spadcs · 6 years
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// awkwardly stepping out from the shadows and placing a plotting/starter call here.
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spadcs · 6 years
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A package courier found shot in the head near Goodsprings has reportedly regained consciousness and made a full recovery
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spadcs · 6 years
Too Shy To Reach Out?
Send A Symbol To Explain Why We’re Not RPing Yet
♔- I can’t think of a plot for us and I want to figure that out first! ☃ - I’m not sure how our characters would meet. ☁- I’m worried you only RP with a certain group of people. ♛ - I wrote you a starter and you haven’t replied yet… ★ - I’m nervous by how much you write ☂ - I’m nervous by how often you post ☾ - I don’t know how to approach you ☄ - I’m super anxious about EVERYTHING ☀ - I keep hoping you’ll message me first…
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spadcs · 6 years
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Hey guys! I haven’t been on much but I promise it’s for good reason. School has become almost overbearing and I can’t always find the will to do anything but rest when I get home. It’s also build season for my robotics team and we have five more weeks until competition. With that being said I haven’t been home much. Thank you all for being patient with me, I’ll be answering some threads when I can. 
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spadcs · 7 years
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spadcs · 7 years
A quick and easy plotting guide
Send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse!
My muse(s):
Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other 
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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spadcs · 7 years
Okay so there may be some redefining here. I tried to play Tessa as a bad guy but it’s not working because my muse for her is a neutral good guy. Good karma but independent New Vegas which isn’t such a bad idea. It’s also not as fun for me unless I play them the way they’ve been developing. When I play River I’m far happier because of the fact she is who she is. I should probably keep it that way for Tessa too. Her personality isn’t going to change since I’ve just went with it but it’s just a few blog things.
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spadcs · 7 years
redefinxd // grant:
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Grant hadn’t ever lost the soft side he had gotten from living in Diamond City, though that wasn’t to say that the wasteland didn’t harden him. There were still things he did now that he would’ve never done back home.
“That doesn’t really sound like a good place to be in…” He stopped walking, long enough to wait for Tess. His head tilted slightly as he watched her, wondering what she was doing until she held out the bottle. All the synth did was stare from her to the whiskey before reluctantly taking it. “You know, you act pretty kind for a person who comes from a place where it’s a rarity.” He spoke while stowing the drink in his bag. “But uhm… Thank you.”
|| ✉ ↠ The the word kind didn’t exactly feel welcoming. In a place like Vegas everyone had to be ruthless and willing to do anything. Though it was hard to forget about Goodsprings. She smiled at the short lasted memory, ❝ Some places were kind. ❞ 
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She threw the bag over her shoulder and continued along side him. ❝ I knew this small town which pretty much saved my life, everyone had a big heart. It was rare to see. ❞ Tess couldn’t exactly be too uncaring when she remembered everyone there. ❝ That town felt more like a safe haven more than what would be our great big jewel. Though your jewel also sounds like it’s corrupt so I guess it’s not so different. ❞ 
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spadcs · 7 years
“So do you just ignore all of your problems?” (i feel this is an appropriate question to pose to a courier six because boy howdy)
TFS: DBZ Abridged Quotes Starter Sentences || accepting!!
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She nonchalantly shrugged and gave him a wide grin along with it. 
❝ So do ya’ just acknowledge all of yours or do ya’ just always run around in circles trying to solve all of your problems when there’s no point in it? ❞ 
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spadcs · 7 years
TFS: DBZ Abridged Quotes Starter Sentences || accepting!!
She thought the guy was a complete lunatic. There wasn’t anything or anyone around that Tess had deemed even remotely suspicious.  
 ❝ What are ya’ nuts? ❞ She asked him, looking bewildered about the way he had so suddenly proclaimed that she shouldn’t be making eye contact with something. 
Though, Tess soon figured out what he meant when she turned around once more and shielded her eyes from the sun so she could get a better view. 
There it was. The large, grotesque creature leering at the surrounding wasteland. 
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❝ Oh. ❞ 
She immediately averted her eyes and started pushing him the other way.
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spadcs · 7 years
TFS: DBZ Abridged Quotes Starter Sentences
{Change pronouns where needed}  {Add more quotes if you’d like}
“So do you just ignore all of your problems?”
“I don’t know what a ’[Name]’ is but it sounds disappointing”
“….How do you function?”
“When you fall off the horse, you get right back up, and you Eat. That. Horse. Come eat that horse with me.”
“Your FACE is forbidden!” 
“Oh sorry, it’s a, little hobby of mine. I hear these heroic speeches so wearily often. So I started making a mental list of how many times I’ve heard certain lines.” 
“Every party needs a pooper thats why we invited you. Party pooper, party pooper…” 
“You know what the difference between you and I is? You can punch a board and it will break in half. I can punch a board and wipe out it’s entire race.”
“You’re NOT meditating you’re NAPPING, I know the difference!” 
“[Name]! Stop making out with your boyfriend! I can here it from here! It sounds like… -disgusting tongue sounds- “
“Ah crap I find the only other living thing for miles and he’s so broken he can’t even talk right”
“Hi there, my name is [Name], and we’re a traveling improv group. Here let me give you a demonstration. My men will play a bunch of drunken sailors, and you’re a bunch of baby seals…”
“Thank you sir may I have another?”
“Call me that again and I’ll snap your neck.”
“Hey [Name]? What’s the opposite of Christopher Walkins? CHRISTOPHER  REEVES!!”
“If you’re ever going to listen to anything I ever say, do it now.” 
“I think he’s looking for you.”
“Do NOT tell him I’m here.”
“Last time I did this he found five corpses. He laughed when I said five…”
“That’s just [Name]. If you ignore it, it’ll go away.”
“Oh wow, I’m just fucking with you, my god who doesn’t know what marriage is?”
“Listen I don’t know where you come from who you are, I will not put up with such disrespect-”
“I’m about to misuse my hand upside your head!”
“Pretty big talk coming from a bipedal slug”
“Pretty big talk coming from a bipedal bitch”
“So, for the first century I’ll go easy on them, lull them into a false sense of security. And then when they think I’m not so bad- bam! I’ll go full tyrant on them in the second century. After that I’ll disappear for a millennia and make them wonder if I ever existed to begin with. Just to come back and kill them all.”
“All these squares make a circle, all these squares make a circle, all these squares make a circle, all these squares make a circle, all these squares make a circle….”
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spadcs · 7 years
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{ Happy Munday! Here's me in a deadpool holiday sweater today! }
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spadcs · 7 years
|| ✉ ↠ Startled. That was her first impression, at least. The moment she had held her rifle up even remotely the poor sod looked like she had already used a bullet on him. Tess choked up, even panicked and almost dropped the gun. At that point the courier just lowered her weapon to the ground completely. 
On the bright side, it was easier to tell that he wasn’t trying to do anything harmful.
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          ❝ I’m gonna guess ya’ don’t get shot at often. ❞ 
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spadcs · 7 years
cxpgamble // jackson:
Noticing a sort of mutual thing in common as she’d gotten excited over hearing of the west coast, he breathed a chuckle and slowly leaned himself back against the building as she explained who she was.
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“It’s real different, here and the Mojave.” He’d remark about the locations. They were just.. Whole different people, it was different lifestyles and even different problems. Jack hadn’t been entirely sure if he liked the Commonwealth as much as he had the other wastelands. “Nice to meet you regardless, Tess.”
|| ✉ ↠ She grinned and clasped her hands behind her back. It wasn’t often she found something common in someone, other than the fact she was just as desperate to survive as anyone else in the wasteland. Though, just because they could level with each other a little bit didn’t mean she was willing to make a friend.
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           ❝ I’d be lyin’ if I said I didn’t get homesick, but it’s not as brutal here. ❞  There were no fiends, no chairman, and no NCR or Legion. There were perks to the Commonwealth that Tess couldn’t argue were somewhat relaxing. She hesitated. It didn’t seem like that bad of an idea to at least try. ❝ It’s sorta nice to meet ya’ too, Jackson. ❞ At least she gave him something.
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spadcs · 7 years
unsxtisfied // stranger:
        Allison wasn’t too keen on letting people enter her personal space; most of whom approached her were simply ignored and forced to move forward. Harsh, maybe, but it was a defense mechanism. Only this time, as she quickly grasped the cake that was thrown at her, Allison had to at least look up at the stranger. A slight NARROWING of her pecan brown eyes confirmed what the blonde had probably expected all along; suspicion and uncertainty. 
        However, seeing as they had already given something in return, Allison responded by reluctantly grabbing her bag from the seat next to her and stuffing the snack cake along with the rest of whatever JUNK had gathered inside. She waited for the girl to sit down, while quietly observing.
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|| ✉ ↠ She sat down... after a couple of minutes of hard contemplating on whether or not taking the chance was even a remotely good idea. It was obvious. The other girl wasn’t exactly too social either. Which also meant speaking up would be Tessa’s job and she was definitely not up for the task. As the other watched, she uncomfortably shifted in her seat.
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            ❝ Hi. ❞ That was all she could muster, all that her nervous tendencies allowed her to at least. Tess gave her a small, awkward wave accompanied by a very timid smile. It took everything in her to hold herself back from reverting to the ‘stare at something else until it’s time’ cliche. 
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spadcs · 7 years
redefinxd // grant:
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He did perk up at hearing ‘whiskey’, it was the next best thing to moonshine. “The Goodneighbor area is pretty much a war zone so… You’re probably right about that.” He didn’t imagine things going terribly, but it was almost guaranteed they’d be shot at.
“Alright, that’s fair enough.” There were just some jobs he did that didn’t seem like they were worth being paid in caps for. This would be completely different if she was sending him on some kind of suicide mission. “I’m sorry for being stubborn, and thank you for even being willing to repay me. It’s not often that I run into people who want to return the kindness.”
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|| ✉ ↠ Kindness. That wasn’t exactly a word she associated with herself, then again she was trying to pay him for just navigating her. She began to think she may be becoming a little soft, but that didn’t seem like such a bad thing anymore.
          ❝ Where I come from that word is a bit of a rarity. ❞ Tess stopped in her tracks and began rummaging through her bag for his drink. Once she had found it she offered it to him with a smile. ❝ It’s better than leavin’ ya’ with nothin’. You’re givin’ me you’re time when ya’ don’t really have to. I think that’s at least worth somethin’ ya’ know? Even if that somethin’ is just a plain ol’ bottle of whiskey. ❞ 
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spadcs · 7 years
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