#the universe wouldnt stop spinning. the day wouldnt suddenly decide to stop coming. there will always be something if you can find it
ottitty · 2 years
Its okay to let yourself fall out of love with art or a craft if its not bringing you enough joy to be worth sustaining. You're worth more than what you create, and that's not something you have to apologize for. Thats a lot of grief to handle sometimes too, so be gentle with yourself and remember to not let yourself get weighed down by other people's guilt.
You are not dead. Continue on.
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samcrobae · 4 years
Gif Credit: @malibuvinnie
I hope you like it @briannab1234 . I’m not sure if this was the direction you wanted to go, but let me know !! ❤️❤️
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“Come on princess.. kick for daddy..” EZ rubbed his hands over your swollen belly. You were 8 months pregnant and the very center of Ezekiel Reyes’ universe. You already were, of course, but when you told him you were pregnant you instantly became his gem. “Isabella... can you hear daddy?” He leaned in and put his cheek on your belly.
Rubbing his back, you look down at him. “I don’t wanna get out of bed.” You yawned. The last few weeks had taken all of your energy. Putting the baby’s room together, washing all of her clothes, setting up her car seat, putting her crib together. Now all you had to do was wait. “What are you guys doing today papi?”
EZ looked up at you then sat up so he was siting next to you. “I dont know, Angel needs some help movin some shit thru the tunnels. I told pop I would go down to the shop to help with some stuff. I should probably get ready.” He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss to your temple before getting up and heading to the bathroom to shower.
you finally gather enough strength to make your way to the dresser to put your hair up when you hear his phone go off. then again. and again. You glance over at his phone “New Message: E.T.”. who the hell is E.T.? checking his phone was not something you normally do, but he never saves anyones info as an initial in his phone, so it kind of seemed odd. picking up his phone you enter his password, but it didnt work. He changed his password? why did he change his password? weird. you place the phone back on the dresser and head to the kitchen. 
Lost in thought, you didn’t hear him come in when he wrapped is arms around your waist. “Im outta here babe,you need anything while im out?” You lean your head back into his chest, “No, Im okay, Papi. Cuidate eh?” he places a gentle kiss to your head and heads for the door. looking around, you decide to keep your mind busy with some things needing to be done around the house. 
a couple hours later, youre interrupted by the rumble of an engine approaching your driveway. You head to the window and see Angel walking up your steps. “Angel whats wrong, is EZ okay?” you swing the door open and ramble off questions before he could make his way to your front door. “ummm damn hermanita, slow down, nice to see you too. I think hes okay? why wouldnt he be?” 
“sorry,” you mutter, “he said you asked him for some help back at the tunnels.”
Angel looks you over, his brows furrowed, “oh. yeah yeah, nah hes good. he just sent me to check on you. you good? need anything? You’re checked on. I gotta head back.” Angel leans in and places a swift kiss to your cheek and rubs your swollen belly. “take care of my niece”. Before you could protest, he was running down your steps and back on his bike. 
“Pop? Pop, where you at?” No one was in the store front as Angel made his way inside. “pop, is EZ here”? Heading to the back of the store, he’s stood in place. He’d recognize the back of that blonde head anywhere. 
“What the hell are you doin here, Em?”
Emily turns around and EZ freezes. “Hi Angel, sorry. I was just in the neighborhood, thought I’d come by and say hello to Felipe.” 
Angel snorts and looks the other way, sporting a half smirk, “yeah you was just in the neighborhood. This neighborhood ? Why, what happen? you get lost on your way to your Versace mansion?” 
EZ took a step forward, “Hey Angel, come on Man.”
“No, thats okay, I should head home anyway, EZ, we’ll talk later?” she steps forward and kisses his cheek. “Gracias, Felipe”. 
“Yo, EZ, what the fuck?” 
“I know, I know. I needed to see her.”
“Nah, what you need to do is go home. you know. to your girl. your very pregnant girl, who could give birth any second. Just so you know, the next time you even THINK about using my name as a cover up for this bullshit, dont. I Dont want any part of this fucked up....whatever this is.” 
later that night, youre cuddled up with EZ on the couch. 
“I cant believe she could be here any day now. just think. Me and You, and my daughter. our daughter.” EZ says, “man I cant wait for her to be here”. running his hands up and down your leg, as you lay there on the couch. 
“mmmhmm, I cant wait. I am so tired. I think Im going to head to bed.” you stand up, stretching. Noticing EZ turns the tv off and he follows close behind as you head to your bedroom. 
You both get into bed, him falling asleep almost immediately, while you lay away a while longer. you see his iPad light up on the night stand. Quietly moving out of bed careful not to wake him, you walk over to the tablet and unlock the screen. “New Message: E.T.” You grapple with your better judgement, knowing you might see something that could hurt you, but you open it anyway.
“Do you think Angel will say anything? Anyway, Im so glad I got to see you tonight. xoxo”
What in the actual fuck is this E.T. talking about? who is E.T? when did EZ see them? Where did he see them? What does Angel know? what the fuck is happening? Your head starts spinning and suddenly you cant breathe. okay Y/N, you need to calm down. you get back in bed and lay on your side, trying to catch your breath. Your heart was in your toes. Unable to stop the tears from flowing, you bury your face into the pillow. 
What happens now? 
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ac-ars · 7 years
Flower for sunflower
this happened because my girls @sky-girls and @lifesruiner wanted this to happen and ofc why wouldnt i do this for them?
(didn’t proofread bc why haha)
Luna is pretty.
That’s the first thought Flor has seeing Luna skating on the rink. She looks so free, so happy there, just like it’s her place in the universe and there’s nothing that would interrupt this nice moment. French girl moves out from the entrance just in case someone wanted to skate through it, and stands by the barrier leaning her elbows on it. Luna doesn’t notice her at all, still grinning widely about the spin she managed to do few seconds before. Flor tilts her head a little to the left smiling softly at the girl who seems to be sure of what she is doing and yet not at all, at the same time.
Luna lifts one of her legs while skating in the circle and almost stumbles, but she quickly regains her balance before giggling loudly at herself. Brunette finishes with small turn around and Flor can’t stop herself from clapping slightly and laughing with Luna.
The girl looks at Flor surprised, probably just noticing her presence, but she still moves towards the barrier.
“You’ve been watching all the time?” She smiles, blushing softly and French girl can only repeat her earlier thoughts about Luna being pretty. With this small blush she’s even prettier and definitely too cute.
“Not really, maybe like half. But you were amazing.”
Luna’s cheeks get even redder and smiles wider than before. “Thanks. It was actually easy one. I could teach you if you want.” She offers and Flor laughs out loud.
“It would be amazing.” Brunette grins and Matteo’s cousin wonder how people manage to live daily without constantly pulling the girl to their arms and protecting her. “But I really can’t today. How about the other day? I’m staying here for a while.”
“Yeah, it can work, I’m here basically all the time when I’m not at school.” Luna jokes and they both laugh before looking at each other for few seconds in silence. “You were here last year, weren’t you? You sang with Roller Band and everything. Flor right?” Said Flor nods smiling as Luna lets out air quickly with relief and leans through the barriers to give her small hug, but fails almost tripping over her feet. “Wow, I’m surprisingly bad at this today.”
“Maybe it’s because someone swept you off your feet?” Flor jokes and winks without controlling herself and Luna blinks at her few times before laughing out loud. “Yeah. Maybe this one happened.”
Flor just smirks softly.
Next time she decides to watch Luna is in Roller cafeteria when she’s sitting on the stage with Simón while Roller Band with Yam are playing their new song and Flor can’t really understand how it’s possible for one person to be able to smile all the time. Every single time she sees Luna, Luna is grinning, or laughing, or talking excitedly to one of her friends and honestly this girl is so full of light Flor feels warm from only watching her.
She remembers how Matteo was acting last time when she was here, still dating Ambar and yet throwing small glances at Luna and after these vacations he kept talking just Luna, Luna and Luna, Flor expected them to be dating or even being closer than friends, but she can’t see anything. They are talking sometimes with those grins, but that’s all and he never mentioned having a girlfriend except few days ago when they announced he was dating this Camila girl.
When the song ends Flor gets up from her chair next to Gastón who looks at her weirdly, but she goes towards Luna and the guys. Luna smiles at her greeting her with a hug and kiss cheek, just like the boys, but Flor makes sure the small girl is in her arms longer. It’s not like brunette opposes and keeps hugging Matteo’s cousin as long as she wants and Flor pulls away just second before it would be awkward.
She turns to Gastón, who seems even more confused, but moves his eyes at Luna and shakes his head. Flor shrugs mouthing him what, yet all she gets is more of head shakes and seriously, this is ridiculous, so she keeps standing next to Valente who doesn’t move away from her after the hug, and her left hip is hitting Flor’s.
It’s not like she minds of course.
They keep talking to the boys when Yam leaves looking for her friend and strand of Luna’s hair falls over her face. Flor reaches for it before brunette manages and pushes it softly behind her ear. Luna smiles at her and mumbles small thank you making French girl smile. She curiously glances at Gastón.
He seems annoyed while texting nervously.
Few days later, when Flor gets a little more used to Luna and her spontaneous blasts of energy and happiness, Valente gets actually a little calmer. Maybe it’s because Luna has exams to study for, but she doesn’t mind French girl sitting with her and Nina in Roller when they are revising some material. Nina is super nice, she’s actually great person and smart, and Flor can see why Gastón likes this girl, it’s obvious that she likes him as much and Matteo’s cousin feels really happy with this state of thing especially because Gastón is so gone for her it’s almost unbelievable.
Right now Luna is flipping through her notebook, filled with her messy handwriting and some highlighted parts; they seem be completely random, caused by boredom, but Flor can only find it cute, like everything about Luna Valente so far. After few seconds of watching, French girl can notice some doodles on the margins, mostly flowers or tiny stars, some dots or circles. Part of them is even colored and this is too much about one girl to be adorable. They are sitting on the couch, while Nina took one of the armchairs and it looks like they both are super focused. Yet, after those few days, Matteo’s cousin is able to notice how Luna is softly moving her foot in some only known by her rhythm, how she’s frowning softly and how her nails hit the back of the notebook. Her friend isn’t moving at all; just her eyes are moving with reading the text and the difference between the girls is so visible Flor wants to laugh.
She’s sitting on one of her legs, while the other is hanging off the couch and swaying in the air. Her left arm is on the back of the couch, behind Luna’s arms while fingers are gently teasing those pretty brown curls.
It is pretty calm and quiet, Roller Band is writing some song, judging by the sounds of guitar and confused voices. Valente growls taking Flor’s attention again and whines leaning her head back, to French girl’s forearm.
“You okay?” Flor asks trying not to giggle at this pout.
“No. I hate this.”  Mexican sighs pressing her face down to the notebook. “It’s so stupid.”
“It’s not.” Both Flor and Nina say is in unison before giggling. Luna just looks at them mumbling some traitors and goes back to her notes. Matteo’s cousin just smiles softly at this and winks knowing Luna throws a glance at her before blushing. Flor takes some of her pencils and starts wrapping one of those curls around it.
She notices Matteo watching them weirdly, but he’s at the counter and can’t really leave the place, so she ignores him for now; they can talk later while playing with Luna’s hair is funnier than Matteo’s life dramas no matter how her favorite of their cousins he is. Suddenly Gastón appears sitting next to his Nina, wraps his arm around her shoulders and gives her small cheek kiss. Flor grins at them not sure if they are cute or super cute, but they definitely fit together and she’s glad she had this little talk with Perida boy about his girl. He takes a chair next to her with small smile and nod at Luna and Flor.
“How are you girls?” he asks softly while playing with Nina’s fingers.
“Studying.” His girlfriend answers smiling and Luna growls under her breath. Gastón’s eyes shot to French girl who shrugs. “I’m just sitting there and trying not to annoy Luna.”
“You know you wouldn’t annoy me.” Said Luna pouts and looks at her with accuse. “Believe me, if I didn’t have to study I would be teaching you skating like I promised.”
Flor wants to answer, but Gastón jumps between them with his words. “Teaching, you say?” Valente nods and smiles at him and he hums thinking about something deeply. “Flor, Matteo wants to talk to you.”
“He does?” She asks frowning and Luna frowns with her. French almost wants to laugh at this, but she’s more curious of her cousin suddenly having time and need of talking to her. “What does he want from me?”
“I don’t know, little flower. Maybe some family shit. Don’t ask me, he told me nothing.” Gastón shrugs and probably only Luna doesn’t know that he is lying. She doesn’t notice all things she could’ve noticed if she took them as possibility to happen, but she still didn’t with Flor.
“Okay, I’m gonna go now, I think. Does anyone want something to drink?” Flor asks looking at all of them and only Luna seems to be thinking. “I will get you something, now study,” she says jokingly and Mexican whines again before Flor taps her nose with index finger making Luna giggle.
Perida walks her with his eyes until she reaches the counter and waits for Matteo to appear after getting the drink for this girl who keeps smiling at him dreamingly. He doesn’t seem to notice, but who knows him at this point; Flor surely not, because he hadn’t really called her since they were in Italy. He comes over to her while cleaning the glass and she still isn’t able to embrace the fact that this guy is working.
French knows that his father is crazy about his little baby son and he will at some point start to sending money to Matteo’s bank account soon, but Matteo has no idea about it; he probably didn’t even think of it for a second so a little work won’t hurt him that much. He looks actually angry, yet trying to calm down when he nods her to change sides so neither Luna nor any of their friends can see them. That’s weird, but it’s Matteo, so nothing new.
“Flor, you are my cousin, and we are cool, aren’t we?” he asks slowly, putting the glass away and playing nervously with the bandana around his wrist.
She nods softly, smiling at him. “Of course we are, despite you not calling or texting of course.” she rolls her eyes and he snorts.
“Then tell me…” he stops looking at the counter and taking the glass again. “Why are you hitting on my girlfriend?”
Flor almost chokes on the air, because this guy must be joking. Of course she noticed them talking. They were first thing she tried to watch when she got to Buenos Aires after all silly lovey-dovey stuff he told her in Italy, but they weren’t actually acting like a couple. There were smiles and small glances maybe when the other isn’t watching; there seemed to be some kind of tension between them and honestly that’s all.
She noticed more there last time she was in Buenos Aires, and Matteo was dating Ambar back then. So how is it possible that suddenly Luna is his girlfriend?
“Your girlfriend? What?”
“My girlfriend. Luna. Flor are you listening to me?” He is so jealous, that amusement breaks through all weird surprised and shock she feels right now. Her cousin though, doesn't seem any amused at this; moreover he is even more annoyed when she starts giggling.
“No, Matteo. Out of all this I can’t believe. Just tell me you want to hit on her first. Then you should be hurrying. I might get her before you.” French winks at her cousin who gets almost red.
“We are dating, for fucks sake, Flor. We are just having-” he stops with small sigh. “Crisis. Just a little.”
She pouts at him resting her elbows on the counter. “Is it because of your super career and super manager? If yes, I’m not surprised. I have crisis with myself while watching what you are doing.”
“You aren’t helping me right now.” Matteo sighs resting next to her and making some bitter face.
Flor chuckles softly at him and smiles. “Who said I would help you? I’m just honest, you said last time that you wanted me honest.”
“At this point I just want you to stop hitting on Luna, please.”
She sighs with thinking, unsure face, annoying him just a little. “But she’s so cute, Matteo.” His eyes soften so much that Flor isn’t sure who the guy is; she just gives up. “Okay, I will. Remember, though, that next time it might be someone who won’t chill when you tell them.”
Italian nods with resignation, taking his elbows up and stretches his muscles before taking deep breath. “Fine then, anyway, do you want something to drink?”
She grins. “Luna’s favorite. I have to get some points to beat you in her ranking.”
Matteo sends her deadly glare and Flor can only laugh out loud.
“Chill your ass, I was just joking. But seriously, her favorite. I will get some points for you.”
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