Bird With a Loaded Gun Givens. But he’s an idiot and I wanted to show that by mixing it together: the public brand of the Marshal service, the way strangers treat them with the quiet private things that strangers don’t have the privilege to know and see. They’re in bed together at the end of the world, sharing a shiny little thing Raylan saw and thought of Boyd and decided to give to Boyd and Boyd is so wrapped up in his internal narrative that he fails to realize you don’t bring treats to someone you’re indifferent about, you don’t reach for a stranger in the middle of the apocalypse for comfort, you don’t let just anyone sit in your lap, and if you’re a Hat Guy you don’t let just anyone put on your goddamned hat (fellow hat guys know what I mean). Hat Privileges are a form of intimacy reserved for those who have already made your heart hurt in that most special of ways (IYKYK) Meanwhile on the other side of the mattress is Raylan Givens, actually hopelessly in love with this fucking drama llama, trying to be careful, trying to be kind, trying not to reach and grab and take more than he is given because he knows Boyd the same way Boyd knows him— with all those tender spots plotted out and the ragged seams pressed against his own damned skin— and he knows the only thing that would drive Boyd away quicker is showing him exactly how much he’s wanted. At least that’s what he’s afraid of.
Boyd thinks that he’s the Daemon lover from the tale but he’s not. He never has been. He’s the one who stayed and grew his own roots and has to leave it all behind. He’s the one being seduced out to sea. He sees the parallels in the maiden with Raylan and his baby and Winona but never gets past that superficial connection because he’s incapable of seeing in himself any beauty. So instead, he casts himself as the Daemon Lover and Raylan as the Fair Maiden, tricked in to leaving her baby and her husband to get swept up in a stormy sea. But it' was always the reverse. Boyd and his home he made while Raylan was out adventuring and “forsaking” the 'crown and gold' of the life he could have had had he stayed away. It’s Raylan asking him to give up everything he has to be unmoored. But Raylan can’t make himself ask for it and Boyd thinks he’d be the one asking Raylan to damn himself for it. The hat is this role for them. The ship that takes them down together.
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discodeviant · 1 year
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Tempt Me Twice
Jonathan/Argyle | Teen | 1.8k No Upside Down, Referenced Child Abuse, Non-Traditional Soulmate AU-ish
Because I'm a sucker for weird and muddy soulmateisms, please enjoy this... journey of discovery and true love. Something like that. 🥰💖
Read on AO3
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“Would it, like, totally skeeve you out if I asked you to kiss me right now? Cuz, like, I could totally kiss you right now, man.”
It wasn’t the first time they’d spread out on the grassy plane of Argyle’s backyard like this. Midnight while his family was asleep, when Jonathan hadn’t gone home yet since being driven over after school. It wasn’t the first time he’d smoked a full joint, either, but it felt like the first time he’d been tempted to regret it. Just a little bit. His head was fuzzy, and the stars bounced across his eyes before another cloud of smoke came to keep them still. Purple Palm Tree Delight, man.
It did things to him.
“Wait, really?”
“I mean, not while you’re… fuckin’ upside down. Hold on,” he said, moving from his position next to Argyle’s head so they were pointing in the same direction. “Okay, there.” He was so warm even in the crisp February breeze. “Now you can kiss me.”
Argyle chuckled—“Alriiiight”—and leaned forward to kiss him exactly like he said. Jonathan closed his eyes and kissed him back even harder than he’d expected of himself. It should have been a peck, not this slow, gentle thing it had already become. It should have been quick and nasty and something they never spoke about again. But Argyle couldn’t help himself. “Wait, did we just kiss?” he asked, and Jonathan nodded. “Should we, like, do it again?”
“Fuckin’ rad, man, come here.”
Jonathan didn’t know what to think of this uninhibited need to keep his mouth within reach of Argyle’s, to keep their lips locked and tongues tied until the delight wore off. Maybe longer. It didn’t feel like it ever would with the way Argyle caressed his chin. So hot, then, was the air in between, breaths that passed each other’s oxygen instead of THC. It fizzled out in the dirt next to colorful polyester flowers that turned in closer to a cotton t-shirt, and Argyle stole a taste of Jonathan’s tongue.
He hummed into it, denying that it was a moan or that he could have this all he liked because he never got to believe in it. Their first trip down Lavender Lane weeks ago, it made him think of his father. All of the stories Lonnie used to tell when he was drunk, scaring Jonathan and his brother Will into believing his marriage with Joyce was the best any marriage could get. And Jonathan believed him. Jonathan believed every lie he spit, every misshapen warning about voices in his head and unexplained bruises. That was devil speak. There were no such things as soulmates.
Lonnie taught him how to lie. Not intimately, by telling him how to keep his tone steady and his face straight, nor intentionally, by telling him anything at all—but successfully nonetheless. He’d taught Jonathan to keep quiet when things got too loud; to stay alert, but not to stare; to observe and remain an outsider. So Jonathan took those lessons from home and all through high school. No, he wasn’t lonely. Yes, he thought about girls. Yes, he was just fine.
But the truth was, no, he wasn’t convinced that Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler were soulmates, and neither was anybody. They reeked of tall tales and guilt. What confirmed it was their inevitable breakup, and further when Jonathan learned that Steve didn’t share the birthmark on Nancy’s hip. They’d both always seen color. Nancy never got Steve’s chemistry notes on her arm, or his bruises after a fight, and he only got on her nerves. Even so, Jonathan never felt like he was meant to be with her either. She lied to him, and he lied right back, for months until California came along, and they decided to be honest for the first time all year.
Jonathan never had that with Argyle. Not the strained bickering or a deep-seated urge to hide the truth. Not dread about it lasting forever, because they were only friends, and friends didn’t last forever either. Nor did he think friends kissed like this, in the grass, under a starry night sky, holding each other close and not daring to pull away in case it was the only time. But when they did, Jonathan asked, “Have you always wanted to do that?”
If he were sober, he may not have noticed Argyle hesitate. “Yeah, man. Is… is that weird, or…”
“No, nonono, me too.”
“Shit, man, why didn’t you?”
“I didn’t think you’d want to,” Jonathan said, and then laughed something a little morose. “No one really wants to.” And maybe he shouldn’t have admitted to it. He shouldn’t have given so much of himself away in five words, in a kiss that lasted too long to keep anything a secret anymore, but he didn’t want secrets. He didn’t want to lie, nor could he, it seemed, but that was only King Palm sitting on his tongue.
“Well, damn, I do.”
“Do?” He looked up at Argyle, whose hair hung down right next to his face, shadowed under the sun until it was pushed out of the way. “Like, present tense.”
“Uhh… I mean, honestly, a tent would be a pretty shit present, if you ask me, but I’ll take it if it means I can kiss you more.”
Jonathan laughed. “Dude, you are so fucking buzzed.”
And Argyle laughed even harder. “I know, I’m zoinked out of my fucking head right now, man.” He fell over Jonathan’s chest and lay his head there for a while.
So maybe it was the weed after all. Jonathan figured as much when they didn’t kiss again the next day, or talk about it, or allude to it. Maybe it never happened at all. He didn’t know anymore, and he didn’t want to be the one to ask. It had felt like a dream before, to have Argyle next to him like he was supposed to be there from the start. He was whimsy, and the best parts of night and day wrapped into one person. He was the sunrise, the turn of the moon and every one of its phases. He was comfort that Jonathan felt like he’d known forever, somehow. Deep inside him somewhere—his soul had met its match.
At night, it occurred to him whether his dad had been telling the truth about devils and their tricks on the mind. Even long after Lonnie had left, after Joyce had kicked him out when he tried to beat the demons out of Will, Jonathan wondered if they were real. His brother had started whispering to himself when he was seven. Then eight, nine, ten all came and went, and it was getting absurd, Joyce, he’s too old to be doing that shit! Her defense wasn’t enough.
“It’s my soulmate,” Will had said to Jonathan early on in this development. “Don’t tell dad. I think it’s a boy.”
Yes, demons, but Argyle never spoke to him like that, through impossible channels of their minds or bodies. Jonathan never had a voice in his head that wasn’t his own, or words on his skin that weren’t in his writing. It was all make-believe—that’s what Lonnie used to say. Devil stuff, though he was never a Christian man, nor did he ever try to prove it. Jonathan still feared as much going into adulthood, wondering if Will would stop whispering one day and be gone the next. If, now that they were in California, now that he’d met Argyle, his demon of temptation would wake up and drag him down.
The first time they sat on the hood of Jonathan’s new-old Cutlass, he wondered if Argyle really was a demon in disguise.
“What’s goin’ on, dude? Look like you just got out of a funeral for your pet rock.” Jonathan could only laugh, daring him not to speak because that was better than telling a truth that would ruin it. Ruin them. “You okay?”
They weren’t even high yet.
“You make me nervous,” he said at last, focusing on the distressed corduroy on Argyle’s knee.
He sighed. “Well, damn. Not quite what I wanted to hear but okay.” Kicking long legs against the front panel, not hard but enough to make a rattle, he picked at the loose threads.
“No, I mean—“ Argyle’s gaze cut him off, sharper than the sunset slicing through the trees. Before he could light the idle joint between his fingers, Jonathan took the matchbox and set it aside.
“No purple palm today? I’ve got the other stuff in my bag—“
“Would you have kissed me without it?”
The air got heavy then. Maybe it was only Jonathan and the bad things getting closer to take him alive. “Yeah,” Argyle said, and he shrunk into the glare with a shrug. His eyes made the clutch around Jonathan’s heart tighter but safer now that he knew the answer.
“Can we do it again?”
“You want to?”
“I mean, I asked.”
He’d have been lying if he said Argyle’s hand on his cheek again didn’t mellow him down from the height of fear and adrenaline he’d put himself through. The breath on his lips that was only one thing: desire, someone who really wanted to. So they kissed again, just a peck. Without the weed, it overwhelmed them to be so close and clear-headed, nothing between them to hide the possibility of regretting it or learning that something wicked existed after all. But Jonathan leaned in again the second time. He kept it light. Still testing the waters or something, he didn’t know, but it felt good. Fuck, it felt so good.
“You wouldn’t lie to me, would you?”
His fingers just grazed the buttons of Argyle’s shirt, not trying too hard to button one in the middle somewhere. “I don’t think I can,” he said, and Argyle looked like an angel with the sun’s halo around dark hair.
“You ever wanted to?” Jonathan had never heard such hesitance in Argyle’s voice before, but he shook his head anyway because it was true.
“Never had to.”
So maybe he believed in soulmates. Not the kind in stories, because he’d never seen those come to life, but this. He believed in his heart and his tongue pulling Argyle closer by the second. He believed in the hands on his face and his thigh, in teeth that tugged at his bottom lip and made it hurt to breathe. He believed in Argyle. Jonathan thought he loved him.
Then Argyle whispered, soft and so sweet right into his mouth, just against his tongue. “I think I love you too.”
His heart damn near gave out.
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Crafting THC Ganja Gummies: A Canna Basics Guide to Homemade Delights
Welcome to the ultimate guide on crafting THC-infused gummies with Canna Basics! Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis connoisseur or a curious newcomer, making your own ganja gummies can be a fun and rewarding experience. Follow these step-by-step instructions to create delicious and potent THC gummies right in your own kitchen.
Cannabis Tincture: Start with a high-quality THC tincture or cannabis-infused oil. The potency will determine the strength of your gummies, so choose accordingly.
Gelatin: Essential for that chewy gummy texture.
Jell-O or Flavored Gelatin: Adds flavor and color to your gummies. Choose your favorite!
Sugar: To sweeten things up.
Water: Helps dissolve the gelatin and sugar.
Gummy molds: Silicone molds work best for easy removal.
Prepare Your Ingredients:
Gather all your ingredients and equipment.
Measure out the cannabis tincture, gelatin, Jell-O, sugar, and water according to your recipe.
Mix the Ingredients:
In a saucepan, combine the Jell-O or flavored gelatin, unflavored gelatin, and sugar.
Add water and stir gently until the mixture is well combined.
Heat the Mixture:
Place the saucepan over low heat. Continue stirring until the mixture becomes smooth and starts to steam. Do not let it boil.
Add Cannabis Tincture:
Once the mixture is smooth and warm, remove it from heat.
Add your desired amount of cannabis tincture or oil. Stir thoroughly to ensure even distribution.
Fill the Molds:
Carefully pour the mixture into the gummy molds. Use a dropper or a small pitcher for precision.
Cool and Set:
Allow the gummies to cool at room temperature for about 30 minutes.
Transfer the molds to the refrigerator and let them set for at least 2 hours, or until firm.
Enjoy Your THC Ganja Gummies:
Once set, gently pop the gummies out of the molds.
Store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
Dosage: Always start low and go slow when trying homemade edibles, as potency can vary.
Variations: Experiment with different flavors of Jell-O or add fruit juice for a personalized touch.
Storage: Keep gummies away from heat and light to preserve their potency.
Now that you have the basics down, get creative with your THC ganja gummies! Whether you’re making them for personal enjoyment or to share with friends, homemade gummies are a delightful way to enjoy the benefits of cannabis in a tasty treat. Happy cooking and happy snacking!
This guide from Canna Basics ensures that making THC ganja gummies is both accessible and enjoyable, offering a delicious way to explore the world of cannabis edibles.
More Information Need Please Visit Our Online Store and Buy Your Favorite Flavors :- https://dmvcannabisdelivery.com/
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nathank77 · 5 months
10:42 p.m
So I got a late fee from the DMV for my emissions test but I never got the initial emissions paperwork.
I'm pissed cause I have two options:
1) Pay the late fee and pay for emissions without a card, I guess using my late fee as my paperwork? It's hard to find information....
2) Schedule an appt with the DMV, tell them I didn't get the Paperwork and then try to waive the fee and the get the original paperwork. I could pass emissions with flying colors but with my fucking luck, if I wait too long my check engine light will turn on randomly.....
Idk what to do, this whole week is appt central. Disability, bloodwork, ultrasound, therapy....
Next week is my t shot...
I mean it will slow down but I have to reschedule my dentist appt to meet with the doctor bc he wasn't there for the cleaning and I canceled the doctor's appt over voice-mail and they never called back but at the same time maybe I don't need to do it. I'm never going back to that dentist again... they sucked... other than maybe for the "exam," by the doctor. What if I have a cavity and they find it at my 6 month cleaning and then it starts hurting bc I'm aware of it?
I'm almost out of CBD, I don't have my medical card bc of the Kristen case... and I got to find CBD somewhere with the least amount of thc.... there are options but they all have thc... and I'm scared but I need the cbd bc I need to help repair the damage from microsleeping..... it's a source of stress. I could buy my card and say fuck it but they only truly have one tincture available and everything else is 100% thc.... I might go to this store in Avon but idk, they all have thc in them but some of them have CBN and CBG. CBD and CBG have been shown in research to help with neurogensis.. but the thc content concerns me...
Idk what to do. All I know is I need less to do. LESS NOT MORE. LESS APPOINTMENTS NOT MORE APPOINTMENTS. It's driving me crazy.
How do you get emissions done without a card? Paying the late fee is fucked when I never got notice but it's easier than fucking scheduling an appt and going to the appt and then prob paying for my late fee there anyways and then paying for emissions. It just adds shit to my to do list when I'm trying to fucking subtract shit.
The CBD will cost me like 40-70$ for a month supply of tincture and be a source of anxiety in three ways:
1) THC is something I don't want in my body until I recover, and I'd have to microdose myself with like 2MGs a day at least....
2) If I don't buy it then I have to worry about doing nothing to help repair the damage from microsleeping and help protect myself from alzheimers and dementia...
3) I could get my card but then I risk soiling my report being a medical marijuana patient and they really don't have options.
I can't seem to subtract anything from my to do list. If I finally get something done like EVGA, another 3 things pop up. If I can't subtract something then one thing becomes a 3 week to 3 month telephone tag thing before it gets complete...
I never have time to game anymore. I hallucinate constantly. I need cbd. I don't want another appt, another place to drive to, another thing to do. I may be able to get the fee waived bc I'm under the poverty guidelines but nonetheless then I have to drive there...........
I'm so aggravated with my life.
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Apollo CBD Gummies Reviews ([BEWARE SCAM] 2023)
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✔️Product Name - Apollo CBD Gummies
✔️Category - Health
✔️Side-Effects - NA
✔️Availability - Online
✔️Rating - ★★★★★
✔️Price (for Sale) Buy Now Here — CLICK HERE
We worry way too much about the future and the past. Right now is all that matters. How do you make it through this? How do you deal with the stress and worry of the moment? See, things will go up and down in our lives. If you think success is a straight line, you haven't left your comfort zone. Life is like a roller coaster, with ups and downs and unexpected turns. Who knows if that's how the world tests you to move on to the next level? And if you haven't figured it out yet, there are snakes on every level.
Apollo CBD Gummies are becoming more popular as a way to get more nutrients and as a healthier alternative to smoking marijuana. That is, like, so true. These tasty treats are a fun and discreet way to take CBD. They also help with digestion, stress, anxiety, and sleep. In this piece, we'll look at what makes Apollo CBD Gummies special, what benefits they might have, and how well they help with different health problems. Let's dive into this review and the world of CBD sweets to find out why they have become a popular choice for many people who want to take care of their whole health. Click the button below to try one of the best types of Apollo CBD Gummies, like Apollo.
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How do Apollo CBD gummies work, and what are they?
Apollo CBD Gummies are a type of food that contains cannabidiol (CBD), a substance found in the cannabis plant that doesn't get you high. CBD doesn't get you high like THC does, so it can be used in more places safely and legally. These gummies are not only a tasty treat, but they are also a useful way to use CBD in public without drawing too much attention to yourself.
The sweets are made to be chewed, which helps the CBD get into the bloodstream quickly. When they are eaten, they release CBD into the body, which gives the person the healing and beneficial effects of CBD. Also, these candies from Apollo often have other healthy ingredients that help the body as a whole and the immune system. This makes them a convenient and tasty way to add CBD to your daily routine.
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CBD gummies can help with anxiety and stress.
One of the best things about CBD candies is that they calm and relax both the mind and the body. When someone is feeling stressed or anxious, these sweets can help calm them down and ease their symptoms. The act of chewing on the gummies can help to calm you down, and the CBD and other ingredients in the gummies also help to relieve stress and anxiety.
The sweets can slow down the heartbeat and make you feel calm, so they can help with anxiety attacks and give you a moment of peace in the middle of a busy day. CBD candies are a natural and non-addictive way to find relief from stress and get your life back in order, whether it's stress from work or stress from your personal life.
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CBD gummies and giving up cigarettes
Some people have looked into using Apollo CBD Gummies to help them stop smoking. CBD might be able to help with this, but it's important to go into it with realistic goals. Apollo CBD Gummies may help people stop smoking by easing withdrawal symptoms and lowering stress, but they are not a surefire way to stop smoking for good.
People who want to stop smoking need to deal with the reasons why they smoke, and professional help or therapy may be more effective. Also, choosing Apollo CBD Gummies instead of psychoactive substances that may have made someone start smoking could be a good step toward a healthy lifestyle.
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How long can CBD gummies stay on the shelf?
CBD sweets have a limited shelf life and will eventually go bad, just like any other food. It is very important to check the expiration date on the package and use the medicine before the date written on the package. Keeping track of the labels and how the treats are stored will help you avoid wasting valuable CBD and get the most out of these tasty treats.
CBD gummies can help with long-term pain.
CBD pills might help people who have pain that lasts a long time. By easing the nerves and making the body less sensitive to pain, these gummies can be used as a natural alternative to other ways of treating pain. CBD pills may also help ease the side effects of chronic pain or painful medical treatments, making them a more all-around way to deal with pain.
Apollo CBD Gummies are a gentle and non-addictive way to deal with pain that could be helpful for people recovering from medical treatments.
===>> Visit The Official Site To Get Your Order Now <<===
CBD Gummies and Getting Better Sleep
Sleep problems can have a big effect on your daily life and general health. Apollo CBD Gummies can help improve the quality of your sleep and make it easier to fall asleep. If you eat Apollo CBD Gummies about 30 minutes before bed, they can help calm your feelings and quiet your mind, so you can sleep more peacefully and without interruptions.
Together, the calming effect of CBD and the fun of eating these tasty gummies can help you have a better, more relaxed night's sleep. CBD pills could be helpful for people who have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.
How much do Apollo CBD gummies cost, and where can you buy them?
How does one choose when there are so many THC-Apollo CBD Gummies and THC-free Apollo CBD Gummies at a neighborhood CBD store or dispensary? There are many great brands out there, and each bottle costs between $40 and $60. If you want to find a spot near you or find out how much it costs, click the button below and see what you can do.
===>> Visit The Official Site To Get Your Order Now <<===
The End of the Review
CBD candies like Apollo are a tasty and effective way to get the benefits of CBD into your daily life. CBD can help people deal with stress and worry, relieve pain, and sleep better. These tasty treats are a discreet and socially acceptable way to take CBD.
Apollo CBD Gummies can help people quit smoking and deal with a variety of health problems, but it's important to have realistic goals when using them and to mix them with other strategies when necessary. Also, users will get the most out of these helpful supplements if they pay attention to when they expire and how they should be stored.
CBD is becoming more and more popular, and Apollo CBD Gummies stand out as a versatile and fun choice for people who want to improve their overall health and live a healthier life. Whether you are new to CBD or have been using it for a long time, these tasty and helpful treats could become your new favorite way to stay healthy.
Official Website : https://apollocbdgummies.com
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thepremiumcbdstore · 1 year
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Delicious and Convenient: Buy CBD Gummies Online
Are you looking for Buy CBD gummies online at the lowest prices? So stop searching because we have you covered! In recent years, CBD gummies have skyrocketed in popularity due to its many health advantages and mouthwatering flavor. These small snacks can work wonders whether you're trying to unwind after a long day or relieve some pain. But how can you choose the best possibilities when there are so many on the internet? We'll walk you through every step of the online CBD gummies purchasing process in this blog post. We can answer all of your queries, from comprehending how they operate to determining the ideal serving size and selecting high-quality products. So let's get started and learn how to get fantastic discounts on premium CBD edibles!
Gains from CBD Gummies
The numerous advantages that CBD gummies provide make them a desirable option for anyone looking for natural treatment. These delicious sweets offer all the benefits of CBD without the need for vaping or having to put up with oil's unpleasant flavor. You may effortlessly include them into your regular routine due to their discretion and convenience.
Gummies with CBD are well known for their relaxing effects on the body as well as the mind. Many people use CBD to reduce their tension and anxiety and to aid with relaxation. You can find respite from tension or help yourself wind down after a long day thanks to CBD's calming effects.
Users have commended these delicious sweets for their conceivable pain-relieving abilities. Many people discover that CBD helps ease their physical maladies, whether it is chronic suffering or brief ache from exercise. Additionally, it's simple to regulate how much CBD you're taking because gummies are sold in pre-dosed portions.
There is no better way to enjoy the fun and tasty effects of CBD than by getting yourself a pack of premium CBD gummies!
How Do CBD Gummy Bears Function?
A easy and tasty method to enjoy the potential advantages of CBD is through gummies. But how precisely do these delectable delicacies function? Let's look more closely.
It's crucial to first realize that CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is just one of the many substances that the cannabis plant contains. CBD doesn't provide a "high" like its cousin THC, which is well-known for its psychoactive effects. Instead, it engages with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is involved in controlling a number of biological processes.
CBD enters our digestive tract and is absorbed into the bloodstream when we eat CBD candies. As soon as it enters the bloodstream, it interacts with receptors in the ECS to support balance and general wellness. Numerous potential advantages of this interaction include lowering anxiety and stress levels and reducing discomfort.
Depending on factors including dosage and unique body chemistry, the effects of CBD gummies can differ from person to person. Always start with a small serving size and increase progressively as necessary until you find the dosage that works best for you.
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How to Choose the Proper Serving Size
To ensure you are receiving the best advantages from Buy CBD gummies, it is essential to choose the appropriate serving size. However, there are so many things to think about that it can initially seem daunting. Here are some pointers to assist you in completing this process.
Get off to a slow start. It is advised to start with a small serving size and raise it gradually until you discover your ideal level. You may assess the effects of CBD on your own terms by taking it slowly because each person's body responds to it differently.
Think on your metabolism and body weight. As a general rule of thumb, bigger people could need a higher dose than those who weigh less. A quicker metabolism may also necessitate more frequent dosage intervals.
Pay note to how much CBD is included in each gummy. Some companies sell gummies with strengths ranging from 5 mg to 25 mg or more. When choosing the best concentration for you, keep in mind aspects like desired results and personal tolerance.
Keep in mind that determining the ideal serving size is a matter of trial and error rather than an exact science. You'll be well on your way to figuring out what works best for you by starting low, taking into account your physical attributes, and understanding product concentrations!
The Best Way to Choose CBD Gummies
There are a few things you should think about while choosing the best CBD gummies. First and foremost, make sure the gummies are produced with premium CBD extract. Choose companies who use third-party testing to confirm the efficacy and purity of their products and use organic hemp in their manufacturing.
Next, examine the list of ingredients. Choose gummies with natural flavors and sweeteners instead of those with artificial additives or a lot of sugar. This will improve your entire experience while also offering a healthier option.
Be mindful of the dosage. Choose a brand that corresponds with the serving size you want because different brands may offer different strengths per gummy. Finding the proper serving size is essential for receiving the desired outcomes, regardless of whether you're searching for a low-dose alternative or something more effective.
You may choose a high-quality product that suits your needs and tastes by taking into account these elements when picking your CBD gummies!
How to Buy CBD Gummies: What to Look for
There are a few important considerations to bear in mind when looking for the greatest offers on CBD gummies. You'll be prepared to make an informed choice when buying CBD candies online if you use these pointers and tactics.
Take the product's quality into account. Choose reliable companies that use organic hemp and third-party testing to guarantee potency and purity. You'll feel more at ease knowing that you're obtaining a high-quality product as a result.
Next, consider how much CBD is there in each gummy. The amount of CBD in various products can vary, so it's crucial to pick one that corresponds to the serving quantity you want to take. If you're new to CBD, start with a lesser dose and gradually increase as needed.
The materials utilized to make the gummies are another thing to take into account. Choose natural-based products over ones that contain artificial additives or a lot of sugar. Reading customer reviews can give you information on the flavor and texture of various brands.
Before making a purchase, compare pricing across several internet merchants. Although cost-effectiveness is crucial, quality must never be sacrificed in favor of a lower price. Be on the lookout for special offers or discounts from reliable vendors.
You can make sure you obtain a product that fulfills your needs and is worth your money when purchasing CBD gummies online by keeping these considerations in mind.
So go ahead and begin learning more about CBD gummies! They provide a handy method to include cannabidiol into your everyday routine with their mouthwatering flavors and potential health benefits. Just keep in mind to conduct comprehensive research, look over customer testimonials, compare costs on other websites, and, most importantly, to enjoy this sweet treat while taking advantage of its possible advantages.
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Everything You Need to Know About Edibles
Edibles is a catch-all term that covers basically any food or drink that is infused with THC and CBD. Cannabis Clones in Los Angeles Edibles come in many shapes and sizes as THC can be mixed into oils and butters and used to create all kinds of tasty treats.
Once, edibles were something of a side show, but since the more widespread legalization of cannabis, people have begun finding new and often delicious ways to prepare edibles and the usage of edibles is on the rise.
One thing to know about edibles is that they can be quite different from just smoking marijuana or using a vaporizer. While those effects can be felt really quickly, effects from an edible take longer to feel as your body has to digest and break it down before you can start to feel what it’s intended to make you feel. This also depends on the kind of edible you’re taking. A mint, for example, will hit you quicker as it’s absorbed in your mouth, but a brownie has to get all the way into your stomach before it can be processed. And do you have a fast or slow metabolism? A faster metabolism will help you feel effects faster, a slower one will be slower. How much other food you’ve eaten may also affect you.
Edibles also tend to last longer. Some people may still feel the edible over half a day later, and if you’re taking an edible that’s going to chill you out and make you sleepy, you could make a whole day fly by if you munch on one in the morning. Plan accordingly.
And speaking of planning accordingly, because of the potential that an edible may take a little while before the effects hit you, you’ve got to pace yourself. One mistake rookies make is eating an infused cookie or something like that, not feeling anything right away, and thinking they need to eat another and another. This is a quick way to end up in a situation where you’re over your head in an hour or two. The products, like those sold at Greenhouse Herbal Center, our dispensary on Hollywood Boulevard, are good products. If you eat one, you should trust in the process and expect that you’ll eventually feel the effects as intended.
One benefit of edibles is that they may be more accessible to customers that aren’t into smoking, or don’t want to deal with all of the paraphernalia needed to get a nice high. You can just pop one in and go on with your day.
With the more widespread legalization of weed, edibles are becoming a fascinating place for advancement in the field of getting high. Herb Dispensary in Los Angeles More and more clever people are finding new and tasty ways to incorporate cannabis into their products. These products are being sold in all kinds of weed store in Los Angeles, like Greenhouse Herbal Center. Come on by to check out our edible selection, or take a look at our menu on the website if you’re interested in testing out some of the cool edibles we’ve got in stock.
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potsmart · 1 year
CBD Capsules for a Great Night’s Sleep
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Getting a good night’s sleep is, like, super vital for your general health and well-being, bro. Sleep and water if you haven’t been paying attention to all the beauty tik tokers is the secret to beauty and longevity. We all know we should be getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night, but actually getting there is the hard part. For many who find sleep elusive, cannabis is a go to remedy for easy dreamless sleep, but others get a similar effect without the psychoactive effects as well. I’m referring to CBD. Here are a bunch of suggestions for CBD capsules before we get started with the rest of this article.
Melatonin plus CBD
CBD Gel Caps
The green, narrow-leafed plant that you may recognize has many different slang terms, but scientifically, it is called Cannabis sativa. The term “cannabis” is used to refer to any products derived from the plant. Cannabis plants are known to contain numerous chemical compounds, including a group known as “cannabinoids.” While there are over 100 cannabinoids present in the plant, researchers have focused on studying two that have the greatest effect on humans: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).
As most people know THC gets you high and CBD doesn’t, it is worth mentioning the benefits of CBD. Certainly there is more than sleep, but that’s the scope of what we’re chatting about here.
Research done by The National Center for Biotechnology Information has shown that oral doses of 300 mg of CBD can be taken safely on a daily basis for up to six months, and up to 1,500 mg daily was well-tolerated by participants in one scientific review. Another review confirmed that using 1,500 mg daily for four weeks showed no negative effects. Preliminary research has indicated that it can be helpful for a number of sleep disorders, including insomnia, REM sleep behaviour disorder, and excessive daytime sleepiness disorder. That’s to say, CBD may help improve sleep and reduce anxiety in patients.
This is likely because cannabidiol has a calming effect on the nervous system and can alter mood by affecting the serotonin system. Unlike THC, CBD does not induce a feeling of being “high” and even large doses of CBD do not produce THC-like effects. Additionally, studies have demonstrated that CBD can reduce the psychoactive effects of THC. Short-term use of CBD does not result in withdrawal for patients. It can be a good thing to keep around for those times when you get a little too edible high.
CBD medications and products are generally associated with mild negative effects. For instance, patients who use Epidiolex, a CBD-based drug that is FDA approved, may encounter digestive issues such as diarrhea. Drowsiness is also a common side effect of CBD intake, but that’s kind of the point right?
Insomnia however can be devastating to one’s ability to concentrate on their waking life. People who suffer from insomnia may feel anxious about not getting enough sleep due to their history of poor sleep, which can exacerbate their sleeplessness at night. It’s a feedback loop of unrest.
There is hope that CBD, which has been shown to be effective in treating anxiety, may also help alleviate the anxiety associated with insomnia. A new pilot study is currently underway to investigate the use of CBD and THC in individuals with physician-diagnosed insomnia. The study aims to provide more insight into the effects of CBD on insomnia and its potential benefits. A more personal, less scientific study (with a test group of one) has brought me to the realization that this is indeed true for me.
CBD has the potential to interact with other medications that a person is taking. One of the ways in which it can affect the body is by slowing down the liver’s ability to break down certain drugs. This can result in an increased concentration of these drugs in the body, which could lead to adverse effects.Furthermore, combining CBD with other herbs or supplements can cause excessive drowsiness, which can be dangerous in certain situations or great sleep in others.
That is to say, it is highly recommended that individuals consult with their doctor before using any CBD product with regularity at any serious dose. It is important to inform your doctor of any medications, herbs, or supplements you are currently taking, so that they can assess if CBD may cause any negative interactions. Your doctor will be able to advise you on whether or not CBD is a safe and viable option to help you achieve your health goals way better than some random on youtube or the internet.
In general CBD is among the most regularly used drugs in the world. For most of us the effect is rather benign, neighbouring. However, if sleep is your goal, boring is exactly perfect. Don’t forget to check the links above to CBD and have a great night’s sleep.
U.S. Food & Drug Administration. (2021, January 8). Better data for a better understanding of the use and safety profile of cannabidiol (CBD) products., Retrieved April 8, 2021, from https://www.fda.gov/news-events/fda-voices/better-data-better-understanding-use-and-safety-profile-cannabidiol-cbd-products
By Rico Suave, for Potsmart
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Let's Keto Gummies Australia: (Warning! Stunning 2022 Reviews) To Know Scam Before Buying?
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Why Should You Go For Let’s KETO Gummies?
Let's Keto Gummies Australia is a completely unique combination that can help you lose weight. These drugs can help you lose weight and enhance your health. Every day, you can feel the outcomes of ketosis. The fats-burning method will make you experience extra lively and energized at some stage in the day.
Gummies are mild on the stomach and can reduce starvation evidently. You may not need to overeat or a whole lot of junk meals. This product encourages weight reduction and healthy ingesting habits. You can now get rid of the heaviness that has built up in your hips, thighs, and lower back. The excellent weight loss gummies do not require any exercise. Apple cider vinegar is a beautiful mixture that offers a notable gain to customers. It boosts immunity and suppresses appetite, ensuing in clean weight reduction.
This product is likewise wonderful for weight loss. You will observe a rapid reduction in fats and an growth in electricity. Apple Cider Vinegar keto Gummies can help slash cravings and deal with present health conditions.
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How to apply Let's Keto Gummies Australia?
Many human beings round the arena love the Let's Keto Gummies Australia. If taken according to the commands, it could offer sizable fitness benefits. High-pleasant components offer the satisfactory results and not using a unfavorable outcomes.
Gummies paintings miraculously to save you any health issues due to extra weight advantage. Two gummies will assist you achieve your favored form. These gummies should be fed on earlier than you begin your food plan. A low-carb diet that consists of sufficient water may be beneficial in fats loss.
These gummies may be added for your body often, in conjunction with a few bodily physical activities to help you achieve the fine body. The procedure can be slowed down if you pass a day. This can lead to decreased interest and a shorter time for the consequences.
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Let's Keto Gummies Australia Scam Or Legit?
Lets KETO gummies elements were scientifically demonstrated with severa scientific trials. It is, therefore, one hundred% legitimate and now not a fraud.
Gummies Australia regarding its safety and effectiveness?
Science has confirmed the effectiveness of these keto pills. Because of the unique mixture of additives, you can gain the best effects. Because it consists of handiest 100% herbal components, the product is safe. The keto supplement can be used with none concerns about safety or efficacy.
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Conclusion The human frame constantly seems for enhancements on the way to dramatically adjust its health. The modifications enhance the framing and enhance the general story's narrative arc. These CBD Gummies provide CBD and different bodily blessings. They may be seared with chocolate without compromising flavor. This thing gives many blessings for the user, so there may be no cause to doubt yourself. It is likewise beneficial. It is up to the man or woman to determine if this development meets their wishes.
Let's Keto Gummies Australia are made with all-natural THC-loose hemp extract. There are no accidental side outcomes. You can use them optimistically, thoroughly, successfully, and for lots functions. One extract claims that Keto can help with tension and other fitness issues. These Keto gummies can speedy and successfully heal your body. Cannabidiol (Keto ), an extract of cannabis, has been shown in studies to speed up healing and decrease pressure tiers.
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kailin-luo · 2 years
Does Marijuana Make You Stupid?
The use of cannabis has been a controversy in the United States for decades. In the past, it was illegal to use cannabis in any form. But now, many states have legalized marijuana for recreational and medicinal purposes. Individuals have different beliefs about the effects of cannabis on people. People who use marijuana say that it helps them relax and reduces anxiety. On the other hand, other individuals against the product believe that marijuana use can lead to mental and physical health problems, including addiction. But nevertheless, most of these beliefs are just people’s perceptions from their own observations or experience. So how does it actually work in our brain? And most importantly, does it make us stupid? If you want a quick answer: Yes, it does. And it might be even worse than just making people stupid.
The Way Cannabis Works in Our Brain
Before I get into the “boring” science, which I try to make as interesting as I can, I want you to know that the human body has a natural system to cause the same “happy” effect as marijuana, which is the neurotransmitter that our brain produces to create a sense of reward -- dopamine. A lot of people know dopamine is the “happy chemical”, but how does it actually work in our body? And how is it related to cannabis?
Cannabinoids are compounds found in the cannabis plant. Two of these, tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, and Cannabidiol or CBD, are psychoactive components of cannabis, meaning they alter the way the nervous system functions. THC is responsible for the “high” feeling that people get and CBD works in a different way. Endocannabinoids, meaning the cannabinoids produced naturally within the body, are responsible to regulate mood, stress, and memory. The two major endocannabinoid molecules are anandamide(AEA) and 2-Arachidonoylglycerol(2-AG). When endocannabinoid molecules bind to the cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2), it causes the release of dopamine. When THC is consumed, it acts similar, although above-normal, to AEA, which binds to CB1 and therefore releases dopamine. This is what leads to the sensation of euphoria. 
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Figure 1  The effect of marijuana on the human brain(NIDA, 2019)
As a part of the mesolimbic pathway, which is also called the reward pathway, dopamine plays a significant role in reward, motivation, cognition, and aversion. Dopamine is produced and activated in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), and then is sent to different parts of the brain, including the amygdala, which deals with emotions; and the hippocampus, which is responsible for the formation of memories. It is also sent to the nucleus accumbens, which controls the body’s motor functions, and the prefrontal cortex, which helps focus, attention, and planning. CB1 receptors are also found in the basal ganglia and cerebellum, regions of the brain that are involved in controlling movements, so it can slow you down, and affect activity level and motor control. 
What happens after dopamine?
Wow, that’s why weed makes us happy! It’s dopamine! So it’s okay to consume weed right? Yes, it can make us happy. But the problem is, what would happen to our body if we constantly use cannabis to activate our reward system? There are three things going to happen: First, heavy and frequent use of cannabis can change our nervous system. When someone uses cannabis products frequently, the body and brain will reduce their own production of endocannabinoids, which means that after heavy and frequent use of cannabis, we can’t feel as happy without it. Sounds familiar right? Yes, this is how emotional addiction starts. Second, the elevation and dopamine firing that comes with heavy cannabis use would increase the risk of psychosis, which includes delusion, hallucinations, and loss of touch with reality. The constant stimulation in the brain such as the amygdala, hippocampus, nucleus accumbens, and pre-frontal cortex will cause long-term problems such as being very slow, can’t remember anything, can’t focus, brain fog, and most importantly, can’t think as fast as one could in the past. The THC in cannabis impacts the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain that controls memory. Cannabis use can lead to short-term and long-term memory loss, increase forgetting, and reduce recall. It also makes it difficult for people to remember new information and to learn new things (Castle et al., 2011). With its impact on the prefrontal cortex, cannabis can cause a decrease in the ability to focus and pay attention. Cannabis users are more likely to experience symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) than non-users. This is caused by the THC in cannabis, which has been shown to reduce cognitive performance on tasks that require sustained attention. Some studies have also found that cannabis use can lead to irreversible cognitive impairment and a higher risk of developing schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders (Castle et al., 2011). 
Third, when the reward system increases dopamine, it also decreases 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), a.k.a serotonin. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that makes us feel content and peaceful. Serotonin plays a key role in such body functions as mood, sleep, digestion, nausea, wound healing, bone health, blood clotting, and sexual desire. A lot of anti-depressants are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs), which increase the extracellular level of serotonin by limiting its reabsorption (reuptake) into the presynaptic cell. When the serotonin level is low, a person could experience the symptoms of depression, such as feeling meaningless, lack of energy, loss of appetite or excessive eating, and sleep problems. This is why long-term use of cannabis can actually increase the risk of depression and anxiety.
After heavy and frequent consumption of cannabis for, say, about a couple of months, one can actually experience addiction symptoms just as other addictive drugs, such as tolerance and withdrawal symptoms. Tolerance means that when you get used to a drug, you need more of it to achieve the same effect. Biologically, when your brain is constantly over-stimulated with dopamine, your brain will try to balance it out by shutting down some of the neurotransmitter receptors on the postsynaptic neurons.
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In this case, in order to get to the same level of high, you need to increase the dosage over time, which is in the case where you have steady access to drugs. On the other hand, when you are going through a period of not having the drug, say you want to quit, or just simply don’t have access to it, you may experience withdrawal symptoms, such as feeling very depressed, extremely anxious, and/or sweating. Remember that now your body is accustomed to this very high level of dopamine, and maybe it’s not producing on its own, but relying on the drug. Once you start relying on cannabis for dopamine, common things like chocolates and hugs won’t make you quite as happy as weed does. Once you have built up the tolerance, you might need the drug not for euphoria but just for feeling normal again. A lot of people first started smoking only socially or occasionally, but slowly they've built up the tolerance without themselves even realizing it, which eventually developed into an addiction.
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Yes, cannabis can cause addiction, especially emotional addiction in which you feel like you need it to feel happy/high. Long-term and heavy usage of cannabis will impair other parts of the brain and alter the chemistry in the brain that affects attention, memory, and decision-making. The good news is, the body can regulate itself back to the normal level after stopping using it. But there is still some irreparable damage to the brain that is still waiting to be explored in the neuroscience field. So, be careful about using cannabis. And if you already find out you are in trouble and want to get out, please seek help. There are a lot of treatments available from medication to cognitive behavioral therapy. There are also a lot of things we can do to get dopamine and serotonin, for example, getting a hug, giving a compliment, getting exercise, and bathing in the sun. Eventually, we need to build a support system and a lifestyle that provides dopamine and serotonin in a natural and healthy way. In the end, I wish we can all have happiness and satiation without any substance.
Audio-Visual (23min)
Here is a video interviewing two cannabis users regarding the topic and their change of POV towards using recreational marijuana after the discussion: https://youtu.be/JFW4Cd0bTlI
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erikaqueenpauline · 2 years
I'm starting this post for like the third time hoping dumb ass Tumblr doesn't say 'oops something went wrong' and delete everything I wrote. continuing on about dextromethorphan, I have to tell you about the 4th plateau. 4th plateau dxm tripping (for most people anything north of 1000mg would be edging into this territory) is some serious shit not to be toyed around with or attempted on a whim. I have had some mystical, spiritual nirvana like experiences in the 4th plateau and on the other hand I've accidentally gotten trapped there and experienced hellish terrifying madness. I have ended up in jail cells and psych wards fucking with the 4th plateau, this is not something to be taken lightly. you experience total annihilation of all familiar constructs and tethers you're just adrift in the white blank abyss outside everything you can't tell what's real you don't know if you're on drugs or if things have always been this way and always will be forever ... like I said it can be terrifying or super sublime, it will make you reconsider every preconceived notions and belief you had, seeing everything from an emotionless objective outside viewpoint. proceed with caution lil dextronaut, tread carefully 4th plateau can be belief-shattering, life altering. you can also recall repressed memories in 4th plateau (maybe even 3rd) which can be really traumatic and huge. I definitely have experience with that phenomenon.
other dxm wisdom I bestow onto you 😁... lots of people like "triple C's" or coricidin cough and cold - I don't fuck with that shit cuz the chlorpheniramine weirds up the high too much... idk how to explain it but throw in that (also psychoactive) extra ingredient and it's a whole different ballgame. you get real fucked up but it's not for me any more. that being said, I ALWAYS take diphenhydramine (benadryl) with my dex, anywhere between 4 and 10 25mg pills depending on how fucked up I'm trying to get. dph is also an SSRI and an anticholinergic deliriant hallucinogen, frankly it's straight up dangerous, much more so than dxm. causes heart rhythm problems and convulsions and shit if you take too much - it enhances the dxm high to me, gives it a little more euphoria and body high and edging into visual hallucinations (esp higher amounts) but it also makes me fucking RETARDED in a way dxm alone does not, like seriously slow and simple in the head like counting things is hard lol ... so not something you want to do when you need to be functional, only good for being extremely fucked up listening to music and watching visualizers. 😄 also causes shaky hands, dry mouth, poor motor skills you walk like your drunk all teeter tottery and shit. so if you're gonna try adding in dph just know a little goes a long ways and your kinda playing with a live cobra that can turn on you. IMPORTANT: THE TRIP LOG. something I started doing long ago and follow religiously is I keep a designated little notebook where everytime I take a dose of dxm or dph (I include all psychoactive substances) I write down exactly how much I took and at what time. this is very helpful for when you're like "hmm I don't feel that high, I'm gonna take some more" if you look at the trip log and see it's only been 45mins since you took a dose of dxm you know to wait another 15mins or so for that to kick in before you go taking more shit, you feel me. it helps to know dxm hydrobromide takes about an hour to kick in, Mucinex about an hour and a half and delsym about two to two and a half hours. diphenhydramine takes about 45 minutes. you should generally always do these drugs on an empty stomach, food slows down the absorption and you won't get as high and it'll take longer. so if you know you're gonna trip don't eat anything heavy beforehand. and if you were wondering yes just swallow the syrup or pills, dxm and dph cannot be injected snorted or smoked. use caution when mixing dxm and THC you will get WAY more fucked up than either substance alone. alcohol and dxm is a good way to end up puking esp if you tend to have a weak stomach, products with guaifinesin extra prone to make you nauseated and or puke.
causes heart rate to be very elevated like 140 just sitting there not doing anything. if you have a weak heart don't use. for some reason extended use causes (at least for me) super low blood glucose levels, just found this out recently - to combat this drink regular (sugary) soda. dxm abuse can very often cause urinary retention! (doubly so if mixing in dph) - I cannot tell you how many times I've gone to ER in severe discomfort with liters of piss in my bladder completely unable to urinate, get bladder scanned and then catheter in the urethra, I have done this so many times it's not even fucking funny. over the years have learned some ways to cope with that (limiting fluid intake before and during trip, moderating dosage, tricks to coax the urine out of me) but seriously this can be unpleasant if you drink too much liquids and are on a high dose of dxm.
chronic extended abuse like I do causes other problems like digestive tract issues, short term memory loss (amnesia like a motherfucker), falling out and having convulsions and splitting your fucking face open, all sorts of fun adventures like that. so yeah dxm can be a powerful tool to recall repressed memories, cope with trauma, shake off outmoded beliefs, etc but not when you do it every fucking day all day, then you're just a fucking vegetable doing nothing and going nowhere. I'm trying to get clean off this shit and get back to recording my music. aight that's all for now got shit to do - Erika aka Queen Pauline
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