#the way i can't and i won't be normal about my tastes
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kibu-me · 4 months ago
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yet again in rarepair hell ✌️
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witherby · 17 days ago
Wait I kinda wanna see mousy’s blow up 🤭
You can absolutely see the blow up 😏
The Littlest Wayne: Boiling Point
The post that inspired this response is Here!
Masterlist is Here!
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You can't remember what started the argument. An errant comment, some joke in poor taste, an accusatory question — it could have been anything. All you know is that you said something you felt was important, Damian ignored it, Tim dismissed it, and Dick acted like you hadn't said it to begin with, and now you're livid and don't want to finish your dinner.
"May I be excused," you say to Alfred, already pushing your chair back from the table before he can respond. Your grandfather gives you a concerned look, but nods.
"Shall I bring something up to you later, young master?" He asks. You don't know if you'll have any appetite by then, but you agree anyway to spare his feelings.
"Where are you going?" Bruce asks, frowning as you stand to leave. "I haven't seen you in a week, honey. Even if you're not hungry, can you sit a while?"
"Whose fault is that," you snap. The room gets real quiet after that, a mixture of surprise and incredulity painting your father's face.
"Excuse me?"
"I'm not making you go anywhere, dad," you scowl, "if you missed me then you'd find the time to see me."
"Hold on. I don't think that's very fair," Hal speaks up, reaching for your hand. You pull it away from him. "Mouse —"
"It's fine," you say, "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of one. I'm well aware. It's fine. We'll spend time together some other day. Go stop a robbery or rescue some damsels or something."
"What's with the 'tude, Flitty?" Dick pipes up, standing to block the door. "Pump the brakes for a sec. Talk to us."
"Talk to you? What, so when you inevitably forget this conversation happened you can pretend we never had it to begin with?" You sneer at your brother, looking him up and down. "No thanks. I'm not interested in being gaslit today."
"Gaslit?" Dick balks, looking like you struck him. "I've never —"
"Let them go, Dick," Tim says, twirling a bite of pasta around his fork. "It's just hormones. They'll go back to normal by tomorrow."
"Oh, of course it's just hormones," you scoff, whirling around to point a finger at Tim. "If it's got a logical explanation it's not worth dwelling on. Isn't that right? I can't be upset because I'm just going through puberty! There's no way it's acceptable for me to be upset over anything! My feelings don't matter, so they should be swept under the rug, just like your parents did to you!"
Tim drops his fork in surprise. A bit of pasta sauce hits Damian's check, and he grabs his napkin with an irritated grumble.
"This is such nonsense," the boy mutters.
"Everything that doesn't interest you personally is nonsense," you hiss at your youngest brother. "God forbid someone try to share their love for a hobby that's outside of what you find enjoyable. If the Blood Son doesn't give it his seal of approval, it's not worth the effort! Honestly, I should feel grateful you've blessed us with your presence at all! Surely your inferior siblings are barely worth your invaluable time!"
Your heart's racing. All the little, irritating things about your family that's been piling up inside you are spilling out. Your anger turns the internal hurt into external jabs and low blows, the darkest part of you wanting them to feel just a fraction of your pain at how flippantly they treat you sometimes.
"Sorry, did that upset you, Dami? Aww, it's okay! Like Tim says, it's just an emotional response brought on by some underlying factor! It won't last so it's not worth devoting your time to! And if you're like Dicky, you can just wave it away and say it never happened, no matter what you show him to prove it did! Maybe if you hadn't had the time to make it to dinner and spent weeks or months rushing off to do something more important at the start, you wouldn't have to sit through this conversation at all! Hope that helps!"
A hand comes down on your shoulder, silencing your rant. You whip around to find Jason staring down at you with a heartbroken frown. He looks so genuinely upset that any remaining anger dissipates immediately.
"Mousey," he whispers, "stop. Take a breath."
He looks so blurry. You blink a couple times and realize your panting and crying. No one will look you directly in the eyes except for Alfred, who's visibly tired. There's pity in his eyes.
It stings. God. Everything stings. Your face flushes with color as you realize what you've said and done. You want the earth to open up and swallow you.
It doesn't have to be the earth.
Before anyone can protest, your shadow wraps around your ankles and drags you down, then dissipates.
"Mouse, don't —" Jason kneels on the floor, just a hair too slow. "Fuck."
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wonderhomeland · 23 days ago
Part 2 of alpha!simon
He won't come near you.
The first time you actually feel him, There was a great distance between you. Not knowing how he looks like, you just guess from his scent. Even from this far, you could tell he is always the tallest in the room, not exactly hiding, but trying to not be obvious.
Just... Standing there. Observing you intensly. He's trying his best to get your attention and You could tast the mood change in the air when you finally give up and stare at him over your sholder.
God... He's so scary...
After that, he strat showing up more, follows you with a safe distans, like a ghost. never comes to you, say hi, get to know you.
Is he trying to make you uncomfortable?
Is this his way to get rid of you?
His scent is all over your room. It doesn't go off. Its been two weeks already.
There is a feeling, tells you that he comes back every night and resumption his scent.
Cus you saw him, standing and staring at your door like damn dog.
You know he's not doing it just to keep every alpha and omega and beta, every one away. They're afraid of him. All of them. You know that bc when you were introducing yourself, you saw how strangely they acted after hearing his name.
They don't dare cross the line.
They won't touch what's Simon Riley's.
Nobody does.
After that, you realized that his doing this for you. It was a message. Let you know who you belong to.
He didn't touch anything Just marked the confines of your room. At least, you hope. the only place that smelled like him was around your door.
That strong smell that makes you press your thighs together every time.
You never wanted to do this, it feels like you were selling yourself -technically, you were- but the amout of money that have been offered... no one could refuse.
You thought, amoung all of options you had, you chose the most normal one. Other fils were full of photo's, cocky notes about temselves, along with their Lifetime achievements and position.
He was the only one without anything unnecessary. Not even a picture. Only his name.
It was stupid to chose him. Not knowing anyting about him, till he stick his teet in the flesh of you sking, marking you as his, and then, you can strat to know who you're stuck with for the rest of your life.
But you thought about it for days, in that time he was the best option. when the other omegas find out who you're going for , they try dissuade you. Save you.
Telling you that his file has been here for years. Cus no one want's the Beast.
you thought that he's just ... not good-looking or he doesnt have a good personality, maybe a good knot.
When you think about it now, even without anything, his file sound chaotic.
Untamed. Crazy.
When you came to base to meet your soon-to-be-alpha, they give you...odd looks. Like you were a lamb leading into the wolf's mouth. But now you get it.
After the unsuccssesful chasing. You expect them to send you back.
Maybe someone else. There are planty alphas out there for you.
But no, they just smile. A sweet one. Not mad.
Make yourself usefull. You know how things go around here, right?
I'm here for that alpha not to clean the storage room...
You never say that tho.
Organizing the files wasn't hard, you were used to putting everything in its place.
"All done, and as you said I brought you all the documents related to the soldiers' leave in the last two years"
"Hmm, better than i expected , you know how to keep things clean right? All in place. Not shocking you're the one he wants ."
"Sorry, captain, i don't underestand what are you talking about"
"Oh no, you know what i'm talking about. I must be concerned about your survival skills if you didn't notice your little shadow. You feel him right? Never seen him so excited, nor so distracted, leting his pheromones spread so much for an omega."
Omega, he puts it like it's an insult.
"Sir, it's not my fult that he can't cntrol his pheromones. Actually, I don't appreciate the fact that he's spreading his scent everywhere near me, especially after he ignored the courting and left me alone!"
"You know, Been years trying to find him a good mate, he is good soldier, know how to keep things clean. Like you"
amused by you reaction, He continued.
"But he is also a man, not a good one, even don't know how te be a good alpha. Hell he's a shitty one for leaving such lovey thing like you alone, but he doesn't answer any questions about his omega, No one even dares to ask questions about his omega. Every time we try to set him up with some one, he just wrinkled his nose. Telling me he is bothered by their scent. But i know he need one help him to heal his soul and i know by time he will be a great alpha for her"
He looks at you like you're the one who can help him. Ignoring your confused face, he walked past you and headed down the hallway.
"He likes you, give him a chance"
Just after he turn to the corner, you saw him. Closer than ever, standing right there, staring at your soul for a moment, and then he start following his captain.
Good lord...
English is not my first language so forgive me for any mistake! Tnx for reading till end!-☆
He is just a man who need someone to embrace him. :(
Taglist> @immapeppers 💖
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ssentimentals · 7 months ago
seventeen members as love tropes: choi hansol
forced proximity
'coincidence? baby, they don't exist'
'so, what's your name?'
you blink, turning around to face the guy with who you got stuck in the elevator. he is now comfortably sitting on the floor with his knees tucked closer to his chest, leaning on the wall. the look on his face has zero traces of nerves or anxiety, he's opening bag of chips with a small smile on his face, looking at you like what is happening right now is absolutely normal. is this how an average day goes for him?
'you think this button is broken?' you ask instead, turning back. you push at 'call' button again but no sound comes out. 'we can't actually be stuck here with no connection to the outside world, right?'
'it happens quite often.' my god, so you were right, this is an average day for him. 'but no, this button works, we just need to wait a little. maybe these guys are out somewhere.'
'out where?' you ask, turning back to him. smell of chips starts filling up the cabin and you try to concentrate on it instead of thinking about being stuck here forever. 'should i just keep on pressing that button?'
your voice gets caught in your throat because the guy looks at you with... you don't know what. his gaze is piercing and it's like he's looking right at you, within you, in your soul. it's unsettling, especially when it comes from someone that handsome. in all three months since you moved into this apartment complex, you only met several families and few kids here and there, but never this guy. your brain unnecessarily reminds you that right now you're standing in front of a really handsome guy in old washed out t-shirt and pj pants, while he's at least dressed in jeans and sweatshirt.
'i'm hansol,' he says suddenly, breaking your thinking spiral. 'your neighbor from the forth floor.' he then pats a space next to him: 'come sit? i think it's more comfortable than standing.' you open your mouth to argue when he adds: 'i'll be the one pressing that button, no worries. just come sit down, yeah? you can meditate that way better, no?'
your nose scrunches in confusion. 'meditate?'
it's time for hansol to look sheepish. 'isn't this what people do when they start panicking? i mean- i am not implying that you are panicking right now, but you look pretty worried and i thought- shit, you are not panicking, right? there really is no need to, i promise we will be out of here in no time. i thought if you can sit and mediate then you can-' he shuts up, noticing his rambling and how your eyes grow only bigger with each word he says. after a second of hesitation, he stands up, grabs his chips and comes over to you, shoving them in your direction. 'here. chips.'
there are a lot of things that you can say or do, but your mind chooses to grab offered snack and silently move to where he was sitting. hansol seems to approve, as he smiles a little and leans with his back on the opposite wall so he can still look at you, while insistently pressing the 'call' button. 'so.'
'yes?' you raise your head, slowly munching on the chip. it's salty taste helps you stay here in the moment instead of disappearing in the anxiety.
'i feel like it's my fate, you know? to get stuck in the elevators. like god is trying to tell me something through it, you know? like i don't get stuck just because, i get stuck for something. and then i think-'
it takes you five seconds to realize that hansol is doing this on purpose. he is distracting you so you won't panick and this gesture is incredibly sweet for a random stranger. you're not sure how much time passes, because hansol's storytelling is fascinating (and a bit weird, but in a more 'not ordinary' way than bad). you don't notice how your spine is not rigid anymore, but hansol does. he notices how you slowly relax, hold his gaze more and eat chips more actively. he notices how corners of your eyes crinkle when you smile and how cute you look with confusion written all over your face. in truth, he has no idea what he is even saying, but he can't stop, can't let you remember even for a second that this stupid elevator is not working. his thumb is numb from how strongly he pushes on that 'call' button but he ignores it in favor of staring in your eyes, catching every emotion that sparkles in them. you are cute and you don't even realize it and that makes you even cuter.
'hello? is someone there?' when static voice cuts through, both of you jump a little. 'apologies for this horrible inconvinience, elevator will start working in few minutes. are you alright?'
hansol takes a look at your surprised face and half-finished bag of chips. 'yeah, we are all good.'
pang of regret slashes through him when you hastily stand up and cheer, when cabin finally starts descending. shit, he didn't even manage to learn your name! when elevator door opens, hansol reaches out for your hand and is pleasantly surprised when you take it with a smile, rushing out with the cutest little 'whoop!' he saw in his life.
'i think you are right,' you suddenly speak, making him look up. 'what you said about you getting stuck in the elevators meaning something? i think you're meant to help people like me.'
i think i was meant to meet you, he wants to say but doesn't. instead what comes out of his mouth is: 'you owe me.' at your confused expression, he points at his snack. 'chips.'
'oh. oh!' you exclaim, getting flustered. 'of course, i will-'
'-and your name.' he adds, making you freeze. he watches understanding dawn on you and smiles. 'and your favorite drink. so i would know what to buy for you.'
it's bold. not exactly his style, but his head-to-mouth filter is not working anymore. for a second he thinks he overdid it, but then you blush (so prettily), then smile (so, so prettily) and he knows he didn't mess up. when you step closer and introduce yourself, hansol knows he not only didn't mess up, but also won something out of this whole situation. (and he doesn't know it yet, but this big win? it's your heart. it really is).
a/n: guilty for having this trope as my most favorite one!! and who is better than hansol to write this for, am i right? - nini
my other works are here
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mmmilkweed · 19 days ago
Shadownilla Hcs with sex pest Pure Vanilla pleaaaasse? 👀👀
what a beautiful ask to asnwer when i'm half a bottle deep in a fresh ice cold jagermaister. I am about to be so disgusting that when i sober up, i'll probably have to delete this Op... the flood gates you opened. Where does one even start? how do i format this? I guess i'll just write whatever. man this will be so ooc but HE'S FOR MEEEE i make content for meeeee, i wish i could do more of content like this but i just know people will tear me apart for mischaracterizing him
my sweet sweet pure vanilla... The most virtuous cookie in all of crispia.. being the biggest pervert too. But by Christ does he mask it well. Like when Smilk first emerges from the tree and he's already like ''woah alright that's offputting... i need him'' I just knoww he gropes Smilk whenever possible. At first it was gentle touches, like putting his hand gingerly on his shoulder, or on the back of his neck. But then his hands started traveling and instead they'd sneak around the small of his back, his hips, his nape. When Close and alone, even when Smilk is trying to torment him, they'd find their way to the innards of his thighs or down his chest. How even if he's pushed away he'd always go right back at it bc he doeeesnntt care he just wants to feel. weirdo. freak. have you heard of personal space ? I imagine he was awful as a teen. ngl. but. i just know he stole WL underwear. freak of a freak. he grew out of this when he realized he could just have sex like a normal person - and yk what?? it works. He's attractive. He knows. uses it to his advantage He makes the first moves on Smilk, like before when he kept touching him. He tries to be gentle and slow, he really does, but he can't fight his nature. His first kiss with Smilk was just that - first the gentle, tender kiss - the bare minimum of checking the waters before he dives in to push Smilk somewhere he can't escape and making out with him. How one of his hands keeps holding Smilk in place while the other explores. How SM hasn't been kissed in eons and is completely breathless and wiggling about and still he wants PV to keep going and PV, of course, does? How their first kiss immediately fell apart to sex, and how its weird and teethy and painful and neither of them can get enough of each other. And it keeps going. Smilks already had enough - his libido is pretty standard, if not a little below average, and he's already overstimulated as is bc. again. no one but him has touched him like this in eons*. But the was PV doesn't careee he doesn't give a single gaf. The way he keeps goinngggg. i mean, he finally has him?? you think this won't last all night? He's fucking Smilk like he's trying to make him pregnant. cuz. yk. he is. At some point lube isn't even necessary. ahem.. coughs. Smilk tries to leave in the morning, only to be pulled back in bed for another round. sweet sweet morning sex cant go without it babaey
past that benchmark.. sigh. Smilk can't even torment him normally. Showing PV a puppet show of all his friends crumbling? womp womp who gives a gaf PV's trying to get a taste. Threatening his souljam? been there, done that, how about a kiss instead (its never just a kiss)? it's probably SM getting harassed at this pointtt. the nasty sex these two have...shakes my drink... pv would probably go at it anywhere tbf. literally anywhere... in public, semi-public...between council meetings...sigh i cant keep talking abt this bc i'll want to go into talking abt comic stuff that i have planned and i'd rather have the drawings speak for themselves
*(I like the burningmilk ship, but i see the beasts as friends, and i relate it to my irl friend group, and having sex within a friend group is like preforming incest to me so... yea im projecting that into MY smilk. love the ship otherwise.)
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popponn · 1 year ago
idk if you accept requests but i badly want to read the blue lock boys with the orange peel theory going around on tiktok 🥹
notes: anon, i was in a slump and then you come with this, please know i cant get it out of my mine for 2 whole nights. so, please have this, i hope u will enjoy it & your fave is there. also shoutout to @doobea for helping me with rin & barou esp <3 aso for standing my yappings. warning: none, post canon au in mind, reader's gender unspecified.
character: isagi, kaiser, bachira, chigiri, nagi, reo, rin, sae, barou + bonus
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sweet boy will do it with a smile. is not the tidiest but you can now eat your orange while sharing with him. has a vibe that he is sort of used to doing this somehow. a total win still. if you do the same for him he will get flustered. also asking this is one of the quickest ways to get mr. egoist switches to mr. sweetheart boyfriend.
“Eh, why are peeling one too? I already… for me…?…I, uh—I see. Thanks… I—I am… give me a second.”
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you are the one who will peel for him—unless you throw a fuss and give him a silent treatment because this guy's pride is no joke. he can, he just doesn't want to. but to appease you and gain back his rightful spoiling, he will. afterward, at least, he learns his lesson and when you are about to peel one yourself, will take it and peel it beautifully for you like a second nature.
“…the fuck are you staring at? Just take it. You are about to eat it anyway, right? Then what's the big deal?”
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yes, he will no question asked but is it worth it. probably will make a mess out of his energy. you will be laughing along with him somehow though so it is worth it. having the sunshine doing anything in front of you is a guaranteed smile-inducing routine. as for the orange, please do switch to other alternatives, for example: kisses, as suggested by him.
“Isn't this better than orange? Huum, huum! More healthy, sweeter too, right? Another one?”
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depending on his mood, you will either get a very cute orange peel or a half-peeled orange (at best) you have to finish peeling yourself. on the former, you get a smug bf who will feed you like it's a pocky stick. on the latter, you better be the one feeding him while hugging and cuddling him. multitask somehow. also, give him kisses because he is called a ‘princess’ for a reason.
“Ah, being in your arms being fed like this… yeah, yeah. I know don't worry. I will repay the favor.”
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realistically, you will be the one peeling it for him and forcing him to eat one. because why would he even touch one? he is too lazy for that, nothing personal. but, let's say he really, really loves you: he still won't, he will just give you orange-flavored jelly in replacement. it does come from a place of love though, he genuinely thinks it's less troublesome to eat and, hence: better.
“Eating that is troublesome. It taste the same too. We can also do it while kissing. Mouth to mouth. Better right?”
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normally, will get a servant to peel it for you and him. though: can he do it? will he do it if it must be him? no question asked, absolutely will, all while chatting and staring at you with so much love. totally mr. k-drama male lead. you and your premium orange are in good hands.
“Oh, man, you are sometimes really …huh? Nah, I mean, I like doing this. It's just now I feel like I have to do this every time, so… yeah.”
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the first time, he will click his tongue and mess up. he will crush the orange. better never speak of it again, just know he loves you wholly despite everything. then a week passes and suddenly you will get a professional competitive orange peeler part-timer. without asking. just eat your orange. unless you are sick of it or it makes you actually sick.
“Did the orange taste good? … good. Nothing. You just look… nevermind. Do you want another one?”
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will he or will you. realistically, no? there are two possible reasons: 1) he can't. his whole stat is in soccer. 2) “you can't?” aka is it worth it getting judged by him. in case #2 though, just act cute and aim for his soft spot for you, he will fold and peel it with you pressed to his arm. he will grumble or glare but that's just itoshi-esque tsundere.
“You can't do something like this yourself? This will be the only time I’m doing this… Also who told you to move away?”
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our king. will peel the skin and the white fiber for you. tidy peels and if you know your way around his heart—you do just smile or blink and he is gone—he will also feed you. 10/10 execution no notes. probably will do this in kotatsu, dinner tables, and other domestic settings that are not bed while being a tsundere.
“I’m doing this just so you don't make a mess, got it? Also, scoot closer, your leg is kicking me—what do you mean I’m lying?!”
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kunigami will, both before and after wc because you are his world. the difference would be in his expression only and there is that because his love for you would never change. shidou will but genuinely, please just peel it yourself. aiku will, not without teasing you though. gagamaru will either will or teach you how to eat the skin too. zantetsu wants to do it, but it will be really messy so please just don't. hiori will do it like a sweet boy, but if he is in his sadistic mood he will tease you for a bit before finally feeding you.
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squinch-depraved · 6 months ago
staying in ted's apartment for chuckle week with schlatt and getting caught being a lil slut on his couch <3 not super proofread and i'm not sure how i feel about this one but i hope u enjoy :3
"i don't understand how it can be this hot," you sighed, stretching your legs and giving them a little wiggle. "i know i'm not, like, from L.A. or whatever but this can't be normal."
schlatt snorts, eyes not leaving the movie playing on the tv screen. "nothing's normal in this hellhole. this place is fucked." he stops talking, but it seems like he has more to say.
"that's it? usually you talk about how much you hate it here for at least five minutes," you ask, fiddling with the hem of your tank top.
"no point. ted's not here to piss off." his eyes sneak down to glance at you, small and sweaty and weak compared to him, and he thinks about how easy it would be to take you right here before he catches himself and looks away.
but you caught him first. "j?" you ask sweetly.
schlatt won't look at you. "what?" he replies hesitantly.
"ted's not here," spills from your lips.
"i know, i just said-"
"and he won't be back for a little bit."
the tall man nods his head after a second, finally able to look at you again. "what're you getting at?" he tilts his head slightly, admittedly curious to see if you would actually ask him what he thought you were about to ask.
"i'm bored, j," you mumble, tiptoeing around the question you really wanted to ask. his lips curl into a smile when he realizes you're too shy to ask.
"watch the movie, y/n," he responds in the same tone of voice.
"don't wanna." your eyes trace over his grey shorts, and you lose yourself in daydreams of your best friend. when you zone back into reality, you're fiddling with one of the strings that tie the shorts. mortified, you whimper and look up at him, dropping the string and scuttling backwards in an attempt to hide your embarrassment. his face is incredulous. he grabs your arms before you can scoot too far away from him.
"jesus, toots, what're you doin'? on ted's couch?" he tsks and pulls you onto his lap. "all you gotta do is ask, i'd be more than happy to help you out if you need me."
his last two words ring in your ears. need him. head nodding eagerly, you scoot closer to him on his lap, grinding down on his clothed crotch and forcing a groan from his lips. "need you, j," slips out before you can stop yourself. "please, please."
"jesus, fuck," he grumbles. "you're such a little whore, i always forget that about you."
"aww, schlatty, how could you forget about me?" you giggle, still grinding on him. "you're always on my mind, am i not on yours?" pressing your lips to his neck and kissing all over, he gasps and digs his fingers into your hips.
"nono, you are, i just- god, y/n, i can't think," he chuckles breathlessly.
"then stop thinking, j. fuck me." you whisper it into his ear and he grunts, flipping you over and pinning you down while he kisses you roughly.
"taste so good, doll, fuck," he moans, hands slipping up your tank top and eventually ripping it off. the second your tits are visible his brain sort of short circuits, and after a brief pause, a deep groan escapes his lips, and he buries his face in your chest, licking and kissing and sucking until they're spotted with deep purple marks. you're a moaning mess at this point, a wet spot becoming visible even through your shorts. once he's done marking his territory, he pulls back enough to see your pathetic sopping shorts and grins. "goddamn, y/n, i did this to you?"
"shut up!" you huff, grabbing him and pulling him down for another kiss. your other hand snakes its way to his clothed cock and fiddles with it, earning moans from him while his tongue explores your mouth. once neither of you can breathe properly, you separate and look at each other. "i need you so bad, j."
"i know," he smirks. you smack at him while he laughs and when he comes back down to kiss you, you tangle your fingers in his hair and pull him as close against you as you can.
"please, i'm so serious, i can't wait any longer, schlatt, please touch me," you mewl, bringing his face to look at you and your big, wide eyes. he chuckles and nods slightly, pulling off your shorts and panties. even though it's sweltering in los angeles, the air that hits your cunt feels cold and shocks you. he moves back so he can get a good look at you and spreads your legs. you whimper in protest but he shushes you and stares between your legs, eyes hungry as if they were trying to take everything in.
"look at this gorgeous, pretty pussy," he mumbles. "all for me." his voice is deep and gravelly. eyes flicking up to your watchful ones, he makes sure to ask permission before going in and pressing a warm kiss to your clit. you gasp and flinch at how good his mouth feels, now working on sucking and exploring your folds. eventually, he slips a finger in, and you cry out in pleasure. he begins going faster, and eating you more vigorously, and neither of you hear the door open and shut.
"what the fuck are you guys doing?!" ted asks, causing schlatt to disconnect from your pussy, although still connected by strings of your wet essence hanging from his chops and mustache.
"oh, fuck, dude i'm sorry, we should've gone to one of our rooms-"
"you couldn't have waited 'til i got back?"
neither of you know what to say to the man who's kind enough to let you stay in his apartment. he does that for you and you repay him by getting nasty on his couch. rude, if he does say so himself.
"w-what?" you manage to choke out, propped up with your arms behind you.
"you couldn't have waited for me to be here so i could join?" ted says again, shifting his weight onto his other foot. "why does he get to fuck you and i don't?"
you and schlatt look at each other, not knowing what to say.
and that's how you wound up on your hands and knees, getting slammed into from behind by schlatt with ted ramming his cock down your throat. various praises echo through the room, both men making sure to tell you how good you're making them feel. and when they're done, they trade places. they use you until they're done and you just have to sit there and take it, because you're the one who started this whole thing. and when it's all done, you lay down on ted's chest with schlatt petting your hair until they exchange unspoken words and decide to trade off cuddle time with you. expect this to happen all the time now.
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mcflymemes · 4 months ago
PROMPTS FROM NORMAL PEOPLE *  assorted dialogue from the book by sally rooney, some lines slightly changed to suit a roleplay format, adjust as necessary
i'm not a religious person, but i do sometimes think god made you from me.
i have a sense that real life is happening somewhere far away, happening without me, and i don't know if i will ever found out where it is or become part of it.
no one can be independent of other people completely.
life offers up these moments of joy despite everything.
he probably won't come back.
what we have now, we can never have back again.
for me, the pain of loneliness will be nothing to the pain i used to feel, of being unworthy.
we've done a lot of good for each other.
people can really change one another.
you should go. i'll always be here. you know that.
generally i find men are a lot more concerned with limiting the freedoms of women than exercising personal freedom for themselves.
most people go through their whole lives without ever really feeling that close with anyone.
life is the thing you bring with you inside your own head.
even in memory, i will always find that moment unbearably intense.
i have never believed i'm fit to be loved by any person.
yes. that was it. the beginning of my life.
it's funny the decisions you make because you like someone.
your whole life is different.
i think we're at that weird age where life can change a lot from small decisions.
if people appear to behave pointlessly in grief, it's only because human life is pointless, and this is the truth that grief revealed.
i don't know what's wrong with me.
i don't know why i can't be like normal people.
it feels powerful to put an experience down in words.
people are a lot more knowable than they think they are.
there's always been something inside me that men have wanted to dominate.
i want my life to mean something.
a lot of the literary people in college see books primarily as a way of appearing cultured.
that's the only part of myself i want to protect, the part that exists inside you.
there's something so corrupt and sexy about it.
i wish you didn't have to go.
i wish you could stay the night.
life offers up these moments of joy despite everything.
literature moves me.
it almost sounds sexual.
you learn nothing very profound about yourself simply by being bullied.
it's time you'll never get back.
time is real. the money is also real.
we've done a lot of good for each other.
the snow keeps falling.
hopefully i have changed, you know, as a person. but honestly, if i have, it's because of you.
he does have immaculate taste.
it's not like this with other people.
[name], would you ever fuck off?
you lean in expecting resistance, and everything just falls away in front of you.
i would lie down and die for you at any minute.
sometimes, someone will make eye contact with me, like a bus conductor or a person looking for change, and i'll feel shocked that anyone can actually see me.
we could be in a room full of people and my eyes would always meet yours, just to find that you had already been looking.
there's something comforting about it, something good about feeling sort of numb, detached from it all.
it was different with you, didn't have to play any games with you. it was just real.
no one is ever gonna hurt you like that again. everything's gonna be all right. trust me.
i love you, and i'm not gonna let anything like that happen to you again.
we have done so much good for one another.
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theplaid-wearingmoose · 10 months ago
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Pic credit: @cupcakeinat0r
Warning: Rough sex, overstimulation, dumbification-ish?, name-calling, breeding kink
It started with you making your way to Miguel's office to drop off your mission report and some food from the cafeteria since you were certain he hadn't eaten today. Just before you reached the door, Lyla appeared in front of you. "Hey girly. You here for the boss?" She asked. "Yeah Lyla, I know he probably hasn't come out for food today. Plus I need to drop off my report." You answered. Lyla gave you a sheepish look. "Ummm just be careful...or maybe come back later? It might be better. He's not doing so hot. It's uh...his time of the month?"
You paused at first. You were so busy taking care of anomalies you forgot to check the calendar. Miguel's spider DNA gave him a mating cycle. The first time had taken you by surprise and your muscles ached for 2 weeks. Since then you'd been careful to time it properly and stretch but saving the multiverse from sudden collapse was becoming more and more difficult lately. You totally forgot about Miguel's "heat".
"Oh...um..maybe I'll still go check on him. Just so I can make sure he doesn't hurt himself." You reasoned to her. Lyla shrugged. "If you say so. Don't say I didn't warn you though, girly." You smiled and waved her away playfully as the door slid open in front of you. Miguel's office felt unusually cold, like he had turned the AC on full blast plus some. You didn't even have a chance to speak before hearing Miguel's voice shouting. "LYLA I told you not to let anyone in here!"
Your spider sense pinged just as you saw one of Miguel's huge monitors flying towards you. "Miguel! What the hell, it's me!" You shouted, catching the monitor before it took you out. The force of it did send you back a couple inches but you were otherwise unharmed. You swung up to his platform and set the monitor gently on the floor. "Oh...I-I'm sorry, hermosa. I didn't know it was you." He apologized. He was hunched over in his chair, his large frame curled almost into a ball. He didn't even look up at you but you could see him tense up as you neared him. "You shouldn't be here, querida. It's not safe. I don't wanna hurt you."
You put your hand on his back and Miguel bristled like a cat. "Amor, estoy serio! If you don't leave, I don't think I'll be able to control myself." He warned, his tone was harsh but also pleading. You stood firm. "I'm not afraid of you, Miguel. And I'm not fragile either. You know I can handle it. It'll hurt you more if you don't." You placed your hands on his shoulders and started to massage his muscles when he shot up from his chair and whirled around to face you. "You don't know what you're asking for this time, querida. I tried to take a suppressor and..it didn't work! It only made it worse." He growled. You could finally take in the sight of him fully as he towered above you. His hair was disheveled and sweaty, his normally maroon-colored eyes were a blazing, almost glowing, red. He was breathing heavily and his hands were clenched in tight fists like he was using every ounce of strength to keep them to himself.
You raised your hand to his face, concerned, but Miguel caught your hand in his tightly. "Miguel-" "Why do you insist on torturing me, amor? Don't you understand that the closer you get to me, the more I'm having to restrain myself?!" He pulled you to him and pressed his nose to your wrist, inhaling deeply. "Dios mio...you smell so sweet, princesa. I bet you taste even better." He growled against your skin. Arousal coursed through you as you felt his hard length press against you. "Miguel...I can take it.." You spoke, trying to reassure him, your voice barely making it above a whisper. He leaned close to you, gripping you by your jaw. "I won't be gentle, hermosa. I can't." He rasped. You nodded and gasped as he began to grind his hips against you. One hand ran up the back of your neck and tangled in your hair. Grabbing a fistful of it, Miguel yanked your head back and latched his mouth to your neck. You cried out as his fangs sunk into your skin, marking you as his. He sucked on your neck before pressing his lips to yours, shoving his tongue into your mouth. His other hand ran down your body, squeezing and groping your flesh as he went. He stopped just under your bellybutton and gripped a fistful of your suit. Your eyes widened as you felt a tug and heard the rip of the material.
You pushed on his chest, trying to protest his destruction of your suit but he grabbed your wrist, pinning it behind you, and smothering your noises with his kiss. Breathing heavily, he released you long enough to growl out "I'll make you another suit, querida" before shredding the material on your chest, freeing your breasts. He wasted zero time sucking one of your sensitive nipples into his mouth before rolling the other one between his fingers. You let your head roll back and threaded your fingers through Miguel's hair. His warm tongue flicked across your nipple, making you whimper in pleasure.
Miguel stood up straight and pushed you back against the table. Turning your body away from him, he got on his knees behind you. "Bend over for me, princesa. Let me taste you." He demanded. You bent over the table, your ass and dripping pussy completely exposed to him. Miguel groaned as he massaged your ass. "Fuck, you're so wet already, amor. You're driving me crazy."
You choked out a loud moan as Miguel shoved his tongue inside you without warning. His hands dug into the meat of your ass as he wiggled it against his face. "Oh f-fuck, Miguel! Your mouth feels so good!" You whined. Miguel hummed as he sucked on your clit and flicked his tongue over your wet hole. Two of his large fingers replaced his tongue inside you and began pumping inside you fast and hard. Your legs were already beginning to shake and you knew Miguel wouldn't have mercy on you just yet. You felt yourself coming undone as he ate you like an ice cream. You couldn't help but rock back against his face, crying out his name as you came on his tongue.
Laughing quietly to himself, he stood and wiped his face before cleaning off his fingers one by one, savoring your taste. He went back to rubbing your clit in circles as he positioned himself behind you. He pushed on your back until you were completely flush against the table. You heard his suit turn off and squirmed against him in anticipation.
A loud scream was pulled from your throat as Miguel fully sheathed himself inside you. Giving you absolutely no time to adjust, he began fucking you at such a rough pace, the monitors began to shake from the force of his thrusts. "Ay carajo, bebita...you're so fucking tight....gonna fill this pussy up so good, querida. You're gonna make such a beautiful mama." Miguel moaned. You couldn't form any words. Every ounce of your strength was going to keeping yourself upright. You gripped the edge of the table and held on for dear life. You could see your face reflected in the monitor in front of you, the orange lights illuminating your fucked out expression. Your lips were slightly puffy from Miguel sucking on them and your eyes were half open. Miguel noticed you looking into your reflection and smirked.
"You like watching me fuck you, amor? You do make such a beautiful sight. You can barely keep your eyes open, can you? Do I make you feel that good, baby? Answer me."
"Y-yes, Miguel you- ohmygod- you make me feel amazing. You're so deep inside me...fuck, you're gonna make me cum soon!" You cried. Miguel laughed darkly. "Oh you're gonna cum a few times for me, cariño. As many times as it takes." He growled. Hooking his arm under your knee, he lifted one of your legs onto the table, angling himself so he could fuck deeper into you. His pace sped up and the feeling of his cock so deep inside you had you screaming. The monitors not attached to the ceiling toppled over and crashed to the floor of the platform but Miguel kept his pace as if he didn't even hear them. You didn't even have time to announce it before your orgasm hit you, soaking Miguel's cock and stomach with your wetness. Still his pace did not slow. If anything, it spurred him on even more. "Así baby, cum all over me, princesa. Fuck you're such a good girl for me.." Miguel groaned in approval.
Grabbing your hair, Miguel pulled your head back and pressed kisses to the side of your face as he continued fucking you. "Que linda...eres tan hermosa, amor." He murmured, his gentle words a stark contrast to the rough movements of his hips. "Tell me you love it, princesa." "Ohhhh I l-love it s'much! S'fucking good!" You slurred, your brain foggy from the overstimulation. You were so blissed out you didn't realize your mouth had been hanging open and drool had fallen from your tongue. Miguel smirked when he noticed. "Oh princesa you're drooling, huh? Am I fucking my baby stupid? This cock too much for my dumb little whore, hm?" All you could do was nod and whimper in response. "Oh pobrecita..." Miguel crooned.
He reached around you and rubbed your clit as he slammed his hips against your ass. Your moans and whimpers grew loud as another orgasm washed over you, your nails clawing at the table.
"M-Miguel please...I c-can't." You sobbed, your legs shaking, dangerously close to giving out. Miguel bent over you and nibbled gently on your ear lobe. "What happened to 'I can take it, Miguel. I'm not fragile, Miguel'?" He taunted. You let out another sob of pleasure as he lifted your leg back onto the table and smacked your ass before gripping it tightly. "Don't worry, princesa. Gonna fill that pussy up soon, gonna put a baby in you and make you a mama. Fuck, amor, you're gonna look so beautiful all swollen with my babies. Gotta fuck it into you deep, baby." He moaned. Your eyes rolled back in your head at his words. "Fuck yes, cum inside me Miguel. Please fill me up! I need it!" You begged. Miguel cursed and gripped your hips hard enough that surely bruises would be there later. Sweat dripped from his hair and a thin sheen of sweat made his chest glisten.
He pounded into you hard, chasing his release. Your screams of pleasure filled his ears and soon he was seeing stars as his release finally hit. His whole body shuddered as he emptied his load inside you, coating your walls in his warm, sticky cum. With a loud grunt, he pressed his hips flush against your ass, making sure he was totally spent before pulling back out of you. Your legs gave out completely and you collapsed to the floor, breathing heavily. Miguel quickly joined you, pulling your trembling body against his sweaty chest. Panting against your skin, he pressed a kiss to your forehead and brushed your hair away from your face. His actions were gentle but as he kissed your cheek, he murmured in your ear.
"Get your rest now, amor. I'm not even close to done with you."
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whisper-in-the-night · 7 months ago
My headcanons for Art the Clown
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Tw: mention of violence, blood, killing and etc
Note: sorry for long waiting, I had some stuff to do. But I watched this movie last night, just can't not to write something
• Suppose that by some miracle you interested him, and Art changed his mind about killing you.
• Art is a man of the moment, of impulse, in this regard he is like a child. If he wants something, he will get it, no matter how. If he's interested in you, he'll get you and keep you.
• Again, he is quite childish, and since he cannot speak, all his emotions are visible in his body language and antics. His childish behavior can also manifest itself in frequent insults. He will be sitting on the couch with his arms folded and fundamentally avoiding your gaze. Try to guess what he's offended about. And it's better to do it quickly, before the desire to tear some human flesh wakes up in him. His mood changes very often, so be always prepared for the fact that at the moment of rare hugs he will suddenly become agitated or, conversely, aggressive.
• He's very jealous. It's not that he's insecure, he just doesn't like sharing his stuff, including you. You better not pay too much attention to other people unless you want to see their guts smeared on the wall in your bathroom.
• Despite this, Art is quite protective. He won't let anything happen to you. Be prepared that he will be constantly watching you. But now you can safely walk through the dark alleys, Art is always there, you are under the reliable protection of this guard dog.
• Art likes to scare you more than his victims. He doesn't know why, but he really likes the taste of your fear, it really turns him on. But Art will never really hurt you enough, except for a few cuts or bruises. There's something about you that makes him fear losing you for real. There's something special about the way you're scared of him. Maybe it's your expression or your cute screams, he doesn't know. But your guardian definitely makes him feel a lingering warmth in his lower belly.
• His actions and feelings can hardly be called love, because he really does not know how to get attached, he is just not quite the person for this. But he shows a certain affection in his own way. First of all, he's not killing you. Secondly, sometimes he tries to take into account your wishes in many things, tries to find out what you like. Thirdly, he can be quite clingy. When Art realizes that he wants your attention, he can gently pull the sleeve of your hoodie, as if asking for a hug, or he can just roughly grab you by the waist and put you on his lap.
• He really doesn't care about your appearance, he has a weakness for you because it's you.
• Talking about what you like. Art is very narcissistic and cruel. But over time, he will realize that your smile and your joy create some kind of strange feeling in his chest, he likes it. In fact, Art makes you happy only because it gives him a certain pleasure.
• He loves using you as bait for his victims. This gives him an extra push to kill his victim in an even more brutal way.
• In general, he can be kind to a certain extent, he even brings you small gifts from time to time. Besides, he's crazy about the sight of someone else's blood on your face and skin. But you'll definitely have to teach him to wash more often and eat normal food.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 9 months ago
the heavy weight of guilt (part one)
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words: 900
warnings: 18+ only!!, smut, p in v sex, unprotected sex, age gap (reader is 25 though), married!rafe (but not to reader), aged up!rafe, cheating, cheating fetishization, female receiving oral, brief mentions of pregnancy but reader is on birth control, recorded sex, semi dub con in sense of rafe doesnt know hes being recorded
part one / part two
“tell me again.” you moan out, back arching off the bed as rafe pounds into you, as if the act isn't enough.
“you're better than her.” rafe grunts out. there's no point denying it, not when he keeps coming back for more, abandoning his wife to make dinner for herself why he claims to be busy, but the only thing keeping him away is burying himself in your cunt.
“tell me.” you continue, eyes squeezed close as his cock stretches you.
“you're tighter than her.” rafe knows what you want to hear. anything that confirms his feelings for you and not his pleasant wife.
“i know.” you moan out. it's not the first time you asked rafe, and it certainly won't be the last.
“ill leave her for you.” it's not the truth, and both of you know it. the only way that rafe would ever leave is if he gets exposed. he can't ruin the perfect image of his life, the family he poses with for christmas cards and kids he sends away to daycare or boarding school so he doesn't have to grapple with the fact that they're actually his.
“yeah?” you smile up at him, your eyes wicked. “leave her so you can fuck my young pussy every night?”
in truth, you're not even that young. you're 25 years old, but it's a big gap between rafe.
you're certain that's why his wife would never suspect him to be cheating. probably thinks he's past his prime and can't get it up easily, but that's just when he tries to sleep with her. when with you, rafes hunger is insatiable.
“cum in me. make me pregnant like your stupid wife.” you beg out. you're on birth control, but the thought of stopping, of refusing to swallow that little pill, has you excited.
“fuck!” rafe shouts out, spurring his hips even faster, pounding into you until his cock swells and releases, ropes of cum spurting inside of you, warning you from the inside out as rafe grunts your name repeatedly.
he's worried about slipping up if he sleeps with his wife. imagining he was fucking you instead of her. maybe turning her face down so her mop of brown hair is the only thing he can see, reminding him of your soft curls he loves to tug on.
“eat me out.” you tell rafe, commanding him. he may be older, but you're the one in charge of the situation, the one that seduced him into sleeping with you in the first place.
he felt so guilty after that he almost drank himself to death, but still came crawling back a week later, dick painfully hard.
rafe pulls out and plugs your hole with his finger, just like he used to do to his wife when trying to get her pregnant, but only because as soon as her tummy swelled it meant he could stop sleeping with her.
the marriage wasn't a completely loveless one, but they both knew what joining the two most powerful families in the outer banks meant. at least as far as he knows, his wife has been faithful throughout.
his finger inside you is different. as he slides to his stomach between your legs, it keeps his cum from dripping out, but more importantly, allows him to quirk his finger up and press against the gummy spot that has your eyes widening as you gasp.
rafe smiles up at you briefly, the sounds of your pleasure like the sweetest melody, before diving into your pussy.
he misses your taste on his tongue whenever he has to spend a few nights away as he obsessively licks and sucks at your clit. he's learned what you like best, what makes you cum the hardest and fastest.
moans of his name fall from your mouth, louder than you normally would to make sure they're picked up as you reach a hand down, pushing through his messy hair, still slightly wet with sweat from the exertion of fucking you.
rafe looks up at you, your bare chest moving up and down with every heavy breath, pert nipples on display as your mouth falls open as he sucks at your clit.
“close.” you warn, feeling his finger inside of you move even faster.
only a few more strokes until you let out a loud shout, cumming to screams of his name as rafe licks you gently through your high, feeling your clit pulse against his tongue.
rafe pulls away quickly with a sigh, always feeling the heavy weight of guilt seconds after getting you off.
“you should just leave her, rafe.” you sigh as he stands from your bed, quickly grabbing his clothes to get back to his house.
“i can't. it's not that simple.” rafe says. you've been through it all before. the prenup, the status, the judgment. all reasons he can't leave.
“fine.” you huff, standing up as he heads towards your door, not bothering to get redressed yourself. “don't bother coming back then.”
rafe looks at you with hurt in his eyes, partially for you and partially to his wife, knowing it's not fair to either of you.
“hey.” rafe says softly, pressing a kiss to your lips. “ill see you at my lunch break tomorrow?”
“fine.” you say again, prompting another kiss from rafe before he flees.
you wait until you hear the front door open and shut to turn to your dresser, picking up the teddy bear and looking into the hidden camera in its eye with a smile on your face.
“sorry, mrs. cameron.” you say with a dark chuckle.
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kousanosgf · 3 months ago
men, minors dni
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sevika x prostitute!reader
sometimes life gets worse, before it becomes better. luckily sevika ready to help you with it.
a\n: i hate how half of this fandom makes "sexy sevika in a brothel" jokes. this was written with the strong despisement for anyone who supports swork and thinks that it's freeing in any shape or form. it's NOT a light one, i'd say, so please be careful with the content you're consuming. also inform me if i should change something about the tags or tws
tw: mention of suicide, not explicit describtion of SA, drug abuse
tags: angst, hurt\comfort (kinda?), no smut (idk if i can call it sfw, sex is mentioned but not with sevika), happy ending
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whispers run through the main hall, they won't stop repeating for half an hour at least, every worker and guest is too excited or nervous to be in the haunting dog of zaun's presence. "she's here". "sevika came". it won't be surprising if someone suggests placing a bet who she'll choose next, now that her favorite girl is dead.
well, that's the thing really, you couldn't care less for anyone in here and especially sevika. your best friend is dead and you can't even mourn her properly, because there's always "clients demand our full attention, girls, don't forget that" and "no alcohol or drugs, unless our guests want it, girls". there's numbing pain tugging at you heart, making you want to vomit every time you have to think of your loss and there's no way to drink yourself to oblivion to not feel all this.
so far, the night was calm. the only man for the night left you alone an hour ago after mindlessly fucking you face down into the mattress for couple of minutes and disappearing as soon as he finished. you could only hope for it go as smoothly but luck wasn't on your side for some time now. a shadow looms over before you notice who it belongs to.
you raise your eyes. sevika. "of course," you think, "cause the day needs to get worse".
"are you free?" she asks bluntly. no greetings, no small talk. that's normal really, manageable. it's usually way worse when the client wants to spill all their heartache or frustration before what they actually came for.
"not even gonna buy girl a drink?" you try to put on your prettiest face, smiling coyly and frowning in a fake pout, hoping she'll let you get at least a bit drunk.
"no, come on". she just turns around and heads towards the second floor to the private rooms.
a scream dies somewhere on a tip of your tongue, leaving sour taste.
you have to hurry after her, people as powerful as sevika hate nothing more than to wait and there's no reason to get on her bad side. it's nerve wracking, scary even, to guess what kind of client she will be. there're not much women who come here and not one of them has ever chosen you. a risk of sevika getting frustrated and dissatisfied with your inexperience is high and definitely not what you want since if the customer is angry then madame is angry and you'll be punished in some way.
you take a look at sevika again, following her step by step. she holds herself with great confidence, understandable for someone with such a status, broad shoulders, perfect posture, full heavy steps that make people move out of her path.
you reach the room finally, dreadfully. sevika sits down in the chair waiting for you to lock the door. as you do so, you turn back to her, sliding the straps off your minidress down.
"wait, no." sevika stops you. "i'm not here for this. just sit down." she gestures to the bed and you follow her orders, confused but not daring to ask.
the silence follows. you sit in your place trying not to breathe too hard, a blank expression on your face, while sevika thinks something through.
"you knew yana?" you basically jump in place, hearing your friend's name. "i mean... she was your friend?"
"she is my friend." you snap unexpectedly even for yourself but don't correct the words or make an attempt at apologizing no matter how dangerous that move is.
the corner of sevika's lip rises a little in a smirk but it's gone as fast as it appeared.
"she's dead." "doesn't change the fact that she's my friend." gods, why can't you shut up.
there's a pure rage boiling inside of you. it's painful when no one in this fucking place took time to acknowledged her death. another whore killing herself, what's the news really? but this... it's worse, the way sevika seems more amused with the fact than, you don't know, at least sad that one of her favorites is no longer here.
silence again. sevika studies you like she's trying to find something. the gaze is different from what you usually get from customers, burning, suffocating glances of men who look you over, imagine what you would look like naked under them before making there choice and passing several bills to madame.
"you have a lot of friends here?" what the fuck is she on about?
"i don't run my mouth if that's what you need."
"that's not what i asked." the smirk again. "but whatever."
she lights a cigarette and makes a few puffs. as the smell reaches you, you can't help but scrunch your nose, never appreciative of the smell. as she sees your dissatisfaction, she clicks her tongue and reaches for the ashtray, putting the cigarette down.
"here's what we gonna do. i'll sleep here till morning and you just... i don't know, do your thing? sleep too?" she waves her hand in the air.
you have to take a moment before her words actually lock in. "what?" sevika doesn't strike you as the type to use some euphemisms when she talks about sex, "sleep" here actually seems like she means it.
"you heard me. i already paid for the whole night if you're worried about it." she gives no further explanation and just leans back, dropping her head on the chair and closing her eyes. it's better not to disturb her. there's not much to say or do for you so you just sit there for a while, listening to the steady breathing and fall asleep yourself, not ready to give up a prospect of a calm night. when you wake up in the morning, sevika isn't there.
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she comes and goes. for the last two weeks sevika visited you almost every day. the nights go basically the same. nothing much happens, though she becomes more and more chatty with every meeting.
you know her favorite food, know how her day went, know what she thinks about every chem-baron. in return sevika knows what're your favorite flowers, knows what your childhood was like, knows how you got into the brothel.
she's always so nonchalant about her questions, trying not to make a big deal out of it, like she's simply asking to fill the space. but working in a place like this teaches you read people easily and it becomes clear very quickly that sevika is actually searching for something. you're not sure if it's safe to give her the information she wants to hear but it's been too long since you had a person to talk to. it becomes easy to pretend like she actually interested in your stories and opinions.
she also now sleeps in a bed with you, leaving her place in the chair on the third night when you offer it yourself. she's one of those people who can fall asleep on a whim anywhere and anytime, you guess. or she's just very good at pretending.
and when she does fall asleep you lie awake, looking at her, replaying everything she said earlier in your head, trying to make sense of it, of her.
you get caught eventually. one night she just opens her eyes as she wakes up (if she's slept at all) and looks straight at you. both of you lie on your sides, facing each other. nothing is said for good five minutes, she's studying your features as well as you do hers in a dim glow of the lamp post outside the window.
"wanna know a secret?" sevika finally breaks the comfortable silence, a light smirk on her lips. you nod your head slowly, not breaking the eye contact.
"i'm getting you out of here."
the sentence doesn't register, so you have to ask her to repeat it.
"i'm getting. you. out." she says again, slowly, dividing the words.
you rise up swiftly, leaning yourself on the elbow. "you're not funny." of course it's some twisted joke, what else could it be. anger ready to overtake you easily.
the smirk grows wider on her face. "im serious, sweetheart."
that's when she tells you. probably the craziest thing you've ever heard. her visits to the brothel were never for any sexual pleasures, mostly getting intel for her and, by extant, silco's plans. till couple of months ago when she took on a mission of getting such a business out of zaun.
yana was suppose to be one of the first women who sevika and her team would save. they were late in the end.
"why didn't you tell her?" you ask partially frustrated at the coincidence of circumstances and sevika. if only yana knew that the help was on the way, she would still be alive, probably free from her prison. instead she just couldn't handle the life she thought she's bound to till her dying day or when she'll become old enough for madame to throw her out on the streets cause she wouldn't bring enough money.
"i was afraid to risk it, she was too unstable to be trusted such an information for a long term." sevika sighs heavily, dragging a hand through her face. "that was a wrong move on my end."
"and yet you're telling me this two weeks later? there were no guarantee for you that i wouldn't do the same."
"i... had to take a gamble. i knew basically nothing about you before. yana did share some stories but that wasn't enough to ease my anxieties."
you talk and talk and talk. about yana, about your life here. you throw question after question to her and she doesn't seem to get tired of answering you.
"why me? or why... not everyone at once?"
"it's impossible to do this in one go without much practice. look at this as us dipping toes in the water."
"so i'm a guinea pig?" sevika opens her mouth to argue but closes it immediately, realizing that you're only teasing her.
"no, you're something i can fix. give me a week more, okay?" she says it with such confidence in her voice that you got nothing else to do but to believe her.
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sevika comes every night now, trying to take as much as she can of your working time so others won't get to you. there's a slight tug of guilt somewhere in your heart, because there's probably girls in the brothel who need this more, who can handle less than you, who just got here and weren't that much ruined with the way people treat them like some meat to jerk off to.
"your arm."
you look over yourself. it is an old bruise that got her concerned, one of the clients getting too harsh. you don't remember much, he let you have a blunt, you didn't ask of what, before everything occurred. it's yellow already, few days more and it'll disappear.
"fuck. probably smudged my makeup somewhere."
sevika's look is heavy, fixed on the spot.
"it's nothing, don't worry."
"it's not nothing." she's now looking straight into your eyes, there's a dangerous fire gleaming and it's impossible to hold her gaze so you just look to the side, noticing her fingers digging into an armrest. it is not nothing, you both know that. but all you can think of is that you would love to feel sevika's palm on you, covering the damned bruise, letting you dream it was never there.
no, you deserve to run as much as the next person. and it's not like you're gonna be the only one. like sevika told you, it's only the beginning.
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"good news", sevika says and there's a smile on her face. you're not sure if you ever saw her smile. not a grin or a smirk that she gives everyone here but a genuine, warm smile. she looks lovely with it and you can't help but smile too back at her, not even knowing the reason.
"like what?"
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the morning air is cool, autumn starts to take the reigns of nature. there's only a set of underwear and a nightgown on you so you shiver and hug yourself. you couldn't take any of your belongings, she said yesterday night, when she finally announced that it's time to set the plans in motion. some kind of big cloth, a poncho, you regester not as fast as you'd like to, lends on your shoulders, warm from the body heat of it's owner.
"sorry, that's all i got for now. need to get to the safe house, have actually some clothes for you."
you nod dumbfounded and just follow her. everything feels like a dream really, that about to be ripped away and you'll simply wake up back in the room that smells of head numbing incenses, ready to greet another customer.
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you look over the clothes she gave you, simple pair of brown jeans, a black turtleneck and a jacket. the jeans are a size too big for you but nothing a belt can't fix.
"the plans to get you out changed so quick, i completely forgot to buy something your size."
"was it for her?" you don't need the answer, you know it already.
there're tears falling down that you can't control. you cry silently, turned away from sevika. you're not sure if she actually doesn't notice or just wants to give you space when she finally says "alright, gonna step out for you to change, meet me in the kitchen when you're ready."
as she takes a step to the door you lounge yourself at her, grabbing calloused hand and tugging it to your waist, looking for contact. now only you can do is cry, your sobs becoming louder and louder, your throat hurts like hell, you won't be able to speak later for sure.
there's a stream of "thankyouthankyouthankyou" coming from your mouth, your body basically presses inside sevika's. she doesn't answer. her other hand gently covers the crown of your head, guiding your tearful face to her chest and she lets you rest it there.
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samsm2mstories · 9 months ago
German bodies
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What a lot of people don't realise that on this planet, there's a hybrid version of humans amongst the population. I'm one of the lucky ones who has a normal human life with extended life. Unfortunately, my current body is coming to the end of its life. I needed to transfer myself into a new body and quickly!
The sad news is that I won't be able to get back to America and find a jock body, but instead, I'm having to decide on a German guy instead. This will be a different experience. I was looking through the social media pages on local gym guys and I came across this young guy called 'Thomas' he was something else for me as he had everything in the pipeline, looks, body style, clothes taste.
I left my body and only had 30 mins to survive in my secret form, I managed to cling onto Thomas car and got inside his gym bag and assimilated into his to understand more about him. I knew in a few minutes he was about to check his phone. As he grabbed me (his phone), I shot straight into his body. Thomas fought well as we were fighting for his brain. Luckily enough, I focused on his weaknesses and took over.
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I couldn't help but check myself out. It felt incredibly great being young and sexy once again. Thomas felt perfect in every way, but I got to get used to my new deep German accent plus the new bulge below. It's been so many years since having such a young horny body. I had to do some poses and facial expressions to assimilate into my new life. It didn't take long as I absorbed my new personality, and it made me complete.
Two years later.
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Just look at my incredible abs now! My experience has paid off massively as Thomas and I am everything I live for. I am an incredibly strong German stud now, reckonised by the local community, sponsorships, and a successful social media influencer.
The sex is unreal, I can't believe how much I can pump out, and guys just want me daily. I feel like Germans guys are the way forward now, so much easier to assimilate as they have strong desires to become gods. A few of my mates got taken over also as we now own and run the gym. We all love it when a fresh guy turns up, not knowing he will be taken over by our community.
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mysteryshoptls · 2 months ago
SSR Ruggie Bucchi - Ivorycliff Academy Uniform Voice Lines
Ivorycliff Academy Uniform Ruggie does not have a vignette.
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Ivorycliff Academy's motto's all about the "Spirit of Solidarity".
Summon: Nice clothes, lavish meals, a comfortable life... I'll definitely make all this happen in the real world too, one day. There's no way this'll only be a dream!
Groovification: That's a beautiful sound that grips my soul and won't ever escape me... I can't just not try and figure out where it came from!
Home: Feels like it'd be easy to spot a stain on these clothes.
Swap Looks: Glasses just get in the way!
Home Transition 1: There's no way I can wear glasses, that's too scary! They're so pricy and fragile... I'd never recover if I broke 'em.
Home Transition 2: I got it! I know why I was gettin' perfect scores in my dream! It's 'cause the test questions were all only at the level that I can answer easily...
Home Transition 3: Wait, what if my weekend gig's lookin' to can me for not comin' in!? ...Oh, right, they'd all be asleep too. 'S alll good, then!
Home Transition - Login: I get to stuff my belly full of whatever I wanna eat here... Wish I could live like that in the real world, too...
Home Transition - Groovy: What, I look all proper so long as I don't open my mouth? Oh come on, pretty sure I'm always bein' a good boy, ain't I?
Home Tap 1: Y'know... I don't remember ever whippin' out my wallet during that dream... There's no way I'd ever be so rich and still be gettin' tons of free stuff from everyone else!!
Home Tap 2: Naah, the best donuts by far are def my grandma's! All those donuts just drownin' in toppings are only tasty only 'cause they're supposed to be a rare treat.
Home Tap 3: The handkerchief I was using in the dream smelled real good. Was that the smell of fabric softener? That's waaay too posh for me!
Home Tap 4: It's kinda nice bein' woken up by someone else for once. Normally, I gotta get up much earlier, and I'm usually the one who has to wake up a certain someone every day.
Home Tap 5: I'm back to my usual self, but I can still totally teach Animal Linguistics if ya want. That is, if I'm paid for it~
Home Tap - Groovy: How'd ya like the classy 'n respectable version of me? Huh, you prefer my normal self...? Well, ain't you got some nice tastes.
Duo: [RUGGIE]: Jade-kun, let's get this done lickety-split! [JADE]: Promptly, Ruggie-san.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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yandere-sins · 1 month ago
How about yan!Kaeya making reader believe he's going to babytrap them? Him all, "If you have my child, you can't leave" while his darling is helplessly bound and begging for him to not do it. (he won't, of course, he's not ready for kids but causing them that fear is Delightful to him)
Mmm, yum! I see the appeal! Thanks for requesting!
»»———————— ♡ ————————««
Breathing heavily, neither of you was in a position to talk.
Kaeya watched as your chest kept rising and falling, your nipples surrounded by marks of this teasing and swaying with the motion, abused and swollen, beckoning him close again. There was nothing Kaeya wanted more than to get lost in the daze with you, feel your soft and wet cunt wrapped around his cock while he made you moan with his wandering hands and obedient tongue.
But as much as he loved your long, passionate lovemaking sessions, he knew what you needed afterward. Yet, he couldn't quite get up and give you the aftercare you deserved, all his strength having vanished with his own release, the liquid sprawled across your stomach.
Your pussy still dripped with spurts of your own cum, lips puffy and emitting the heat that could make even the Kaeya Alberich lose his mind. It truly was a sight for the Archons. You were the epitome of sexy, seductive, and tempting, making Kaeya's mouth water for a taste of you. Not a day passed where he regretted his decision to take you home with him and lock you up, so he was the only one to get to be with you. Every day was manageable, knowing he'd end up next to you at night, your presence healing a small part of all the pain and hurt he carried with him at all times.
You, unfortunately, disagreed.
"You disgusting piece of--"
"Ah, welcome back to the realm of the living, darling."
You let out a huff of breath, a mixture of exhaustion and ridicule, your head slowly rolling to the side to glare at Kaeya, who sat grinning between your spread legs, gently massaging the one thigh laid across his own.
"You are the worst! Scum! Complete trash!"
"That's not what you called me while you came on my cock, though."
Scoffing, Kaeya could tell you were almost done with your anger, a reoccurring emotion after every intense encounter you two had. Emotions tended to run high between you two, and he got used to it. It still hurt, though. He couldn't deny this.
"You'll pay for this," you slurred, your adorable, befuddled glare barely intimidating when you were fucked out of your mind. Like this, you were almost cuter than normally—perhaps because it was Kaeya who made you this way. You were only this cute because of him. For him.
But like always, even he got tired of your anger. Relationships, right?
"You'll regret ever kidnapping me! I'll get out, and you'll lose everything! They'll lock you up, and I'll make sure you don't get to see the light of day ever again, you bastard--"
"Right, right," Kaeya agreed for the sake of settling the argument. His hand reached out, fingertips dipping in the slowly drying jizz on top of your belly, creating such wonderful marks of possession. Undoubtedly, if anybody saw you like this—which he wouldn't allow anyone to do but himself—they'd think he took great care of you, making sure you were well-fed and well-fucked. What more could you possibly want?
"All those assumptions, I wonder how you'd want to prove them?"
Rubbing the cum between his fingers, it drew soft strings as he pulled them apart, slowly dripping off in front of the smile that crept on his lips. A new idea formed in his head, one that would afflict delicious torture to your mind. Torture that would draw you closer to him, make your demeanor softer, and mend the wounds your denial slashed into his soul.
Lowering his hand, he held it suspiciously close to your lower lips, just inches away from your sopping cunt, and you shuffled in your bonds, twisting your hips to get away.
"Who do you think they'll believe if you get pregnant?"
"That's not funny, Kaeya! Get that shit away from me!"
However, instead, Kaeya's hand kept encroaching, causing your movements to become more and more erratic as you tried to avoid his cum-stained fingers. Although there was a good chance nothing would happen, you both had been surprisingly vigilant to not accidentally get pregnant. It was too much trouble and too much work, and neither of you was in a position where you could risk it. Neither did you want his child and to co-parent with him for all their life, nor did he want to share you and risk losing something as precious as you were.
"You think they'll believe a disheveled, hysteric person over their trusted Cavalry Captain? Will they assume I am as crazy as you make me out to be or that you just want to frame me so you can get a lot of money from me?"
"I get it! You can stop this now!"
Your voice grew softer now that you felt threatened by him. Agreeable, docile, sweet. Kaeya wanted more of it, the tremble in your words silken on his mind like honey running down his throat. If he could make you confess your love—even if it was out of fear—there would be no holding back for him, but that was exactly what he wanted.
"They'd lock you up while I'd be the scorned, pitiful boyfriend that is out of his mind with worry for you. I'd visit you daily, bring you food and clothes, and make sure the baby is alright. You'd never get rid of me. I'd always be involved with you or the child. I'd have you back before you could even blink, and I never repeat a mistake."
Pressing his palm against your cunt, you whimpered, the threat of his semen-smeared fingers much too close for comfort. One dip in, and there would be a real chance all the doubts he planted with his words would come true. Kaeya's grin widened as your expression began to falter in worry and fear, another delicious sight, meaning you were so close to caving. He wasn't going to actually do it, but you didn't know that. After everything, you always assumed the worst, never bothering to ask him what he wanted. Your mistake, really.
It made you so easy to manipulate.
"Don't you want to, baby? Be all round and swollen, feeling our child kick, and have me massage your breasts since they'll be so heavy with milk? Are you not excited at the prospect of living with me forever, caring for the kid, and giving them a sibling or two? Would that not be so fun, taking our relationship to the next stage?"
And there it was. Subtle as the sun rising and falling over the day, you conceded, turning your head away ever so slightly and closing your eyes in defeat. Kaeya had learned to read you many nights ago. Learned that sometimes "stop" meant "more" and that you could be placid and coy when you wished for things to go your way, overjoyed that your "plot" worked on him when really, it was Kaeya stringing you along.
"Hm? I'm sorry I didn't catch that."
"Please don't," you repeated meekly, the propitiation in your voice causing gratification to soothe his ego. "I don't want to be pregnant! I didn't really... didn't really mean what I said."
"Mhm, I see," Kaeya hummed, faking his thoughtfulness as he pressed his palm a bit harder against the warmth of your pussy. He had to leave an impact you wouldn't forget so quickly if this punishment was supposed to further your relationship. "Do you still think I'm scum?"
Biting your lip, Kaeya could watch the inner fight you had with yourself not to reply snarkily. Watching your fight die down as he pressed his hand a bit lower, dangerously close to your entrance, immediately shutting up your inner thoughts, was hilarious. At the same time, the control almost went to his head, knowing all the things he could do to you at that moment.
"N-No! You're... you're alright. I was just upset, sorry."
Delicious. All good teasing had to end, even though there was much more to fish for in this situation. However, compared to the last few times you two had this argument, you had relented much quicker with the threat of pregnancy looming in the air than ever before. It was almost like he had slowly chipped away at your resolve, and just now, a big piece broke out of the wall you built around yourself.
"It's fine~" Kaeya chimed forgivingly, immediately withdrawing his hand and rubbing off his cum on your leg across his lap. Wasted opportunity, but it did the job.
"You know I can't be mad with you, darling," he mumbled, purposefully using the same hand to cup your face and rub your cheek as he leaned closer, forcing your head up. Your eyes shot open, anger and more resistance sparking in them momentarily before it died down, too, turning into frustration. Perhaps more than him, you were angry with yourself. Enraged, you had to appease him just to get your way. But Kaeya only heard the walls continue to break, chip by chip, slowly but surely, as he leaned down to kiss you.
You weakly reciprocated, just enough to satisfy him, but it was indeed enough for him. Every little hint of affection willingly given was proof that there was love inside you. Even if fear and hatred had wrapped around it like barricades, he knew it was there, waiting for Kaeya to pull it out and set it free. Soon, you'd cling to him like he did to you, and he couldn't wait to be needed by you like the air you breathed.
"Are you hungry?" he asked softly, brushing your hair aside. "Thirsty? Want a bath?"
"A bath," you immediately replied, almost too quickly. Kaeya grinned some more, knowing you just wanted to get rid of the possibility of him knocking you up anyhow by washing off the cum clinging to you almost as possessively as he was.
"Your wish is my command," he announced solemnly, almost coaxing a laugh from you. Almost.
Maybe if you two had children, you'd laugh more and be happier. Perhaps your features would soften when you looked at the father of your children. Or you'd cuddle with him as you two watched them play and be merry. But who was he to think about this?
You weren't ready yet, and by the Archons, neither was he. But the idea did settle in his mind, how wonderful it would be if this love you two shared accumulated in something new, something wonderful.
Shaking his head, he picked you up from the bed after loosening your restraints, carrying you to the bathroom, ready to fulfill your wishes and make you happy. He could do this without the need of anyone else, just like he swore the day he decided it had to be you who waited for him at home. Had to be you who received all this misguided, toxic love that burned inside of him. As if this idea of children and a family could ever come to fruition when you two barely went a day without arguing and manipulating each other.
As if he'd ever share you with anyone.
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xomakara · 3 months ago
Between Duty and Desire
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SUMMARY |  Wooyoung, one of the high-ranking rookies of the Brotherhood, falls for one of his fellow rookies, not knowing that you're actually an undercover cop.
PAIRINGS | Wooyoung x Reader
GENRE |  smut, angst, drama, Mafia AU, mafiamember!Wooyoung, undercoverdetective!Reader
CONTENT/WARNINGS | mentions of violence/death (as goes all mafia au fics), mentions of bdsm, mentions of masochist/sadistic tendencies, there's a serial murder of cops going on, lots of profanity/strong language, filthy dirty thoughts, unprotected sex (wrap it up ya’ll!), dirty talk, praise kink, pet names, vaginal penetration, car sex, public sex
LENGTH | 12,388 words
TAGLIST |  @tonystarksfavoritedaughter @iweirdthingsblog @dekyepunn @affy1106
NETWORKS |  @illusionnet @cromernet @wonderlandnet @othersideoutlawsnetwork @k-vanity @ksmutsociety
AUTHOR’S NOTE |  Here's the 2nd fic of my Mafiateez series!
Join the taglist here to be notified when I release the other fics of the series. Please be aware that this is Mature/18+ series. MDNI or you will be blocked (I will be checking)
Thank you @lovetaroandtaemin for beta-reading this! I'm glad you're invested and thanks in advance for offering to beta-read the other fics as I finish them . And thank you @hobeemin for the lovely banner and the divider again! Can't wait to see what you come up with for the rest of the series. 💚
Mafiateez series masterlist here
ATEEZ Main Masterlist
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Wooyoung watched Yunho and Jongho shower their new wife affectionately, his hands crossed over his chest as they made their way from one room to the next before the big meeting started. Ever since Lee Byeol and her family defected from the Butterfly Syndicate and started working with the Brotherhood of Ateez, his brothers have been gaga over her presence. And though Wooyoung had no interest in her, there was no denying she was beautiful. There were times when he could even look at her and be attracted to her. 
Not for too long, though, because his taste was far different than most.
"Are you jealous that they have a wife?" a feminine voice behind Wooyoung made him grin, but he didn't look over. She stood close enough that he could smell the subtle fragrance she always wore. Fruity and sweet, he loved the way it blended with her natural essence. And beneath it all was the undeniable pheromone that drew Wooyoung towards her each time she was nearby. He always wanted more.
It was the whisper of breath against his neck, a husky tone he knew to expect before he turned, his heart thumping against his rib cage in anticipation of their interaction. His cock gave a slight twitch as well, but that wasn't out of the ordinary, so he paid it no mind. She could always make him feel that way without any effort whatsoever.
"Are you jealous that Byeol has two husbands?" He retorted, turning slowly to get an eyeful of his fellow rookie recruit. He watched as you ran a hand through your hair and straightened your suit jacket, both items hugging your curves just right, or was that because his eyes were trained to notice every detail about you? Every perfect imperfection you carried only heightened your appeal in his book.
"Please, it takes time and energy just to maintain one," you rolled your eyes with a wave of your hand, motioning to the world around you. "No, thank you."
"Oh yeah?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "Won't be long, and I'll have you screaming my name."
You rolled your eyes, wishing his ego wasn't quite so inflated. "You wish, Jung. Come on. The boss called us, and you're making me late."
You gave him a light swat on his perfectly formed ass cheek and quickened your steps to open the door to the meeting room before him. As you walked around the table and took your normal place standing behind Hongjoong's chair, Wooyoung continued through the door. You tried not to watch his broad shoulders move under his suit jacket as he moved. For a fellow rookie, his rise to prominence in the gang was shocking and a little maddening.
Once everyone was settled in their seats, including the members of the Lee Group now that they were allies of the Brotherhood, Hongjoong began his briefing. You had to make a mental note of what was happening, as you weren't supposed to let anything leave your sight. Every single person in the room was extremely dangerous.
And you silently cursed your chief for making you take this job.
Being an undercover cop within the top mob group of Korea was not what you planned on doing, but this assignment just dropped into your lap at the worst possible moment. Sure, your family used to run with one of the biggest Asian gangs back in the States, but you just weren't in that kind of business anymore. Since getting caught and sent to a juvenile detention center in your youth, you vowed not to do any illegal shit and went clean, going to the police academy instead. 
And now, here you were.
As an undercover agent.
Serves you right, you guess, for the shit you used to do.
This wasn't even your investigation or case, though. But your chief wanted someone fresh. Someone who had been raised by the culture and learned how to bend the rules. No one in Vice wanted this damn assignment. Who in their right mind would, honestly? But when the chief found out that you used to run the same circles, albeit on a smaller scale, in the States, here you were, babysitting a major crime boss and the most significant threat the Seoul Police had ever seen.
It took less than five minutes for the Brotherhood's recruiter to come sniffing about at one of their usual clubs. All you had to do was walk in the right spots, pick a fight and make it look good if needed. The chief even had a few of your fellow detectives pretend they were roughing you up, so your bruised face was an attention-getting catalyst for sure. It worked like a charm, and in a few hours, a pretty raven-haired guy with soft eyes and a dimpled smile offered help to the poor damsel in distress.
You wanted to throw up when he took you home and immediately tried to get handsy with you, his fingers drifting along your thighs. The thought of allowing any of these perverted fuckers to touch you made your blood boil. You didn't even let them think they could stick their hands into the promised land as you smacked him back and quickly grabbed a piece of hard candy, placing it square between your lips before giving him a harsh lesson. You hadn't even meant to break his jaw, but he should've known better.
 It was a lesson that Wooyoung never forgot, judging by the number of times you find the pretty psycho watching you with a frown when he thinks you won't catch him.
You still feel his heavy gaze on you several times throughout the briefing. With your hands casually tucked in the pockets of your suit jacket, you flick your eyes his way more than once, noticing he always glances away immediately.
That only gives you a moment to look at him. To take in the flawlessly groomed, long black locks of hair pulled away from his forehead and showing off his beautiful face. From his strong nose to those sinful pink lips, his large dark eyes, and thick dark lashes. The mole below his left eye drew attention, and you could understand why so many girls fawned over him, although he didn't seem to pay much attention to them. At least that you'd noticed.
When he suddenly meets your eyes, a slow, sensual grin lifts the corners of his mouth, and you give him the middle finger and glare at him as he chuckles. He knew what he was doing, and he fucking knew it. He was incredibly talented and incredibly unhinged, causing no end of headaches for you since you were usually on the same team.
Once the meeting is finished, you fall in line to follow Hongjoong and Seonghwa out, listening to their orders before you leave. You didn't miss the way Wooyoung's eyes watched the sway of your ass or his fingers twitching against his leg.
Stubborn man.
No, not just a stubborn man.
A psychopath who seems to like the pain he feels when you knock him down a few pegs.
Lucky for you, you enjoy it as much as he does.
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He doesn't think about you during his personal time.
In Wooyoung's free time, the thought that the woman who whipped his ass in verbal combat the night you two first met, a gorgeous woman by any standard, was an incredible fuck in his mind, often presented itself.
Your sharp  and sweet tongue were not something Wooyoung was going to forget anytime soon. Or how beautiful you look on your knees or with his cock buried deep inside your silky warmth. He'd had many encounters with women he would call simply amazing.
You weren't one of them.
You were beyond amazing despite not spending a night with him yet.
Aside from your sex appeal and raw beauty, you were a damn great fighter and kept his ego in check, despite how young you were. He was surprised to learn about your juvenile past. From what you revealed, it seemed there was much more to it than a rough childhood. However, when you told him to fuck off, he was compelled to listen. That doesn't happen often; the shock is still there when you bark a command, and he drops to obey it like a faithful pup.
Despite being the highest-ranked rookie of the Brotherhood, Wooyoung was known to get shit done, unhinged tendencies or not. But when he hears your voice bark his name or sees your stern glare directed his way, it shuts him the fuck up and the other high-ranking members can't get enough of it. Hongjoong has asked you to attend more meetings than he usually lets other rookies or newcomers do. Wooyoung didn't question that, seeing how effectively you kept him and the other members on task.
Sometimes, though...sometimes he'd much rather let you tie him up and punish him. Like that one time you gagged him because he was yapping non-stop, and his incessant talking was driving you crazy. And boy, did it turn him on, knowing full well how far he could push you and how hard you'd push back.
You hadn't been joking when you broke his jaw the night the two of you first met. That had hurt like a mother fucker, but your fingers trailing so lovingly down his cheek, across his bottom lip, only moments after you had kicked the shit out of him while whispering harsh unpleasantries into his ear, was hot as fuck.
"Whatcha thinking bout, Jung?" You ask, plopping onto the chair across from Wooyoung as you get some quiet time in the lunch area.
With a cocky grin, he looks over your shoulder for the room and answers smoothly, "I want those perfect lips of yours wrapped around my dick."
Rolling your eyes and wishing you didn't need to maintain your cover, you toss an empty plastic water bottle into the trash can beside his chair. His eyes light up, having heard that thunk a thousand times over the months the two of you have known each other, and it doesn't escape your notice. "Wanna try that again and be honest this time? I could always gag you like the last time and tie you up..."
"Would it turn you on?" Wooyoung asked, an eyebrow raised.
"Probably," you shrug and laugh. 
He chuckles along, admitting that he would love to be tied up by you and dominated like an absolute god.
"God, is sex the only thing you think about?" You wonder out loud, popping the seal on a brand new water bottle.
"What else will I think about with you hanging around all the time?" He fires back.
"Aw, am I a temptation to you? How cute," you stand again and tuck a lock of hair behind his ear, caressing his cheek with a smirk as he growls at you.
"I ain't cute, but we could have a lot of fun together," Wooyoung insisted, grabbing your hip and yanking you closer. Your knees hit his as you straddle his lap, resting one hand on his thigh and the other on his bicep.
Your head lowers, hovering close to his, noses brushing, your words purred, "You like when a woman is in control, huh?"
"Damn fucking right," he breathed, licking his lips as his grip tightened on your ass.
"Too bad this isn't the time or place. Also," you tap his nose with one finger and straighten up. "We are not having a sexual relationship."
As Wooyoung swears vehemently and stands to follow, San rounds the corner to see the man adjust his semi-hard member. The way your hips sway as you walk away has San clearing his throat and laughing to himself.
"There's no way, man. No fucking way you'll be able to tap that," San announces with a slap of Wooyoung's back.
"Yes, I can. I will. She's already close, San. So fucking close," Wooyoung laughs. "We'll see."
"Not before she kicks your ass,” San laughs.
"Bring it, baby! Oh yeah! Bring it!" Wooyoung teases as your eye turns back to glare at him from further down the hall.
"Grow the fuck up," you call out, but Wooyoung is positive he saw that pretty lip curl into a half smile.
Yeah, Wooyoung knew your tell. You want him, and it was just a matter of getting through to you.
"Maybe she's more sadistic than we thought," San chortles. "She likes to boss you, and only you, around and humiliate you in front of everyone."
Wooyoung shrugged, laughing at the truth of that. "Hey, that's fine by me. She's so fucking hot when she gets in my face."
"You need therapy. Desperately," San said, giving his best friend an odd look.
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Your next day off, you were in the local gym, punching the hell out of a punching bag. As you stopped for a water break, you weren't surprised when a man stepped up next to you. 
As you took a drink, you gave him a side glance, and he spoke to you. "Surprised you haven't slipped up yet."
"Goddamn it, Eric," you put your water bottle down and punched the bag. "I can't wait for this case to be over and sleep for 24 hours."
"How have you gone this long without dropping your act?" he questioned with a laugh.
Your fists pounded the bag as your elbows and feet flew. The air was filled with a light sheen of sweat. "I'm going insane and haven't had a goddamn decent fuck yet. Do you realize how long it's been since I've gotten laid, Eric?"
He leaned against the next bag, trying not to laugh aloud as you continued venting.
"Eric, it has been weeks since I've touched a dick, and all this tension between me and a certain psychopath is fucking ridiculous! I'm on edge 24/7!" You give the bag an extra punch and a kick. "HOW is this even a life for me?! HOW!"
"Then screw him and get it over with," Eric rolls his eyes.
"NO!" you screech loudly.
People working out or passing by turn towards the shout with raised eyebrows.
"Sorry!" you call out sheepishly. The men and women return to their workouts, amused by the verbal venting of a strong woman. "He's fucking crazy, Eric. I swear he's crazier than their boss and everyone else combined."
You and Eric had moved out to Korea after you graduated from the academy together. Your fathers knew each other back when their lives were filled with chaos. Before turning to law enforcement, both would cause the worst headaches for the police of their town and some surrounding areas. One thing had led to another, and somehow, the families had intermingled, resulting in you and Eric being practically brought up together.
Eric has been your partner since you joined the metro PD. When you moved to Seoul, you went from a beat cop to vice almost immediately, which brought on the undercover assignment. A lifelong friend, he kept track of everything you were involved in. Both of you understood how dangerous it could be, not just for yourself but for Eric, if the Brotherhood found out about your identity.
"What's been happening since the Lee Group joined the Brotherhood?" Eric asked, holding the bag and keeping up with the punches and kicks.
“Apart from the face-sucking with her husbands,” you say, “Lee Byeol has been sent on a few missions and has always returned unscathed, unharmed, and successful. Ever since she left the Butterfly Syndicate, they’ve made headway with many major operations in Seoul, especially because of the Lee Group's firepower brought with them.”
"Fuck," Eric grunted.
"Yeah. I've heard that the Butterfly Syndicate hasn't taken the loss too kindly. They are doing the same to other gangs and operations that leave their fold. And it's not pretty, Eric," you kicked the bag hard enough that it hit the man on the other side of it, who grunted when it connected with his abs and made him step back a little. "Any updates on our serial killer killing cops?"
"Not one. It's frustrating the hell out of the chief. This psychopath is smarter and more calculated than we are, and no one can pick up the trail. I wish he would make a mistake so we can catch him. He hasn't gotten messy yet," Eric adjusted the bag, resuming the role as the spotter. "But there is one thing in common on all the bodies."
"Yeah?" you grunt, a blow flying.
“The Brotherhood’s mark,” Eric said.
Your arms flop. You turned towards Eric with a surprised expression. "What?"
"Ateez symbol. On the bodies. Scratched on one of their hands. Always different ones. Never the same. It's odd," Eric states quietly, looking at you.
"That's weird... With how long I've worked with them, there's no way they're that brazen, and the cop killings don't add up,” you shook your head. “Hongjoong is a piece of work, but he would never attack the police. Not now, not ever. Whoever is committing the murders is trying to incite a war between us and them. They want that chaos. I'm telling you, the murderer wants a fucking war."
Eric grunted, giving you an appraising look. You punch a few more times, feeling the familiar pull of your muscles working. When you're sure you're in shape and your daily routine is complete, you wipe the towel down your arms and neck as Eric asks. "You sure it's not that psycho boyfriend of yours?"
"One, he is NOT my boyfriend. Two, he's an unhinged idiot, yes, but I've been pretty sure he wouldn't start murdering people just for fun, you know? He's smarter than he looks," you swallow a long gulp of water and lower the bottle. "This is a fucking shit show."
Eric gave you a somber nod and straightened the punching bag. "Sounds like something is about to blow."
"I agree. Get your head in the game, detective. It will get a lot worse before it gets better," you said, glancing at your closest friend.
Eric nodded his head before his eyes went wide. You knew that look very well and turned your head, noticing Wooyoung strolling through the gym's doors. With a sigh, you went back to punching and kicking the bag.
"Pretend to be my trainer or something," you told your partner, who didn't hesitate to come up behind you, shouting directions with the expertise of someone who knew what they were talking about.
As soon as Wooyoung saw you, he headed straight to you, giving his signature crooked, handsome smile, hands tucked in his jacket pockets. With your hair up in a messy bun and sweat slicking down your toned body and toned legs in tight gym shorts, he was salivating a bit too obviously and couldn't take his eyes off you.
"Am I bothering you?" Wooyoung calls from a few feet away, grinning broadly as Eric slows down his instruction but does not step aside.
"Yes," you breathe out.
Eric moves up to stand at your back, taking note of your opponent and what he could be planning. Your friend knew you could handle yourself, but he could also see how the young man eyed your sweat-drenched shirt as it stuck to you, leaving little to the imagination. Wooyoung also couldn't keep his eyes off the way your hair hung haphazardly, making you look so damn sexy it was almost distracting.
Your partner tapped you on the shoulder, telling you to take a break before he walked away to another area of the gym. As soon as he was no longer in view, Wooyoung took his place. His grin widened when you placed your hands on your knees and raised your head to glare.
"I love it when a woman works up a sweat. Bet it would taste as sweet as honey, nectar...ah fuck, woman, stop me," Wooyoung let the dirty thought spill forth but snapped his mouth shut before he went to far. Standing straight, you grabbed the hand towel beside the water bottle and wiped the sweat from your brow, glancing around casually. 
"So, what brings you to the gym? Out for a walk?" you asked before you took a long drink from your bottle, hoping to make the pretty little psycho jealous.
And it worked.
"Looking for you," his dark eyes roamed over you shamelessly, almost able to see through your drenched sports bra. "Have plans tonight?"
"Why?" you questioned, cocking a hip out as he took another step forward.
“Just wondering,” Wooyoung said.
"Are you going to use me for one of the Brotherhood's business ventures again?" you ask, eyebrows raised and arms crossed as he gets just a little closer.
"San wants me to collect some money a man owes us. There's a 60 percent chance it won't even become physical, baby," Wooyoung says sweetly. You glare, feeling the sweat starting to cool on you, and shiver as it passes over your spine. Wooyoung reached a finger out and ran it slowly along your jaw. "Give me some time, and I can warm you up again, angel."
"Touch me again, and your dick becomes my new punching bag," you warn darkly.
Wooyoung can hear the truth in that statement, and his eyes widen. But instead of scaring him away, his eyes crinkle at the corners as he smiles broadly. "Baby, I can't resist. You are so much sexier when you are irritated, you know that?"
"Jesus, you need mental help. Seriously," you glare and grab your water, turning away.
"What can I say, honey...you and that cute ass make me want to follow," Wooyoung tosses his head and fluffs his hair, not once taking his eyes off your retreating form. "Is this going to become a normal thing? The workout scene, I mean?"
“Why? Scared that I’m going to be too muscular for you? Too buff and scary?” you ask.
Wooyoung steps quickly, coming around in front of you. "Hell no. I like how ripped you are. Like damn, those thighs could break my neck. I want them wrapped around it for sure."
You almost gagged.
Instead, you sigh in a way that lets him know just how tired you are of his bullshit. "Why are you bothering me, Jung? Seriously."
He has the gall to look confused. "I just told you I was looking for you. I was looking for you to help San collect money."
"And? It's my day off, remember?" you reminded him.
"What, do I need to get on my knees and beg?" Wooyoung wonders out loud.
"As if it would help any. Alright, Mr. Badboy. If I go, will you fuck the hell off afterward?" you glared at him.
Wooyoung wriggled an eyebrow in a way that should have been disgusting and lewd. Yet somehow, it was as if he was practiced at the move, and it was more adorable than anything. "Baby, it's hard for me to avoid you already."
With a sigh of annoyance, you shrugged and stood from where you were wiping down the bench press machine you used. "Fine, but if shit gets weird or sketchy, I'll leave your ass without a second thought."
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It's well known that your strength is unparalleled, and the man the two of you were coming to collect money owed was intimidated by you more so than Wooyoung—not that many people weren't. Once you set foot in the room where he's waiting, the bald middle-aged man could only glare at you.
"Park Siwoo, you are late. Now, pay the 300k that is owed." Wooyoung's dark tone rumbles.
Siwoo makes a grunting noise, watching the way you eye the weapons collection across the room with interest. "The fuck would a woman be doing with a buncha fucking guns?"
“Mind your own, sir,” you say.
"Whatcha gonna do about it, little girl?" He taunts, spittle forming in the corner of his mouth. "You ain't got the fucking balls."
You're so focused on your inspection that the man and his threats are becoming white noise. It isn't until you reach out with one delicate finger, drawing it over a handgun, and smile at its smooth and polished finish that you turn back to your opponents. "Three hundred thousand won, Siwoo. Don't make me ask a second time."
“Or you’re gonna do what?” Siwoo sneered, his voice dripping with menace.
You straighten your back, placing your arms behind you and raising an eyebrow at his pig-like attitude.
"Look at how the little bitch stands," he barks out a laugh, finding this too funny. "You remind me of those cops out there. Did you hear? Someone has killed off the lot of 'em."
"Oh?" Wooyoung states, sounding only mildly interested in the news, crossing his arms as you finally returned to their conversation, your full focus trained on him.
"Heard it was you, Brotherhood folks. Making things right, ridding the streets of the shits who think they're doing good." Siwoo laughs until his eyes settle on you. "The fuck are you looking at? Have a good fuck like a good little girl, and make babies. I ain't afraid of you."
You had to stop Wooyoung before he rushed forward, almost succeeding, since he was an arm's reach away. "Easy, pretty boy. Don't get so excited." 
You said in an equally cold tone, one hand still holding the young man's forearm firmly as you blocked him easily, turning your attention back to Siwoo with the same half-lidded glare. "We're just here for the 300k. Easy in and out. No hassles."
"Make a woman do the dirty work, eh?" Siwoo growls, running his fingers down the blade of a nasty-looking machete. "One as small and weak as you? Must be tough times, man."
Wooyoung tried to make a lunge for it, but you beat him to it, leaping over the table as Siwoo reacted far too slowly. The machete was caught in your hand, barely an inch above his collarbone, before he realized that his life had almost come to a halt. A drop of sweat trickled down his brow. He watched you inspect the weapon, rolling it so the light danced off the edge and the blade.
"Good balance, could be sharper. Nice. What a shame," you said, lifting the blade higher so the tip is pressed against his throat. Siwoo was paralyzed and panting, staring at you with fear in his eyes, body visibly shaking in the seat he occupied. "The money? Come on now. Be a good boy and fetch my payment." You told him in a syrupy voice that almost matched how you flipped the blade.
Wooyoung grinned but did his best to stop his hand from diving into his pocket and stroking himself. That was sexy, and he felt a new respect and admiration for you. As unhinged as he was, Wooyoung was positive he'd never seen a more beautiful sight. He had half a mind to forget why they were even there and take you on that desk. He swore that your nipples were peaked enough he could probably make you squirm without even touching them. The image of you straddling him, shirt hiked up as your naked breast bounced so he could feast his eyes, flashed in his mind.
You did notice the bulge in Wooyoung's pants, but you would never call him out on it. At least not there or then. His dirty smirk let you know though, that his mind had gone somewhere he rather enjoyed. Your face is calm and serious despite the growing boner in the beautiful psychos jeans, because if anyone else noticed it, things could go awry real fast.
Afraid and hesitant, Siwoo's throat works a few times, feeling the cool steel press a bit deeper, nearly drawing blood. Slowly, a shaking hand reaches up to pry the machete away from his neck. Your glare hardens.
"Nuh uh. Where is my money?" you snap at him.
"Right. Of course. Behind the cabinet. Near the back. Here, the keys. Um, they'll fit." He tells you with his lips quivering.
You take the keys and throw them to Wooyoung, who wastes no time in taking the 300k that was in an envelope behind the wall safe. As you release the machete, dropping the weapon at the gangster’s feet, he let out a choked sigh. He watched with a trembling lip as the both of you casually walked out of his office, Wooyoung counting the money slowly, as if it meant nothing and was just background noise.
When the door closed behind them, you pushed Wooyoung roughly into the wall, yanking him down by his coat collar, your hand roughly cupping his hard on. "You're a bad boy. Get turned on watching a man wet himself with fear, huh?"
His only reply is a groan and his hands reaching out to grope at your ass, pressing you closer. "Got turned on by you playing bad, baby. Got me so fucking hot. How fast do you think I can get us a hotel room? A fucking penthouse suite? Have a room service dinner and some champagne?"
Your eyes were flashing, and Wooyoung wondered if his was as intense as yours was. Your noses brush lightly and you breathed out a laugh. "Hah, as if. Do you really want to die?"
"Only for you, angel," Wooyoung fires back.
"Sorry, can't oblige," you tell him, patting his chest before turning away. "And can't help you with the hard one either. Go home and play with yourself, pretty boy."
"Damn, baby. What I would do..." Wooyoung trills a delighted sound and a chuckle, stumbling slightly but grinning as he looks after you, his eyes dropping down your backside as it sashays enticingly, "for that fucking ass and those fucking thighs."
You give the psycho the middle finger and glance back briefly. "As if that's gonna happen."
"Can I at least jack off to the thought of you?! Jesus, I feel like a high school kid getting a semi when the school teacher walks by!" Wooyoung exclaims.
"Just hurry the hell up, and get in the car, pervert!" You say louder.
"That's not a no, Y/N. Did I just see a soft spot?" he teases as he finally catches up to you.
"Eat dirt and choke." You responded back.
"Bite that pretty lip a bit and look into my eyes, and I will. Sweet motherfuck, Y/N, you can kill a guy." Wooyoung chuckles.
"Not killing you... yet. Now, get the fuck into the car. And shut the fuck up before I gag you." You unlock the driver's door and get in, watching him watch you with that dumb little smirk. "If you be a good boy for me, maybe I'll fuck you next time I'm in a nice mood. Maybe."
"THANK YOU. Yes please." Wooyoung gasps, hurrying to jump into the car next to you.
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"Hey dad," you mutter into the phone as you try to shovel rice and fried pork belly into your mouth at the same time. You were finally in the comfort of your own home after a long shift. Your fridge and cupboards were empty after only a few days of coming in and out. Being gone most nights due to undercover work kept you hungry but in turn gave you lots of exercise. You've seen the muscles that formed thanks to the regimen, as the loose black tank you wore showed it off. 
Your father always made sure to call once a week, no matter what, and the two of you would make a brief update. "How's work treating my troublemaking daughter?" 
"Honestly dad," you sigh into the line as a smile broke out on your face, "I can't wait for this case to be over so I can get some actual decent fucking sleep. I don't think I can survive the exhaustion."
"I know undercover work is hard," your father says sympathetically, "but you were always the toughest. If anyone can succeed at this, it'll be you."
"How are things back home? Mom doing okay?" you asked around a mouthful of rice, your eyes landing on a commercial where an idol group was prancing around a city street, flitting between fans and a few reporters. 
“The precinct has been keeping us busy ever since the family went good,” your father says. “I’m getting too old for this. Give me another ten and I’ll retire.”
"Don't retire and become a thug again, dad," you laugh. "You made a promise."
He chortles. "We all made that vow not to do illegal shit when you enrolled into the police academy and went straight. Your mom is doing okay too, since we've cut our hours back at work to three days instead of six or seven a week. She gets to enjoy her time a lot more and still works with the people."
"Please," you implore, "don't do something that you'll regret, like backtrack and do illegal shit again. You already left the gang life in the past." 
You sigh loudly, hearing someone on your floor open a door and scuttle through the hallway, hoping it wasn't the person in apartment 6A with the screaming kids. He always managed to show up in the early morning, around two when you wanted a nap on your rare free time.
"You sound dead tired. Go get some sleep, and remember to look both ways when you cross the street," your father advises and you can hear the humor in his voice. "Don't leave anything in the fridge, and make sure you're always aware and alert. Remember your training."
“Dad, I’m a detective in Seoul and you’re a former thug turned cop. I think I’ll be fine,” you say.
He lets out another laugh and you can hear some talking going on behind him before the muffled sounds return and you hear a click from another set of speakers. "Have you got yourself a boyfriend?"
“How can I think of dating when I’m undercover, dad?” you ask.
“What about Eric? He’s a great guy,” your father says.
“Yes, a great colleague,” you say. “Not a great dating partner.”
"No? But you've had sex before, right? Did you use protection? Were the other men at least clean?" He asks.
"GOODBYE DAD," you hang up the call as you roll your eyes with a blush. You weren't a stranger to a few sexual partners, but you weren't a woman who had a guy between your legs all the time. Work was always too stressful and complicated, and so was trying to have a relationship.
Eric was a good looking guy, and the two of you did try going on a few dates, but the conversations were awkward. It felt like hanging out with a brother. There was just too much history, and way too much embarrassment on either of your parts. Neither of you were too shy about your past, but talking about how you once got tipsy and fell face first onto the steps after the Christmas party was still too embarrassing. It also didn't help that his father is an ex-member of the same gang as your dad.
Rolling your eyes, you chugged some beer, eyes closing in bliss when your phone buzzes, and the contact for Chief Ryu shows up on the screen. You glance around the lonely and cold place that was your apartment. While the furniture you had wasn't top of the line, you did spend a lot of cash making sure your sheets and pillows were the softest and warmest. No sense in investing money in anything else.
"Sir," you greet him.
"Detective L/N," he returns, voice grim. "Have you caught wind of anything else while you are on duty and while undercover? Anything useful that may get us into the higher levels of the case?"
You are quiet. The rest of the rice and pork belly were shoved into your mouth as you glanced at your cell. A few more hours until daylight. Your schedule was hectic. "I'll stop by the precinct in ten sir, and fill you in then."
"Very well. Stay on target, and don't get sidetracked or lost. Make sure you aren't followed," the chief said. "Especially by that Jung Wooyoung. It's obvious he has a soft spot for you. Don't let him soften your resolve."
"Yes sir," with that you hang up and groan into your palms. 
You thought going undercover this time around would be smooth sailing, but with this pyscho trying his best to bed you, it was really testing your patience. He was persistent, and if you were in any other situation, it would actually be a nice boost to the ego. 
Too bad it was Jung.
With your hair tied up in a ponytail and a small, black cap on your head, a pair of thin rimmed glasses framing your features, along with your casual skinny jeans and hoodie, you blended into the rest of the people of Seoul easily. Without being noticed by a single person, you entered a back alley, making your way towards the police station where Chief Ryu is waiting for you.
The information you had collected during your stay within the ranks of the criminal organisation is dangerous, and it wasn't for the faint hearted. But after months, and many trials and errors, you finally gained enough access to be in their inner circle and you weren't going to let such an opportunity slip by. This case was getting close and if you play this right, you can nail some of the higher members into prison. The main objective was of course the leader.
As expected, the station was still very much busy. A few officers glance in your direction when you come through the backdoor, others offering nods of acknowledgment as you walk by. Some held stacks of paper and folders in their arms.
"Detective," Eric greeted you warmly, moving his own files into one arm, "good to see you. Everyone has been a bit on edge lately."
"I don't blame them," you mumbled softly, greeting him as you entered an elevator that only a few detectives and officers had access to. "Any new developments?"
"There was one last night. Officer Yoo was taken from the coffee shop just around the corner when he came off of his shift last night. Someone dragged him behind a building, knocked him out, and he's been gone since," he let out a tense breath. "Any witnesses, leads... it's like we've got nothing."
"Yoo Jinyoung was taken off duty last night. Shit," you mumble, tightening your grip. Another good officer out of action. Another potential life at risk. Another lead down the drain. "This isn't good."
The both of you exited the elevator as Eric tapped a button, the both of you pushing into a large room where a number of officers and detectives were already pouring through evidence and previous witness statements. Chief Ryu was the head detective leading the charge against the criminal organisations running Seoul, and he has been fighting tirelessly.
Once the elevator doors dinged open, you are welcomed to a few other detectives.
"Are you sure you should be showing up here, Y/N?" Eric muttered worriedly. "Your cover could be blown. That gang, you're working so close with them." He mumbles lowly, just in case. "Doesn't that...scare you at all?"
"I've told you a thousand times, nothing scares me. My job has me facing worse shit everyday," you grumble back just as quietly. "We used to run with these kinds of folks back home, or did you forget already?"
"I'm very much aware but the Brotherhood is a much larger scale compared to what we had back at home, Y/N. Back in LA, you used to hang with a few low-lifes and misfits," he whispers. "With the Brotherhood, they are bigger, they are worse, and the whole organization is deeply rooted in all sorts of shit."
"Still. I didn't scare easily even then and I sure as hell don’t now. Not in the middle of such an important case," you say, settling yourself against a wall as the other officers discuss their findings and cases.
"L/N, Sohn," Chief Ryu, the greying man greets the pair of you, "now that you've arrived, let's proceed. We got word of another attack late last night, and one of the casualties was Officer Yoo."
The other detectives groan, and one older-looking man angrily throws a document folder onto the desk, spilling coffee as the papers float down. A woman quickly snatches some up before they're soaked completely.
"It's going to be near impossible for Detective L/N to infiltrate anymore," another man spoke up. "What if she's next?"
"Do we know who did it?" you asked, ignoring the man's comment, staring directly at the chief.
"All signs point to the BRotherhood," Chief Ryu replies as he shakes his head sadly. His face has grown old and wrinkled since the case had started, and it didn't get better when it took off so many years back. "Mark on his body like the others."
"Sir, shouldn't we pull back L/N? She could be next!" a female officer argues.
"It can't be the Brotherhood," you sighed, crossing your arms and legs as the others looked over the new news. Eric watched you with a wary expression while the chief eyed the document. "Some of the members have a few screws loose, but these guys run their organizations differently from other syndicates. They may be bat shit crazy, but they have a way of handling the business. Park Seonghwa, the underboss, deals with the foot soldiers with a harsh hand if there's a murder that no one approved."
"Sounds like a strong and smart bastard," another man sighs, sitting heavily in his chair.
"What if it's the Brotherhood's resident pyscho? Jung Wooyoung? There are rumours that he's incredibly unhinged," another officer points out.
"Him? Nah," you shook your head. "He's too busy chasing me around to go about killing random people. Plus Kim Hongjoong and Park Seonghwa are always placing us in the same teams since I can control Jung."
A few eyebrows rise. 
"Really now?" the officer responds with a hum.
"The man likes it when I knock him down a few pegs," you shrug. "It's not him or the Brotherhood. If you ask me, this was a frame-up. Something else is going on."
A few more hums were shared.
"Why do you say that?" one of the detectives ask.
"After working with them for a year, I know what the methods are," you told him bluntly. "Not theirs. It doesn't fit their style."
"What would your plan of action be then, detective?" another asks and you see them all look in your direction.
"If we want answers, we need to catch the real killer," you said, and Chief Ryu nodded, clearly listening. "I should return and get back into the scene as quickly as possible before they find out my identity. I'll be sticking close to the higher-ups as well, so I'll have more opportunities."
The conversation went on, with other plans thrown out and shot down, more opinions, more questions. But in the end, Chief Ryu nods and lets a sigh escape him.
"Smart," Chief Ryu interjects. "Watch your back and keep an eye on things. Make sure to find out any sort of connection. Can you do it?"
“Of course, sir,” you say.  
"Be careful, Y/N," Eric implores again quietly as you straighten.
"Thank you," Chief Ryu said, "L/N, remember your training, keep your cover and report your findings immediately. And─"
“Yes?” you ask.
"If you have to land in bed with that Jung Wooyoung, do so, but don't catch feelings and get distracted. Lives depend on you, detective," Chief Ryu ordered as the conference room began to clear.
"Understood, sir," you say back, following the others out. You heard some mutters of gratitude and reassurances as a few men slapped you on the back and others on the shoulders.You called loudly from the doorway before you closed it. "I can't wait for this case to be over, sir!" 
Outside in the cold evening of Seoul, you tug your hoodie closer around your neck and look up into the clouds as you exhale heavily. Now that undercover cops are being killed, things have just gotten so much more dangerous. You had to be careful before shit turned ugly.
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Wooyoung swore that he saw you walk out of the precinct, looking pretty casual in a dark purple hoodie, black jeans, a cap, a pair of thin-rimmed glasses. He blinked and rubbed his eyes a few times. No, it had to be someone that looked like you. There was no way that you'd actually be there as a fucking police detective. No way in fucking hell.
It couldn't be. He must be hallucinating. All his efforts into chasing and flirting with a fellow rookie mafia member must have exhausted him, and maybe the lack of sex made him crazy, and he was imagining that his little crush and eye candy was an officer for the fucking law and order of South Korea. That sounded ridiculous, even to his ears.
Or were you? He recalled how you handled yourself and the way you used your guns, the way you stared men down, and the way you knocked a guy out with your elbow, the way you're able to leap across obstacles, and those muscles of your—
"Huh. Holy fuck. You're an actual police officer. All this time I've been flirting and hitting on a motherfucking police detective," Wooyoung said to himself. "But damn, just knowing that you're a detective made you ten times hotter. Damn."
He watched as you rounded the corner with your phone pressed against your ear, smiling widely before hanging up and removing your cap with a laugh. From where he was hidden, he could make out your large and beautiful smile as you tossed your hat on the passenger seat of your car before getting inside. Wooyoung swears under his breath when you don't start the engine and instead dig into your hoodie pocket before you lean forward.
Before he knew what he was doing, his feet had him walking into the alley and creeping up to your car. One, you had a nice ass, and two, he could watch from a safe distance without bothering you. And maybe catch some info if he can manage.
He could see you looking at your phone, a tired grin on your lips before leaning your forehead against the wheel. Fishing his phone from his pocket, he dialed your number and watched as you raised an eyebrow when your device rang and you didn't bother to even answer and let it go to voicemail. He watched from his spot as you shimmied out of the hoodie you were wearing and revealed that black tank top, the shape and size of your biceps clearly defined in the lowlight as you wiped your sweaty brow, tossing the sweater onto the backseat before you stretch your arms and flexing your upper muscles.
Wooyoung damn near wet himself when you groaned as you stretched your shoulders. Fuck, just those delicious, strong looking arms were getting him all bothered. Then you began to drag your left palm across your right shoulder blade. You appeared to have rolled it a few times and while Wooyoung wanted to sit back and jack off to the sight of it, his hormones went into overdrive.
"Fuck, detective. You make it hard to just watch you," Wooyoung muttered before making his way to your car and rapping on the window.
You jumped and looked at him, and panic set in before you glared and rolled the window down. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
"Let me get in. Let's talk. Come on," Wooyoung nodded to the empty seat. "Unless you want me to rat out your little undercover mission."
"Fuck you, and get in the damn car,” you ordered.
"Sweetheart, do that and we'll both enjoy it too much," he smirked as you growled. You unlock the doors and unlock the other door and wait until Wooyoung opens and gets in and closes the car. "Damn, are you for real an undercover police officer? How'd you get this job?"
You pulled away from the curb before answering his question. "How'd you know?"
“Saw you walking out of the station,” Wooyoung said.  
“And what were you doing there, huh?” you ask.  
"I was bailing out one of our guys that got caught at an intersection. Look, that doesn't matter. Why are you undercover for the fucking police force, sweet cheeks?" He asked, relaxing into your seats as you drove to God knows where, probably another safehouse, an apartment or something. Wooyoung watches you breathe heavily, fists white against the steering wheel and the leather creased under your fingertips.
"Tell anyone what I do or say and I'll snap your spine in half, do you understand?" You mutter.
"M'am, yes m'am," Wooyoung responded, unable to look away from your shoulders.
You throw a quick glance at him, groaning. "Why do I get the feeling that I have to bang you to keep you quiet?"
"Because that's exactly how you'll have me not say a word," Wooyoung murmurs back, his pants tightening. Damn, there was a police detective seated right next to him, who had guns and all sorts of police shit stashed, and he was growing really excited. Shit, Wooyoung didn't think you being a cop would be such a huge turn on but he was slowly falling deep.
"Okay listen, if I fuck you, will you promise to not speak a single fucking word?" You ask.
"Baby girl, I'll agree to fucking anything if it meant you putting those sexy guns to use," he growled as you shook your head. "If it makes you feel better, I promise you, no one else is going to find out about your gig as a detective, especially the other high ups in the family."
“What will it cost me?” you ask.  
"Well, baby girl, I'd settle for just one kiss." Wooyoung sucked his lip, placing an arm around your shoulders as he smirks. He grins as you blink back, a red blush across your face. "Nothing more, nothing less. It can be just a small one, and you can do it."
You stare at him, parking the car a couple of blocks away and unbuckling your seatbelt before he does. With a sly look, you raise an eyebrow, "Really? Just one kiss?"
“And I will keep quiet, officer,” Wooyoung said.  
Wooyoung grunts in surprise when you place a hand against his neck, lips meeting his in a quick, firm, solid kiss that left him wanting so much more when you pull away, clear your throat, and adjust his collar. "Just so you can keep your trap shut. Nothing more, you hear?"
He let out a whistle.
"Alright, alright. I can do that. It was worth it," Wooyoung responded with a wider, dopey smile on his lips. Damn, it was true when people said kissing is better than sex sometimes. Shit, he wanted to chase after those plump lips once more. "So how long you been undercover? Since you joined the Brotherhood?"
“Yeah,” you say.
"All the time and no one fucking knew. Wow," Wooyoung said. He turned and got another good look at your muscles when you went to lift the bottle of water off your console. "Why the Brotherhood?"
"Chief's order, but mostly because of the recent drug ring popping up throughout Seoul," you sighed. "Cops are dying left and right."
"So what Siwoo said was true?" Wooyoung asked and you nodded. "Shit. He didn't lie or make it up or anything like that? Is he the one?"
You shook your head. "No, Siwoo is too stupid and uncoordinated to ever manage to do this. He's a mess and he knows that if he tries to play assassin and hit-man, he's going to fail."
“And you don’t think it’s the Brotherhood?” Wooyoung asked.  
"Everyone at the precinct thinks it's you guys but... no," you finally spoke. "Wooyoung, I think the Brotherhood was framed."
"Wait-wha-hold on- wait a second," Wooyoung murmured, making a stop signal with both of his hands. "You're saying that someone else killed the cops and are pinning the deaths on us. Now why the hell would anyone try and kill the fucking officers?"
"Hell if I know, I'm just trying to figure this out before another good person dies," you confessed quietly, rubbing the space between your eyebrows. "Maybe, as much as it pains me to say it, you or your guys can help. Maybe some of your info can be put to use."
Wooyoung stared down at your anxious look. "Let's go see Hongjoong, then."
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"So... You're a detective?" Hongjoong stated, perking his eyebrows up. You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly.
"Afraid so," you responded quietly. "You can do whatever you want with me after you hear me out."
"Relax," Hongjoong leaned over the desk, eyes sharp on you. "I knew you were an officer from day one, Detective L/N."
You blinked. "Wait, what?"
"I kept this quiet. As a sort of protection," the man's arms were crossed and his eyes scanned you. "I want that fucker who's killing cops and pinning their deaths on my family."
"Oh my God," you whispered, blinking a couple of times. He had known, and no one else did. Damn, no wonder Hongjoong was considered one of the most powerful men in the underworld. The man was brilliant and always several steps ahead.
"I'm sure everyone in the SPD thinks we're all scum but the Brotherhood are not cop killers. That's against our code. Even if we run drugs, weapons trafficking, extortion, counterfeits... murdering a cop goes too far for us," Hongjoong continues.
“Then who do you think it is?” you ask.  
"The Butterfly Syndicate," Seonghwa replied, sitting down. "It has been an ongoing feud. Their Boss, the Black Butterfly, hates us."
“You...know this?” you ask.  
“Byeol has been working on this operation with Yunho and Jongho,” Seonghwa replied. “She has all the insider intel as she was a former Butterfly.”  
You turned to Wooyoung, his expression dark before nodding at you. "What are your plans then?"
"Get enough dirt on the Black Butterfly and her gang so I can put her into prison where she fucking belongs," Hongjoong responded. "If the Brotherhood works with the SPD to take her out, it'll look less suspect and will strengthen my ties with the police and will make sure things will go smoothly in the future."
“Sounds like you have everything planned out. I can make it happen. So, when should we start the ball rolling?” you ask.  
"I'll be making a trip to the precinct to see your chief to discuss this arrangement. Good?" Hongjoong asked.
"Good," you nodded. "I'll phone the precinct and let them know to expect you."
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After your meeting with Hongjoong, you were driving back home with Wooyoung tagging along. You stopped the car in an abandoned area outside the city limits, the sound of rushing water from a distant river could be heard as the trees creaked from the gusts of wind blowing by. Unbuckling your seatbelt, you stared hard at your steering wheel while Wooyoung just relaxed into the chair further.
"Something on your mind, detective?" Wooyoung asks after a beat of silence.
You cast a weary eye his way, lips pressed thin. The hand around the wheel loosened before it came to rest on your lap. The light of the moon reflects in your eyes as you casted them towards the man beside you. He noticed the tightness of your jaw. He was no expert, but judging from what he could gather from you, he understood what kind of weight was resting on those shoulders.
Wooyoung lifted a hand and held yours, a thumb running over your knuckles in soft caresses, the heat searing your skin. Your fingers twitched at the sudden feeling and a blush appeared.
"Things must be rough for you, right?" he asked, tone gentle, eyes no longer carrying a hint of teasing. "Everything's riding on you being successful at this. Like if you make one wrong move, it could mean life and death, right?"
"Yeah, kinda," you answer honestly and let him hold your hand and trace the veins and outlines of the joints.
"There has to be something that I can help you with. Maybe loosen those tight shoulders a bit, huh? Help relieve some stress. Worry. Any of it. You're practically running the marathon of undercover detective life and now the weight of stopping a syndicate from getting away with mass murdering cops..." Wooyoung noted before nodding and glancing out of his passenger side window and the desolate trees. "No one is around, it's the middle of the night. Ain't nothing happening. Just let me give you some of me. I ain't going nowhere, detective."
A thoughtful hum was your answer and you couldn't quite form words as his strong grip ran circles over your palm. "Kiss me, Detective. Come on. Let it out. Your nerves, frustration. It'll relax you. Come on, I'll even beg for it."
Without another word, he began planting slow kisses along your palms, his breath hot against your flesh. His teeth grazed a finger and goosebumps rippled through your spine when he darted his tongue against it. A flick here, a swirl there. His dark brown, nearly black eyes glimmered brightly under the soft lights in your car as a wicked smile crossed his face when you moaned as he nipped another digit.
"Beg me," you breathed, your pulse quickening. "Beg for me, Wooyoung. You want me?"
"Yes," he hummed. "Yes, ma'am."
"Get naked and get in the backseat,” you ordered.
"With pleasure, beautiful," Wooyoung breathed huskily, excited for what you were willing to offer to him. He slid the door open and clambered onto the back as he tugged his shirt overhead, pulling his belt from the loops, making sure the metal clanked and clinked loudly before he was throwing his pants aside.
You crawl back, eyes sweeping across his body, taking in the tattoo on his left ribcage, the many piercings and the muscle definition. Not too much and not too little. Damn this punk looked good. "Ever had sex in the back of a police car?"
"No. Though this is certainly new and different," he murmured, watching as you slip off the tank, no bra and you kick off your jeans before straddling his hips. He inhales deeply when he cups your face and places a long and deep kiss on your mouth. Your skin, God, the way your skin felt under his touch was too erotic and you returned his kiss eagerly. "And I sure am liking the surprises, doll."
Your teeth click as you pull away for a moment to let out a shaky breath. Wooyoung grinned against your neck as his hands snake down to your hips and gently rocks you against him, the damp cloth of your underwear pressing hard against his growing erection. His clothed cock presses against your soaked core and the damp cloth between your legs only rubs more intensely on your nub the more he moves his hips.
His lips on your neck, chest, shoulders, leaving hard and sucking kisses had you melting into the body behind you. One hand cupped a breast, and Wooyoung relished the feel of his chest on your warm and sweaty back. So soft, the weight in his palms is absolutely addicting.
You ran your hands through the jet black locks and tilted his head as your mouths joined and swallowed each other's groans and moans. Your teeth snagged at his piercing, earning you a muffled yelp from the man.
"You trying to bite it off?" He murmured, lips swollen and glossy as your finger traced his ears, over the diamond earring.
"Maybe," you husked.
"Are you actually a secret kinky police detective?" He smirked when you answered his grin with a challenging raise of your brow. "Bet you have all sorts of fetishes that aren't written in any sort of textbook."
"Think you can figure me out, bad boy?" You quipped as you gently pinch his nipples, pulling hard. 
His whine was long and pitiful, his forehead resting on your shoulder, head slightly bowed as the rest of his body shuddered under your rough touches. "Ah fuck~ baby~"
"Yeah, you're going to be in trouble with me Jung," you warned quietly, "now tell me," you roll your hips down into his clothed cock once more, "will you be a good boy and be quiet for me?"
"Fuck...yes...I can. I can be good for you, detective,” he moans.
"Then shut your mouth and take my panties off already," you say back as Wooyoung's fingers hook into the edge of the flimsy material and drag them down over your smooth and supple thighs. You toss them aside as he pushes his boxers off his hips and kicks it away. 
Wooyoung felt all the blood rush south when your warm hands wrapped around him, pumping his cock in agonizingly slow strokes. He gulps a large mouthful of air as he watches the way your thumb catches his pearly beads of pre-cum every time it brushes across the slit. "Do what you want, doll. Whatever you want."
Your palms run along the length of his chest, feeling the sweat gathered around the curves of his pecs before leaning down to catch his lips, your tongues brushing before Wooyoung moans again into your mouth. The temperature rising inside the vehicle and the fog gathering along the windows didn't bother the two of you one bit as you sank onto his throbbing dick. He choked on his words and whimpered out another moan of relief, his hips stuttering upwards before you pressed down with your hips to keep him from bucking his way up your ass. 
"Behave," you hiss low and raspy in his ear, swiping a tongue out to tease the jewelry on his earlobes. His chest is heaving rapidly as you start moving, his hands gripping your waist. "You said you'd be good for me. Do I need to cuff you?"
"Fucking yes," he almost moaned. "God, yeah, I'll behave."
"Maybe next time," you murmur, focusing on the feel of his hands on you as you bounce slowly at first on his dick. Each slide brings new zaps of pleasure coursing down your veins as you drag him against the walls of your tight pussy. A moan echoed throughout the small space as the car rocked from your movements and your sweaty chests rubbed together in delicious friction. You ran a hand up his chest, to the back of his neck before fisting his hair and tugged hard, earning you a rather needy and pained whine.
"Jung, do you like your hair pulled?" You asked, eyes darkened and he nodded his head feverishly.
"Love having my hair pulled by hot women like you," he grunts, digging his fingers deep into the flesh of your ass, hard enough that you knew there would be marks.
"Good," your other hand fists his locks before using the leverage to sink his face into your tits, letting his mouth take one nipple between his teeth as he groans. "That's good, you're so fucking good. Keep doing that, yes. Yes!" You cry out when the sharp tips of his teeth pinch a swollen bud.
You panted and sucked in deep gulps of air, trying desperately to not drown in the onslaught of pleasurable emotions running throughout your bloodstream. He alternates between your breasts, giving your left nipple a squeeze before switching over to your other breast and giving it the same treatment.
The wet noises coming from his lapping tongue was music to your ears as the slapping of hips meeting joined it. Your knees ached from the plastic leather of your back seat and you wanted more.
"What's wrong, baby?" You cooed, rolling your hips deeply, hitting just the right spot to make him buck, eyes rolled up as he stares dazedly up at the ceiling of the car. "Use that pretty voice of yours, handsome."
"Fuck baby," he slurs. His brain is fried and he's never had his control stolen so expertly from him. This woman was a demon or an angel sent straight from the heavens. Or maybe hell.
"You never had a girl dominate you before, have you, Jung?" you tease, licking his ear as his body shuddered. His strong arms were on your hips, clutching the soft flesh and you watched how his tattoos flowed with his every movement. Those thighs are seriously chiseled perfection, you thought. "Not so used to having someone else taking the lead, are we?"
"No-ugh," he cut off when he saw you raise your eyebrows and pin his chest to the backseat. "Fuck, okay, yes I'm not usually a bottom!" He admitted and his eyes widened when you clamped a hand over his mouth, looking utterly murderous as he looked up at you. "Fuck. Okay. I'll behave." He mumbled through the muffling palm.
"Much better," you snicker, your hands releasing him as your mouth claimed his own once more. "You like this though, don't you? Like having my pussy wrapped around you?"
“Yes,” Wooyoung said.  
"Having a lady calling all the shots and telling you what to do?" You run a finger over his slick and parted lips.
"Hell yes," he whines as your lips trail his jaw.
"Who do you belong to then?" You asked, stopping just a second before re-focusing on those sexy lips as your own form a smirk.
"You, detective, all you! Just you," Wooyoung rasped, eyes hazy and dazed.
"Such a naughty, naughty boy~" you sighed sweetly, pushing a few sweaty strands from his forehead, revealing his brows, "letting an officer of the law have her way with you like this...some gangster you are, baby~"
Wooyoung bucks wildly when you pick your speed. Harder and faster now, and God, did this man ever look absolutely pretty in the throes of pure and utter lust. He looks fucking magnificent like that. Under you and aching for your mercy.
The both of you managed to somehow switch positions after some struggling and you now lie on the backseat, pressed tightly against the leather seat cushions, legs wrapped firmly around the broad torso of a man on a mission to fuck you. The loud and filthy noise of wet skin slapping and the squelch of your pussy against his girth echoed throughout the space and you found yourself unable to keep the noises of ecstasy quiet.
He huffed above you as his pace never slowed, not for even a single moment. His skin had a glistening sheen and you moaned long and hard, reaching and touching his toned muscles, tracing them lovingly as you lick your dry lips. Wooyoung manages to grin against the crook of your neck, lips seeking a patch of untouched skin before he sinks his teeth into your shoulder, sucking, bruising and you grip his hair, keeping him close, his moaning whine and your grunts echoing within the four corners of the vehicle.
"Such a good boy," you praised, arching your back so he can slam his dick harder and faster into you, each thrust sending waves of pleasure rocking your brain. "C'mon. Be a good little fucker and fill me with all you've got, yeah?" 
You tsk when he growled deeply, eyes glinting dangerously as he listened, leaning closer, lips pressing yours hungrily, desperately, breathily, moans and pants the only things you can hear beside your pounding heart.
His hand caresses and strokes your clit while the other grips your hip to steady himself. He fucked you hard and fast, ignoring how the windows were steaming up, the two of you sweating and writhing on top of the plastic seat. Your nails dug and clawed down Wooyoung's muscular shoulders, leaving red stripes, his tattoo, slick with your perspiration, his beautiful black hair ruffled and his pupils dilated as you leaned forward and whispered into his ear. "Gotta cum sometime, don't you, big boy?"
You run your hand through his strands and cup the back of his head to hold him against your heaving chest. You rock in tandem with him, lifting a hand up and wrapping it loosely against his neck. You don't squeeze, just feel him. He huffs, breath warm against your cheek as he shakes his head when your tongue flicks his ear again.
Sweat drips down his torso and pooled just above your belly button. His abs, his pecs and his veins bulge. A blush spreads over him as he grunts and huffs out moans.
"Such a nice big, fat cock..." you mewled in his ear, turning the dial of pleasure all the way up as his grip on your waist tightens even more.
"God, woman," he chuckles darkly. His whole body was shaking as if the very foundations of this universe were cracking and he was losing all control over it. "Ah-ah-oh fuuuck."
"You're a bad influence," you sigh breathily in his ear.
"What? Fucking in a car?" he asks.
"Yeah, makes me feel so damn bad," you replied.
"Well...I never got this much out of any woman..." he breathed against your collarbone before licking a stripe. "Nor do I get ordered around like this."
"And you fucking love it," you snickered, arching into him, allowing him to plow further into your dripping, sloppy wet cunt. Your clit, your lips, they all welcomed him, throbbed around him. You groaned, hand traveling to grip at his hips. "Come on, Wooyoung, ride my fucking cunt until you fucking fill me up. If you cum, maybe I'll take you home and give you some more, handsome. Wouldn't you love to stay at my place and fuck me all night long?"
"Oh fucking fuck baby. I'm going to cum," he growls as your pussy begins to twitch. "Holy fucking shit... I-I-can't-"
"Do it, baby. Fucking come inside me,” you moaned.
The sound he makes when his orgasm hits him is feral and primal. Animalistic, that was the only word you could find to describe his noises and grunts. Hot spurts of his semen shoot inside, his cock keeps throbbing and throbbing, and he loses his control. Wooyoung, usually the wild, horny and somewhat unhinged person he always was, was always a top. It had always been that way. But with you, an undercover police detective, Wooyoung wanted to submit and lay his neck under the sole of your pretty feet.
Wooyoung lewdly bites his lip, hips slapping and pushing the hot and thick load of semen deeper and deeper as you arch your back. God, what did he fucking do to have someone that looked that good in his grip. He rides out his orgasm with you writhing in ecstasy, eyes fluttering closed as your own fluids paint his dick, both your bodies shine. The air smelt like sex and the car reeked of a good fucking.
"Good boy," you whisper when he finally pulls out, the semen dripping down onto his and your inner thighs.
"Thank you..." he huffs.
"Get cleaned up and then we're driving to my apartment," you say as you got to your clothes and he nodded weakly.
Wooyoung wasn't quite sure if that was a command or an invitation but if he could see you writhing more for him, he'd be willing to jump into whatever pit the two of you could possibly descend into. He grins at the thought and hummed merrily as he dressed and straightened his clothes.
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Your phone rings and you leaned over the edge of the bed, answering it as Wooyoung groaned beside you, stretching out over the sheets. The sun was out, warm and bright and it cast a light sheen on his bare upper body, sweat shimmering and the reflection bounced off his earrings, catching your eye.
"L/N," came your chief's voice.
“Yeah?” you grunt.
"If you are in bed like Mister Kim has told me," he grunted, "then please inform Jung Wooyoung that he's apparently been assigned to stay at your apartment starting tomorrow."
"Sir? Why? I mean," you quickly swallowed to regain some sense of sanity, "why is he being assigned?"
"Mister Kim apparently gave him the order. Jung will help in investigating our case and since the Syndicate is watching your every move, having him show his face around you might throw the enemies off a bit." Chief Ryu says.
"Yeah. Yeah that...that could be true," you murmur as you lean into the pillow, licking your lips. "Of course, sir."
"Take the day off. Mr Kim and I will be discussing further details. Get back into the office tomorrow for debriefing," he sighed before hanging up and you set the phone on the nightstand.
"What's up?" Wooyoung asked, groggily rubbing his eyes. He has pillow creases marking his cheeks and you smiled, scooting over and run a hand down his side, feeling the supple muscle and warm skin.
"Well," you begin and run a thumb over his nipple. He arched up into the touch, sucking in a deep breath as he looked over at you. "Looks like you're living with me from here on out. Hongjoong apparently assigned you to watch my back and investigate this whole thing with me."
"Hmm," he smirked devilishly before letting your fingers glide across his body before grabbing a hold and flipping you over to hover over you. "Suppose I oughta pay him a visit and say thank you, hmm?"
"Wooyoung," you groan.
“Yeah, doll?” Wooyoung asked.
"Stop talking," you muttered before pulling his mouth down into yours.
"Gladly," he sighed against you lips. He was most definitely willing to listen and follow your orders for a time being. 
For now.
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