#koby’s awful no good very confusing day
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fanartoffanfics · 3 days ago
Girllll!!! Not the censor antlers!!
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Part 2 / Final of Koby's Bad Hare Day! once again please please please give KANGVCD a read if you haven't already!!! its such a good fic and deserves so much.
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paper-lilypie · 1 year ago
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been keeping up with @okiedoketm’s time travel KobyLu fic for so long and only now FINALLY gotten around to drawing something for it hehe plops these here
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silkentine · 8 months ago
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Not being able to swim isn’t going to stop him, so Koby facilitates a dip in the ocean!! Every good series needs a beach episode, so here’s my piece for the one year “filler episode” celebration of Koby’s Awful No-Good Very Confusing Day by my dear friend, @okiedoketm
I cannot express how much my life has changed for the better by becoming a member of the community that loves this fic. Everyone is so positive and generous. One Piece helped me break through the severe art block I faced after leaving college but my friends in the KANGVCD Discord have truly motivated me to really thrive and love creating again. Thank you!!! Your kind words and amazing creations will live with me forever. ❤️
And Okie, I’m so so so honored to celebrate you especially! You’re an amazing author. Your work makes me think, makes me cry, makes me die laughing, and makes people come together. Even your brainstorms are engaging and your snippets leave me riveted!!! Thank you for being such an inspiration. I genuinely can’t put to words how absolutely grateful I am that you’re in my life. (But I’ll be damned if I don’t try! You’re worth it!) Happy One-Year Anniversary of your fic! Here’s to many more years of your creative endeavors!🥂 🎉
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sadcat02 · 1 year ago
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made a little quick animation of @okiedoketm ‘s fic [KANGVCD] after that one note about koby looking like tombo . this fic has literally made me go insane I haven’t animated in maybe 5 years and I couldn’t resist
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glucosegaurdian · 9 months ago
While I’m down the Koby rabbit hole, I figured I’d post some sketches I’ve done of him from @okiedoketm’s KANGVCD fic where he joins the Strawhats!
One of my two favorite Koby fics and I’ve been working on and hoarding these for a couple months now :)
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He makes me so happy, he’s trying so hard to make sure the timeline ends up okay, but to any outside point of view he’s just a psychotic teenager who will visibly give up on manners midway through a day and go apeshit.
He’s got the manners, but no one knows the exact minute he’ll drop them for the day and beat someone’s ass. It has happened on multiple occasions and Nami lives in fear for her wallet and paying for collateral.
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space-dennis · 1 year ago
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I decided to make some memes for one of the funniest fanfics ever. It's called Koby's awful no good very confusing day by @okiedoketm and it's really good. 100% recommend if you like Koby, koblylu or a good time travel fic.
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thatlyricgirl · 2 months ago
Okay so, i just binge read all of okiedokie's kobylu time travel fic and it is the best thing i have ever read. But like hear me out because this idea popped into my head while reading it.
Koby joined Luffy to be a pirate which is completely different from what all the previous loop Koby variants did. So when it comes to his calling card abilities i would assume they should be a bit different, no? Yet, if he doesn’t have those then what would he base his attacks on?
There is always the representation of Luffy is the sun (which in this case is quite literal) and his partners often equate to the moon. Well, what if Koby did just that. He uses the moon as his calling card. This would lead to the possibility of stealth, undercover and possible further powers to be explored. (If Koby ever got better at lying that is).
As it is now, the moon has no attached god, deity nor higher power within the one piece universe.( trust me I've looked it up to make sure i'm right and there was nothing). This leads me to believe that Koby could base his abilities on a celestial body and have no backlash or the universe would choose to hate on him and put him thru godly trials to eventually promote him into a god. (this i find hilarious but lack the energy to laugh at at the moment of writing this).
Either way, thinking about the moon itself, this could lead to a few things. The moon only ever appears at night when the sun doesn’t shine and is only really existent in the shadows (in consideration that the world rotates and therefore night is just shadow on earth). The moon lives out in void of space, as does any celestial body, however, the moon has two sides, the lamplighter (the side that reflects the light onto the earth), and the leeching darkside that encompasses the entire moon in cycles. This is the interesting part; if Koby became connected to the moon in some way his moods and/or powers would likely shift alongside the lunar cycle.
So to wrap this all up: Koby became a pirate which means he's free to do as he pleases, he sees and compares Luffy to the sun so he would ultimately or accidentally makes attacks based on the moon, universe fucks with him, he becomes an entirely new god, and he still has to keep Luffy from getting himself killed.
I love koby and KANGVCD so much. I promise im not normal about them.
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marzbarsjupiter · 1 year ago
I wanted to draw something for my current favorite Time-travel fanfic :D Here's some KobyLu!!! This is a scene from Chapter 15 where Luffy crawls into Koby's jacket. Thank you for your amazing work @okiedoketm
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okiedoketm · 1 year ago
There's a scene in One Piece where Koby is talking about his frustration and disappointment with the Marines as an institution, and Helmeppo tells him "Well, you just have to become some big shot and fix it all, right?" and Koby agrees with him, and that's got me thinking about how, in canon, Koby's endgame is pretty clearly going to be exactly that -- he's set up as not only Garp's successor but as the one who will surpass him. Koby's goal is to become so powerful and so influential that he's able to enforce massive reforms on The World Government's Entire Military, which is. No small task! Koby's motives are so selfless that it's easy to overlook that, actually, he's aiming for just as much power and prestige as the other top hitters. This man, like so many others in One Piece, is trying to swallow the sun, and it's been made clear that he's one of the few who has what it takes to actually succeed.
And that has me thinking about people constantly being surprised and confused by Zoro's loyalty to Luffy, because Zoro could be a pirate captain in his own right. People keep expecting him to be gunning for the crown, and we're told that if he did, honestly, he might make it! Zoro has the makings to be Pirate King, or at least to be a top dog, an emperor of the sea. People see his skill and his ambition and they assume, and every time he has to be like "Nah man, you got it wrong, my dreams start and end with that grinning rubber idiot over there. Yes, really."
and all of THAT has me thinking about Koby's Bad Day, and how hilarious it would be if Koby ALSO dealt with that on occasion. Technically he already does have experience as captain of his own crew (although being a captain in the navy isn't really the same kind of autonomy and freedom as a pirate captain, that's not Nothing!) and he certainly has the skills and the strength to get peoples' attention. However, unlike Zoro, Koby is very much Just Hanging Out. Like, Zoro knows he's hot shit, and it doesn't surprise him when other people point it out to him. He understands where the confusion comes from. He just corrects people and moves on. But Koby? If somebody just started assuming that Koby must clearly be the REAL captain, or that obviously Koby must want the Pirate King title for himself, I think Koby would explode. I don't think he'd know how to react. And I think it would be really, really funny.
Anyway I'm just sharing thoughts cause I'm on a reread. Thank you so much for writing this fic btw, easily one of my faves and reading it is always such a blast.
Man. My inbox loooves not showing me messages. Sorry to answer this so late!
First of all you are SO right, Koby would combust at the idea of being a contender for Pirate King. Where on earth would anyone get that idea?? Well, Koby, you’re a very powerful pirate with potentially the best observation haki in the entire world. People are gonna assume.
But of course Koby still mentally thinks of himself as a Good Boy, hasn’t fully reconciled with the fact that he is objectively and inarguably a pirate, in a world where most pirates are back-stabbing scumbags. He’s a member of Luffy’s crew, he is very proud to call him Captain! But honestly I think he sometimes forgets that they’re pirates, since 90% of the time they’re not doing anything illegal 😂
Combine that with the fact that he chronically underestimates how strong he really is, and that he is Luffy’s most ardent supporter? Yeah the Pirate King comments would BAFFLE him.
Thanks so much for sending this ask! I’m so happy you enjoyed KANGVCD enough to re-read it! It means a lot!
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sundriving-glittery-wetcat · 10 months ago
me when
Me waiting for the newest chapter of KANGVCD by @okiedoketm be like
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okiedoketm · 2 years ago
This art is AMAZING!!!! I literally screamed!!! Thank you so much!!!
fanart <3
@okiedoketm turned her time travel kobylu fic from a one-shot to a long fic and Time Travel AND Kobylu??? My two favorite things? In ONE fic?
Anyways some doodles for Koby's Awful No-Good Very Confusing Day
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The Helmeppo and Koby got my ass
I'm sad about that. >:(
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pseudopigeons · 8 months ago
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this is a monster of a post and its only part one HAPPY KANGVCD ANNIVERSARY DAY!!! this comic has been super fun to work on in the background over the past few months, part two will be linked as I'm trying to post this as a scheduled post and hoping to god tumblr will behave and post everything correctly. this comic takes place in okiedoketm's fic universe 'Koby's Awful No Good Very Confusing Day', or KANGVCD for short. if you're after a really good strawhat koby / timeloop fic I highly recommend giving it a read!!
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paper-lilypie · 1 year ago
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free falling
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booburt · 1 year ago
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couldnt post this earlier cus my school still has tumblr blocked on the wifi☹️
from @okiedoketm's fic ^_^
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okiedoketm · 1 year ago
Omg thank you for recommending my fic! Everyone should read aachria’s fic Surely Some Star Binds Me To You which is a super fun isekai that is going strong at 60+ fantastic chapters. Seriously, their character Ed is wonderful and I love them dearly.
do you have any one piece oc fic recs ?
I had to think about this. My tendency to never bookmark shit I love because I’m usually crying too hard by the end has stopped me from giving you the most 😔
Anyways here’s a few (all on AO3 btw)
Spin A Yarn
Absolutely wonderful series. Zolu time travel fix-it with quite literally all the feels. Completed
This Bites!
Always God Tier. Took me 32 glorious days to binge. Pre timeskip is completed, post timeskip is on hold until the authors know more abt the OP ending (I think?)
We Set Our Wishes Upon Her Waters
Super cool series with a super cool premise. As always I’m here for the Sea Lore™. Incomplete and hasn’t been updated for like a year :(.
Another isekai with my heart. HAS PLATONIC ROMANCE YEEAAAHHHH! Incomplete but updating. Bonus it has really long chapters.
Koby’s Awful No-Good Very Confusing Day
Kobylu and fucking hilarious. Bitches love time travel fix-it’s. By the lovely @okiedoketm here on Tumblr go bug her about how good it is. Updates regularly (like literally today).
Losing Time (You Can’t Go Home Again)
I’m a slut for Law angst always and this has unironically made me cry before. Incomplete.
Worse Than Nicotine
Zosan modern AU thing- it’s real fuckin good and makes me feel things. Incomplete and currently updating.
That’s a couple, keep yourself busy ✌️
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sammountainsam · 4 months ago
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funny sketch i made during a 4 hour car ride of twelve and admiral from @okiedoketm 's fanfic kobys awful no good very confusing day
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reference meme for those that dont get it
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