#the tie fix is making me 🫠
verxsyon · 1 year
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my husband, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals.
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walli3darl1ng · 1 year
Had a few of you ask me for part four so here it is!
What? You all thought I wasn’t gonna update?! 🫠🧍🏻
Anygays, Enjoy!
Doll maker!reader x Wally Darling
In which reader is a doll maker and gets asked to freshen up Wally Darling before it’s big show, but the cutie is falling in love and will do anything to have you.
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Morning quick arrives and you’re laying on your back, arms out and letting out soft but deep snort. It was a peaceful and comfortable state.
Wally, however, was face down onto his stomach and hanging off the bed, ready to fall—
“I'm up! I’m..up.” You groan. Blinking away the sleep, you reach up and rub your eyes glancing around before finding Wally on the ground. “Oh, hey Wally.”
There’s a dramatically long pause before it hits you like a ton of bricks and immediately picks him up from the floor, almost tripping and falling yourself. “Wally?!”
“How did you get here?” You set him on your lap and dust him off, giving a once over to see if he’s damaged. To your relief—he’s perfect. “Did I really bring you back with me last night?”
Wally was panicking a bit, he’s not calling you stupid, but is hoping your mind will convince you that you indeed brought him in your room last night and not him coming down himself.
He sees you shrug your shoulders and set him against the headboard of your bed, holding his hand. “Okay, well, I’ll just get ready and we can finally put your outfit on. Next I’ll work on your shoes.”
Wally lets gravity give his answer and tilts his head to the side in response getting a giggle from you. What a unique sound, he adores it. He wants to hear it again. He feels so extremely safe that he gets nervous when you leave him and walk into the bathroom and close the door.
It was an awful feeling, almost like feeling the walks slowly but swiftly cave in and feeling time grow excruciatingly long the harder he stares at the door. After a lifetime—it was only a few minutes in reality but the 12 apple shortie needed to be dramatic—you come out all freshen up but your hair is still messy.
“Much better, Let’s get dressed after breakfast,” you smile and walk over to Wally and pick him up automatically wrapping his arms around your neck and pulling him closer. “How’s that sound, Wally?”
Sounds wonderful. Was he waking up and getting ready for the day wrong all his existence? Sure he wakes up to Home but it doesn’t feel the same, it’s different. Why? You walk over to the kitchen and set Wally on the counter, sending him a smile before walking away and starting to make your morning drink.
“I did a little research last night and I found a lot of things about you, little one.” After making your drink and making a hot drink you set it in front of Wally and wrapped his hands around it. “For one, you really enjoy hot drinks even though you won’t drink it but the warmth is nice isn’t it?”
Wally is starting to think this is all a dream, how can someone be all he ever desires?
“Oh and I found out you like apples so I made this little scented pouch you can carry with you, it smells like sweet apples.” You show him the small pouch with a smile.
After breakfast and you just take Wally everywhere you go while cleaning a bit you start to head upstairs to your studio. You sat Wally and started to dress him up in his new, clean outfit. You also put the small pouch inside one of his pockets of his cardigan. You then stand Wally up to get a look at him. “You’re perfect.”
Is he? He is perfect, if you say so he is.
“Oh! Well almost. Hold on,” you pull him closer and look through drawers before finding what you needed. You pull away and wrap a solid red tie and make a bow. “Now you’re perfect. All that's left is fixing your shoes and making a travel box.”
It’s been a few days, you were done getting measurements and the wood for the box as well as other things to decorate it with. In the span of days you’ve grown attached, you put all your energy into Wally but this project is making you weak. Like your energy is getting absorbed more with each passing day but you can’t stop being around him. You’ll take him everywhere you go.
Wally has learned a lot with the help of Celine, they will tell him all sorts of things. He learned that humans—like his doll maker recharge by sleeping, where their body and mind relax. That’s why you didn’t hear him when he snuck into your room—I mean, when you brought him to your room.
Celine has also been telling him how to absorb energy, they does it to make you tired and actually take care of yourself by not overworking but they’ve noticed that Wally does it constantly and that can be a problem. Wally has been more persistent on information, asking specific questions and wanting a detailed answer, most of which Celine can’t answer them.
“So it’s possible for them to come to my world physically?”
“W-well not physically but spiritually.” Celine explains softly. They already regret telling Wally this.
“What’s it called again?”
“It’s called ‘shifting’. It means that when the mind and spirit are relaxed and in-sync the spirit can detach from the physical body and go wherever it pleases.”
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sinsirellaxx · 8 months
Draco Malfoy x Reader
Requested on AO3: I suck at writing fluff but my heart ACHES to read one, can you perhaps make a Draco fic that’s more on fluff? The cinematic I imagine it is “Draco confessing his love for the first time” AND HE SUDDENLY BECOMES SO SHY AND TIMID ACKKK and it’s a thing that he bullies the reader and teases her.
Hello everyone! First time poster here — kinda nervous to post here idek why. 👀🫠
Anyways: I probably should prepare a post about requests and how to request etc. but will do that later. I first want to cross-post the bits I already have posted on AO3.
Hope you‘ll like it! x
BTW — not proofread. 🫶🏻
You were rushing through the corridors, the small note from Draco crumbled up in your fist as you walked to his dorm. You had been surprised that the boy had asked you for help after thinking that boy secretly hated you even though you were friends. You always thought he just endured your friendship because of the group.
You were usually never late – well except for today. But honestly – it wasn't your fault: You had been gathering some books that you would need to help Draco with his arithmancy coursework, when Harry Potter had approached you asking for help in finding a book. You couldn’t say no so you took the time to help the Gryffindor before you noticed his weirdly arranged tie, that you just had to fix.
You did not exactly excel in arithmancy, but you would take any chance to spend more time with him, even if he always teased you. After 10 more minutes – damn this huge school – you were finally in front of his dorm and officially 45 minutes late. Knocking on it softly the door immediately flew open, revealing a flustered Draco standing right in front of you.
"You finally made it, huh?!" The boy raised his brow at you as his blue eyes narrowed. "I hate waiting – you know that." You rolled your eyes as you bit back a grin at his attitude. You lifted the books in your hands with a sheepish shrug, showing him that you weren’t late without a reason. "I needed to get these first – thought they might help with our studies."
Draco visibly relaxed as he stepped back, creating space for you to walk into the room, the smell of the boy’s cologne immediately surrounded you.
"Oh, and Harry needed help with his tie – I swear that boy walks around looking like he's fallen off his broom almost every single day." Draco scoffed. "You're late because of Potter?" He spat – the angry scowl was back on his face as he pointedly glared at you. You loved teasing him just as much as he did and with the way the male was frowning all the time, he was sure to get wrinkly very fast. Shrugging your shoulders you walked towards the table, his eyes burning into your back as you put the heavy books on the cold wooden surface. "He's my friend too, you know." Draco rolled his eyes, feeling the urge to gag at the word friend. It sounded like an insult to him. "Well, I'm not just your friend!" The blonde scoffed as you turned to look at him. Your brows raised and your eyes widened slightly as you stared at the male – your heart skipped a beat at the possible insinuation of his words. Quickly getting rid of that thought you tilted your head slightly, a small frown slowly marring your face. “If not my friend – what are you then?” You questioned while crossing your arms in front of your chest. You noticed how his eyes briefly moved towards your arms – or your chest, you weren’t quite sure – before a faint blush dusted his cheeks. “W-Well, I’m your best friend.” Draco stuttered obviously flustered. You scoffed in disbelief, was the boy trying to mock you? “Best friends? Draco, you always tease me for being –“
Only now did you notice the candles decorating the room and a beautiful bouquet of red roses, wrapped in black paper sitting on the bed.
“W-What’s all this for?” You questioned as you suddenly felt uncomfortable. “Were – are you expecting another girl? Is that why you’re this mad because I’m late? Am I interrupting something?” You frowned at the blonde male.
“What? No, you idiot –“Draco rudely interrupted you, desperate to stop your rant. “Wait – why are you even mad?”
You closed your mouth at his question, silently cursing yourself as you wished for something – anything to happen. The expectant look in his eyes made you want to run as far as your legs could carry you, not knowing what to say without looking like a complete fool. “I- I don’t know – I should leave.” You mumbled as you turned around to leave the now suffocating room before embarrassing yourself in front of the boy you had been crushing on for the past two years.
Draco rushed after you and pulled you back, his cold fingers wrapping around your smaller wrist. You stumbled right into his chest, his lips almost touching yours as you stared into his eyes. You felt your face heat up as his eyes flickered to your parted lips and back to your eyes. “I’ve been waiting for you – this is for you. There is no other girl, y/n.” He muttered so quietly that you almost didn’t catch it. “B-But why?”
Draco groaned as his hands found your waist as he squeezed your flesh slightly. “You really are dense sometimes you know? I’m trying to tell you that I like you. Like really like you.”
“Oh.” Was the only thing you could force out as you were overwhelmed with the onslaught of emotions you experienced at his words. Looking down at his chest you tried to hide your burning face.
“Oh?” Draco chuckled as one of his hands moved to lift your chin slightly, forcing you to look into his face again. “Is that all you want to say, doll?”
“I-I like you too, Draco.” You finally uttered as you smiled up at him. You could physically feel the male relax, even though he was trying not to show it. “Can I kiss you?” You nodded, not trusting your voice not to break.
Draco slowly leaned down as he pressed his lips against yours in a chaste kiss – as if he was afraid of scaring you. He leaned back slightly – way too quickly for your liking – to stare at you with a serious look. “You know what this means, right?”
Shaking your head, you bit your lip.
“It means, you are mine now – no more fixing ties for Potter.”
A/N: Thanks for reading! Comments, requests, feedback etc. are highly appreciated!
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silentcryracha · 9 months
❍ ‗ SKZ + What they love on you (fashion) ‗ ❍
Pairings : OT8 x reader
Genre/warnings : skz simp agenda. Fluff, lots of compliments and sweet boys. no smut but it's definitely suggestive (18+), boobs and ass are mentioned and reader is female presenting
Summary : Which items of clothing (or related things) I think would drive the boys insane when you're wearing them
Word count : 1.8k
A/n : None <3
ps: No beta'd. Do NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
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Chan ‗ ❍
- This man would adore you regardless. He's one of those guys who would find it 10x times more sexy or romantic seeing you just being yourself in an intimate setting, like a house, some sort of trip, going grocery shopping and so on. Plus 10+ points if you happen to be wearing something of his.
- Yeah, wear one of his hoodies or shirts and he's already GONE. He's a (simp)le man. Or his beanie, jackets, scarf, anything that could look good on you tbh.
- But hear me out: also his accessories like his famous stay bracelet, or you could even be lovey doveys and share one earring each.
- NAIL POLISH!! Let him paint your nails for you and do silly little designs on them! You'd have so much fun, he'd giggle so much and end you playing with your hands at random times reminiscing the memories.
- Now onto what would ACTUALLY get him going: I think that either a really really nice dress (like a cocktail or party dress) would make Chan go CRAZYYY
- Bonus points if it's black and hugs your body perfectly. Even more if some skin is showing. V neck, shoulders, low back. He LOVES seeing you dolled up and confident and would make sure to boost the energy as much as he can because you deserve it and he wants to make his girl the most beautiful in the world <3
- Okay now hear me out, seems quite specific but random at the same time BUT, what about side boob. You know those loose sleeveless shirts/tank tops? Like the sporty ones? If you ever wore one of those he would NOT be able to control himself. Imagine if you're not wearing anything underneath tho 🫠
- The side boob + nipple shadow peeking...oh he's HARD and only an emergency fuck can fix it for him I fear
Minho ‗ ❍
- Anything that shows your skin is free real estate for this man. Shoulder? Neck? Collarbones? He's gonna BITE.
- Oh but not only. Imagine wearing something that exposes your legs (and maybe some thighs) like shorts or a mini dress, skirts and so on.
- He's so unhinged like he would purposefully drop his keys or something and leave a bite on the side of your thigh when he crunches down. If he's feeling romantic he'd go for a lil kiss but his goal is to make you flustered nonetheless.
- Speaking of touch and kisses: he'd make sure to get his mouth literally everywhere. Picking up your hand to linger his lips on your palm, back, wrist or forearm, fingers.
- Moving your hair to the side to kiss the back and side of your neck. Yeah 🤒
- In general I don't think he has specific preferences in fashion? I just think that he'd love to see you confident and comfortable in whatever you want to wear.
Changbin ‗ ❍
- You're either his little precious porcelain doll or his emo bad bitch. Nor in between. Man CAN do both and can HAVE both.
- I feel like Changbin (like all the others tbh) would be happy seeing you comfortable and confident. Which doesn't necessarily needs to tie with fashion or your looks.
- BUT☝🏻 he'd be a sucker for a good aesthetic look. He'd lose his mind fr, worshipping the ground you walk on, being loud about how HOT his girlfriend his and all that. As he should!
- As I was saying, he'd like both someone who's extremely feminine and delicate, doll like almost. Soft make up, lots of girly clothes, dresses, skirts, stockings, cute hats and accessories.
- But also someone who gives off the same 'dark/emo' vibe that he gives off at first glance. Lots of black, leather, dark colors, laces, a stronger make up, some edgy accessories.
- And a resting bitch face that would make anyone run but NOT HIM! You'd look like a cupcake to him regardless. He'd go around gushing and fighting his cute aggression for you by just existing.
- Now, a little treat that would most likely (and fortunately for you😵‍💫) get him turned on would be a GOOD pair of jeans. Either some very tight jeans or some cargo style ones, as long as they show off the delicious curve of your ass he's gone. It's literally over for him.
- Trust him to be EMBARRASSINGLY turned on by this, to the point where he'd ask you to wear some just for him, he'd buy them for you and so on. Your body and your ass are already his constant thought and motivation while he works out so might as well fuel his own delulu fantasies by providing the material, am I right?
Hyunjin ‗ ❍
- Once again, he loves you as you are and would be happy just knowing you comfortable in your own skin. But that won't stop him to try and dress you up like his personal model.
- He would never force on you something, especially if it was something that would make you uncomfortable. But he would give you some suggestions here and there, on how to mix and match some items, which colors he thinks compliment you the most.
- He would love to see you being so confident and happy in the results, too. Just like a painter adding details to his masterpiece.
- I lowkey feel like, since we got Mr. Romantic and artsy boy on our hands, I kinda feel like he'd lose if he saw you wearing something more... ethereal? Like a specifically made dress. It could be the soft palette, the delicacy of laces and pearls, the perfect way that the draping compliments your body and falls perfectly.
- His own personal princess. Yes, I think that he would love to either have you as his personal hot catwalk style model or a literal princess that came out of a painting.
- Speaking of art. You're also his muse, of course. And few things to him are equally as aesthetically pleasing as certified turn on for him like your chest.
- He does love lingerie on you, BUT, if you really want to make him drop on his knees on the spot, just wear one of those pretty corsets. You know, the ones with laces, and ribbons. This is for the bedroom though.
- He'd get equally as horny with any type of garment that gave the same effect though. Like a sweetheart neckline paired with a good bra. A low v neckline dress, a slightly unbuttoned plain shirt. Oh yes.
- Hyune tits man agenda going strong and I'll die on this hill.
Jisung ‗ ❍
- He's a homebody. Being at home and domestic is probably his favorite place after being on stage. I feel like his perfect day would be chilling and having fun at home, where you're most free and comfortable.
- Which is why, while I of course think that Jisung would foam at the mouth with you being all sexy and dressed up, he'd as easily get turned on by a simple home outfit.
- Yoga pants showing your ass, shorts showing your thighs, long oversized t shirts showing legs AND thighs. Bonus if the stuff is his. Bonus X2 if you're not wearing anything underneath.
- Yes absolutely that's enough for him. He loves a nice put up together outfit but would that allow him to take you on the nearest surface and make an absolute mess of you without a care in the world? Probably not, so there you go, you got yourself a winner
- You wearing his old glasses (since he doesn't need them anymore) or even your own glasses get him turned on. Don't ask, he's a pervert.
Felix ‗ ❍
- Felix seems like he has a taste for expensive things. Especially fashion and accessories wise.
- He'd drool seeing you sport a very high fashion item, like peculiarly cut out dress or jacket, something quite unique. He loves seeing you looking like a literal model straight out of a magazine. And would love even more to match with you.
- The matching would be valid for the accessories too. You would share pretty much everything, from the earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, watches, hats, gloves and so on. He'd insist to have always something matching with you.
- In a more intimate setting though, something that you can never go wrong with are pretty sleeping gowns, lingerie sets, silky and lacy pajamas. Something very girly, dollish, delicate, almost innocent. Strictly in pale and pastel colors. He would love to buy them for you, too. As his personal treat.
- The sight of you wearing such a delicate but expensive as fuck bralette and panties that he knows he could rip off of you with his own teeth just makes him nearly cum in his pants.
Seungmin ‗ ❍
- Seungmin would get off on the confidence that you show to others. Whether it is a façade or you're really just a bad bitch, he finds it extremely hot.
- He goes crazy when you dress up smartly, elegantly, and maybe, just a tad provocative.
- A normal blouse, elegant. But that shows just enough cleavage when you move or bend in certain ways. Cigarette pants perfectly ironed, peofessional. But that make the curve of your ass so delicious. A normal pair of black Louboutines, with that sexy red heels.
- It makes him hard because he feels superior in knowing exactly what's behind that façade and that he's the only one that you'd be willing to drop it for.
- Extra points if he saw you getting ready and you're the only two people in the room who know that a pretty, lacy red lingerie set is hiding under all those elegant and composed clothes. You'd get him thinking about it all night.
- I also feel like he'd have a thing for your legs being shown off and your nais being done, maybe even when you're wearing a particular perfume. Maybe HIS, perfume.
Jeongin ‗ ❍
- Jeongin would be a sucker for you acting cool. Like standing there with some sporty clothes and a pair of sunglasses and a nice perfume. That's enough for him to simp HARD.
- He'd love to go shopping together and purposefully buy stuff that you could easily switch and match with each other. You're boyfriend and girlfriend yes but you are COOL boyfriend and girlfriend ykwim.
- In a more formal setting, he particularly loves when you wear dresses that have low cuts. Somewhere. Whether is a frontal low cut, a side low cut, a back low cut, or a high slit on the bottom part.
- The idea that all it would take for him to take it off you is just a flick of his fingers gets him CRAZY. Especially if they are dresses that require to not wear a bra.
- All that bare back, shoulders, neck, chest...idk man in his opinion it should all be covered in kisses, licks and bruises IMMEDIATELY.
- Bonus if you wear a high slit dress and you make him understand that you're not wearing panties underneath. Now you're in for a treat...
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httpiastri · 2 months
2nd try bcs i didnt push through????
idk if you saw the pepe helping someone with the hans device, but it got me thinking... 🍯 (before i forget my tag again)
imagine u and pepe having a date night or attending a gala, he walks up to you wearing your dress, offering to zip it up for you, complimenting you, saying you are the most beautiful person in his eyes saying that he's the luckiest man in the earth while doing so. he also helped u in wearing your necklace, pecks ur shoulders while doing so.
and then u help him in return by fixing his hair (taking your time because you know he loves your hand running along his hair) and then tying his tie for him, teasing him about how thick his neck is.
god why doesnt tumblr like your asks???? tumblr pls i love them so don't make them stop them from pushing through 😭
i... feel like ive seen that? but i'm not 100% sure? if anyone has a link pls lmk!! but omg darling this all made me so mushy :(( pepe would be so so sweet and domestic in that way... insisting that he gets to zip up your dress, leaving feather-light kisses along your neck and wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you back against him... admiring you in the mirror and just melting completely on the inside bcs he loves you so much :(( and he definitely wants to help out in picking out what jewelry you're gonna be wearing !! pls allow him to choose something !!!!
and ofc pepe always puts on his puppy eyes and asks "could you help me with my hair? i don't know what looks good/i can't seem to get it right" just to have an excuse to feel your hands in his hair.... and ofc you see right through his act but you agree because seeing his eyes flutter closed and hearing that little hum he lets out and feeling his hands on your hips.... and don't even get me started on his neck 🫠🫠
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Thank you sm!!?! Got me kicking my feet and giggling. Sorry for spamming, I hope y'all aren't getting sick of me. 😭
Since we've touched upon what his real name would be, he audibly gulps when you call him by his name in a serious tone. "Not the government name." Lem would.
Listen this man OWNS the 'it's ok to murder people but it's not ok to disrespect your wife' energy. He's this snarky and mean man who has little to no patience but would rather die than be the reason his girl is upset. He becomes so soft for her. Feel like he'll steal glances of you when you don't notice, like you're reading a book, he loves how you're so invested in the story.
ALSO, what if he's girl is shorter than him? (man's literally 1.8m, my 1.64m ass is crying) He'll tease you so much I just know it!! But he loves it, the way you have to go on your tippytoes to kiss him (or tug on his tie making him bend down?? and he grabs your waist?? LORD)
WAKING YOU WITH MORNING KISSES?? He would!! (I would know we're married in another reality)
Soft dad!tan, feel like you'd have a daughter. Spoils her rotten, no questions asked. "Clever little girl, just like your mother." WANT 😩😩
I don't want this to sound pushy, but about the tan coming home and finds reader in the bath (I believe you said the person is no longer active) if you don't mind, I'll like to request it when your requests are open again. (if not that's ok!) It also got me thinking, this man would be so gentle with you, he's always careful not to hurt you. He'll also crack jokes to hear you laugh. 🫠🫠
Sigh I wanna go back to when I first watched this movie on the big screen. First scene he appeared I was actually speechless. And when he took his coat off?? (Yeah I watch it for the plot, the plot: tan) Think I've watched this movie like 16 times. Or was it 17? 💺 anon
1. ahhh you’re welcome!! and it’s no problem :)
2. yes!!! like he knows he’s in trouble, and he’ll have the expression of a sulky sassy kid
3. YES YES YES😩 love that shit. it’s okay to murder a bunch of guys but NEVER okay to lay a finger on a woman. said it before and I’ll say it again and again, but love cold mean men that have a soft spot for their girl. he loves watching you just be you too
4. 🫠🫠 melting
5. feel like he’s a GIANT softie especially in mornings
6. he’s definitely a girl dad!! he def loves how much she’s a mini you and mini him, like the perfect combo of both
7. ofc!! absolutely
8. ugh me too! I was watching trailers loads to get my fix😭😭😭 literally counted down the days until could see him on opening night lmao. and yes!! when he and lemon sit next to the son and he’s flattening his coat 😩
AHAHRGHH the pun🤭
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munsonownsmyass · 2 years
Top five Matt facial expressions!
Or just 5 times Matt Murdock looked hot 🤣♥️
Seriously tho, thank you for the ask, Nonnie.
1) Him smirking. There's just something about it that makes my brain go brrrr
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2) The moment he knew he fucked up in No Way Home 🤣
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3) Ehm... Lips... That's all I have to say...
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4) There's just something about him frustrated, fixing that tie that I freaking love 🥴
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5) Smily boy, looking so happy and so good. This is probably my all time gave 💕
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And bonus, because I can never follow rules: This isn't the facial expression, but how good does he look in that shirt? 🫠
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Ask game: give me a Top 5
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