#the vision of poor old man ten getting wheeled around against his will is embedded in my sense memory
hatters-workshop · 9 months
I know that the Toymaker's musical number is being compared to Master's musical number to Ra-Ra-Rasputin due to them happening so close to each other in recent canon, but let's not forget the camp classic of Simms!Master terrorising his wife, Martha's mum and Old man!Ten to the Scissor Sisters.
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margoshansons · 5 years
The Killing Kind (10/?)
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Part Ten. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09.
Summary: Y/N and her father finally face each other after three years. Her powers have grown, but so have his.
Warning: ANGST! Mental and physical torture, manipulation, abuse, parent on child violence, suicidal thoughts. 
Notes: ooooooo boy, friends. We should’ve seen this coming, and I absolutely loved writing this chapter. PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS! If you want a song from the playlist to listen to I recommend Power, No Place like Home, and Speechless. In that order. Y/N deserves better.
“Get out of here,” Y/N commanded MJ, placing a protective shield around the two of them. MJ stared in awe of the blue energy before her, unsure of what to do next. 
“Are you not listening to me? I said go!” Y/N urged, not wanting to see the most important person in her life hurt by her own father. 
“No,” MJ stood strong, grasping a spare piece of debris, “I’m not leaving you behind. I’m staying here to help.”
Y/N shook her head, continuing to hold the protective shield as long as she could. 
“I’m not losing you again” MJ held herself in a rare moment of vulnerability, fear shaking the poor girl to her core. Y/N turned to her friend, seeing more than fear in her gaze, but determination. God how she hated how stubborn MJ could be. 
“Neither am I” She admitted, “Now go”
MJ nodded, taking cover in an alley not far from the square. Y/N continued to use the protective shield against the Molten Man, making sure the citizens were evacuated from the square before jumping into the fight. When enough citizens had escaped, she moved over to the tilted Ferris wheel, allowing the energy to flow from her palms and surround the carnival ride, lifting it back to its usual position. She collapsed her hands together, drawing a familiar circle glyph before her, the same teal color from Venice reappearing and creating the glyph needed to achieve stasis. With the Ferris wheel taken care of for several minutes, she called to Peter.
“Spiderman!” she groaned, holding the image as long as she could. 
“I got it!” He yelled webbing the Ferris wheel at its most vulnerable points, while Y/N kept it firmly in place. That ended when Molten Man got closer, ready to swipe at the carnival ride at any time. She let go and propelled herself forward, launching herself over the Ferris wheel and joining the illusion of her father in fighting against the beast. Her eyes began to glow as she charged the energy needed to stay afloat, guarding the ride against the monster. Her body warmed, sweat dripping down her face as she released both of her hands and screamed at the top of her lungs, emitting a dangerous amount of psychic energy at the beast. 
Red met Blue in a death match before she landed on the ground, anger spurring her forward, Peter’s cries lost in her ears. All she could focus on was getting to the center of the illusion. All she could focus on was finding her father. 
She found him at the top of the elegant building protruding from behind the Molten Monster. 
Cerulean tendrils wrapped around his ankle, pulling him forward, Y/N used her other hand to lift him up, the blue energy surrounding his body, working its way from the inside out. 
“I told you to stay away” He whispered through groans of pain. 
“You know better than anyone that I don’t listen.” Y/N snarked, crushing several of the drones and technical gear surrounding him. 
“That’s why you’re such a disappointment, honey” 
Her powers dissipated, and her father disappeared into the darkness.
“No, no no no no no no, NO!” She yelled over and over as the familiar illusions overtook her. 
Enclosed walls surrounded her, the musty smell of the church overtaking her senses. Her breath quickened at the enveloping sight.
“Really, it’s quite pathetic how you thought you could escape me” Quentin’s voice echoed, the illusion pushing and pulling her from their old apartment to the rainy streets of New York, and finally to the London Square they had spent so much time in before moving. 
“My sweet little Y/N, always running from her true place” Lightning flashed as she crashed to the ground, moaning in pain as she gazed upon two statues above her. The fishbowl was easy to make out, her father was glorifying himself, but the other… 
“My Side”
The other was her, eyes glowing with arms crossed, an evil smirk plastered into the marble. Y/N scrambled up, running away, her own tendril protruding from the statue, wrapping itself around her ankle, pulling her back into the illusion. 
“I’m never going to be like you!” She screamed into the void, crawling away, the thick smoke dissolving into a familiar scene.
“Oh, but honey,” Her father commented, “You already are.”
Two scenes one right after the other. Quentin and Peter overlooking Prague. Y/N and Peter overlooking Venice. The unusual bursts of energy as she fought off the molten man. The way they set their jaw. The anger that resides in both of them. The lies, the lies, the lies, the lies, the lies.
“You are more me than I could’ve hoped for. You lie and cheat to achieve your goals.”
She was back on the bus, the smell of sweat weaving itself through her nose, while the air conditioning left goosebumps up and down her arms. Her own hands were working against her will, grasping the EDITH glasses. Lying to Peter. Betraying her friend’s trust. Her chest twisted as she relived the action. 
 “Oh, how you lie. You’ve told so many lies you could fill an encyclopedia” 
A book of his own design fell atop her before dissipating into darkness, each containing a lie she had uttered to her closest supporters. 
Her living situation. 
Her family circumstances. 
She coughed at the impact, her now damaged lungs burning every time she took a breath.
“You’ve lied to everybody. Your best friend” 
A thick smoky tendril pierced through MJ’s heart.
“The woman who took you in”
May Parker joined the scene. 
Her heart twisted.
“Even the boy you care so much for” 
She was pulled to a stop in front of Peter, his mask torn, shrapnel embedded deep in his face, blood pouring from his abdomen. “No” She let out a strangled yell, saltwater burning her lips as it trailed down her cheeks. Eyes burning, she held Peter in her arms, not knowing if this was real or not. 
“Y/N” He struggled to get out, “How--how could you do it?”
“Peter I’m sorry,” Y/N sobbed, her own voice unrecognizable. 
“Why didn’t you save me?” 
Betrayal filled his eyes, squinting the the girl before him, flinching every time she moved closer.
She shook her head, speechless at the accusation, “I tried--”
His hand wrapped around her neck, latching onto the vocal cords, hatred gleaming in Peter’s innocent brown eyes. “Not hard enough”
From his hands, a shock collar latched itself around her throat, his last act before Peter drew his final breath. He remained limp in her arms. Even if she knew it wasn’t real, the pain was. 
“Stop it!” She cried out, clawing at the collar around her neck. An electric shock burned through her, muscles spasming from the aftershock. Her body convulsed against her will, screams involuntarily leaving her mouth. She looked up to see her Father holding the gun that had killed Peter. He cocked it once again, aiming the pistol at a familiar face. 
Her Mother’s shadowy figure only looked up at Quentin, accepting the challenge.
“Every time you lie, you are killing those around you, for what? Your own selfish motives? Your mother would be ashamed of you.”
Blood pooled on the ground, her mother’s face hidden by shadow, the head of curls unmistakable. 
The scene replayed itself over and over until Peter took her mother’s place. She moved to get up, to use her powers, to do anything, but each time she did, the collar would go off, weakening her muscles further and further. 
“This is what they would relegate you to. A dog needing to be kept on a leash. But with me, I would let you be free. With me your lies would be triumphs, with me, you would be a hero undreamt of. You are my daughter, and you belong with me.”
Her father’s image warped until it wasn’t him holding the gun anymore. 
It was her. 
Pointing it directly at Peter’s head, cocking the bullet, ready to fire. 
“You are exactly like me”
An idea sprung in her head and she crawled forward, using her newfound adrenaline to push Peter out of the way, grasping the gun and pointing it at herself. 
“So do it then” She taunted weakly, her voice hoarse, “Kill me.”
The illusion began to dissolve until she was surrounded by black, her father standing above her, gun drawn against her head, his eyes alight with fear.
“No matter the consequences right?” She uttered bitterly, tears falling from her face. 
A moment passed. 
Then another. 
The cool barrel sent waves of fear through her. It would be over soon. Finally, all of this would end and she would be free. Even if she was scared to go, a part of her wanted so badly to.
She waited. 
Watching his bright blue eyes. Watching the conflict unfold behind them.
His breath hitched.
His hands shook.
He couldn’t do it. No matter what he wanted. He couldn’t kill his little girl. 
The gun dropped and Y/N let out a breath. 
Something lurched in her stomach, something that she barely had any time to register before she was thrown to the side, a drone launching her out of the building and directly into the pole of the Ferris wheel. The smoke cleared and all she saw was her own father collapsed on the pavement. 
Her vision went black.
Thank you for the love! Feel free to help me edit or leave comments down below!
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