#the touch deprivation is too real 😩
princess-kittyxoxo · 10 months
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I miss you already
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I wish you were here
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badadder1 · 2 months
Working through Yamato's backstory. Baby Yams will be part of the current project, but I'm struggling to not let him take over the entire story. The thing about him is, based on the backstory he should not be a normally functioning adult. According to Narutopedia, he was in Orochimaru's lab from babyhood(according to the manga) and was there until he escaped ay 5ish. We know that babies that are deprived of touch and interaction with caregivers are severely affected. Sometimes they just die. He should have been severely mentally and emotionally handicapped. Those children adopted from Romanian orphanages were almost all extremely harmed by their first year of life. I knew a family with a little boy they adopted from one of those places. He seemed by modern standards low functioning autistic. Hardly verbal, tics, difficulty with affection and social interactions. He needed so much support.
I bring all this up because taking a child that's been in a literal test tube since baby hood whose only touch was god only knows what kind of experimentation, probably didn't develop any real muscle mass and hardly had a chance to use their voice, he's going to be severely stunted at the least. Finding a balance between cannon, reality, not making the transition too easy and cutesy but also not too in the weeds difficult and allowing it to take over the plot is driving me nuts. 😩🫠🤷🏽‍♀️
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saintobio · 3 years
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OMGMGMGMGM I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! im so touch deprived i literally screamed. i have to read a toji fanfic where he takes care of y/n bc her husband treats her like shit. i have to. this was so intense to me. can he kiss y/n again?? this time on the lips? and then maybe the lower lips?? KSPSPSPAS im truly in love with toji. crazy how i got more excited over him kissing y/n’s cheeks than satoru kissing y/n.. i think its bc i know that he’s still with sera and has the audacity to still refer to her as his lover… fucking pathetic.
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FLIRT MORE PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU!! every time he touched y/n i had an orgasm bye. how can he be so fucking attractive?? im in love with that man.
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wait until sera learns about this😹😹😹 she gonna be even more broken which is everything i want.
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that sounds very familiar… doesnt it satoru?? ai can your beautiful self please explain to me how this mf doesn’t see that’s literally him and sera?? how can a person be so blind for fuck’s sake. even geto mentioned it.
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THE AUDACITY OF THIS WRENCH! how can she also say something about y/n when she is the mistress?!! wtfff?!!!!!? when i saw this my head started hurting. what a fucking bitch bro. the audacity.. THE AUDACITY!! ima take this as a racist offense since im a poc and an immigrant. i hate that bitch so much. she triggers me. like the fucking audacity bro. im honestly speechless ai. the audacity of these mfs to get upset.
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“the wrong idea” now now y/n… lets be honest sweetie… you know you wanna fuck that masterpiece of a man.. just a one nightstand. he’s the one she should be calling daddy😩😩 he’s such a dilf. so fucking fine.
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i just know she did that shit on purpose bro. she’s everything bad she claims y/n is😹 i cant believe satoru still has the fucking audacity to tell y/n he wants her and still go after the mistress bro. he never did that with y/n.. not even when she was the one crying her heart out (quite literally). this is why i dont get excited over satoru anymore. until i see him putting y/n first place as she should be, i dont even wanna see him. every time he takes a step forward, he takes three back and im real tired of it.
sorry for the long rant but this episode was so beautiful. im so happy to see y/n sticking up for herself and seeing toji is such a joy.. damn i truly love that mf bye. but something i asked before and wanted to ask again is if sera’s dad is the abusive alcoholic type? he doesn’t give me those vibes but i wonder since she seems to despise him so much.
GAHAHSH I LIKE THAT U HAD SCREENSHOTS !! thank u sm for reading and sending ur thoughts abt the last chapter <33 hope you’ll enjoy the next one too :)
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