#the thoughts are exploding and combusting btw
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lynnie-s3all · 1 month ago
*crashes car* *explodes*
elliot x reader headcannons...............it can be anything........ romantic, platonic, IDC i wanna read about us getting pizza together and just hanging out ahhahhhahahhhahahhahhahaahha *combusts* (IF YOU DON'T WANT TO IT'S FINE :3)
Yeah i definitely did not see elliot x reader anywhere. WELP HERE WE GOOOOO
(what is this romantic or what?)
(Him becoming the manager is the best btw. Really have no idea how to explain why he's hot in that suit.)
Idk how he found you actually (im joking), he randomly met you when you're his first customer to order pizza.
well let's say, youre the first and the earliest person to even come over and order before it gained a lot of customers.
You would visit his place every weekend to see how he's been doing so far, and you and him just kinda became friends
I mean technically Elliot wouldn't stress out too much when there's a lot of people being impatient and waiting for their order to finish right? Welp, you just decided to help him out with that.
Now he's basically your second employee. Wow.
And Elliot somehow grew attached to you more when you first helped him. From being a customer to an employee? I never know what will happen honestly after that.
I mean i should be for real though, at the end of every shift, you two would hang out outside and went to his house to hangout and eat pizza, because i have no idea how to write it out.
(When i think about him being a manager though, oh boy just look how HOT he is when he wears that suit. I MEAN WHO CAN CLEARLY TELL THAT HE'S HANDSOME THAT WAY INSTEAD OF HIS USUAL WORK OUTFIT?)
Anywayyyy, Customer to friends and friends to lovers. Very much like that.
Whenever you two hangout, he would try his best to act like he's cool and tries so hard not to blush when he sees you, honestly who can't blame him when there's butterflies inside of him?
That time when you ask him to hangout at some street, you grabbed his hand without him noticing, it feels soft. I mean, your hand. It feels soft to touch. That's elliot thinking about it btw.
He kinda prepared something while you're just talking about your day like usual, he was hiding a flower. LIKE WHAT FLOWER? A ROSE? yea.
Soooooo, he told you that he needed a place to sit down because his leg was tired from walking (he's lying) and since you don't want to tire him out, you just found a bench to sit on.
"uh (name)? I kinda want to tell you something."
"yea what is it?"
"i never thought about this day would come around since you decided to become my first customer to ever had a crush on, but... I've tried to hide my feelings from this because I'm scared to confess about it, so here. A flower for you"
"Awh... thanks Elliot, and you know what, i kinda have feelings for you too aswell. Ever since i helped you in the place, i kinda started having feelings too. Well to be honest, i love you."
"I think it's time for me to say it."
(what line huh? OHHH....)
"would you like to become my partner?"
mwah and you two hug eachother. Did you kiss? idk, YOU DO YOURSELF IF YOU WANT TO KISS HIM
(why is coolkid at the background saying, "EW IS THAT THE PIZZA DUDE WITH A GIRL?)
(007n7: i have no idea son, now you should leave before they do weird stuff with each other.)
ofc who says you are gonna do backshots with elliot. WHO SAYS THAT.
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okiedoketm · 1 year ago
There's a scene in One Piece where Koby is talking about his frustration and disappointment with the Marines as an institution, and Helmeppo tells him "Well, you just have to become some big shot and fix it all, right?" and Koby agrees with him, and that's got me thinking about how, in canon, Koby's endgame is pretty clearly going to be exactly that -- he's set up as not only Garp's successor but as the one who will surpass him. Koby's goal is to become so powerful and so influential that he's able to enforce massive reforms on The World Government's Entire Military, which is. No small task! Koby's motives are so selfless that it's easy to overlook that, actually, he's aiming for just as much power and prestige as the other top hitters. This man, like so many others in One Piece, is trying to swallow the sun, and it's been made clear that he's one of the few who has what it takes to actually succeed.
And that has me thinking about people constantly being surprised and confused by Zoro's loyalty to Luffy, because Zoro could be a pirate captain in his own right. People keep expecting him to be gunning for the crown, and we're told that if he did, honestly, he might make it! Zoro has the makings to be Pirate King, or at least to be a top dog, an emperor of the sea. People see his skill and his ambition and they assume, and every time he has to be like "Nah man, you got it wrong, my dreams start and end with that grinning rubber idiot over there. Yes, really."
and all of THAT has me thinking about Koby's Bad Day, and how hilarious it would be if Koby ALSO dealt with that on occasion. Technically he already does have experience as captain of his own crew (although being a captain in the navy isn't really the same kind of autonomy and freedom as a pirate captain, that's not Nothing!) and he certainly has the skills and the strength to get peoples' attention. However, unlike Zoro, Koby is very much Just Hanging Out. Like, Zoro knows he's hot shit, and it doesn't surprise him when other people point it out to him. He understands where the confusion comes from. He just corrects people and moves on. But Koby? If somebody just started assuming that Koby must clearly be the REAL captain, or that obviously Koby must want the Pirate King title for himself, I think Koby would explode. I don't think he'd know how to react. And I think it would be really, really funny.
Anyway I'm just sharing thoughts cause I'm on a reread. Thank you so much for writing this fic btw, easily one of my faves and reading it is always such a blast.
Man. My inbox loooves not showing me messages. Sorry to answer this so late!
First of all you are SO right, Koby would combust at the idea of being a contender for Pirate King. Where on earth would anyone get that idea?? Well, Koby, you’re a very powerful pirate with potentially the best observation haki in the entire world. People are gonna assume.
But of course Koby still mentally thinks of himself as a Good Boy, hasn’t fully reconciled with the fact that he is objectively and inarguably a pirate, in a world where most pirates are back-stabbing scumbags. He’s a member of Luffy’s crew, he is very proud to call him Captain! But honestly I think he sometimes forgets that they’re pirates, since 90% of the time they’re not doing anything illegal 😂
Combine that with the fact that he chronically underestimates how strong he really is, and that he is Luffy’s most ardent supporter? Yeah the Pirate King comments would BAFFLE him.
Thanks so much for sending this ask! I’m so happy you enjoyed KANGVCD enough to re-read it! It means a lot!
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caramel1mochi · 8 months ago
Lmao Gekko and yoru tied on the poll, just curious how u gonna solve that?
Btw ur works are amazing
So I thought about it and I might do what @dayanami suggested and write them one by one. I'm thinking of letting Yoru go first as he's the best fit for the plot I have in mind, but even that needs so many adjustments. Fingers crossed I'll have time to come up with something new for Gekko.
This debacle is the last thing I expected when putting up a poll, but I get it. Gekko and Yoru are both so cute, I'd combust if I had to choose between them haha totally not close to exploding right now
Also thank you!!
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fakeassfriends · 2 years ago
hi im exploding btw <- after you went to bed i thought abt mike and kaden for 0.2 seconds and. wa
im still. combusts instantly. theymmean so much to me your honor
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acacia-luna-royal · 3 years ago
Okay, I don’t know if anyone else does this, but I continuously watch the KinnPorsche trailer, both the cut and the uncut version so I have every second of it more or less memorised now.
Well, I was listening to Boyfriend by Dove Cameron (what a QUEEN for blessing our ears with that song) and I was singing along to it when I came to the part where she sings “plus, all my clothes would fit,” and believe me when I tell you that my mind EXPLODED!! I had a full blown epiphany because as I was singing that line, a clip from the KinnPorsche trailer popped into my mind.
I’m talking about this clip:
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I don’t know if this is Porsche, but WHAT IF IT IS?!?! What if this is Porsche and he’s really happy and he’s wearing one of KINN’S SHIRTS?!?! And ONLY his shirt?! And his socks. Like, my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest to this thought.
I mean it really could be a happy Porsche, dancing in only his lover’s shirt and his white socks. The way he slid into the room, he seems happy, he’s feeling good and it made me melt to think that this might be Porsche.
Btw, this might not be Porsche, I’m not 100% sure that this IS Porsche because you can’t really tell who this is, but it COULD be as the build and that lovely tanned glow that is Porsche is incredibly similar, and if it is 😍🤯, I will literally combust.
I hope this was interesting for you to read and I wish you a lovely day.
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presidentbungus · 3 years ago
Whatever part of the AU you’re thinking abt as of seeing this ask is the part I wanna hear abt :)
demo has a Small Charmingly Scrappy Rebel-Esque spaceship that he hijacked from his home planet (which he was space royalty on btw) and added on to over time with spare parts and extra rooms. it has some Infamous Menacing Pirate name I’ll have to make up later. basically he’s a space pirate as I have mentioned because the worms in my brain are biting hard. he’s more of a robin hood chaotic good type but’ll still fuck some shit up if people are dumb enough to get on his bad side
his weapon of choice is either a heavy-duty handheld artillery cannon (thsi universe’s equivalent of a nade/sticky launcher, made by him and Dell before they fell out) or a sword and of course he has a few different swords. off the top of my head the persian persuader equivalent (because I love the persian persuader😰😰😰) has the same general shape but there’s a switch or something he can flick to make the whole sword catch on fire, which he can also use with some particular chemical or something I will make up a name for later which is highly combustible and explodes with heat. he gives this one to Pyro in some little emotional moment Pyro loves it it’s cute
eyelander or is the obligatory lightsaber stand-in though it’s “haunted” with a little artificial intelligence that was probably not made to be put in a sword. you know why that part’s there. despite being a computer said AI doesn’t remember a lot about itself or what it’s seen indicating that it might not have been in this state forever and it could potentially be in a situation similar to Dell’s, though Demo makes sure to take it out plenty to see the sights and chop some necks so it works out in the end. I don’t know about the other swords but I will sure think about it
I’m still not sure what to do with Pyro. I saw your suggestion about making them be the only human or whatever and as hilarious as that is it’d also mean I had to come up with some kind of alien for everybody else😰 I’m leaning towards either going Filamental and they’re just a fucked up robot which I think would be hilarious OR they look completely normal to canon and are eventually revealed to actually just be a bunch of muck in a suit. literally just a green, moldeable to the degree they’re almost liquid little ball of stinking goo crammed into the suit. I don’t even know if this’ll serve relevance to the narrative or how anyone would find this out but It’d be really funny
also to be clear the space setting has like a 60’s sci-fi kind of aesthetic, with all the stupid rings and warped furniture and stuff. this will be entirely depicted through writing as I can’t draw so I can’t see this being relevant but I thought I’d make it clear
and lastly pauling’s probably human and admin’s some fucked up beholder-type thing with a billion eyes though I think it’d be really funny if she still has like a little tiny comically well-styled sprig of black-gray hair on the top of her fucked up head
anyway thank you for the ask ikea thank you for indulging me. as always ily
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foxyninjabear · 5 years ago
HermitCraft Headcanons: Creeper Anatomy and Biology (Part 2!)
*slams this post on the table and gives you crazy eyes* I'M BACK WITH MORE
Anyway, rabidness aside, welcome everyone! Some of you might already know, but awhile ago I made a post for creepers and their anatomy (linked here). And today, my fellow peeps, I've decided to build onto my original post with more headcanons! But before we start, I want to say something that I feel is important;
I'm not qualified in any stretch of the imagination to confirm that these headcanons are 100% accurate. Please keep that in mind when you read this. I'm not a professional at all; I'm literally just a big HermitCraft nerd that will go on Internet splurges to quench my thirst for knowledge xD
Anyway, announcement over! Put on your labcoats and grab those calculators and clipboards, people, cuz we're about to dive into some nerdy friggin science! And feel absolutely free to debate about these or add onto them! I'd love to see people get involved with this kind of thing! :D Also, if you have any questions about these headcanons, or have any ideas for future headcanons to dive into, leave me an ask! :)
They still have the potential to explode
Although they cannot do it voluntary, like their monstrous ancestors, creepers still have the ability to detonate. They still have gunpowder in their bodies, but the amount is much less than what it used to be in hostile creepers (let's say about 10% of what it originally was, to keep it simple). I know there's not exactly any evidence proving that but just trust me, I'm going somewhere with this. Get your hands off of that keyboard! xD 
Anyway, lemme tell you what I'm getting at. I bet a lot of you are familiar with what appendicitis is, but for people who don't know, here's the gist; appendicitis is when your appendix (an organ in the human body that's pretty much useless... nobody really knows what it does lol) becomes infected and inflamed, and if not given immediate medical attention, can possibly burst and become life-threatening. So, if there were an organ in a hostile creeper's body that stores gunpowder for self-detonation, that organ could carry onto the non-threatening generations (and possibly become smaller, due to its lack of use). If it were to become infected, inflamed, or receive some sort of trauma, it could possibly ignite all of the gunpowder and cause an explosion powerful enough to kill the creeper it resides in.
They shed their skin
All creatures with scales shed (or molt) their skin and scales periodically. I stated in my last post that creepers most likely have scales (due to their ability to conduct electricity [Like being struck by lightning]; if they had fur or humanlike skin, they'd most likely combust and explode... and nobody wants that to happen to them lol xD), so it would only be logical to have creepers shed their skin every now and then (I also got inspired by this one post by @goopyshell , so check them out! [btw, if you're reading this, I LOVE your Python design. Best snek boi!]). Lizards molt about 2 to 4 times a year, give or take some key factors (such as how much they're growing), but since that's a baseline, we're going to stick with that for simplicity's sake as to how often a full grown creeper would shed their scales. It'd also most likely come off in patches, instead of the whole skin at once, due to creepers having humanoid figures.
They see colors much differently than humans
Since creepers are very reptile like, especially with their scales, it would make sense that they have many other reptilian characteristics, including their vision. In my last post, I mentioned creepers having night vision due to their nocturnal ancestors, but then after I saw this awesome drawing by @bedrock-to-buildheight with how different Hermits see things, I decided to do some digging into how a reptile actually sees the world. Turns out in addition to having night vision, many of those scaly little critters have the ability to see not just the entire visible spectrum of light that a human can see, but also ultraviolet light (a wavelength of light that a human CAN'T see) due to a special type of cone photoreceptor in their eyes (just so you're not confused, a 'cone' is a type of photoreceptor [aka: light detector] in an eye that detects color). As a result, a creeper could (theoretically) be able to see a MUCH wider range of colors than a human can.
They're much shorter than humans
I've seen lots of designs of humanoid creepers (*cough* PYTHON IS A GREMLIN *cough cough*), and quite a few of have them being quite short. So I thought that I'd explore around the Minecraft Wiki a bit to see if there was anything to support that. And wouldn't you know it, there is! According to the game files, creepers are 1.7 blocks tall (or 1.7 meters, since 1 block in the game is equal to 1 cubic meter) compared to a player, who is 1.8 blocks tall. 
Now, at first I thought that I was done, but then I realized that it wouldn't exactly make sense for every single human to be the same height, as well as creepers. Cuz if that were the case, how could we have a tall German cyborg or a smol ice queen in HermitCraft fandom lore and headcanons? xD So did two things; 1, I decided to have the creeper/player height be a ratio (in other words, I'll have the average height of creepers be about 95% of the average height of humans, since 1.7 meters [a creeper's height in the game] divided by 1.8 meters [a player's in-game height] would equal that percent. Maths people xD). And 2, I dove back into the depths of the Interbubs and did tons of research on human height, and eventually found the global average for male and female heights. For humans, males average out at about 171 centimeters tall (a little over 5 feet 7 inches), and females 159.5 centimeters (almost 5 feet 3 inches). If we apply our 95% to those numbers, we can get our average creeper heights! And those numbers calculate to have males be about 161.5 centimeters tall (about 5 feet 4 inches), and females at 150.6 centimeters (4 feet 11 inches).
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cruddyborderlandstheories · 6 years ago
“So Happy Together” Analysis
i don’t sleep
tl;dr: tbh not much to go off on about. i think we see a new skin for Iron Bear, one with some stripes. amara smiles, i do talk a little bit about little sisters in bioshock but tbh i think this was all just a stylistic choice lol. oh and handsome jack’s masks- probably Mount Jackmore. i don’t want to get to freaked out over jack returning, but damn gearbox lol u had me there for a second. im pretty sure it’s just a reused cut quest from bl2 that they never got to implement. 
EDIT: here’s all the cut content in bl2 (plus all the non-cut content as well for funsies). you can go to the cut quests and see the audio files for claptrap’s jackmore quest
holy shit can i just vomit all my emotions rn, they’re all good so imma do that so im rational when i start analyzing stuff okay? okay! 
holy shit that was fucking great and im really glad i tempered my expectations to something smaller than i thought because i feel bad for people expecting something huge, i was under the assumption we’d be getting a new mechanic that was like ‘choose ur +1 and they’ll be able to play the game with you if you’re both online even if they don’t have the game’ which was what someone said on reddit. altho im sure the poor company is gonna get spammed now with hate like ‘WTF YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE BUILT THIS UP AAAA’. not to lie, i was slightly disappointed it wasn’t a longer stream, but i mean if they’ve got nothing to announce, they’ve got nothing to announce and HEY! new trailer!!! gonna be combing thru on the assumption this has some easter eggs like the MoM trailer did, just in case. i thought it was a cute trailer, gearbox never explicitly said what it was gonna be, a lot people all just assumed what was gonna happen was a demo/beta which sucks so i hope this doesn’t negatively impact people’s perspective of the game. im staying off reddit for now bc when i first checked it people were pretty pissed and i dun need that negativity lmao
okay! emotions are LOCKED behind closed doors. i am shifting into study mode. here we go boys/girls/those of us who know better. haven’t done one of these in a while, let’s see if im rusty at all.
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claptrap! and the skull on the chair which reminds me of tyreen’s “favorite skull”. 
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tv says “we are under attack, please stand by”
and afaik claptrap is near the beginning of the game, you can see part of the recruitment center behind him when the camera pans.
im thinking there might be something in the roses, specifically the hand-drawn roses later on in the trailer. will be keeping an eye open for that.
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this is specifically a jakobs brand chest. i really like the see-through aesthetic of it
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intro area of the game again. possible hint to the opening cutscene? tbh i was worried that’s what we were about to get because i haven’t finished the roughs of my mock up lol
so what i didn’t notice my first time through is that you can then see claptrap, also being shown in the chest
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waving up at the camera. that’s not trippy at all or anything lol
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this car in the foreground (with no one driving it, mind you)
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randomly combusts, looking quite like elpis in that one shot of the claptrap presents pandora trailer. wonder if that means it’s gonna ‘splode.
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ohhh it spins. please no spin imma get motion sick blech
shot of some cultists. one appears to have a jetpack near the bottom right there
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another explosion to the beat
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the shock wave!!!! that’s awesome
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shock nomads cultists are back. f in chat for our shields
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another cultist seconds before he gets blown to bits
it cuts to black for a secco as it moves thru said explosion
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another cultist, i assume a psycho
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finally some good fucking angles
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idk what i expected from someone who’s first action skill line i ever heard was them shouting MAGIC WALL!!! TAAAADAAAAAAAAH
as a side note
who is shooting those lasers
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we see them coming from behind the VHs, but
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there’s nothing there
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they’re coming from... the wall???
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tfw u shot urself in the foot on accident
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amara is not amused
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`is this some human custom i don’t understand yet`
also i hate that i’ve done this exact dance before when i took dance classes as a kid
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with less style of course, i was like 7
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moze is into it, hell yeah
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this reminds me a lot of Kingsman. where all the blood is like fireworks and stuff. i wonder if that has anything to do with the psycho brainwashing. like little sisters in bioshock. they see roses instead of blood, right? maybe there’s something like that going on with the psychos
i’d certainly hope our vault hunters aren’t brainwashed, anyway.
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this dude looking SHOCKED to see that tho, lmfao
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i relate to this man on a spiritual level i stg
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man he looks pissed
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omfg lol
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“i guess this is okay”
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the body language in this is gold i am just having the time of my life
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this is so cute
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also in retrospect, i think this is one of the turrets we see on promethea. i wonder what it’s doing here!
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moze u ok?
oh nvm she’s into it, look at her! she’s dancing! She’s Dancin’!
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oooo one of the robots from the we are mayhem trailer! okay you can totally see why i think they’re jakobs, RIGHT???
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iirc this is a maliwan soldier
man this is a crossover event, isn’t it?
i get it now. togetherness. i gotchu gearbox.
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some maliwan ships in the sky. possibly sanc-iii on the right? or a ship of the same model as sanc-iii!
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this is a magitek dropship, change my mind
eh, they both start with M, fuck it.
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no idea what fl4k is doing here
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mayyyybe shielding themselves from the ‘firework’/confetti shower
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i like that the confetti explosions are backed up by purple, you know like eridium/slag/siren powers. seriously, maybe this is just how to cultists see us Vault Hunters and the mass murder.
at the very least, the psychos.
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fl4k’s into it. i wish we knew the name of their skag, if it has one. i hope it does.
well now the lasers are coming from the other side! what the hell
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moving on
i think this is the HBC from the speakers, plus im pretty sure that skull and the stained glass are the entrance to mouthpiece’s arena
we also get a different colored explosion. im paranoid jack is somehow making a return (please god no), so i’ll just note it’s the same color as his eyes.
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AND the chests are vomiting out gold guns, which i think, gold-plated gear, is the cult’s way of signifying standing. which im sure is a tongue-in-cheek commentary as gearbox gives out a gold weapon pack as a pre-order bonus. no, like, it even shows up as an ad on the video
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smh gearbox lmao
oh, also, the cultists are doing fuckin flying impressions
im not saying its a reference to the cultist with rakk wings on the cover, buuuut
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bitch it might be lol
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it’s an upside-down vault symbol! ive been trying to figure out what that is in those screens for the longest time!
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back on promethea and we get to see fl4k’s spiderant in action
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their skag, too, of course
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the jabbermon in the back there, too! i wonder if they’re going to be shock or cryo. i would imagine shock given how they’re glowing
also i love the way the flowers look in contrast to the character models
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moze is so happy aw
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i love the way fl4k’s skag comes flying in and slides to a stop. such a good doggo ;-;
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this is beautiful, i want it as a wallpaper
moze skipping? holy shit
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100% verified the best thing i’ve ever seen
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i lied. this is.
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is this the fast travel station effect?
also! IB is looking a bit different
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i wonder if this is a redesign or if IB is wearing a new skin moze picked out
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pan over to zane who clearly doesn’t notice the being of darkness and horror in the doorway
oh also, we’re on eden-6 now. which would explain the fast travel effect
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psychos dancing on the rooftops lol
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oh god my eyes
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nothing to really say here, i just like this screenshot
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pink shields booyah
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this is so fucking cute
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we also get a better look at that one facility on eden-6
is that... red i see? >w> i won’t say it i won’t i won’t say it i swear i just- ATLAS
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i like that zane’s clone spawns with his melee attachment
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not AS excited as the real life version though
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GB pls let this be a zane emote
is that a varkid? on eden-6?
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wtf is a varkid doing on eden-6???
more shots of the facility btw. reminds me a lot of sanc-iii so maybe this actually is the supamax mfg construction facility like i originally thought. hmmmmmmm
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ah yes, of course
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holy shit what is this a reference to?
im told it’s the sex pistols
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the back of the bullet turns into Athenas
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pans in
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enemy with a top hat on. some variation of/upgraded gravedigger? it’s like a psycho but recolored with blue pants and a top hat. you can see it fall off when amara shoots him
y’know, these guys
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some rakk in the background
i am hoping bc this is a celebration of togetherness we’re seeing all enemies everywhere, not that the planets don’t have their own unique fauna.
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she’s so happy omfg
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oh, you want some?
Uhhh then there’s THIS sequence
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they’re doing the flying thing again lmao
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there’s also whatever that black blob is on the left. a spaceship maybe?
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car wheel
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all their eyes started glowing red. uh oh gamers
also another fast travel effect
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hmmmm... zarpedon is that you??
back on pandora.
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“super 87 racetrack”, maybe this is near that motorcade fast travel we saw?
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huzzah! rainbows!
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i do believe that’s sanctuary-iii
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another ship. drop ship?
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elpis is looking nice this time of year. definitely not explode-y. yet.
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pret-ty sure that’s iron bear. moze is standing atop the tower lmao
also! back to it’s old paint scheme. looks like moze was using a skin or smth
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we also have this. are my eyes failing me or is that a big cross on the left? could be where jack was buried. 
also i know there was cut content in bl2 about Mount Jackmore! and this looks like a Mount Jackmore to me. it’s a cut quest where claptrap asks you to basically ruin the thing. but since the quest was cut, it’s still here in bl3. maybe they’ll reintegrate the quest lol
i can’t imagine it being roland’s gravesite. because it looks like the below.
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i do know we’re going to roland’s grave in bl3, but the statues don’t really match up. maybe it is and the statues were broken, or ruined or something and replaced by a cross. could be then that the gravesite was defaced with, well, the guy that killed him. 
im really hoping jack doesn’t make a return. im fine with dealing with what he set in motion, and his influence, and probably even some ECHO logs and movie trailers, but please, for the love of god, don’t actually bring him back, AI or otherwise. im really excited for the calypso twins, i’d really hate to see the focus shift back to that guy. he’s had his fingers in every borderlands game. it’s time to let him go.
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idk what this is exactly. it looks like maybe that weird eye bot troy stands next to in the intro for the behind closed doors panel?
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goodbye mr magical jakobs chest, it’s been real
the RC now has red drapes going down it. have those always been there? i don’t remember those
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hmmmmmmmmm maybe we’re looking at it from the back 🤔
anyway, that’s all she wrote. i haven’t see any hidden morse code messages or anything yet, but if something surfaces, i’ll be sure to add it here.
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